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I'm currently holding our third 4chan PMQ/Q&A session, where 4channers have the opportunity to ask me questions tar and feather me. The thread can be found here.

tl;dr: I am hanging out and answering questions (anything and everything) from 4channers for the next few hours. Don't know what a 4chan PMQ/Q&A session is? Learn more here.

Welcome to our third installment of 4chan PMQs/Q&A! Don't know what 4chan PMQs are? They're detailed towards the end of this news post: http://www.4chan.org/news#106

A few notes:

-You can ask me anything you'd like. 4chan, personal, whatever.
-People have gotten annoyed in the past that I haven't answered their long questions. Straight up -- I will not write extremely long answers. Why? Because this thread will likely receive thousands of posts, and it would take me weeks to answer them all. I tend to choose questions that I can answer in a few sentences, so I can answer as many questions as possible.
-This time around I might use Vocaroo for longer responses. I am much quicker to verbalize my thoughts than I am to write them out, because I wordsmith my writing like a motherfucker.
-I will only be answering questions posted in *this* thread. Please do not ask me about questions submitted via e-mail, IM, or in another /q/ thread. If you want it answered, repost it here.
-I'll be hanging around for at least 4-5 hours. I tend to answer 20+ questions at a time, so if you don't see a reply from me for ~15 minutes, I'm probably answering a big batch, or writing a longer response.

The best questions are ones that will be useful to more than just yourself. Examples of these would include feature suggestions, bug reports, board requests, rule clarification, etc. Examples of shitty questions are "Can you read my ban appeal?" (No) and "fakk u suk my dick!!!!1" (Yes).

Other tips:

-This thread will likely get huge, so I'd suggest the following if you want to read my replies...
1) Click my name to highlight all of my posts in the thread. Protip: You can do this on any board with IDs, and always on capcoded posts.
2) From the board index, hover over the "Administrator Replies" quotelinks. I usually quote the question I'm answering, so you should be able to read all of my responses from the board index.

Let the tarring and feathering commence!

Administrator Replies: >>590846 >>591447 >>591726 >>591905 >>592027 >>592183 >>592350 >>592584 >>592789 >>592989 >>593102 >>593339 >>593422 >>593695 >>593708 >>594039 >>594181 >>594394
Closing until ~8:00PM ET...
In case you weren't around for the last two PMQs, here is a quick summary.

>Will you add a board for...?

>Will you add IDs to other boards?

>X should be allowed on board Y!

>You should add [feature] for people who bought a Pass!

I don't suspect moot's responses to these questions/demands will be any different this time around, so try not to spam the thread with them.
What's wrong with late night, off topic threads on /sp/? There are no sports on and it's only Americans posting.
Hi moot.
What are your current favorite boards?
And if the answer would be different, what are the boards you find yourself browsing the most?
fakk u suk my dick!!!!1
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Will you streamline the banner submission/adding process so we may get a better circulation? There's been some seriously good proposals over the months and it's a shame we only got a single batch in last time.

Are there any plans for /jp/ besides being a moat, specially now that /a/ has welcomed a lot of things that were originally meant for /jp/ only?

What do you think the stance for board culture will be in the future? A further push into moderation following the rules to define each board by topic, or giving into the idea of each board being separate userbases and treating each as a nation state of sorts with a microcosms of threads instead of just their initial designation?

As a side note, thanks for the last year or so of increased attention and effort. It's good you still care deeply about the site and I'm glad to still be here. Really can't find this anywhere else and I appreciate having this constant over the last seven years.
Hello moot. So as a fairly long time user of /b/, seeing the typical posts over the last few months has honestly been sickening. 50% of the board acts like (and are most likely) 12 year olds. From the use of rage comics and "memes" to copypasta, /b/ is in the worst state it's ever been in by far in terms of cancer. And for those of you saying /b/ was always shit, this is a new level and a different of shit. But it isn't really the fact that this newfaggary and cancer is being posted, it's that it's becoming allowed. When people used to make posts like that they were often called out, but due to the influx of underage idiots its becoming accepted. I think this shitposting should be a bannable offense, when you see this bullshit posted you report the user and they're given a ban of generous length. It sends a message and will hopefully improve the quality of the board. Thanks for your time.
What are your thoughts on the current state of /v/ and have you considered adding /pc/ as a board for PC gaming?
who is your favorite infinite stratos?
Hi Moot. Thanks for doing this.

Could you please remove the mods and janitors from /sp/ and give it back to the users. It was once the best board in the history of 4chan and a board we self-moderated extremely well. It is now almost unpostable on, and not a place anyone but the newest of users enjoy. #freesp
>>590845 (OP)
smilestamp or leave, moots cat pretending to be moot!

more mods for all boards: yes/no?
When was the last time you spoke to shii? Also, why are you such a faggot?
Hi! :D
Hello Mootles, first let me start of by asking you how your day has been, I hope that you have been well. I have got quite a few questions for you I will keep them short, feel free to only answer one or two of them if you want.

Will you ever give us nokosage back, it made things ever so easier idiots feel that sage is some sort of personal insult.

Do you know when you are going to remove the less active boards that you added a while back, or any estimates on when?

What is up with /s4s/ I thought that was going to be an april fools joke?

On that train of thought why do you seem to be making so many changes to the boards and stuff lately when for years it was relatively untouched?

Can we get a more active mod or janitor presence on the /v/ board from the time 3:00 - 6:30 AM? I notice that that is a lawless time, and threads oft 404 at around 6:30.
Actually we need more of a presence in general, I have noticed inconstant moderation throughout the day, but this is just one time I specifically recognize, honestly I would volunteer for this time slot, but I doubt that you would have some random anon from /q/ do it.

Will you ever put the 4chan pass at a price point of 10$ I have been waiting for that price point, I have a strong attachment to my jew golds.

How do you personally feel about archives like foolz?
Any particular reason why /sp/ still has flags?
>>590845 (OP)
>until I fall asleep or jump off a bridge.

Moot, I'm not sure if I'm going to allow you to die. So since I'm not sure, I won't allow it until I decide whether it is in our best interest to allow you to die (equally prioritizing my interests with yours).

I can't disallow you directly but I can influence public policy since I stand not for my interests but the ideal of everyone's interests prioritized equally /and/ I might be willing to risk feeling any amount of pain in order to support such a policy.

Lastly, the funny thing about pain is if you have a clear conscience and you're dedicated to a goal, as idiotic as this may sound, i'm not sure if you can feel pain that will make you waver from your goal.

Share your best idea for why it would be in our collective interest to not allow you to die please.

For my best idea, with the premises not supported correctly, visit http://miii.webs.com/miii.pdf.
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Your favorite video game is Diablo II right?

Do you still play Path of Exile?

What other games have you played lately?
Which Katawa Shoujo girl do you like best?
>>590845 (OP)
Hi, moot! Which do you like best, regular or frosted cornflakes?
>>590845 (OP)

Here I am F5ing with a question I've been wondering about for the past few days. M00t, I want to know if as a 4chan pass holder, I can construct a cURL script or

something similar without catching an autoban. I'm asking you first because on a couple occasions I've inadvertantly caught a ban for posting a link or something that

I didn't know was forbidden. Additionally, I personally think you should reincorporate a few word filters for the lulz, i.e. the words "roll" or "ask .* anything". Of

course that's me being a tard nazi, so I don't expect you to respond to this portion.
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>>590845 (OP)
Why aren't you with your Mother?

If you are, how is she? Did you get her a nice gift?
Why specifically do you not want to reduce /q/'s post cooldown back to 60 seconds after this Q&A is over?
Have you ever been depressed? If so, what did you do about it?
Hey m00t! i was wondering what boards you usually lurk or post anonymously on(if any) thanks in advance
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Moot fix nokosage already

Also I think something needs to be done about asshats who make the same threads word for word over and over and over on every board.
Even if it's board related it's always the same exact shit day in and day out. There needs to be a specific rule or just put it under spamming.

Pic related, although I see it happen on other boards too. It's just obnoxious and makes browsing the board boring when it's the same threads all the fucking time.
I've got multiple questions all at once, their pretty quick to answer I think but there's just a bit more of them.

Are you in dept or making a profit with 4Chan? If you're making a profit is it enough for you to make a living?
What is the highest depth 4Chan has ever given you?
Do you have a list of your most favourite threads? If so please post.
What is the most controversial topic that the mainstream media posted about 4Chan that you know about?
Have you ever been in contact with either local or national authorities like the FBI, CIA or any other countries agencies?
What hardware is the server running on?
How old is the server software? (since the last major update changing the back-end system)
How many times have you abused your admin powers by banning someone just for fun?
How many DDos's has 4Chan got?

How many IRL friends did you make via 4Chan?
Do you have any pets?
What kind of shows do you watch on TV (if any)
Have you ever actually raged on anything someone said on 4Chan in general or directly against you?
Do you have any connections with Anonymous?
Do you fap on traps?
Have you ever gotten into a fight over something on 4Chan with anyone?
Do you enjoy beer or hard liquor (if you drink)?
What is your favourite snack?

Thanks for your time. ~Anon
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hi moot, how are you? is this where all the 4chan pass money is going to? your fancy hotel suites and designer clothing?
>>590845 (OP)
Do you think that the potential "normalization" of 4chan is a bad thing?
Why would you start this right before game of thrones?!

I'm so conflicted right now!!
>>590845 (OP)
Hey Moot, how is Canv.as doing?
When will /jp/ be deleted?
What is it exactly that motiviates you to keep this site running? It just seems more trouble than it's worth at this point.
Don't get me wrong, I don't want to see 4chan disappear off of the web or anything, I'm really just wondering. It must be an unimaginable
pain in the ass to maintain, and it must take up a lot of your time. So what is so good about 4chan that makes you want to keep it???
Do you think we'll have an app for IOS sometime.
I hate having to browse in safari.
4chan questions:
Why is /f/ rule #1 still up? It isn't enforced, and in fact MOST flashes uploaded have nothing to do with Japanese culture. Either confirm that it's an unenforced rule, or delete it. Or start enforcing it, but I don't think that's a great idea. Hell, none of the archived flashes really have to do with Japanese culture either.

Why aren't there any tripcodes allowed on /s4s/? It's a shitposting board after all.

Personal questions:
Do you remember why you chose the name "moot"? If so, what made you choose it?

How often do you post anonymously?

Do you still watch animus?
>>590845 (OP)
Would you consider making a VN board, or allowing them on /a/? /jp/ is extremely elitist and will bitch if you try to discuss translated VNs there. I know /vg/ has a thread devoted to VNs, but one most /a/nons are too elitist to step foot in /vg/ and two there are a lot of VNs. Pushing them all into one thread does not work well. I am sure it would be a slower board, but it would make plenty of people happy.
What kind of books do you read ?
What the hell was /fk/
So why did you make the thread an hour before GoT and Mad Men? Is this a conspiracy to take me away from my shows?
What if jesus was a jew?
If substantially more mods and janitors would improve board quality overall, what would you be willing to give up to make that happen?
Hello moot.

Any chance you can tell us why the #clones tripcode was banned? Can you unban it?
Who is your favorite Touhou, moot?
What's happened to that project you were working on?
You're a minute late, moot.
Why are you spending tonight with 4chan instead of spending more time with your mother?
why do you hate /mu/?
Does /pol/ have a janitor?

Are we ever going to get them flags?
Thank you for getting serious with this particular tripfag on /a/, good job. Any plans on banning the people answering to him too?
>>590845 (OP)

Why'd she go? I don't know she wouldn't say.
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I think your new /tv/ rules are vague and fruitless. With ban evaders and the persistent nature of waifu posters they aren't creating the desired effect. Rather they are creating more problems and shitposting (aka more complaining about the rules/waifufags).

There's little difference between a waifu thread and an actress thread. Even the waifufags can adapt anyways (like Bellatap) with discussion of an actress's "body of work." Show threads also often become waifu havens as well (GoT, Bates Motel, any show with hot chicks). These grey areas create problems for the posters as well as the mods/janitors.

My question: can you better define a waifu thread? Are you allowed to dump pics of an actor/actress while discussing her career/a show/film, without it becoming a waifu thread?

Also can you please ban complainers with the same ferocity as waifufags? I'm just sick of hearing about it all.
What did you do for Mother's Day, moot?
>Game of Thrones

Go back to Reddit.
What did you get/do for mamamoot for Mother's Day?
/m/ needs a background picture of Noriko's pubes
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What is your ultimate goal with the increased moderation we've seen accross the boards recently? What are you trying to pruin specifically to improve 4chan?
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why don't you ban all tripfags? why is this still a feature if it is constantly abused and it just leads to shitposts that ruin every board
Why is Rei#clones still blocked from posting?
>>590845 (OP)
what was the last thing you fapped to?
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when will selectable flags on /pol/ happen?
The rules state that VNs don't belong on /a/ but instead belong on /jp/, unless they're western VNs in which case they belong on /vg/. The rules also say that if the VN is translated it can also be posted on /vg/. I also realize a mod said source material is accepted on /a/, provided the discussion doesn't purely revolve around it.

What about the grey areas of VNs like Ace Attorney, Monster Girl Quest, 999 and Virtue's Last Reward? They're often discussed on /v/ with little issue despite being technically against the rules, and /jp/'s janitor deletes at least Ace Attorney threads when threads are started on it there. In case you're unfamiliar with them, they're VNs but with some gameplay mechanics, which puts them into the "grey area".

Is it okay to discuss VNs like those on /v/, or should they go on /jp/ and /vg/ still?
please stop furpuck threads
>>590845 (OP)
Hey Moot, how did you spend Mother's Day?
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Simple question:
Why no /cel/? It could hold all celeb discussion INCLUDING youtube celeb discussion and help not only /tv/ but also /v/ and other boards.

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What is the real reason you deleted /r9k/ and /new/? Two popular boards with a large and dedicated userbase.. it's unprecedented. And, it's clearly not for the reasons you publicized:

/r9k/: depressing shithole / lowest common denominator, look at /jp/ or even /b/ for comparison

/new/: for not being news, when you could have split it up right then and there into /new/ and /pol/ you split /v/ up into 4 boards, why not split /new/ just once when there's clearly a need?)

Also, what was the purpose of sequestering those posters on a separate site?
moot are you still a virgin?
>>590845 (OP)
How often do people recognize you when you're in public?
moot, I was wondering what your thoughts are on Nintendo?
Also, would you consider changing /vr/ to a /nin/ board so all us Nintendudes can stay in one place?
Favorite Game, Movie, Anime, and TV Show?
What was the purpose in the addition of the new boards?
Could Andre the Giant In his prime take a male silverback gorilla in a fight?
Tell us about your Jewish roots.
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moot why are you such a hypocrite?
Animated PNGs?
Do you personally have control over moderators from other boards? Many people on /q/ have been complaining about moderation on boards like /int/ or /board/, but is there anything you can do about that?
Not a board request, but conceptually do you think adding an actual /fur/ board would help exile it off the rest of the site, like /mlp/ was created for? There still tends to be a lot of it on /v/ and /vp/.
moot, it is alleged that you visit all the boards on the site to varying extents, but what about the text boards? How do you feel about the text boards, e.g. /lounge/ or /prog/, especially in regards to moderating them?

I hesitate to bring this up because I have an irrational fear of you waking up one day and deleting them because you consider them dead weight, but I really have to ask.
>>590845 (OP)
Hey Moot, how do you deal with /b/ in general? Do you just ignore it or actually put it some effort if something is against some rules or shit like that?
Is /k/ going to get another mod, or is it just going to turn into /pol2/?
How Are you doing money-wise? Are the sales on passes doing the trick? Or are sales plummeting / not at expected (hoped for) levels?

How many times have you worn women's clothing?
dont tell me what to do fag
Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert (or both?)

What is your personality type, if you know it?
>You have been muted for 4 seconds, because your comment was not original.

So what does 4chan look like from the admin side mootles?

Do the all posts have their IP (or ID) listed on it for samefag detection?
Hey Moot! How was your Mother's Day? Did you spend time with your family and with your Mom saying that you love her?
Just want to say thanks for making /sp/ less shit.

Now all you need to do is save /tv/ from utter destruction and IP ban everyone that visits /b/ from going to other boards.
Why did you remove the guro board?
moot pls, who is best thurston or Gippo Dudee
what's your favorite scary movie?f
when's your birthday?
Do you ever go to /mu/?
When will you sell the website?

Will you have an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?
I like this question.
I really wish I had a serious question for today. Aside from board requests, there's not much ask about I think.

Thanks for the sticky on /tv/ though. That was cool of you.
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Good lord did this explode rather quickly
Would you consider making a worksafe version of /r/, akin to /wsg/?
Can you please change /lgbt/ to /lgbtp/? The P stands for pedophilia, of course.

Pedophiles on this site really need a place where they can freely talk about the stigma and privileges that come from having that fetish. I think they're fully capable of talking about it in a worksafe manner; a lot moreso than the Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgenders that already inhabit that board.
>this is a new level and a different of shit

Go to another board. Problem solved. /r9k/ might be the spot for you anon.
>>590845 (OP)
Will you add more flags on /int/ (Texas, Quebec and Scotland)? It's gonna make some threads easier to process.
does zuckerberg go on 4chan?? what does he think of 4chan?? also did anamanaguchi pay you for the cat suit thing??
So essentially, you're asking if he'll make a new board just for you, because you don't like the way people treat you when you post on the existing boards for your hobby?
Evening, moot

Would you please consider raising the bump and image limit on /mu/?

Also I know we've been begging you to give us a janitor, but it's not going too well. He's way too harsh on us. Could you maybe tell him not to be such a nazi and let the people of /mu/ have fun in some chart threads? It really doesn't hurt anyone to have a few of those during a day.
Why would this ever be a good thing?
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Just let me say first off that I love 4chan. This place is great, and I really enjoy it and all that you do here.

My biggest question revolves around /b/ and some of what goes on there. I'm a pretty regular visitor of the furry threads, and there's some poor treatment of the posters there. I'm not talking about the trolls and people harrassing them, that's to be expected and is perfectly fair game. What I'm referring to is the fact that bans have been doled out on more than one occasion. Last I checked, fur is still perfectly acceptable on /b/, and in fact, /b/ is the only board that allows it. What's with the mods?
Q on Softbans for bad subnets:

"Sorry, this IP or range has been put into LURK MOAR mode due to abuse. Now that you have seen this warning, you have received a cookie for this browser session. You can post in ___ minutes if you retain this cookie. If you change browsers or addresses this timer will be reset. If you get banned, you lose this cookie. SAVOR THE COOKIE."

Saw mentioned the other day as possible idea, any progress on that?
o shiet
Can you greentext us a drunk story?
moot, what is going to happen with all the /b/ children on /v/? Board splits etc. were not helping, I think it's time for a huge sticky explaining the retards that filename threads and other garbage are not wanted on /v/.
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Moot what do you fap to?
Did you meet the Illuminati yet? Do you feel safe?
Indeed. why not?
Moot has commented outright that he does not like furries, and barely tolerates them on /b/ as it is. He catered to the MLP fandom because it was invading all of 4chan, but I rarely see fur outside of /b/ or /f/.
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okay moot i have a question regarding /lgbt/

Why the fuck does this board exist? Since when are you a moralfag pussy who supports these feminazi lesbocunts?

Personal appeal for mobile view: Droid Razr M uses Chrome, and I've found when scrolling on there, it's not "locked" into the shape (ie, scrolling slightly to the right shows that everything is all off to the side)

I guess the best way to describe it is if you minimized a window to be small, everything is just all pushed together. I dunno how you'd be able to fix that or change how it's displayed, but I'd like it to be all "locked".
Also, I've had the Quick Reply window pop up on mobile view as well, and it's kind of impossible to type on the screen (as the keyboard pops up and covers half the screen, with the quick reply window popping up higher, and the drop down menu with all the boards covers the top.

Speaking of that, it's probably my biggest gripe- the drop down menu is unresponsive. Like, you select the board and then nothing happens. When I try to reply to a thread, it just gets in the way. Removing that or sticking it at the bottom of the page would probably be a nice fix.
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So when is /v/ going to be deleted? Or is it just a quarantine board at this point?
>>590845 (OP)

Why'd she have to go? I don't know she wouldn't say
I'm also curious as to this.
Have you bought anything from J-List? Ever?
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Hey, moot?

Why is bestiality hentai banned on /d/?

Nobody in charge has given an answer on that. It seems like a useless ban, considering we have monster threads that are essentially bears and wolves and horses with bigger claws and wings and horns already. Why does the shit with making it an actual animal suddenly make it bannable? Does /d/ find it offensive? They certainly don't act that way.

Yes, yes, it's sweating a small issue that would change the status on two, three threads. But, damnit, /q/ was made to sweat small issues! Unban bestiality hentai, or at least explain why you won't.

SFW'd for all the kiddies.
Did you honestly expect it to be a quiet thread?
What are your thoughts, if any, on tripcodes in /mu/? I'd like it to be forced anon, but that's just me....

I really enjoy /mu/ and I want it to be as good of a board in 4chan's context. I don't know, just curious about your thoughts.
He was in New Orleans
>>590845 (OP)
how do you balance to need for free speech with all the sick bastards that use your site to trade child porn?
These are mostly regarding /v/

Are filename threads allowed or not? A time back you ruled them to be tertiary and thus shit. Has your stance changed since?

Are survey threads allowed? I mean, threads with OPs like
>your favorite vidya
>your age
>your race

>tfw no gf to play vidya with
And the like count as blogging?
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Hey mootles! What is your sex life like? Have any fetishes? I've never been able to get a straight answer out of you. Tell your mother happy mothers day please.

Also, if you have time... pic related.
Hey moot, have you ever considered asking Lil B if he'd be interested in a Q&A on /mu/? He's very popular across the board and he's one of the only artists who I could imagine having a largely positive reaction from the community (unlike Anamanaguchi). Lil B has visited the board before and he might even frequent it, and he's seemingly quite aware of internet culture to the point where he would likely love to seize an opportunity to speak to his 4chan fans. He seems to be pretty much the perfect choice for that kind of thing, and I know the majority of /mu/ would be happy to participate.

Link to a Lil B interview where he says he loves 4chan and its posters (starting at 1:40):
Moot, do you smoke weed and also do you lift weights?
>>590845 (OP)
What'd you do for mother's day?
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>implying moot gives a fuck

it was a pretty silly affair on /tv/ the other night moot. it almost seems as if no fucks were given.
Now for a few rules specific problems

What exactly constitutes a general? Because I believe that Dark souls threads on /v/ that repeat in only a few variations should be considered generals, because of their frequency and narrow scope, but some disagree with me. If I could get a ruling either way I would thank you.

Another problem I have is meta threads, they are posted so often complaining about the board, and usually reach a few hundred posts before they are deleted, a sound byte or something repostable that will get some anons still on the fence a good reason to report these rule breaking threads.

Can't really think of anything besides that right now. so here are some fluff questions.

Watched any good shows recently or read any books, you into anything this season?
Will /sp/ be allowed to have Eurovision threads next week?
So are all the new boards permanent now?
This question is asked every fucking Q&A, multiple times
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When are you going to ban waifu threads in /a/?
You've already taken it away from /tv/ and /v/
It's only fair /a/ should be treated the same way
Stop showing so much favortism you ass
>>590845 (OP)
>This time around I might use Vocaroo for longer responses

Say "onee-chan" in a cute little girl voice please.
Hi moot! I think it's cool of you to have this yet again. I have a suggestion regarding the thread watcher. One of the best functions of the inline extension, but in order to have it more organised, would it be possible to list the threads alphabetically according to board?

>/an/ - I like birds
>/an/ - Dogs are cool
>/co/ - Finn is cooler than Jake
>/co/ - IM BATMAN
>/mu/ - music sux

Instead of the order you added the threads, for instance:

>/mu/ - music sux
>/an/ - Dogs are cool
>/co/ - IM BATMAN
>/an/ - I like birds
>/co/ - Finn is cooler than Jake
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>>590845 (OP)
1. Moot, What do you think of GTA V and Arrested Development Season 4?

2. What about /com/ - Comedy? We could talk about how many Bob and Tom CD's we own and about TJ Miller and shit.
you maybe answered this a million times but, why is there no history board?
Hey moot, regular of /o/ here with a question.

For a while now, a lot of the regular tripfriends on /o/ were enjoying a nightly off-topic thread. The mods didn't seem to mind, a lot of people participated in it, and it really added to our otherwise somewhat slow board and contributed to the board culture. Here lately, it would seem that one very vocal opponent to our thread has gotten the attention of the mods and our nightly off-topic has been getting 404'd. Is there any way we could get an amendment to the board rules such that we could maintain a single, well regulated off topic thread? Lots of guys on /o/ actually know each other IRL from car meet ups and such, and it's nice to maintain an off-toic thread on a board where you actually know a lot of the posters. Also it actually helped contain off-topic discussion to one thread instead of having a ton of random shitposting in a bunch of different threads.

Please moot, let /o/ keep and maintain a well regulated after h/o/urs thread?
What do you think of 4Chan?

Are you proud of what it's become?
Of course it is faggot. You already have a million other "normalized" places to hang out.
You're stupid, that's exactly where waifu threads belong considering 99% of them are animu sluts
Which board do you frequent most?
How are the new boards working out?
moot, do you ever mull over stripping 4chan down to pretty much just captcha and posting? No special settings, IDs, catalog, trips/names and cutting out a bunch of moderation and letting things be apart from the most important things?

With a few excepted boards, its starting to resemble some regualr-ass site and getting gradually more user-friendly, which feels pretty unusual. /s4s/, /a/ and a couple others give the feeling of 4chan that I remember. It feels like entitled newfags are pushing you around.
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What if you get hit by a car and die? What will happen to 4chan if that happens? It better be in your will.

Is /s4s/ really here forever?
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Mr. Moot, what is your opinion on pie? Do you have a stance? Is there anything we can do about the epidemic that is tasty pie? Will cake become the newfaggotry norm again? Marie Antoinette like cake and look where that got her.
moot is a pretty cool guy. eh does PMQ and doesnt fraid of anything
Feels and the resulting blogposts are pure garbage and don't belong on /v/.
No believe it or not I have talked to others about this. They agree.
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Which one of the new Pokemon in this image do you like best?
Don't listen to the shitposting fucks who are going to try to ''free /sp/'' or some other bullshit.

The board is getting better every day because of better moderation.
>>590845 (OP)

I just wanted to thank you for stepping up on /tv/. Stannismod clearing out the /got/ quarantine seems to have removed most of the pedo posts.

You're a good man Moot.
Why won't you implement a lurk ban already? e.g. new IP's must wait some set amount of time before they can post. Would make bans actually have some meaning to the mass of ban evaders.

You could get around the problem of mobile devices and such by allowing people who have served the lurk ban once to generate a key to bypass it on any device/IP. If they get banned though, all IP addresses associated with the key get banned as well.
When are you going to get rid of the /int/ janitor
>>590845 (OP)
Another question Moot, why won't you add ID's to other boards like /wg/?
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This should answer your question.
What board do I post most on, Moot?
The moose thing is pretty cool. Not sure about the rest though. Definitely not a fan of the starters.
hey moot, instead of trying to crack down on waifu threads on /tv/ why don't you just create a /cel/- celebrity board. that way the waifu posters have their own board

also, maybe make a /cyc/- cycling board to get rid of all the bike faggotry that has taken over /n/.
>>590845 (OP)
Can we please save /hr/ by adding a Celebrity board?
>>590845 (OP)
Another question here. What is your daily schedule like?
i would like to point out that the new /tv/ mod is deleting therads all the time and taking everything personal on an anonymous board
How is Drawquest doing? Is it hard to manage that and 4chan?
pi or tau?
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/tv/ has turned into the worst board I've ever been on.

I blame it on the aspie mod. He's constantly on some power trip and personal vendeta against the /tv/.

I understand that you updated the rules because of complaints but this guy is unbelivable. Threads keep vanishing, public bans.

This happened to me, he banned me for commenting wether an actress hair looks better blond or brown in a related thread. He deleted the entire lenghy thread which was about Scarlet Witch casting / Avengers 2 / Saoirse Ronan.

The guy is terrible, and I just saw thread he deleted from people complaining about him. You have to be careful never to mention an actress in fear of getting all your posts and created threads deleted

sorry if this post was long I know you have a lot of threads to read
This, it's part of /sp/'s heritage
How many people have bought a 4chan pass so far?

Do you have a significant other?

Do you have an emergency plan in case anything happens to you? Can the mods take over if you are no longer able to run 4chan?
Can /x/ either have the phrase "not paranormal" as a 1 day ban or a word filter that turns it into something else?

Also, is Mazonpls a ban evader? If he is, does that mean I can report it when he makes the same goddamn thread all day everyday?
Hey moot. How are you...

What's your favorite tv show? video game? human being? cat?

Is /b/ "dead"? Does it annoy you that people say /b/ or 4chan is dead?
I too hope for the first thing here. Pokemon is such a huge fandom and yet, no banners. /vp/ has had tons of banner threads in the past and I'm sure we've sent you batches of them too.
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Can we have a furry board if it's SFW? can you let /d/ post furry pls?
/tv/ waifus were tv and film actresses
/v/ waifus were female characters from videogames

With /a/ waifu threads are basically VN shit with /soc/ garbage about how they want a GF. The /a/ waifu threads were more off-topic on their boards than /v/ or /tv/
Hi Moot. Tattoo artist in training here. I do a lot of my training on myself ... If i were to tattoo MOOT on my leg, would you be so kind as to timestamp photo your tits? for the lulz?
It seems to me 4chan is entering into a period of continuous fraying. In order to curb a particular demographic on a given board, axillary boards are being created to confine the undesirables (think /mlp/ from /b/; /vg/ from /v/, /asp/ from /sp/)

My question is, when does this stop? And is it a sustainable solution for the ongoing problem of disruptive minorities within the community of high-traffic boards?
m00t, how often do you post without your name and or MOD status? Do you ever just post as a regular anon and post?
What are going to do with a dynamic IP?
Do you have to lurk for 10 weeks every time you reconnect to the internet?
>Do you have any pets?
R.I.P. Seymour.
is it true that australians are terrible?
SC2 generals have our own culture etc and we moderate ourseleves fine, why do you think it is necessary for the Janitor to delete posts even when the pictures that he doesnt like are accompanied by on-topic text?

In fact, why do we need janitors at all?
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How's the lifting going moot? Have you given up or have you seen some progress?
Hi moot, about tripfags...

Why not limit the usage of trips to say, the OP of a thread or something? Hell, even disable trips at all.

Tripfags and attention whores in general are one of the biggest problems with 4chan currently. Just look at /tv/ for instance.
>personal vendeta against the /tv/

The board is full of pederasts, it should be burned.
This. Please sort out that fucktard.

This guy again. Are you open at all to outside javascript submissions or whatnot? if so, is there a standard or API to adhere to?
moot, what is your favorite anime series?
Hello good Moot, i got a new (small) idea for the 4chans' extension.

In short, would you consider adding a button that would minimaize all threads on the current viewing page?

i got this idea from viewing /vg/ but can be applied to other boards, most threads have their title in the subject line, which would be an easy reading of which ones to open back up and join in.I know we have teh catalog to view all the threads on that board, but i feel like it would be easier to minimize them all and read the subject than the catalog, least for me that is.
The catalog is great though, it's just some OP imagines aren't easy to tell which game for example they belong to, what are your thoughts on this idea? just an option to add in the extension so users can have it if they want.

Lastly, how was your mother's day? did you do anything for your mom? i hope it was pleasant for her at least!
Read the second half of my post please.
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>ruining the best porn board
I personally find this idea retarded.
Moot doesn't like drugs.
a couple of /b/tards and I decided to make an App Dev team for web, android and iOS. Do you think this is a good idea? Any tips on starting up?

btw, we called it Toasted Buns. Alluding to Frosted Butts.
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Hi Moot. I love you.

Quick questions and statements.
1. Is >>>/s4s/ the official shitposting board? Are you eventually going to pull another fur and mass ban everyone who posted there?
2. What is being done if anything about the marketing on /v/? I can go through the loveisme archives of /v/ posts, put in a suspected marketing post and find 20 identical character for character posts just like it. Pic related.
3. Please end /v/. I know /vr/ was an attempt to salvage the few good posters left on /v/ but it's too late man. End our misery. Or make /vw/ and /ve/ to seperate the anime type Japanese games, from the rest of the Western games. Both have enough content for a new board and both user bases are constantly flinging shit at each other. We have tons of other boards that seperated into West and East so why not /v/? That or come up with some moot tier plan to save us all.
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I want a board of nothing else than:
>destroy the board because of a minority

Good idea!
So it's for you and a few of your close buddies instead of just you. Which makes the same amount of difference as far as anyone else is concerned. Here's an idea: Get some software and set up your own board. With blackjack and hookers.
Are there any plans for a board request thread in the future?

Are there any plans for the site's 10th anniversary?
I have a few questions/issues I want to raise about /a/:

1) I've seen a lot of midriff/feet/legs/ass/tits /e/ threads popping up, often housing a lot of NSFW material and never getting deleted despite how many reports go up and the posters refuse to use /e/, /d/, etc. and defend their behaviour as 'Board Culture', '/a/ culture' the usual shit. What's the official stance on this?

2) Similar to above, there tends to be a lot of off-topic threads, threads that offer no discussion (Constant 'best girl' threads, waifu threads, imagedumps etc.) bumping everything else off to 404ville etc. and once again defended with 'Board Culture' 'No fun allowed' this same rhetoric that seems to be making a lot of other boards bad too - and once again, no staff doing anything about it (Though they are probably scared to break the status-quo of the board) What's the word on these too?
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It's true anon.
I should probably rephrase that to: How bad do you think the problem is going to get?

How far would you go to preserve our "4chan culture"?
He might as well make /pedo/ at that point
Seconding the banner thing. It would be great to see new banners on a more regular basis.
moot, are you a png or a gif man?
anon please
Why the

*** FUCK ***

Are stream links still banned urls on /vg/?

Do you realise how pointless this is?
Moot said in /soc/ the other day that that image is shooped
What's been causing the recent posting problems on /vg/?
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See any good movies lately?
This is a masterpiece/10.
If moot is still a virgin, there is no hope for anyone.

I'm female but not attractive and I'd have sex with moot even if he wasn't man of the year.
What are your thoughts on the culture of 4chan as it has evolved from 2003 til now? Anything trends you'd care to comment on?
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>the new /tv/ mod

lol. we all know who he is. he's been a hater for years.
>200+ posts
>moot is still answering the first batch

Start an Argentinian imageboard then. 4chan isn't here to cater to your personal preferences.
Why are stream URLs banned at all when it's easily bypassed?

As you can see, /cel/ would help a lot of boards. I don't see a single reason not to have it, if only as a containment board even.
You could even put SNSD talk there moot
>>590845 (OP)
>Board requests.
Didn't see that first question, but OK then.
Have you considered SFW versions of /r/ and/or /soc/, if not, would you? I know you said /soc/ is a containment for cam-whoring, but worth a thought.
>Good idea!

I mean the board and the people who post there. It is a fucking cesspool.
moot, why do people on /a/ shit on naruto threads even though it is a manga? What do you think about naruto threads?
I would like to bring the fact that people have been spamming Key threads on /a/. He spams with pictures of Nagisa from Clannad. We Keyfags report him but he rarely if ever gets banned. The janitors and mods think it is an image dump, but he just spams the thread to image limit with the same images whenever someone creates a thread. Could you please inform the janitors and mods about this.
They're banned across 4chan because it's advertising and the streams are normally streaming copyrighted content.
I want answers to these too
Why did you get so butthurt about something awful?
Moot, I just wanted to say sorry for being part of the group that changed 4chan for good in 2007. I didn't mean to be a part of the beginning of the end, it just happened to work out that way ;_;
This please moot
When you review janitor apps do you go through the person's past posts to see if they're a troll/shitposter? I'm not really even sure if this is possible, but I figured since you can see old bans maybe you can do this, too.
Surprising amount of people from /tv/ who still think there's a "/tv/ mod" or that only one mod moderates /tv/.

Every mods is global.
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About how many guys per day do you find off grindr to come and gangbang you in your hotel room after you finish your room service (you insufferable faggot)?
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Moot, you need to tell the mods and janitors on /sp/ to let the fuck up. Banning people for posting stupid shit like "weedwheels is not a sport" is fucking ridiculous. Let /sp/ mod itself, it was just fine before you decided to fuck it up.
when will you be getting rid of the /sp/ mods and letting it go back to the way it was in the good old days?
Also, moot.

Regarding /d/: Western shit isn't allowed there, meaning no Foster's Home for Imaginary friends Rule 34 or Dmitrys, etc. However, I see a lot of western art posted there despite the fact it doesn't belong and is blatantly against the rules. This never seems to be enforced and the issue has only worsened within the past few years to the point where I've honestly had to stop browsing.

Could you please make a sticky reiterating that western "hentai" rule 34 isn't allowed on /d/?
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Can we have /cel/ boar
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Moot, I have a question...
What is /s4s/ FOR? Is it just like a second /b/, to contain shitposting? Is it SUPPOSED to be used as the title says, to post "Shit 4chan Says".

And, what does the future of /s4s/ look like?

mauer pls go
that is true, a mod can ban on any board. But that most mods don't stay on mainly one board is the biggest bullshit statement ever.
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Do you think that the Internet is mind blowing? How would you survive without it, Moot?
I'm not moot, but the way I see it, out of those games you mentioned, Ace Attorney, 999, and VLR have gameplay mechanics, and had a more "mainstream" release in the west.
>15 minutes with no posts from m00t
I'm gonna be a little sad if this is all just a joke or something. :/
Oh! And I'm glad you enjoyed your room service. I'm not known to enjoy pea soup but to each his own.
It's okay, there are lots of people who didn't read the first post (or other Q&As). You have a much higher of having your question answered if you've done those two things.
/v/ you're not allowed to make decisions for /d/, we discussed this already.
>i would like to point out that the new /tv/ mod is deleting therads all the time and taking everything personal on an anonymous board
For the 1000th time, there is no board-specific mod. Every mod is global, so you have no idea which mod does what on which board.
Janitors are board-specific, but you can't know if your janitor has deleted your threads, or if any of the 20+ mods have, or even moot himself.
btw, I'm the one who posted about "save /hr/" with making a celebrity board and I want to clarify I'd visit and likely post to a celeb board so it's not just a "Get this out of my board" idea
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And I'm sure a lot of Anons aren't aware yet, this thread is gonna explode. At least so far it isn't packed with /b/tards just trying to be recognized.
this was already addressed a couple of days ago and rules were added for that reason, the only problem now is the retarded mod that can't stand to look at pictures of women.
It's for shitposting and dubs. That's all.
Jesus H. Christ. Slow the fuck down everyone
It's annoying that threads discussing an actresses career are often deleted. I can't help it that a dozen shitposters start 'body of work wink wink, nudge nudge ;)' threads, I wish my threads weren't punished for it.

It is though.

Maybe if people spent more time posting about films and less time complaining on /q/ it wouldn't suck so much. I watch dozens of good threads die every day because no one seems interested, which is strange considering the number of people that claim to want the best for /tv/
What are your thoughts on furry in /b/, and why are the mods being stupid and banning the regular posters?
>>590845 (OP)
What did you get your mom for mother's day?
Invisibro is a pretty cool guy to be completely honest. I've never had a problem with him.
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Any particular reason /tg/ doesn't have a bump-limit of 500?
Is it not fast enough or something?

I would like to argue that due to the nature of the board, it would do quite well from a higher bump-limit than the default 300.

Due to the topics of "traditional games", the typical /tg/ thread commonly starts off with a whole lot explaining and exposition surrounding either the rules or the premise of the game, or commonly enough both.
Which is usually followed by some kind of questions and answers phase that goes back and forth in order to further explain/convey the above.

So by the time actual discussion really tends to kick in, threads are often enough already near the bump-limit. And that's really quite the shame if I were to say so myself.
Having a bump-limit of 500 for /a/ and /co/ has been lovely, but often enough I have felt that it has been superfluous. While browsing /tg/ however, I have time and time again felt that it would really do the board a lot of good, yet it is stuck with the default bump-limit.
It's because VERY recently it would appear that the mod stays on /tv/ because everyone is getting b& and threads deleted in not time.
hey moot, why havent you banned sc2 from /vg/ and forced them on to /b/ where they belong
if you wont get rid of them on /vg/ would you ever implement IDs on that board so i can filter people more easily
>>590845 (OP)
Would you consider starting a /hwk/ board? lets face it /sci/ could be a lot better if 90% of threads weren't someone asking for help on their math homework
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do you watch pro rasslin' ?
While the mods have gone too far it's a lot better than it was. Remember the days of every second thread being a feel thread.

I prefer what we have now to then, even if its not perfect
/a/ here kill yourself, faggot. Are there other boards that actually use emoticons? Moot ban all emoticons except ;_;.
Do you still workout? DId you make any gains? Why did you quit (If you quit)?
Where's your proof of that, hmm?

And how do you know that?
what the fuck has happened with 4chan interface
>>590845 (OP)
please add wordfilters to /s4s/
I thought the rule was changed and western is allowed on /d/? I don't see it as disallowed in the rules anymore. Which is unfortunate, I much preferred /d/ without western art.
It was a joke where people acted liked they were femnazis or crazy liberals
Basically ironicshitposting the board
Moot, Why does your website suck?
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Who is your favorite pony?
Moot, what's this red text for?
Moot, what is your favorite board, least favorite and why?
Why is there absolutely no moderation on /gd/ whatsoever?
It's entirely requests for work and font identification.
will you allow cp
What the fucks up with this new look?
the red hurts my eyes
make it stop, moot
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What happened to the formatting on all the boards? Everything is red text, bold, and centered.
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oh shit what the fuck
fuck you mute
Also, moot, some of the janitors like to delete perfectly fine discussion on their boards of choice, and even have a bias towards one type of content vs another.

For instance a janitor put in a ban request for me, because I had the gall to stand up and say that "unpopular opinions" threads where shit and detrimental to the board.

Luckily the kind mod, saw that I was not breaking rules and saw fit not to ban me.
Always amazes me that people bitch, moan, whine, and complain about threads being deleted "left and right" and yet those same people doing all the complaining are - about 99% of the time - creating threads or posting images that violate the very rules of the board itself.

