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/a/ has infested /v/ for far, far too long and we've had enough of them, and their hyper-autistic incapacity to behave with even the most rudimentary of civil conduct, forever spewing their hair-trigger-activated autistic meltdown rants at anyone or anything that pushes their particular mental 'no no button' for that evening, and making shitpost threads to the tune of "why don't you like Anime/Japanese Culture?", "if you don't like Anime/Japanese culture you need to get out" and other such completely un-board-related wank that serves to ever lower the already dangerously small amount of civility we can grasp there.

This outright invasion of senseless shitposting; sporadically yet assuredly existent on /v/ throughout every single day is absolutely no different than the shitstorm of MLP crap we (and sadly the rest of 4chan) had to endure not so long ago, only it's been going on for far, far longer, and shows absolutely no signs of relent.

This thread is to discuss how to clean this pathetic scourge of bored autistic-addled examples of human sociopathy from /v/, as best we can.

Suggestions such as imposing automatic bans from /v/ for a period of time to anyone posting on /a/ have already been put forward, drastic as that sounds.
In the course of this thread i hope we can find pethaps less extreme measures, but effective ones nonetheless.

We've all had enough of this torrent of shitposting, consistantly held together by flimsy /a/ propaganda regarding such weak comebacks and excuses as "anyone who doesn't like my shitposting is a normalfag" and "4chan was originally made for anime, so that's why i can go to boards made later on NOT for anime specifically, and shitpost about anime"
Please do something about it.
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>>698931 (OP)
/pol/ is also pretty damn terrible
This would be great if /q/ ever accomplished things.
Frankly it would be nice if /a/ were utterly cordoned off from the rest of 4chan altogether.
Even the other Anime and Japanese themed boards.
We can at least try.
We're at the stage currently akin to a man with huge bulbous tumors growing out the side of his head saying "Why even go to the doctor? they won't do anything".
>board X hurts my feelings that's why /v/ is shit
Instead of blaming the low quality of /v/ on outside sources you should rather focus on yourself.
/v/ has a lot of problems but neither /a/ nor reddit or neogaf or whatever else shithole is responsible for them.
Notice how most of the shitposting comes from people trying to "defend" /v/ from the evil forces that allegedly constantly try to invade /v/?
I have no idea how many times this need to be said: Stop falling for every fucking obvious troll. Of course they're going to keep using anime images and going "lol u mad this is an anime site i can post whatever i want U MAD U MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD" when you make these kind of threads. They see it's an effective way to make you angry. There are plenty of people who post on both boards and are completely fine on either board.
Anime threads on /v/ are shit and are deleted if the mods are actually on. Report them and move on. Stop crying every time someone uses a reaction image from a source you don't like, -nothing- is going to be done about this, ever, and it only ends up derailing the thread to meta-arguments. It's the same reason saying "Reported" is against the rules.

So you would have done absolutely nothing against the MLP shitstorm.

No mods instantly deleting/banning them, no containment, nothing?
This isn't at all a case of random senseless shitposting that could attributed to the kinds of people that should be on /b/.

This is specifically /a/, /a/'s disgusting attitude, and /a/ users being bored and shitting all over /v/ because it's easy and they can get away with it.
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>>698931 (OP)
>/a/ is everything wrong with /v/

No it's not, there are a ton of morons on /v/ that have nothing to do with /a/. They post offtopic bullshit, don't want to defend their opinions, cry about game they don't like without ever bothering to explain why they're shit, etc.

They're a major source of bad posting though. I can basically spot an /a/ poster ten miles away, and they all share that /vg/ mentality where they think you're not allowed to shit on their favorite game. It would be nice to get rid of them.
I'm not talking here about people posting reaction images with the intent of pissing retards like you off. If someone makes a perfectly on-topic post and attaches an anime reaction image to it, responding with "get out you fuckin weebo" is just shit that contributes nothing to the thread (or the board) and only makes it worse by derailing it into a meta-argument
As I said, report "hey /v/ who would win in a fight the major from gits or revy from black lagoon" or "whats the eva of video games" threads, those are shit and don't belong on the board. Stop crying when people attach reaction images from sources you don't like to perfectly on-topic posts.
>that pic

Oh god, my sides. Are there actually people who believe that crap?
>retards like you
we're having a discussion here, not a shit-flinging contest about your favourite anime, /a/.

Reporting does nothing and we've seen this time and time again, the thread i linked in that post is still up, has been up for some time, and is a instant repost of a previous thread exactly like it that 404'd.

the case is basically like what >>698959 said.

