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  • File : 1278900812.jpg-(46 KB, 480x349, bits-moot-blogSpan.jpg)
    46 KB Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:13:32 No.10023908  
    So I was watchin some TED talks and I happened to see the segment where moot actually gave a speech at the conference.

    Intrigued on his words, I looked up an interview with him and found a New York Times Interview with him just a little after the TED talks.

    He said something interesting at the end.

    >So what's next?
    I'm working on a new project to reimagine what an image board should be today using the current technologies available.

    >Can you tell me more about it?
    Not really, sorry. But our code is a decade old, the foundation is really rickety and the layout is old. So imagine if you were to start 4chan today, what would it look like, how would it work with a modern browser. It's kind of like a reboot, but it will be something separate to 4chan.

    tl;dr version: moot is planning something, and what do you guys think it is?
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:14:30 No.10023926
    He was speaking about the recent /r9k/ header changes.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:14:51 No.10023933
    he's planning to continue sucking dick and being a stupid shitty faggot who can't administer a website worth a fuck because he's too busy cramming dicks in his mouth and ass while he lives in his mothers basement
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:15:12 No.10023941
    Haha, the OP didn't get the invite?

    Shit is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:15:18 No.10023944
    I bet its Facebook. Moot's going to invent Facebook.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:16:03 No.10023954
    Some Web 2.0 horse-ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:16:05 No.10023955
    It was the facebook app a few months ago.
    That, and the 4chan firefox extension.
    >> YotsubaSociety !AeplFc.SzM 07/11/10(Sun)22:16:09 No.10023957
    >moot is planning something, and what do you guys think it is?

    It's called networks. The 4chan community was discussing about it for sometime in May.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:16:12 No.10023959
    I'm signed up for Alpha testing.

    That's all I can disclose.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:16:36 No.10023969
    >administer a website
    true. he never does seem to wear a collar.
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:18:00 No.10023996
    this site's system is quite old,
    I have been to krautchan and frenchchan,
    and It were kind of advanced
    like you move your curser to the reply link, it shows whole paragraph with photos, more comfortable and shits
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:18:33 No.10024004
    Wheres the TED talk? All i can find is crap youtubes
    >> Thumper Kegg !!d6+IkjQeb9a 07/11/10(Sun)22:20:34 No.10024034

    At the TED talks website.

    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:21:38 No.10024057
    Canvas is in live alpha
    I've been using it for a little while now, and there are a lot of kinks they have to work out still, but looks promising
    >> Anonymous 07/11/10(Sun)22:22:19 No.10024067
    I hope he does not believe that a new 4chan would work very well
    >> Under the same administration
    >> Moot.
    >> YotsubaSociety !AeplFc.SzM 07/11/10(Sun)22:33:32 No.10024277
    Yes, it's true that the site's coding is old. The original code, which came from Futaba Channel was cited by moot as "atrocious"

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