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moot, you've gone too far this time.

Too far.

Stop this while you can, before it turns ugly.
>Non vidya post taunting mods gets banned
This is a good thing
He was off by 2 minutes, he deserved to be banned.
moot, get rid of these terrible fucking mods please.
Can we ban Hentai and Video game fap and waifu threads on /v/? They belong in /v/ culture section so should not be allowed
I don't see the problem. It's not a vidya post.
Seriously, mods actually on /v/? You've gone too far.
they've created a martyr
The mod did good. /v/ culture is terrible.


Those thread are always got deleted when mod is around.
The only way people know how to create long rule breaking thread is by BAITING the mods first.
If those thread are safe then you can make any other thread.

Stop showing your newfaggotry.
Good now they need to ban the console war faggots and pc master race guys. Not to mention the people who act like that and do it ironically. This makes people think it's okay to act like that. You can't even make a thread involving any company without ironic shit posting. Mostly Atlus right now.
Fucking cry about it. What does that post have to do with video games?

"/v/ culture" is code for "/b/ shit"
Not only was he talking in all caps and trying to stir up shit under the excuse of 4 AM threads, OP was late by 2 minutes.

He deserved to be banned for being a faggot
I love you mod. Thank you based mod.
If you're going to ban this shit, at least do it consistently, /v/ is drowning in a dozen forms of ritualized shitposting these days.

Purge it all.
Bring back post-/vg/ split /v/.
350 post deletion is not acceptable.
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This champ's got it all figured out
Kind of happy he did this.
We need this kind of moderation
"/q/. the place where fun dies."

I've seen a lot of eroge thread got deleted after 5 posts
This thread OP got banned after long chain of replies too.
Stay retarded.
Thank you mods, we can push this shit back to /b/ or /s4s/ where ever it needs to go.
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>le /v/ culture banned
>this is somehow a bad thing

I don't understand, OP.
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Yeah, but at least /q/ doesn't shove a stick up fun's arse and jiggle it around constantly playing pretend it's still alive.
He shouldn't have been fucking BANNED for it. I've seen actual shitty threads be left alone to garner 400 posts.
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Everybody should be thanking moot for cleaning up 4chan. Now we can finally compete in the mainstream with sites like reddit and tumblr.

Thank you based moot, get rid of the social outcasts and we can finally have an imageboard for proper people
"/b/ shit" is preferable to the generic leddit shitposting that people don't get banned for on a daily basis that's turned me away from /v/ as of late.
No. Keep banning this shit. I'm beyond being sick of seeing retards spam the same unfunny shit for years because they're too dumb to make Original content or even post on topic.
>off topic thread gets deleted
>somehow a bad thing

"b-but muh culture!"
Can waifu threads die? PLEASE
>It's offtopic

This is how you spot someone who has never been into a 4am thread.
What the fuck, this shit gets banned and we get like 5 fucking furry/vidya game fap threads daily.
I wouldn't give a shit if those threads got banned too.
>ITT /jp/ and /a/ conspire to destroy what's left of /v/ so that in the grim and dark future of 4chan there is only kawaii 2hoes
they get banned you kunt
Everything is right in the world.

Board culture is not an excuse.

You're seriously part of the problem. Offtopic threads are shit, but acting like a smarmy fucking retard over them is just as bad, if not worse.
Since when? I've seen like 2-3 recently with 400 posts.
Do you have like screencaps or some shit?
And then move on to people just screaming insults at each other. It adds nothing to the conversation. Hell, ban insults and profanity altogether. It's just flame-baiting anyway
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I'm literally crying right now.
and LOL threads
and furry dump threads
and /a/ shit
and ironic lelele spammers
and OMG it's hot in the summer threads
do you guys honestly think this is the first time this happened? he was off by two minutes. you are supposed to post this on 10:00. no minute later
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>thread got deleted

This keeps getting better and better.
It will only get better if anime and hentai and waifu threads are deleted
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I haven't seen a furry dump thread in like ever
>Retard logic


Stay autistic.
Really? Out of the thousands of shitposting threads we get per day, the retarded mod deletes ONE, the least cancerous at that.

