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What was your favorite year on 4chan?
The great truth that no one wants to accept is: while 4chan evolves, it doesn't really change. Many claim it is "shittier than it used to be", but in reality, the user has become cynical and burned out.
How long have you been here?

Original commmhdervcment
Yeah, that's cool and all.

But what's your favorite year?
Not true at all

I've been here since 2008 and I can honestly say it's been going downhill pretty fast since 2011 or 2012. The constant discussion of reddit, constant ironic shitposting, constant use of the word 'edgy', influx of people who complain about racism and sexual deviancy, and excessive feelshit is all stuff that's emerged in the last year or two and has irreversibly fucked up 4chan.

I think 2009 and 2011 were the best years for 4chan in the time I've been here.
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>>617259 (OP)
ten and eleven was ok. everything post has been
pic related.

Never noticed reddit in 2011 to be honest.

>Constant ironic shitposting
As someone that spent 8 hours a day on /b/ everyday for a whole month, i can say that in 2010, there was no Ironic shitposting on /b/ hardly shitposting vs idiots, and rehashed threads, there were some good ones 2010 and 2011 on /b/ but meh... thus far I've been on several boards and The ones I'm on haven't had to much shitposting to be honest.

/ck/ /vr/ /q/ /s4s/ /co/ /lgbt/ /pol/ and maybe /v/ but i just jump in and see how things are vs staying for hours.

so yeah, hard to say really.

Maybe I'm just on at good times.

no to say /pol/ and /q/ doesn't have shitposting its just that shitposters complaining is to be expect on those two boards.
Pre-2009, >Greentexting, >Implications, and >MFW were virtually non-existent.

In my opinion, >greentexting forever changed the face of 4chan. And not for the better. If anything, the majority of posts that use it are borderline shitposting.
For /b/: 2005-early 2006
For the other boards: early 2007-summer 2008
Overall: 2007 maybe

This is true. In retrospect 2009, 2010 and even 2011 still had a lot of enjoyable moments.
I kinda miss the 90's. That was the true golden age.

When it didn't exist.
My first two months
I miss being able to laugh at things being reposted for years
wow 2007?

really, why was that the best year.
As an /a/ user that was the most fun.

Death Note
Haruhi was still discussed regularly
Rozen Maiden had just ended, but the fanbase was still huge.
/b/ still talked about anime and sports
I could just have easily said late 2005, early 2008 or early 2006. All for different reasons.

I only started posting regularly in mid 08 though.
2007 was an interesting year all around, for just about all the reasons >>617356 listed.

It's a shame, though. I don't browse /a/ anymore honestly because it became too much effort to keep up with that board.
This is very true.

It feels like it was a pretty huge decline in effort. Even greentext stories betray posters being too lazy to type in real paragraphs.
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Just a quick question.

Have any of you been around since 2003? I've seen everyone say 2008, 2007, 2009, but I don't think I've ever talked to someone on 4chan who has been here earlier than 2005.
I've only seen 2011, 2012, and all of this year.

I'm deeply ashamed.

Still though, I think I liked 2011 best. There was certainly less ironic shitposting and crap about reddit. And people also didn't use autistic or edgy as far as I remember.
The word autist became pretty popular near summer 2010 IIRC
2006 was the best year of 4chan that I personally experienced, and I was only there for half of it. 2007 was a huge decline, but still awesome compared to what was to come. 2008-2011 was a steep slope heading downwards into a giant ocean of shit. The first half of 2012 was really bad too, but somewhere around the second half we started to pull out of that nosedive. 2012 pt. 2 and 2013 so far have seen the quality go up, which gives me hope that maybe we're starting to climb out of the mud pit.
I was "aware" of 4chan in 2003, but I didn't actually start lurking until 2005. So meh, and I can confirm the 2007 was the best year.
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According to the unix time stamp on this image, I've been browsing 4chan (or at least /b/) since late '04. I don't think I started actively posting 'till '05, but I was definitely lurking.

There are really only a 5 things that have changed, at least to me.