>stupid fucking people will be the death of us all

Regardless, thanks for keeping 4chan alive, mootikens, some of us do appreciate it.
Moot why did you break the board with your new announcement?
why don't you bring dubs back?
do you like game grumps?
will you integrate the game grumps into 4chan?...
get rid of lgbt
Because we are all faggots
what the fuck happened to the site? everything text is big and red now
Why are the boards messed up?
Ayup. This thread is gonna get over 9000 posts.
Moot why do you keep breaking 4chan?
Why can the janitor on /tv/ not even understand the rules of his own board? He has one fucking job.
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moot, don't sugar coat it, why do you still have /v/ - Video Games still up? Every other board does it's job better and with less cancer.
How do you feel about namefags like scaredofshadows that roleplay on /tg/?
This, what the fuck moot.
yeah what the fuck it just fixed itself but goddamn
Will you post a pic of your nipples?

you know the rules....
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Moot, why did you stop lifting? Why have you given up on your gains? You can still make it, brah.
Why are you a nigger
i think he wants us all to come in here and scream at him.
Why is all my text red and centre aligned
What's your favorite porn site?
What's your fetish?
Do you have a qt3.14 gf?
The Retro Video Games board is really awesome, I hate going back to /v/ since it's opened.
Have you considered opening a Retro Anime and Manga board? I would hope it would have a similar climate to /vr/, and give you somewhere to talk about older series without being shit on by /a/
moot, will you kill /pol/ for a few months? It's become pretty much /b/ 2.0 in terms of the age of the posters, and it's so stuffed to the brim with apologists and milquetoast leftists that there's barely any difference between it and /r/politics. I really miss old /pol/ where libertarians and anarchists had a safe space to be retarded, and most of the userbase actually did have extremely politically incorrect opinions.
This. Fucking fix it.
moot doesnt care about us this is all a joke
1. Can you check on /m/'s janitor? He's been deleting whole threads because of a few off topic posts.

2. Can the mods clarify the rules even more? What does /m/ stand for? It still really is vague. Also, unstick the sticky please. We're not used to it. Put the rules on the rules page instead.
>>590845 (OP)
Hello moot. Can we get IDs for /v/, as a trial?
How do you feel about the flood of reddit type people coming to 4chan?
I too wonder this.
Do you intend on clamping down on the 'Board Culture' shit that seems to be an excuse to post offtopic stuff that would be better suited to /b/?

We all complain about how bad /b/ is and how it doesn't share the same userbase as the rest of 4chan but don't you think that forcing people to post their offtopic stuff there would break down this divide somewhat and actually make /b/ a slightly better place to be? I see it as a perfect opportunity to get a reclamation of sorts just by enforcing the rules a little more on other boards and making them a little more enjoyable to be in.

Two birds with one stone and no real changes people can complain about without contradicting their acceptance to the rules they agreed to follow when they signed up, seems perfect.
why is everything all red and fucked up
yea what the actual fuck
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>>590845 (OP)
when did you lose your virginity
are you planning any other projects with the advents of 4chan/canv.as?
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The fuck is going on?

>He jumped off a bridge didn't he?
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kiss some more ass bitch we're all friends here except you
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Hey mootles, is it true that you give no shits about what happens on /mlp/ whatsoever
>muh nippon
It was a stupid rule for stupid reasons. Alt porn is popular in the west, and we needed more material.
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I'll just post this one more time as I'm sure it was lost in the initial surge of ~100 posts

Hi Moot. Thanks for doing this.

Could you please remove the mods and janitors from /sp/ and give it back to the users. It was once the best board in the history of 4chan and a board we self-moderated extremely well. It is now almost unpostable on, and not a place anyone but the newest of users enjoy.
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>4chanx users
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>every person who has posted in this thread receives a permanent ban
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/jp/ doesn't need any janitors, they make the place worse. FRIGG off /q.

- official /jp/ ambassador
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What is the future for the growth of 4chan or do you plan to keep it the same as is now?

Some addons make watching links from youtube easy but will there be support like that from the website itself?

league of legends picture. (if you want to also tell us if you play league of legends. This is my account add me if you do its Riddler)
mootberg y r u so gay XD
Oh good it's better now. Thankyou so much.
Moot, will you ever consider removing rule 15 and if not just change it to only apply to full on pony threads started for the purpose of shit posting? I see no problem with allowing usage of pony reaction images on other boards.
When will /po/ get any love?
We desperately need some moderation and maybe some new rules.

And what about our self-proclaimed resident troll? Is she really some amazingly skilled hacker that cannot and will not be banned ever?
Why have you made /tv/ so anti-waifu?

If there is a demand for it why don't you let it happen? Deleting a thread because it goes off topic is just silly, it's a natural progression of conversation. A thread can start off talking about "Bridge to Terabitha" which is a great film and end up with people saying how cute ASR is. I don't see why that should be deleted. It does no harm.
Moot you forgot to close a tag. Please hire me so I can stop you from doing this in the future. I'm great at providing enterprise network solutions for your existing infrastructure.
There needs to be a /fur/ sub forum
>>590845 (OP)
Will you bring snacks back?
Why do you still hate the 4chan cup?

>I'm not moot
then you can stop right there, anon, because no one gives a shit what you think.

welcome to the real world.
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Reflect on what you have done sir.
More importantly why aren't you spending time with you mother?
Can you name a single thing that black people have contributed to society?
Ahahaha. Someone forgot to close a tag in the announcement.
what was up with me being unable to upload gif's some time ago?

is embedding really that much of a danger?
When will /pol/ be getting its user-selectable flags?

Thanks for taking my suggestions on /tv/'s recent thread about the waifu problem.
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Yo 4chan is like kinda fucked right now bro.
moot, are you interested in the Wii U?
I only want to say.

Fuck /int/ janitor, we can't even have a thread about Israel or Africa because he delates them in matter of seconds.

let feel threads on /int/ stay
What are you up to nowadays? Have you been to a NYC meetup in recent times?
have you thought the idea of putting the [spoiler] function on other boards? (I.E. /b/)
Moot, are you gay?
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I'm sure you've noticed a decline in posts over the past year or so

first it started with "no ASR threads"

then no waifus

now we can only talk about an actor if it has to do with their role and not about personal life or gossip???????

This is why you need to make /waifu/ or /celeb/ so there is some place to talk about celeb gossip

pic related: you make a board for mental illness but we can't talk about our favorite actors?
Is your anus bleached?
No question, just please continue the J-List partnership as long as possible as the erotic animu imagery greatly enhances my browsing experience.
Did you get my email about banners?
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omg, its moot! are you a millionaire?
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Moot, tell your mother "Happy Mother's Day". We love her, because without her we'd never have 4chan.

Thanks for /vr/ and /lgbt/. Love you long time mootles!
It's fixed (on /tv/)... moot forgot to close a tag.
>>590845 (OP)
what type of music do you listen to
are you gay?
Dear Mootykins,

what did you eat for dinner tonight? did you enjoy it?
how's it feel knowing you changed the internet forever m00t?
Is Snacks ever planning on coming back to be a mod on 4chan?
why dont you raise the gif limit to 5mb or 6mb?
That's fucking gross.
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/tv/ needs /cel/ or /yfu/
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Why isn't there a Rozen Maiden banner?
am i goin to die a virgin?
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/inv/ here

Streambox has been fucking up lately because of coding issues, and no one seems to care.

The threads also need a larger size cap, we've been complaining about this from day one. Eternal Apple threads have to be remade 3 and four times a day, and that's a lot of data to repost. There's a handful of guys who handle updating the OP every day but they're getting burnt out.
Can you remove the ability to get doubles from /s4s/ we can become the board we once were instead of /dubs/
I hope this, the vocal minority has been seriously fucking up /tv/. It was fine as is and the recent addition of heavy moderation is just causing it's demise.

Please take the /tv/ mod
dubs say he brings dubs back
/mu/ uses them a lot
lots of smug :)
anyway emoticons are cute leave them alone
>implying he's lost it

srsly this
Please fix the tag in the header, it hurts to live
i can hav monies plox?
What's your favorite type of food, Moot?

And a pizza question: do you have a preferred topping(s)?
\/ Next poster is a fag \/
>>590845 (OP)
Moot, why not just do a podcast where you answer questions submitted through an askbox on the front page? It would save you the trouble of having to navigate through this clusterfuck of a thread.
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Damn it. That wasn't my picture, this was. I'm glad this happened, because this has been happening quite a bit lately, so I'll go ahead and ask if you've noticed it and, if so,is anything being done to correct it?
>>590845 (OP)
What is your favorite Mortal Kombat character?
Can we have autobans in /sci/ for common troll posts such as ">>>/x/" and "infantile cartoon"?
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>This channer wants to know how prepared moot is for the happening
also any advice on how fucked we all are
Tripcodes undermine the entire point of 4chan. Please remove them from all boards, or at the very least, /mu/
How do you make a living, moot?
Whats your relationship with US law enforcement like,regarding 4chin?
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Hi moot. Any chance we can get a music production/learning board to get Soundcloud threads off /mu/ along with making something productive with our time, please?

/mprod/ could be great.
What's your favorite reaction picture?

What's your least favorite may-may?
How the fuck are you still having fun after 3k+ games?
Will you divulge more stats for us?

Ex: 25k people viewing /b/, 20k lurkers, 5k active posters in past 5 minutes on /b/.
>everything red
haha moot can't into html
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Hey moot!

OP from >>589611 →


May I ask what your stance o forced ID is? I think a lot of us really want to know what your thoughts are on the subject.
Does he usually take this long to respond?
How are you today, moot?
>>590845 (OP)

moot? more liek "poot" XD


On some real shit, why did you make Body of Work threads increase to a cancerous degree on /tv/?
No it isn't, you homosexual.
There is, she's a cat
Do you even give a shit about /v/ anymore? Off-topic threads run rampant and there's little that janitors or mods do.
Is there any chance that /tv/ gets an increase to its post limit? I only ask, because of the Game of Thrones generals (/got/) fill up quite quickly. In about 30 minutes on average... dunno if that is grounds for a change, but just thought I would put that out there. Thanks!
Moot, can you please buff the janitor numbers on certain popular boards?

/tv/ in particular has become particularly shitty with the influx of waifu posters.
Please raise the image and bump limit on /tv/

There is no way a Sports board should have higher limits than a board which discusses media.
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Are you ever going to get /a/ back on track like you said way back when or will it just remain anime/random? Youve said a few times that /a/ is in quite a state but yet do nothing about it.
Confine trips to the first thread they're used in.





moot delete tripcodes from /o/ stop before we become 4chans shitposting board
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Hey Moot do you like Manjoume Thunder??

>>590845 (OP)
what is your sexual orientation and how much money does 4chan makes if it makes any and are you actually a bed person ?
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do you own any game consoles or a pc

would you want to play bideo games with me
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Never leave that goddess out of the pic
>>590845 (OP)

Can you suck my 2 inch penis ?
moot, are you watching any anime this season?

/v/ really does need a Western/Eastern split and has for a while now. The current state of it is absurd, it'd be like if we jammed /a/ and /co/ together. I guarantee that's the source of 90% of the board's problems.
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Alright, here goes something...

Please allow the Dreamcast to be discussed on /vr/. Many people have asked for it and I've personally emailed you a few times about it, but I'm hoping I can finally get an answer this time.

The console currently lies between the two rules of the board. The console was launched in 1998 in Japan and 1999 in EU and NA, but it's technically considered 6th generation, despite having died before the PS2/Xbox/GCN had even launched. There's constantly a thread on /q/ about this and we've never heard any response of even an acknowledgement of this issue.

Now, most people say since it breaks the 6th gen rule, it's not retro and belongs on /v/. The mods/janitors have deleted threads time and time again, but we've also seen Dreamcast threads last for hours on /vr/ and on occasion been cleaned up from shitposting and "not /vr/" comments. I have personally made more than a few Dreamcast threads on /v/ since I originally started browsing, and I've been met with a mixed bag. Either it's bombarded with shitposting and /v/ culture, or the discussion is civilized, but rather dead-ended. Either way, the thread ends up needing a necrobump after 40 or so comments. On the other hand, a /vr/ thread that's up for 15 minutes max, reaches more than twice as many posts, and the discussion is thorough, helpful, and extremely civilized. I just wish you'd please consider letting the Dreamcast be discussed on /vr/. If /v/ doesn't want anything to do with the console and /vr/ can't discuss the console, we're becoming outcasts on 4chan, a place that has three different boards for video games.

It's gotten to the point where people are seriously suggesting we just leave and find a Dreamcast-focused forum elsewhere.

Plz moot.
Lol, over 300 replies and no reply from moot. Let's get it over 9000.
A lot of hard and underpaid work
Nope, I'm from /tv/. I just happen to get along with everyone unlike you waifu idiots.
gb2reddit Shii.
Did you fuck ZUN?

Was he good?

Also, fuck you. I'm supposed to be paying attention to my mother right now, and so are you.
There will never be /cel/ for good reason.

Moot can you please raise /tv/'s bump limit to 500 posts? We need this because of reasons. Even /co/ has it, we are way more active than them.
holy shit I'm from /b/ then I mirgated to /v/ during the mass migration.

I don't give a flying fuck about heads or tails about what you just said. deal with it you stupid gook nerd.
Hello Master Moot. Why are the mods on /v/ so shitty?
>>590845 (OP)
How do you think the new boards like /lgbt/ and /out/ are doing? Are they here to stay?
>Tripcodes undermine the entire point of 4chan.
>has been on 4chan for less than 3 years.
Since 4chan's creation, what board gave you most problems (cummulative)?
He usually responds to like 10-15 posts at once, so yeah.
Moot: Please tell the /vr/ janitors to allow Dreamcast discussion on /vr/. The vast majority of the community wants it, and most janitors/mods permit it, but there are a handful of janitors/mods that delete Dreamcast threads on sight.
>>590845 (OP)
moot, please ignore the influx of shitposters who believe you are are killing /sp/ by deleting their bullshit
Hey Moot, are you planning on fucking off? I'm sure people would appreciate if you stopped ruining boards.
Thanks, hope you die soon
Since Equestria Girls is supposed to belong on /mlp/ could you please rephrase rule 7 there for it?
If you could travel back to before you created 4chan with the knowledge or how it turns out, would you still create it?
One more actual important question how do you apply to be a mod? not a janitor but an actual mod.
It's not very consistent. All of the other drawn boards don't allow western. Why should /d/? But I digress. The rule is as it is, and not likely to change.
Before, people shitposted because they enjoyed it. Now they just shitpost for the sake of shitposting and rebelling against the mods. One feel thread on the front page is alright, I usually just hide them anyways.

/sp/ is no fun now that mods delete Eventb Owl threads and stuff native to the board.
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Where is m00t and why is he not answering questions?
So, there's a lot of complaints about /a/ and /co/ like what goes where (e.g. Toonami threads, Dragon Ball Z Abridged threads).
Personally, like a lot of other /co/merades, I'm a fan of both Japanese and Western Animation/Comics.
Like others, I don't visit /a/ because of a number of reasons, such as...

>The large amount of "Waifu" threads and minimal discussion of actual shows
>The hatred of "entry level" shows such as Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Fullmetal Alchemist, etc, etc. Threads discussing which are met with "Go back to /v/"
>The reluctance to discuss any shows older than 6 months.

But, while I don't like the board myself, I respect their idea and right to have a "board culture", and it's ridiculous to attempt to change a whole board's ideas.
However, I'd also like a place to discuss anime that doesn't get discussed on /a/.
Fans of stuff such as Toonami/DBZ Abridged/Digimon/every other non-Western franchise that gets discussed on /co/ have co-opted it as their board.
People have complained that those things are "off topic", and I agree with them, because one board can only handle the discussion of so many topics.

Moot, how about adding pro sports teams logos on /sp/ and letting us choose one from the list of them to display next to our posts? it would make conversing a lot easier so you would know if there is bias in a thread or not and in general bring a LOT more sports related discussion to the board.

The icons would be tiny and completely optional to attach to your post. Just like how all the sports sub-reddits have, something like that.
Moot what do you do after people start complaining about a board's janitor or mod that frequents the board? Or do you do anything?
Fuck no my toaster/browser can't handle that
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Moot, have you accepted Shrek as your Ogrelord and savior?

Peel back the layers of your heart and mind and let him fill you with his pungent oniony wisdom.
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How was your day, moot?
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How many Desu banners can we add on 4chan to celebrate Season 3 of Rozen Maidens?
moot, how did you get in contact with ZUN?
>That Lee Sin build
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Moot, can you delete all boards except /b/? You don't make any money anyways, why not let this site become it's true potential.
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/tv/ is fine.

just let us discuss/post photoshoots/ red carpets of actresses and actors.

If someone says he wants to smell disney starlets then ban him.
>>590845 (OP)
moot how many FBI agents monitor 4chan ?
also are they in every single thread?
How much anime have you watched?
Which is your favorite series?
[spoiler]Do you have a MAL?[/spoiler]
He's just going to bulk all of his replies into one post. It'll take a while.
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implying you'd want to watch that drivel ??
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Please this.

We get general tv/film threads deleted now because it is deemed too off topic. We used to be able to freely discuss general celebrity issues.

If the whole Team Coco thing happened nowadays I fear we'd be getting all those threads deleted.
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How did you meet the Anamanaguchi guys?

How long have you known each other?
You don't. Mods are selected from long serving janitors.
Go to /v/, Dreamcast discussion is allowed there.
Why are your mods such pedophobes?
Do you have a waifu? Who is it?
Dear m00t

Why do you refuse to put IDs on /tv/

Countless good posters and normal people of the /tv/ community are asking for it

The only vocal opposition are the people that continually break the rules

the people that your mods publicly banned saturday night / sunday morning, the pedophile waifu shit posters

You say "report them when they bump their own threads"

How to be certain without IDs ?

They will create a thread as anonymous, then in the subsequent posts use their names or tripcodes and alternate between the two and endlessly spam pictures ruining the board.

There is nothing work safe about people talking about wanting to suck the asshole of a 15 year old
So... questions to ask.

Who is the nazi-janitor destroying the Caturday threads, and what can be done to cull and/or neuter him, without NOT posting Caturday threads?
>>590845 (OP)
How much does you earn a year?
Also, thanks for not getting rid of janitors and such despite "QQ"ing from /q/.

Are you watching any anime this season? I recommend Attack on Titan.

Why do you think people can't simply ignore what they don't like?
>>590845 (OP)
hey moot how long is your penis?
I feel like r9k should be renovated. feel threads fuck over any quality posts. can we have a /tfw/ board so people stop shitting up r9k?
Dear moot

Could we please remove the filter on twitch.tv, you're literally killing esports. I understand people abused it but at this point all the /vg/ threads pass around twitch links by spoilering them anyway.

PS: how's the weather
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Just use a smug anime picture. They are a lot better and piss a lot of people off.
I would also like this.
hey moot, when are you having another NYC meetup?

i want to have a drink with you bruh (no homo)
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Can we ban people who avatarfag with weeaboo anime shit? Unless it's on /a/ or whatever.
Start as a janitor and get promoted
How many girls did you bang?
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Hey Moot, can you make me the mod of /tv/ &/or /mu/
moot im teaching myself to become a Sysadmin Network Engineer, is 4chan or canv.as hiring? If so what do they look for in a new hire?

Also are you still in college moot? How is it/what are you majoring in?

moot who in your opinion is the best game of thrones waifu, my moneys on frogfu.
YES moot raise /tv/'s bump limit and image limit, file size limit while you're at it too please.
Liz is pretty hot. Why'd they do this? I already have a waifu...
>>590845 (OP)
Dear moot, was /b/ ever any good?

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Was that an accident or were you just trying to get 4chan's attention mootles?

on /gif/ that is
plz balete 4chan

kthnx m00t
Can you change the font to comic sans on all boards?
>>590845 (OP)
Oy' mut: Which 2hu wud u fuk?
Thanks moot, it's all good now.

What are you plans for the new boards? We could do with consumer electronics board to stop the faggotry on /g/
What are you going to do about the toku problem on /m/?

I don't mind housing them, but they constantly take over the first few pages with their gook crap. It makes browsing /m/ consistently awful
what is the rational behind the image limit?
it's a bit of a pain
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who says im having fun? I play to win not to have fun
I'm sure he's got an ungodly wall of text in the works that he plans to dump at any time now.
protip: if you hate anime, you're on the wrong website
Why do fools fall in love?
let's shoop all the banners to Rozen Maiden themed ones.
Which 2hu wud u fuq?
Please respond.
Have you ever considered removing tripcodes and having optional ID's for each thread?
moot isn't replying guys, he hates us ;_;
I'd like to say that I really like the catalog feature.
Moot do you still like anime? some people have taken your stance of not watching any for a while as an indication you don't like it, instead of you just not being interested in the current seasons or just newer works.

Also how is canv.as doing , got any potential buyers?
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>mfw Moot is not replying to anybodys questions to rustle jimmies
moot killed himself he won't answer anything

I feel like /co/ has gotten more and more boring over the last couple years. What can be done to reinvigorate the board?
Avatarfagging is already against the rules.
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Make a /cel/ board you gigantic faggotron
A girl is being really weird with me. She said that she doesn't like me, but then we embraced and now she appears to like me again.

What do I do, moot?
Not who you're replying to but trips are regularly abused; used as a SN like people would in a "forum".
Pretty good summary.

>What's wrong with late night, off topic threads on /sp/? There are no sports on and it's only Americans posting.
>off topic
You answered your own question.

>What are your current favorite boards?
>And if the answer would be different, what are the boards you find yourself browsing the most?
I don't really have any "favorites" so to speak, but /diy/ and /ck/ are quite excellent. I've been wanting to get back into cooking, hence /ck/.

>Will you streamline the banner submission/adding process so we may get a better circulation?
We won't "streamline" it, but I plan to announce another contest for the 300x100 banners in the coming weeks/months.

>Are there any plans for /jp/ besides being a moat, specially now that /a/ has welcomed a lot of things that were originally meant for /jp/ only?
There aren't any "plans" for /jp/, no.

>What do you think the stance for board culture will be in the future? A further push into moderation following the rules to define each board by topic, or giving into the idea of each board being separate userbases and treating each as a nation state of sorts with a microcosms of threads instead of just their initial designation?
I think both the users and team need to respect the rules, but there certain types of threads that are in the spirit of the board and should probably stay. The issue is, as one Anon put it last night, "one man's culture is another man's shitpost."

It's *very* hard to draw a bright line policy for what should and shouldn't go with regards to "culture" threads. An easy-to-understand policy is necessary for both users and janitors/moderators to know whether or not a given topic is allowed.

I asked a user last night to tell me which /sp/ threads should and shouldn't be allowed, and I got a completely arbitrary list back, based on his or her own personal tastes. A number of Anon the thread disagreed with that list. So again, clear policies are needed for what flies and doesn't, and we've yet to find a good way of articulating what those things are.
Dear moot,

can you increase the image resolution limit? A while back I got a triple-monitor setup. I dug up some three-screen (5760x1080) wallpapers and headed off to /wg/ to start a thread for it, but I couldn't, since one side was over 5000. I'd try /hr/ but I heard they take a dim view of wallpapers.
But, but those are normals
What good reason is there to not have /cel?
So moot, 4chan's tenth birthday is coming up later this year. Where do you see 4chan in 5 years from now?
>inb4 same place it is now
Will anonymity on the internet be almost nonexistent in 2018? Will 4chan be the last bastion of anonymous free speech as more and more sites and services require registration under your real identity?
Serious questions. Also, thanks for all you've done to keep 4chan running over the years.
Why did you get rid of /l/?

Why no /j/ board? Why no /z/ board?
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moot are you poor?
We don't need the file size limit raise. The bump limit one is desperately needed though, especially with Breaking Bad Finale coming up.
IDs are SO fucking LAME
what the hell even?

i mean sometimes theyre cool when a jackass is being a jackass but it ruins the fucking anonymity and yeah youre a massive fag and so are IDs
hey moot what videogame should I play?
pls respond
Let me address /mlp/'s rules, some of which seem pretty unnecessary.

>3. Do not post "dubs" threads.
Isn't this already covered by global rule 3? Why would we need to ban it twice?

>5. Threads should be about something show related, not someone.
What's the harm in discussing the voice actors behind the show and whatnot? It would sure as fuck be better and more relevant discussion than Tulpas and the other shit that covers page 0.

>6. Please keep it civil! Bronies and ponies should play nicely, and if necessary keep to their own threads.
If you by "bronies" are referring to the people from /b/, they do not go to /mlp/ anymore and the people still at /b/ are shitposters that merely use ponies for trolling, so the rule for separate threads is a bit pointless. Also, this rule seems to decree a hugbox.

>8. Global rule 13 does not apply to this board.
Global rule 13 being "Do not use avatars or attach signatures to your posts."

Why exactly do we have this exception to the avatarfagging rule? Are you still hoping to migrate the /b/ posters to /mlp/? The portion of the /b/read that did go to /mlp/ after the board's creation moved on to MLPchan last summer, and the /b/read posters that are still on /b/ are incorrigible shitposters that shouldn't be anywhere on 4chan (and they'd never move to /mlp/ since them shitposting pony pics everywhere won't upset people there and they do not appear to have any genuine interest in discussing MLP). What purpose does this rule serve?
>if you hate anime
>simply dodge around the relevant boards

Seems like a workaround?
Our first reply!
Why are making a Q&A with a band as hated in /mu/ as Anamanaguchi? You hate us?
Hey Moot,

Eurovision, which board?

Flags would be nice.
>Countless good posters and normal people of the /tv/ community are asking for it

I have never seen anyone ask for it.

If Moot made a poll on /tv/ no one would want it
I think >>>/r/ would be more helpful if there were more board-specifics /r/s.

So if someone is request something /lit/ related, some /lit/ browser could might go to /lit/r more frequently because they know it will be worksafe and something they can help with.


MOOT be my friend
Are you feeling overwhelmed yet moot?
what is this thread by the way, and why does it even exist?
I have come up with a solution that some may find controversial, but I think it's a fair, long-term solution to please everyone.

1) Split /co/ into "/ani/ - Animation" and "/com/ - Comics & Manga"
2) Rename /a/ to "Anime & Manga (Currently Airing)"

For #1, there will be issues such as franchises that have animated series/movies adapted from a comic book/manga.
However, this has already been a problem with /tv/ and /v/. For example, Batman also has movie series (e.g. Batman Begins, Dark Knight, TDKR) and videogame series (e.g. Arkham Asylum/City).

Number 2 is merely a suggestion. I want /a/ and /ani/ to co-exist without complaints from the board deleting-crowd (why?) that anime has 2 boards.
I don't wanna take anything away from /a/ or it's users. Hopefully they will find that problems they have such as people "trolling" with Naruto threads, etc are solved, too.

Thanks for reading!
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Well they certainly don't hate me, and I don't hate them. They're just frustrating.
>>590845 (OP)


do you enjoy being the joke of the social media bubble?
you enjoy having Mark Zuckerberg and the facebook cronies laughing at you behind your miserable back?
are you content with being perpetually over shadowed by more important people such as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?
are you proud that your love child is a downs syndrome half aborted foetus? that we, your followers ARE more retarded than scientologists?

your success is our success, you just enjoy having your cock stand proudly in front of everyone elses, you faggot piece of shit.

also can you please implement some sort of ban on every MLP related content on the site? I'm talking get rid of /mlp/ too, those fuckers make us look bad
What if he got in a car crash? And he's in an ambulance right now on the way to the hospital, and all he can think about is how he is letting 4chan down because he wants to be here answering our questions.

Did you get that Tentacle Grape yet?
>>590845 (OP)
i asked this before.
what is your opinion of game grumps?
will you ever integrate them into 4chan?
Can you increase the text limit from 1500 to 3000? I constantly find myself running out of room and I think realistically anyone who abuses it to spam is going to be stopped dead in their tracks pretty quickly, most people report spam.
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At this point, I think it would be more beneficial to just merge /v/ and /vr/ and let that be the end of it. It would prevent the whole "These games aren't old enough for us" bullshit, and with the influx of /vr/ users, there would be more retro threads anyway.
why don't you and 420chan get along?
bandwidth of course. 4chan isn't cheap to run as it is.
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where you been nugga
ohemgee so fkin hardcore
I'd like to suggest informing the mods that shitposting is totally acceptable on /sp/ and that the actual sports talk always balances out with shitposting.
Because games should be SUPER SERIOUS because FUN is STUPID.

I've been on 4chan forever. Tripfags just want to not be anonymous. They can do that on Reddit.

IDs are an acceptable middle ground.
Is there any way we can get more updates on the news page/ updates on your other adventures?
there are some of us who actually read them
Remember when 4chan was kind of fun?
fuck you

it isn't enforced well
/co/ has gotten more boring because content has trickled to a crawl, the community got worse, and General Threads caused the culture to stagnate and inbreed.
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>IDs are SO fucking LAME
Id's for /pol/ please moot.
How about a west coast meetup?
moot why are loli threads on /b/ ok?
And reddit users.
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moot please tell me why are you are ruining /sp/?

Dear Moot:

Do you ever get calls from the FBI, or other agencies regarding 4chan?

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Moot how do you feel about the wildcard board that other chans have.
>They can do that on Reddit
Yep -- let's remove any functionality from this site which is offered elsewhere! Brilliant plan!
I'm going to bet that I phased my question in a way that makes it sound as though it's been asked before.

As someone once said, after posting on /vr/, nobody in their right mind would willingly go back to /v/ to discuss video games.
Moot, why do the new york /ck/ooks get to make you lunch. I could make you sweets and mail them to you guys.

the file size limit on /tv/ is laughable
lol what a faggot
>They will create a thread as anonymous, then in the subsequent posts use their names or tripcodes and alternate between the two and endlessly spam pictures ruining the board.

Maybe, just maybe there is more than one person interested. I know that's a difficult concept.
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>>590845 (OP)
why is this (see pic) character of the norwegian language banned/unable to be posted? swedes get their character (a o with two dots over it), so why can't we use the dano-norwegian character?
Do you like MLP? I hate it so much take off /mlp/
Yeah, whilst you seemed to love the actual money making scheme of 4craft...
It's not, it's allowed.

>>590845 (OP)

moot, can we see more activity from team 4chan? Before there wouldn't be a month without an embedded song, CSS hack or a changed tittle. They were great, I always loved going to /b/ and being surprised with something weird.

Nowadays we only get lame stickies with songs that do not even play on the main page.
What was the first week of 4chan like?
He was busy fucking up 4chan:
He has made shamefur dispray and must now commit sudoku.

Ganbatte moot-dono!

Also, why isn't moonspeak allowed on /q/? I've never noticed that before.
but i can't into anime :o
too much effort :(
>can you increase the image resolution limit?

/w/ and /wg/ could use that too, for people with that setup.
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Dear Moot, I overheard that MLP on /f/ is not allowed. I wasn't even aware of this frankly. Could we please make an exception, or even give /mlp/ a small inbuilt flash section? Considering that the show is animated in flash I find this concerning.
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Moot, why do you refuse to check yourself before you Shrek yourself?

Are you a filthy Farquaad scum?

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Yeah, that's some rule right there.
yes pls, id's for pol to counter shitposting
When you post anonymously on another board, can mods ban you?
/hr/ can use as many non-celebrity threads as it can get.



Let us moderate ourselves. /sp/ from 2010 -2012 was what /b/ was in 04. Just a great board and a great culture and fellowship of alpha bros.
whats wrong with off topic posting? when did you become so anti-fun?
What's your opinion on sex ed in public schools?
are you gonna buy Endless Fantasy moot?
How many people message you on AIM when you announce that you're going to be chatting on AIM?
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Hey moot, I've said this a couple times before and I'll say it again:

THANK YOU for creating, standing by, and continuing to try and make 4chan as good as it can be. It is my favorite website, it has provided me with a sense of community that I don't have in real life (>tfw no friends), and it makes me laugh hysterically in ways no other place can, yet make me want to cry in the same thread sometimes.

Of course I have disagreements with a few of the rules as does anybody else, and I'm not the perfect goodie-two-shoes 100 percent quality poster everyone can never be all the time, but I really do love this site. It's an outlet, it's a family, it's my news source...

tl;dr: An honest thanks to you moot, for maintaining the legacy of 4chan.
I hope moot answers this one.
What is your favorite visual novel, moot?
moot say hi to me

also who is your favorite superhero?
Because any human worthy of life is.
Could you unban the Rei trip already?
Moot why the hell do you not make /mlp/ a NSFW board?
There is almost no reason for it once the mods go away probably 90% of posts is porn. I understand your hatred for /mlp/ but seriously wouldn't this just be ideal?
Mooty-kun: does captcha sales helped?
Do you hate any boards?
This is a good suggestion, but I have a better idea.

Make ponies a bannable offense on any board that isn't /mlp/. We don't all have aspergers.

please look at
and the reply chain

It's easily the most requested board addition I'm sure and you would help multiple boards out by creating it
No one gives a shit about /a/
I only think ID's are on board for fags to get dubs or quads. /b/ uses them for not delivering *insert topic here* in there posts (rarely they do)
How much do your browse 4chan each day?
>>590845 (OP)
Do you think there is a way to save /mu/?
Pleas, filter Radiohead, Death Grips, GY!BE, MNH and so on.
Or create a board for audio/music-instruments. The most interesting threads on /mu/ are always related to instruments or audiophiles in general, and they are always drowned in /mu/'s usual circlejerking,charts, 3x3 and off-topic shit.
Is this legitimate?
Hey Moot,
Thoughts of Bioshock Infinite?

Newfag or typical /b/ user detected
It is considered non-ASCIII text, which is not allowed on 4chan.
meh still worth a try, we need a shounen board, can barley mention OP or what ever on a with tons of moe fans being twats
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/tv/ is over moderated.

We have long talked about celebrities and celebrity culture.

If the demand is there, why do you wish to stop it? I remember you saying you liked to encourage discussion.
.. Yes, I acknowledged that the rule was removed. What's your point?
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Could you please slightly raise the image limit on /vp/? It's a nuisance for CYOA threads and drawthreads, which occur on a frequent basis.
Moot! how many posts a day would you say you make on average as an anon
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Please, this. I'd love it if Lil B had a Q&A here.

Also, hope you have a great day moot !
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why did moot kill the spee alpha bro culture?
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Sorry if I seem to be spamming Mootles.

But using the "Tomorrow" theme, I've noticed that transparent images, like pic related, will get a blue background instead of a gray one. Could you pass this along to your devs? Hugs and kisses, Anon.
Moot, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for all you have done. Without 4chan I would not have met my current game groups, and the number of friends I have now would be down from around 20 to maybe 3. Thank you for doing this.
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>No one gives a shit about /a/
Whoa hold up there pal.
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I was under the impression /s4s/ was created as an April Fool's day prank and would be deleted after April 1.

Since this obviously did not happen - what is the purpose of /s4s/? I am quite curious.
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Just lurk /a/ for like an hour, you should be able to collect enough smug anime faces to last you forever. It's a very rewarding task.
moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin moot ## Admin
Moot. Do you believe in MAGIIIIIC?
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>>590845 (OP)
What do you think about /mu/'s current state? It's becoming very hipster like, is a vintage music board such a bad idea? I put the thought to /q/ before and it just gathered shitposting. And what music are you into, since we're on the subject?
Removing the gimmicky tripcode users would help.
Speaking of banners, have you thought about purging some of the current ones? The ones you added last year were from an outdated compilation full of WIPs and low-quality gifs. You can tell just by looking at some of the ones that are in the current circulation.
this deserves to be read.
Why are you such a jew man

What was the reason of making /vr/?
What is up with connection errors lately? From what I've read I wasn't the only one experiencing them. I use 4chan X.

We have /j/ and "/z"/.
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You are on an anime website /b/ro.
>>590845 (OP)
do you, and if not do you plan to ever, have a girlfriend?
Will there be a 4chancon?
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>textless posts are not allowed

It could leave /v/, but it'll never /vp/.
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>>590845 (OP)

You ever party with some gangstas?
Yeah, I agree with an increased image limit.
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That's retarded. Fuck you.
Yeah, but the users of that board get up in arms whenever we try to discuss non-"waifu" shows from outside the current season.
He has stated before that it reminded him of old /b/ and took a liking to it.
"Hentai" does not encompass shitty western art.

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Also, where do you see 4chan going? How do you see it evolving and changing? Where do you want 4chan to end up?
Hey moot, can you tell me exactly why my recent threads on /int/ about africa keep getting deleted? My threads are 100% friendly discussion about the continent but the janitor keeps deleting the threads and he has issued me 2 15 minute post blocks that I have waited out.

You log every deletion right?
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His answer is going to be that people use it to evade post filters. Of course, it's arbitrary to block that character and not others, and the intelligent thing to do would be to regex it in along with o, O, etc. But that'll be the answer you get.

Ignore this idiot: >>591552
How come you never play video games with us anymore moot?
>implying it wasnt the mods
Why, just middle click and open it in its' own tab or use a custom theme, I don't want fucking blinding blue when I browse in the middle of the fucking night.
ITT: We summon moot.

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Shut up slut you are worst doll.
>takes 20 minutes to answer 3 questions
>>590845 (OP)
Christ moot just lock it for a bit to answer questions
cut that out you asscaptain
This. Please answer. What the fuck is /s4s/ even for?
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Moot, off-topic threads on /sp/ are the best on 4chan, and your stupid mods ruined them. Now people shitpost for the sake of shitposting. Tell your fucking shitty mods to fuck the hell off.
mom come look what i did! ehm funny!
Who is your favorite wrestler?
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Could I have a picture of you acting like you're giving me a highfive?
Hey m00t, I'm from /mlp/ I wanna say that I love you!

Have a nice happy day mooty
/tv/ regular here. Waifu and Disney Channel shit is fucking horrid.

Maybe Moot should make /tmz/ to please you fucks.
You are retarded. Please stop posting.
Are you following any anime series right now moot?
So Moot how was your Mother's Day?
The fact moot let that cancerous shithole of s4s stay but refused to create /cel/ is just fucking sad.
>>590845 (OP)
Are you making bank now, with the passes?
doesn't mean you have to shit up the website with that bullshit, there are boards for it.
>the mods who were hired by jewt
moot said in a thread a few days ago that what was meant as an April Fool's Joke turned into /b/ 2.0 with OC and creativity.
What sports teams do you root for, moot?
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do you watch any cooking shows? of so which are your favorites
Will you ever be able to answer more than 1 question per 5 minutes?
We can all see that /v/ is kind of having problems at the moment. The mods are doing their jobs, but what do you think the community needs to do to try and make /v/ a better place and less of a containment board?
>Make ponies a bannable offense on any board that isn't /mlp/
Except it already is you fucking retard
>>590845 (OP)
Yo moot

1. General compliments to you and the mods RE: the new rules over at /m/. We needed that.

2. Why are you (you/mods) so opposed to the idea of an /atv/ board?

3. If I invite you to partake in a podcast, will you come?
great job moot
you're an initiate ("one who initiates")
your little boards site has a major effect on people, for the best mostly
you're doing god's work and we are grateful
Okay moot, I want to settle this once and for all--Does Pokemon belong on /v/?
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>on 4chan
>not liking anime
>muteblock for insurance
Damn it moot, type faster
Which girl do think will win fa Oreimob Owl
3mb for gifs is too little.
/tv/ needs IDS or forced anon

You can't fix a problem by ignoring it moot

For years upon years people on the board have been complaining

You've done nothing

And it's only gotten worse

When will you learn

/tv/ needs IDS or forced anon

You can't fix a problem by ignoring it moot

For years upon years people on the board have been complaining

You've done nothing

And it's only gotten worse

When will you learn
Fucking nigger invisibro.

there are ID's on this board you dumbfuck

Moot, instead of a board for the underage children who do hipsterplank and watch fake wrestling, you should have given a sports board for the bro culture.
What's with the mods banning the regular fur posters on /b/?
>>590845 (OP)
Why do you always hold these in the late evening for the US?

It's past midnight here in yurop and this is the first one I've ever been awake during. Surely you're restricting the responses slightly this way?
I'm actually curious about how you feel about the current state of /v/. There has been an obvious amount of negative attention toward it for a while, and it has been split multiple times.

I understand that you don't intend on typing large responses, but I am genuinely interested.
This is so fucking retarded, why do people keep suggesting this. Why would you force two completely different communities together, that's a recipe for horrible, horrible disaster.

There's nothing stopping you from discussing old anime on /a/.
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>>590845 (OP)
Moot, I heard you were in the UK a few weeks ago. Specifically, you were at my college for a ball, and the word got out after the event thanks to your travelling companion.

I just wanna say, hi from Somerville! Really quite gutted I didn't get to see you, but hey, I'm being a stupid fanboy here.
MOOT please I want a picture of you checking some dubs
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why were you banned and can't you just un ban yourself?
moot, can you get the filter to stop marking random Twitter links as spam? I think an across the board white listing might be necessary, because it's the numbers that fuck you over
Moot would you consider allowing VNs on /a/? Also how is Kinomod doing?
Before /co/ was created was there a bunch threads about on /a/ about comics and cartoons? If not then why ask for this?
>advocating avatarfagging.

Just stop
how do you react when you see people try to greentext on other website?
4chan is a US site
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m00t we must find a way to destroy filthy website that shall not be named!

They take whatever we post and display it on their website!
>>590845 (OP)
When you hover on a reply/quote number, you can see the post, which is nifty, I'd like to be able to (optionally)hover on the replies in the reply so you can easily check the reactions without having to click or scroll back and forth It's probably more complicated than it seems to me, I'm not a good programmer. I thought it might be useful if it's not too complicated/retarded.
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when are you going to visit latin america Moot

love from colombia bro
I wouldn't normally complain, but I don't think it would affect the overall quality of the board, and with the amount of threads we have revolving around screencaps, filled requests, and various other things, we could use it.
I wasn't implying that there aren't. I was just saying I hope he answers it.
Moot, /tg/ is becoming shitty. Can you please do something about the magical-harem-waifu-fetish quests, videogame threads and eRP shit? Ever since you had them quarantined to /tg/ they've been a blight and attracting new posters with no interest in actual traditional games. Please remove them or move them somewhere else. Don't wait until /tg/ ends up like /v/ was before /vp/, when by then the board is already entrenched with a ton of shitposters.
>mods posting with tripcodes
top lel
What board(s) do you browse?
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I got banned for two weeks for organizing a raid. I was banned for a day for banned text. Just wanted to say thanks.
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Moot do you still talk to snacks? ALTERNATIVE and I am abib still seem to keep in touch with him, if going to his stream is any indication.
I second this question. Just curious about the mistreatment of the community by mods above all other things. Spamposters I can understand. But mods? It's not cool to regularly have people issued week-long bans for absolutely no reason.
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What's the point of having a board like /pol/? Pic related.
Furries are moral degenerates and do not belong on a Christian imageboard.
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moot, do you ever watch Celebrity Apprentice and would you consider being on the show? You and Donald Trump would be amazing television!
>/tv/ needs id
go find a forum
>forced anon
go back to /b/
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/s4s/ here
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Yo moot

whats your second favorite pokemon. /vp/ is dying to know
>>590845 (OP)
What's your favorite board? Are you a fan of the miserable weaboos that pollute every board?