/a/ is by no means 100% of the problem, but it's a major source of bad posting, and most notably of all; an identifiable one.
One that can actually be grasped and have something done about it.

If nothing else, this is to make /v/ a somewhat nicer place, even if it's only slightly, and that has to begin somewhere.
nothing against the pic, but who made it, is either a /pol/elover or doesn`t know 4chan user are not only americans.
/v/ doesn't have consistent/enough moderation: more at 11 In other news: the sky is blue
Yes, /v/ could use more mods to take care of off-topic threads, and this includes "hey /v/ whats ur favorite anime" threads started by autistic entities like ruggarell. Wait for the janitor drives. If what you're complaining about here are reaction images, then nothing is going to change and you should move on with your life.
Public trip. Only used to annoy people.

What's the problem, OP? If you see any anime threads on /v/ then report them. Don't post in the threads. Don't take any bait. However, if what you are talking about is just people using anime reaction images or people talking about games with anime artstyle then fuck off. People NEVER bring up the "4chan was always based around jap culture" unless they are provoked by people saying "stop talking about japanese games" or if someone shitposts with the word weeaboo.

In short: Report/Ignore anime threads on /v/, and ignore on-topic threads/posts that you dislike.
Kind of funny, since /v/'s been ruining /sp/ for years now
>just don't take the bait and that will stop everyone else from doing it, and reports are responded to instantly

how naive are you?
Also, nowhere at all did i say i had a problem with japanese games.

and to say people only use the tired /a/ propaganda excuses when 'attacked' by others is an out-and-out lie and you fully know that.

If this were pony-shit it would get dealt with, but because it's shitheads shitposting with pictures of little girls with fat googly eyes instead, it gets ignored, and /v/ is left to suffer.
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>/a/ is made before /v/
>"/a/ IS RUINING /v/, GUIZ."

>/v/ is made before /sp/
>"/v/ IS RUINING /sp/, GUIZ."
Threads like these make it really easy to tell who is new and who isn't.
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>>698931 (OP)
>/v/ calling anyone else shitposters
/a/ is not cause of /v/'s problem.

Some things that do cause /v/'s problems:
-Console wars
-/b/2.0 stigma
-shitty cultural memes (ie. "/v/ doesn't play games")
-OT posts pretending to be vidya related
-People who stick around and shit up threads because they don't like something
The list goes on.

People have been pining for more moderation on /v/ since /q/ was brought into service.
>/a/ users never ever play or discuss videogames and therefore never bring their toxic personalities to /v/.
This. Copypasta spams, porn spams, the rhetorical toilet stigma, people unable to report and hide, obsessions with femnazis, obsessive brand loyalty, obsessions with Reddit or other sites, and the general "stop liking what I don't like" attitude many take have nothing to do with /a/ yet has ran rampant for years.
I'd support that if it would also keep /v/ermin out of /a/.
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Would you care to post some examples of what you're talking about?

Also, funny thing: /a/ blames /v/ for shitting up /a/, and /v/ blames /a/ for shitting up /v/. Can't you guys just admit your love already?
It's from the /s4s/ sticky to enlighten new users of the general nature of /s4s/ and how it differentiates from other boards and in this case, /pol/.
read the actual thread
I want links to the posts in question. Because every single time I've seen that happen was the result of someone getting all pissy over a reaction image or a Japanese game.
>unless they are provoked by people saying "stop talking about japanese games" or if someone shitposts with the word weeaboo.
1. I have literally never seen somebody say "ALL JAPANESE GAMES ARE SHIT" seriously. It is always an attempt to troll people, and it would be completely unfair of you to say "Oh well /v/ should just ignore trolls... BUT I HAVE TO DEFEND MY NIPPONESE HONOR SO DON'T EXPECT THE SAME BEHAVIOR OUT OF ME!!!"

2. You're not the language police. Everybody on /v/ knows what the word weeaboo means, it's only /a/ that whines about us "using it wrong." We're using it amongst ourselves in a way that everybody understands, so it's completely impossible for us to be using it wrong.

That meme is dead and buried.

>Console wars
You're a fucking idiot. Console wars are an inescapable result of /v/'s combative culture, and have produced such great hits as "turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away" "Xbox kid" and Chad Warden.

Do you hate Chad daddy anon? Because if so, then you a bitch nigga.

>shitty cultural memes (ie. "/v/ doesn't play games")
First, all boards have memes, it's just something that 4channers do. What's more, every community in the history of ever has developed inside jokes, (Which is really what memes are.) so I don't know why you're bitching about them now.