Furry is the choice weapon of people who like to spam threads they don't like to death.
There was 1 or 2 yesterday
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/jp/ and /a/ hate each other, so I don't see that happening.
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Then you flat out do not browse /v/, like ever.

"/v/ is furry!" didn't just pop up out of thin air.
they might not get instabanned, but when threads 404, they're usually banned.
Inb4 you think it needs to say "(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)" for them to ban.
I've been banned like 5 times, and it never said that on my post
Have you never seen people spam a thread that they don't like with furry porn that they "conveniently" have on hand?
>waifu threads get deleted i swear
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I'm literally shaking right now.
Yesterday a thread turned into a dump of some Sonic gay scat pedo comic.
No mod deleted that thread.
If moot had a problem with "board culture" he wouldn't have approved banners that reference, well, board culture. I think there's a remove kebab one from /k/

this is just a solitary mod acting on his own in banning a guy who posted in all caps and missed the right time to post. nothing has changed
I usually don't go into those threads
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you want board culture then fuck off back to /b/ where you belong.
What most people are missing is that Moot has said in the past that 4 AM threads are acceptable. The mods are overstepping.

Taunting them, however...
Can't say OP didn't ask for it.
>2 3ds vs vita threads fully active on the front page right now. 1 is a shit posting thread the other is legitimate with good arguments and points.

>literally same post with same picture

You can find KoG spam pack in /rs/, its full of loli, dub, furry and DBZ reaction image.
Or the fact we cannot discuss Sly, Crash, Klonoa, Mario, Spyro, Animal Crossing, Elder scrolls, etc without furry porn dumps and furries spoiler texting how they want to buy fursuits.

Theres usually between 8-10 furry threads a day. I report them but half the time my report is cleared from the queue and the thread stays.

Moot has stated that giving the okay to deep sea, 4 am etc on /v/ was "The biggest mistake I ever made in regards to 4chan"
Seriously, this is beyond shitposting.
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>never get banned
>mouse over link
>thread gets deleted
I do agree that they don't usually get deleted

The thread was deleted. I don't see what your point is.
>Moot has stated that giving the okay to deep sea, 4 am etc on /v/ was "The biggest mistake I ever made in regards to 4chan"

Can I have a screencap?
>Yesterday a thread turned into a dump of some Sonic gay scat pedo comic.
People did this to every video game thread they don't like

>No mod deleted that thread.
If this happen then there will be no vidya to discuss because everyone will spams every thread they dont like with furry porn.
it was up at over 200 posts when I linked it
>Posting this massive claim and then failing to provide proof
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I haven't bothered saving many recent furry thread screencaps lately. Theres so many that theres no point in it since people who refuse to admit theres a problem will just say they're outliers that rarely happen.
Good job, you should delete your post now.
>good anthro game threads get overrun by furfags

I don't even know why they do it. It is truly suffering.
>Theres usually between 8-10 furry threads a day
Damn that is a damn shame. Wtf is this shit?
For the Love of Fuck.

If you Mods are going to start cracking down.

End this shit going on.

Because its a /v/ culture to hate everything they don't like.
Board containment failing
I know autism gets overused lately, especially on /v/, but that's the only reason I can think of for making furry threads month after month.
It was up when I linked it. with over 200 posts

mods delete this before it gets on the front page >>>/v/201213317
Animal Crossing has been forever ruined for me, but at this point I feel somewhat apathetic and just let /v/ be /v/. It's basically what would happen if /b/ was semi-SFW and someone said "I'd really rather wish you guys would talk about video games in here".
Seems to be mostly gay furries
Again, good job.
Oh shit, nevermind.

Based Mods.
By the way, i don't see any furry thread.

