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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

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Can we get a thread dedicated to 4chan's greatest moderator?

come back gingermod...we miss you.

Come moderate /tv/...and by moderate I mean troll.
>>552980 (OP)
But that's not moot

i'm with team dongfix,
oh and invisibro lurks /q/

not sure about the other mods, but he openly poped up once as anon and moot acknowledged that it was him.

dave was cool sucks moot won't let em back. kinda wish snacks would take the job back, he lurks /mu/ & /cgl/ catch em on IRC (spoonin)

># ^

moot... mod?

nah, i think once in /b/ 2011... that was about all i can say for sure, he lurks here too... but that faggot ain't posting! i'd be able to spot em out if he posted enough... i know he lurks, and i know his birthday..
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This is my 5th time trying to upload this.
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Truly our greatest mod.
he got fired lol
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snacks is best mod
So what other mods are there?
He would never get fired, him and moot are butt buddies irl.
ABIB is best mod, deal w/ it nerds
team dongfix 4 life.
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This image has some information on a few. I'd forgotten I had this saved actually.
>>552980 (OP)
Mr. Spooky?
MrVacBob 4evar!
dongfix is the best mod. Period. Not reverse trolling or anything.

I love the way he bans shitty tripfags like Smoked Cheese on /a/. Smoked Cheese was getting back up from kinomod and ABIB but dongfix took her out when he caught her redhanded in shitposting.

dongfix/invisibro is the best.

MrVacBob-sama-kun is like a distant and emotionally abusive father that you just want to please but can never do so

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>Implying snack isn't best mod
I like the mod who used to ban for "inane and irrelevant trolling garbage". His moderation significantly improved /sci/.

classic invisibro shitposting :^)
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That's not Chen-mod OP.
>Watching: MJP, Gargantia, Straight Title
Not touching Sunrise's work, VacBob?
ALTERNATIVE (Dave?) is a cool guy. He's always on IRC and will answer you questions about the old days. He does tend to act like a customer service drone though.

>kinda wish snacks would take the job back, he lurks /mu/ & /cgl/ catch em on IRC
Nigga you sure? Snacks is too high on his own shit to ever admit having anything to be with 4chan nowadays.
This is outdated.

Anonymous-San and FrankStallone are no longer with us.

Personally I have only interacted with Dongfix and ALTERNATIVE. Alternative is cool. Dongfix is cooler.
I think it is 4chan's policy for the staff to be as anonymous as possible, so users won't complain about a specific mod just because they know his name or relevant information. I remember invisibro got a lot of shit in 2011 or so because he was one of the few not unknown mods at that time for most people. It's one of the reasons they implemented these template bans so users wouldn't be able to differentiate mods based on their ban messages (such as the "inane trolling garbage" guy who pissed off a lot of people).
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>my face when this showed up on the 4chan homepage
need more pics of mods please provide


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