Second, I think what you're reaching for is "/v/ hates video games" This was never meant to express a literal hatred for video games, but to expound /v/'s incredibly skeptical and negative attitude towards everything. Basically, we assume every game is shit, and it's up to you to prove otherwise if you're so inclined.

>People who stick around and shit up threads because they don't like something
If you want a hugbox, get the fuck to /vg/. /v/ is all about having pointless internet arguments about games, and that's the way we like it.
It's exactly the other way around you faggots.
/a/ is influenced by all those shitty /v/ crossboarders. /v/ is just /b/ 2.0 nowdays, no reason to complain, that board was always trash. They are just jelly because on /a/ you can have actual discussions about anime while /v/ is just a big useless bait.
why are people ignoring the fact that /v/ is the next stop from /b/oat

this means all those dumbass teenagers that probably started browsing 4chan from seeing pictures on facebook or any other "meme site"
will most probably hop unto /v/ once they get bored of /b/, thinking /v/ is just "random epicness with videogames"

if anything most of /v/'s problem come from the fact that retards from /b/ first real board experience and board culture is when they start posting their shit on /v/ and start realizing how different /b/ is from the rest of 4chan
This. Also, OP is a faggot.
Why do you have to ruin every thread, /a/?

How dare those faggots use reaction images?!
Not only are they obnoxious, they often derail threads and turn them into vapid "discussions" about who is the best girl, who is a shit, who has the lewdest ass, and other assorted anime-related nonsense.

It gets really annoying having to sift through this shit.

Also, since I messed up the link in my previous post:

The first person to try to derail the thread was the person posting Costanza. Should he fuck off back to /tv/?

Honestly I have my doubts that the OP is even from /a/. Lucky Star hasn't been relevant in years, he's probably trying to emulate Lanced Jack to get people from /v/ mad.
I'd say report those posts for off-topic, but mods don't give a fuck about /v/. It's a shithole with or without /a/. Find somewhere else to talk about video games.
/v/'s biggest source of shtposters has always been since its inception, /b/ rejects. /a/ posters do occasionally shit up the place and stir up trouble, but most of the blame lies with the new /v/ users from /b/
>>698931 (OP)
Are you fucking serious? What's wrong with /v/ is bigots from /pol/ and console wars faggotry shitting up threads. There's a fucking problem when you can't discuss your console of choice without the thread turning to shit in minutes.
>Vita thread
>3DS thread
>WiiU thread
>PS4 thread
>XB1 thread
That's all /v/ ever fucking is anymore.
Don't forget
>Filename threads that everyone has already seen a billion times
>American level >Hamburger music
>LOL (shit webcomic thread)
>"I have $0.12 what should I buy?"
>Whining about femenists

I can barely stand to look at that piece of shit board these days, not that it was ever much better.

>Lets take everything that shaped 4chan
>And put it somewhere else

What's next? Want some account? Avatars, signatures and upvotes?
>>698931 (OP)
/v/ - cawa doody and haylow

If /a/ users wanted to discuss videogames, why would they go to a place that doesn't discuss them at all?
>>698931 (OP)
>autistic meltdown rants

This is what you have posted here.
you have no concept of what an autistic meltdown rant is.
From your OP post we can infer that you possess basic literacy. This is a rare trait on 4chan. Why are you wasting your time on /v/, the board known for being infested by the least intelligent posters on all of 4chan? You shouldn't be there. The anti-intellectualism is harmful to you and if you're older than 14, you should have grown out of video games anyway.
are you retarded
/a/ was the foundation of 4chan, moot made it so he and his friends could discuss and jerk off to chinese cartoons using a clone of futaba channel

thats like asking mark zuckerberg to remove the ability to add friends on facebook

or not being able to watch videos on youtube
>/a/ is the foundation and therefore utterly and completely exempt from any kind of scrutiny or criticism ever, forever.

That's appealing to tradition, a huge logical fallacy.
/a/ is NOT perfect and immune to criticism.

/a/ does a great job for the most part moderating itself, but it has huge slips too, like the massive gay thread where /a/nons where sharing pics of their dicks yesterday.
No one's saying or implying that /a/ is above criticism. However saying it should be cordoned is just fucking stupid.
that is exactly what you are implying.

you can't just say "that's not what i'm implying" after clearly and brazenly doing so, and have it magically be true.

If i call you a retard-cunt to your face and say "no offence", does that make it not offensive?
How did I imply that /a/ is immune to criticism?
>>699849 >That's appealing to tradition, a huge logical fallacy.