1) Post quality e.g: >mfw, >tfw no gf, >implying
2) Post speed
3) Thread quality
4) General interest in anime
5) Quality of moderation (this is both a good and bad thing)

2008 is when I stopped browsing /b/, not long after the "operation chanology" bullshit. I think that's when 4chan started dying; we got too much media attention. I think the year that /b/ officially became overrun with cancer is 2012. Even in 2011 you would see people get angry over even minor things, like a tumblr filename. These days, you'll see people directly using reddit memes with no backlash by users. (to be clear, I am not condoning ironic reddit shitposting)

Personally I enjoyed '06 the most, mainly because I loved the speed at which people posted. Not too many, not too little. The goldilocks year of 4chan, if you will.
2007 was when 4chan started to get a certain level of notoriety and people started flooding in. It was at the height of raids, the "we r anonymoose" was a joke, boards stayed on topic (see /v/), there was all kinds of mod drama and shitstorms as people tried to deal with the userbase suddenly increasing tenfold. 2007 was pretty much the year when the culture completely changed and never went back. I remember thinking camwhores, highschoolers asking people to prank call their bullies, WHEN I WAS, etc. would be the worst things would get. Then Project Chanology happened, boards started to get more off topic from constant /b/ raids and infestation, endless spam, advice dog and rage comics turned memes into a cheap, interchangeable copypasting format, tripcodes became completely taboo because of an endless stream of insufferable faggots, >implying... After a while I stopped caring about quality. Nowadays memespamming/greentexting/shitposting is pretty much a requirement, and even then you're still a summerfag from reddit.
>one does not simply meme
Holy shit 4chan was cancerous meme-spouting reddit shit for longer than I thought.

If anyone wants a look at the ancient 4chan ruins, here:

/b/ is the only board link that works, and many of the pages (3-11, 15 and 22-) aren't archived, nor are the majority of the images. But a few things of note:

.>Most posters use names/tripcodes
.>seems to operate more like futaba: only the OP can post an image, the rest are text comments.
.>Proves the statement "/b/ was never good"

Also, here's an old /q/ thread on the subject:
>Holy shit 4chan was cancerous meme-spouting reddit shit for longer than I thought
Protip: 4chan was always that way, and it only became a bad thing once retards such as yourself realized "memes" were becoming popular outside 4chan and fixed your insecure attention on sites like reddit.
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I've been here since Jan 2009 which I know doesn't sound like a long time, but in just two years I'll be able to say I've been on 4chan half its existence

Anyway I'll have to say last year
/pol/ was truly great when there was so much political news and numerous debates to have fun with
Can't wait till the next presidential primaries
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>UNIX timestamp
...do you have any idea how easy those are to fake?
>it only became a bad thing once retards such as yourself realized "memes" were becoming popular outside 4chan
I think the problem is rather the people constantly spewing the same set of 5 memes since 2008.
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Hello sir. I was wondering deeply today. I saw your post randomly as random 3 on 4chan homepage. I agree with you....
I'm getting old now. I was early 20s in 04. so that makes me old now. So then I think 10 years ago. shit im still here, so I think. 10 years from now? will I still be here? Where else does one feel at home and to go at rage. to go on tilt you might say. to go ape shit crazy and go what the fuck world is this we are in, on shit look 4chan we are in this world fucking rageeeeeeeeee
and then the jews get into your mind and you see you are a slave in a shitty world that really should have been liberated 100 years ago at least with free energy from tesla.
So my fellow anon poster, or anyone. I ask. Where will be we 10 years from now? Are people waking up, will their be a revolution worthy of galactic news. Will we ever lay down arms and produce not for profit but for benefit of mankind. Why is their an evil. What the fuck...

I don't want to be on 4chan 10 years from now because mostly it will be meaning the world is still shit , but if i am here, i also do not mind. Why are we here? What is this place and why a place like 4chan is needed. Because this is the site the internet deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So, we'll troll and bash it, because 4chan can take it. Because anon is not our hero. It's a silent guardian. A watchful protector. A Dark Knight.
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Dude, what the fuck are you even going on about.
>retards such as yourself
no bully pls

I was joking, if you couldn't tell.
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yah sorry about that im totally blitz on some bubble hash. But you get my point. Right?
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage?

Where am I anyways...
I couldn't. /q/ makes it very difficult to tell.
i'm guessing maybe you are also under 23 of age if not 19 or less. maybe also have not been 'redpilled' yet of the world and how fucked it be.

