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So I have a genuine suggestion to fix the /pol/ issue, that is, faggots going to other boards in the name of /pol/ posting racist and generally antisemitic replies to completely unrelated threads. While I am not condemning either replies for their content, I feel as if 4chan is universally beginning to hate /pol/ because of these particular individuals who, I feel, frequent /pol/ for maybe a week, notice a trend in specific inside jokes, then wrongfully flame the rest of the site with the aforementioned jokes (See: le happy merchant face). Essentially, these people are the new "Do you even lift, bro" fags, but for /pol/ rather than /fit/, and genuine users to the boards are overall ashamed and angry at those other users for tarnishing the board and putting it at a potential to be deleted. So here is my suggestion, if at all possible:

Upon visiting the /pol/ board, users are presented with a quiz of sorts, consisting of actual political questions that can be gathered by the /pol/ community. I'm talking about "Who of the following stood as a witness in the Zimmerman trial?" rather than "Lol what (WATAMELLON) flava of ice tea did tray tray nigfac get beford gettin TOOOLLD?!". The page would be set to a timer, too, so users cannot simply Google answers. Also, an arsenal of questions could be withheld, providing a rotation system for questions. Ultimately, my idea is to IP ban users who do not meet a certain percentage of correct answers, offering a lifting and another opportunity in maybe 30 days or so. Passing the quiz would allow full access to the board. This would ensure /pol/ would fundamentally remain /pol/, and faggots who would otherwise ruin the board would be forced back to, I'm sure, /b/. Just a suggestion, keep in mind. Thank you for any consideration!
>expecting general education
>on 4chan
While I endorse the idea, I'm sure it would instantly kill most of the board's traffic.

An easier solution is to add the merchant picture to global rule 15.
>>680551 (OP)
>Upon visiting the /pol/ board, users are presented with a quiz
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>this thread

Do you make these for living or something, if not you should try your luck in comedy or something, i can't contain myself.
That's fucking retarded and maybe you should stop being a crybaby who derails threads over a meme. There are /soc/ and /r9k/ tier threads on /pol/ all the time and we don't flood /q/ begging for them to be banned from other boards. Should we start banning pictures of bateman from anything but [s4s]? If someone calls me autistic can I report them for leaving the /v/ containment zone? Grow thicker skin for christ's fucking sake. If you didn't get called JIDF you would have been called a nigger, they are board memes. Like OP said, it's a bunch of dumb teenagers who probably don't even use /pol/ or 4chan very much and make the same shitty topics and posts on our board too. Believe it or not /pol/ hates the retard derailing posters as well.

inb4 comparisons to /mlp/ because there are obviously dozens of tripfags using avatars of well known jews making circlejerk jew feel threads on every board.
What's the name of your mental illness?

If you agree that they are shitposting and not even /pol/ supports them, you should approve of my suggestion. And btw all the other forms of shitposting you listed is already as bannable as your silly redditesque memes. All I'm saying is that making an official statement would raise awareness for the fact they are not welcome and should be reported.
>Marginalize and ignore content of post by diagnosing with mental illness as a non-sequitor
>Continue to advocate banning of a meme

I don't think 4chan is the right place for you, Chaim. Inv4/HURRR ALWAYS WITH THE JIDF YOU'RE SO CRAZY btw moot pls delete /pol/ and any images I don't like.

If the other stuff I mentioned is already bannable so is what you're whining about, so stop using your retarded shill non-logic and give up on making dozens of "CENSOR /pol/ NAO" threads per day.
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>>680551 (OP)

jidf pls go

you are terribly obvious even now
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This one image has caused more butthurt than 9/11.
Did you read my post? Do you understand these sentences? Or is your brain already damaged beyond repair from all the meme spouting?
So only people that have any knowledge of politics and currents events would be able to post there
Do it for every board and maybe the site won't be as shitty anymore
>>680551 (OP)
>>I feel as if 4chan is universally beginning to hate /pol/ because of these particular individuals who,

No thats your self protection
It's the general sentiment towards /pol/. Just look at /q/, weenie.
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>prevent the ignorant from getting access to an uncensored source of information

That's like, the least /pol/ thing ever
>The weenie autist literally saying that five hamuniverse cuntneard yids on /q/ represent all of 4chan

Believe it or not retard, very few people use /q/, and even fewer care about a board that doesn't affect them. You coming here every day when you wake up to lambaste /pol/ and seeing less than a handful of your disgusting solid-vaginal-mass riddled peers trying to promote your agenda does not = 3 million people hate /pol/. shill harder, fool.
>incoherent psychotic gibberish

Take your meds, psycho.
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>can't argue
>call names
>whines about /pol/ calling names
Das irony mang.
Still mad after you got destroyed in the other thread?
>Ignore all points when backed into a corner, attempt to diagnose with mental illness as a non-sequitur to marginalize a comment you're ill equipped to respond to

I could write a fucking book at this point. At least a manual. I should draft one and sell it to your superiors, because you are awful.
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>everyone hates /pol/ because I do
>ur just a retard xd
>y u so mad :DDDDD
Jesus Christ, it's like arguing with a child.
What points? You didn't make any. Come back when you stopped crying.
>someone else calls them out on being a shitposting retard with no argument to defend
>LEL U MAD GOYIM??!?!?'vbbcvb!?!?
>start off the discussion with "ban le happy merchant because I'm jewish and it offends me, oy vey"
>calls *others* crybabies
Why are you so illiterate? Where did I say I hate /pol/? Fucking nowhere. I'm an active poster on /pol/. That means I'm having actual discussion over there unlike you who obviously has no interest in politics and only wants to spam retarded memes. Seriously, why aren't you fucktards just staying on 9fag or wherever you belong?