Seriously, ban all things Japan from /ck/.

is for dubs and shitposting, for everybody not smart enough to figure it out. Stop demanding meaning where there is none.
Is 4chan for sale? And if the price is right, would you be willing to sell it to the Jewish Internet Defense Force?
durr removing radiohead or nmh is removing /mu/
ur fucking lame

getting rid of the tripfags would be good idea tho
Hey moot why did you change /tv/'s rules?

They worked fine.
Making it not allowed to talk about actors and actresses save for their 'body of work' is really dumb. Any board is going to have discussion that's tangentially related to the main topic.

Don't you remember /v/'s Primary, Secondary and Tertiary vidya content distinctions?

Making light-hearted remakrs about actors and actresses is definitely /tv/'s equivalent of secondary content.

I mean come on it's as inevitable as people on /co/ posting about Dan Didio's personal life or the same for /sp/ posting about Kobe Bryant's and Lebron James' personal lives.

Don't be silly , man. Why shouldn't pictures of actors and actresses be posted on a film board? it certainly doesn't get in the way of "patrician" film threads. Those have never been popular and almost always get <15 replies anyway.

Change back the rules please. You've been misinformed and have made a mistake.
Fuck off

You've posted this before here.
can we get some more enforcement by the janitors and mods on avatarfags? I keep reporting it but they still don't get deleted, especially on /sp/
Great work so far moot.

Question: Have you played the new dragonslayer thread game?
Are you making hella bank off of people typing in captchas to slay the dragons?
I hope you are.
I gladly type in captchas for you.
Do you love me?
anime belongs on anime boards, nowhere else.
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Why isn't japanese porn of western media allowed on /h/?
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Come on man, this just looks lazy, you have to admit. I'm sure it could be fixed with a little code.

If you've got a problem with leddit, just fucking ignore everything about leddit that's posted, idiot.
Hey mootles, is it possible to stop the Asuka spammer shitting up /jp/ with Asuka cooking threads every hour?

I know you're both into cooking and Asuka, but seriously, come on... that is too much.
I'm sick of seeing the same Asuka pictures getting spammed all over the board, every freaking hour.

It's annoying like HELL, dude.
It keeps the noxious retards in one place.
He said he'd consider a wildcard board (/z/) a few days ago.
Any thought to banning text from /s/?...its rarely something worth while and most threads with text devolve into arguments about race, religion, etc. /s/ should just be pics, no need for text. Show /s/ some love...ha
did you get the Borat pic from a thread in /mu/? I'd check the archive to match the post numbers but don't feel like it
Your picture should answer your question.
Moot can you do something new and unexpected for /b/, like the way we had those chocklit rane and ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH days

I miss days like that
Why not close 4Chan??
He answered this already:
Moot, can you make board for roll threads, so they won't be on /b/ anymore.
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Hey moot I've always wondered, can you or the mods see a certain IP's post history or only their bans?
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will you ever consider restricting tripcodes on boards like >>>/r9k/ ?
>miserable weeaboos
>site was started as an anime and japanese culture site
u wot m8
moot be honest
do you enjoy torturing yourself by answering all these questions

like masochism
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moot explain this picture and tell me why you changed your views about /sp/? is it true you want to make 4chan more like leddit?
>organizing a raid

Sure is /b/ in here.
How do you feel about the current state of 4chan, and /v/ in particular?

And would you consider adding post id's to /v/? shit's getting out of hand with people samefagging to try and start retarded arguments
Mostly /a/ and /v/, I lurk /tg/, /co/ and /g/ too.
It's a containment board like /b/, /mlp/, and /s4s/
Can you say once and for all that quest threads are allowed on /tg/? As a participant in several of them, I'm getting tired of people coming into the threads and shitting on them. A mod has said before that they are allowed, and there is a screenshot of his post floating about, but I'd like to hear that they are allowed from you yourself.
Goddammit moot.
Why do you type so slowly?
MOOTYKINS how was space?
I also agree with this post.
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Piss off and look at my image.
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what are you doing bro?
>mauer mad as fuck
Moot I know you never reply to my emails because there's really no reason too. But I just like sending stuff to you to let you know how important this site is to me and how it's helped me through a lot. I was just wondering if it was something that creeped you out at all or if you're flattered by it.
How does it feel to bring the story of The Pillgrums to the big screen?
moot, why not make a creative writing board for that stuff?
>It's becoming very hipster like, is a vintage music board such a bad idea
oh god this is the worst suggestion i've ever heard
go back to /v/ please.
ye moot, you slowpoke

arbeiten schneller bitte
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Yo moot, have you read Homestuck yet?

I've been at this for half a year now, an answer would be appreciated.

Also for the hell of it, wich 2hu wud u and ZUN fuk?
>is it true you want to make 4chan more like leddit?

What would moot possibly gain by destroying his own website
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mootykins pls help /tv/
We will love you long time, sucky sucky :3
It is, I believe. It's only when it's pure western porn that it's an issue, but that rule is never enforced.
Am I getting trolled right nao?
Stay off /a/. We do not want you there. You have no right to ask for a change in /a/ if you are /v/ermin scum.
>implying /pol/ is anything but /b/ 2.0: right-wing paranoia
Shit I read your post backwards, sorry bout that.
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1.) Moot are you ever in SF?

2.) What does the growth of Canv.as look like? Its starting to look like a failed experiment with very little love, that isn't being iterated on.

3.) I'm starting to realize however - 4chan is fucking tiny compared to other networks, but still generates a ton of buzz. What is it about 4chan that keeps it famous while small?

On an unrelated note, ChanExplorer broke top 100 on social in the Android Market some time ago (its dipped down to 140).
I agree. Or actually, couldn't we just have it explicitly posted in the rules? That would be a great way to shut the haters up.
it informs you, as your picture evidences
Be patient, there are a lot of questions.
I agree with most of what you said, but you need to understand /b/ receives upwards of 500,000 posts per day, and no amount of moderation will bring the board back in line with what we remember as "old /b/."

It really needs to come from the community.

>What are your thoughts on the current state of /v/ and have you considered adding /pc/ as a board for PC gaming?
I don't really have thoughts on it, and that isn't a board I've considered adding.

>Could you please remove the mods and janitors from /sp/ and give it back to the users. It was once the best board in the history of 4chan and a board we self-moderated extremely well. It is now almost unpostable on, and not a place anyone but the newest of users enjoy. #freesp
Per my earlier post, "one man's shitpost is another man's culture." You don't speak for the entire board, and I've received just as many thanks as I have complaints about the increased moderation.

>When was the last time you spoke to shii?
Years ago.

>Also, why are you such a faggot?
Ban History: [45 bans for this IP]

>Will you ever give us nokosage back, it made things ever so easier idiots feel that sage is some sort of personal insult.
nokosage won't be reverted to its former state. It's possible we might one day modify the way sage works, but I haven't put much thought into it.

>Do you know when you are going to remove the less active boards that you added a while back, or any estimates on when?
I've never said I'm going to remove any of the less active boards.

>What is up with /s4s/ I thought that was going to be an april fools joke?
It was intended as an April Fool's joke, but ended up being half-decent, so we kept it.

>On that train of thought why do you seem to be making so many changes to the boards and stuff lately when for years it was relatively untouched?
I've had more time to work on 4chan than in years past, and we historically haven't had much dev bandwidth. KING_JAFFE_JOFFER and desuwa have done amazing work this past year—the HTML rewrite, inline extension, catalog, API, etc.

>Can we get a more active mod or janitor presence on the /v/ board from the time 3:00 - 6:30 AM?
We'll likely do another janitor drive in the coming months.

>Will you ever put the 4chan pass at a price point of 10$ I have been waiting for that price point, I have a strong attachment to my jew golds.

>How do you personally feel about archives like foolz?
I don't love archives because the ephemerality of content on 4chan is really its most unique and defining quality, but understand that a lot of people find them useful.

>Any particular reason why /sp/ still has flags?
None in particular.

What did I just read?

>Your favorite video game is Diablo II right?
I don't know about /favorite/. I loved Journey, for example.

>Do you still play Path of Exile?
Haven't played vidya in a few months now.

>What other games have you played lately?
I've been playing a card game called Android: Netrunner, but no vidya.

>Hi, moot! Which do you like best, regular or frosted cornflakes?
Not a huge fan of either, but probably regular.

>I want to know if as a 4chan pass holder, I can construct a cURL script or
>something similar without catching an autoban.
A Pass allows you to bypass CAPTCHA—that's it.

>Why aren't you with your Mother?
She actually bailed on dinner ;_; I'll see her later this week though.
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Invisibro is mad.
It was a bullshit over the top blog about gun control. Strawmen and ad hominem everywhere. Yes a /b/ tactic, but well deserved.
Do you use reddit?
Moot, you let /s4s/ exist which no one asked for.

/s4s/ is just /b/

People have long asked for /cel/, people want /cel/ and still we get fucked over. Why are you so against it?
nothing is allowed on /h/ silly
All you have to do to beat this is highlight a few of the last characters and then click next.
It's easy.

- See if they generate productive discussion, therefore contributing to the board
- See if they generate content, be it in jokes or actual images (Like >Your Nation >White threads on /int/, often they have hlarious jokes)
- If they generate neither, they should leave (Like dubz)

This also explains why generals can stay - They generate incredible ammounts of content, but little discussion.
u r a cuntsicle
i wanna know this too
is subjective
is not, but is allowed. Hentai means 'pervert' not 'GRORIOUS NIPPON ONRY ARRRU' it's just being elitist about the point of origin of content, as if that means anything on /d/. If this was such a problem, why does it only ever get brought up here?




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smug reaction face != avatarfagging
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You promised user-selectable flags on /pol/, is there any development on it?
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>anime belongs on anime boards, nowhere else.

Do you know where you are? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off.
>This is so fucking retarded, why do people keep suggesting this. Why would you force two completely different communities together, that's a recipe for horrible, horrible disaster.
They aren't different communities, though. /a/ keeps their board, but the /co/ community expands.

We have regular anime related threads on /co/ already, most notably the Toonami Generals every week for the past year.

>There's nothing stopping you from discussing old anime on /a/.
Yes there is. Try starting a Bebop thread. You just get people saying it's "Entry Level" and to "go back to /v/"

>Before /co/ was created was there a bunch threads about on /a/ about comics and cartoons? If not then why ask for this?
That was before /co/ was created, though. Which was a long time ago.
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why did you stop lifting moot, we'd love to follow your progress and lifts and check out the gains you could be making with just a few months of heavy lifting on a good routine
Any chance you might add a feature that allows for users of a board to know which /q/ threads are talking about the board they visit? Users could choose from a list which board (if any) their subject is about when making an OP, so it would appear on the list.
Why am I even on this thread? I have nothing to ask, neither want anything...
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Hey, what happened here, moot?

Also, thanks for /vr/! Great board which has refrained from the /v/ culture.
why not close /b/.??
>nokosage won't be reverted to its former state.
Please stop stalking ZUN. He doesn't like you.
go to /mu/ and find me 3 threads discussing music pre-dating the 80's

why /v/?
I wish porn boards would shut up about things like Western art. The people who don't like it can easily ignore it, and there's no good reason not to allow it. And the more they talk it about, whether they're for or against it, the more they run the risk of prompting the staff to actually make a rule about it and ruin things.
>I don't really have any thoughts on it
Come on moot what do you do with your day
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Dear moot,

Why are you adverse to the idea of giving thread-specific IDs to other boards? I think /v/ really needs it, samefagging and people swaying their opinions to shitpost is quite rampant there.

Another thing you seem adverse to respond to, but I'll try anyway is a board suggestion. I think /job/ would be a great edition for people to discuss employment and provide others with advice and their experiences in the workplace. I know threads at least on /v/ about employment get crazy high response rates (this isn't just because of fulfilling the hurrr virgin loser stereotype, people are doing it tough everywhere).

I hope I can get a response,

Love Anon.
moot, do you feel that /q/ has been worthwhile? Amidst the banal complaining, what ideas have you taken/been influenced from?

Also, what would you do if I showed up at your door with 56 bars of Ritter Sport?
I keep getting banned for posting a banned URL when my posts don't actually contain any URLs. What gives?
Nobody wants to get decapitated with a chainsaw bro.

I don't see the problem.
>It's possible we might one day modify the way sage works, but I haven't put much thought into it.

Do you mind elaborating?
I certainly don't make retarded posts about "moeshit" ruining everything and manime from the 90s that gives me feels, so I guess my /v/ isn't really showing on /a/.
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Can you remove janitors from /mu/?

I miss old /mu/, janitors are fucking board the board culture.

please moot. ;_;

Thought about forced anon/ID on /v/?
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>>590845 (OP)
is the story true about the fbi and 4chan's servers?
picture related
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Hey moot, tell the mods to /sp/ top fuck the hell off.
Hi m00t. I'm curious to ask if you knew which board has the most tripfags? I assume it's /mu/ but just wanted to know if you kept tabs on it. xx

You have influenced millions of people with this board and changed parts of our culture. I appreciate and understand your dedication to anonymity and I enjoyed your talk where you described individual personality as multifaceted rather than mirror images.

I am concerned about the ways that culture is currently being influenced in /pol/. Encouraging violence is not good for any gender. I understand that board culture should dictate board content and I do not want to prevent free speech either. I just worry about the influence this has and unfortunately I have no suggestion to offer.

Thank you.
Bring back Rei#clones, moot.
>I don't really have thoughts on it
You can at least acknowledge that it's pretty terrible, right?
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Moot how do you feel this? It has been showing up recently on different boards

>Saging Humanity
>Bringing back the lulz

We don't have to conform. we can make an alternative.
When we dont like something, what do we do? sage that shit

Do you miss the good old days of doing it for the lulz too?

So did we, so we decided to start something up. We are new, so don't expect something fully formed yet, help us build.

If you feel like you can contribute with the skills you have, learn some more and teach some, and would like to get involved for the lulz (and some bigger ideas) then do so, find us, find your way in.

If you cant, then follow/look out for for announcements. You never know, you might like what we end up doing.

But we are not anonymous. We are not the mask.

Who knows, we might have some lulz in future. And thats always fun isn't it ;)
>Ban History: [45 bans for this IP]
I'll never understand how this happens. I haven't had a legitimate ban in 2 years, and the accidental ones (spam filter stuff usually) are usually months apart, and in between router resets.
Then remove the flags on /sp/ then if there is no reason for them
see >>591547
Whether it's for vintage music (lel dadrock), instruments (guitar-music sucks, DJ is not an instrument, drums take no skill etc.), hardware (lel go to /g/, to which /g/ respond "go to /mu/"), /mu/ doesn't work anymore.
Even with the text board...
Maybe having some separated boards for discussion, hardware and critic might work...
>/sp/ posting about Kobe Bryant's and Lebron James' personal lives

/sp/ doesn't care about male athlete's personal lives.
>board culture.

Stop reading there.
moot will you add wordfilters on /s4s/ ?
fight me cunt
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Hahahajahaha look what I can do. Top kek
hey moot have you checked your privilege today?
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>It was intended as an April Fool's joke, but ended up being half-decent, so we kept it.
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>4) Nothing from "Western" shows/comic books/games period.
On the sticky in /h/
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>moot got stood up by his mother


M-maybe I could be your mother tonight. No one would need to know.

I have tequila.
Dear Moot,

Can you add some sort of grading system for each post that can be allotted points?
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>tfw moot skips your question

Moot! Do you watch Game of Thrones? If so, any favorite characters?
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Well that other anon was talking about avatarfags.

And posting anime reaction images with every post is pretty much tripfag/avatarfag behavior

this, they just cause more shitposting.

BETTER IDEA: Remove them from /sp/ and add them to /trv/

/trv/ needs flags just as much as /int/ does

I pray you consider this moot
i recently cited your TED talk as one of my sources on basically why facebook is killing the internet. You seemed really goddam nervous during this talk, any thoughts mootykins?
I wish he would, honestly.
>It really needs to come from the community.

I know you haven't got there yet but see this post:


I don't mean to toot my own horn but I think this is pretty much the ideal solution.
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To bad this is 4chan.
>which katawa shoujo girl do you like best
Big loss.
/b/ moves way too fast (500,000 posts per day) for the FBI to investigate every deleted thread by hand. The reason new janitors don't start on /b/ is because of how fast it moves makes it hard to start with.
Moot skipped mine... I think we NEED /com/.
That filename isn't helping your case.
Why were candy-ass and roody-poo (as well as the other filters) removed? They seemed to at least slightly mitigate usage of the words.
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moot, please ban anyone on /v/ who uses the word "lel".seriously.
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>not the best board on 4chan
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You answered one guy's 7 questions, and a few gibberish ones? That's what's taking so long? There are so many useful ones...
Whats your Opinion on that Smiley movie?

Or did you avoid that piece of shit
>>590845 (OP)
Now that there's a lgbt board can have your janitors/mods delete all the faggotry off of the other boards?
>Bebop is the only old anime that exists

Yeah, fuck off. You obviously know nothing about what's discussed on /a/, so don't try to suggest changes for a board when you're obviously in no position to.
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Why? The only thing that would happen is spillage into other boards.
>I'll never understand how this happens.

Constantly posting ban-able crap banned. Maybe a public computer or whatever.
Thanks for taking the time moot.

How do you feel the new boards have been so far?

Regarding the banner contest you mentioned in this post, will /mlp/ based banners be allowed or would that be too shitstorm-worthy?

Finally, I ate a ban the other night deleting posts on a thread since it was being spammed by someone being butthurt people had kept it alive for over 10 days. (It just now hit 500 posts and is in autosage over on /mlp/ after 13 days.) I'm not here to whine about the ban (pointless since I served it) nor ask for a sticky for the thread (hilarious as it would be).

Are bans for 'making too many server requests' simply for getting rid of too many non-contributing posts beyond a bump something that might be fixed in the future? I'd prefer not to eat another ban for trying to trim a thread.
Can I get an official statement on your (and 4chan's) stance on "weeaboo shit"?
moot, please unban Rei#clones
Dear moot,

please fix the Rei-trip. Right now you get an "upload failed".
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>>590845 (OP)
is this really you?
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moot stop answering dumb shit like "wuts ur favorite fruit" and concentrate on some more important stuff please

Why no /cel/?
It will help: /tv/ (obviously)
It will help: /v/ (youtube celebs talk like pewdiepie, DSP, game grumps, etc.)
It will help: /mu/ (SNSD)

Probably some other boards as well. Can you give us a good reason why you are so against /cel/?
>They aren't different communities, though
I can't believe I'm reading this. A perfunctory glance through /co/ will show that it's a vastly different community than /a/. I don't even dislike /co/, but they're clearly very different from /a/.

>We have regular anime related threads on /co/ already
That sounds like a personal problem for /co/. Stuff should stay on their own board.

>Yes there is. Try starting a Bebop thread. You just get people saying it's "Entry Level" and to "go back to /v/"
But that's wrong. Maybe you're just shitty at making threads.
Moot, have you considered adding a /420/ board?
It's meant to be a joke, not "mitigate usage" of them.
What do you think of 9FAG?

To curb the shitposting and general faggotry from /b/ leaking into other boards, would you ever consider implementing a 24 hour ban from posting on non-/b/ boards after making a post on /b/?
I agree, roll threads are very annoying.
But they really don't deserve their own board.
I guess i just answered that then.
I was thinking why not a /med/ board where people discuss prescription drugs (not street drugs) and medical conditions. I see it being successful if trolls were weeded out. Thoughts?
Lol, you are talking out your ass.

It's not kids, that's /v/'s problem. /b/ is mostly filled with young adults (16 to 22) which are complete NORPS (They have not idea about Internet culture).

They are not cancer, they have become the new majority of /b/, which is both sad and ironic. The real cancer is all the porn threads that are present.

Also, how many bans/warning do i have? I remember being banned once for moralfagging a CP thread years ago.
too bad you're a huge faggot
why did you promise us a waifu/cel board and then only slightly changed the rules on /tv/?
Do you like futanari, moot?
To those saying remove /mlp/:
Moot said specifically that he is not going to remove ANY boards. This includes /mlp/. Unless season 4 was cancelled, then the board would have been removed all long time ago. There is a difference between the ponies in /b/ and the ones in /mlp/.

The ones in /b/, are idiots and the ones staying in /mlp/, are smart.
Try to be understanding, he has a lot of questions to look through.
>moot thinks this is good
Hi moot, what is your favorite book?
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not if you change characters!

u raycis, bro
Hello moot.
It is a general board business request. I was thinking about emailing about this, but I didn't want to bother you about this because you probably get enough mail.

Could you take a look at all the deliberate shitposting or at least mention to mods/janitors that when it is reported, it is actually for spam/shitposting/trolling. I particularly notice it on /a/. I am referring to the Frodos, the "rec me"s, the "what the fuck did I just watch?"s and so forth.
They are not actual questions or threads, just bad attempts to harass boards by posting the same thing again and again. They are not humorous or anger causing or fun or anything, it is just stupid spam.
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lol i posted that and he banned me for ban evasion

hes practically admitting it now
He has pointed out that was shopped many times, please ask original questions.
>>590845 (OP)
I know you always shoot it down, but I really think you should consider /r34/. It would solve issues like >>591781
and would help take some of the porn from /b/.
Because moot is a stone cold killer.
look at this image and post >>591704

goddamn mute
I don't see why celebrity gossip belongs on 4chan at all. It's already annoying as fuck in real life.
so moot can you at least put my mind at ease and tell me someone is working on this "connection error or you are banned" issue? it's getting a little out of hand
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m00t, could you please raise the image limit on /vp/? I don't think it would change much aside from recurring threads, which we have many of, being able to last longer in the back pages.
so lewd. This is sfw board.
Moot, considering that you've spoken out before on the issue, do you see the demise of internet anonymity?

Providers like Google and Facebook insist that we stamp our name on everything we do on the internet, and thanks to this people are increasingly willing to put their name on sites such as Instagram anyway - it's the while Web 2.0 (3.0?) vision, having your own personal portfolio/media outlet of glossy pictures and videos under a picture of yourself.

Do you think old-school boards like 4chan, everything2, SA, et cetera have had their best days behind them?
moot how do you feel about the "board tans" where each board is made into a character and interacts with each other?
I think a dozen of them happened because of the new /jp/ janitor this year... maybe even more.

I honestly didn't think it was at 45, though.

It's not a public computer.
>>590845 (OP)

moot can you please stop being a gigantic faggot and permanently ban me?

this is serious
/v/ user detected
i bet you're an atheist as well
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This, moot, please

Please, it's important, /mu/ is worse than it was before

post a picture of you

please I need for collection
Moot could you please say a prayer for the spider that died in my room today?
I was cleaning my room and saw him on my wall so I tried to pick him up with a tissue and take him outside but then I dropped the spider and it fell into my computer and the fan cut him apart.
I feel bad and I just want someone to make a prayer while I take a minute to respect the dead.
SFW limitations do actually hinder discussion in any places, yet there's no other place on 4chan to really put them. In something like the Alicesoft threads on /vg/, someone was banned for posting a translation of a relevant Alicesoft blog post with the accompanying images from the blog, because one of them had a nipple in it, things like this. Why isn't there a place to discuss eroge freely?

Also, any thoughts/plans to deal with people treating /jp/ like /e/ 2.0?

It's literally a one word answer.
>Now they just shitpost for the sake of shitposting.
So there's still shitposting, but with moderation. So what's bad then? Numbers gone up?
Have you watched any anime recently?
I second this question because I think the answer will be funny.
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Moot, you said you'd be my husbando back in your /cgl/ checkup thread, when can we meet up? I've been saving myself for you!
Moot, why don't you use gentoo?
I have an idea for a system where IP addresses need to be approved before posting. Just recruit a couple of people to check them and you'll solve the problem with people using proxies. It would be less work than having moderators check the report queue.
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moot, have you ever been under psychiatric care?
moot what do you think about facebook pages?

can you get them to shut them down?

also please stop rose threads

Try /adv/.

Are you an American concentration camp denier?
moot do you like trains
As is MLP.
You can always think of it as a containment board.

At the price of adding one board you help a handful of other popular boards out a lot.
How/why did you meet ZUN?
I wish, but do you know the amount of trouble it would cause with people looking for hookups and whatnot? I can't imagine this ever being done.
Hey moot I wanna know what is the number of mods atm?

How many people form part of the 4chan staff?
I've seen this posted in every single thread moot's posted in since I first came to 4chan. No, it isn't him.
do bagels think that they're people and we're bagels?

top lel
Can you make twitch links not be a banned link in /vg/? There's a speedrunning general where we link twitch links a lot and it's slightly annoying to have to spoiler the .tv
Have you ever thought about implementing an age verification process?
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Moot, can you please give a shout out to all the fine ladies across this nation, who leave pies at their windowsills so that an old chunk of coal like me might have a meal from time to time?
>>590845 (OP)
lets play minecraft
Who doesn't like trains?
>Yes there is. Try starting a Bebop thread. You just get people saying it's "Entry Level" and to "go back to /v/"

You get that if you're a shit-eating retard who starts a thread with an image and "this anime was so cool discuss." I've seen plenty of good CB threads on /a/. Fucking lurk moar.
Moot can you say hi Darra I'd appreciate it.
Would you consider updating /u/'s rules? The current ones were written back when it was still a board for cartoon lesbian porn, rather than the current mix of discussion, hand-holding and porn.

The new rules should at least clarify what kind of content is allowed (threads for western cartoons, films and literature seem to be accepted now, but they've been known to disappear) and might want to loosen the criteria of what kinds of SFW images are allowed.

I'd prefer if all three of the above were explicitly permitted and non-yuri pictures allowed for illustrative purposes, but it would be best to ask the board for more input.
Would be cool if you could collect your answers moot and put them in a closed thread afterwards.
Can you add "OP comment only" to the native filter (on the drop-down box where Subject, Name and Tripcode are located)?
moot can you give me some money man, its not that im poor or anything. I just need money for prostitutes
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1.sports threads about athletes and sports
2.game threads
3.power rankings
4.sports news threads
5.how did your team do today
6.>LGTSS banter
7.eventb owls (large news events only- no LA car chases etc)

500. ass threads (no hardcore shit)
750. yurop vs USA

9001.WSHH threads
9002.facebook beta threads
9003./a/nime circlejerks
9004.lel threads
9005./gym/ tumblr dumps
9999.tfw no gf
moot how do you get the musicians to do the Q&As on /mu/? Do they contact you?
Can anyone tell me what is the pint of /s4s/?

it looks like an another random board.
When is lewdness going to become an option for reports?
Part of 4chan's success was the amount of effort it takes to post. An approval process is just as bad as accounts in my opinion.
chiho a shit
>the HTML rewrite, inline extension, catalog, API, etc.
thank you!
Train haters
What is the future of 4chan?

Also, I know /out/ is a slow board, but PLEASE keep it.
It is my favorite board and best board imo.
/hr/ desperately wants it too. probably more than anyone else.

moot isn't going to do it though.

Any interesting ideas/features in the pipeline?
>None in particular.

Then can it be removed? If you are not Euro and American in /sp/ you tend to be a sort of pariah.


anon pls sthap. many people hve learned to use /s4s/ for shitposting, so they can contribute normally to the toher board. /s4s/ is a great place because some poeple can fulfill their "quota" of cancer.

>You will never get rid of the tirpfags that killed /x/ and almost destroyed /mu/
Moot, I sent you an email about the /ck/ cooking thing, and I was drinking, and drunk me thinks he is funnier than he actually is, so please disregard if I came off like an asshole.
>hasn't ever seen posting about Lebron's girlfirend or KoBr's sexual conquests

Please only talk about boards you actually spend time on.
Got any plans for /v/? It's pretty much /b2.0/ there now. It would be nice to at least have board ID's.
>Why specifically do you not want to reduce /q/'s post cooldown back to 60 seconds after this Q&A is over?
Because this isn't a normal discussion board, and you're one of the few posters on this board that would benefit from such a low timer.

>Have you ever been depressed? If so, what did you do about it?
I have, but not for a long time. I changed things in my life around to make myself happier, I suppose.

If you haven't read this yet, you should: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/depression-part-two.html

>Moot fix nokosage already
We did fix it, by removing the unintended behavior.

>Also I think something needs to be done about asshats who make the same threads word for word over and over and over on every board.
I don't know what to do about this other than putting ROBOT9000 on the affected boards, which we won't do. Report the posts as rule violations.

>Are you in dept or making a profit with 4Chan? If you're making a profit is it enough for you to make a living?
4chan breaks even now. It was losing money until Passes were introduced. I don't personally draw money from it, and support myself through my day job as the founder/CEO of a small venture-backed startup.

>What is the highest depth 4Chan has ever given you?
In 2009—$20,000. Probably more at some later date in time, but I don't really cherish memories of being five digits in the red so it'd be hard to give an exact number.

>Do you have a list of your most favourite threads? If so please post.
Not really.

>What is the most controversial topic that the mainstream media posted about 4Chan that you know about?
Beats me, an Anon could probably answer that better than I can.

>Have you ever been in contact with either local or national authorities like the FBI, CIA or any other countries agencies?

(Yes, I linked to Reddit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

>What hardware is the server running on?
A half rack of servers and networking gear.

>How old is the server software? (since the last major update changing the back-end system)
We're constantly updated the software. The core application is about ten years old.

>How many times have you abused your admin powers by banning someone just for fun?
I rarely ban people for fun.

>How many DDos's has 4Chan got?
A lot.

>How many IRL friends did you make via 4Chan?
A handful of my closest friends, and even a few people I've dated.

>Do you have any pets?
Not anymore ( ._.)

>What kind of shows do you watch on TV (if any)
I don't watch television, nor do I own one.

>Have you ever actually raged on anything someone said on 4Chan in general or directly against you?
Not really. Despite what people would like to believe, I tend to be pretty patient and easy-going. Plus, after ten years I'm pretty dead on the inside.

>Do you have any connections with Anonymous?

>Do you fap on traps?
Nope—not my thing.

>Have you ever gotten into a fight over something on 4Chan with anyone?
I suppose I've argued. I've never been in a physical fight though.

>Do you enjoy beer or hard liquor (if you drink)?
I rarely ever drink, and have never done illegal drugs.

>What is your favourite snack?
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>>590845 (OP)
Are you going to AWAcon?
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Also, what was the outcome of this meeting?
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Can this be le epic new trollface?

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I have a theory that moot doesn't really respond to this sort of argument.

We don't need /cel/ or deserve it or all the other reasons, pleas, begging.

But I would really be happy to see it and I think the number of people posting threads for different people (many I've never heard of) that it certainly would be an active board.

Bronies were stupid in Mootles eyes, and now we have a /mlp/ board.

If I remember correctly, he said that it's not right to completely ignore what is such a massive part of 4chan culture.

I don't care if you dont make an /i/ moot, but if you make invasions against the rules on /b/, you might as well make ylyl threads or furry threads against the rules on /b/. Sure, people don't like them, but they're gonna stick around one way or another.
Moot what happened to Mr. Spooky
He'll lock the thread and leave it stickied for a week or so probably.
Tell your mom Anon says HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

Your mom is the reason 4chan has been kept alive all this years, isn't it? She 4chan's mom.
People who have a monopoly on road freight.
/mu/ constantly talks about jazz, classical, kraut rock ect. it's not a problem at all.

and /v/ because you said hipster and vintage, and i assumed you wanted a place to talk about awful classic rock.
Moot, why doesn't /m/ have the 500 post bump limit like the other boards?

Also, what's the point of keeping bump/post limits separate by a few hundred posts? I can see a hundred at most being necessary for a fast moving topic, but not like 200
Do you have another job outside of 4chan or are you using Andrew Jacksons as cum tissues?
How often do you have random people recognize you on the street?

Are you ever afraid of the community on 4chan doing something to you?

How did your glock kaboom?
Can you fix other boards like you did with /sp/?

2009 /sp/ was good
2010 /sp/ was alright
2011 /sp/ was TERRIBLE
2012 /sp/ was worse
2013 /sp/ is a marked improvement

Why not emulate the success of this and transition it over to other boards
go back to /v/ faggot
board cultures exist, not my fault /v/ is so fucking shitty
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>Can anyone tell me what is the pint of /s4s/?
It's a fountain of OC and ironic shitposting.

It's fun you should try to get dubs there sometime.
Have you considered making bans on /b/ visible again? Have you also considered banning for threads that belong in /soc/?
Seconding a /job/ board, when I used to frequent /adv/ it was fairly common to see this discussed. The only things I can think of that might generate shitposting would be people bitching about other people's majors and you'd need to make a rule against posting caps of your resume without deleting or blocking out contact info, but I don't think it would go horribly wrong.

What Color is your Parachute says networking is important, moot.
It is just another random board.
Why do I get banned from /v/ for posting topics about gaming journalism? The rules state discussion of gaming culture are allowed, shouldn't journalism fall under that?
dear moot, can you please allow WSHH threads on /sp/ again?
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Reposting image to use against shitposters complaining about Japanese culture.
From /b/ we have risen and from /b/ we return. Circle of life, anon.
Hey moot, do you have a girlfriend? If you do, any plans to marry? Also sharpie in pooper plz?
Interesting out of curiosity how many bans has this IP received? I would think less than 20 probably between 10 and 15

On a side note what do you think users can do to improve the quality for this site? in terms of shitposting, trolling, and even just general quality of post, I ask because this isn't just for newcomers but people who have been users of the site for awhile.

btw 15 mins
>any human worthy of life is afraid of children
You sound like a well balanced individual
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This thread is not working at its full potential.
Hello moot. How was your Sunday?

Are you looking forward to Monday?
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also what did you think of ZUNbeer
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We really do need increased image limits on /vp/, though.
Can I has a ban too mewt?

1. Sports and sport related culture
9001. Off topic stuff
>/q/ - 4chan Discussion
>this isn't a [...] discussion board
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>When is lewdness going to become an option for reports?
What are some boards you could see yourself adding to 4chan?
I'm sorry, Moot.
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Moot please answer this man.

We want /cel/
shit list
>Yeah, fuck off. You obviously know nothing about what's discussed on /a/, so don't try to suggest changes for a board when you're obviously in no position to.

Read the original post, dipshit. I said I DIDN'T want to change /a/. I just want to enhance /co/.

Other popular anime that doesn't get discussed on /a/: Champloo, Trigun, Soul Eater, TTGL, GitS, Dragon Ball, etc, etc.

Literally the only show that's "popular" and gets discussed on /a/ is Evangelion.

Other than that, /a/ mostly just contains waifu threads, threads which are started with a half naked girl bent over a table or something or a general thread for a currently airing show.

If that's your thing, fine. I won't try and change it. Just give /co/ more space to discuss the anime we want to discuss.
All the time there are threads about KPOP artists on /mu/, but nothing about the music itself. It's like celeb threads on /tv/ which has nothing to do with TV or film, just actresses' feet. I do hide and report these threads, but they are flooding /mu/. Could you make KPOP threads which aren't about the actual music against the rules? Or make a Korean culture board just to put it somewhere?
you think "good" is moving slower than /n/?
moot what was this shit earlier?
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For what kinds of words would you need a wordfilter? There is no problem with any words being overused on that board at all. I have no idea what you're even talking about...
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moot, I had little something I wanted to talk to you about briefly that relates to something you said yesterday at that game conference.

If I emailed you, would I actually get a reply?
Hi moot,

The system shows you [BAN HISTORY: ??? FOR THIS IP] - this is a bit unfair for those on dynamic IP's, as it will influence how (or if) you respond to their posts.

How do you respond to this? (assuming my *shared* ban history doesn't put you off doing so)

also, what is my ban history? :3
Answer this pl0x
Wouldn't this give mods less of a headache?
>I rarely ban people for fun.
What are the exceptions?
Reported for evading spam filters.
moot why are you such a newfag?
Moot finally responded to one of my posts, golly gee whiz I am absolutely flummoxed. Thanks moot.
>If you haven't read this yet, you should: [system thinks it's spam]
Are you reading hacker news?
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Will we ever be able to see our own ban histories?
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Why are you answering personal questions? Shouldn't we focus on the actual site?

Glad to see someone else concerned.
>and you're one of the few posters on this board that would benefit from such a low timer.
Are "shit posters" really -that- rampant on /q/?

Sorry to hear about your pet(s) moot, I lost a family cat just over a year ago and it was tragic.
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This is an imageboard, dumbass.
/a/ never complains about non anime "avatars" unless it's 3DPD trollbait
What type is Sylveon?
Thanks for the reply Moot, good luck with the rest of the thread... People forgot how to read the rules and the first post -_-
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How meta of a meta question can I ask before it gets too meta?
I want o story time he MLP comics on /co/
>>590845 (OP)
Have you ever regretted starting 4chan?

One thing I never got: How did you start a website as big as this when you were only fifteen? It's something that really intrigues me.
AFAIK feels are allowed if music related.

The lulz died after chanology anon.

We can only bask in the memories now.
The number of parallels between me and moot grow by the day.
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there is like a new reply every second lol. Anyway What did you get your mom for mother's day?
Hi moot are you pro Israel or pro Palestine?
also what do you think about Syria?
>connection errors
I've been getting them a lot too. Especially when attempting to post a moderate sized gif
>Because this isn't a normal discussion board, and you're one of the few posters on this board that would benefit from such a low timer.

1OfCZcIy status: TOLD
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moot, can you please stop dropping by /a/ and posting "test" then leaving, resulting in a shitstorm of faggots that think you actually were going to have a conversation.
Just drop by every couple of months and have an actual conversation.

Also how many bans do I have, and what is the common offense among them?
moot I thought you didn't drink
u squat 2plate yet breh?
Please consider id's for /pol/
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moot any opinions on the spoilerfags on /a/?

Not talking about people discussing source material, but the people who go into threads and list all upcoming deaths or twists with intent to ruin it for others.
>>590845 (OP)

How slow does a board have to be for you to consider axing it? I don't think any boards need to be axed per se, but some of them move at an absolute snails pace, and I'm curious to know if it actually costs you to keep them going.
Moot will you please add wordfilters to /s4s/? The board is already dedicated to shitposting at this point, so it would only increase the quality of the board.
can you remove the /a/ mod from /sp/? the guy doesn't understand /sp/ culture, the one we anons built. he is terrible.

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Why cant there be a Girls Generation (SNSD) General or SNSD threads in general in /mu/ ???

Different artists from the same genre are allowed on /mu/. It would be stupid to disallow a Kany West thread just because a Mac Miller thread is there.
everyone gets it, it seems to just happen randomly and when it does you're pretty much forced to close the browser and start up again
What are your thoughts about the direction of all the most recent boards? Aside from /s4s/ as you have already given that opinion.
>I've been playing a card game called Android: Netrunner, but no vidya.

What an awesome surprise. Favorite corp/runner tactics?
MOOT! Why are your 12 year old power tripping mods banning people for posting sfur on /b/?

Just in-case you forgot:

Global rule 3. Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.
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Moot, what's your favorite board?
Also, thank you for making /vr/, it's basically how /v/ should be.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years?

Where do you see 4chan in that same time-frame?

Do you have any long-term goals for the site?

If so, what can the community do to help you achieve those goals?
People don't seem to take the tripfag issue on /mu/ enough seriously.
But it is really fucking bad. And they aren't even trying to hide they're underage, a lot of them even have their age displayed on their last.fm profile, and the biggest shitposters are all 16-17.

I'm not saying /mu/ should be forced anon, but some trip clean-up would do the board good.
Seriously, there are multiple people who only adopted a trip there to be easily identifiable in those /soc/-esque chart threads.
>>Do you enjoy beer or hard liquor (if you drink)?
>I rarely ever drink, and have never done illegal drugs.
>>What is your favourite snack?
Moot is fucking moe
Moot already said you can discuss Toonami anime. Please stop trying to fuck up other boards because you just want to "enhance" /co/.
>please add wordfilters to /s4s/
I think you've missed the point anon.
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chuck em in the name of /s4s/
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>moot still answering the first 30 seconds of questions after 50 minutes of unlock
>Just drop by every couple of months and have an actual conversation.
I'd rather he just left /a/ alone.
He's done the board and the site in general a lot of damage already, the less involvement he has with /a/ the better.
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>>How many times have you abused your admin powers by banning someone just for fun?
>I rarely ban people for fun.

I'm honored then. A few years ago you banned me in an /a/ thread you were part of after I asked you to make it a sticky so I could post this.
In reply to your comment about being depressed once.
Not the person who asked, but thank you.
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How many times a day do you check your privilege?
they're not flooding /mu/ dipshit, there's one at a time. just hide them.
>What board(s) do you browse?
/a/, every day of the week for at least 10 hours a day.
moot, can you do something about mobile performance? 4chan threads randomly stop updating on my Nexus 7 when I'm using Chrome and the board's auto-date.
Don't read the threads? I mean really why are you in a thread about it if you don't know the source material well enough?
Do you still play Dota, Moot? Are you gonna watch da TI3b owl with /d2g/?
can we have mods/janitors/you. on /b/ taking a more active role? fucking around in general, not banning people, like, posting maybe. might spice things up. /b/ needs some help.
Moot, listen to me you cocksucking faggot. I've had it up to here with your shitty mods from /a/ who delete Car Chaseb Owl threads. Seriously, I got banned a day for saying "someone should make a shitposting general thread." That is just ridiculous.

Tell the /sp/ mods to eat a dick.
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Is murder legal?
>adding shitposting filters on a shitposting board dedicated to shitposting
/v/ is filled with ironic shitposting. Most of the times the mods don't do much about it because it is common on /v/. Can we just make going XD and le bannable? It would pretty much kill off 80% of /v/'s shitposters.
Yiff in hell, fucking furfag.
>I can't believe I'm reading this. A perfunctory glance through /co/ will show that it's a vastly different community than /a/. I don't even dislike /co/, but they're clearly very different from /a/.

I didn't say that /a/ and /co/ are the same, I said that the cartoon and anime communities on /co/ have a large overlap.