>using "/a/ was the foundation" argument to enforce a point suggests implies you think simply because /a/ was where things started, that alone is a valid enough argumentative point to dispel dissent.
Except I didn't make that argument. Check my IDs.
i didnt say /a/ cant be criticized, but wanting to cut one of the original founding boards because you think its causing shitposting on another board or just because anime is not as huge as it was is not the solution, by this line of logic we would be cutting boards until there was nothing on 4chan

/a/ as any other board here is also subject to criticism, but theres a difference in criticizing and wanting to purge an entire board
Nobody said you made it, you are defending it however: >>699851

>No one's saying or implying that /a/ is above criticism.
>>yes they are
>no they aren't prove it
>that doesn't count because i personally didn't say it


You're the weirdo who was flooding /q/ with pictures of a transsexual freak (possibly yourself). And now you defend infantile cartoons. Just how much of an autistic manchild are you? Do you also happen to wear diapers?
the thing here is that you want to cut /a/ from 4chan because you think its causing problems on /v/, when in reality /v/'s problems come to the fact that its the 2nd largest and active board on 4chan and is also one of the most mainstream topics

basically /v/ is babbys 2nd board after /b/ and thats why you see such low quality posting, easy to troll people, anime shitposting and other things that have caused /v/ to be reviled by all the other boards

its no doubt some people from /a/ go to /v/ to exclusively shitpost making those "when did you grow out of western games" or "whats the evangelion of videogames" but thats most probably a dedicated group of shitposters who know how to rile up /v/, that most people cant identify this and fall for it instead of reporting and ignoring goes to show that /v/ has no sense of board culture because it just has such a big userbase (knowing to recognize bait/trolls, reporting, sageing, all that stuff)
did you change your ID 6OwqqTDF? its nice to see you back laurelai

has your doctor approved you to transtition?
I agree it isn't the solution, it'd be nice, but drastic and would most likely suck for a lot of people and as such is impractical.

But the situation is nevertheless dire, and we need something at the very least.

A better fix than just constantly cutting chunks of /v/ off to make new boards.
You know, it's funny because /a/ says the same thing.

With /a/ it's always "gb2/v/"

With /v/ it's always "gb2/a/"

Why so tsundere for each other? Those board-tan comics were right.
/v/ has a ton of problems, and anime shitposting is an extremely tiny problem at best compared to the actual problems.
How about you keep your mental illness to yourself?
/v/ and /a/ are pretty much butt buddies. The first and 2nd worst boards on this site, and both cancer boards.
Don't give it attention. You'll just encourage its shitposting. Filter it and move on.
>first and 2nd worst boards

/b/ excluded right?
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>>698931 (OP)
>board citizenship
This is retarded. Like, extremely high retardation levels. You must by 12 to think that people should belong to one board, and there is something that puts them in a certain class.
You also have literally nothing to prove your point. Everyone can go in an out of any board, visit all boards at once, and other sites as well.

If anything interboard flaming should be considered a rulebreaking behavior. Its getting out of hand.
I find the OP funny considering how often I've seen /a/ complaining about /v/ infesting their board.
>>698931 (OP)
> no different than the shitstorm of MLP crap we (and sadly the rest of 4chan) had to endure not so long ago,
not surprising considering the fact that the people spamming MLP were assmad /b/ and /v/ people that lost their shit at the sight of a cartoon pony.
And now /v/ is trying to create a new global rule 15 for anime, unfortunately for them, it won't work.
indeed. for starters, this place is built around anime, secondly they can't pull the "act stupid behind it" thing because anime isn't new.
anime is pretty safe.
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Only if you make it so that /v/ros can't enter my SnK and Watamote threads. I've had enough with their "feels" and "SpaghettiOs stories".

And /v/ thinks the best board on 4chan is the problem. Top fucking kek.
> this place is built around anime

Stop using the appeal to tradition fallacy, faggot. 4chan used to be an anime board a decade ago. Nowadays it has a huge variety of non-anime boards. Your infantile cartoons are not dictating 4chan's culture anymore and the only reason they still exist is because they serve as containment boards for the most autistic manchildren.
>/v/ absolutely infested by /pol/ and feminism bullshit
>complains about anime images
Classic /v/.
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>infantile cartoons
Yeah, video games are less infantile and autistic.
>containment board

People should be b& for using this word.

