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Moot, it's seriously time you do something about the moderating on /lit/.

I posted something totally related to literature, it hurt some peoples feelings, they reported me en masse, then the mod reciprocated the status quo and banned me because I hurt some people's feelings (even though I was truly following the rules).

Please do something about this. Anti-free speech is against the spirit of 4chan!
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More abusive moderation on /lit/.
/lit/ has the worst fucking moderation of any board
>Not fucking knowing there's rules for each board

Just be glad you weren't permab& for violating so many rules at once.
Just stay in your containment board.
>knowing there's rules for each board
Discussion of Ayn Rand is allowed. Go check the rules idiot.
Yup, i agree. The moderation is awful.
>>550420 (OP)

Saw your thread on /lit/ asking people to come here.

Just want to say that I think these bans are perfectly just and I wish there were more like them. I want the /pol/ fucks out of /lit/.
Just stopping by to tell the /lit/ mods to keep up the good work keeping the Tao Lin and Laurie Penny spam deleted.
>Being this fucking new
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Here, this is why your thread was deleted

Next time do it in a proper format
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More abuse.
By worst, I hope you mean absent.
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>>550420 (OP)
>anti free speech liberal nazis

wow, godwinning on the first post.

>they banned the roach guy

Fuck yeah. You are seriously the worst poster /lit/ has ever had.
>boo hoo i can't shitpost in peace
good riddance
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And even more abuse.
I've been banned three times for tongue in cheek quips incorporating jews.

Never had any problem concerning other racial stereotyping though.
>liberal nazis

> "I love oppressing people who have alternative views"

Way to show your true colours liberal-nazi.

>banning /pol/ misogyny bait

Good shit, mod.

>banning some failed Rand copypasta (that you just revealed as copypasta)

Good shit, mod.

I mean I thought some of the /pol/ shit we get was a sign of lazy moderation, but this thread is showing me that someone is at least trying.
I am all for free-speech but
>shit shit shit
>muh muh muh
Nobody can take you seriously. I bet if you create the same thread with a more serious format it won't be deleted

I never denied being a liberal nazi.
Thanks all, you have all demonstrated how there is a tyrannical bunch on /lit/ upholding a brutal status quo
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you are correct in every way.

i support you.
We do what we can to stop shitposting
>"WAHHHH You used words I don't like!! BANNED JUSTIFIED!"

The words you use denotes your intention (shitposting / trolling).

I'll create the same thread wording it properly and show you I won't get banned.
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Thank you very much for your support anons.
>goes to a board full of hipsters
>is appalled by their librul logic
Try /mu/ next OP, godspeed.
It's 4chan culture.
That's because you are a tool oppressed by "political correctness" ediquiette on a fucken anonymous image board jesus christ. Honestly.

It's fucking retarded 4chan culture and /lit/ has always been against it. Some boards self-manage themselves and don't tolerate the typical 4chan idiocy. /jp/ is another example.
>>550420 (OP)
I agree with OP. I get banned from lit every 3 days. Its bullshit. A bunch of whiney asshurt liberal cunts
Currently serving a 20 day board ban for having the audacity to defend ASOIAF. Is the /lit/ mod that transsexual butterfly namefag? If so, you really fucked up, moot. Please get rid of this cunt.
I just like how every single complaint is about /pol/ more than it's about /lit/
let's see
Fucking mutes jesus christ

>Youre writes end ware my feelings begin
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Are you serious? God dammit things are grim.
I've received bans for ironic use of the word 'nigga'. On 4chan. Think about that for a second.

The mod is determined to turn /lit/ into some stale, sterilised PC friendly zone. No wonder /lit/ is one of the worst boards on the site and never produces anything creative or amusing.
>No wonder /lit/ is one of the worst boards on the site and never produces anything creative or amusing.

Then maybe you should stop coming there. I hear they find ironic use of the word nigger very amusing on /v/ or /b/.
>I've received bans for ironic use of the word 'nigga'. On 4chan. Think about that for a second.

I am Anon, I am. It makes me quite displeased.
Indeed: >>550473 →

I just had two posts deleted for use of the word "nigger" on /vr/. This is getting way out of hand, and I fucking vote liberal for shit sakes.
I didn't get banned, see OP?
Th-That's offensive!
What if I want to talk about literature and use the word nigga or nigger-dicks? Would that hurt your feelings? Does your butthurt justify banning me?
>What if I want to talk about literature and use the word nigga or nigger-dicks?