>That sounds like a personal problem for /co/. Stuff should stay on their own board.

No it isn't. We aren't allowed to discuss Toonami/DBZ/etc on /a/, so it got moved to /co/.
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moot why do you do things like this?
Ice cream? I love ice cream!
>creates 4chan
>links to reddit

How dare you...
Will you please turn /s4s/ into [a/jp]/2D Random? We have been attempting to overtake it for a while now. This would be a great push forward against the normals taking over this site.
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pic was forgot!
I fail to see how this would be useful, unless you've been banned a lot. In which case, you should probably stop breaking the rules.
/hc/ is such a lightly used board and the fact you can't post /hc/ images in /s/ only contributes to people being butthurt all the time...why no /hc/ in /s/? Can these guys really not handle looking at a penis? Its the internet...
Moot have you ever participated in homosexual activities? Out of bi-curiosity or other, and if so, is this linked into the creation of /lgbt/?

And one last thing, was this person Jewish?
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>hi moot, how are you? is this where all the 4chan pass money is going to? your fancy hotel suites and designer clothing?
That was for a Vanity Fair photo shoot about two years ago. Also I'm wearing Gap jeans and a plain t-shirt.

Sadly, I am not /fa/.

>Do you think that the potential "normalization" of 4chan is a bad thing?
4chan has changed dramatically since its inception. It will continue to change, and that dynamic quality is something that has benefitted it immensely.

There's a reason so few people use a lot of old legacy BBSses: it's the same old people talking about the same old shit. 4chan's ability to adapt itself has kept it relavent over the years.

>Hey Moot, how is Canv.as doing?
Good. We launched a new product called DrawQuest recently and it's been going great.


>What is it exactly that motiviates you to keep this site running?
I've been running 4chan for almost 10 years. I am 25. I still learn new things from it, it's challenging, and I use the site every day and frankly wouldn't know what to do without it.

>Do you think we'll have an app for IOS sometime.
Unlikely, due to Apple's strict App Store policies regarding content that can be accessed through apps (porn is a no no).

>Why is /f/ rule #1 still up?
Because most rules have been on the books for the better part of a decade. We can add janitors to enforce it if it's becoming an issue.

>Why aren't there any tripcodes allowed on /s4s/? It's a shitposting board after all.
It can still be a shitposting board without being a tripfriend circlejerk.

>Do you remember why you chose the name "moot"? If so, what made you choose it?
It's not a very interesting story.

>How often do you post anonymously?
Depends on the board/thread, but regularly. Contrary to popular belief, I never samefag/astroturf though.

>Do you still watch animus?
Maybe once a year. I watched "50cm Per Second" recently and holy shit was that depressing.
lel you've obviously only been on /sp/ since last summer
read his posts
gotta tell these autists what his favorite snack is instead of solving anythnig
wow you sound like a boring drone of a person....
and fuck the police why u gotta work with em
>>590845 (OP)

Will there be any more shitposting control features implemented on other boards? Forced anon, User IDs, flags, etc
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are you watching Game of Thrones now moot?
Could you please answer >>591743?
>I just want to enhance /co/.
/co/ doesn't need you "enhancing" it with anime and manga. It's bad enough Toonami threads got shoved in there by moot. We got enough shit to deal with without your "enhancements"
Is making an on-topic general thread a bannable offense?
holy shit, moot did an ama?

what the fuck?

my respect for you have diminished moot. leddit is such a shitty site.
Catalog suggestions not yet implemented:
-ability to unhide threads by shift-clicking them in the "show hidden threads" view
-subject should be made more distinct from post text, such as having its own color or separate line
-"subject only" display mode instead of just comment on/off

>Because this isn't a normal discussion board, and you're one of the few posters on this board that would benefit from such a low timer.
Uh...granted? That's half an answer, I guess -- "I wanted to slow /q/ down and only a few people will notice/be annoyed." I don't really get why /q/ needs to have 1.5 minutes more cooldown than before, but there's no chance of convincing you to reduce it anyway.

I view it as a compliment.

He didn't close an HTML tag in the announcement area.
I've been thinking about board splits you've done in the past and how they've all seemed to pan out completely differently. What was different about /r9k/, /soc/, /adv/ and /v/, /vg/, and /vr/? The latter group seem to have all become better off because of it, but the former resulted in the parent board getting shut down and reopened as a dramatically different one. Did you go about the split any differently for the video game boards or something? I'm just interested in what made it work.
MOOT what do you think about putting the robot on /b/ but with this effect: make the posts that would be muted a sage. Roll threads would sage themselves to death, as would OP going bump, bamp, bomp, bimp.
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it would be perfect
>>590845 (OP)
Do you own a horse mask?
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Let's get this shit started,
>The isle of shitposters on /sp/
>I don't see how something that got popular off 4chan belongs on 4chan

Blame /co/, nigger.
Yea, I cringed hard.
When I actually followed the link and made the mistake of scrolling down I cringed harder and closed the window
Because it mite b cool.
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Many lulz were had
>We aren't allowed to discuss Toonami/DBZ/etc on /a/, so it got moved to /co/.
You're talking out of your ass. We have good DBZ threads all the time.
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>mfw trips
>/cyc/- cycling board
Why won't this suggestion die? /n/ is amongst the slowest boards on 4chan, do you seriously think that splitting it will result in two viable boards?
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moot, why do you like the worst girl?
Why is the 4chan Cup still banned, the spectacle of unity it is, when 4craft, which actually was a money-making scheme, was allowed?
Have you considered making a mobile app for the site?
please remove the current janitor/mod from /sp/. ever since he's made his presence felt, /sp/ has gone shitty in quality. no more quality banter.
Please moot, answer me :c
4chan impacts the real-world lives of people on a daily basis. Are you proud of having achieved this level of influence? Do you wish the userbase were moving in any particular direction?
Hi moot,

Can you do any more to keep the pedophiles off /b/? I appreciate that the mods do a good job in difficult circumstances and that sometimes they have to monitor threads before directly intervening / deleting / banning, but the waves of pedophile material being sneaked on 24/7 are not only criminal and sick but they are also corrupting people who have never seen such a thing in their lives and who have no wish to. The pedophiles are invading numerous threads, they think they can play 'barrack room lawyer' by creating threads 'dedicated to pretty little girls' (arguing that they are not illegal), but such threads ALWAYS degenerate into CP infested threads eventually. Can we have a rule so that anyone in a thread who does NOT report CP get banned? Pedophilia is not a free speech issue, it is a sickness that threatens and abuses children. There should be no place for pedophiles to post images of little children to use as masturbation material on /b/ or anywhere else on 4chan. Please bring the hammer down harder, moot. Many thanks.
Can't you read? I said I have no problem with people discussing source material.
There is a difference between that and just making a list with the intent to ruin it.
Sorry for the doublepost but I forgot to ask, do you watch Gamecenter CX?
Bring back #clones.
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You ever thought about putting up a list of banned urls Moot?
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Dear Moot,

What's your favorite board? Which one do you actually visit the most? Which one receives the most reports per day?
I know it's three questions, sorry. You're cute.
Love, some dude.
This only happens with SnK, and you faggots deserve it for not having read the manga. If you don't want to be spoiled go to an anime forum that does not allow spoilers.
Hi moot, I'd like to counter this and say that I think /u/ is currently one of the best boards on 4chan and absolutely does not need to be tampered with. Please just leave things the way they are.
moot, lock the thread. you are still busy with posts from 8:01pm and it's 8:52pm now. you're not doing yourself a favor by leaving it open.
just lock it and keep answering
Why is there a serious shortage of /b/ janitors? Do you plan to correct it? If so will you be taking applications soon? Are applications still available? If so I have been a frequenter of /b/ both lurker and poster for about 5 years now and have much personal and professional life experience to well suit such a position. You can answer here and/or answer + send details to powervector@gmail.com

Thank you and hoping to hear from you if not here then within the next month.
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This is what we all fight for

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When are you going to remove the janitor that ruins sc2 generals on /vg/ by just outright deleting 90% of the posts made until it dies off?
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>muh rules
Fuck off.
This. I'm interested.
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Any change for an an /a/nime - /ma/nga split?
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>It can still be a shitposting board without being a tripfriend circlejerk.
/r9k/ deserves this care not /s4s
>It's not a very interesting story.
I'm guessing it's exactly like every single internet handle and name I've ever created. You just thought of it and that was it.
>50cm Per Second
top lel
>I watched "50cm Per Second" recently and holy shit was that depressing.
Nice. Here's hoping you get back into more anime.
>Please stop trying to fuck up other boards because you just want to "enhance" /co/.

>I don't wanna take anything away from /a/ or it's users.
Very interested about this. What was the occasion when you met ZUN, moot?
Hey bro, curious to know your opinion on >>591549

>50cm per second

sounds like a normal Saturday night for you moot
daft punk?
>I use the site every day and frankly wouldn't know what to do without it.
Don't forget, you're here forever!
Do you want to go to space or not?
All of those are discussed on /a/. If you try to start a thread acting pissy like this then I know why you think it never gets discussed.
>>590845 (OP)
I've noticed lots of random threads that are nothing but shitposters, moot what is your take on shitposters, and how do you plan on obliterating them? *holds out microphone and beckons* We all know you want to rant.
moot, can you please look into /sp/?

too many faggots, half the posts are shitposts or >tfw !!! XDDD and there's too many tripfags

tell mods to delete all the feel shit and just ban stupid fucks please

also half the newfaggots over there think sage is a fucking downvote, just ban people when they act retarded

anyway thank you
Never, same as always. You faggots need to learn to play nice or fuck off.
This, just quickly lock it and answer any questions/requests you deem fit.
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moot is it true that you used to live in Cambridge? because i got into a fight at a bus stop there like 5 or 6 years ago and want to know of you saw it
>It's not a very interesting story.
I like uninteresting stories.
/b/ does not have janitors, nor does it need them. Almost everything is allowed on /b/ so there is little to enforce other than CP.
>Maybe once a year. I watched "50cm Per Second" recently and holy shit was that depressing.
Honestly the impact was a lot smaller the second time I saw it. Is the bad that the Haruhi movie affects me a lot more these days?
Hey moot, have you ever/do you play World of Warcraft?
/dp/ was briefly made and then filled with dual penetration pictures.
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>>590845 (OP)

Moot, please, I'm begging you, please abandon the archaic and frustrating Captcha. Please explore the possibility of using a more advanced and user-friendly system such as Confident Captcha or KeyCaptcha.

And let's be honest.. Not only is Captcha annoyingly difficult to decipher, it does not belong on an image board. Confident Captcha and KeyCaptcha are not only intelligently designed, they also lend themselves to an image board users habit of one-handed typing.
anything on this moot? even if it's just /vg/ most people use twitch links for other people and not advertising anymore.
Can you declare one way or the other whether Dreamcast discussion is allowed on /vr/? The janitors and mods can't seem to agree, and it's a bit frustrating. Most people want it, by the way.
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moot please make it bannable to attack ourselves.

e.g. on /a/, shitposters go on a thread about some anime they don't like and spout shit like "worst fanbase". This typically happens when OC rises, and idiots associate memes with other websites. This issue is likely present on /v/ too.

Why is this important?

I remember when we made fun of Gaia and other normalfags, but since we started attacking our own community, OC creation has gone down. No one can create OC anymore without being accused of being from cancerous websites.

OC must be protected.
dub king here, excellent job soldier shrek may now spread your cheeks
>50cm per second

Good job being retarded moot
How do you browse 4chan? Do you use third party extensions, the inline extension, or something else altogether that is only available to you?
Bring NEET threads back home to /jp/
If there isn't a plan for releasing a mobile app for Apple, what about Android?

>50cm per second
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Moot I think you're a pretty cool dude.
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Why wouldn't anyone want to go to space?
Read the second post.
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What did you mean when you said /s4s/ reminded you of a /b/ a few years back?
Can we please get an option to see our own IP ban history?
can i robotically download posts from /b/?
there should be some kind of up and down vote system. rather than reading through threads full of shit the good posts will be there right on top
More like 50 wallpapers per second.
>an image board users habit of one-handed typing

Contributing to quality posts
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Answer me please mootykins, ;_;
Can we have fortunes back?
moot do you like olives?
>>590845 (OP)

can you watch my cat twerk her ass?

That doesn't only happen with SnK, though it is a recent example.
It happens with every series with almost every series with a translated source material.
Tell us the story, Moot.
>It's not a very interesting story.

didn't you call yourself "moo" then added a "t" and didn't realize "moot" is an actual word?

that's pretty kawaii yo
Oh, I know the answer to that one. It's cause they can haul him off to a federal pound you in the ass prison if he doesn't give up the goods on people who post CP or threats about blowing up sports stadiums.
captcha is easy you fag
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moot what do you do when you get banned? doy you wait it out or use admin magic to make it go away? be honest

do you like the smiths? I do
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moot please reply to this post, you've never talked to me ever ;_____;
He can't make pass money if there's no captcha to bypass.
>Maybe once a year. I watched "50cm Per Second" recently and holy shit was that depressing.

If you like 5cm per Second, watch some of the other Shinkai files. I recommend The Place Promised In Their Early Days or The Children Who Chase Lost Voices (Hoshi wo Ou Kodomo).
No question, just remember you can drop by /cgl/ anytime for a free ego boost <3
>We can add janitors to enforce it if it's becoming an issue.

No, i just think it's an outdated rule.
answer these moot, thanks

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Stop it with that stupid idea already.

I would rather have a good discussion on /a/ then have some shitty OC.
If you could press a magic button that would turn everybody in the world bisexual and increase their sex drive by 500%, would you? Just to watch the chaos?

If you had to pick a spokesperson for 4chan, who would it be/
>>590845 (OP)
How cool/weird/creepy was it wearing the cat suit for Anamanaguchi? How much are y'all in love with each other?
>it's not a very interesting story
I am more than curious enough to sit through what your reason is behind your name.
Unless it was a random choice.
please stop listening to the ledditors and let /sp/ go back to being /sp/
>butthurt shitposter
>muh board kulcher
I'm pretty sure he meant that /s4s/ reminded him of /b/ a few years back. I might be wrong, though.
Why are you so mad, sir?
Those threads are cancer anyway.
Kpop faggots ruined it.
THIS. Or at least make a /crew/ board for it.
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WHAT WAS THIS SHIT? i didnt post this shit lol wtf so weird
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Moot, will you be my friend? I don't have any friends.

please moot. or at least open a thread on /sp/ to discuss what we as the consensus can be acceptable. we /sp/artans are different from your average 4chan user. we banter in our own way. get rid of the mod pls.

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he's coming to the US in the fall
I don't think they are scheduled to return alive.
Hey moot, ever consider leaving new york? They seem not to respect yo freedumbz.
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oh wait I earlier suggested moot on Celebrity Apprentice but what about Survivor? That'd be fun and free advertising and a real different experience for you!
Answer me sir moot
moot, I would like to take you out of bounds and show you amazing glitches in Journey.
Can you put some music on /jp/? We would greatly appreciate it.
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What is your main hobby right now moot?
That DrawQuest thing looks cute. I don't personally have an iPad, but I guess I can play around on my brother's to see what's up.
2011 was /sp/ at its worst
Almost entirely unmodrerated and the classic
>That will be $19.95 plus tip

EVERY 10 minutes
also moot, care to comment on this?


why are srs people being hired as mods?
>Not being able to type a captcha one handed
Not moot, but Chant.
for being a normal, and a newfag
I still have the recording of the phone talk between you and that bitch back when some hackers stole your DNS.
Do you think 4chan is getting better or worse? Honest opinion.
Dear moot,
How're ya? S'all good? Great.
Let's say that /ck/ is my homeboard. It's generally pretty good. I don't even mind the myriad fast food chain threads. They're food-related, so no harm discussing them. However...
Where's our /ck/ sticky? We get a few Pimp My Ramen threads and How2Cheap threads daily: I think a sticky would handle these two subjects as well as several others quite well. Doing so would make sure /ck/ regulars won't get exasperated at the same slew of rotating questions and the people asking them will quite quickly and reasonably get the information they desire. The sticky could just simply provide a link to one (or several) of the many /ck/-related sites such as the booru one or the wikia one or Foodily or Self Nutrition Data or others, similar to /fit/'s sticky.

Also, I made Panamanian banana/corn cake today, if you want some. I could give you the recipe so you could make it yourself. It's great to eat still hot in a bowl with a scoop of your favourite ice cream on top. I like butter pecan.
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>not owning a pass
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Moot would you mind telling me the number of times my IP has been banned?

Thank you.
>"50cm Per Second"
The minute he has to pee on someone's wound to clean it, he'll never hear the end.
you have a dynamic IP, and that guy was a ban evader.

you get punished for his rule breaking.
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>Maybe once a year. I watched "50cm Per Second" recently and holy shit was that depressing.
Watch the rebuilds, seriously.
>muh rules
>no fun allowed
It is a moot point either way.

Moot is one lucky guy, I wish I could chill with ZUN and drink beer.
Will you keep all the new boards, /lgbt/ /gd/ and /out/ for example?

2nd question: Will we be able to make 4chan cup threads again anytime soon?
moot, who is your waifu?
>What kind of books do you read ?
Non-fiction, mostly.

>What the hell was /fk/
An excellent, excellent board.

>So why did you make the thread an hour before GoT and Mad Men? Is this a conspiracy to take me away from my shows?
I don't watch television and had no idea these were on.

>What if jesus was a jew?
But he was a Jew.

>If substantially more mods and janitors would improve board quality overall, what would you be willing to give up to make that happen?
What do you mean by that?

>Who is your favorite Touhou, moot?
hm, probably

>What's happened to that project you were working on?
See The Verge link above.

>You're a minute late, moot.
I was eating messy food and had to wash my hands.

>Why are you spending tonight with 4chan instead of spending more time with your mother?
She ditched me ;_;

>why do you hate /mu/?
I don't hate any board.

>Does /pol/ have a janitor?
It does.

>Are we ever going to get them flags?
It's at the bottom of the todo list.

Propose me better/more defined rules.

>Also can you please ban complainers with the same ferocity as waifufags? I'm just sick of hearing about it all.
As are we.

>What did you do for Mother's Day, moot?
Spent the day with a friend. Ate a ton of food, and walked around Manhattan a bunch. Beautiful weather, and a great day overall.

>What did you get/do for mamamoot for Mother's Day?
I bought her a card and planned to take her out to dinner, but she bailed on me.

>What is your ultimate goal with the increased moderation we've seen accross the boards recently? What are you trying to pruin specifically to improve 4chan?
We aren't trying to prune anything. Team 4chan has been woefully understaffed for years, and has had admin tools that were lacking. We've since expanded the janitor team, and improved the tools dramatically. The result is more visible moderation.

I saw a clip of the Derpy fiasco on YouTube a while back. Otherwise, no.

>why don't you ban all tripfags? why is this still a feature if it is constantly abused and it just leads to shitposts that ruin every board
That's a great opinion you have.

>what was the last thing you fapped to?
This post.

I'm really not the person to answer this question.

>What is the real reason you deleted /r9k/ and /new/? Two popular boards with a large and dedicated userbase.. it's unprecedented.
I got fed up with them, realized my error, and apologized.

>moot are you still a virgin?
See, the thing is, Moot is about to answer my question.
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Will /a/ ever go back to being Anime and Manga or will you let it degenerate more and more into /a/ime Random - NSFW Porn, cute girls, VNs, Anime Vidya, Anime and sometimes Manga?
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Moot, is it true you own a Glock? Ever go to the range or own any other weapons? /k/ misses you.
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Can we get an updated one of these? This one is a little out of date. Maybe even post them once every few months on your twitter or whatever?

Also, IDs on all boards, even if they're not visible, with an option to quickly filter out a user and allow for self-moderation of the good kind. Please reconsider this. It would reduce the need for moderation hand holding and allow me to get rid of shitposters without my tastes intruding on anyone else.
Moot, what's your position on people with pony wallpapers? I've a few posted on desktop threads who seem to be under the illusion that it's tolerated. Could you please reiterate that pony faggotry has a zero tolerance policy here so I can screen-cap it. It's not like they can't change their wallpaper or censor it before posting the desktop.
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>all this ball-washing
>answering some nigger asking 50 questions instead of taking time to cater to all your loyal subjects.

you're a terrible husbando
Why are tripfags allowed on /mu/
How well are you able to differentiate between joking and serious conversations when people are talking to you through email or on 4chan? I kinda got a bit paranoid a week or two ago in a /soc/ thread after I jokingly kept asking you to check your spam folder for an email I sent.

Also, do you realize that people interact with you a bit differently than they do with the non-famous, right? Just because someone is a bit nervous when they talk to you doesn't mean that they're crazy, unstable, etc., IRL. Just felt that it was worth mentioning, since I often act a bit weird when communicating with you (like right now).
How come my ISP, CanTV, has been banned for 2 years due to "abuse"? I'm sure it's not doing anything anymore. Won't you ever unban it?

5cm per second is shit. You picked the worst Makoto Shinkai movie.
it was at my college dorm shared internet.
does that mean that the poster of that pic was someone on my internet connection? like in my dorm?
Where did the /z/ board go you faggot?
so mad right now
>>Do you have any connections with Anonymous?
would you tell us if you had any connections with Anonymous?
Can /jp/ have its GUST threads back?
>>590845 (OP)
I understand that there are none but the most basic rules on /b/ but where are all the fucking mods? i have seen shit ton of CP and other things that are allowed no where on this site yet i have never seen a mod delete a file. And while on the topic, do you even /b/ anymore?
will there ever be an /idol/?
Homestuck is the story of Moot and Snacks.
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>calling ANYONE hipster

>>Who is your favorite Touhou, moot?
>hm, probably
Every. Fucking. Time
>Are you a virgin
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soup, moot?
Going to nag once more (what else is new): is it possible to get a new sticky for /r/? I had a thread about this last week on /q/, but it kinda drowned in ban appeals and thread reporting.

Pic related would be a good start.
MOOT could you allow the word nigger on all boards? Only niggers find it racist and niggers don't 4chan.
Oh, and thanks for taking the time to do this, moot. I got so excited about banana cakes, I forgot to thank you.
Thank you.
Moot when are you going to ban all the Australians and end shitposting once and for all?
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Has being the creator of 4chan ever got u laid?
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Who is your favorite meguca, moot?
>being new

I posted one just the other day. You can try looking for it.
Hey moot, are there any boards you've never posted on? don't think I've ever seen you on /out/ ;_;
Why did your mother bail on you?
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Can you make NSFW boards for all the blue boards?
You can still have the same discussions but be able to post NSFW images
moot, would you ever consider getting back into anime? Have you ever had the urge/tried to in recent years?
Moot's a complete normalfag now.
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>skipping the /cel/ question
>implying I didn't notice

I don't get why /cel/ is such a taboo for you, did someone named Cel rape you or something
How tall are you? Also, your jaw line is excellent.
Moot, have you read A Short History of Nearly Everything? If you haven't, that book is for you.
You're in the minority on that one, unfortunately.

Really? Search any of those shows on Foolz and find a thread that isn't purely arguing about whether or not it's "/v/ plebby shit".
>>moot are you still a virgin?
How are you liking the 5 new boards? Do you think they have a place on 4chan and are here to stay?
>moot are you still a virgin?
moot has abandoned us.
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Could you raise the image limit on /vp/? It's rather low as it is for what we do.
More importantly, could you get rid of the janitor who keeps deleting things that aren't rule violations?
>still answering redundant and personal questions

/q/ =//= /soc/
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Why do you hate /tv/ moot?
Hey moot, /vg/ would like the twitch link filter removed.

Streaming is a pretty big part of many generals culture, and in all honestly everyone just bypasses it anyways.
Can you unban blogspot links? It's kinda annoying because a lot of scanlator sites have their sites on that, and it's quite hard to re-direct new members to them if blogspot is banned.
Do you wish that you could go back in time to when the site was young and much smaller? Also, to everyone in general, why do you hate OC so much?
>implying it was a woman
You still liftin' moot? If so how's it going?
The program used to make those charts was killed by the rate limitation and there hasn't been another version of it that's gotten around it yet unless I missed something.
It was his cat.
>hm, probably
Th-thanks f-for answering, moot.
>Propose me better/more defined rules.

There are more than 20 posts in this thread asking for /cel/, that post you responded to is the only one that wants more rules and more people banned.

You're biased and it's sad.
>Other popular anime that doesn't get discussed on /a/: Champloo, Trigun, Soul Eater, TTGL, GitS, Dragon Ball, etc, etc.
These shows get threads an a fairly regular basis. Around one or two a week. I'm pretty sure there was a GitS:SAC thread last night.

>Literally the only show that's "popular" and gets discussed on /a/ is Evangelion.
3.33 is your answer. There were FAR less before the release. Fanboys gonna fanboy. How is this even an issue. Those type of treads almost always stay on topic and don't get shitposts unlike SnK and Oreimo threads, which are just flavor of the seasons.

>Other than that, /a/ mostly just contains waifu threads, threads which are started with a half naked girl bent over a table or something or a general thread for a currently airing show.
-Buyfag threads
-r/a/dio threads
-Idolm@ster general(not current series)
-Create an anime plot thread

>If that's your thing, fine. I won't try and change it. Just give /co/ more space to discuss the anime we want to discuss.
/co/ is not /a/
plz resond
What animes are you currently watching?
It turns into a porn board with little to no non-porn stuff. /gif/ was evidence of that.
Why refuse to give users of /tv/ the tools required to curb & eventually end waifu shit posting and pedophilia shit posting ?
I think it might have something to do with the fact that you kinda have the entire moderation staff on your bad side.
>What do you mean by that?
The board's in your hands and so is hiring. You're obviously understaffed unless there's a really good excuse, it's something you're not doing.

What are you willing to change to see more moderation on 4chan?
>sucking moot and the mod's cocks this much
You have a point. moot, is there anyone in particular that you would go gay for?
>All these mad shitposters thinking that throwing hissy fits is going to make moot privy to their cause of ''freeing /sp/

down the the /a/ mod #freesp
Well moot, turns out I'm sick and couldn't catch that musical

Anyways moot, what's your opinion of social justice retards flooding the internet recently?
It's China, I can feel it.
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Moot how much would 4chan be worth right now if you sold it right now?

I don't want the bullshit answer "it costs more to keep up than it generates". I know you're getting crazy page views and that == $$$

My guess is $5 million.
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>moot are you still a virgin?
You're dead to me.
I am a heavy user of /a/, I am just informing you that's exactly what's happening.
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Moot, isn't it true that /x/ is arguably the greatest board? If you say otherwise you're disinfo, and your true scaly face will be unveiled to the rest of the world.
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I claim this get in the name of /s4s/
Has any anons ever said anything that has just brighten your day and you still remember especially on sad days?

If so what was it?
did you gave up on /v/?
If it was a dude, he would be just as lucky

I wonder if moot would pitch or catch...
money/finance board plox moot
My roommate has her unemployed boyfriend over every single day of the week. He's not causing trouble and he isn't living here but still, it's a fourth person in a 3-person apt. What do?
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Do you still wish to be the little girl?
Hey moot. Hey.

....I got really nothing to say. I like the fact that you care about 4chan and adding new boards and shit.

So thanks.

By the way. Do the 4chan pass+ads cover 4chan expenses or not?
>he program used to make those charts was killed by the rate limitation
No, it wasn't. browser.exe has been around before there was even an API to be rate limited. I noticed the board tour feature having issues when I tried to use it a few days ago, but I was still able to generate a complete list of stats.
Would it surprise you to learn that finding volunteer moderators who aren't power tripping faggots is harder than it sounds?
will we EVER get a board dedicated to celebrity gossip/worship or (3d) waifuism?
hey moot, has /ck/ made you try anything you've seen? like I saw poutine posted all the time and decided to try it, good stuff.
>that feel when you want to be apart of the /ck/ ny cooking club but don't live in new york
Have you ever played Yume Nikki?
/a/ is for interesting things for which there is a lot to talk about, like currently airing anime. If you want to discuss old anime, you should go to a forum.
>TFW you're the same age as moot and yet he's not a virgin and you are

Fuck my life ;_;
Are we ever going to get more janitors for /a/? I really appreciate the work they've been doing in the past few months, but I think it's still not enough.
He said 4chan breaks even
Moot, do you have a Dragon dildo?

If so, can you tell us the specifics of which one it is?
Moot what should we do about the declining quality of /a/, with more people admitting they are normalfags and blogging?
>>590845 (OP)
Y r u sch a ragin faget?
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>More importantly, could you get rid of the janitor who keeps deleting things that aren't rule violations?
This please. Or at least tell them to pay attention to what's actually violating the rules.

I was banned for posting this image before because a janitor thought it was cropped porn.
Moot, ever thought about holding threads at least once a month to let users interact with you? whether it be, Q&A or something of sorts?
>>590845 (OP)
Please hire more janitors on a regular basis for /t/. Every time you do your big janitor hire, they do work on /t/ for about 2-4 weeks and then go back to having rule-breaking posts last for days. Reporting posts seemingly does nothing... Or maybe it does and it would take even longer for bad posts to be removed. A troubling thought.

Also, you should hire janitors who actually understand /t/'s rules, or perhaps alter them to be more specific, as I tend to see a lot of rule-breaking posts that never get deleted.
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>Propose me better/more defined rules.

How about something like: "Discussion must be related to plot and/or character. Waifu threads and image dumps belong in /cel/"
/pol/ is a clusterfuck of paranoia and anger. It's what makes the board so interesting.
One of the main things the denizens of /pol/ are angry/paranoid about is subversive activity from either the Jewish Internet Defence Force or the angry feminist shills at SRS.
Half of the posts on /pol/ are derailed with vitriolic accusations of infiltration.
>In your knowledge, has there ever been an invasion of shills or is it just paranoia, parody and shitposting disguised as such?
>bought her a card
you have to make homemade cards, ya dingus
When was the last time you talked with W.T. Snacks?
I agree.Yes I have my own waifu and fanboy about it at times but as a musician I'd like to actually talk about the music itself and how each group changes their style within the 1st year but a few posts into the thread, it turns into a fan war about who's waifu is better. Today there was at least 3 threads in 2 hours.
Not just /mu/ but /wsg/ /fit/ and other boards.
Where do you see 4chan in 5 years, moot?
>>Do you remember why you chose the name "moot"? If so, what made you choose it?
>It's not a very interesting story.

So I guess you could say that the point was "moot"? ah ah ah ah
Time to go take a bath with the toaster.
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Do you remember me moot?
Moot do you ever come into the 4chan IRC channel @ rizon? I dont recall ever seeing you in there in the few years ive been idling there
hey moot we should meet somewhere (im from bergen county) and fight each other. if i win /sp/ is allowed to have fun again and if you win i'll leave forever.

He has split /v/ multiple times in an attempt to save it. Anything beyond this point is up to it's community.
That's not a good idea, and will never exist.
File deleted.
Hey moot. Right now I'm suffering from horrible anxiety and depression. Have you ever dealt with fucked up mental issues. Also, tits
Hey moot, I don't see the point of the image cap, it just kills image dumps.
People just go to new threads and commonly the cap is met by the time the post cap is met.

Occasionally it isn't though,
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Thanks for the reply, moot.
Moot what size shoes do you wear?
Why are you so against /cel/ moot? This is a place for fun and discussion. Why do you feel /cel/ won't bring that?
>>590845 (OP)
Can I have a chicken McFlurry?
I second this. /a/ has been terrible on the weekends. We had /sp/ invade a thread this morning, and I don't believe any janitor showed even though I was reporting like crazy.
Moot, you should stop displaying J-list ads on SFW boards. Ads for Tenga toys aren't exactly SFW.
Hey moot. I just want to thank you so much for the site. I truly believe it has helped me become a better person (getting into literature, teaching me to cook), and I met some awesome people here. This is my favorite place ever.

So thanks.
>>590845 (OP)

Have you ever thought of hosting a true 4chan meetup convention? It would probably be the shittiest thing to ever happen ever, but it would be our shittiest thing ever. That's all that matters.
I cannot tell them apart.
Is there anything we can do about awful janitors besides make a thread in /q/? Seems like it's a problem on a lot of boards, for different reasons.
This is a worksafe board.
Is that really fine too?

What age did you cast away your magical virgin potential.
Do I still have time to become a muggle at a younger age than you?
I can't read that. Also you might get banned for that.......
moot, what is the #1 thing you expect out of your users?

Do you value quality or quantity of users?
You brought up several times that you were happy your website was not "a hockey stick". Does that mean you rather see a growth over a smaller population?

What are my chances of getting into janitor apps this time? I've been shot down twice already? Should I even keep trying?
>>590845 (OP)
what do you do for a living?

Do you like my little pony?

If you win the axe apollo thingy, are you willing to go to space?

what are your academic achievments?

how many girls had sex with you?

how old were you when you lost your virginity?

how often do you lie to your mother?
This is a worksafe board moron.
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Hey moot, what's at the TOP of your to do list?
ew gross, you're all naked and shit
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>>Who is your favorite Touhou, moot?
>hm, probably

>hm, probably

go suck a dick you idiot
actor's body is his tool, an important part of him. you're a fucking retard if you think people are not gonna discuss appereance.
Why do you love tofu?
I could never get into it, and every tofu product I ate was supposed to taste like a meat of some sort. What appeals about tofu?

Also, mind putting stickies of cspan on /k/ when muh feelins is being debated? Is it possible?
Those are some ugly tits, no wonder you feel depressed.
can you even READ?
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So moot, any plans to come to Michigan at all within the next decade? I don't mean an action packed trip to Detroit, but maybe just chilling in Grand Rapids or Lansing or some shit like that. I'd really like to meet you in real life some time. You could come to Artprize or something, you like looking at things, right? I can bring anime and delicious sweets. I'm sure some bros from Michigan would love to come around and hang with you. Maybe even play some vidya.

Also, if you could have any animal for a pet, which would you have? Doesn't matter how crazy or improbable it would be.
Every time anyone asks about the IRC, moot's response is "I hate IRC."
cool pancake tits moron
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moot, no offense, but I've seen a lot of your posts on /q/, and it seems like you answer the same questions over and over, while ignoring new, more important ones. For example, I'm pretty sure you've told us that you were a virgin like ten times in the last couple years, and you've told us your mother ditched you like five times in this thread, I think even twice in the same post. I know that probably sucks, but you would just think it would make sense to tackle the more "urgent" matters among more than a thousand posts. And not that I'm for or against /v/, but how can you NOT have an opinion on it??

Oh and one more thing--please keep /mlp/ exactly the way it is right now.
/r/ing public ban for this 3DPD slut.
Why did you name the site 4chan in the first place? Does the number 4 have any significance for you?
hey moot, can you release the css syntax used for le reddit theme, everyone is too lazy to make it on /s4s/; we miss it ;_;
Yup, so I think it is safe to assume he still hates IRC.
You can go to /m/ for mecha anime discussion you know.
God you're stupid.
moot do per-board Q&As
Moot, firstly thanks for keeping 4Chan alive, despite all the shit it must cause in your life.

I just want to ask, why you don't show any love for /t/?

We get the worst dregs of mods/janitors who in the last 3 months or so since the recruitment drive have allowed the place to fall into its worst state ever, mostly due to their own actions.

Most of the best threads were deleted, their authors persecuted by the mods/janitors and finally driven out. I don't know if you ever visit /t/ but now it seems loli / JAV threads are all that are allowed to survive, request/troll threads, tech help threads that belong elsewhere all stay up for ages.

Depsite what some might wager, ./t/ did have its own culture of introducing and preserving obscure/quality material not only from Japan but from Europe and America also, along with cult / general good quality stuff generally from the 80s-90s, but with a few like myself who would post material from the 20th Century onwards also.

As a regular poster from the start of /t/ who fought against the floods of porn, for years as anon, and more recently as a namefag, I really hate the way /t/ has ended up. I understand that for legal reasons you may, as an anon pointed out, would prefer to distance yourself from the board, but please, either allow it to flourish or just delete it.

I've emailed you numerous times using a personal email address, but had no answer, that's fine, but its sad that /t/, a board many care about has such godawful people in charge of it.

Thanks again for 4chan, been here since a month after it started and it's been a great experience coming on here.
Hi Moot

What computer do you use for personal/work stuff
>porn is a no no
Vine got along just fine. Its clear the network isn't big enough for Apple to give a shit.
moot loves ice cream <3
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But what about Sebah?
>from bergen county
oh hey, another one
oradell here
Because 2 times the chan, man!
how do i trifarce
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>moot are you still a virgin?

Has anyone sent you a suicide email before killing themselves telling you that 4chan was their only source of joy even if it wasn't enough to keep them living?

probably related to 2chan
Yo Mootles,

What are your plans going forward with life? You know... Life after 4chan?
Get rid of the new /jp/ janitor.

This is not a question.

Bring back AoC if you must.
Why do you have such strict moderation on /vg/ recently?
I can understand for most games, but >banning people for posting slightly lewd things on a porn game general
It's pretty fucking ridiculous
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Where's my retro anime board!
That would take for ever, and it would just be attention-thirsty anons following moot across 4chan
Does m00t have a college degree?
>How often do people recognize you when you're in public?
It really depends how often I go outside, and where. I tend to avoid places where I think people might recognize me like the plague. In the past week though, three times. Twice abroad, and once in New York (I was traveling last weekend). The one in New York *flipped out* and scared the shit out of her coworkers. That's never happened before.

>moot, I was wondering what your thoughts are on Nintendo?
They're a company that makes games.

>Favorite Game, Movie, Anime, and TV Show?
Impossible to answer.

>Tell us about your Jewish roots.
I was born, baptized, and raised Roman Catholic. I stopped practicing many years ago and was never confirmed (which my mother always reminds me means I can't get married in a church—woe am I.).

Sorry to disappoint, /pol/.

>in b4 "you don't need to be jewish to be a JEW!!!!!!!!!!!!"

>Animated PNGs?
Nope. Have answered this before, but browser support sucks and we just have no interest in supporting it.

>Do you personally have control over moderators from other boards?
Yes. Who else would?

>Many people on /q/ have been complaining about moderation on boards like /int/ or /board/, but is there anything you can do about that?
People are always complaining about moderation somewhere. Write a concise e-mail about what the issues are, and I will read it and take action if I feel it necessary.

>moot, it is alleged that you visit all the boards on the site to varying extents, but what about the text boards? How do you feel about the text boards, e.g. /lounge/ or /prog/, especially in regards to moderating them?
I honestly never visit the text boards.

>I hesitate to bring this up because I have an irrational fear of you waking up one day and deleting them because you consider them dead weight, but I really have to ask.
I don't think we'll ever delete them. They're just kinda there at this point.

>How Are you doing money-wise? Are the sales on passes doing the trick? Or are sales plummeting / not at expected (hoped for) levels?
Sales have been pretty thoroughly lackluster. A very, very small percentage of the number of people who post in a given month have purchased them.

>How many times have you worn women's clothing?
I wore a skirt at an anime con once. That's all though.

>Would you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert (or both?)
Extroverted introvert (ambivert, I'm told).

>What is your personality type, if you know it?
I forgot, but I can take that test later if I have time.

>So what does 4chan look like from the admin side mootles?
Pretty similar, just with a handful of buttons that do neat stuff.

>Do the all posts have their IP (or ID) listed on it for samefag detection?
No, but I can tell samefags apart with a single click.

>Just want to say thanks for making /sp/ less shit.
But what happened to #freesp?

>Why did you remove the guro board?
I don't remember the reason at this point. That was many moons ago.

>what's your favorite scary movie?f
I'm not a big fan of horror films.

>when's your birthday?
It is a mystery~

>When will you sell the website?
>Will you have an Initial Public Offering (IPO)?
Likely never. I'm not really interested in selling it (plus there are no buyers, so that makes it even easier) and we make jack shit for money so we'd never be able to IPO.


>Good lord did this explode rather quickly
Tarring and feathering is good sport, you see.

>Can you please change /lgbt/ to /lgbtp/? The P stands for pedophilia, of course.
At any point will an attempt to resolve /a/'s size happen? And I don't mean cutting it up. There are often dozens of threads when new episodes air that push any legitimate discussion off the board entirely. The catalog makes for easier browsing, but you often can't leave a thread alone for an hour without it 404ing.

An attempt to actually contain shows that are massive would rope in the userbase who just want to watch shit go crazy and allow discussion of older shows or those with small fanbases. As it is now, /a/ is largely just the currently airing shows and a few big manga as pseudo-general threads.
Is this even possible moot? please answer.
or this one
or both
both is better
hey moot, why don't mods do anything about hook up threads out of /soc/ or /r9k/?

also, when will you kill /v/? it's just ironic shitposting any more.
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>>590845 (OP)
PS4, Xbox 720, or WiiU?
Moot please ban this disgusting 3d attentionwhore filth. Also please tell /a/ that VNs are allowed on /a/, we get idiots spamming
Every single thread and its getting annoying. Any VN besides KS should be allowed
/pol/ stands for shitposting
the whole board is shit

Also, I think I've seen you around in Queens. Do you have a doppelganger or was I really in your presence? Do you get annoyed when you're acknowledged in public?
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Hey moot, is 4chan a full time job?

[spoiler]Also, do you have a favorite vydia[/spoiler]
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>moot getting chucked by his own mother on mother's day

I know that feel but I stall want to laugh

Love you moot
/k/ misses you. pls come back to us
>>590845 (OP)

Any thoughts for new boards? I love /vr/ and /out/.
Lel, claimed in the name of /x/.
What do you do for a living/as a job?

What does your typical weekday look like?

Do you use any extensions or userscripts to browse 4chan? (i would love soundcloud embed to be a feature, since I lost it after I switched from 4chan plus on chrome to 4chanx. don't worry, I only update once every 30 seconds and then 60/90 after that)
>because I wordsmith my writing like a motherfucker.

I see you're still being a giant faggot, as per usual.

What race of cock do you find most delicious?
moot, what do you plan on doing about the brony menace?

oh well that sucks, I think IRC is a very good interactive tool, unlike AIM which you can only chat with one person at a time IRC offers real time multiple interactions.

moot you need to have an IRC get together one night and come over to the 4chan irc channel and hang out with your dedicated IRC users
What, do you really want to be administered by a wizard?
moot will you stop raping /a/ occasionally
>You're in the minority on that one
Not really. Many users of /co/ like anime but they do have the sense to keep it off /co/. You just want a slow board to have your anime threads on.