All this shit about reddit this fucking srs fucking shit fucking WHO CARES fucking shit i hate when people bring it up. The jews man the jews...
any time before 2006 was the best time
when moot started adding boards like /sp/ it was all over
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2003 threads in /b/ 911
Inside job, Zionists.
Tis when my head explode.
I remember posting on gamefaqs in 2005, and everybody thought /b/ and 4chan was this crazy place, full of gore and other stuff.

look at it now, how ironic considering /b/'s name that it's the most predictable and boring board on the site.
>everybody thought /b/ and 4chan was this crazy place, full of gore and other stuff.

and then there were the people who actually knew this was true. Because they visited the board and it was cutting edge shit.

It's not 4chans fault or anything bad, it is just the dynamic nature of things moving forward. You can't bottle up that moment of time and make it last forever. you can just appreciate the fact you were here early and some people made a kiddie pool closed for the day. I said pools closed nigga.
I found this place in 2007 and never really posted on it. Of course I was a frequenter of /b/, then around 2009 I ventured out onto /sp/.

So far the early years in 07-08 was pretty decent on /b/ (Despite /b/ is dead) , but I think without a doubt /sp/ was the best board on 4chan in 10-11. I mean it was pretty funny, there was decent content on /sp/ that actually pertained to sports, and the board seemed united in solidarity against the /mu/ and /a/ menace.

Plus, the whole meme backlash didn't really get too bad. Plus buzzwords like buzzword, autism, aspie etc weren't too bad.

2012 the board started flying off da railz, but i still thought it was fun, but by 2013 its become more apparent that angry people and trolls have taken over and the influx of moderation is really confusing people as to what this place is about.

I know no one will read this, but overall I think 4chan has finally gone in a very strange direction with all these mods.
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>I know no one will read this

I read it! Good post!

th-thanks u too
I heard of 4chan as early as mid-2005, where I knew of it as "that place where the trolling and raids come from" (basically at the time "4chan" WAS "/b/" to outsiders), but didn't visit until 2007ish, when I noticed the porn boards as being a pretty awesome source of dynamic content. I didn't post until probably 2008.

I really didn't feel comfortable browsing /b/ until Firefox added the private browsing mode in 3.5, so probably late 2009. Now, zero fucks given. Occasional /b/tard since then (for a few weeks, get sick of it, leave for 6 months, come back).

But, since /vr/ was added, I've been glued to >>>/vr/catalog. I've been watching /q/ for about as long to see what the general mood is about /vr/.

/vr/ is pretty cool, aside from the grumpy people, that board is nice to have a good on topic discussion or reminisce about old shit.
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>>617259 (OP)
None, /b/ was always full of shit.
I didn't ask what year was good, I asked you what was your favorite.

Stop being such a turbonerd.
2006 was pretty good.

You know... I kinda miss the WHEN I WAS forced meme bullshit. I still remember the filename gerard_way_mcr.jpg or something like that.
how do we celebrate the birthday of 4chan? troll someone? another William J Lashua's Birthday Party? (or in kind)
Well, first we find Moot's address.

And I'm not sure what to do for the second part, but as long as we get that first part figured out, I'm sure the rest will come together.
2001 was teh best
i started browsing 4chan late 2006~2007 but never posted until 2012

i mainly broswed /a/ and /b/ since i was big into anime, i think the best year was from 2007 to early 2010 because of haruhi, rozen maiden, the rise of touhou and the subsequent /jp/ split

the first years of /jp/ were some of the best times ive ever had on this site and ill never forget them

these days i just browse /v/ for hours on end and ocassionally /a/, /jp/ since im not into touhou or anime anymore, but still look back on it with a hint melancholy

i would kill to go back in time to witness again the /a/ split
I know where he lives.

I just haven't gone to his apartment yet.
2008 was pretty good.

2009 on the other side was the worst year for /a/ and since it is my motherland it was a pretty shit year for me too.
10 anniversary is coming up.

Now's the chance.
Was 2008 or 2009 the year that /CODE GEASS/ happened?

Because Code Geass was like a fire. It was pretty to look at, but it left /a/ in a smoldering ruin afterwards.


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