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>every board is allowed memes except /v/

You know, you seem oversensitive to this sort of thing. /q/ is not a report button, and provided they talk about vidya, they should be allowed to stay. If it goes off topic and into porn, report the fucking thread, but if you think it's okay to dole out punishment to someone or a thread because something bad could be done, then you're not thinking straight.
Reallt is mate, this shit is ridiculous, I never see these threads get deleted

Update on the situation.
No boards are allowed memes. They're all being cleaned. Browse other boards besides /v/ and you'll see.
not my fault mods are doing shit this time

Because "meme" is just another word for forced joke that gets posted over and over until it's not funny, then keep posting it for a couple more years.

>It actually got deleted


because "industry hateboner"

Those two words have made moot lose any credibility in talking about /v/
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Maybe because 4AM isn't vidya related at all, where as other boards have injokes that are usually directly related to their board subject. Pic related.
But why is every other board allowed to do it? Are the marketers complaining that their threads are being pushed to page 10?

>I never see these threads get deleted

There are trashcans everywhere in >>700520 and >>700542 indicating that the threads are in fact deleted regularly.
/sp/artan here, this debate spans the whole website.
Only other board I browse is /co/ and they do a pretty good containing meme threads to shitty Caturday threads and Legion of Doom threads.

And those threads do a good job staying just enough on-topic to not be pruned, unlike feminism threads.
Well there's the issue, they go to /v/ because there are no fucking mods.
Also, I like that idea but do you have proof?
also fuck you, more often than not they actually talk about vidya in that thread

Like most of our banners, right?
Not really
Most of the time it's just 'my life sucks and i lost control of it'

I don't know or care but I am glad it's happening. Sick of reading the same shitty jokes every day for months on end.


>more often than not they actually talk about vidya in that thread
So they don't even need the thread seeing as the entire board is built for that purpose.
Then all they need to do is give /v/ mods it seems.
>le viral conspiracy

always gotta have a strawman to blame your problems on, huh? not the fact that they are a shitty unpopular thread?
Last I remember that's not how it usually went down, though you're probably right, sorry for being a cunt 'bout it.
/v/ really is just /b/ 2.0 isn't it?
You really don't get the concept of a report button, do you?
Pretty much
I just go to /vr/ for legitimate video game discussion
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>it's already deleted
Because everybody else embraces their muhmuh but /v/
/sp/ is one of the better threads because they embrace their nonsense. They dont take it too seriously

He just a mad retard who want to see big red ban word in those thread.
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Holy shit, this feels just like /mlp/'s revolt.
Now we're gonna get tons of /v/ threads complaining about strict mods and MUH KULTURE!
It's exactly the same thing.
Good fuck off to /b/. I actually want vidya discussion, not your cancer.

People still post about vidya in 4am threads. It usually goes like this these days

>posts about clockwork and ironic shitposting
>people talking about what games they played until 404

the worst part about 4am is that the people that don't like the threads spam them with le meem xD type of shit.
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>b-but muh /b/2.0!
It's just people spamming clop to piss off scruffy.
Everyone hates his ass.

Here's an idea. How about you make a thread that goes something like "What are you guys playing tonight? I'm playing this..."
and that's why they get deleted
Not even once.
I'm for video games, though.You can fuck off to some other shithole for your culture cancer.

>browses /mlp/
>uses /co/ reaction image

You are worse than anything that /v/ can possibly come up with

You are worse than
I totally agree with you, I was trying to make fun of those faggots shitting up /v/.
Hey here's an idea, instead of banning the threads, why not ban the shitposters who don't get banned for FUCKING SHITPOSTING IN THE GODDAMN THREAD.
Whenever you post a pony outside /mlp/ people throw a bitch fit.
I don't blame him.
Who is scruffy
Good, you are a comrade. I just want video games so badly.
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/mlp/ decided to name their janitor scruffy.

Really, I'm disappointed by the originality of it.
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Our janitor.
Think about it. Late-night /v/ could have generals dedicated to obscure games that daytime /v/ doesn't discuss.

>Don't like what you see?
>Blame Reddit!

