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File: 1372909035758.jpg-(45 KB, 728x270, ads.jpg)
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Still looking for an answer.

Why are so many house ads being shown compared to my ads? Aren't they supposed to run only when there are no other ads to pull up? Seems like I'm getting very little exposure.
What board are the ads supposed to show up?

One ad is exclusive to /f/, the other two are on all boards.
found it after 10 refreshes
the other two probably used up 80k hits
File: 1372909862490.png-(75 KB, 933x311, Untitled.png)
75 KB
durr forgot the image

The other two are at 2% active impressions delivered.

And to clarify, I know the ads are being shown, but I just want to know why there's so many house ads that it's fighting for attention with.
he wants more advertisers I guess

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