Try /s4s/.
He'll never be a glorious wizard, no big deal.
I think 4chan should enter a multicultural mode and embrace democracy. Flags go on all boards. Users from privileged, first world countries can have their posts removed by votes from oppressed third world countries. What do you think?
Should I be reporting chikun threads? Because I do
Dear M00T

Who sells all our information to the government faster, you or at&t?
And he should. It's like fucking highschool all over again.
If /s4s/ is permanent, then why isn't it on the front page?
Is Kippers a mod?
How many chicks have you banged?
>The one in New York *flipped out* and scared the shit out of her coworkers. That's never happened before.
Hoo boy. You gettin' that celebrity treatment. Might look into a bodyguard. Huge black dude named Tyreese. No last name.
You're going to ban people who complain about waifu shit posters ?

Sorry are you fucking retarded? We are complaining about your inability to moderate your own fucking website and you're going to lump people who want to see it improved with the same people who are actively destroying it

Honestly m00t, the more you talk, the dumber you appear.
what boards do you spend more time in it? what are your less visited boards?
Why /v/ doesn't have more public bans, as to show users what kind of behavior they're NOT supposed to have?
#free/sp/ is still here dumbfuck
He went to 2chan. He liked it. He wanted the same thing, only in English. The domain 3chan.org was taken. 4chan.
>Twice abroad, and once in New York
>twice abroad

nigguh how much international travel you getting

Wait, is that how that works?
You've drummed on anons? What kind of drumsticks?
>Tarring and feathering is good sport, you see.
Oh, don't be so dramatic.

>implying all the other mods aren't virgins
can you reply to this moot?
please? ( ._.)
hey moot, /g/ here, what headphones do you use and what gpu?
xxx thanks geezer
Yes moot, give /k/ some love.
We love you mang.
I guess I have a few questions for you, moot.

1) Would you consider the main issue with 4chan as of late to be a complete inability for people to simply ignore shit they don't like, instead electing to vocalize this opinon?

2) Since you don't really watch TV or play videogames, do you pretty much just read and work on the website?

3) Have you ever considered refining the reporting system or rules or anything to help users actually have an effect on rule-violating content? I've heard stories (which are probably flagrantly untrue) about how janitors/mods only see reports if a certain number of people report them, etc., and while I highly doubt that's true, is there any way you can shed light onto how the reporting process works? I just feel like when I report certain threads or posts, that nothing happens, despite it being obviously rule-infringing.
im going to NYC soon and if i see you i will scare the shit outta everynoe around
Can we have a screen cap of what it looks like from your side? :)
>Likely never. I'm not really interested in selling it (plus there are no buyers, so that makes it even easier)
how about you stop making 4chan facebook 2.0
Which would you rather add moot, a /hist/ board or an /ecn/ board?
Oh, I think this might have been the image in that case.
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>4chan is in the black
Now all we need to do is make sure moot stays healthy and lives a long life. /ck/ better not fuck this up.
When are you going to delete /s4s/ and ban them all?

Do you play vidya?

Do you read mango?

Do you have a girlfriend?

Is your mom hot?
Moot, why won't you support APNG?
Moot, if Hitler hated the Jews then why didn't he just invade Israel instead of all the other countries?
will you ever be caught tonging niggers anuses?
Do you like SCIENCE?
>Moot near NY
I'll bring you that cardstand.
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>I don't love archives because the ephemerality of content on 4chan is really its most unique and defining quality, but understand that a lot of people find them useful.

I weird statement, but i agree with it. I found a lot of people try to use archive research on reactionfaces to determine an user "history", which kinda goes against the point of 4chan.
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>I don't remember the reason at this point. That was many moons ago.

don't you mean many /moots/ ago?
Were you popular in high school?
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Can you raise the image limit on /vp/ a bit, and possibly tell the janitors to calm down with their deletions?
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>>590845 (OP)
Hey Moot, Scooby here. Amazing site, not sure how you do it. I have a forum about 1/10,000 this size and I can barely manage it.

Odd question for you about copyright matters and I'm guessing you have done a lot of research on this one. Lots of people post copyrighted photos here and I'm assuming the reason its OK is that they are only here for a very short time. My question is, is there some legal guideline for how long a copyrighted image can be on your site before lawyers get testy? 24hrs? 72hrs? Just curious as it relates to my forum.


a couple of /b/tards and I decided to make an App Dev team for web, android and iOS. Do you think this is a good idea? Any tips on starting up?

btw, we called it Toasted Buns.
When will you stop being such a faggot and make a waifu board /yfu/

it would take about 30% of the shitposting and people crying about shitposting from almost 10 boards i ca think of.

Is it because it isn't your idea? Is that what this all comes down to? You needing to be the special snowflake? What is your reason for not creating a waifu board. I'd love to hear this shit...
Moot, why haven't you added a finance or history board yet?

They would benefit 4chan more than /s4s/

/ck/ is best board on here.
Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour?
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does subway turn you on?
Because that country didn't exist
Israel didn't exist yet fuckface
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Moot, do you enjoy Professional Wrestling and who is your favorite wrestler of all-time?
>tfw moot is getting close to answering one of your questions
moot, why do you hate /jp/ ?
Why did you create a board for lgbt and not for a much more oppressed group on 4chan - posters of colour.

Lgbt users are accepted here but black posters are routinely attacked and discriminated against.

How about you stop being a racist homosexual and create a board for people of colour or rename lgbt to /op/ OppressedPersons.
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I think the image limit should be remove all together because it really has no point.
>/a/ is for interesting things for which there is a lot to talk about, like currently airing anime. If you want to discuss old anime, you should go to a forum.


If you use /a/, why would you give a fuck at all if there was another animation board, that also discusses shows from Japan?

It's literally boiling down to "people who like shows I like need to act like x, otherwise fuck off".

If you like the current state of /a/, fine. I'll respect that. But what business of yours is it if there's a board you don't visit discussing "muh precious animes"?

We already discuss anime on /co/. All I'm asking is to split the board so there's room to breathe. Keep your precious shitty "board culture".
How many emails do you get in a day? Do you read them all, or are there some you skip (please unban me, etc.)?
Forgot your Frodo.
>/q/ - You Must Wait 58 Seconds Before Posting A Reply.
This is going to be hard to get used to.

I'm really not surprised you have 0 questions for moot.

He JUST answered that.
Take a picture of you right now and upload it.
>All trademarks and copyrights on this page are owned by their respective parties. Images uploaded are the responsibility of the Poster. Comments are owned by the Poster.

gooby pls, it's at the bottom of every page
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>>590845 (OP)
>>590845 (OP)

Oh shit this is still going, wow, maybe i can ask a question!

Ok moot technical question: What are your thoughts regarding HTML 5 and do you see any of it being implemented into 4chan any time in the future?
When are you going to delete /lgbt/?
It's bad enough that you've made the site more accessible to normies and newkids but don't you think you're going a little too far with /lgbt/?
Have you not seen how terrible its userbase is? It's basically Tumblr but with more upset people.
Ever watched the movie Sunshine? (the one from 2007)
I highly reccomend it.
Moot, just wanna say thanks for sending the mods over to work with us on fixing /m/. My only question is could we get 4chan cup threads back on /m/? It really help unify many of the fanbases under one good cause, making /m/ a powerhouse team! (We've slipped lately. It'd be nice to get the board's input on how to help the team)
>fight me cunt
nice reaction there. sensible, logical reasoning. I feel that really conveyed your point clearly and rationally, and changed my view on the matter slightly.
be that as it may, you are still a faggot and have no idea what 4chan is for so fuck off.
Can you please turn "videogame wars" a bannable offense, while letting people discussing the fate of all consoles calmly?

He already answered this. He was born, baptised, and raised Catholic, but wasn't confirmed.

Fuck off and go back to raddit. It is cunts like you that has turned sp into a piece of shit. This is 4chan. Stop trying to make the site identical.
flags for /trv/ please
>angry about being attacked and discriminated against
>uses 'homosexual' as in insult
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can you please post a picture of what the 4chan admin controls look like
>What is your favourite snack?
You're a good man, moot.
Moot, can you make a statement on whether Nurutu, Wan Piss, etc. threads are allowed on /a/? Big 3 used to not be allowed.
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scoobs pls flash your trip in a /fit/ thread and link it here if it's really you
How can i become a mod or a janitor ?
when i could apply if thats possible ?

also if i become a mod can i help mods in other boards ?
is the position of mod temporary?
please respond
Do you have more fun running the site now or in the early days when it first started?
do you have any secret crushes on any soc camwhores?
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moot, are you excited for Yuru Yuri season 3? You should come hang out in our Yuru Yuri threads, fuck that faggot who said we shouldn't have them, they are great.
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Can you explain what you mean by "unpracticing" and shit. You say it all the time. Are you a Christian (Jesus as savior and all that) or not?
By the way, the site is called Futaba, its address is 2chan.net. Calling it 2chan confuses it with 2ch.net, which is an even more popular site in Japan.
tis good movie
I would browse the fuck out of /op/, only for its name.
Moot, I am not entertained.
Entertain me.
Do you have a regular day job?
Moot why don't you make a worksafe version of /b/ therefore we dont need to see constant shitposting of porn on /b/
Hi moot

I'm kind of a newfag here in 4chan (1 and a half years) and well this place has been a complete experience for me.

I have 2 questions I always wanted to ask you.

1:What were your original plans for 4chan when you made it? I know the whole history about something awful and the translation of the source code but I want to know...when you made 4chan what were you planning to achieve with it?

2:What were your original expectatives with the community? you were expecting 4chan to be a "nice and somewhat educated" place to discuss anime and other things and then it evolved to what is it now or you were expecting something like this from the very beginning?

3:You didn't felt at least once that you were unnecessarily "wasting" your money (that it would be useful for something else) in a "hobby" like 4chan?

Thanks for this moot...been having these questions in my mind for a while.
>Big 3 used to not be allowed
I don't think this was ever the case, at least not the way you're putting it.
There aren't any tumblrshits on there. It has a lot of /a/nons, as far as I know.
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>>590845 (OP)

Hey, moot. Hope you are doing well.

Could you change the board name of /a/ to how it used to be? Animu and Mango, with the caption "aka chinese cartoons and comics"? There's no real purpose to this, but it was a nice little joke to see everyday.

anyways, keep it classy
Who is that?
She seems sexy. I'd jack it to her.
i think you meant to ask him if he's accepted WHITE jesus as his personal lord and savior
>How can i become a mod

You don't. No buts or ifs.
Speaking of your mother, how does she feel about 4chan? Surely she's seen/heard of some of the atrocities that occur here.

Also what's your favourite movie at the moment? I need something to torrent.
keep on being a weeaboo piece of shit faggot
>>590845 (OP)
>Hey moot, is 4chan a full time job?
He has answered this a thousand times. Canvas is his only job. 4chan is his hobby which he does not get any money from:
>I'm really not surprised you have 0 questions for moot.
Eh. I asked in other threads and was answered and I'm not afraid to email moot and not be answered.

I'm just here to enjoy the show.

if you actually read the rules of /v/, you'd know this was not only already actually a rule, but TWO!

2. Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
3. Threads should not devolve into flamewars. Instigating or encouraging such activity will not be tolerated.

Neither are very well-enforced, but that's not the point.
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>Propose me better/more defined rules.

I would just say allow waifu threads, but you don't seem to be in favor of that move. It's difficult to decipher between actress and waifu threads. And it's hard to disallow threads about actors and actresses on a board dedicated to television and film.

Prohibition rarely works IRL or on 4chan it just creates a shit storm. And it's just one thing after another. One side is always going to be angry about other users posting something. Roll thread, boxxy, ponies, waifus, etc.

Let them post and keep it in a single thread.

I don't think a new board would help either, because waifufags can post in /s/ or /hr/ now (as long as their waifu is legal).
>season 3
Don't troll me like this anon

Also those threads are cancer, tripfags, and circlejerks
But it says it did in the Bible.
I seriously can't believe you guys are this fucking stupid to fall for a joke. Go to you bathrooms plug the sink and fill it with warm water then cut your wrists and soak them in the water till you die.
Oh, another Mother's Day without grandchildren.
Just imagine your quick report window with a "BAN EVERYONE IN THIS THREAD" button added.

It's probably not true, but it'd be funnier that way.
Moot, this. (>>592444)
You need to lurk more.
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if you could rename 4chan right now, what'd you rename it?
everybody would instantly forget that it was ever called 4chan, and simply know it as what you rename it as.
Fuck no, it will just add the ability to troll a larger amount of people
As true as it is that this is an anonymous imageboard in which the post are not attached in anyway to the posters (sans the trips), it's also true that poor posters make poor posts (and with your Admin privileges, this is something that you should know even better than me).
Alas it's true that there is nothing stopping a good poster to make shitpost, but the situation is like a smart person acting like an idiot as a joke, compared to a stupid person trying to sound intelligent. The latter is simply unable to do so.

To make it shorts I think you should apply an easily avoidable wall to keep those idiots and underage who can't figure a way to access the site outside of this place for the reason underlined before.
Checking a potential user cookies and blocking him if he has a popular site (facebook) ones.

Unrelated but you are starting to sound more and more like a shady politician.

can you use your fbi contacts to get the CIA to fund another freedom fighters game?

kthanx and bey
Creating a separate community on 4chan for casual anime is bad because it will be a breeding ground for morons and normalfags. These people will then cross board and spread that faggotry.
/co/ accepts tumblr and feminist shit, it does not need to be associated with anime here. Go to Gaia or MAL
moot, please answer my question >>591621
Moot, would you cameo in the new Star Wars if they offered you a part?
>>590845 (OP)
I think it's a disgrace that 4chan provides a forum for almost every kind of bigotry and vulgarity imaginable, but that doesn't diminish the fact that there's a lot of good stuff on here too.

So my question is: do you ever think about waging an all out assault on the scum who besmirch the name of 4chan, possibly preventing other people from discovering the genius at its core?
Didn't know, but thanks for the answer.
Please allow emulation filters/shaders thread on /vr/.
Currently the janitors and mods are summarily deleting those threads even though they are important to the retro gaming experience when emulating older systems.
moot are there any secret boards on 4chan right now?
How do you feel about the decline of OC over the past 4-5 years? It seems like all we have now are drawfags, questfags, and _________ idea threads.
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Are you planning to replace the /int/ mod? The amount of shit he pulls is just ridiculous.
Moot will we be getting image replies to posts on the mobile version of the site?
i dont fucking know. since it happened ive been really curious cuz i wana know if some dipshit in my dorm was posting that girls pics lol
>provides a forum for almost every kind of bigotry and vulgarity imaginable
what forums are you talking about?
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Sand people kicked them out
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this was posted in another thread
Have you ever considered having major board moderators occasionally hold these on the boards that they frequent, preferably once a month? I feel it would be great to address current problems that the board is having with people who browse it everyday.
Have you been to the UK before?
What do you think of it?

such an assault on the "scum" would surely damage the underlying genius
moot, have you ever bought anything /toy/ related?
>>590845 (OP)
What is your name?

What is your quest?

What is your favorite color?
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Seriously, how the HELL was this possible?
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Someone sort of brought this up earlier but I wanted to ask more directly: could you give a ruling on where threads for Dragonball Z Abridged (and presumably other abridged series, but especially DBZ) go? Threads for them get deleted on both /a/ and /co/, but lots of people want to talk about it when a new episode airs.

I personally would like to able to discuss it on /co/. I would argue that since it is an original Western written script (insomuch as a parody an be original), written for a Western audience with Western voice actors it belongs on /co/. But if they were on /a/ that would be okay too I guess, as long as we could talk about them somewhere. Both boards would be fantastic.
>why would you give a fuck at all if there was another animation board
There's no reason for it. Anime discussion goes on /a/.
Why is the Janitor of /int/ a Jew?
moot do you like film
how recently have you been to the cinema
Sorry originally they were only 2 questions,but I can't resist posting the last one,and I forgot to correct the post.

Please respond moot.
Pretty sure there's an option to ban everyone in a thread.
Just turn on the desktop site.
/z/ is the king of secret boards
So I just came into the thread and skimed most of the posts referencing my main board and have only 1 suggestion/complaint.

Moot please ignore all /mu/ suggestions posted ITT (other than this one obv.), danke.
Where did the name mootykuns come from, and will you enjoy space?
>Disney letting a man famous for running a porn board anywhere near their precious cash cow.
>he still hasn't found the secret loli board

/int/ is just international shitposting anyhow, but holy shit that mod is ridiculous
why they aren't enforced then?
of course there is infiltration. Don't think the powers that be didn't notice the 2009 Time magazine gambit. You are being studied and prodded.
>secret boards on 4chan
If he told you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore now, would it?
>Moot is a nonvirgin
>Moot promoting normalfaggotry
Please no
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What kind of guys are you into?
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Do you know about /z/? It's a lovely board
>It was intended as an April Fool's joke, but ended up being half-decent, so we kept it.
Best joke I've heard all day, thanks moot

But I gotta ask, ponies are banned on /s4s/ right? Either way I don't think it would affect the quality of the board.
Sorry, I know from first had experience that a disclaimer like that does NOTHING. The owner of the website is ultimately responsible for any copyright violations. Copyright complaints go to the hosting provider and if the offending image/document is not removed within a short time (with GoDaddy its 48hrs) they shut your website down. You cant hide behind a disclaimer like that.
So moot, 4chan blocks a lot of proxies and TOR exit nodes, but how did you get your hands on all those IPs? Just bans bans bans?
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Answer to some question about /a/, damn ;_;

/a/ is one of the most popular boards and in the recent years it changed quite a lot.

Do you have plans for it? Are we in your thoughts?
>Not /z/y/z/z/
I'll repost incase you've missed it.

1. The twitch tv ban should be removed on /vg/, many generals (/lolg/, /d2g/, /fgg/, /tf2g/, /srg/, many more) stream, and as a result the ban on twitch is a inconvenience. Also, just the .tv is blocked, making it very easy to bypass.

2. The image limit should be removed, it kills off image dump threads prematurely, forcing people to make a new thread. I can't imagine it using up TOO much more bandwith.
When you make /b/ worksafe, you would have to take away literally 99% of all posts. What you would be left with is nothing but Steam begging threads, "Post number xx names my cat/band", and the like.
moot, I'm really depressed and suicidal. What do I do?
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all hail king moot, praise him with great praise for he is the bringer of the new future, the saviour of modern times.
don't blame you for not liking horror, most of it's shit, but the really good ones are my favorites.
sorry about the f by the way, can't type for shit tonight.
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Moot, are you typing your responses to us from computer or magnavox?

inb4 edgy or r/atheism
Stop complaining faggot.
No one likes them. They are childish, and definitely don't belong on /a/ or /co/. They would belong on /b/ the random board.
what kind of car do you drive, moot?
>Creating a separate community on 4chan for casual anime is bad because it will be a breeding ground for morons and normalfags. These people will then cross board and spread that faggotry.

Yeah, thanks for proving my point.

>"people who like shows I like need to act like x, otherwise fuck off".

>There's no reason for it. Anime discussion goes on /a/.
Except when /a/ doesn't like it and it gets moved to /co/.
MOOT what do you enjoy

every time we ask you about what your favorite whatever is you just dgaf. is there anything you like in the world
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It was announced the other day on twitter. Also those threads are full of fun, love, and good people.
Based Brennan would disagree. You do realize niggers go on /pol/ and shitpost, right?
>Pretty similar, just with a handful of buttons that do neat stuff.
could you post a picture?

"All pony/brony threads, images, and avatars belong on /mlp/."

"All requests belong on /r/ unless otherwise noted."

"The posting or requesting of personal information or calls to invasion is prohibited. Inciting or participating in cross-board (intra-4chan) raids is also not permitted."

"If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately."

"Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced." - CP, Bestiality, photos of recent police investigations(all against law as well as a number of other things that have been posted).

Threads that do not follow these rules appear on /b/ everyday, often frequently.
text boards are basically secret nobody knows they exist

Nobody reports infringing posts

If mods/janitors did delete them, /q/ would erupt in "OUR CULTURE" shit

some mods/janitors probably don't delete them because of the "spirit of the law" over the "letter of the law"
Moot, I have a question. If you're still here, what would be the requirements to become a janitor?
He probably got trolled by the sticky in /fit/, did Starting Strength, and got huge thighs but no upper body. moot, can we change the sticky in /fit/ to include a more balanced exercise routine for beginner lifters?

DBZ is appropriate on any board you autist


>/a/ user calling someone else a child

mein sides
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>>590845 (OP)

Lynx Space Academy? You gonna do it? You should, it's fucking SPACE.
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what do you think of this picture I drew for you moot
can i get trips for /s4s/?
There is a hidden thread behind every board. It is a place where only the elite can browse, having the best post quality on the site. Only around one hundred people can get to it on the big boards, and even less on the smaller ones. I have been trying to remove the code for the actual boards, since it is literally behind the interface of the real boards.
>and we make jack shit for money so we'd never be able to IPO.

Who are 'we', moot ?

How many and what kind of people work on 4chan? Do you have some kind of office?
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Why do Osu threads on /a/ always go completely under the radar? They're clearly not anime and never get deleted, since forever.
Are mods/janitors instructed to ignore them, like they similarly do with radio threads?
Can't you fucking read?
I admitted that it was a joke.
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Dear Mr. Moot,
I want to start by saying I'm genuinely impressed on how you adopted the Japanese-styled imageboard method, maintained it, and made your own improvements to it, ultimately creating the internet-cultural heavyweight and touchstone 4chan is today, that has genuinely improved lives by connecting people with people to things and served as a melting pot of ideas while encouraging the use of critical thought and emotional growth.

Sorry that was kind of long, but I just wanted to say.

TL;DR questions:
You mentioned how you may use Vocaroo to answer some questions, have you ever considered either augmenting 4chan with the ability to make audio replies or launching a 'sound-board' serving as the same?

Have you ever been asked if you would assist with any Internet present fundraising/advocacy groups? What kind of causes are you interested in supporting?

With the installation of the 4chan Pass, and getting the infrastructure of money-handling out of the way, will 4chan ever launch an official store? There are plenty of store services that would cut good deals to have a name like 4chan on their roster I'd wager.

If I could arrange a meeting with Kirtaneer of the increasingly nifty 420chan, would you be willing to PARTY HARD with him? Do you have any opinions about 420chan or Kirtaneer?

Lastly, what are your favorite Japanese/anime songs? Links if you have them. ;I

And on that topic I'd like to plug a Japanese remix/chiptune artist called "Higedriver", there are a few of their tracks bellow. No need to do this here or now or at all, just some shameless plugging:
Ideally a secret board wouldn't be overrun by spam and shitposts both automated and manual.
I didn't like season 1 much. Should I watch two?
Implying /pol/ is anything more than niggers trolling niggers
404 not found (deleted in sauna)
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fuck yes, I'm guessing there isn't an ETA is there?
I'll be your bodyguard moot. I'm 6'4'' and if I shave my head I look pretty intimidating, let me know.
What's your favorite ice cream?
>>590845 (OP)
Why do you hold these in the first place? Do you want to feel a bond with the fellow anons on this site or do you just want to contain the questioning to one thread at a time?
How did you get into computers and shit? Who introduced you to it? How did you learn what you know?
When are you fixing /tv/? The pedowaifuistfaggots make the board completely shit.
moot why did you let /x/ die on 2010?

Tripfags killed a board and I haven't heard you even mention it, all the old /x/philes left and the tripfag are still there.

You have fangirls dude, enjoy them while you still can.

Also, I can tell you something about /int/ - The janitor is paranoid about /pol/tards shitting up the board that he takes draconian measures to stop it (Deleting any current events and any Israeli post)

Otherwise he is ok, but he really need to be told to stop that.


Guro and lolikon made him get kicked by two different hosts and had to move it out of the site so he would not get kicked by a third. (Not4chan.org) then he forgot about them and they died I think.

I laughter at the joke at first, then realized it was serious and laughted even harder.
He enjoys having dinner with people and walking around and shit

what a fag
were you in that /mu/ thread where we were talking about that a couple hours ago?
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/s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/ /s4s/
Well that was interesting.
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/s/ is for pr0n and /hr/ requires large files
So, what, you want a whole board for Naruto? Because that's the only thing that can't be discussed on /a/.
>venture-backed startup.
Never understood this. How the fuck did you get in contact with Lerer, Union Sq. Ventures, and SV Angels? Did these guys come to you or did you go to them? Or were you just that internet famous that you didn't even have to pitch these guys?
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>I use the site every day and frankly wouldn't know what to do without it.

We wouldn't either, mootykins.

Is there some sort of contingency plan in place to keep 4chan going in case you get hit by a bus or yiffed to death?

I'm sure the community would get behind any effort to create a replacement, but it'd be a lot easier if there was just a chain of command among your existing staff/trusted friends.
>"If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately."
If that rule actually got enforced barring when people actually blatantly are dumb enough to admit to being underage, then the entirety of /v/ would be banned
>Will you add more flags on /int/ (Texas, Quebec and Scotland)? It's gonna make some threads easier to process.
No. We only get country code from our geo library, and not city. Even if we had a workaround, I don't want to chase down flags for every obscure city/state that people would want, so just plain no.

>does zuckerberg go on 4chan??
>what does he think of 4chan??
You'd have to ask him that.

>also did anamanaguchi pay you for the cat suit thing??
No—they're friends of mine and I was happy to help out with the music video.

>Would you please consider raising the bump and image limit on /mu/?

Re: the janitor, give me more specific examples.

>Just let me say first off that I love 4chan.
Me too.

>What's with the mods?
See above, but it's impossible for us to keep up with the number of posts on /b/ that happy every day, and this is not likely to change anytime soon.

>Saw mentioned the other day as possible idea, any progress on that?
It's just that, an idea. I put it in the todo list for further thought, but there's no ETA on when or even if we'll do it.

>Can you greentext us a drunk story?
I rarely get drunk, and would suck at greentexting.

>Moot has commented outright that he does not like furries
I've actually never said this. I don't give a shit about what tickles a person's fancy, but furry is banned outside of /b/ and is removed as such.

>Why the fuck does this board exist?
4chan is visited by 26 million people in a month. Mostly young people. Does it surprise you that a number of people identify with being LGBT, and that giving people a containment board for such threads has thus far been a success?

>Personal appeal for mobile view: Droid Razr M uses Chrome, and I've found when scrolling on there, it's not "locked" into the shape (ie, scrolling slightly to the right shows that everything is all off to the side)
I'll pass this on to the devs.

>the drop down menu is unresponsive. Like, you select the board and then nothing happens
Works fine for me.

>So when is /v/ going to be deleted?
Why would we delete the second most active board, and one that has been around for 9 years?

Answer: We won't.

>Have you bought anything from J-List? Ever?
I have not.

>He was in New Orleans
No I wasn't.

>Hey mootles! What is your sex life like?
I am single, and have been for quite some time. Do the math.

>Have any fetishes?
I'm surprisingly vanilla, despite 9+ years of 4chan. Sorry to disappoint, Anon!

>Hey moot, have you ever considered asking Lil B if he'd be interested in a Q&A on /mu/?
Ask him to do it then.

>Moot, do you smoke weed and also do you lift weights?
I've never done an illegal drug, and yes I lift (but am still DYEL-mode).

>it was a pretty silly affair on /tv/ the other night moot. it almost seems as if no fucks were given.
I thought that was pretty fun!

>What exactly constitutes a general? Because I believe that Dark souls threads on /v/ that repeat in only a few variations should be considered generals, because of their frequency and narrow scope, but some disagree with me. If I could get a ruling either way I would thank you.
If they walk, talk, and smell like a general, they're probably a general. I haven't seen this thread so can't say for certain.

>Another problem I have is meta threads, they are posted so often complaining about the board, and usually reach a few hundred posts before they are deleted, a sound byte or something repostable that will get some anons still on the fence a good reason to report these rule breaking threads.
Meta belongs in /q/, or my inbox (moot@4chan.org).

>So are all the new boards permanent now?
I never said that.

>One of the best functions of the inline extension, but in order to have it more organised, would it be possible to list the threads alphabetically according to board?
This is a good idea. I'll add it to the todo list.
>>"people who like shows I like need to act like x, otherwise fuck off".

^ moot make this a bannable offense on /a/, I am not even a victim of this mentality but I hate seeing people get shat on for liking anime while offtopic threads are apparently 'board culture' (IE excuse for /b/tier secret club shitposting).
Why can't I post on /z/?
moot send me money15gnESLuQpDy5Z5kyua82Ldnszd9VrCszc

Can we expect to see any updates to the website, boards, or threads anytime soon?
When will you marry him?
no love deep web
I report infringing posts. They're never ever deleted.
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Nice counter argument. I see you are a very intelligent individual.
bigotry and vulgarity are parts of humanity, dear anon.... deleting them here would not help anything. in fact, providing a place where certain vulgarities can be accepted and reciprocated can be cathartic and beneficial for people and yeah even "geniuses" and people who do good have vulgarities and shit so stop being a judgemental assfag k
eh gurl u wnt sum fuk?
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See this please
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Moot I sent you an email on the 14th of January 2011 and another one like a year before that and you never replied, why are you ignoring me?
dubking here, excellent work, "Shrek come spread this great mans cheeks!"
It's coffee.
This is something I've always wondered Moot, I hope you can answer.

Why do Janitors need to have experience and knowledge in things? As someone who has never been a janitor clearly, I want to know why you have to know shit about coding (or whatever it was) solely to delete posts and have a more respectful 'report'.

I'm not trying to imply that the Janitor's are redundant or anything, I just think that because of the aforementioned necessities for a Janitor makes it really difficult for moderation in boards.

I frequent /vg/ as you could probably tell and I've been banned for shitposting one time and posting lewd pictures one time, but I like to think that there really need to be more Janitors up, or at least a watered-down version of them who can delete images.

/inv/ is a closed board

>will 4chan ever launch an official store
no, moot has abhorred the monetization of 4chan

and moot don't do no drugs
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do the boards get worse in the summertime?
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You just never got blessed by ZYZZ to get into it. Fuck, even Moot doesn't know about it.
moot, when will you be accepting applications for janitors again?
moot, how large is your penis?
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The history of /sp/. 2011 was goat
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Guys, moot is still here, he's just answering posts at the 591000s.

We're at the 592600s, this'll take a while.
Thank you for giving me feedback on my stifle suggestion, moot. It almost makes me feel bad for asking a second response from you, but apparently I'm an ungrateful faggot, so here goes nothing:

How high on the priority list is "more effective ways of deal with repeat ban evaders" other than "report them every time you see them" and "wait for IPv6"?

Not to say that your staff members are doing a bad job of it now or anything, but their jobs could always be easier.
Shittaste. It's scientifically inaccurate and the plot is bad.
flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/ flags for /trv/
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Natalya Neidhart

What if moot created just ONE board
where you have to pay money to post?


Think about it. moot could get rich. Richfags would have a place they could go to show off the fact that they have money and to escape the cancer of other boards. Shitposters wouldn't waste their money putting retarded garbage up because it costs real money. Everybody wins. You could also remove the CAPTCHA from that board if you wanted.

How would payments work? You could pay into your very own 4chan balance, and when you post in that special board it deducts the cost from your balance.

nigger i know what this site was, but it's much different now.
Hey moot, thanks for keeping the site live all these years. 4chan's been a big part of my life for the past decade and it's nice to have a constant in this ever changing world.

I have a question on your posting patterns. When you decide not to post anonymously, why is that? Are there specific reasons you typically do it, or is it mostly just a random decision?
Do people seriously what that?

Do people seriously discuss that?

God this is worse than a lobotomy.
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>4chan is visited by 26 million people in a month. Mostly young people. Does it surprise you that a number of people identify with being LGBT, and that giving people a containment board for such threads has thus far been a success?

Oh, you mean like giving people /cel/ as a containment board for all those who feel the need to discuss (youtube) celebrities and circlejerk over the likes of SNSD etc. would be a huge success no doubt?
Too bad you avoid /cel/ like the plague and don't even bother giving us reasons why you think it's not a good addition
moot has said in the past that traffic hardly increases during the summer
>/s/ is for pr0n
No, it's not.

>All images should depict women sexy and beautiful in nature. Images should also be relatively high in quality and resolution.

>containment board
Excellent choice of phrasing...
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anything on my question? or does if suck horribly?
Or you know, you could go to another website.

As a deaf person, I would really appreciate it if we never, ever implement any sound based stuff on 4chan.

I don't care if vocaroo links are allowed, just don't do this please, voice chat is overtaking games and everything else and I'd just like 4chan to not become inaccessible too
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There's no increase in traffic in summer like you think. People just use it as an excuse to get away with shitposting.
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Planetes is a masterpiece.

Now that i got your attention, please answer to some question about /a/ future. Do you have plans for us? There is something in store for /a/ in the recent future?
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How often (as of recently) has some government agency been questioning you or ordering you to appear in court? I can't imagine them calling you in to court every time someone posts canned powder on /b/, but I know you've been to court before. Why do they usually call you in?

How good is your personal lawyer or the lawyer for 4chan if they are different entities?

Do you feel you are presently being watched by someone (not at the exact moment, but rather in some manner of re-occurrence e.g. seeing the same person wherever you go)? Has someone watched you in the past?

Lastly, thanks for your time and all else you've given us.
Hey moot how's canv.as coming along? How popular is it? How many users/posts/whatever do you get on it? Are you actually making a profit off of it?
Hey moot, can you please address the /int/ janitor? 100% of the posters on that board absolutely hate him. If an Israeli or Saudi posts in any thread, it instantly 404's. It's getting absurd.
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That's the thing, he deletes some threads while leaving other shitposting threads, for example racist shitposting threads created by japanese or koreans are never deleted.
Sometimes he deletes threads completely at random and bans everyone who tries to object.
Moot, there's more zeitgiest shit on /f/ again.
>I thought that was pretty fun!
bravo, you shitposting asshole
you came into the thread you made claiming you were done with shitposting and then - what a fucking surprise - shitposted even more. really, give yourself a round of applause, you arrogant, smug fuck
>I've actually never said this. I don't give a shit about what tickles a person's fancy, but furry is banned outside of /b/ and is removed as such.

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Moot, I just want to say you're a handsome man.

Thank you for everything.

Nobody was mostly hyperbolic, really. There are definitely significantly less people who report a thread than there are people who reply to shitty threads or posts with a "fuck off" as if those seven letters will suddenly make that shitposter realize the error of his ways and have a self-imposed month-long ban.
Have you ever shown your mother 4chan?

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Hey moot,
Can you please tell us how people do shit like this?
Moot, why can't we have a /straight/ board? Why are the lesbians, fags, and the lot so special?
the /int/ janitor is morrocan not jewish
Tell that to the /co/ janitors who delete those threads every time.
She need's to do porn.
that's a stupid idea. See: Something Awful

furthermore the passes work fine both as a service and a way for moot to break even.
>Except when /a/ doesn't like it and it gets moved to /co/
This doesn't fucking happen
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moot, could you raise the image limit on /vp/ a bit? We have a lot of recurring image-based threads, and it would help keep them alive in the back pages for longer.

At least acknowledge us, you answered the /mu/ guy :(
Moot how many figs do you own? Of who?
They post at the right time. That's all there is to it.
you promised us a waifu/cel board. what happened?
can you lower the price of 4chan pass to $7 for 15 minutes? it's all i have in my account
>containment board

Ouch ;_;
watch his TED talk. He discusses what his parents think of 4chan near the end.
It's a trap.
It's called Something Awful.
Was Zun nice? He seems like he'd be a cool guy.
so, shitposters should be banned and their bans should be public. simple.
Yeah, we should all stoop down to your level of subhuman disabilities, right? Check your hearing privilege. Faggot.
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>>590845 (OP)
I second this motion on the grounds that we do not have enough privilege
Holy shit stop posting

>shitposting in Q&A thread

confirmed for no class
mah nigga.jpeg
Remove the useless sticky on /mu/. That shit is an eyesore.
get wrecked faggot
>4chan provides a forum for almost every kind of bigotry and vulgarity imaginable

Don't you realize that this IS the "genius at its core"?
Moot, you probably don't give a shit, but I have a question about the rules on /d/.

/d/ gets a shitload of threads that aren't "hentai" by ANY stretch of the imagination - for example, pictures of totally un-sexualized people, fully clothed, who happen to be:
* wearing a diaper
* being tickled
* have multiple arms/head/whatever
* etc, etc.

I'm not one of those people who bitches about fetishes I don't like, but it seems to me that posting non-porn to a porn board should be reportable. Do you have a stance on this?

It is still a rule and, if I were a mod, I would enforce it any time I would encounter it. That's the problem with moderators/authority figures, just ignoring problems that exist and allowing them to continue. That's not doing your job, that's just laziness. I've experienced this issue many times first hand with coworkers and am much stricter myself being an RA for the university I attend.
Have you ever gotten a girl to do lewd things to you just for being moot?
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moot I just wanted to say I love you and if you reply to this you've made my entire day
Ever tried hiding a thread?
>and yes I lift (but am still DYEL-mode).

moot even if you hate /fit/ everyone always hopes that you make all kinds of gains and that whenever your lifting career is brought up everyone wishes you success
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Are you also a member of the purple massturrase?


Invalidated. Nobody posts on /po/.
>Ban History: [45 bans for this IP]

What else can you find out from a persons IP?
>I rarely get drunk
Weren't you drunk for your TED talk or some similar presentation where you kept making homosexual hand gestures?
>Implying that will stop me.
faggots are annoying, no offense faggot
>what is the hide button
I prefer to be anonymous honestly. Why do you even need to self identify in the first place? 4chan is a hateful, bigoted, homophobic, homoerotic, and antisemitic place. Has been for a long time.
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Have you considered making ">tfw no gf" threads legal on all boards? Everyone on 4chan experiences that feel, so I think we should all be able to discuss it anywhere on the site.

I'm not saying that you can shitpost anything anywhere, just tfw no gf.
He's never promised this. In fact, people misconstruing "I'll think about it" is the sole reason he ignores all posts about it now.
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>This is a good idea. I'll add it to the todo list.
Moot likes my idea, my day is made.

Thank you moot for considering it
Ah ha ha, I want to see an answer to this too.
I don't think he meant it in a bad way.
green masterrace, asshat
Feels good to be a glorious commie.
More like have you ever gotten a girl to do lewd things to you for any other reason than that.
Why not increase image limit on all boards?
From the *eddit AMA

>Nope! Nobody in my family, parents included, knew about 4chan until 2008 when I was 19. They've all been extremely supportive.

What did your mom think you were using her credit card for?!
Yeah. People who identify as "LGBT" are that bad.
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Why is the word "Shota" an autosage word? "Loli" isn't.

This isn't fair!
You ever going to bring !Ep8qui8Vw2 back?
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>Answer: We won't.
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please tell me the how many times my IP has been banned
Oh yeah, Moot when will you delete /mlp/?

What about /s4s/?
Clearly, you are not corrupt enough to enjoy /d/.
Has there ever been a Mrs. Moot?
Moot, my order on J-List hasn't updated for over 3 weeks, and I am holding you personally responsible if they derped with my dosh.
Fuck off you disgusting feminazi
You make us proud, son.
moot pls.

I can't be the only one with these >>592460 questions.
Honestly it could also just mean that people in school post on the 4chains regardless if they are off school or not, you would have to look at time tables for when school is in session and compare the ips and times of posting between summer and any other time to even guess if there was a large presence.

And that would be a ridiculous amount of work to answer the question .
You're probably too new to remember the massive hissy fit that /a/ got in this time last year when Toonami came back.
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are you going to fucking get better mods so I dont have to see "chickun thread"'s and furry threads on /b/? Seriously fire all mods and get a new staff
>Except when /a/ doesn't like it and it gets moved to /co/.
You mean "/a/fags were mean to me so I'm gonna post it /co/"
moot what famous peoples have you met IRL?
Hey Moot, when do you think we'll get more 4chan mobile site updates? One thing that would be so nice to have is filenames while browsing on mobile.
You do know that furry is allowed on /b/ right? I think moot even said that in this thread.
This is a Christian imageboard.

Deal with it.
Ever been to Chicago?

Whats your favorite to visit, in Chicago?

Do you wanna fist fight one day?
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MOOT please give us the option to see our own IP ban history. if you can, you should let us. also, respond to me to make my day.
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How do you categorize boards? You've mentioned activity several times, but are there any other filters when you think about/talk about a board?

Don't mind the cute girl, she's for getting your attention.

Speaking of which, would that work too?
Sure, but /co/ will just want to discuss all anime. I bet there's been SnK threads there too.
Why is /v/ worksafe?
I am seconding this post.
What is your political orientation?

On what boards???
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Like Chyna needed to do porn?
>gay people

pick two
thats the ONLY positive to it.
but the board is shit. the whole fucking idea is shit. especially for 4chan.
but atleast when faggots start annoying fucking lgbt shit on /adv/ we can direct them out.
we dont need those fucking convos on our boards... no one here gives a fuck if youre gay, faggot
But then retards would just try to rack up as many bans as possible and wave their dicks?
Toonami is not anime. Make threads about shows, not about toonami.
Read global rule number 3. faggot.

But yeah chickun threads can fuck off to mlp.
Thats as about as far as you can get to being a communist.
Fucking incredible.
Is it true /jp/ is secretly your favorite board?
What kind of videogames are you playing?
Yes, I remember that. You know why we didn't want that shit on /a/? Because discussion of a timeslot has nothing to do with anime! You're free to discuss the shows shown on Toonami, but not Toonami itself. That there are still people who don't understand this exceedingly simple concept continues to boggle my mind to this day.
Moot do you ever get annoyed with anons signing you up for contests?