Technically EVERY board is a containment board. You don't really post shit that is out of territory on other boards. You don't post /v/idya in /ck/ or /fit/ or even /g/ for example.
Video games are even more infantile and anti-intellectual. But at least they stay on their fucking containment boards, so I don't need to see them on the boards I visit.
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Really, now. I see people using video game reaction images on /a/ all the time.
You are objectively wrong. Not every board is a containment board. There are dedicated boards for the most infantile, anti-intellectual and autistic posters. But there are also a bunch of good board. I will not name them though, because I don't want shitposters like you to ruin them.
Good for you. Please stay on your containment boards.
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> But there are also a bunch of good board. I will not name them though
Your english needs work.
also the problem with that is while it does contain the topic, MLP had to be contained because people kept illogically shitting themselves over every instance of a cartoon pony before eventually spamming the boards with it themselves. in this case, it worked negatively, as it basically proved that if you sperg hard enough you can do anything.
> Please stay on your containment boards.
containment boards don't contain anyone, only the topic at hand.
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Kinomod: /a/'s mod, and a hard working friend to the community. Knows what goes on and knows what the userbase needs.

I_AM_ABIB: /v/'s mod, and an egotistical cunt at that. Has let /v/ fall into shitposting and disarray. Whenever people come to him with genuine need for help, he snots off at them and tells them to fuck off. Friends with the shitposter Smoked Cheese and always falls into the traps of famous shitposters.

Wow, every part of /v/ is bad, isn't it?

But I said I browse /a/. Where did you get the idea that I step foot in /v/?
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But by that logic, /a/ has the most /a/ related boards...

Also I'm not from /a/, I just find it ridiculous /v/ would complain about shitposting like /a/ does.

You guys blaming other boards is hilarious. The /a/ vs /v/ thing is ancient.
>/v/'s mod, and an egotistical cunt
We can't all have the infinite humility of Japan.

>Whenever people come to him with genuine need for help, he snots off at them and tells them to fuck off.
What exactly did you ask him for?
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Nice meme chart, /b/ro!

Google I_AM_ABIB on Google and look at the IRC chatlogs.
Do you have any firsthand evidence whatsoever? Half the chatlogs I've seen are blatantly fabricated and the other half were selectively chosen by shitposters.

<@moot> i'm going to delete /a/ it's shit
<+I_AM_ABIB> i agree fuck that noise
<@moot> i can't wait to how much they cry
>containment boards don't contain anyone
They should. Posters of containment boards should be banned from posting on the non-cancerous boards.

/a/ is a containment board for infantile cartoon freaks.

Please do not use words you don't understand.
This image is so fucking stupid and I instantly disregard anyone's opinion who posts it.
I wish the mods would ban you for shit posting.
See what I mean?

See how quickly this /a/sshole resorts to blaming /b/tards?

Do you really want to be like this, /v/? Do you want to be exactly what you hate, those /a/utistic /a/ssholes?

If you don't like something, your only hope is to e-mail moot.

Whining on /q/ does nothing.

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You see?

See what I mean?

/v/ look at yourself. Look how hostile and butthurt they get when faced with reality. That's /a/, do you want to be /a/?

Go tell moot, it's the ONLY hope you have.
Laurelai, you're obviously trolling, but I've seen this line of logic all over /q/ so I might as well respond for those who actually hold that belief and is reading this.

A containment board refers to a board that is made to isolate a certain, problem-causing (as in a significant amount of users are complaining about it) topic into one board. The only containment boards are /mlp/ and /pol/. It has nothing to do with quality. /a/ can't be a containment board because /a/ was all that 4chan was in the beginning, and obviously you can't isolate an entire site from itself.
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Maybe we should all act like the rest of this site does instead of trying to fight you in a calm civilized manner
Every /v/,/b/,/mu/,/pol/ shitposting fuck ever, ruining /a/ and generally the site.
Fuck this thread and fuck you people.
hur da fucking dur
> Please do not use words you don't understand.
this is ironic coming from someone who:
> Posters of containment boards should be banned from posting on the non-cancerous boards.
wants to blanket ban people doing the right thing, or were forced to by other people,
> /a/ is a containment board for infantile cartoon freaks.
well that speaks for itself. but in case you missed it, you just called the most important board of 4chan a containment board.
which is stupid as anime is anywhere.
dude its laurelai, its easier to reason with a wall by bashing your head into it, just filter, report. move on, and hope everybody follows suit

hes not worth your time
>huuurdddurrr I was just pretending to be retarded

See how /a/ shitposts, /v/? Trolling is supposedly a bannable offense on /q/.

I'm not from /v/ either.

Again, I'm here to point out the shit about the ancient /a/ vs /v/ rivalry

You guys are EXACTLY ALIKE

You go on fagtaku or IGN or any vidya place ever, I dare you to find non-animu shit.

Vidya just like animu is mostly from Japan and people who like animu generally like vidya and vice versa. It's an inescapable fate. You play Persona and Kingdom Hearts and Animal Crossing and Final Faggotry and all those other shitty games and realize now what you are.