I am not jewish and the only thing that offends not only me but almost all of 4chan is your degeneracy. I don't know what perverted pleasure you derive from behaving like drooling retards, but please keep it out of our discussion boards.
Hi guys, I have a genuine suggestion to fix the /pol/ issue.

We need to find a moment when /pol/ isn't looking, then we'll delete the board. Hopefully they won't notice and we can all pretend that /pol/ never existed in the first place.
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>the only thing that offends not only me but almost all of 4chan is your degeneracy.

oh look it's someone who thinks he speaks for all of 4chan as a whole. little did I know that i was a little cry baby who can't take insults on the internet. Thanks for telling me how i really feel m8. i will now make 10 billion threads on /q/ crying like a little girl to make the mean ol /pol/ from bad mouthing me
I've never posted a /pol/ meme, let alone attempted to start a discussion on its material on another board, that said you're literally bitching about memes and pretending you speak for all of 4chan when you're obviously new and were clearly directed here from off site to promote your shit. You can try and jew your way put of this accusation, but you're literally pretending to have no idea what actually goes on in the board but ITS SPILLING OUT EVERYWHERE!!!!!1!1

The beat part is you used /pol/s most trended current buzzword, ITS DEGENERACY! I'm sure you'll call this a coincidence, and myself schizophrenic. THE CIIIIIIRRRRRCLE OF LYYYYYYF

>inb4 you pretend me being somewhat flippant on fucking 4chan means you can discount the bulk of my post while providing no counter-argument
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>>680551 (OP)
>feels this feels that feels everywhere

SRS, even the rambro pic wont save you from that obviousness
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/pol/ is the 4th largest board on 4chan. /q/ is nothing compared to /pol/ in terms of traffic.

Sounds more like a bunch of butthurt leftist marxist faggots upset their zionist masters are getting exposed on the internet.
>I've never posted a /pol/ meme
So what is this? >>681164 "LEL U MAD GOYIM?"

>but you're literally pretending to have no idea what actually goes on in the board
Unlike you I'm posting about politics on /pol/. If your only intention consists of spamming memes, then reddit and 9fag are the right places for you.

>/pol/s most trended current buzzword, ITS DEGENERACY!
I used that word already frequently a decade ago IRL. Because when I use a word, I use it in its actual meaning and not just as a buzzword.

You fundamentally misunderstood 4chan and its culture. Please lurk more.
I'm not sure how you can pretend pol never existed once you start having a flood of racists posting on the other boards
>mfw this whole post

Using a meme doesn't mean I can't care about current events or post quality wise you fucking autist. I know that word is becoming a meme, but stop acting like one. HURR YOU SAID GOYIM TO ME AND I WANT /pol/ DELETED YOU'RE CLEARLY A SHITPOSTER

>Telling me to lyrk myr while clearly being new
>Telling me to understand 4chan culture while taking everything seriously
>Pretending you're not just being a word-mincing yid bitching on /q/ for moderation of memes and boards that hurt your feels

Ahahaaaaaa. Look at it, look at this pathetic piece of trash and laugh. Yes I'm sure you just slipped in the word degenerate where it doesn't even apply (at all in anyway in the conversation), while discussing /pol/ due to your exemplary vocabulary which most assuredly dwarves mine. I mean fuck, I said something semi-dumb as a kinda-joke while using 4chan, clearly I'm a complete mouthbreather unable to draw conclusions about your more-than-a-little obvious nature.

How many times did you call racists on /pol/ 'mongoloids' thinking you were a master of wordplay before dozens of anons told you that word literally means 'asians'?

u mad ?
That's not what I said. Are you projecting? Is it actually you who intentionally behaves as retarded as possible in an attempt to get /pol/ deleted?

>How many times did you call racists on /pol/ 'mongoloids'
Never. I have no problem with racist opinions.

Listen, kid. You are not "le offensive" or "le racist" by spamming memes. All you achieve is making yourself look even more defective than you already are. It is in your best interest to stop that infantile behaviour and to grow up.

Get the fuck out.
>That's not what I said. Are you projecting? Is it actually you who intentionally behaves as retarded as possible in an attempt to get /pol/ deleted?

Are you implying what I think you are implying.... hmmm IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW!!
>Listen, kid. You are not "le offensive" or "le racist" by spamming memes

I've already said repeatedly I don't on non-/pol/ boards and if your this butthurt about being called a kike piece of shit while asking for things you don't like to be moderated then the writing seems to be on the wall. I don't realy give a fuck about how you percieve me, you goddamn mentally defective piece of trash, ITS AN ANONYMOUS IMAGE BOARD. Believe it or not, some people really think your people are parasitic leeches who have rightfully been genocided and expelled from every country in history.

>/pol/ is the 4th largest board on 4chan

Really? Got a source?

Meanwhile, better advocate for a board's deletion while knowing approximately jack shit about anything in my entire life.
Nice post faggot, I was legitimately curious.
Look at the Post/m column
The /pol/ problem will never be solved because the board is full of conspiracy nuts.
We're talking about people with proxies and dynamic IPs.

Of course, this doesn't apply to all of /pol/. But it does appy to most of the shitposters.
It's a problem that never could be and never will be solved.
>I know for a fact that it's the shitposters because I'm one of them but I have my post monitor turned off right now
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OP is /pol/'s weenie trying for an audience that won't laugh at him.

weenie is the happy merchant flooder and has been for a year or so or more.
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>>680551 (OP)
>Passing the quiz would allow full access to the board.

What the actual fuck? I hope you're a troll and not actually that much of a fucking control freak.
best to just allow people with passes to post on 4chan then since it's the only way to stop band evading shitposters
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>>680551 (OP)
So OP, you're looking for a...

Solution to the /pol/ish Question?

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