Then maybe you should grow up.

>Would that hurt your feelings?

No, it would just irritate me.

>Does your butthurt justify banning me?

The thing is you guys are all assuming 4chan=I can post whatever shit I want.
But each board have their own niche and etiquette, for /lit/ it's you fucking talk about literature and leave your /pol/ shit on /pol/ or /b/

Only complain if you're getting banned for posting literature-related posts, otherwise good job mods.
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Your rights end where my feelings begin.

I'm breaking no rules faggot.
The thing is, he didn't get banned for expressing an idea (which would mean no free speech), he got banned because he expressed it in such a way that made obvious he just wanted to cause a shitstorm

Who cares?

Also let's be clear. This is 4chan. 4chan doesn't have a bill of rights.
What rule did I break? I wasn't racist or anything. I was talking about literature. All I did was use swear words.

I'm listening.
>I've received bans for ironic use of the word 'nigga'.

Same, I have received a ban on /lit/ for using 'nigga', and another for calling Tao Lin a 'talentless gook'.
Unrelated but who the hell is that chick? I've seen her before outside that meme.
>All I did was use swear words
Thus making obvious you are a troll which is against the rules
>It's fucking retarded 4chan culture


>and /lit/ has always been against it.

I've been a /lit/ regular since day one and that's how I know you're talking out of your arse. Instead of trying to turn 4chan into something it never was, why don't you just go somewhere else?

There's a small group of self-appointed thoughtpolice on /lit/ whose anti-shitposting shitposting is ruining the board. 4channers of all people should know that the quality of any online message board is directly proportional to the amount of freedom allowed to its members. That's why we're here and not on some forum or re.ddit or something.
This is nonsense. The kid got banned for criticizing a writer with /pol/ arguments (hurr durr commie nigge hurr durr) not for making a literary critique.

I say the mod team was spot on. We must get rid of /pol/ trash from raiding other forums.

I am tired of their Nazi pics and their hurr durr nigger and jews hurr durr arguments which, needless to say, are NOT literary arguments.

Keep up the good work, mod team!
The bottom line is that they aren't supposed to moderate what we say, here. This isn't just any silly internet forum. For the longest time, the defining factor that made 4chan what it is has been the freedom to express yourself in every sense of the word. The only thing that was really not allowed to be posted was CP and maybe certain types of gore/beastiality. Now they're removing that freedom of speech left right and center, because some things that have been said may offend those who probably shouldn't be here in the first place.

Sooner or later, the question must become: what is the point of 4chan, if it functions in exactly the same manner as Reddot or some other generic shitty website? If it loses the thing that made it unique, why bother keeping the site around at all? If everybody who comes here now wants the rules to change because some words on the internet hurt their feelings, why not just can the entire site?

Racism is against the rules outside of /b/. Global rule 3.
>I was talking about literature
>Post about /pol/ intending to cause shitstorms
I think it's Janeane Garofalo (or however the fuck she spells it).
>Then maybe you should stop coming there

Nah. The board has potential but it's just attracted a bad crowd in recent years and strayed from its roots. /lit/ was ten times the board it is now back when it was more '4channish' in the beginning.

4chan is not a right, it is a privilege. Buckle up, Sally.
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Discussion of fine-art is also forbidden on /lit/.

But threads about masturbation are AOK.

I smell favouritism and tyranny.
>Is the /lit/ mod that transsexual butterfly namefag?


She posted multiple times every single day for the past two years, then on the same day that Moot instates a board janitor, she permanently vanishes and never posts again. It's pretty obvious, both by her disappearance and by the nature of posts flagged for banning, that she is the janitor.
You and I both know you made that post just to use the "P"-word.

To be fair, fine art is not literature. But neither is masturbation, and they won't actually make an art board, so.
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>4chan is not a right, it is a privilege.
so...how do we check it?
Just you reminder >>>/lit/3658513 that I didn't get banned
Well put, expose anti-freespeechers
>Racism is against the rules outside of /b/.

Saying 'nigga' is not being racist.
>The thing is you guys are all assuming 4chan=I can post whatever shit I want.