Either deal with that, move on, or e-mail moot.
>A containment board refers to a board that is made to isolate a certain, problem-causing (as in a significant amount of users are complaining about it) topic into one board.
Exactly. That's why /a/, /v/, /mlp/, /pol/, /co/ etc are containment boards.

>/a/ can't be a containment board because /a/ was all that 4chan was in the beginning
Appeal to tradition is a fallacy. 4chan's target audience changed. Deal with it, weeaboo.
seems to be a lot of confusion on containment boards so let me clear it up

Containment boards:

Notice how NONE of them do their job particularly well?
>All the popular boards are containment boards XDDDDDDDDDDDD
>the most important board of 4chan
The most important board of 4chan is /b/. Nobody gives a shit about /a/ as long as you freaks stay in your infantile cartoon autism board. /b/ is the reason why most of us came here.

You forgot /soc/.
Yeah, I know. That post was more aimed at the sideliners who hold that belief, with Laurelai just giving me reason to post it. I've already filtered out its new ID after reading its brilliant response.
>not the most infamous shitposting board next to /v/ and /b/
>has the audacity to blame other boards for its shitposting

Don't lie to me, /a/sshole. I can go on the foolz archive and see over the years you haven't changed a damn bit. You're nothing but shitposting, now go make more shitty "LEWD" threads and using the word "NTR NTR NTR NTR NTR" over and over again in the most inane way and waifu crap plus 6 million ronery threads around the holidays.

As for you, /v/. Go make more shitty doge threads and spamming IGN or posts about how much you hate video games. Everybody knows /v/ hates vidya anyway.
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>I don't understand /a/ therefore it's shit
hahahahahha what a homosex piece of nigger shit.
>the most important board on 4chan


The inane pretentious self-importance of /a/ssholes is worse than /b/tards.

Again, I'm going to repeat the same thing. You and /v/ are EXACTLY ALIKE.

Anyone want to spam this board with /a/ and /v/ board-tan comics? This shit is hilarious. I'm just here to be reasonable but everyone likes to blaming others instead of facing the reality that their own board has never been good just like 4chan in general.
You type like such an underaged b&. Honestly, you can't even find your shift key and insist on trolling on motherfucking /q/.

Give me one of your more mature tripfaggots to speak with. Even that taigaberry shitinfinity guy.

Besides, it's plainly obvious to me that you're new to /a/ and 4chan in general at this point unless you want to be prove otherwise. Maybe you're just another MAL or shitkaku reject.

/v/, again. Do you REALLY want to be like this? Look at him. Look at him and laugh then go "Son, I am disappoint".
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I'm very tired of seeing complaint threads about /a/ here, be it culture/shitpost debate devolving into general flamewar posts, down to threads made purely to report other threads because the janitor and/or mods don't see to the report queue quickly enough for their liking.

I sincerely hope that after the next janitor drive is done accepting applications that moot takes the stick out of his ass and appoints at least 3 new janitors to /a/ and promotes a few janitors from other boards to modship, just to see the staff go totalitarian enforcement of the rules to /a/, and from the complaint threads on /q/ in the past week, /v/ and /pol/ as well.

We'll still see shit like this pop up complaining of overmoderation, much like how /int/ was when they had their janitor sperging over Israel threads, but hey, it's what you all seem to want to happen, so why the fuck not make it happen?
Actually I've been on 4chan for close to 7 fucking years now and I am twenty fucking five years old and you are the cancer killing this site, just because I don't put forth the effort to shit all over you doesn't mean I can't.
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So is appeal to populism and the fallacy fallacy.

Why would you post on a website owned by the biggest weeaboo faggot you can imagine?

You normalfags ruined 4chan, gb2/reddit/ if you hate weeaboo shit so much. I be fair, I don't care much for animu but I realize it's an integral part of 4chan. To even suggest otherwise just because of the rush of pig disgusting normalfags is absolutely absurd. GTFO
You're 25, you're still watching cartoons, your verbal expressiveness is reduced to primary school level and you spent the last 7 years on a website for teenagers. How much more of a loser can you be?
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Is that the best you got you normalfag fuck.
>using the word cancer
>/a/ ever calling anyone cancer

/b/a/stard child confirmed

You can leave now.
here we go
>#fucknormalfags #youonlyemployonce

You call moot a weeaboo and then you post that picture which is anti-weeaboo moot.
Btw if you don't read moot's Q&A then you should
[pretendspoilers]Moot isn't into anime, he grew out of it along time ago, like you should've when you turned 16[/pretendspoilers]

Using that word automatically invalidates everything you say. It does not constitute an argument and it is plainly idiotic. Stop being proud of being a manchild.
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Look, I'm not on anyone's side here.

