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For the first time in over 5 years, we're running two Contests—one for new Rotating Banners, and the other for our House Ads.

Thanks in advance to everyone who submits banners!

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Hello moot.

Over on [s4s], me and a lot of the guys have been making newspapers devoted to [s4s] culture. The picture attached is only one of the many papers that circulate [s4s]. We have an interview column in the s4s Tribune. It is lighthearted, and has little to do with reality. Just for laughs. We would be honored to have you on our interview column, even if it's just for a few dozen words. I hope you would consider contributing to [s4s] culture by accepting this interview request while /b/ continues it's painfully slow death.

We love you more than you can ever know.
this would really be awesome if he did one.
>>650204 (OP)
I'd pay a set of doubles for THAT.
/s4s/ is better than /b/ at this point.
/s4s/ was better than /b/ the day it was made.

It would, and he might, just be patient. If anything try going on # 4chan and asking a mod if they can ask moot to respond, they're looking at the banner stuff at the moment i think. And moot is currently online

I hope he gives you guys one. Looks like your little paper has come a long way.
Actually, this paper just started. There's been atleast 5 different papers, and even a few audio broadcasts.
Id' say that at this point s4s is one of the best boards ever.
And I say that as someone who almost never goes to /s4s/.
But the pure random creativity of it always captivates me.
Maybe I should start going to it...
>>650204 (OP)
/s4s/ - 4chan's "The Onion"

I love what you all have done with the place. Congratulations on the best board in the history of 4chan.
You guys used to have the daily kek remember?

not sure what this one is
Wasn't me. Unless you're referring to [s4s] collectively. I like to think of [s4s] as much less collective than /b/. We're very individual, and lots of namefigs and such, ya know.


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