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File: 1365967051517.gif-(13 KB, 450x450, teach the controversy.gif)
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Can we ban atheists from /pol/?
What's so controversial about dinosaur bones?
Yes, lets make /pol/ even worse.
Isn't /pol/ big on free speech or free spinach or something? And now you want to ban atheists?
The atheism+ cyber brigades are no better than SRS feminazis truth be told, but OP needs to grow a thicker skin.
As always free speech ends where /pol/'s feelings are hurt. /pol/ has become 4chan's equivalent to reddit's social justice board. /pol/ wants to censor everything that doesn't fit in its doctrine. They want to ban anything that isn't "politically incorrect".
The Bible says Earth is 6000 years old, science says dinosaur bones are millions of years old.
According to Scientology the earth was populated by aliens from planet Xenu or something like that. Teach the controversy!
>>550301 (OP)
Can we ban /pol/?
Making 10+ troll bait threads a day isn't good for the board. This needs to apply for all /r9k/ and /b/-tier threads on /pol/. Also those "I am new to /pol/, redpill me" are just as bad. I remember when the news threads weren't the most quality ones on /pol/.
Seems legit bro.
>>550301 (OP)
>can we ban jews from pol
>can we ban liberals from pol
>can we use moot's magic anti-butthurt wand to ban everyone who doesn't agree with me
I actually had to filter atheist in the comment field for OPs today. Get these faggots back to their home boards
It's true, try it out. Try to say anything politically correct and instantly you'll have a bunch of whining /pol/ kids telling you that you have to be politically incorrect on 4chan.
No pro-/pol/ user wants to ban any person from /pol/ (aside from shitposters, spammers, etc). These threads are just false-flags. Seriously.
I'm from /pol/ and you're full of shit, but keep whining.
Did I hit a nerve? Does it hurt your feelings when someone on 4chan doesn't share your edgy pseudo-racism?
Not really, just find it silly you're bitching over the entire site not being your personal hugbox, just like OP. You guys should blanda up.
Yes, because /pol/ is just one person.

PROTIP: /pol/ is a huge collection of individuals each with their own different views, including on free speech. Chances are, the /pol/ster here trying to get atheism banned is probably not one of the /pol/sters who chant "free speech" whenever someone makes an umpteenth thread about deleting /pol/.

And that being said, OP is a faggot and censoring atheism is retarded. And if he actually is one of those people who claims "free speech" in defense of /pol/, he's a giant hypocrite too.
That has to be hands down the stupidest idea ever.
/pol/ is about free speech, no matter the cost.
Or that's what was claimed to be, that's why I was on /pol/'s side on /q/ most of the time.
We need free speech
A /b/ invasion is not free speech, it's /b/ speech
That means absolutely nothing at all.
I could demand that all white race supremacy and holocaust denial banned, because that's not free speech, that's stormfag speech. An invasion of stromfags is not free speech.
And soon, after that there would be no "free speech" on /pol/ any more.
So stop getting your feelings hurt, or go back to whatever site you were before.
>A /b/ invasion is not free speech, it's /b/ speech
>Hate speech is not free speech, it's hate speech
Fixed that for you. Report the blatant shitposting, hide the thread, carry on with your usual browsing routine.
This is /b/ speech
Zero content troll spam
Why the fuck does it exist? I keep reporting it and nothing happens.
You're forgetting the step where you hide the threads after reporting and carry on.
Same here .Fuck, I even made a filter to filter it out but it dosn't solve the issue of the spammers spamming.
butthurt gaytheist detected.

does my faith anger you, atheist?
This thread doesn't reflect the average /pol/itician. We want free speech.
I want this to stop being a problem. Immediately.
Impossibru bro. By giving shitposters attention you're only going against your own cause willingly. It's not rocket science: report, hide, move on. Nothing else you can do, unless you like raging in front of your monitor for shit and giggles.


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