You're both the same. Why is that so hard to understand? Anyone reading this thread or /q/ in general will find that to be true. You hate each other so much because you /a/spies and /v/irgins took a good look in the mirror and did not like what you saw.
lel, same here. I despise both sides equally. In fact I despise all infantilism. That's why I advocate the strict enforcement of the containment board concept.
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Can I see this Q&A?

Just what the hell IS he into these days anyway? Ron Paul?

Funny you mention Ron Paul, because iirc he's a Jill Stein fan.
Sorry, my post was meant for >>700162
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Damn, what a faggot.

She's the one who whined about the 1% even though she didn't understand it. She never shuts the fuck up about the 1% even though it's really a smaller percentage than that even... Though she did know about quantitative easing and the federal reserve (probably through Ralph Nader).

Look here too
>Pay equity for women remains critical, despite some programs. (Oct 2012)


>Nuclear energy is dirty, dangerous and expensive. (Dec 2011)


She's annoyingly ecofascist. It's always environment this and green that, I realize she's apart of the green party but come on. At least Ralph Nader was reasonable.

>Extend DREAM Act beyond age 30. (Oct 2012)

I mad

>Right to affordable housing: expand rental & home assistance.

Hello housing crisis II, electric boogaloo.

But she did do that protest thing... Still.

Things never change. He's a leftard goon after all. No wonder he did that reddit Q&A...

I hope Gary Johnson does better next time but Rand will probably do something about that... At least Rand is fighting hard as hell against shit like the NSA and the freedom of our hero Snowden.
Ex-/v/irgin here.
Jealous is almost exactly the way I felt. You guys in /a/ even get mods to ban people who don't adhere to MUH CULTURE while in /v/ they make bait stickies.
Why don't we take a look at the recent /a/ bans and see if the average /v/irgin would survive long in /a/.

>feels is /v/ and /v/ only, nobody else on 4chan tacked on to this retarded meme at all
>nope, no one
we know, that's why this thread exists.

They kick out the defence force whenever they're called on their bullshit, to cry about how /a/ is innocent and it's not at all their fault and if that doesn't work, then heave-ho, activate maximum autism mode.
what an utterly valueless argument and retort.
Just staying on the lower level of the site, its hard to communicate with retards.
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/a/ admited they totally lost the control of the board to the cancerous neoweaboos
>>698931 (OP)
They've also infested /k/ and host /ak/ threads which is discussion about the same two animes, which devolves into a circle jerk and stops being about weaponry about 15posts in.
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Control of the board was wrested away from us when Naruto threads were allowed. That was the bomb that blew up the dam. The flood of shit destroyed /a/, and shit has filled the board and will forever spill on the rest of the site. We warned you. You could have stopped it. You only had to listen.
>Implying either of you are /a/nons
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Who are you quoting? I think that you posted that in the wrong thread, somehow.
I thought /a/ hated that /jp/ shit.
All I see is ironic shitposting.
And I've been faring fine so far so I don't give a fuck
The stormfront people are annoying, but other than that /pol/ is not that bad.

Anyway, /v/ would be a lot (a LOT) better if it weren't for the stupid autism threads every day. They were never funny and it's the same people posting the same stupid stuff every time.
You two are talking as if you are apart of /a/ saying things that are utter bullshit, I do not have the wrong thread.
This faggot is implying that /a/ warned /q/ about Naruto which is utter bullshit, /q/ just straight up raided /a/.
I dare you to go make a Naruto thread on /a/ right now and see what happens.
Personally I believe those threads are just as autistic even thought they're supposedly making fun of them.
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>>698931 (OP)
As for /a/ infecting /v/, I don't really think it's /a/. It's just hip to be contrarian and post stupid stuff like "lel murrica xDD" threads. It's the new cool thing. No board is safe from it, I see that kind of stuff even outside of 4chan these days. I guess it just can't be helped.

Also, don't assume that everyone who posts anime images is from /a/. I have a small collection of K-On images I occasionally use, but I never go to /a/ and last I checked most of them never come to /v/.
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Anime reaction images are used all over 4chan anyway.
It's retarded to assume it's only from /a/
>about who is the best girl, who is a shit, who has the lewdest ass, and other assorted anime-related nonsense
The problem with telling them that is that they don't see those kinds of comments as shitposting. A lot of people see the shitposting that their board does as cute and endearing, or at least learn to ignore it, while at the same time blowing shit other boards do WAY out of proportion. (Or at least that seems to be /a/'s modus operandi.)