Also I remember long time ago I read in a magazine that you preferred moot over Moot is this true or is my brain just making stuff up?
>deleting containment boards
You people are idiots or idiot trolls. Seriously. Almost as bad as the people complaining about captcha and asking for it to be removed.
Mootykins, when are we getting wordfilters and XXX masks on /b/ back?
Really, you are going to spend the question you could use to ask about the future about a site you care about, to ask how many times you have been designated to have broken the rules?
You have a whole board for that, it's called >>>/r9k/
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#freee/sp/ #stophypocrisy
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Why isn't /lgbt/ called /fag/? That kind of cynicism would have fit perfectly with the rest of the website. Now it just looks sterile, serious and muh feelings.
No, /a/ was bitching about Toonami discussion for months after /q/ began and before moot said Toonami = /co/ material
summerfag meme

It's a meme that has been implied false by moot.
Anyone you see saying it is spewing a meme. A meme that has little to no basis in reality.
The board quality does not change initially.
The only difference is that now we have a LE EPIN MAY MAY XDDDDD all over the board that significantly lowers the board quality called the summerfag meme.
Any post that someone doesn't like that would usually be ignored will not be ignored during the time of the summerfag meme by a poster of the summerfag meme. It will be replied to with an iteration of the summerfag meme. It is what makes the board worse during the summer months and is the self fulfilling prophecy of the summerfag meme. It has nothing to do with kids actually spending more time on 4chan because of summer vacation, just the idea that that might be possible is all it took for this meme to start and continue.
>Being this anally devastated.
Moot what would your ideal woman/man/trap/whatever look like? What kind of personality?
Good evening, Moot.
/tg/ enjoyed your unexpected intervention from that other time.
Have a nice day.
Love, /tg/
I jacked off to it.
weird cause I've seen 2 furry thread OP's get ban, and only one chickun thread get a ban, my bad. I've only been here for a little over a year
No, she's the only decent pro wrestler WWE has had ever
Where he lives, his facebook account and his house telephone number
Will fortunes ever come back?

please respond
Good because that shit has been bothering me for months.
Did you vote Obama or Romney?
Do you fancy being Mr President?
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Can I just say that I am appalled to hear that you think /ck/ is an excellent board? It's terrible. All it is is ketchup and ramen threads. I constantly try and post OC but good threads are always ignored. Fuck that place.
change the name to /rn/(Real Niggas) and you have a deal. As a closet blackaboo, It would be cool to talk about black shit with people like me.
what's the worst board?
Ace Combat 4.

There was a Hentai thread earlier that was nice.

Fapped for a while.

Honestly, no point in /v/ being worksafe, as long as the content is vidja.
>>590845 (OP)
How can we reduce the post volumes on /vg/?

It's gotten so bad that no one wants to archive it anymore.
What does Mama-moot and Papa-moot know or think about 4chan?
If the 4chan community became identical to reddit's, would you still keep up the site? Will you keep 4chan running regardless of how far the posting quality drops?
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i feel you homie
"/b/tier secret club shitposting" is essential for maintaining board quality. /a/'s elitism has served it damn well. You only need to look at the path /jp/ has taken to see how detrimental it is for a board to lose touch with its elitist roots.
>>Would you please consider raising the bump and image limit on /mu/?


Kshitters and /soc/trips want it because they spam their waifus and talk about their >nogf to fast and hit bump limit. every other thread about music it works out fine
moot, who is your favorite anon?
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Moot do you think anime girls are cute? Is pic related cute?
I hope he changes it one day, at least temporarily.

The madfags and Tumblr activists would rage, and the tears would be great.
When was /jp/ good?
When was /a/ good?
That's because Toonami is a western block.

You can discuss the shows that air on Toonami on /a/ if you aren't a fucking faggot about it, but don't discuss the block itself because nobody gives a shit.
/a/ and /jp/ most likely.
I don't think he's been catching up with any of the seasonal anime in a few years.

One day he better come back and discuss shows with everyone again.
>>590845 (OP)
will i ever be able to post pictures or gifs with my ipad
being as moot doesn't like archives anyway...
>>590845 (OP)
thought about 4chan in foreign languages?
do you have a facebook account moot? Do you even go to facebook?
whats the deal with niggas and anime?
Because you guys don't hijack entire threads to RP or shit like that.
>>590845 (OP)
Do you like Eric Clapton?
moot, how come the janitors these days are biased and play favorites? I see some stream threads last forever with many bumps and posts while other streamers get instantly banned and deleted. Why is there such a wide disparity in treatment? In fact, why not allow streams at all?
>You mean "/a/fags were mean to me so I'm gonna post it /co/"

Nah, more like "/a/fags threw a massive hissy fit and shitposted in the thread, so I posted it in /co/ where we can actually discuss it".

>Sure, but /co/ will just want to discuss all anime. I bet there's been SnK threads there too.


Funny how that's the only show this season you know we'd actually be interested in.

Let us know when that Kill La Kill starts, yeah?
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Hey Moot, I wanted to know your thoughts on my idea

Samefag Men.

People whose only job would be to call out samefags.

Somebody faking numbers in an argument?

I'd would fly in and I'd go, "SAMEFAG. He's samefaging." And they'd go, "Oh. He's a Samefag Man." And I'd go, "Yea. It is a Samefag Man. You're a fucking samefag." And eventually, people would stop talking samefag. Anything that's going on 4chan: A marketer trying to viral a product, and he's going to say it's a great one, and it's
>>Will you add IDs to other boards?
I'm curious, what's the reasoning for this?
That ain't saying much.
>post gifs with iPad
That's iOS's problem.
When you started 4chan, which moment was decisive in realising this was gonna get huge?
He does, anonymously.
When you will you let wikieat back through the spam filter? I don't know if you're aware of its existence, but it's basically an imageboard that a couple of /tv/ posters created that contains a /cel/ board. It would be helpful to redirect people there when they start making waifu threads or /r/ing /cel/, but for some reason, the site's address is filtered text. I can only assume you made that decision, so I'm just wondering if you could explain either the rationale behind it or when you will be unfiltering it?
All he has ever said is "Furries cause drama", which come from the fact that five years ago furries where the worst thing that could happen to your community

They still are bad, not as bad as before, but never stated he dislikes them, just that the community is problematic at best.

Generals form a "community in a community". The most common aspects of a general is tripfags that only post in the kind of thread.

ON the good, they generate a lot of content (See /int/'s general, 3/4s of the boards content is made from them) . On the other hand they have 0 discussion.
I hope moot doesn't like loli and DFC. I feel like a complete outcast for not liking them. ;_;
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Don't get butthurt. It's a trap board for /stormfront/. Someone convinces them to try out /LGBT/ and they go over there and spew their hate and get b&. Someday we might actually get a halfway decent discussion of stuff going on on /pol/. I don't count on it though.
>Everyone on 4chan experiences that feel

I dont have a gf and I dont experience that feel. In fact I think relationships are overrated. And yes I've been in a relationship before.
Most boards do not need IDs.
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What are your thoughts on the notion that /b/ used to be a lot better?

Has it lost a lot of what made it great, or is it just going through a change that isn't inherently good or bad?
Why do you let Heaven exist, your thoughts on going to space?
It sucks that moot is now a hypocrite about /sp/
>>590845 (OP)
do you shave your pubes?

how often you do shave your facial hair?
>1. Moot, What do you think of GTA V and Arrested Development Season 4?
Haven't seen much about GTA V, and am pumped for Arrested Development S4 since I haven't followed a television show in ages.

>2. What about /com/ - Comedy? We could talk about how many Bob and Tom CD's we own and about TJ Miller and shit.
Eh, I haven't seen any requests for this before.

>you maybe answered this a million times but, why is there no history board?
"/pol/, with dates!"

>What do you think of 4Chan?
I love it.

>Are you proud of what it's become?

>moot, do you ever mull over stripping 4chan down to pretty much just captcha and posting? No special settings, IDs, catalog, trips/names and cutting out a bunch of moderation and letting things be apart from the most important things?
No. The site is pretty damn barebones, even with the inline extension and other recent additions.

>Mr. Moot, what is your opinion on pie?
Love me some fucking pie.

>Don't listen to the shitposting fucks who are going to try to ''free /sp/'' or some other bullshit.
>The board is getting better every day because of better moderation.
I hear you and am sensitive to both sides.

>Why won't you implement a lurk ban already? e.g. new IP's must wait some set amount of time before they can post. Would make bans actually have some meaning to the mass of ban evaders.
Not a terrible idea, but would require a lot more thought. I agree with the spirit of "make bans more effective" though.

>Another question Moot, why won't you add ID's to other boards like /wg/?
Are you joshing me around?

>What board do I post most on, Moot?
As of right now, /vg/.

>Another question here. What is your daily schedule like?
Wake up. Go to work. Get dinner with friends. Come home to 4chan. Rinse and repeat.

>How is Drawquest doing? Is it hard to manage that and 4chan?
Really well, and yes I really have very little personal time outside of the two.

Thank God I'm an Internet shut-in!

>I blame it on the aspie mod.
It's easy to assign blame, isn't it? Solutions are harder to find.

We're working on it.

>How many people have bought a 4chan pass so far?
A small fraction of a fraction of the number of people who post in a month.

>Do you have a significant other?
I do not.

>Do you have an emergency plan in case anything happens to you?

>Can the mods take over if you are no longer able to run 4chan?
There is one person who could theoretically do this, but my next-of-kin is my other, who would technically own the site upon my death.

>Can we have a furry board if it's SFW? can you let /d/ post furry pls?

>Hi Moot. Tattoo artist in training here. I do a lot of my training on myself ... If i were to tattoo MOOT on my leg, would you be so kind as to timestamp photo your tits? for the lulz?
Please don't do this, and no.

>And is it a sustainable solution for the ongoing problem of disruptive minorities within the community of high-traffic boards?
Probably not. I am not opposed to the idea of consolidating some of the smaller boards at this point, but haven't put much thought into it other than being receptive to it.

I have a few other ideas for what we can do to help accomodate the increased number of visitors/posters/content on various boards.

>is it true that australians are terrible?
Nah, just a select few that seem to gravitate towards 4chan. Same goes for every other country.

>SC2 generals have our own culture etc and we moderate ourseleves fine, why do you think it is necessary for the Janitor to delete posts even when the pictures that he doesnt like are accompanied by on-topic text?
Off-topic is off-topic. /vg/ is not your personal clubhouse.

>How's the lifting going moot? Have you given up or have you seen some progress?
I've had to take a break recently for travel, but am up 20 pounds in body weight over last year.

>Hi moot, about tripfags...
>Why not limit the usage of trips to say, the OP of a thread or something? Hell, even disable trips at all.
Tripcodes have been a part of 4chan since its inception, and we aren't going to remove a feature because you personally take issue with it.

Use an extension to filter or strip tripcodes if it bothers you that much.

>This guy again. Are you open at all to outside javascript submissions or whatnot? if so, is there a standard or API to adhere to?
We won't support an API for posting.

>In short, would you consider adding a button that would minimaize all threads on the current viewing page?
>i got this idea from viewing /vg/ but can be applied to other boards, most threads have their title in the subject line, which would be an easy reading of which ones to open back up and join in.
Why not just use the catalog, with Comment set to On?

>1. Is >>>/s4s/ the official shitposting board? Are you eventually going to pull another fur and mass ban everyone who posted there?
Sorta. And who knows.

>2. What is being done if anything about the marketing on /v/? I can go through the loveisme archives of /v/ posts, put in a suspected marketing post and find 20 identical character for character posts just like it. Pic related.
All forms of advertising is disallowed on 4chan. We take a firm stance on this, and delete threads that come to our attention. Report them as rule violations or spam if they're commercial spam.

>3. Please end /v/.

>So it's for you and a few of your close buddies instead of just you. Which makes the same amount of difference as far as anyone else is concerned. Here's an idea: Get some software and set up your own board. With blackjack and hookers.
Pretty much. It's our intention to cater to the majority, who tend to be the silent masses. We aren't going to appease individuals or small cliques.

>Are there any plans for a board request thread in the future?
Nothing planned as of now.

>Are there any plans for the site's 10th anniversary?
Stick around to find out!
>"/a/fags threw a massive hissy fit and shitposted in the thread, so I posted it in /co/ where we can actually discuss it".
Isn't that pretty much exactly what he said?

why did I laugh at this
Fuck you. We don't need anymore /v/ cancer spreading across other boards.
>whoosh Bullshit
>not whoosh Samefag


That's what he thinks
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Any hobbies?
Holy crap my /g/ browser just started working after a month of being on the fritz, I don't know if you changed something moot or if it was on my end, either way thanks.
Why the fuck would you want to kill anon.

That's point of 4chan
Can we please put a spam detector or how do you call it for the word "tumblfag" or "hambeast" or "landwhale" on /a/?

It would increase the quality of some threads about some animes by 120%
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moot have you considered making the subject line a requirement for OPs?

It'd compliment both the catalog and filtering features pretty nicely I think, especially for the boards with "generals"
should have said female
she's literally 10x better than any female wrestler WWE has had, the rest can do porn though.
mfw aj lee porn
How about adding .svg support to /a/?
It'd be nice to not have to create huge .pngs out of vectors for wall papers.
>>What is your personality type, if you know it?
>I forgot, but I can take that test later if I have time.

That'd be cool if you could do that.
So you want pony shitposting threads on every board? Even if you hate mlp that much, you cannot be that goddamn idiotic to believe deleting it will have positive effects.
Well then ask moot.
>>590845 (OP)
also can i suggest a .mov post option
Because black posters admit black culture is shit and a joke, just like using nigga in thread is
>Haven't seen much about GTA V, and am pumped for Arrested Development S4
Look at the "Michael, Franklin, Trevor." Trailers for GTA V and you a hero.
>Eh, I haven't seen any requests for this before.
It'd be like /mu/. But a lot more Mark Maron.
Like tons more. I'd like you to give it a chance.
Are you even serious? Or are you just dyslexic and unconsciously switched both boards around?
check this thread moot
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Moot, are you watching Valvrave the Liberator? It's basically Code Geass R3.
Hey moot,

How's the idea for a /777/ board going?
Are you still considering implementing one?
Adding IDs would be more effective
been there, done that. It sucked and moot deleted it.
>You can discuss the shows that air on Toonami on /a/ if you aren't a fucking faggot about it, but don't discuss the block itself because nobody gives a shit.

Yeah, funny how something that gets through 13 general threads a week = " nobody gives a shit".
They're both pretty good right now.
Dear Mr. Azaria. Thanks for the Q&A. Do you ever get tired of doing the Simpsons?
Exactly, it would stop people who take themselves to serious from shitting it up.

There's really nothing worse than someone who thinks his feelings/his person is more important than the discussion, which is why I love 4chan with its whole anonymity.
moot I think meta should be allowed on it's board - Not complaining, but actual talk about the state of the board.

Almost nobody browses /q/, and they probably aren't from the board you are from.
Moot what board do I post most on? Also post pics of your daki please
>and am pumped for Arrested Development S4 since I haven't followed a television show in ages.
Glad to see we have similar taste in tv.
Moot, have you ever read George R.R Martin's Game of Thrones series?
Boxers or Briefs?
>>592599 >>592599 >>592599 >>592599 >>592599
Answer pls moot ;_;

also am I one of those 'bad Australians'

I probably am
>>Can we have a furry board if it's SFW? can you let /d/ post furry pls?

Why not? I hate furry too, but at least i'd work at containment board the same way MLP did.
How about a "/hp/ - Health" board?
>>590845 (OP)
moot make my dreams come true and ban me because of this post.
Hey moot, what's your favourite novel? I swear I will immediately buy and read whatever your answer is.
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>>590845 (OP)
M00t. Put up a /fur/ board for the furries. I'm sure it'll take most of them off of /b/ and any other boards that they lurk so their own kind can fur each other to death. Not like it's not going to not get any use, am I right? And what is your favourite board? I love you King M00tykins! ~ <3

I'm talking about a fully translated 4chan in foreign languages, not just a board...
We really need a rotoscope and eotena wordfilters more than any of those
>also am I one of those 'bad Australians'
if you have to ask...
It's 5 cm per second you blithering retard.

Jesus .
>As of right now, /vg/.
Come watch the Dota 2 International Qualifiers with us Moot!
>I think meta should be allowed on its board [because] almost nobody browses /q/
That's because they're fucking idiots. If more people used the site properly we wouldn't have this problem.
moot, if you were to go gay for any one man in the world, who would it be?
Wrong answer
>>590845 (OP)
Is there any chance of splitting up /co/? Separate boards for comics and cartoons would be great.
>moot in charge of making boards only few need like /gd/ and ignoring /cel/

Why even bother
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moot, have you considered adding IDs to every board that is dedicated to a specific subject? I know that IDs would be useless on boards for image sharing, but it seems as though samefagging is a huge issue on many of the boards. I believe that IDs would reduce shitposting and samefagging which would lead to more efficient and in-depth discussion. It seemed to wonders on the boards that have IDs. Why not all? Sorry if you're annoyed with always getting this question, but I've never got an answer from you specifically.
moot is going down the post list in order

he's still on posts made over an hour and a half ago

just wait (he probably won't get to your post)
I demand you stop the fucking autistic chickun threads at once
but you can with the iphone just not ipad
Let me sort of explain, I don't think it fits the exact definition of a general but it is still constant and recurring.

For instance I see 6 threads in just as many hours, 2 of them are just lets talk about, one of the specific bosses, 2 more of them are about dark souls comics and another one is to complain about the game.

They are not exactly generals per se, but they recurring regularly, and almost every topic is something discussed hundreds of times prior. If it where more infrequent I would chalk it up to, videogames that /v/ likes ignore it, but when we have many threads a day half of them about the exact same thing I start to wonder if it should go to the general. Another problem is these threads are some of the most active threads getting hundreds of bumps and pushing more deserving slower moving content off the board.
moot why do you no longer make test threads in /a/? You even missed Eva 3.33. ;_;
hey moot, faggot who actually paid for a 4chan pass here.

reddit seems to have hit a formula for gold, particularly recently when they made the ability to gift passes.

what about the ability to gift a pass to someone who has made a quality post? would the infrastructure of the 4chan board structure make it untenable?

^ This. I was too old to give a shit about Toonami when the block started (And also in the wrong country for most of the time) but I think it's incredibly relevant to anime regardless. You can't say that threads about fansub groups are relevant to anime but Toonami or even noitaminA isn't.

/a/ needs to stop caring about who likes what and where they're from and just get on with discussing anime.


yeah I don't think so outsider
moot responded to my post!
sweet, sweet vindication!
>We really need a rotoscope and eotena wordfilters more than any of those

Not really
>I blame it on the aspie mod.
>It's easy to assign blame, isn't it? Solutions are harder to find.

How about this for a solution,get rid of him. Get someone that won't delete entire threads and posting history just because someone mentions that an actress is pretty.

It's obvious that the guy has an agenda, stop being blind.
how big is your penis?
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Moot, could you please raise the autosage limit of /lgbt/ threads from 300 to 500 at least?

We have about 3 MtF generals a day and it's getting silly.

Some stickies would really help avoid having the same sort of conversation too, transition tips etc.
Why was #fortune removed actually?
moot seriously /pol/ is not an infectious disease, history would be something also, /in/t is the living proof of it (And it need to get out of /int/ because there always are people shitposting with >your country >relevant stuff)
The bronies got a board for themselves. See how well that worked out? Chickun
>but you can with the iphone just not ipad
No, not unless you have chan elite.
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Moot, how come you're so retarded that you can't realize what a demand and success a /$/ board would be?

>Yfw you realize making productive boards like /$/ would bring in more activity and worth than shit like "s4s" and "alternative sports."
The janitor acts like a shitposting child and just starts deleting wars with users over original posts that weren't even off-topic .He's more harm than good for /mu/. Read his logs and see what he's been doing.
>what about the ability to gift a pass to someone who has made a quality post?
I would fucking love this.

There have been several posts I've seen of such quality that I would gladely buy them a pass.
Sup Mootles, I hope everything is going alright for you.

I've got a couple of questions for you

1. Did Anamanaguchi contact you personally beforehand to arrange the Q&A? Are the kewl?

2. How was mothers day for you? How is mama moot doing?
Sounds like somebody was posting pictures of disgusting 3D (maybe theirself) and got mad
Are you ever gonna bring tripcodes back to /s4s/?
What about the old reddit style?
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can you copy this in paint and give me your autograph?
look at this weeping vagina
Have you ever read or participated in Blatant Fetish Quest?

It's gone on now for something like 125 threads over a couple months, so if you ever visit /tg/ there's no way you haven't seen it.
>Not a terrible idea, but would require a lot more thought. I agree with the spirit of "make bans more effective" though.
If you want them more effective, make it so you can't browse while banned again.
>I've had to take a break recently for travel, but am up 20 pounds in body weight over last year.
Post a pic! I want to see you with some meat on your bones.
How are Toonami threads relevant to anime? What the hell would you even discuss? I don't understand the concept at all, enlighten me. What would the threads be about that can't already be discussed on /a/?
Because if you let any idiot be a janitor he will knowingly or unknowingly abuse his position.

Too specific.
Why do you hate /mu/, moot?

Because it caused thousands of roll threads

How would that even work? You can't translate shitposting.
You shove talkbacks to 12 different shows into one thread, that will happen.
>Yeah, funny how something that gets through 13 general threads a week = " nobody gives a shit".
On /co/.
Nobody on /a/ gives a shit about the Toonami block.
It airs censored, english dubs that most people have already seen when they aired. It's targeting a completely different demographic than /a/ posters.

The shows in their true form are still allowed to be discussed on /a/ as long as you don't bring Toonami or tumblr faggotry with you.
How do I get myself to stop shitposting? It's like a drug, I know it's horrible but I just can't stop.
Will you consider considering a business board?
He has answered this before, and it basically boils down to

>taking life altering advice from 4chan
>anyone taking financial advice from 4chan ever
>taking any advice from 4chan in the first place
If by /$/ you mean something like /econ/ or /fin/ then I agree
That and /cel/ would be good additions
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gr8 trips for /s4s/?
also how long can you hold your breath?
by being badass
You sound like a sad shitposter.
You're still anonymous. Having an ID doesn't mean you're giving away any personal info.
take a long walk
by $ are you saying finance? because if so I would totally agree
Moot, I would like to thank you for creating 4chan and essentially ruining our lives and the lives of many other innocents
Why is the word "shota" autosaged but loli is not?
do something fun once a month. add something i don't care what it is host some kind of event. do something cool. might bring up morale around here. once a month make a moving chat room for every board as an example
So moot, what are you going to do to /mlp/ when mlp ends?

Also, please sticky this shitstorm >>>/mlp/10533270
read the thread for fucks sake
Why do people ask this question in every AMA ever when the only acceptable answer is Commando?
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I don't even know why i wrote that and I've been on /a/ for at least 4-5 years now. (Since DtB S2)


Uh? No, not really. I'm mostly talking about things like swimbros thread getting derailed by pointless shitposting.
Are you ever bringing back the guro and loli boards?
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Moot, of course you realize the power you have to obtain an endless amount of sex. do u just not care or something

what is this?
Does the software allow you to ban yourself?
/cel/ would sure be nice.
Not too sure about any kind of money board though.
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I know this isn't main concern on 4chan right now, but can you please get some more janitors on /vp/ near october? Traffic will increase like hell, other boards will visit, and /vp/ isn't smart enough to ignore trolls and shit. There's people that still think furry is allowed
Just saying, since it'll be a game release, and the board goes out of control even with news of the game
sorry I'm now aware that I misread your post or maybe didn't even read it at all. I just want rotoscope and eotena wordfilters like we had for roodypoo and candyass back in the day and nothing to do with spam detectors whatsoever
Post eval() [insert something in the parenthesis] and permab& yourself.
It takes it away for that thread you're in though.
everybody hates /mu/
even /mu/
especially /mu/
Nothing whatsoever.
>/lgbt/ threads from 300 to 500
Yes, please. Now that Generals are there, wouldn't hurt.
>"/pol/, with dates!"

Honestly that sounds like it would be fun. You just need an active janitor/moderator to keep spam/blatant shitposting to a calm.
>once a month make a moving chat room for every board

whoa, awesome idea. I'd love to see this
Fansubs are an integral part of /a/, Toonami is not.

By the way, I can tell you are a social parasite. Pleas stay off /a/.
if you check the rules and you won't need to ask
>^ This. I was too old to give a shit about Toonami when the block started (And also in the wrong country for most of the time) but I think it's incredibly relevant to anime regardless. You can't say that threads about fansub groups are relevant to anime but Toonami or even noitaminA isn't.

Meh, I don't even care. I was just using it as an example of something /a/'s "kicked out.

>/a/ needs to stop caring about who likes what and where they're from and just get on with discussing anime.

Exactly. I can forgive the borderline hentai threads/waifu threads. The "NO NORMALS ALLOWED" mentality is what I hate about /a/.

Also, someone in this thread mentioned AJ Lee porn. That shit right thar needs to happen.
Why were you not expecting this.
Just go back to tumblr, there is nothing wrong with being LGBT but it can get very annoying.
Impressive anon, hard to do that in a thread this active.
>moot will never reply to you
feels batman.
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I would also like to know if this will be an eventuality
You may have answered this before somewhere else but here goes...

What is your opinion on /cel/ or /waifu/? I think it would be one of the greatest containment boards ever, seeing as it would clear up much of /a/, /hr/, /tv/, /mu/, and more.
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Moot, how can I change my life? I'm a huge loser that just wants to kill myself. I feel like I have no talents, or anything of real value. I'm also a very ugly girl.
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moot can you please explain your current hypocrisy regarding /sp/?
>read this entire thread
>Implying that's a majority of posters that actually go on /mlp/ or watch the show even.

there is a moving chat, its called IRC and its there 24/7
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Damnit, I meant to show up early to this. Ah well. Couple questions. Have any mods/janitors been assigned to /f/? And secondly, would you consider increasing the resolution limit on /w/ (currently 5000x5000)? With multi-monitor setups becoming more common, it's becoming a bit of a pain (albeit on occasion). You don't need to up the filesize limit, so extra bandwidth wouldn't be a problem.

Hell, my own setup is 5140, and 5760 is getting more common too. Also, pic related. A much smaller version of my wallpaper.

Other than that, thanks for everything.
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Delete your reaction face folder. (But don't really, funposting is fun!)
>Being a grill
Post photo, Maybe he'll date you...
1. go to south korea
2. pay plastic surgeon lots of money
3. become kpop idol
moot, do you play a musical instrument?
Can you name a couple of your favorite bands?
You obviously haven't been visiting /jp/ for very long.
I think even cancerous waifufags would think /waifu/ is too cancerous to post on
Moot who your favorite pony?
>Exactly. I can forgive the borderline hentai threads/waifu threads. The "NO NORMALS ALLOWED" mentality is what I hate about /a/.
I don't even think you're a regular /a/ poster. The elitist mentality is what keeps the board quality high.
If you allow normalfags in, you end up with /co/ or /v/. Endless bitching about feminism and other non-issues.
pretty obvious he means just moot's replies
He's said no to /l/ a hundred times. Guro probably won't come back, either, because there's no reason for it to.
That's what moot is doing. If it's good enough for moot it's more than good enough for you.
/jp/ pls.
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Hey moot,

I was wondering if 4chan had legal counsel or any need for legal counsel. Do you have an attorney on call or a retainer with anyone?
Which board do you call your stomping grounds?
Moot, what are your regrets regarding 4chan and what you've done with it over the years? Be honest, don't give me any of this "none" crap.
spanish 4chan: spanish spoken faggot's shitposting
portuguese 4chan: portuguese spoken faggot's shitposting
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everyone hates /mu/ cause they all have shitty music opinions, are shitty musicians and are very egotistical and think they are "deep" because of the shit music they like

Death Grips. Fucking seriously?
Moot pls respond to my emails
Moot, why do you ignore /cel/ requests?
Because you're a moron.


If you really want to kill yourself, just do it. Wasn't that easy?
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He will never answer that. He already ignored all the /cel/ questions in this thread as well. Scroll way up and notice him skipping the posts cleverly.

People have tried to get moot to comment on a /cel/ board for ages and it's the ONE question he avoids. He doesn't even acknowledge people asking about it.

Fucking moot
Retard fur is allowed on /b/, but the mods still ban people for posting it on /b/. I want to know if moot knows this is going on and/or what hes going to do about it.
>>590845 (OP)
whats your views on the cp being posted on /b/
What's the purpose of dimension limits anyway? Shouldn't filesize be all that moot needs to worry about?
What is your favorite airline?
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It's time to praise Kohaku. Will you join, moot?

Kohaku is the best!
moot, can you make a test run for two weeks of post IDs on /v/, i believe it could be a good way to test how IDs would affect /v/, you can remove it early if it turns out not being a good idea. i just to see it if can help the propblem of samefagging and shitposting.
No shit they're allowed. That doesn't make your cancerous ilk any more welcome. Your shitty threads, fetishy or not are on the same level as sergalfaggotry
Hey moot, visitor from /k/ here. There's been speculation, but we want to know for sure: Are you hasguns? And what guns do you own if you are?
>How are Toonami threads relevant to anime?
85% of the shows on there are Japanese animation.

>What the hell would you even discuss?
The shows. As they air. Similar to how /sp/ discusses sports.

>I don't understand the concept at all, enlighten me. What would the threads be about that can't already be discussed on /a/?

If you have no interest in Toonami, then it and threads based around it aren't for you.

but it is not board specific and is permanent and when he said moving chat room I thought he meant that it would be temporary and pop up every so often, not moving as in the text is moving
But I don't have money... like I said, I'm a loser.
One of the main theme with generals is that "All discussion about the topic goes here!"

Dark Souls is just popular, not a general.
Same reason he ignores every other board request
you don't need to be jewish to be a jew!!!!!!111!!!
unlikely, because legal headaches and hosting providers don't like the idea of going anywhere near lolicon even if it is technically legal, since it's still a gray area and makes them look bad.

it's unfortunate, I agree
That's what happens when you get a board full of hipsters
He's responded to them before, he doesn't want it, so we're not getting it.
So I'm just going to keep bringing it up to remind him there is a large amount of active demand for it.
/cel/ when faget
Why did you get rid of a ton of the secret boards, I loved /z/ and /fk/
Looks like /ck/ will never get the sticky it deserves. No banana cake for you, Mr Poole. I'll eat it myself.
Will you be at the Anamanguchi show in nyc this friday? I was surprised by your appearance in Meow.
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sorry I wasn't oven wearing makeup
I'd like to know this too.

If /l/ is too much of a legal liability, then at least remake the old /g/! For us guro and ryonafags...
>implying he gives two shits about /b/
exactly. like by separating yourselves more and creating more and more separate places to talk about being gay and gender binaries and societal gender roles, youre fucking being really annoying and hurting your own cause. just fucking shut up. as some nignog pointed out, wheres the board for people of color? poc are far more oppressed than billy from whothefuckcares. but yeah no we dont need a fucking poc board cuz this isnt a fucking social justice website. its like, the fucking opposite.
Expect /com/. I hope he makes /com/.
Moot you faggot why aren't you on AIM these days?
he hates it so ignore and report it
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would you ever let a AoC tier janitor on /jp/ again?

any favorite VN?

Also do boss battles have a place in modern video games?
That's retarded. Just discuss the shows. There's nothing preventing you from doing that. Why do you think we need some sort of board upheaval so you can discuss multiple (unrelated) shows in the same thread? What purpose does that possibly serve?
>The shows. As they air.
All of the shit shown on Toonami are old shows that /a/ discussed as they aired in japan. Just because you can't get with the time doesn't mean everyone should stoop to your level.
proven /s4s/ should have wordfilters
>Dat Corn

10/10 would bang.
nobody wants a celery board
If it's /e/, /h/, /u/ material, it belongs there. Plain and simple.

Report 'em.

>It's true anon.
It should be noted that I never said that, and this screenshot is fake.

>believing anything you read on 4chan

>moot, are you a png or a gif man?
Whichever is appropriate.

>Are stream links still banned urls on /vg/?

>Do you realise how pointless this is?
Advertising anything is disallowed. Advertising streams falls under this rule.

>I'm female but not attractive and I'd have sex with moot even if he wasn't man of the year.
This made me sad ;_; At least you're honest, I guess?

>They're banned across 4chan because it's advertising and the streams are normally streaming copyrighted content.
They're banned because it's advertising.

For every stupid "WATCH MUH STREAM/VISIT MY SITE!!!!!!" thread, one potentially good/on-topic thread is pushed off the board. Again, we take an extremely firm stance on this, and that isn't going to change.

>About how many guys per day do you find off grindr to come and gangbang you in your hotel room after you finish your room service (you insufferable faggot)?
Pfffft, it's all about Manhunt these days, newb.

>I'm not moot, but the way I see it, out of those games you mentioned, Ace Attorney, 999, and VLR have gameplay mechanics, and had a more "mainstream" release in the west.
Sounds reasonable to me, but again I'm no expert on VN.

>For the 1000th time, there is no board-specific mod. Every mod is global, so you have no idea which mod does what on which board.
>Janitors are board-specific, but you can't know if your janitor has deleted your threads, or if any of the 20+ mods have, or even moot himself.
Correct! Thanks, Anon.

>do you watch pro rasslin' ?
I do not.

>what the fuck has happened with 4chan interface
I forgot a " in a tag.

Link me to the post in question (archive link is fine).

>Always amazes me that people bitch, moan, whine, and complain about threads being deleted "left and right" and yet those same people doing all the complaining are - about 99% of the time - creating threads or posting images that violate the very rules of the board itself.
We remove posts that are against the rules. Sometimes people don't agree with our interpretation of the rules though. And we remove an extremely small fraction of the total number of posts that are made every day.

>Moot why do you keep breaking 4chan?
Force of habit.

>What's your favorite porn site?
I burnt out on porn a long time ago.

>Do you have a qt3.14 gf?

>moot, will you kill /pol/ for a few months?

>How do you feel about the flood of reddit type people coming to 4chan?
Citation needed, etc.

>when did you lose your virginity

>are you planning any other projects with the advents of 4chan/canv.as?
I'm working on DrawQuest now.

>Hey mootles, is it true that you give no shits about what happens on /mlp/ whatsoever
I don't personally use the board, but care what happens to every board on 4chan. Feel free to e-mail me a list of your concerns.


>What is the future for the growth of 4chan or do you plan to keep it the same as is now?
What do you mean? 4chan's growth is beyond my control. If you mean new boards, I don't have any immediate plans to add any.

>Some addons make watching links from youtube easy but will there be support like that from the website itself?
Our inline extension already supports this. Click [Settings] in the upper righthand corner of your screen.

>league of legends picture. (if you want to also tell us if you play league of legends. This is my account add me if you do its Riddler)
I don't play LoL.
So just make threads about the show. You don't have to point out that they air on toonami to discuss them. I don't know what you do on /sp/, but you don't have threads about ESPN itself, do you?

I personally think they should ban fur threads, fucking stupid.
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>using AIM

my sides
I have to agree with this post. I could put together a detailed image using chat logs and FoOlz archive, but essentially the current /m/ janitor deletes whatever he wants whenever he wants. We got new board rules just to appease this guy and he has not even stuck by those rules written just for him.
Here are threads which have been deleted:

I talked with Aerolite about this and he pretty much gave up on it beyond making the new rules, and fruitlessly telling the janitor several times to follow those rules. If /m/ really needs a janitor, I am sure we can try one of the other ones from the applications? We should not have this particular janitor. He must be removed.
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>>590845 (OP)
moot pls

why are you ignoring these questions about the 4chan cup?
moot you should be watching!
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>high board quality

it's the same fucking circlejerks and moeshit day in and day out.
hey mootykins, since your current dev left, have you gotten a new one to work on new stuff? Or are you basically done implementing what you want to for now?
what's your favorite band?
>By the way, I can tell you are a social parasite. Pleas stay off /a/.

>/a/ mocking anyone else's social life.

Top lel.
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for /s4s/
Q: wahts your favorite dub: 00, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, or 99?
are you coming to New York Comic Con 2014?
All it does is create a new set of problems, like VLC = shit threads, fan sub drama, and "entry level" = bad shit.
feel free to add some more ads to the site i think most people would be ok with it. sure you'd have small uprising for a week but it would soon disappear
>>when did you lose your virginity
Was it at an anime convention?
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Thank you, that made my day.
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[qcantspoiler]and he hates unoriginality[/qcantspoiler]
'm crashing right now but I really need to know since the issue still hasn't been adressed by any of the moderation team.

Why was the #clones tripcode blocked from 4chan?
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Actually moot, just wondering, but out of all the massive, crazy fandoms that have spawned out of/influenced 4chan, what would you most compare MLP to? I mean it got it's own board so it must be up with the big leagues.

pic just for attention
Hey moot, are you into the Legend of Zelda at all? If so, what's your favorite game in the series?
Imma repost just incase you didn't see the question.

Hey moot, visitor from /k/ here. There's been speculation, but we want to know for sure: Are you hasguns? And which guns do you own if you are?
Hey, moot.
I just wanted to ask your opinion on elitism and "hiding your powerlevel". I know that the whole point is that it comes from the community, but I always wanted to know how you felt it contributed towards the board's content.

I personally love it, since it does work wonders in giving the boards I browse the character that I've grown to love. Although, I find that many times the fear (especially on /a/) of meeting other /a/nons is unfounded. I've met several, and they are always fun to talk to. Most of them are surprisingly nice as well.
Moot, a few quick questions:
>How big is your dick?
>Will you ever grow a beard?
>Can you please add more than the existing three reasons to the report form, something like "samefagging"?
>If it's /e/, /h/, /u/ material, it belongs there. Plain and simple.

That's good to hear, but do you plan to do something to enforce the rules? I feel like a lot of people don't care about these boards at all.
When are you going to space?
Moot, have you finally learned some code?
Mods can ban you for whatever reason they want on /b/

ZOMG NONE!!!!111 applies to mods as well.
>Death Grips. Fucking seriously?

>Expect /com/. I hope he makes /com/.
I don't know why a comedy board isn't a thing yet. 4chan has a great alt comedy community.
>>590845 (OP)
Mootie, why won't you disable all tripcodes?
Signed: Concerned faggot.
He hasn't gotten there yet you insuffrable faggot hold your goddamn horses, shit.
Why haven't you seen Drive yet, moot?
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Moot why are you so inclined to add forced ID to boards when the whole focus of your TED talk was about how important anonymity is on the internet?
anyone else sick of this /a/ /v/ shit? fuck off seriously. it's nut funny anymore we get it. you have a large fan base. now shut up
you can force anon for yourself you know

moot, please answer!

Also to that anon, Kronie shitposted with it on /v/ as "Klonies#clones" and a mod who apparently had no idea what the rei trip was banned it, so now it's gone everywhere because he thought it was Kronie's new trip.
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Why is /k/ still around? We don't need them spreading their hate and weapons of mass destruction. Sandy Hook, Aurora, shall I go on? All these murders are committed with assault rifles, yet 4chan has a board that promotes these weapons and types of violence. What are you going to do about it, Christopher?
moot, how difficult was it to create and administrate 4chan? I know you basically just used 2chan's source code, but it seems like it would be relatively difficult for a 15 year old boy to be the administrator of an imageboard. Did you have a lot of time on your hands or were you just really tech-savvy for your age?
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What's your least favorite meme, moot?
IDs are still anonymous
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>the big version is also a .jpg
>no .png version anywhere
You don't have to sign in with FB to post. It just means that if you samefag, people will know.
Because anonymity and sockpuppetry are not the same thing?
>Bob and Tom steam threads
>Talking about podcasts
>Wondering why people like "Nerdist" podcasts, sans-Cashing In With TJ Miller
A future i pray for.

You're still anonymous even with ID's.
questions here. >>592363
also vocaroo embed would be neat
moot, you live in a city which has given birth &/or a home to lots of cultural icons. Do you have a favourite NY musician, or artist? Any that spring to mind as being super cool in your eyes
Mine is the meme where meme now means "vapid image macro"
Does Iron Chef (and other cooking tournament shows) discussion belong on /ck/ or on /tv/?
Why the hypocracy? Why is there a need for /mlp/ but not /fur/? Both are essentially containment boards
I personally think you should fuck off, fucking retard.
....so they dont want it anywhere else, but they ban people who post in the one place where its allowed. Thats fucking retarded
Moot please tell us about /a/ future.
What was the original idea or concept you had when making this site, and do you feel you accomplished what you wanted to accomplish now?
Do you belive in aliens?
Hey moot! Why did you remove the image filter from /r9k/?
Will we ever see enforcement of image reposts? I know that's a lot of work, but sometimes it's painfully obvious (read:feels guy)
Perhaps you'd be more at home here:
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>five years ago

moot losing his virginity confirmed for killing 4chan
That would be very interesting to see.
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You're very welcome, anon.
Moot, I know you don't like talking about 4chan's finances but are you atleats breaking even yet on the passes?
Rules are enforced when people report posts and the janitors/mods delete them. Make active use of the report system or don't expect anything to happen.

That said, please don't send any more /a/ regulars to /u/ than absolutely necessary. I'm getting nervous about this "we can post whatever we want because our rule is old" mentality I'm seeing and only newfags would be posting this sort of thing.

Even in moot had a QT gf, he's never ever reveal her existence. Can you imagine the harassment she'd get? Just look at that girl that moot met in the UK or w/e
>All of the shit shown on Toonami are old shows that /a/ discussed as they aired in japan. Just because you can't get with the time doesn't mean everyone should stoop to your level.
>get with the time

Apparently, media is disposable.

While you're at it, please name any decent show airing this season that isn't Attack on Titan.

And no. "My Little Sister is This Fuckable" or whatever doesn't count.
So are sad panda threads still allowed on /a/ as long as we don't post any NSFW images?
do u have any other websites?
what do u do for live?
>That's a great opinion you have.
What's not an opinion is that tripfagging is largely met with animosity, derails threads, and creates some of the most cancerous posters I've ever seen. I've discussed this on /q/ before and the best reasons I could get for having tripfags was for the sake of threads where you need to identify yourself with something you are creating (writing, game, etc). Is that really worth all the cancer it inspires?
Because you are perma-butthurt idiots who get angry at anything and shit up everything you touch.
>Advertising anything is disallowed
So why do you advertise 4chan pass?
m00t, can i politely request you don't delete /s4s/? it's become a sort of home for us now, and the past month+ it's been around has been the best time i and others have had in years. pls no :(
>it's arbitrary
well that's bullshit

> and the intelligent thing to do would be to regex it in along with o, O, etc.
no...the intelligent thing to do would be to allow us to use it and change the spam/filtered text detectors

moot, I'm really depressed, suicidal and feel hopeless. What should I do?