Do other boards get such a rage boner over Reddit or is it just /v/?
Funny enough, it used to be that way. Somehow it got worse than day-time /v/.
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I'm pretty sure it's just /v/ that hates reddit.
I'm pretty fine with the site as long as you stay away from the more popular sub reddits
Obviously I mean general that don't need to be quarantined to /vg/. Having a Legacy of Kain general once in a while isn't nearly equal to the cancer of Starcraft generals.
Space dicks?

>You are worse than

THAN WHAT? Don't leave me hanging.
Also, I'm talking about from /q/ experience mostly, I browse this board a lot and I've seen a shit-ton of /mlp/ complain threads, plus /sp/ is going down the same road.
>UNoriginality of it.

auto correct is weird.

Don't call it a general, that is the trap. Just call it a Legacy of Kain thread.
You know what i mean
True enough. I mean, that's how Dark Souls threads get started up on /v/ without descending into faggorty, they just beging as newbies asking for help on builds or lore discussion..
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>Having a Legacy of Kain general once in a while
Then it's not a "general" thread.

The purpose of /vg/ was to get those constant 24/7 "general" threads (ie Starcraft 2, LoL, TF2 trading, etc) that were constantly choking up /v/'s front page off there so it could have some breathing room again.

People just went into full retard mode during the split, though.

People will still make bait general threads so people will hate it.
That's how it goes in /v/ back then and it also still happen in /vg/.
Once again, doge imparts great wisdom upon me

[spoiler]Also, should doge be banned for off topic nonsense?[/spoiler].

Yes, if the thread is about doge.
It it's "once in a while" it's not a general. It's just a Legacy of Kain thread.

There's no need to tack on the word general to any thread about a specific game. Doing so will only incite people to tell you to fuck off to /vg/.
b-b-but dumping porn in threads is culture! It's been like that since I came in 2011!
/v/ is just a bunch of angry sweaty nerds yelling at each other over console wars and a few people discussing video games.
The angry nerds are the b8 takers and instigate those kinds of post cause people get enjoyment out of pissing people off.
You've obviously missed all the off topic Touhou and iDOLM@STAR threads devolving into waifu nonsense.
i'm pretty sure everyone hates reddit though
we all agree that they have shit opinion
I have been staying off /v/ and been chilling mostly on /mlp/ atm.
/mlp/ seems to be getting worse with more shitposting then ever though.
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too bad this banner never made it. It'd be fun to see it alongside this
>likes MLP
>Goes on /v/
You will obviously not have an enjoyable time.
Especially with ponies being troll bait for a good year
In all fairness most threads devolve into waifu discussion. Even Sonic: Lost Worlds threads end up circle jerking that green bitch.
>/mlp/ seems to be getting worse with more shitposting then ever though
Now, what could possibly be the cause of that?

Lack of moderation maybe? Oh, wait...

It seems like moot has decided to purge the site for some reason.
I thought /mlp/ was the only board that was getting it, but this madness is site-wide.

Those 2 go on /jp/.
Thank god the mods are deleting this shit. Maybe you faggots could try actually discussing video games now.
Have an archive link
Not like I post them on /v/.
I can keep interest separate unlike other that need to crossover every thing with mlp.
Although I did take a ss of my engy set to piss some nerd off.
Does not help that Lauren Faust (created this gen of the show) came to visit us like she does sometimes and nerds from ponychan and other sites got ass mad and through a fit on her twitter about her not coming to visit them. Now they sit on /mlp/ and post retarded shit. And now everyone just argues an ass ton even by 4chan standards and say go back to ponychan.
I didn't think an uprise in shit posting was an epidemic effecting most of 4chan cause I only browse really 2 boards.

It is summer and Lauren Faust (We love her) brought a tide of autist with her to /mlp/.
moot said 4am threads were okay so I don't see why the anon was banned. All the while you have all this console war shit on the front page and the mods do nothing about it. Kill yourselves /v/ mods.

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