It was, once. That was its whole appeal.

I've received a ban for using the word 'nigga' jokingly in an otherwise helpful post about comparing editions of Shakespeare's complete works. It's ridiculous and anti-4chan.
Rules 8 and 9

Calling someone a gook is.
Yeah, I'm only racist toward pakis and French people, but I still say nigger all the time, because that's just what people do here. That's what they've always done, because they've always had the freedom to do it. I think the people getting bumfuzzled over this are probably fairly new arrivals and they don't realize that 4chan is not the site for you if you fancy getting your feelings hurt over words posted on the internet.
Don't engage the piece of shit anti-freespeech shit bag.

We know what we want, and they don't want us to have it, and that's what they get off on, the little power that they have over people who wish to express themselves.
Haven't you guys noticed? Jewt and his kike SRS mods have been slowly ratcheting up bans for offensive speech. People now are just starting to notice it. It is only going to get worse
So typical. Your conspiracies theories get debunked and you just ignore it.

Didn't Hitler criticize the Jews for doing the same?

World changes. 4chan changes. Such is life. It sucks and then you die. Get over it.

4chan is not a right, it's a privilege.
>It is only going to get worse
Not if moot does something about it. Hence the reason for this threads existence.
Appeal to rules. Didn't read
Well said. Since about 2007 4chan has been slowly gentrified by normalfags and lost almost everything that made it an appealing place to hang out.

Do you idiots seriously think it's a coincidence that /lit/'s obvious decline in quality corresponds exactly to the increased activity of policing?
>sum1 pay atenshun 3 meee!

Everybody knows we aren't talking about the content of OP's post, but the fact that apparently the use of curse words is now against the rules.

Then go to another forum.

Stormfront has a very nice forum for you.

Go on, you'll like it.
>Appeal to rules
You are a fucking newfag
Here I'll lay it out for you
8. There are no real rules about posting.
9. There are no real rules about moderation either - enjoy your ban
Oh, granted that one was, but the other post was, "my nigga, that's in my top ten books".

What makes it even worse/more amusing, is that I'm black, yet that post got me banned for racism.
>we aren't talking about the content of OP's post
You were. You were implying ideas were being censored.

Curse words are an indicator of poor trolling and shitposting.
Spoken like a true whiney butthurt lgbt. Sure are smug your ilk is gettin their way huh?
Well, that's the worst possible decision moot could have made. He might as well hire Dworkin to help with the admin work. Even Deep&Edgy would've been a better candidate.
>4chan is not a right, it's a privilege.

Huh? That makes zero sense. It's the community that privileges moot and 4chan, a community founded on saying whatever we want, how ever we want.
Again, you're assuming we're all racist. I can say "nigger" and not be racist.

>Niggers are awful people and they should all be shoved into ovens

>Boy, I hate that final boss, what a colossal nigger with his unavoidable attacks
Not racist.

On 4chan, this is just a word we use. Get over it. I've spoken to actual niggers on here who don't give the slightest of shits about our rampant use of the word.
If you look on the motherfucking front page of /lit/ it's full of /lit/ content.

So I say good fucking work mods keep on banning faggots for shitposting
>a community founded on saying whatever we want, how ever we want.

Only on /b/. So maybe go there if you want to shout nigger like a child. Again, global rule 3. It's always been there.
There was a time when the rules on 4chan were treated more like broad guidelines rather than the Word of God. It was a better time.
>The bottom line is that they aren't supposed to moderate what we say, here. This isn't just any silly internet forum. For the longest time, the defining factor that made 4chan what it is has been the freedom to express yourself in every sense of the word.

Moot is at fault for making social justice warriors mods and janitors.

>Sooner or later, the question must become: what is the point of 4chan, if it functions in exactly the same manner as Reddot or some other generic shitty website?

Pretty pictures I guess?
I wasn't, I'm talking about the recent lack of freedom of speech. Maybe that's what the OP was saying, but not me.

And curse words are not an indication of any of that, they're just things people say like any other word. It's only you who thinks they imply "trolling" or some such.

So tedious and predictable.

Thanks for proving my point, kid.
That's the whole fucking point.
Keep your social justice to your own board, on /lit/ you discuss literature and not politics
Appeal to rules.
Did not read.
I (OP) was talking about literature you dumb ass nigger anti-freespeecher.