On that topic what's our favorite mootykins? Also, if I was a faggot I'd totally invite you over for dinner and wipe the excess Alfredo sauce (I'd make a pasta meal) off your mouth after you're done eating. I wouldn't fuck on the first date though because I ain't no whore.
happy mother's day moot
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Moot, would it be possible for /cm/ to have a sticky kind of like /c/'s so it stops being bombarded with resized/edited images and sauce requests?
Do you still love all of us over at /r9k/? :(
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Moot, is it true that I am considering killing myself and also I tried to screw my ex girlfriends mother last night and failed? Also my ex girlfriend's mother's father is married to my grandmother.
moot what is your opinion on anime and how has it changed for you personally over the years? let me put it this way: i am 26 and have been watching for over 10 yeaars while many people i've known have grown out of it
what have you been watching lately

also post nudez
i can heaven ~
>Ctrl-f your ID
>thinks "shota" is an "autosage" word
Why do you think your questions are important?
Where do you think you'd be at if you didn't create 4chan?
Can I have a capcode that says "Lord of Darkness"?
meant hypocrisy, sorry
Ahahaha. You're really just invalidating your own position by coming out with this stereotypical "anime is shit today" stuff. This season is actually really great, there's something for pretty much everyone. You clearly haven't actually bothered to check anything out.
>>590845 (OP)
What are you political beliefs?
Almighty moot, i have a question. on the /q/ front page there was a guy asking you "what will you do about the aussie problem" and a meme of you basicly dissing you and saying aussies scare you. my question is why did you ban him ? was it a major insult ?
Moot can we have a Adventuring and Hitchhiking board for trainhopping?

And are you going to anything about /g/'s massive circlejerk of shit and delete it?
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>the intelligent thing to do would be to allow us to use it and change the spam/filtered text detectors
That is exactly what I said. Go learn what "regex" means.
I met you at Acen back in 05, and you were super down to earth and nice. Got a picture with you and a friend of mine.

Im still visiting after all these years, and even though my tastes have changed (haven't been to b in years) I still find ways to pass the time.

I just wanted to say thanks, you were a cool guy 8 years ago and that sort of cemented my love for this place :p

google and Microsoft release a yearly request reports on what the Government ask 's for why don't you?
/mlp/ was a subject that belonged in /co/, it had a place. it's a containment board in the since of that it stops trolls and retards spamming images and acting retarded. /fur/ however didn't really fit anywhere but /b/.
The only anime my friends like are entry level shonen. But goddamn, do they love that shit. I'm the only nigga I know that watches seasonal shit while it's airing.
Where do you see 4chan in the next ten years and do you have any projects that you are working on?
Capcodes are only for the admin, mods and devs.
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We have >>>/fit/

>Moot can we have a Adventuring and Hitchhiking board for trainhopping?

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It's his site and he needs money so he can continue to keep it up and running faggot. No one wants to see your stream anyways, or cares.
/a/ has always been primarily focused on discussion of currently-airing shows. If you want to make a thread to discuss something that is currently airing on Toonami, do so, but don't expect it to get the same attention as truly currently airing shows. And this season is actually pretty great. I'm following 6 different shows and really enjoying them all.
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>Moot, will you ever consider removing rule 15 and if not just change it to only apply to full on pony threads started for the purpose of shit posting? I see no problem with allowing usage of pony reaction images on other boards.

>When will /po/ get any love?
>We desperately need some moderation and maybe some new rules.
We'll try to get a new janitor soon. What rules do you think need adding?

>moot, are you interested in the Wii U?
I've played around with the controller, but not really. I used a 3DS for the first time recently and thought it was pretty neat. I liked the 3D drawing app I used.

>let feel threads on /int/ stay

>Have you been to a NYC meetup in recent times?
Nope. I haven't met up with anyone from 4chan in over a year.

>omg, its moot! are you a millionaire?

>why dont you raise the gif limit to 5mb or 6mb?
Because storage and bandwidth doesn't grow on trees.

>Moot, why not just do a podcast where you answer questions submitted through an askbox on the front page? It would save you the trouble of having to navigate through this clusterfuck of a thread.

>Tripcodes undermine the entire point of 4chan. Please remove them from all boards, or at the very least, /mu/
Cool opinion, bro.

>How do you make a living, moot?
As the founder/CEO of a venture-backed startup. It's my day job that I don pants and leave the house for, and 4chan is my night job that I strip down and lather myself up in Crisco for.

>Will you divulge more stats for us?
>Ex: 25k people viewing /b/, 20k lurkers, 5k active posters in past 5 minutes on /b/.

According to Google Analytics:

-26 million people have visited 4chan in the past 30 days
-They have racked up 600 million page views in the past 30 days

>Please allow the Dreamcast to be discussed on /vr/.
I'll take it into consideration.

>Did you fuck ZUN?
He already has a waifu :((((((

>One more actual important question how do you apply to be a mod? not a janitor but an actual mod.
You don't. Read the FAQ.

>moot, how did you get in contact with ZUN?
The ZUN signal, of course!

>moot how many FBI agents monitor 4chan ?
>also are they in every single thread?
You'd have to ask them that. I think they have a Twitter account, so ask away!

>How much does you earn a year?
Enough to get by, but not enough to have any appreciable savings.

>I feel like r9k should be renovated. feel threads fuck over any quality posts. can we have a /tfw/ board so people stop shitting up r9k?
Good luck shifting the community away from feel threads.

>Could we please remove the filter on twitch.tv, you're literally killing esports.
Yes, I'm single handedly killing eSports.

>hey moot, when are you having another NYC meetup?
Not sure. As I said earlier, I haven't met anyone from 4chan in a while.
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Hey moot

Did you know that your new "rules" have done absolutely nothing to fix /tv/?
>While you're at it, please name any decent show airing this season that isn't Attack on Titan.
Is this stupid fuck serious?
Gargantia, Valvrave, Railgun, Maou-sama, Hunter x Hunter, Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat, Majestic Prince.

That's all I'm watching, probably missing a few. You Toonami faggots really need to stay in your cancer containment board..
Hey moot, sometimes perfectly legitimate vidya threads get deleted on /v/ due to faggots abusing the report system. Are there any plans to mitigate this, through report checking or otherwise?
The answer is so obvious anon. Listen to your feelings and just get it all over with.
Moot, how do you feel about Kung Pow threads on /v/? Would those be considered off topic, or is it a "culture" thing now?
Moot, can you add catalog subscription to the thread watcher? So keywords I currently have in the filter will automatically appear in the thread watcher list.
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>and this screenshot is fake
But this one isn't.
>Link me to the post in question (archive link is fine).
Let me see if I can find it, I go through hundreds of threads a day.

If I can't the discussion went like this

>these threads are bad and instead of making them make a thread that contributes to the board
>I disagree
>alright, but you don't need to make a thread about how much you disagree with me
>Well we don't need (something) quest threads so it is okay if we make these threads too
>no it is not just because someone else is doing it doesn't make it okay, grow up and be the bigger man

About that time it got deleted, and I was glad that the moderator agreed with me, until I was muted for 15 minutes because a ban request had been placed on my IP.

But it ended up okay and I am pretty glad for that.
I want a capcode

like mod or admin or developer. Except it would say "Lord of Darkness"

that's why I'm asking Mr Poole
it's a step away from anonymity
Moot, have you ever had sex with a man, or something sexual with?

on a more serious note, what is your favorite board?

Toonami is relevant to anime because as evidenced by western pop culture it laid the foundations for getting Japanese animation on western TVs. Love it or hate it, this is a very big thing.

It's like saying Tokyopop shouldn't be discussed - whether you like them or not they were very important to manga and its distribution in the west. There is more to anime and manga besides what you can download from Nyaa.

When dealing with Toonami threads you can either show the 'crossboarding scum' that /a/ is a terrible board by acting like a secret club 'ANONYMOOSE' /b/tard and shitposting everywhere or you can show them that /a/ is a good board by discussing the impact of Toonami on both western media and western acceptance of Japanese animation and comics.

One makes /a/ look awful, the other makes /a/ look sensible. Have some pride in the board.
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>tfw moot will never notice you

Please send help to /lolg/. Janitor-kun is out of control. Random things, including entire threads full of discussion, are being deleted. I'm scared to post. The moderation of these threads is absolutely stifling. The last time I was banned from /vg/, it was for asking someone to duo with me - yes, asking someone to play the game to which the general is devoted. Please tone it down.

Also please nuke feminism/social justice/culture wars threads from /v/.

love you mootles and thank you for everything you do
Why haven't you DMCA'd the 4chan facebook page yet?
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but i am.
tighten them pipes mooty
>justified rapsil
are the people who sage and basically put anyone down for anything janitors? they seem to know when i double post and constantly harasses and remind me of the rules. really getting tired of there shit. but i can just filter them . personally i think they have the power to see when i double post as well
Can you delete /g/?
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hey moot, when and what made you realize that 4chan, r maybe just /b/, had become such a juggernaut of the internet
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So I just got this cat, moot.

And I seem to be having difficulties naming him.

what should it be?
>It should be noted that I never said that, and this screenshot is fake
Why do you say this about every screenshot?
moot, why haven't you unbanned the #clones public trip?
can the 10th anniversary be something on the scale of giga pudi x10?
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>4chan is my night job that I strip down and lather myself up in Crisco for.
To Moot, would you consider going out with a 24yo who's 5'10" and 145lbs?
moot, why does your use of language sound like a fun loving guy in some posts but come off as an obnoxious uncaring fucktard in others?
I'm serious, it isn't because I disagree with some of your answers either.
Name it mootles.
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Do you ever fear for your life moot
Do you love us M00t or do you pity us?
i got excited and assumed you meant to add all the related characters to the ban list as well

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The lack of praise for Kohaku is disappointing.
I guess we should just discuss all anime blocks from every country then.

YTV brought anime to Canada, it should be accepted on /a/ too right? It still airs like Beyblade and Yugioh.

Oh wait, that's fucking retarded and so are you. Anime blocks from other countries are not relevant to /a/. Discuss the shows? Fine, but not the fucking blocks.
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>Feel free to e-mail me a list of your concerns.
Nah man it's good, I don't use it either, I just wanted to know. Thanks for replyin'.
because it's really fucking funny
Ironically, people in the Toonami threads talk about some of those shows (Maou-sama and Valvrave in particular).
He's still replying to posts made within the first 20 minutes of this thread. Gonna take a while.
I think this is the third time he writes that exact sentence.
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I saw this once on /b/ and it struck my fancy, so I decided that I would carry it on for the anon who claimed to have created it. Here you are mootykins
Ask a question and he'll probably reply eventually.
Dude. Your cat is fucking adorable.
Yes, and universal background checks on guns are a step towards registration, right? Idiot.
Will /a/ ever be splint?
Why are you guys still asking him questions? He's never going to get to them. Well, probably not, anyways.
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>tfw moot ignores your questions
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Moot, is time wasting a passion of completionists?
What's the best way to deal with threads that can slip under the janitor's/mod's radar?

I'm referring to thing that at a quick glance seem perfectly relevant to the board, but in reality they're just covers for things like porn dumps and 4chan Cup threads.

So in essence, does the moderation staff look at more than just the OP when deciding if a thread should be deleted?
this information is relevant
>tfw moot is gone
aka why we need our own board

[spoiler]for containment reasons[/spoiler]
Moot, are you related to snacks in any way, do you still keep in touch with him?
They only watch the Big 3, DBZ, and Code Geass mostly. Those that watch current shit suppress their powerlevels.
When you lost your virginity, was it so someone special? If so, are you still in contact with them?
Hisui is better

I sure fucking hope not
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The earlier you post, the shorter the wait~
I know there's an /x/ but, could you make a /cult/ for satanists and other cults?

I'm a cult cunt... I need Satan in my life.
>implying kohaku is worth any praise
Oh come on man, I thought moot had replied!

I don't see why any block can't be discussed if it has had an impact on a country. It's not retarded at all, just don't expect non english-speaking blocks to get much attention. I think you just have a fear of discussing anime, maybe /b/ is a better board for you.

Anime blocks from other countries are very much relevant to /a/. See: noitaminA
Why would he want to spawn another abomination like /jp/?
Fuck off

she can't even kill sbrervants
If you knew everything you currently know about both 4chan and the directions that your life would take 10 years ago. what would you do differently?
How can you tell? That picture is blurred beyond visibility.

This is tricky. If you've actually reported it on more than one occasion and noticed that no action was taken, you could just try e-mailing moot and asking him to talk with the janitor about it.

At least, I sort of did that once and I'd like to think moot actually passed my concerns along.
Questions about contaminent boards are shit and I'm not surprised he skipped it. He will probably answer your question about Drive.
Mootles, do you have a gun?

I thought your glock asploded.

Love /k/.
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>tfw I've actually been one of the few people ITT to be nice to moot and ask legitimate questions and not whine and he still doesn't reply to me
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Hey Shalym Mootenberg, what's your birth name?
Moot's own personal copypasta.

Only good TypeMoons are Satsuki and Mech-Hisui.
I don't care about looking sensible to crossboard invaders. Toonami is not anime or manga.

Read the FAQ and the rules.
Hey moot, no questions, but thanks for 4chan. I've been coming for years and without boards like /fit/ or /mu/ I don't think I would be who I am today. This website has caused major changes in my life and most of them were actually pretty good for me.
Hey mootykins, quick question about /a/.

We seem to have a history of horrible shitposting tripfags like Lanced Jack, Taiga, Kronie, and most recently Siztra. Obviously he ban evades all the time and there isn't much that the moderation team can do about it other than delete his posts and ban when possible. Since this pretty much only relies on people reporting his posts, would it be possible to publicly ban him (or others like him) more often so that more people know to report him on sight?

I ask because Siztra likes to change his name every once in a while or post that ridiculous picture where a "mod" says that he's unbanned for good.
That's kind of a stretch, anon. If you honestly think there's a large amount of people who want to discuss "the impact" of various random programming blocks on the anime industry, you're deluding yourself. It's not a topic that needs threads. Honestly though, if you were to make a topic positing that exact question, you'd probably get some responses. However, there is a vast, vast gulf between that and "TOONAMI GENERAL, GET IN HERE TOONAMI BROS". It's not even the same discussion we're having here. The reason Toonami got kicked off /a/ is that the board was being legitimately spammed with threads that had no actual pertinence to /a/. Discuss the shows.
>Gargantia, Valvrave, Railgun, Maou-sama, Hunter x Hunter, Hentai Prince and the Stony Cat, Majestic Prince.
Hentai Prince? Aint that that show where the dude is a lonely basement dwelling loser perv who randomly gets a catgirl and yet doesn't fuck her?

Yeah, enjoy your escapism, bro.

>That's all I'm watching, probably missing a few. You Toonami faggots really need to stay in your cancer containment board..

That's... what I've been asking for.

You can have /a/, your shitty "lol, we're so better than the normal people, amirite guise?" board, and we can have a "cancer containment board" for "normalfags" to discuss "entry level shit".
Hey Moot,

Amazing site, not sure how you do it. I have a forum about 1/10,000 this size and I can barely manage it.

Odd question for you about copyright matters and I'm guessing you have done a lot of research on this one. Lots of people post copyrighted photos here and I'm assuming the reason its OK is that they are only here for a very short time. My question is, is there some legal guideline for how long a copyrighted image can be on your site before peoples lawyers get testy? 24hrs? 72hrs? Just curious as it relates to my forum.

Am I in trouble for turning on my trip? /fit/ is still teaching me 4chan-manners, and I might add getting me in a lot of hot water along the way :)
handmouthy furbooby-kun
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Moot, if 4chan was an anime, which one would it be?
Still interested in how you met/pitched those guys
What's your opinion of the Engine Heart Kickstarter Viral did on /tg/ moot?

Just ended by the way.

Also, when are you gonna play NS2 with /vg/ again moot? I miss playing with you.
It seems like a lot of janitors (or mods) just have vendettas and want to delete posts they deem unworthy, at least in /vg/.

Assuming the janitor role doesn't require coding to 'delete' an image, I don't understand why there can't just be janitors to solely delete posts.

Having knowledge of coding doesn't mean you'll know the rules any better
>not /jew/
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hey moot. I'm about to go up against bowser in super mario sunshine, I haven't fought him since the year that game came out (2002 I think), any advice?
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- Question regarding weekly Toonami Generals on /co/ -
It's not a frequent problem, but once or twice every month, a mod or janitor will just delete the General entirely. I don't know if every janitor or mod is informed about the allowance of Toonami-related threads on /co/, but I'd like to ask you to inform the respected parties as needed. We have a lot of anons posting great Toonami OC, and it's disappointing when that momentum comes to a crashing halt. It seems kind of inconvenient that we always have to prove our citizenship in the form of screenshots where you say we're permitted to be here.
>I'll take it into consideration.

noitaminA the block does not get discussion. Shows that air on noitaminA do get discussion.

Please learn the difference, I'm done arguing over this.


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Did you know absolutely nothing is wrong with /tv/ anyway
Unless it's about /cel/

He ignores anything /cel/ like a pussy
What does discussing the blocks themselves accomplish? Make a thread for the anime you want to discuss and there you have it. We don't need 5 different threads on the front page where people from different countries are circlejerking over their country's anime block. It would be pointless and a waste of space.
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I know that feel m8
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>Off-topic is off-topic. /vg/ is not your personal clubhouse.
i love you moot
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moot, what's your official job? If you don't/can't say, what area do you work in?

I'm assuming web development, computer science, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's like history or cooking or something.

Also, what do you think of this pic? Legit?

Oh and love from /g/ :3

I want rople-play storyshit, VNs, Atelier, Muv-Luv and soc shit out of a board dedicated to anime and manga.
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He probably haven't read your post yet.
You have exceptional taste.

Say that to my 41236C not online, see what happens.
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Moot, do you have a hairy bum?
Third for an NYC meetup
friend, just make the move to /vg/

it's not as circlejerky as /v/ claims
>listening to /v/
Cool your jets bro, unless you posted it within the first 20 minutes, it's gonna be a long wait till he gets to it.
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As if. Everyone knows Kohaku is the better twin.
he just won't stay still D:

buy the behinds of his ears and muzzle are yellowish, so is his tail.. blue eyes...

hyper as fuq

thanks for proving my point even more =)
moot, are you going to do wordfilters on any board again? I really liked them.
But you're whining that he hasn't answered your question yet. Get a fucking hold of yourself.
He's answered this shit multiple times
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Hi moot! Thanks for adding /gd/.
moot if you reply to me, I'll treat you to an ice cream cone. (flavor of your choice)
just tell me what your favorite flavor is.
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Welcome to every Q&A thread.
I can tell by some of the pixels and having seen a few cats in my day.
hentai prince is basically pervert kid swaps his facade (can't show his true intent) with a a girl (who's was that she always shows her true intent)

and then they realize it was a horrible mistake but it was some magic shit so yeah.
>Aint that that show where
Why don't you watch it and see for yourself, you massive casualfag?
sounds sexy, now to another topic

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and >>593222 for /s4s/
what do you think of this moot?
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Who thinks /lgbt/ should be renamed? Too many threads about the acronym, complaining about trans.

I don't have any suggestions. /gen/?
What is a nigger?
He's answered this 2 or 3 times just in this thread. Get a fucking grip.
Wow. This is impressive.
name it DICKS
Hey moot, can you unban me from /pol/? I apologize for breaking the rules.

I am half joking, but would be cool if you did.
>/a/ has always been primarily focused on discussion of currently-airing shows. If you want to make a thread to discuss something that is currently airing on Toonami, do so, but don't expect it to get the same attention as truly currently airing shows. And this season is actually pretty great. I'm following 6 different shows and really enjoying them all.


I know.

That's what I said and why I asked for /ani/ in the first place. Geez.
>>590845 (OP)
I have a question. Is s4s a safe for work board/can you update the front page to display the new boards? I'm slightly confused by this
do you snort rhino asscrack
You have to be trolling at this point. Did you really just ignore his entire list due to a single show?

>we can have a "cancer containment board" for "normalfags" to discuss "entry level shit".
But you can already discuss "entry level shit" on /a/.
have you ever considered making a full on wrestling board considering /wooo/'s popularity?
>Let us know when that Kill La Kill starts, yeah?
Again >>>/a/
What's the point of having separate boards for different topics if we can just post whatever the hell we want in any of them?

I like the imouto threads older /a/ used to have but alas, they were off topic and janitors really seem to despise them so they are history.
Hey moot, could you have the janitors ease up on the Marvel Avengers Alliance threads on /co/? It's /co/ related but janitors are deleting it
So they're just anime general threads. Sounds like a bunch of off-topic posters.

You can report the individual posts in the thread. Check a bunch of boxes at once and then hit report.

Just report rule-breakers and ignore them. If you let yourself be trolled by them, that's on you.
When are you going to get rid of the weebshit boards? You've just said that the way 4chan changes and becoming more normalised keeps it relevant. Weebshit is completely irrelevant and you don't even care about it.

If you want 4chan to make a significant profit, delete /a/ and all the other boards for aspie losers and virgins and you'll start to attract more users.
yes, 85%.,

but toonami is awestern creation, and even is hosted by a character (tOM) that is a product of western animation(bumps, game reviews etc..)

buit guess if symboinoic titan is on tonami, it belongs on /a/ right?
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>Aint that that show where the dude is a lonely basement dwelling loser perv who randomly gets a catgirl and yet doesn't fuck her?
>Aint that that show where the dude is a lonely basement dwelling loser perv who randomly gets a catgirl and yet doesn't fuck her?
>Aint that that show where the dude is a lonely basement dwelling loser perv who randomly gets a catgirl and yet doesn't fuck her?

ya blew it
A miserable pile of shit.
/fag perhaps?
/fag/ obviously

not even trolling

you asked this question already
if it didnt get answered before its because it wasnt chosen to be answered. move on with your life and stop wasting posts for repeat shit
Moot, Can I have your nudes?
Tits with Timestamp please.
Oh god I want to lurk this thread but I also want to go to sleep, what do I do??
All safe for work boards default to the blue theme.
Moot, what would your stand be called?

What would it's ability be?
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>>590845 (OP)
Hey m00typoo, what are you gonna do about the summerfags?

My suggestion would be to redirect all traffic to a login page where only those with 4chan passes can proceed to lurk a month or so before the Northern Hemisphere summer starts and go back to normal when school/uni starts up again.

I'd even go as far as suggest not selling 4chan passes during Summer as well and block pre-paid debit/credit cards from being used if it's possible because I don't think most parents are stupid enough these days to let underageb& use their credit/debit cards. Can't do much about summerfags at university though.

Then report the threads with no actual discussion, this applies to Toonami just as much as it does 'best girl' or 'waifu' threads.


noitaminA as a block gets discussion, just as jump as a magazine gets discussion and beat used to. Try browsing /a/ once in a while.
What is the date of the anniversary of 4chan?
/fag/. Shuts up everyone, makes tumblrfags butthurt. It's fucking perfect.
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You seemed extremely nervous/awkward at TED, why?

Also did you feel the host guy was hostile towards you when he got on the subject of no censorship?
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So you're on the changing room after a hard workout session, just about to enter the showers.

This guy comes in and looks at you, and smirking jewishly he touches the side of the device on his head.

What do you do, Moot?
Lurk this thread. Sleep is for pussies.
Moot this ain't a question but I just gotta say I love this site. been here since 2005 and it's basically my home. ALSO, Thanks for the Anamanaguchi Thread that's gonna be so rad.
>>590845 (OP)
Can you embed a song on /mlp/ like you did last time? There's another happening.
Moot what kind of music do you like? Do you play any instruments?
>and >>593222 for /s4s/
you wot m8?
>carring about trips
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hey moot. why don't you call a personal army one of this days. shit would be epic.
Why not just go look at the news posts?
There are anniversary posts all over there
Are you open to new ideas from us about Drawquest?
What are gonna do in the 10th anniversary?
hey moot what are your triggers?
Moots tripcode is faggot.
Not even trolling.
Where do I live?
- Could you re-enable doubles on /v/ and just ban everyone who tries to bring the Bateman shit back? It would get rid of a lot of shitposters, and it bugs me that the post count isn't the actual post count.

- Would it be possible to generate thumbnails with the same file type as the full image? It's weird having JPG compression artifacts on previews of PNG/GIF images.

>Why is the guy who owns the site subject to different rules?
Those anime are mentioned as prospects for airing on Toonami. Besides, moot already laid down the law and said Toonami is /co/.
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hey moot, here's a strange question. Is this allowed?
> -R.15- All pony/brony threads, images, and avatars belong on /mlp/.
> -R.1/mlp/- This is the destination for all My Little Pony related content on 4chan.
the image is technically on /mlp/, and isn't violating any rules, as far as I see.
Do you really read all your emails?
Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what happened, Toonami threads were contentless so they were removed from /a/. What do you want to change about this situation exactly?
Just check the last news post, it shows each birthday.

October 12 I think.
>has answered 4 questions about his relationship status
>has ignored genuine questions about the site

Quality answering moot.
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Shit, no that was the wrong thread
Shit would also be illegal. Dude's not gonna go to prison for lulz or he'd have done it by now.
hey moot, could you please ban the gearspammer on /mu/, if you haven't already?

Also, thanks for still running this site bby
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moot, have you ever considered adding an aviation board? if so, why isn't there one? There's /n/, but that's all bikes and shit. I'm sure there are plenty people across 4chan that are into aviation, and like with every new board, 'if it doesn't pan out or go unused, it will be deleted', so I can't see why it'd hurt.
Not really. Have you seen what happens when someone tries to make a, say, Naruto or Bleach thread? Still, no reason for an entirely new board.
Don't fuck with me nigger I know you love /b/


Learn to spell moot's name right before calling other people newfags
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>implying I'm going to read 2000 posts

I'll search for it though, thanks.
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Probably hamburger music
no one man should have all that power

he said wait and find out
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>please name any decent show airing this season that isn't Attack on Titan.

Fuck you. I bet you're going to be one of those people that in 6 months are going to start making threads saying that Spring 2013 was a horrible season. I've been having the most fun this season than I've had in years. And while I hate scapegoating, why does it seem like it's always SnK fans that consider this season shit? I love SnK, and I am watching along 8 other shows.
Moot, have you done any interviews I can read/watch recently?

Also what happened to making news posts more often?
>yes, 85%.,

>but toonami is awestern creation, and even is hosted by a character (tOM) that is a product of western animation(bumps, game reviews etc..)

>buit guess if symboinoic titan is on tonami, it belongs on /a/ right?

I agree with you. Toonami threads are much better suited for /co/, I'm using it as an example of /a/'s elitism, brushing Toonami off as "LOLNOTRELEVENT", when there's so much evidence to the contrary.
Hey moot,
What are your thoughts on tumblr/David Karp? Do you have a tsundere relationship? Do you hatefuck every once in a while? Do you secretly have a tumblr that you post Supreme swag fits on?
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As do you, dear anon.
dat face
moot stop ignoring the


Please moot i nee to know,should i really buy a horsemask?
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Why do I get banned when I post this gif?

Serious question.
Report him if he is breaking any rules. Filter him if you just think he is annoying.
hi Moot. you are a champion of free speech. the other day i was watching a thread, when a notice appeared that it had been "pruned or deleted". what is this? never seen it before.
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Is this a reportable offense, m00t?
Moot, have you gone to space yet?
Moot, what do you think of Bohemian Rhapsody?
No, retard, look at moot's posts themselves.
>Kicks My Little Pony, a CARTOON, off the cartoon board cause all the users found the fans cancerous
>shitposts all over /a/ and creates reverse troll Toonami threads
>Tries to get tumblr to raid /a/ for the premiere
>Mods kick them off the board
>"Bawww that's not fair ;_;"
>hey moot, could you please ban the gearspammer on /mu/, if you haven't already?
What makes you think there's any possibility the proxies used by a bot to post gore on /mu/ aren't banned repeatedly whenever they show up?

Christ, you're just as bad all the "ban siztra already you fags he has a mod for a friend and never gets banned" retards.
/mi/ - mental illnesses
Why do you like derailing good threads on /a/ so much, moot?
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Moot, do you ever think about the fact that maybe you are inadvertently responsible for a death or two? cuz i am partially responsible for an accidental death and it doesnt affect my conscious at all.
You're posting a link to mlp content you fucking retard.
>>all My Little Pony related content on 4chan.
It's a capcode.
My ID confirms this should happen.

Remove weebshit now.
Holy fuck, you don't have to read 2000 posts newfriend, just fucking ctrl + f for moot.
Of course. That isn't videogames.
oh yes, another thing.

Can we have more mod impersonation here? I think it's funny.
He kinda did.

when he was trying to find that spammer or whatever, offered $1000 too I think.
Though it just ended up with 10000 /b/tards googling the already provided info and emailing moot endlessly

That means the thread dropped off from hitting the bump limit.
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You should. It's objectively fun to hang out wearing it.
You have fucking shit taste dude. There are at least 6 shows worth watching this season
There is no programming requirement to be a janitor.

I doubt you know anything about what you're talking about.

That's what happens when you spend all day in your basement on 4chan like the rest of us.
Naruto is like literally the one exception. We do have Bleach threads.

It sounds like you just want to bitch rather than having any actual specific complaints. Thanks for wasting our time.
Whatever it is, its faggot.
It's not vidya.
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Will you marry me?
animal abuse / gore. yes that is stupid.



You don't even need to do that, his replies are listed off in the OP
Moot do you believe that 4chan has influenced internet culture to be what it is today?

Do you believe that if you never made 4chan the way people act on the internet would be a lot more different?
Why did you decide to implement ID's only on /b/ and why can't we post with names either?
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check these farquads
what do you think of shrek?
is he love? is he life?
Moot do a school shooting

also please delete /g/ now.
That's because nobody really liked MLP. It was a joke that got taken over by autists who started to genuinely like it.
moot has already answered that question. There will be no History board.
Hey moot, any plans of adding spoilers to more boards? Same with forced anon and IDs.
>Because storage and bandwidth doesn't grow on trees.
>moot im teaching myself to become a Sysadmin Network Engineer, is 4chan or canv.as hiring? If so what do they look for in a new hire?
4chan doesn't have any employees, and never has. It's always been me, a volunteer dev or two, and volunteer janitors/moderators.

Canvas is hiring for iOS developers.

>Also are you still in college moot? How is it/what are you majoring in?
I'm still on a leave of absence, which I think expires in two-ish years.

>Dear moot, was /b/ ever any good?

>Which 2hu wud u fuq?
>Please respond.
I've already answered this.

>Have you ever considered removing tripcodes and having optional ID's for each thread?

>I'd like to say that I really like the catalog feature.
You can thank desuwa for that. He's the man.

>can you increase the image resolution limit? A while back I got a triple-monitor setup. I dug up some three-screen (5760x1080) wallpapers and headed off to /wg/ to start a thread for it, but I couldn't, since one side was over 5000. I'd try /hr/ but I heard they take a dim view of wallpapers.
I'll put this on the todo list to consider.

>Why did you get rid of /l/?
Something about being sick of pandering to pedophiles.

>Why no /j/ board? Why no /z/ board?
We already have these.

>moot are you poor?
I don't need much to be happy. A roof over my head, good food, good friends, and the Internet. I have all of these things.

>Why are making a Q&A with a band as hated in /mu/ as Anamanaguchi? You hate us?
/mu/ hates deadmau5 and had a gay ol' time with him.

You're welcome. The mobile site is a huge step up from the old site on phones.

This is a terrible idea.

>do you enjoy being the joke of the social media bubble?
Love it.

>you enjoy having Mark Zuckerberg and the facebook cronies laughing at you behind your miserable back?
See above.

>are you content with being perpetually over shadowed by more important people such as Bill Gates or Steve Jobs?
I am.

>are you proud that your love child is a downs syndrome half aborted foetus? that we, your followers ARE more retarded than scientologists?
But of course!

>your success is our success, you just enjoy having your cock stand proudly in front of everyone elses, you faggot piece of shit.
I'm grateful for your blessing, Anon.

>Did you get that Tentacle Grape yet?

>Can you increase the text limit from 1500 to 3000? I constantly find myself running out of room and I think realistically anyone who abuses it to spam is going to be stopped dead in their tracks pretty quickly, most people report spam.
I'll consider it.

>why don't you and 420chan get along?
I don't use any other imageboard sites, nor do I communicate with their owners, and never have. I'm not sure why you don't think we "get along."

>4chan isn't cheap to run as it is.
Indeed it ain't.

>How about a west coast meetup?
I don't live on the west coast. Feel free to organize your own though.

>moot why are loli threads on /b/ ok?
Because "ZOMG NO RULES!!!!!!!1*".

>are you gonna buy Endless Fantasy moot?
I am.

>How many people message you on AIM when you announce that you're going to be chatting on AIM?
Not that many.

Thanks for the kind words. You are very welcome.

>also who is your favorite superhero?

>Moot why the hell do you not make /mlp/ a NSFW board?
Because not every board needs to have porn on it. You can get clop clop elsewhere.

>How much do your browse 4chan each day?
A few hours.

>Thoughts of Bioshock Infinite?
I've never played a BioShock game, but saw a video of the ending and thought it was pretty hilarious.

>Speaking of banners, have you thought about purging some of the current ones? The ones you added last year were from an outdated compilation full of WIPs and low-quality gifs.
Send me the better quality versions and I'll replace them.

>Why are you such a jew man
I'm surprised it took this long to get a "JEEEEEEEEEWWSSSS!!!!!" post.

Color me impressed.

>What was the reason of making /vr/?
Because I wanted to.

>What is up with connection errors lately? From what I've read I wasn't the only one experiencing them. I use 4chan X.
Should be resolved now. Have you gotten any in the past 24 hours?

>do you, and if not do you plan to ever, have a girlfriend?
One day if I'm lucky!

>How come you never play video games with us anymore moot?
The only game I really played with 4chan was BF3, and everyone seems to have abandoned it. Maybe I'll play BF4 with you all.

>What sports teams do you root for, moot?
Da Mest, of course.


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>>590845 (OP)
y no whisper function?

that would be ideal

those are some drek quads
Oreimo is on my list of Anime I Hate The Most, and there are plenty of shows I'm enjoying this season. It's a good season, man.
quads don't count when you cheat to get them
>People that don't know how to ctrl+f browse here
Top lel
>Naruto is like literally the one exception.
Because of a handful of people that make the active decision to cause trouble in those threads?

You guys do this to yourselves.
I'm sorry for shit posting occasionally Moot please forgive me.
It's a pig. How do you think your bacon got from the farm to your refrigerator?
I don't see what's wrong with that. No one would hate on /jp/s pissbottles, either.
>implying it wasn't trolls and vehement anti pony posters that made mlp insufferable on /co/
>implying anime shouldn't have been allowed on /a/
I have checked them.
Would you please make a /fat/ board so us fat fags can share fat feels?
They're not SnK fans. They're FoTM fans from boards like >>>/v/ who are bandwagoning SnK because it's the latest hyper edgy gore anime that appeals to their teenage MUH MATURITY sensibilities.

Most of them probably haven't read the manga and if they have, it's within the last 2 months.
Hello, m<3<3tykins.

I'd like to talk about the text boards. I'm pretty sure this has been fixed, but I'm going to notify you anyway. When a user is banned, it seems they cannot browse the text boards.

This isn't a big problem, either way. It seems like no one uses the darn things. Most every time I check out /tech/ or /prog/, all I see is shitposting and outright spamming.

I'm also pretty sure I read somewhere else in this thread that you never even visit the textboards anymore.

I'd also like to tell you that you are one handsome fellow, even though I've only ever seen a few pictures of you, and I'm not just saying that to kiss your ass.

Your elegantly-defined jawline, your cold eyes of nonchalance, and your luscious hair all fill my dreams.

I ain't no queer, but damn.
Would you guys be accepting Android Devs? I hate Objective C.
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I think my ID might be on to something...

>0AE = blue
>Elore = Foward (Hungarian)

I think Elore is sounding about right.

>posting /g/ copypasta to moot
he browses /g/ fuckface
all furries are against the rules
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dubking here, the struggle is ogre, we've won
a link, it isn't violating any rules as I see as the related content is safely in /mlp/.
I want to hear moot on this one.
>This is a terrible idea.
Fucking thank you. Maybe we can people to stop suggesting it now.
>Da Mest, of course.
mootykins, why are you so based?
What are the best types of contributors in the website? I know OC is always encouraged, but list a handful of boards and what type of contributions do you think they could benefit from.
Moot, do you get approached by the media often?
just reminding mootle about the autosage limit on /lgbt/. desperately needs to be risen.
anyone wanna play melty
Are you dense? He's still respoding to posts from two hours ago.
I remember you were around on /v/ during the sony conference, are you interested in ps4?
Just go with /fagt/ and be done with it.
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>>590845 (OP)

mootle, mootle on the wall, who's the worst shit-poster of them all?
Wait really? I didn't see that.

Why not? I can understand why there's no investment board, but why not history? Surely it could be up to par with dubs general AKA /s4s/
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Moot, we really need an increased image limit on /vp/, and maybe a /rp/ and /dm/ boards for Republican politics and Democratic politics to make /pol/ a bit more of a calmer place.
It's an honest question.
Good answer!
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>Something about being sick of pandering to pedophiles.
So why didn't you get rid of /a/?

Pic related; typical animu girl.
Hey there, moot.

I just wanted to say, thanks for this site. I've spent a lot of times on KSG, /k/, /a/, and /c/ over the past few year/years, and I'm always excited to see what else will come from this wonderful den of anonymity. Also, how do I score with an asian?
moot, when is the Rei#clones trip getting fixed?

I've been unable to use it for no good reason.
los quadres, nice friend :-)
fucking shit how
>not shrek these farquads
Well you blew them anyway.
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Please join in praising Kohaku: >>592959
You hurt my feels.
Hello moot. Why are there tripcodes on 4chan when it is supposed to be a website known for anonimity? Thanks.
>Anonymous ## Admin
What the hell happens to your cookies that you slip and do this ever so often?
>>590845 (OP)
How come /mlp/ is still a sfw board when ~60% of the content (picture/text) is not sfw? (Who in the [semi]right mind would want to look at ponies at work anyway?)
MOOT i have been banned like 5 times in the past few days, each time, for no damn good reason (mostly rule 17), and stating 3 days, or up to 2 weeks, and minutes later, unbanned. magically. dafuq is going on?

I would really like to have the option made to be able to see our own IP's ban history. a button at the top called "my ip" that lists your active, and past bans. would be really appreciated.
It satisfies me greatly that you live in the same state that I do, don't know why.

Feels good, man.
>>590845 (OP)
Whats your favorite type of beer?
I like Rolling Rock
most likely a script.
Do you need any programming yourself?
moot do you drink/420blazeitfaggit?

and post some nudez faggit

are you even moot? Moot is the only admin, but you're anonymous
>Not that many.
Then why did you tell me that you busy talking to other people and taking like 10 minutes to answer back?

I stayed up until like 3am wanting to talk. If you found the conversation boring why didn't you just say so?
Look, I'm not going to have the Naruto argument with you, it's been done to hell and back and there's already a thread about it on /q/ right now. But pretty much everything else can be discussed.
Ideal for spambots to make absolutely everyone want to lurk forever.
>Should be resolved now. Have you gotten any in the past 24 hours?
Not in here, thanks for that.
And how is the crusade against sound threads?
When are you going to get better /a/ mods?
Moot, when's your birthday?
Could you please add italics? Something like [i] generic words [/i]?
Also, could you add a worksafe /b/?
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moot I'm not a huge fan of discussing television stars.
I would prefer /pedo/ or something similar.
Just throwing that out there.
>I would really like to have the option made to be able to see our own IP's ban history. a button at the top called "my ip" that lists your active, and past bans. would be really appreciated.
That's actually a pretty good idea. Seconded.
Will you ever add extension features to the text boards? Or is it a lost cause?
pls bring back rei trip moootles ;_;
hahahaha what
Nice script, fag.

Also, Shrek is ogre rated.
Oh, nothing was wrong with it, but the second cap has the explanation as to why /tv/ is great as-is.
I made a thread once, "/tv/ is objectively the best board on 4chan, prove me wrong. Protip:
You can't," and it was pretty much given a similar reply. That /tv/ might be a bad board for film and tv, but it knows that, and all the users embrace the balance between off and on topic, and that's why it's great.
Batman isn't a superhero! He is just a rich snob with a fancy suit. He has no superpowers.
>connection errors
Browser #109 still gets some 503's when switching boards.
Did 4chan passes give you the funds you needed to run the site?
Mootykins. can we please have a picture of your shoe?
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moot do you watch/read Hunter X Hunter?

Will you watch/read it now?
Do you ever think of hosting a meetup in your basement and then locking everyone down there to work in your salt mines?
Moot, are there any janitors on /pol/?

I volunteer to become a janitor if there aren't any.
I just can't believe that /a/ has such dedicated mods enamored with "/a/ culture" and yet there are still people who complain.
Moot would suck my dick if he had the chance.

Fucking faggot.
But he's saying it doesn't need a completely separate board that will get much less traffic.

I don't want /a/ to become the forever splitting bacterium that is /v/
Moot, can you embed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGf2b1H91JA on /mlp/ again, it is having a huge shitstorm right now for some spinoff reveal.
>Moot, I heard you were in the UK a few weeks ago. Specifically, you were at my college for a ball, and the word got out after the event thanks to your travelling companion.
That was last weekend!

>Really quite gutted I didn't get to see you, but hey, I'm being a stupid fanboy here.
Only one person recognized me, or at least said anything about it. He was nice. Didn't catch his name, unfortunately.

>moot, can you get the filter to stop marking random Twitter links as spam? I think an across the board white listing might be necessary, because it's the numbers that fuck you over
E-mail me the text you're trying to post so I can see what it's tripping.

Use inline quotes.

>Moot, /tg/ is becoming shitty. Can you please do something about the magical-harem-waifu-fetish quests, videogame threads and eRP shit?
I'm aware of this issue, and still thinking on a solution.

>What's the point of having a board like /pol/? Pic related.
Why not?

>Why isn't japanese porn of western media allowed on /h/?
Western-style and "toon" porn isn't allowed. What you've just described is allowed.

>Hey mootles, is it possible to stop the Asuka spammer shitting up /jp/ with Asuka cooking threads every hour?
Report the posts, please.

>moot be honest
>do you enjoy torturing yourself by answering all these questions
>like masochism

>Moot I know you never reply to my emails because there's really no reason too.
I read all of my e-mail, but don't respond to much of it.

>moot, why not make a creative writing board for that stuff?
I haven't seen much demand for this, and why not use /lit/?
>That's because nobody really liked MLP. It was a joke that got taken over by autists who started to genuinely like it.
But that's wrong you retard.

Tripcodes do not reveal your identity; you are still anonymous.
will you come to my house and give me a cream pie poopoo rub if i eat all of the memes?

SAGE fucking newfags
put your name back on
I just got banned from /pol/ today, so I would say there are janitors/mods there.