Go away /pol/.

>but thats most probably a dedicated group of shitposters who know how to rile up /v/
That's a very interesting claim. What's your evidence?

There's literally one person in this thread that has suggested that. Everybody else on the /v/ side is just trying to get your shitposting off our board.

>Shittalking /v/'s mod
Where the fuck have you been lately? Since the /vg/ split, /v/ has gotten immeasurably better. It's not as good as it was during the glory days, but I'd say that right now, /v/ is about as good as it was in 2008-2009.

Lolno. I've been a /v/irgin since mid-2006, and I post on /a/ on the rare occasion that they talk about a manga that doesn't suck (Watamote, Terra Formars, Franken Fran, Prison School, virtually anything that gets adopted into an anime. If /a/ likes it, it's almost certainly garbage.) and I've never once been told to go back to /v/, or banned, or anything.

This thread isn't about anime reaction images, it's about obvious shitposting on /v/. (waifu threads, that weird fetish shit /a/ loves to do, thinly-veiled anime threads, etc.)
>waifu threads

That's near universal across 4chan. /tg/'s got it, /tv/'s got it, /co/'s got it, all the porn boards have it in some form. You're not getting rid of it by banning /a/.
Why would people from /a/ (the anime board) need to make thinly veiled anime threads on /v/ (Considered the worst board by most of /a/)?

It's more likely people from /v/ who were told to fuck off from /a/ for having shit taste.
i said dedicated group of /a/ shitposters becuase OP was implying that all of /a/ was unanimously agreeing on intentionally shitting

sadly i have no hard evidence this dedicated group of shitposters exist, the only reason i said dedicated group is because the shitpost threads have a certain modus operandi that stays constant, commonly using the same opening posts, same pictures and so on, which leads me to believe to that it may either be the same person or at least a same handful of people at the least

and i said there were from /a/ for the sake of OP's argument
/a/ is also the main source of most of the shit plaguing /tg/. Shitty anime fanfiction quests, thinly veiled offtopic anime threads, derailing any thread they can to anime, trying to get /tg/ to make them anime rpgs, that sort of shit. I would say /a/ and /d/ are the two largest sources of /tg/ shitposters, but mostly /a/.
The worst part about /a/ is the self-righteous attitude every last one of those shitposters have, like they personally own the fucking site, and have the divine right to shit on any board they want and discuss anime anywhere they want.
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Mods already ban /a/ shit. Just report every anime picture you see.
Err well, err, I agree with op and I guess this is an upvote now or some shit.
>Japanese games
Does that include things like MGS? It comes from Japan after all.

Fuck off and quit trying to chase video games off /v/.
I don't think anyone (except a very, very minor amount of true haters) actually hate and want to remove all japanese themed content from /v/.
Personally, i have no problem whatsoever with discussing japanese games, even anime-theme-heavy games such as recettear and the like.

The problem here is blatent /a/ shitposters, and the blatently /a/ level of autistic shit-flinging attitude they bring with them not just to /v/, but many of the other boards.
They think because they can talk like fucking spastic sociopathic retards on /a/, throwing the most outrageous hissy-fits over nothing on their own board, that it's totally cool and okay to do it everywhere else.
If you guys can blame /a/ can I go and blame /v/ for /v/ tier behaviour? Because you fuckers will always go say stuff like "MUH SEKRIT CLUB" or shitpost ironically.
>Because you fuckers will always go say stuff like "MUH SEKRIT CLUB" or shitpost ironically.
Thats /jp/ shit.

And /a/utists already call anyone they don't like /v/ermin.
>"MUH SEKRIT CLUB" or shitpost ironically.
the more you complain, the more entertainment shitposters will get out of shitposting. what's so hard about reporting a thread and hiding it?
imagine a videogame board where you didn't have to report or hide anything at all! This thread is about improvements for 4chan, is it not?
>better ignore this huge tumour on the side of my head, it WANTS the attention!
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if you're reporting shitposts like you should, you're not ignoring it at all. let our 'doctors' deal with the 'tumor'.
pic semi-related.
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I was so close.
What would I have won if I got an entire line?
There was reference to secret club bullshit.
getting a line is still worth points, so keep watching the thread.
our 'doctors' are grossly incompetent at best, when it comes to /v/.
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>/a/ is now actively shitposting /v/ in retaliation to us having the audacity to make this thread

This is how bad these retards are.

If anything, i should almost thank them for proving every point made against them in this thread.


You have to be fucking twelve to bite on trollbait that obvious, please leave this site.

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