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What's the point of the appeal process if a mod won't even look at your appeal? A better question is, why are you allowing the same mods who banned you to review your appeal?

It's absolutely ridiculous. I didn't realize we had Judge Dredds running around.

The /sp/ mod is doing this on purpose, I bet. It's the same one who bans everyone for /sp/-related banter (i.e. FUN) threads.

We've been complaining about the /sp/ mod forever. It's one thing to be a cunt when banning, it's another thing to disregard the appeal process entirely.

tl;dr mods shouldn't be reviewing their own bans; mods should review appeals in a timely manner.

Moderator Reply: >>576409
>>576157 (OP)
I don't feel any sympathy for /sp/ getting Nazi moderation. The board got completely out of control and deserved the full wrath of the mods brought on them.
>ignoring the appeals process entirely
>biased approach to reviewing appeals
>mods running around in a perpetual grudge match

Yeah, modern 4chan in a nutshell
You could argue about the ban length all day and whether it was justified, but OP's appeal was very whiny and clearly trying to defend shitposting.
Could people please stop fucking the word "bias" in the ass?
>tfw you get banned for 42 days on /p/ every time
lets see the post.
>tfw banned from all boards for 3 days for posting my opinion

>tfw post in autistic art thread, get message that can't post because Mod is waiting to review a janitors appeal to ban me
>don't get banned anyway

Suck it /vp/ janitors
>>576157 (OP)
there are no rules for moderation. suck it up.
>>576157 (OP)
Haha eat dick, shit poster.
>>576157 (OP)
You have 23 bans and were warned, several times I might add, to stop shitposting on /sp/. You continued to shitpost on /sp/ and got banned for it. I don't see any "bias" here, you deserve the ban you got and your appeal won't be accepted.

Also, here is an example of one of the A+ threads you got banned for:
Please post more in /q/. It's supposed to be a board that facilitates interaction with the staff, not just a containment board for people to whine about shit they don't understand and present biased evidence of power abuse from the new feminazi liberal janitors.

oh dear, OP confirmed for buttdevastated
OP Told Status

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>new feminazi liberal janitors.

>>576157 (OP)
Inter-board posts designed for fun are bad threads, and you should feel bad for posting them.
It's true though, nice try.
I request that you lock more ban whining threads. It's not 4chan discussion and deserves the same treatment as the other topics choking up /q/, like "ban Australians" and thread reporting.

But they are bad! Moot said Chans shouldn't be archived as it lenghten the life of thread that shouldn't!
What is this sorceryyyyyy?

moot also hates IRC, yet plenty of mods use that.
I think that 23 bans it's been more than long enough for a permaban
And boom gos the dynamite.

>You have 23 bans and were warned
>23 bans

For some people it truly is a biological imperative to shitpost.

Something about the image in his post tells me than a ban of any length won't do any good.

Something about the fact that he's currently banned from every board, but managed to make this post complaining about the fact that he's currently banned from every board.
/q/uality /q/ moderation -- publicly banning and locking a thread because an underage user posted their age, but not publicly banning or even locking one of a trillion ban whining threads.

Keep it up, mods. You're rockstars. Those underageb&s won't know what hit 'em!
I doesn't matter either way. Enjoy being butthurt
testing if I'm not banned any more
based mods taking down shitposters
Yeah, if I can recall correctly, And I'm pretty sure I can't, when we had the janitor applications not too long ago, one of the requirements was that you could go on the IRC channel.
>>576157 (OP)
4chan isn't a professorial environment. Expect bias and expect a lot of it. Bias is the only reason we still have to put up with weeaboos and their annoying bullshit.

>hey bobby how was school today
>aww gee pretty good ma, I got a C in Pre-Algebra
>thats nice, what else did you do son?
>well I e-sucked a mods dick on 4chan
>>576157 (OP)
The appeals process exists for accidental bans, such as wiping out 50 spam posts in a thread and banning an innocent poster along with them.

On-topic posts are, in fact, more important than fun. Furthermore, your idea of fun is not actually fun. It's shit. SHIT. You're not actually having fun. You're just too stupid to realize it.
>Redirects someone to /pol/
>not butthurt

How about you stop dismissing everyone as "whining" and maybe people'll listen to you
>>576157 (OP)
>Appealing your bans

Just change your IP idiot. Mods can't do shit!
Go fuck yourself you neurotic cunt. I'll fuck you up in real life, cunt. Where you at, bitch?
Have fun trying to be on 4chan while on the lam.


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