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They don't make sense. Ponies are not a work-safe subject under any circumstances. Not only would I never let my co-workers know I watch the show, I would never be caught on any 4chan board while at work.

The current sticky thread at the top of /mlp/ is insulting. It uses Barney the purple dinosaur as a comparison, which is ludicrous. Barney & Friends does not have the mature themes running just beneath the surface that MLP:FiM does; nevertheless, casuals perceive both franchises as being on the same childish level, and perception is reality. You'd have to be crazy to let your co-workers know you liked either show. Neither is safe-for-work.

The rule against anthro is also unnecessary. Ponies ARE anthro. They're just closer to looking like four-legged animals than, say, Disney's Robin Hood. They talk. They have architecture and technology and music and literature and art. Does the creature in the image accompanying this post actually look like a pony?

/Mlp/ was only successful to the degree that moderation was slack. It's time for Moot and the moderators to admit that and change the rules. Contrary to the belief of those who cite them as if they were Holy Writ, they are not sacred. Bad rules, like bad laws, should be changed.
>>640247 (OP)
This really should be discussed on /mlp/, which is less infested with trolls, but the moderator has shot down every thread about it there.
>>640247 (OP)
>I would never be caught on any 4chan board while at work.

main point to make

> Barney & Friends does not have the mature themes running just beneath the surface that MLP:FiM does;

meh, fan pandering kinda forced it, there wasn't fan pandering with barney, i guess if you took DBZ(abridged) and considered some of the stuff they do as fan pandering, or better yet robot chicken, then yeah that'd be a better example to go with.
>casuals perceive both franchises as being on the same childish level, and perception is reality
perception isn't reality its just how people view it, that's not the case if we're having this serious discussion on /q/ shit on 4chan in general. the fact that you made this thread, the fact that /mlp/ exist int he first place and the fact that you actually feel sad about what's happening just goes to show you it isn't childish. Do people actually think children create cartoons for other children?

>The rule against anthro is also unnecessary. Ponies ARE anthro. They're just closer to looking like four-legged animals than, say, Disney's Robin Hood. They talk. They have architecture and technology and music and literature and art. Does the creature in the image accompanying this post actually look like a pony?

that pony looks yellow, not like a pony since, short mouth, giant eyes, odd mane, etc.

>/Mlp/ was only successful to the degree that moderation was slack. It's time for Moot and the moderators to admit that and change the rules. Contrary to the belief of those who cite them as if they were Holy Writ, they are not sacred. Bad rules, like bad laws, should be changed.

solid post. You'll have to wait and see, Glad you aren't bitching about it and feeling like shit.

here have some music to set the feel.


You'll be here a while so the album works.
>>640247 (OP)
>Ponies are not a work-safe subject under any circumstances.
srsly m8?
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>>640247 (OP)
i really agree with you anon.


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