Bye then.
>Describes himself
>dat projection

Mullets belong in /pol/

Enjoy being permabanned.
Maybe but it looked like a shitpost and poor attempt to troll

See >>>/lit/3658513

Free speech is intact 0/10
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It was...it was.

The only thing that got you banned was posting CP (which I strongly support), and spam (which I also strongly support).

4chan as we used to know it truly died on september 2012.

How is that ban going down, sweetie?

Because of the Jews controlling everything, indeed.

If it is dead, though, it begs the question: what are you still doing here?
You people are like those fundy hipsters who in their never-ending quest for authenticity move en masse into some ghetto area and end up white-washing the whole place and destroying the culture that made it trendy in the first place. Gentrifiers. If anyone should leave, it should be you and your delicate sensibilities.
If i was banned how could i post?

You're mad as fuck btw lol
There is no alternative! If there was a chan somewhere that got a decent amount of traffic and had a lack of moderation (except against CP and spam), then I would be there!
This a thousand times. I'm just waiting for one to spring up and I'm out of this jewified shithole
This the type of person who posts on 4chan now. Where did it all go wrong?
>>you people

You'll pee your pants when I tell you that I also happen to be a Jew, lol lol lol
Nobody is addressing the fact that people are seriously getting offended by things posted on 4chan.

Why are you even here? If you don't how the people on this site act, why come here? I know it sounds like a mindless buzzword, but surely a place like Reddot would be more suitable to your wishes? I mean, why make the community adapt to suit your needs, when you could just go to another place that already does?

This is clearly not the board for you, if you're getting offended over such trivial things. Why are you still here?
Well said!

I really hope moot is reading this thread and taking note of the "camps".

Free-speech vs anti-free speech

That's essentially what it's coming down to.
Check out Krautchan. It has been better than 4chan for the last five years. There are quite a few readers there, too.

When you escaped /b/ and /pol/ and poked your nose in places where you obviously don't belong.

But he can't go to /lit/ anymore.
I haven't figured out if they are trolls, mods, or mod dick suckers...
>If you don't how the people on this site act
If you don't like*
Some of those "Keep up the good job, mods!" posts seem a bit EA/Bioware-astroturfy to me.
I hate that place, they have such a hypocritical hate for "4chan culture" even though they are a sub-species of it. It's also ridiculously autistic and repetitive. Try getting people there to talk about literature, it's really fucken hard, and most times ignored. They'd rather post in trap threads (it's disgusting).

You /pol/ people love to speak about being free-speech, but you're the first ones to wipe your ass with others' right to express themselves just because they happen to be Jews, blacks, lesbians, and the like.

So, fuck off, 4chan is not Congress and moot does not give a shit about political ideas because coming to this site is not your fucking right.

He is spot on and the change in moderation is only a very good indicator that the majority of people coming in here has changed. It must now cater to the people bringing more traffic, and the people bringing more traffic in /lit/ are people who want fucking literary discussion in /lit/, not hurr durr stormfags.

1. You know that you can go to both reddot and 4chan, right?

2. Getting irritated over the fact that people want to lump in their racist/misogynist/anti-multiculti white genocide poltics into a discussion of literature is not necessarily getting offended. It's not wanting to have a political discussion at all. I go to /lit/ to talk about literature, not to talk about politics while someone marginally throws in a book because they think that will let them get away with a political discussion on the board for literary discussion.
Nah, don't try to reduce this to an issue of racists vs. non-racists. I have no problem with any race, but I still reserve the right to use 'incorrect' terminology if the fancy so takes me. Edginess---in its true, non-ironic sense---has always been one of the pillars of 4chan. The fact that it has been turned into a sarcastic epithet speaks volumes.

We all agree if you spam the word nigger a billion times, then you should be banned. But, if someone says nigger without any racial context, that's perfectly acceptable.

This is lapidary. End of discussion.

>1. You know that you can go to both reddot and 4chan, right?

Then why would you want to turn them into the same thing?
>But, if someone says nigger without any racial context, that's perfectly acceptable.
Fuck you. I should be able to use the word nigger in a sentence any way I fucken want. Nigger.

Fuck off, the discussion doesn't end when your feelings tell you it does.

