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Last weekend we conducted 4chan PMQ/Q&A #3, with 1400 people contributing 4500 posts over 22 hours. I managed to spend the better part of a day answering as many questions as possible—thread here.
Since loading large threads can be a bit of a pain on slower computers, you can also see my replies from the /q/ index (hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks).

Thanks to everyone who asked questions and participated!

Signed up for Snapchat as "MOOTCHAT"—can't wait for the torrent of dick pix!

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What would happen to this website if moot were to go to jail for an unspecified amount of time? What will happen to it in 50-60 years when moot dies of old age, outgrows the site, and/or moves to China where 4chan is not allowed?
Ownership of the site goes to moot's mother if there's no moot.
A better question is what would happen to 4chan is moot became a little girl?
I wonder what moot's mom as our admin would actually be like.
She spends 5 seconds tending to the site. Everybody gets banned for life.

OP, the simple answer is that someone must fashion a moot skin-suit, and take up his place.
Convince her to hand it over to Snacks regardless of her son's wishes.
We'd all have to meet up and have council on what to do with him/her.
>>606508 (OP)
It would be shut down. Nobody can take moot's place. moot is 4chan.
Then? 4chan dies. I can remember reading in one of the Q&A's that Moot doesn't have any plans for a successor.
No back-up plan or anything?
We obviously go to Reddit.
No backup plan whatsoever. Moot is currently the only admin. If he were to die right now, his mother would get ownership but we have no idea what she would do with it.
Probably do the respectful thing and protect her son's legacy and shut it down. I would not blame her for it at all.
>>606508 (OP)
The whole site would collapse all together
To be honest, I'd think that some of the managers (top mods) would work out a deal, and go from there.
Well hopefully I will be dead in 60 years from now. No way I wanna be a crusty old man who shits his pants because I can't walk to the toilet in time.
We need to find moot a gf. One who can lead us, once Spooklumnati gets him.
moot has already said he has beneficiaries to his site if he somehow expires or is rendered unable to manage the site any longer.
Go to another chan
Also OP 4chan isn't blocked in china
What if Moot Kurt Cobains and opts out?
As far as what the site will be like in 50-60 years the internet will probably evolve so much it wouldn't even be the same thing as we know it.
moot can only die when another potential moot kills him. In the event this happens that moot becomes the next moot and must fulfill his duties.

>Make a site where people can post what they want while respecting the Law and reporting illegal content
>People still act like he's being ravaged by the man at every turn.
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>when moot dies of old age
Don't worry, the only way a Time Lord can die is if he's killed between regenerations or if he runs out of regenerative energy.

Either way, he's bound to outlive us by a longshot


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