I disagree, and I've always been irritated with the advent of the casual use of nigger on 4chan. It's really immature, and contrary to what you may think, it's hasn't been a part of 4chan since the beginning. It took a good number of years for it to become a typical thing. Long after /v/'s creation, even.

Have you ever stayed in /pol/ longer than a second? If there's one thing nobody questions, it's everyone's right to hate on each other equally. Not to mention, /pol/ has been home to many decent discussions on race relations, a corrupt political and financial system, and the role of the state in our lives. You seem chose to focus on the hate, and never look for the good. That can be done on every board on 4chan.

It's more than our right to come here, it will take less than nothing to abandon this site if people like you get their way. Moot should feel privileged the kind of community and support we have given him.
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>it's hasn't been a part of 4chan since the beginning
Ladies and gentleman, the newfags have taken over and trying to re-write 4chan history. The war is lost. Orwell's 1984 is now 4chan.

you must have been mad as fuck to type all that
Good god, I hope beyond hope that this post is a troll/joke, because otherwise this serves as stark proof that this site is fucking dead.

>You know that you can go to both reddot and 4chan, right?
So go to the one that fits your views and your wishes, don't try to change the other one around to become the same as the first. Just leave us alone and have your discussions in a place where you feel more naturally comfortable. Again, why bother coming here if you have an issue with the people who are already here?

So maybe this site is racist. It's not, and I'm not, but let's just pretend that it is. If you have a problem with that, then just leave.
Did you boycott Django Unchained with the rest of your social justice friends?

What does that even mean? Neither reddot nor 4chan are monoliths. They're not even the same internally, how could they both be the same collectively?

I can only tell it like I remember it. Back in 2005, no one was shouting nigger just because.
I'm okay with the deletion of the post simply because it's obviously an attempt to bring in political discussion on /lit/. I know politics can reasonably overlap with /lit/, but I think discussions of a conspiracy falls more into /pol/'s camp, and is thus not allowed.

That being said, I don't know if it's a good idea to start deleting posts just because they contain slurs. Casual racism has been a very long part of 4chan's history, and I personally think people should focus more on the ideas of a post instead of just how it is presented. Plus, this new moderation seems really inconsistent. There are several posts on the front page using the word "faggot". Racial slurs are wrong, but homophobic slurs are A-OK?
>appeal to age
opinion invalidated. get out.

You just outed yourself as someone who has no clue about the beginnings of 4chan culture. It's very obvious now, you're trying to change this place under the guise of bringing it back to its original sterilized state that never existed.
>how could they both be the same collectively?

By sharing a demographic and the rules by which that demographic is allowed to post? If 4chan is diluted into some generic r'eddit type place, it defeats the purpose of its very existence. 4chan for 4channers, r'eddit for r'edditors.
>Again, why bother coming here if you have an issue with the people who are already here?

Your issue is assuming that everyone is like you, and no one is like me. I'm as much "the people already here" as you are, and we're both fighting to make the site the way we want it. All I want is to talk about literature without someone bringing in their personal politics. I didn't think that would be a lot to ask, but apparently I'm a liberal nazi anti-free speech jew. Oh well.
If you honestly feel that faggot is being used in a homophobic sense, you must have just come here yesterday. Same with nigger, most people just use it as a typical curse word, not as an actual slur against anybody.

Also, I'd like to say that I vote liberal, and I've visited /pol/ a grand total of once. Not everybody who disagrees with your attempt to silence free speech is some conspiracy-spouting far-right loon in a tinfoil hat.
translation: i want to control how you talk

naw fuck you cunt
Ironic ebonic terminology has always been a popular form of messing around on 4chan. So have 'edgy' sickipedia-style race jokes, and indeed even the element of outright racists have always occupied a corner of the site, albeit perhaps they didn't have such a unified voice until /n/ was instituted. NIGGER spam (which isn't the issue here, anyway) might've come about during the Habbo craze (IIRC), but it was just a new mutation of an atmosphere that already existed.
>I'm a liberal nazi anti-free speech jew. Oh well.
Yes, that is exactly what you are, you fuckin cunt.
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>those responses

...Which is precisely my point. "Nigger" isn't being used in a racial sense anymore than "faggot" is being used in a homophobic sense on 4chan, so why are we banning one and still allowing the other?

I'm not sure what your last line had to do with my post.


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