Why is /pol/ content still allowed on /k/. Even when it is some what on topic, it can never manage to stay on topic for long and almost always turns into shit slinging. The fact that such a vehicle for shit posting has become almost the primary fixation of the board is a little disheartening especially when a board specifically for that kind of content exists. The fact that people don't like to post on /pol/ doesn't warrant a reason to spam off topic content on /k/. Between the /pol/ threads and the /a/ threads /k/ has almost been killed of all actual content.

So my question is, why hasn't a blanket ban on /pol/ been placed on /k/ yet? I know I'm not the only person asking for one.
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And miss the Q&A? I'll pass.
moot, now that a 'new generation' of 4channers make the majority of posts here (it seems), are you starting to feel alienated from the culture here? (me: a little bit)
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Absolutely not. That would defy the point of HAVING /pol/. The fact that everybody is at each other's throats is the best part! What are you, some sort of a faggot who can't take some criticism?
What kinds of greedy jerk doesn't gift a friend their CDs?
>why not use /lit/?

Because they're very particular
Moot. More mods and janitors on weekends for /a/.
Just this.
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Ill reword my question

Why were you such a fucking pussy beta at TED?
Fuck "muh culture".
>>590845 (OP)
moot my man. I always thought it would be cool if there was a mix board. Can't think of a clever name. Basically your posts are from whichever board you click/represent and you have this melting pot of interaction from everywhere.
Why is the TL;DR as long as the text that precedes it?
>Fucking thank you. Maybe we can people to stop suggesting it now.

Except it isn't. Eventually, /co/ will be overtaken by anime/manga threads and you can't just say "oh, it's off topic". Because it isn't. Moot himself said that Toonami is /co/-related. That paved the way for even more anime/manga being discussed here.

And it doesn't have anywhere else to go, because of the simple fact that /a/ is a bunch of elitist pricks who can't handle that socially capable people like Japanese animation too.
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How many mods are there, how many janitors are there. I am trying to figure out the average mod/janitor/user ratio on a few chans.
Remember, there is a demand for /com/ - Comedy.
>I'm aware of this issue, and still thinking on a solution.
t-thanks moot
Have you ever done porn?

If not, would you?
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>What you've just described is allowed.
>4chan is visited by 26 million people in a month. Mostly young people. Does it surprise you that a number of people identify with being LGBT, and that giving people a containment board for such threads has thus far been a success?
We're is the straight board? you know that about 80% of those 26 million are straight, we deserve a board to talk about our straight lives/needs.
>this scene is going to be officially animated soon
Do you do any programming yourself?*
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>nigga skipped my question
Hah that's one word for it
>Pic related; typical /a/ user.
>My mother was a saint!
>try to load this thread with 4chan X v3
>takes fucking ages of unresponsiveness
>tons of errors pop up
moot, I bet you consorted with mayhem to make this happen, didn't you? You're trying to make 4chan X suck so people switch to the inline extension!
That's not the point, retard. The point is that /a/ has several mods who spend large amounts of time there, and moderate the board very thoroughly, and people like you still bitch and moan.

Shut up and be grateful for what you have.
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That was one of his first big speakings. Check out his xoxo he did much better, he didn't even get phased when no one laughed at one of his jokes, I felt so bad but he moved on like a pro.
>>590845 (OP)
1)When you created /b/ were you aware that it would become one of the most popular board threads in the world (if not the most) ?

2) When you first thought of creating 4chan did you tell anything to anyone (friends, family, whatsoever) and if so what was their answer?

No more questions, just a statement /b/ is dying, not because of the size of the community but because what was once a place for creative people and original content is now a place where you see people posting images, stories and gifs that were already posted before.
Moot I hope you realise people praising the moderation on /sp/ are just /q/ fags pretending to be /sp/ users.

when it comes to off-topic on /sp/ people would either hide threads they didn't like or post in them.

there was only a very small minority that tried to actively get rid of them.

its sad you fell for their trap.

why not visit /sp/ for once and find out?

also dont ban me because i cba to reset my router and im going to bed soon anway
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/pol/ just happens to be the most fitting board for history.

The problem is that they are a lot more interested in other topics than history, and when they DO talk about it it's normally edgy hedgehogs circlejerking over how magnificent Hitler is.
So you wanna turn 4chan into Reddit V2? Why? I'd never come back here if it came to that. /a/ is a massively involved and fast board that gets a lot of crossposters and lurkers from other boards. Just because you don't 'get' the culture of the board doesn't give the right proclaim it as undesirable.
moot, do you even lift?
>I'm surprised it took this long to get a "JEEEEEEEEEWWSSSS!!!!!" post.
But there was one way up there. You addressed it. Something about your Jewish ways and how you were raised Roman Catholic and can't get married in a church.
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moot answered my question.
I can die happy now
That sounds like a personal problem. It's not /a/'s fault that people on /co/ don't want to discuss things on the proper board. Moot shot your stupid idea down, get over it.
From what I understand Moot, your only defense of tripfags is that they have always been a part of 4chan? This implies that 4chan should stay as it has been, which I know is bullshit, because you've obviously made some very major changes to this place over the years.

Don't misunderstand and think I have a problem with tripfags. I do not. I have a problem with how people post around tripfags and this is something I cannot filter. When you give someone the option to be non-anonymous on an anonymous board they automatically draw a bunch of attention and whether positively or negatively, people will often react to this, because naturally we identify with unique people instead of ambigious anons. This can be harmless, but you should know it OFTEN creates animosity where the thread becomes "burn the tripfag" or it creates a circlejerk where the thread becomes "a-am I you're favorite anon trip-senpai ^.^". Either way thread can go way off topic.

Funny enough, the second case is worse, because its more insidious. When people like a tripfag who doesn't really care for being remotely on topic, the tripfag becomes part of the culture of the board or reoccurring thread and the culture becomes to be way off topic, to the point that people who are on-topic are the ones who get bashed. I've witnessed this plenty on /vg/.

Am I off base? Am I just flat out wrong? What's your defense if not? Suck it up? Why, what do we really gain by having tripfags as they are now?
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moot isnt going to answer every single post. he picks the ones that he feels deserve answering. get over it its not the end of the world. shit son
Please keep shitposting, you're doing wonders for this thread.
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Do you hate maids, moot?
Disable it just for this page.
Fuck off Aerolite.
>>590845 (OP)
M00t! Hi!
Could you make an apperance on >>>14109851 and put the /pol/lacs in their place by making the thread a sticky?
It speaks the truth.
Serious question, Moot. Why haven't you killed yourself yet? I know I would have by now.
Oh, also moot, I was thinking that the file size on /tv/ should be increased, that way we can post scene captures from media that's too short to bother with YouTube for without resorting to tumblr .gifs?

Also, can you make it so that posting cross-board holiday cards isn't against the rules on holidays like Christmas, New Year's, Valentines, etc?
holy shit.

>Something about being sick of pandering to pedophiles.
Wait, you closed /n/ twice because, in your words, it turned to stormfront. Now we have /pol/ and their demographic is not different from its previous incarnations. So that means you are now a-ok with pandering to stormfags but not pedos? If so why the sudden (and selective) change.
Moot split /g/ into

/sta/ - Battlestations

/con/ - Consumer Electronics

and /hobby/ - Hobbies
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Hey moot, can you create some way to stop people from copying my tripcode name?

Sometimes, tens of people troll me by creating an identical name as my trip, in order to destroy my reputation.

Is there a way we could make the name so no one else can use it?
Why not just fucking use /b/?
>>590845 (OP)
Do you think you could do something about the 4chan facebook pages? It's getting annoying and I think removing them might take some of the summer out of 4chan.

Can you address the auto-sage limit and stickies on /lgbt/? Thanks. We're more than just a containment board now I'd like to think...
>>590845 (OP)
Hey mootykins, whats your favorite part about giraffes?
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>>590845 (OP)
Why do you no longer hang in the 4chan IRC Channel ? You use to do this in there and it was much better. This thread is laggin mah shit machine.
Convenient logic that makes sure your own personal perception of others is inarguably the correct one, to yourself.
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>>moot, why not make a creative writing board for that stuff?
>I haven't seen much demand for this

Then again there is lots of demand it seems for a celebrity board and we don't get that either ;_;
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Hey moot, why are ge DOT tt links counted as spam? It is an important site for /mu/tants in many types of threads in order to share files. It would be nice if you could remove it from your spam list. Sites like Mediafire and MEGA aren't counted as spam.

moot are you hyped for the new Daft Punk album?
I also motion for this idea. Moot pls respond.
>That sounds like a personal problem. It's not /a/'s fault that people on /co/ don't want to discuss things on the proper board. Moot shot your stupid idea down, get over it.
We don't mind discussing things on /a/. The problem is /a/ doesn't want us to discuss it.

Even on boards other than their own, for some odd reason.
0/10, please try harder.

Are you really that upset about /lgbt/ existing? Don't ever visit it. Ta da! Your 4chan experience is identical to what it was 6 months ago, except that there are fewer lgbts posting in the boards you browse because they're having fun on /lgbt/.
Stop asking for board splits you faggot. It's been hashed to death why it's a terrible idea and hardly ever done.
Your persecution complex and random accusations, though, don't surprise me at all. According to shitposters on /q/ such as yourself, I am moot, "the /int/ janitor", Aerolite and possibly other mods, JIDF, SRS, and more.
>the city of LEXplorer
Use a secure trip, you fucking retard.
Moot, I love you.

4chan has changed my life for good. I've found my calling, got into all the schools of my choice, have a career, and even grew as a person, thanks to all the faggots on here.

So if you ever regret having to deal with 4chan, well, just remember, you at least touched someone.

So yeah.
just use the trip without the name, then no one can copy it
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Who did you vote for in the last election?
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moot take a look at this graph.
I agree with what you have to say. Hashing trips on a per thread basis where tripfags wouldn't be able to identify themselves across multiple threads would be a huge benefit.
>mfw seahawks clippers bro talking around me
Start more pro-jew threads if you want them so bad.
Ill check out your mom gargling my sharty taint goo
>>590845 (OP)
Can't be assed to figure out the time difference, so I'm hoping it isn't 8 yet.
I like that you got rid of dubs, will you be doing anything else to decrease the general amount of shitposting on /b/, or is the current /b/ what we're going to have?
Also, my pet chicken died today, any chance you could bring her back to life? ya know, being moot and all
>/sta/ - Battlestations
You want an entire board dedicated to neckbeards masturbating over picures of PC's?
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>because of the simple fact that /a/ is a bunch of elitist pricks who can't handle that socially capable people like Japanese animation too.
Keep complaining, your tears are delicious.
moot would never
either just
>use a secure trip
>stop fucking using a trip all the time
No. Some of us there actually like to talk about enterprise level stuff. Fuck off to Tom's Hardware if you can't hang.
Why'd you stop loving and visiting /a/ moot? ;_;
Is it true that you post as Anonymous on /a/?
Moot,how did you manage to have such silken and classy hair?
Being in demand is only one requirement; another is not being an awful idea.
Seeing as this 'generation' just does shitty rehashes of old and tired jokes from 2008, it's not really too alienating. Just, really, really boring.

Combine that with the /socialjustice/ crowd, who are becoming more and more prevalent these days.

There doesn't need to be a board for every little niche because you can't ignore certain threads. Use something like 4chanX and hide them. Better yet, use the catalog and filter frequent phrases used for such threads.
That's /g/.
BVB pls go
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Is there any chance /b/ will get word filters and dubs back?
moot, do you still enjoy watching anime?
moot, have you been to maid cafes in Japan?
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Maybe you shouldn't have gotten your trip cracked idiot.
Y-you too
You must be the anti-thesis of the average anon, I don't even know how the hell that works.
>why not use /lit/?
IIRC, they've said they don't want written OC on their board when someone suggested it a while back.
Moot, what did you think of planetside 2?
Moot, I know when someone quotes a post of my own, a "(You)" appears after the number.
Could you make that "(You)" spaced from the number, so I can Ctrl + F it?
He pretty frequently posts as himself on /a/ to derail threads.
Moot, what do you think is the cause for the massive difference in quality of posting in /a/ and /v/?

/a/ Generally keeps shitposting about a particular series in a thread dedicated to that series and the threads made tend to have a real source for discussion. /v/ Shitposts everywhere and threads tend to be "Whats your favourite" or "3x3 thread", and threads that don't really promote discussion, just lots of people stating their favourite game or shitting on another one.

I'm assuming that /v/ gets moderated more heavily because of the amount of posts it gets, but /a/ is pretty popular without being b2.0

TL;DR Why are the quality of topics between /a/ and /v/ so different? And will /v/ ever get better or just more segmented (through vg, vr, and whatever is next)?
The way he was answering the first few made me believe he would answer them all no matter what they were. Yes I'm upset. ;_;
moot can you customize the admin/mod tag for different board?

Like, I would love to see Anonymous ## Judge on /co/ (From Judge Dredd) or Anonymous ## Patrician on /mu/
With the exception of programming hobbies would all be in /diy/ anyway
Moot, Can you please ban "Heaven" or at least get rid of his annoying user code?

I'm getting really annoyed at this underage faggot.

Much thanks.
Can /f/ have multiple pages?


We get no love
what exactly does "saging" do?

why is /v/ shit?
>Could you make that "(You)" spaced from the number, so I can Ctrl + F it?
It is "spaced" from the number. And why would that make a difference for Ctrl+F, exactly? If you Ctrl+F "(You)" you'll get all the results you're looking for.
an answer to >>591700 would be appreciated
/d/fag here, it's because bestiality is banned in some places with really retarded wording in some laws, so nobody wants to deal with it if somebody reports it. The second rumored reason is that sooner or later, it's going to attract furfags who cant tell between animals and furfag abominations.
>the problem is /a/ doesn't want us to discuss it
Please provide examples. We've already covered that the shows on Toonami can be discussed on /a/.
There's always hope, Anon. Maybe he'll pick our posts!
A friendly warning.
All your new rules and board specific policies are making the site unbearable.
At this rate it will be like one of those shitty crazy forums ran by nazis soon.
The original rules were functional and met all practical requirements.
Don't post CP, don't spam, don't make threads that are not at all related to the board.
More rules are just developed and applied arbitrarily. Doesn't matter if you make them for the vocal minorities or for the majority, for the old posters or the new, it doesn't matter because it's all the same and that mentality of applying more arbitrary rules just boils down to the imposition of the will of some people over others. If that's the path you want to take today then you better be ready to look back in a few years and realize that you're stuck with an ever increasing list of rules and boards that have just made everyone miserable.
Yeah one man's culture is another man's shitposting. So all content is someone's shit posting, so everyone's content is somehow shitposting.
Shitposting is everything and nothing. You can't make a rule against shitposting because in the end you'd just have to create a thousand different rules against what everyone considers shitposting and everything will end being shitposting and then nothing will be allowed.
And along the way to that final destination the things that are chosen as shitposting will be arbitrarily chosen, every month pick something else, add a new rule.
A complicated and vast array of rules is not the sign of good policy making, it is the sign of things gone awfully wrong.
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Will there be a Disney board plz?
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Is there anything about 4chan that you absolutely despise?

If yes, what?
He's answered this before. No.
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Now I can take out that angry part about him in my suicide note!

But seriously I really am happy, it's like a two-day late birthday gift. :)
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Social capability has absolutely nothing to do with /a/'s topic at hand.

Fuck off, shitposter. Your board hasn't been relevant since Rage of the Red Lanterns was being published
>Shut up and be grateful for what you have.
Why? Complaints and dissatisfaction have brought about all advancement in this world.
pls read premade content
Being this new should be a bannable offence.
m00t is actually dutchfag.
Go read the FAQ you stupid faggot.
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Moot, do you still wish to be the little girl?
Using sage means your post does not bump the thread to the top of the front page. It is not an insult, it is not a downvote.
>what exactly does "saging" do?
What is the faq's page?

Do people seriously just come in to post without lurking, reading the rules and reading the FAQs?
>>590845 (OP)
How many times have you been interviewed by the FBI?
lame pasta. your new is showing
Want to know why /v/ is always going to be shit?

People eventually realize that they're replying to the same "epic" threads on /b/ every single day and decide that they've had enough. What's an underage little shit like that going to be interested in, lifting?

/v/ is the first stop off the /b/oat because video games are traditionally considered toys. It's a problem that has no solution.
I already asked my question, but now I'm curious if the new boards are still in a trial basis or are they here to stay.
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I do use a secured trip, no one copies the secured trip, but most people know the name, not the trip

So when they see the trip name, they automatically think it's me, even though the secured trip is not mine.

Ehh, naa, I like having a name, just people don't actually remember tripfags secured trip, they only see the name
Lrn 2 filter
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>TL;DR Why are the quality of topics between /a/ and /v/ so different?
I don't think anyone even needs to tell you.
[spoiler]They talk about two DIFFERENT FUCKING THINGS.[/spoiler]
Oh hey finally caught up with the whole thread.

Have you given any more thought to bringing back /z/ like you said you might a few weeks ago?

Earlier you 4chan had broke even because of passes, but then went on to say that pass sales are quite minute. Was even that small amount of sales enough to cover the costs of the site?
you're right, i noticed it IS spaced
but i still can't ctrl F it
try it yourself
Can you atleast let me know you are ignoring my questions so I can stop wasting my RAM in this thread?
Just wanted to know because thats the next step for my company. We received 50K, have some revenue, and need to start a seed. We have tons of connections, but I'm sort of interested in how you found your investors/leads. It just seems insane to me because you are moot and own a website that worships a pedophilic bear.
Moot, does it bother you at all the the anonymous nature of 4chan has taught an entire generation that its cool to be rude, uncivil and nasty?
I like when it doesn't work. That waifu thread was hilarious.
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Are summerfags a thing?
Oh god, so the /tv/ pedophiles can find another hole they can slither around in?
He probably voted for Obama.
/lit/ seems to prefer reviewing books rather than writing it.

>Magic cards

moot doesn't have that much shit taste.
>>590845 (OP)
Moot, I'm about to embark on a grand adventure in Dragon Quest III and I want to take you with me! Which class would you like to be?

Martial Artist
Jester/Bunny Girl
Are you doing anything to address the "yellow" problem? A lot of people are raging about it and it is getting no attention. Mods keep deleting threads about it too.
So, where's the tar and feathers?
>Whats your favourite" or "3x3 thread", and threads that don't really promote discussion
This isn't exclusive to /v/ at all you shitbutt
Moot, can we have a board for college studies and career questions? I know it may turn into a STEM-jerk that gets perpetuated by high school kids and college freshman, but it may still work well. And can there be a board for the off-topic shitposting that goes on in /sp/? Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask for these kinds of things.
ur mum lol get wrekd m8
>all those jokes
>no laughter

I'm so sorry, moot. I would laugh at your jokes.

Yellow problem?
We have a /g/ browser? Link?!
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Do you remember love?
>>>/fur/ anyone
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You definitely don't visit the generals. There is OC every week.
Duh, Merchant. Like this is even a question.
DO you believe in neo-/v/?
>board for weather
>board for radio
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Not moot, but the simple answer is, vidya has turned into a normalfag accepted hobby. This attracts people from other websites who aren't accustomed to the board rules and lurk more policies.

You can check out the 4chan subreddit for yourself and see how many reposts on there are from /b/, /v/ and /fit/ compared to /a/.
Moot, could you make a cam whore thread?
I think it would clear up /soc/

and make cam whores like me a little more comfortable posting in a more appropriate thread
>m00t is actually dutchfag.
He doesn't have that much shit-taste.
be a jew

There's pedophiles on /tv/?

Oh boy, here I come.
Ever think of making spoiler fields that spoiler entire posts instead of having spoiler tags that spoiler like 1 sentence?
People aren't quite as nasty when the chance of catching a fist to the face is there outside of the internet.
why am i reading some of this crap moot? what happened to the fun filters like changing the word america to ass or vagina lol
>Ehh, naa, I like having a name
stopped reading there.
I will repeat my question just to make sure, it would make me forever in your debt if I had a capcode that said "Lord of Darkness", even "faglord" would be awesome.
>irrelevant truism
This is about a specific case, not that anybody complaining should shut up.

Because every other board deserves to have their standard of moderation brought up to /a/'s before /a/'s minority whiners can have their ever need catered to.

And by "standard of moderation" I mean presence and consistency of moderation. I certainly don't mean to imply that /a/'s mods' decisions are actually all good ones.

I can do it just fine using 4chan X. Maybe you need a better browser?
We're suffering an asian-infestation? Since when?!
yerrow plobrem?
It was always a joke.
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Hey, im going to sleep because of finals g'nite, stay strong moot, from Texas.
I can't believe
Got skipped for

I'm heartbroken
Why not make image expansion the default ?
Moot, please don't ban quests from 4chan or make a /quest/ (can't do 5 letter board, I know) board. The fun of quests is doing them with other members of the board who, if it's a quest based on an existing traditional game, know the setting and understand it as well as in-jokes and memes relating to it.
Hi Siz.
Moot can you do anything about all the people who want to constantly bring up guns on /out/
There is a board for weapons /k/ and I dont get why so many people are coming to /out/ and constantly bring up guns. I dont mind hunting threads, I hunt myself but there are few hunting threads but these people just want to discuss guns and not hunting.
Fascism makes a country great. So can it a board.
I associate
>My taste > your taste because raisins
with /a/, /lit/ and /mu/ more than /v/
>which X would you Y
is basically an invitation to shitpost
yes please
do we really deserve /b/

i mean i know you're answering posts a couple hours behind and all but do you hate us that much
It's better than the generation of reddit users that have filter out unpopular opinions, circlejerk over BEING A 90S KID, and think that being an atheist equates to having a PhD.
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Your opinion?

(/b/ only)
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I'm giving you two options. Comply or I leave forever, moot.

1) Allow PC gaming to be discussed on /g/.


2) Make a PC gaming board

Please moot.
Just so you know moot, one of the quests that's on /tg/ is called "Blatant Fetish Quest". That's the kind of thing /tg/ has to endure.

Have you considered allowing /d/iscussion on /d/? I've heard people complaining about it being bannable when I was on /tg/. I think it'd benefit both boards if people on /d/ can have their little cybering finder & fetish discussion threads there
I don't...OC? Who cares? I'm not talking about the currently existing generals anyway, I'm talking about the threads that were spammed on /a/ when Toonami came back.
At the very least, I think its worth experimenting with. I don't frequent every board on 4chan, but every single one I do visit ranges from tripfags are annoying to "oh lord please save us from this evil". I'd at least like to know the real reason for keeping them around.
Siz pls
Kill yourself, please.
siztra pls go and stay go
>not original
just leave already
Siz pls
Based fucking siztra posting this late in this thread so he can shitpost about how he talked directly to moot about his problems but moot did nothing.
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Cry more bitch. Moot already said that was a horrible idea. Remember using 4chan is a privilege, and you should not go against the moderation.
woah that blows my mind
>Also why haven't you permabanned everyone on /soc/ yet? You can't really be proud of that place existing its just pathetic and it boggles my mind on how low you've become catering to all of these faggots who would have never been allowed in the first place.
/soc/ is a containment board for all the endless hook-up threads that plagued /b/. I'm never on /soc/, but I am glad it's there. And if you hate /soc/ so much, all you have to do is to stay away from it.
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>>590845 (OP)
What is the definition of NSFW, where is the line between suggestive and porn and what IS/ISN'T going to cop a ban
What truly inspired you to make 4chan? And do you like how 4chan is today, as in the actual quality of the site and also how society associates it as all /b/-level material.
He will do neither and I will see you tomorrow.
How about reading his replies? At least 2 answer your issues.
Oh look kids, it's Siztra!!!
I'm upset about people considering sexuality something that matters.

Actually the second reason is most commonly known that the first. Besides, the only place that matters is the city the servers are located in.
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hi moot. will you look at this video and tell me if it sucks? It's a compilation of Endless video game quotes. (/watch?v=0cMop7Cc2lQ)Even if no one else saw it it'd be really kick ass if you did. Even a simple yes or no would make my year. Did you smile while watching? Do you like vidya gamez? Also Happy Mother's Day since you birthed this (can't think of nice word).

Also, you're cool. I'm not trying to butter you up.. I'm cereal.
Fuck off. /g/ doesn't need anymore trouble.
He does post on /a/. Not that he [overtly] does anything other than make test posts and cause shitstorms where people feel that they have an excuse to shitpost, which also invites spergs from other boards to play.

Come on, Siztra. At least use an image which you've never posted with before. I don't even have a problem with your posting, but you're not even trying to hide it.

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>dead inside
There's no chance I'm gonna do that with moot##faggot and rei#clones but what does it do?
I'm not even crying, though.

I'm just pointing out a fact. /a/ is a hivemind for socially inept weirdos who have fake relationships with drawings, who constantly shit on people who like popular shows, just because they couldn't possibly be seen enjoying something "normal people" like.

But if that's your thing, absolutely fine. I'll let you get on with that.

But I haven't gotten a legit reason why splitting /co/ into separate animation and comic book boards would be unfeasible. Just like we haven't got legit reasons for a comedy board, a celebrity board, a pro wrestling board or any other boards I see constantly being requested.

And that's fine, too. I just personally don't see the reason for the "deleting board x" crusade. Boards shouldn't be deleted unless they go completely unused or cater to pedos, in my opinion.
Just so you know, most PC users on /v/ are worse then most Nintendo-Post GC fans. So enjoy being lumped with them.
Seconding this.
This please

I want to see all the furfags simultaneously banned again.

/soc/ is the garbage dump of THE garbage dump. Do you want /soc/ spilling out all over the site?

See you tomorrow
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This is 100% truth. It's pandering to idiots who don't want to think before posting.

Stop adding features, start removing. Less is more in this case.
Moot, have you been impressed with Matt Harvey?
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Hey moot, could you fix an issue with viewing comments in the catalog? No matter what size images are set tol, the words will run under the next row's image like pic related. Browser I'm using is Firefox if you need that information.
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>1) Allow PC gaming to be discussed on /g/.

oi m8 fuck right off or I'll do the fucking for you you hear?

This is a very serious question. Moot, what is your opinion on Grilled Cheese?

Go away peasants.
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MOOT! Did this really happen, or is it shooped?
Hey moot. First off, I would like to say that I love this site and the hard work you put into it.

A few months back, I proposed to my waifu, Pinkie Pie, and she said yes. I had known and dated her for over a year and I had never felt the same way about a women that I felt about her. She's funny, adorable, and she always knows how to make me smile.

Without 4chan, I would have never met my waifu. I, along with many other weeaboos, pedophiles, and horsefuckers, would have never met the love of my life if you never created this site.

That is why I plan on having the wedding on /mlp/ in Late July (the two year anniversary of us meeting) and I want you, moot, to preside over the ceremony and unite us in holy matrimony. I know you don't love us ponies, but do it for the thousands of people on 4chan who dedicate themselves to their waifus. You must know how it feels to have a waifu, right?

tl;dr Will you preside over my marriage to Pinkie Pie in late July on /mlp/?
Why sad?
>But I haven't gotten a legit reason why splitting /co/ into separate animation and comic book boards would be unfeasible
Because we already have an anime board, where you can discuss anime. You should direct all of your wishes to discuss anime there.
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Hey, moot I hope you are having a good day, just wondering hows your life so far ?
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Moot, can you observe my post number?

Moot, What is stopping you from selling 4chan for X amount of money and then opening Fourchan or IVchan and just continuing on with slight tweaks to the new site?
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As someone who found out about their own strong love for cute things through /c/ on 4chan, I have to ask you: What originally made you want to start /c/? Also, our influx of newfags seem to have caught onto board culture and are blending in better. That, or they left. Thank you for the janitor too!
He's already confirmed that he sees it as a good thing:

> It will continue to change, and that dynamic quality is something that has benefitted it immensely.

>4chan's ability to adapt itself has kept it relavent over the years.

Give it a few years before we genuinely do have Facebook 2.0 and the discussion is nothing more than what you see in some random page's comments section.
Moot if your still here could you answer why your solution to most of /v/'s problems seems to be to split it?
Is there a reason youtube links are no longer embedable on the mobile site? It can be real annoying having to highlight them and make a new tab in walls of text.
Compare /a/ and /v/

One is a board that talks about anime. One is a board that doesn't really discuss games, it kind of hints at games, but you never really get games. A lot of the threads just don't really have any discussion and are simply made to just shitpost.

/vg/ is pretty ok. The holy trinity of shitposting usually only spam each other, but things like Dark Souls threads, the Animal Crossing one that was up not too long ago are good threads that /v/ should be more like.

I can check the /a/ catalog and see maybe 1, sometimes no thread like 3x3. There's usually multiple up at the same time on /v/. I don't really check other boards after /fit/ went bad.

A fair assessment. Don't get me wrong, there's shit threads on /a/, but compared to /v/ and /fit/ there's a lot less.
Could you look at this post moot?
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Can we bring catmod back to /a/? I miss those days when 60% of the userbase got permabans for minor infractions.
Just a simple question. Are there any plans at all to stop ban-evading? Or do we just have to live with it?
>Stop improving the site interface I learned how to do it the hard way!
Change has to come from the community. moot only provides with the framework.
I would like to respectfully repeat your question
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moot, power goes out. What do?
Fuck you, we don't want him. Just keep him on /co/ and shitpost in his threads please.
Yes! I forgot about /sci/. Let's not make a college board basically /sci2/. That's exactly what I would like to avoid. Those guys think they're saving the world by doing math problems.
>>590845 (OP)
Why are you keeping on the 4chan project?

What i want to say is, what is the objetive of 4chan?
If "tripcodes are for jerks" why do many boards have forced IDs? I find that to be very similar to tripcoding.
What is your opinion of Dubstep?
moot pls post cats

I actually agree here. As in, go all one way or the other. Either go back to lax rules, or enforce consistently the tighter rules. Inconsistency is what drives me crazy. I see a lot of borderline things posted on /vg/, but many of them stay - but if you post the same type of borderline content in a way that seems to offend the janitor's personal preferences, say bye-bye (e.g.: borderline NSFW straight pics lingering while borderline NSFW trap or gay pics being instadeleted).

Go here


And compare /v/ and /vg/ with other popular boards and you will see why.
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Hey moot,hi!I'm French and i'm really curious to know:do you sometimes enjoy a nice baguette in your breakfast?
A subtle way of calling those boards "jerks".
Entertainment, what else.
can we have an /Hist/ for History?
that would be gold.
>>590845 (OP)

Hey Moot. Thanks for everything. I don't have much to ask for except maybe a PC board so we can stop having constant, useless fucking debates about PC vs Console.
I didn't know you could tell what board we toasted on the most.

That's cool
Why are you allowing /int/'s janitor to run an aparheid?
We already have a new public trip. I really don't care anymore.
>I find that to be very similar to tripcoding
How? Each ID is only used in one thread. If I went to post in another thread right now, it'd be a different ID.
to keep people from samefagging. IDs aren't trips. There is no persona with an ID, and it changes in every thread.
Why dont you add the misuse of the tripcodes to the global rule 13?
It's useful within the same thread but carrying over from different threads is a separate issue altogether
>Not studying in a hard science or mathematics
How does it feel to be a drain on society as a whole?
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Made this
moot can you triforce
Man, I love seeing posts get tagged with [Deleted] in real time.u
>Yo moot, have you read Homestuck yet?
I have not.

>1.) Moot are you ever in SF?
I visit a few times a year.

>2.) What does the growth of Canv.as look like? Its starting to look like a failed experiment with very little love, that isn't being iterated on.
It's pretty small.

>3.) I'm starting to realize however - 4chan is fucking tiny compared to other networks, but still generates a ton of buzz. What is it about 4chan that keeps it famous while small?
4chan is visited by 26 million unique visitors per month, and well over 100 million a year. Its content has reached hundreds of millions of people over the years. It is far from "fucking tiny."

>Invisibro is mad.
You have no idea if a user, janitor, or moderator deletes a post. Nor do you know which specific janitor or moderator did. Stop thinking you do.

>Do you use reddit?
I did an AMA two years ago (linked earlier in this thread), and visit it when linked by someone.

>You promised user-selectable flags on /pol/, is there any development on it?
Still on the todo list, but many other higher priority things are above it.

>Do you know where you are? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off.
Shouldn't you have used a weeaboo pic instead of a JEWS pic?

>why did you stop lifting moot, we'd love to follow your progress and lifts and check out the gains you could be making with just a few months of heavy lifting on a good routine
I didn't. I'm up 20 pounds.

>Hey, what happened here, moot?
Beats me.

>Please stop stalking ZUN. He doesn't like you.
Stop projecting, Anon.

>Why are you adverse to the idea of giving thread-specific IDs to other boards? I think /v/ really needs it, samefagging and people swaying their opinions to shitpost is quite rampant there.
Because it isn't the one-size-fits-all solution people seem to think it is.

>moot, do you feel that /q/ has been worthwhile? Amidst the banal complaining, what ideas have you taken/been influenced from?
It's helpful to get a sense for the zeitgeist of what 4channers want. The vocal ones/complainers, at least.

>Also, what would you do if I showed up at your door with 56 bars of Ritter Sport?
Eat all of it.

>is the story true about the fbi and 4chan's servers?
>picture related

>hey moot have you checked your privilege today?
Every day, Anon. Every day.

>i recently cited your TED talk as one of my sources on basically why facebook is killing the internet. You seemed really goddam nervous during this talk, any thoughts mootykins?
Not really. My Web 2.0 Summit talk was better though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3Zs74IH0mc

>Whats your Opinion on that Smiley movie?
>Or did you avoid that piece of shit
None really. Didn't see it.

>How do you feel the new boards have been so far?
Pretty good.

>Regarding the banner contest you mentioned in this post, will /mlp/ based banners be allowed or would that be too shitstorm-worthy?
Probably too shitstorm-worthy.

>Are bans for 'making too many server requests'
This probably shouldn't have happened. Will look into it.
Yo Moot: Are you aware of how much you could improve /mu/ sharethreads by adding a link to the RBT archive in the sticky? It will cut down on new folks coming in and begging for easily-found albums which have already been posted and can be found in the archive.

Maybe Mega/Zippy functionality on /rs/?
Then you'd just have more consolewar faggots arguing about xbox vs ps.
Posting images and text

He has already answered this question. Read the thread.
If I message you on aim, what's the chance that we will be able to have a long, in-depth conversation?
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>Artificial suns
>Motherfucking dyson spheres
>Space vampires
>Not plugging your rig to an UPS
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The good thing about /v/ is you get responses from xbox, PS3/Vita and PC users. Wii U/3DS fans shitpost often. But hey, google MASTERCHAN, enough little kids there to keep you happy.
He can also tell how much you shitpost on the board. Moot knows your secrets.
What is the most awesome thing you have made thanks to 4chan?
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And here's an example of images set to large.
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Thank you so much for /vr/. It's the best gift you ever could have given me.
Not sure if joke, troll or copypasta.
FYI, my internet is crapping out because Time Warner sucks. On 3G now.
moot can read moonroons?
Why are you still using Time Warner and not a superior ISP like Verizon?
Go home, Siztra.
Moot is still replying to post from 2 hours ago. So hard-working. ._.

I know how that is, I wish ISP had standards.
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If moot knows so much about me, I should take better care of myself.
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>that image

Oh god that brings back memories.

Agreed, /vr/ is a great board.
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Could God make a Jewcave so large that all God's Jewgolds couldn't fit in it?

[spoiler]Thanks for cleaning up /tv/ and keeping /got/ on one relevant thread.
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1. Power rankings
2. heem sleepy/wshh threads
3. ass threads
4. beta/alpha threads
5. ?


100. feel threads
1566. lel threads

1000001. weeaboo/japanese faggotry
100000000000000000000000. anything else thats not sports related

Is this so much to ask for? The top 4 have been STAPLE threads of /sp/ and its ridiculous that they are cast aside. It completely ruins the flavor and feel /sp/ had going for it. Allowing these 4 types of threads seems like a way to keep everyone happy...if people dont like the threads they can always simply hide it...

I know im not the only one that feels this way
This. /v/ always has been and always will be the first port of call after /b/. It could have been argued that /a/ was also a popular destination back in the day when 4chan would have mainly been immigrants from anime and video game related boards. But seeing as anime is being pushed aside these days as most users probably hear about 4chan from Facebook rather than some forum, and with video games are more popular than they've ever been, /v/ is and always the number one shitmagnet after /b/.
moot. game of thrones message board.
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When CNN does a report on the "darkest corner of the internet," do they ever try to contact you first to confirm their facts, or do they just speak out their asses?
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Right here.
You should start your own ISP
You can take away a shitposter's toys but they'll just find other ones essentially unless you can actually get rid of them
This is the stupidest Idea I've ever seen.
moot, if you ever buy yourself a 3DS, you're adding me to your friends list, and that's final.
moot i just bought a 4chan pass. i'm a semi newfag (became a /b/tard sometime in 2009 i think) i've been around long enough to say the amount of joy, anger, LOLs, insight, what-the-fucks, and everything else on this site has been well worth the $15 i just spent.

thanks for 4chan, moot.
He lives in NY so his vote doesn't matter i.e. it will always be Obama
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Hey moot, I'm an attractive female and if I wasn't afraid of cocks I'd suck your dick. Just wanted to let you know.
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m00t, raise the /vp/ image limit.
bitch, TL: DR

why dont you become a pal and point where
That's prolly not going to happen. /co/ likes to discuss our cartoons, not treat them like they're serious fucking business.
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>>590845 (OP)
do realize ct pizza is better than ny?
Also Moot: Can you tell me which posts I've made? It's so cool when you call out shitposters with their post history.

>not living in Toronto
>not having glorious Distributel
Moot, what are you, a newfag?
aww shit someone just told the number one secret of 4chan one must never reveal... moot is king and thus can rightly ban anyone
Cant tell if snacks or moot....
Hey moot you ever sticked something into your asshole before?
Exactly what I mean. I can see how a college board would eventually turn in people just spamming stupid shit like this all day and posting things like:
>mathematics PhD
>any job I want
>300k starting
But I think it would do well with rules enforced by proper moderation.
To reiterate some of my older questions,

>Ever consider leaving new york?
>Mind giving /k/ cspan feeds if possible when debates on gun control come up?
>Ever seen the movie Sunshine (2007)?
>attractive female
>afraid of cocks

You won't be going very far in life, little lady.
That's not minor infractions. People who stream are the scum of this Earth and don't belong on /a/.
>time warner
>not verizon fios, verizon 4g, or optimum
moot pls expense a 4G mifi to canv.as
>moots voice in that web 2.0 summit talk
That isn't what I expected at all. :c
>Probably too shitstorm-worthy
Figured. /v/ and /b/ need to grow up but that's not gonna happen.

>shouldn't have happened
Eh. Like I said, I ate the ban, it was a 1-day one, but thanks for looking.
Is that why you lost your name cookie?

He's said no to speaking/understanding other languages n the past.
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Goodbye, moot.
>not treat them like they're serious fucking business.
Well there's your damn problem.
.....How are you "Afraid of Cocks"?
Did one kill your mom?
>tell me which posts I've made
What does that even mean?
While this is true, one could be called a "jerk" for tripcoding in one thread at a time. It takes away from the true sense of anonymity.

There are personas within those threads tied to those IDs.

It may be useful in those threads, but why not force it elsewhere then? Why make the statement if it's not a universal truth.
Thanks for the last news, moot. Nice work of you and your team to run all this boards.
4chan really deserves to be a beloved community.
Hey moot
dtf bb?
are you into art, like going to museums and stuff?
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Hey moot, do you stand with israel or palestine?
You seem to think the board is defined by the new users. I think a board is defined by its current culture. /a/ can get as popular and newfaggy as it wants, that won't change the overall culture, provided there isn't a mass exodus of older members.

/v/ is shit because it has all of its substance ripped out in the form of /vg/.
>time warner

For christ sake moot, why?
thank you moot, this guy doesn't represent the majority
You live in New York, get Optimum already.
Delete /g/ babby and ill stroke your skirt so hard

also, hows hell?
moot why don't you have 4G?
You really think it's just /v/ and /b/ against /mlp/?
>There are personas within those threads tied to those IDs.
Threads come and go. You know you can hide posts too, right?
>Girl in collar
Gonna need sauce.
Fuck off already.

Fucking mute piiece of shit siztra you faggot.
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>using Time Warner
Moot, why would you do this to yourself?

Also are there any plans for new boards in the works?
Mootles! Can we get 2 new boards please!
1: Game of Thrones
2: Internet Detectives
Thanks bro!
It means, tell me what kind of poster I am. On average, what kind of poster am I?
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>not treat them like they're serious fucking business.
That's because it's all baby and cape shit.
Huh? Just search browser in /rs/ it is up to 109, though I think you are misinterpreting what I have said.
Moot, why is it okay to have "music related feels" threads on /mu/, but not "sports related feels" threads on /sp/?
Humans are diamonds?
So we're the hardest thing ever?
>Moot what do you fap to?

Boku no Dess
get FiOS, moot.
It's shit, don't bother.
I don't get what you mean.

You know, the kind you get from getting raped or something. I guess I'm just afraid of intimate contact with the opposite sex in general.
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I like the idea of a PC gaming board

It might be a little bit of overkill to make another vidya board, but I would love it to no end.
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For shits-and-giggles, may we please have the /b/ header changed to "Autistic works of falsehood and fiction" ?
>>590845 (OP)
Hey moot, love the site. Question, on /co/ we have a long tradition of storytiming but its quite difficult to do so with current 4chan aspects.

This got better after the reformatting of the past year but I wonder if there would be a way to have a special type of pass for "community service" threads that would need long chains of posts.

tl:dr A Way to have passes that work just for for storytiming.
>nor do I communicate with their owners
Just wondering, but do you actively ignore someone if they happen to run an image board, even if its something incredibly niche and separate from 4chan? I get having that kind of policy for people who run huge 4chan clones that exist solely for shit posting and stuff specifically banned from 4chan, but there's really no reason to ignore the more friendly bunch of us. Some of us just do it for the fun.
Of course not, but they're the most vocal and whiny, also because trolls slam their boards way more often than anyone else's.
- Could you make an official statement about "crossover" threads? Some topics can't possibly be contained to only one board. For example, the Baldur's Gate games are /tg/-related vidya, video game soundtracks could go on /v/ or (theoretically) on /mu/, and threads about Game of Thrones are inseparable from discussions about ASoIaF. There's no way to restrict any of these to one board without being completely arbitrary.

- There's a noticeable increase in shitposting on Friday nights. We either need fewer NEETs using the site or more of them moderating it.
kill yourself optimum is shit
Mooty's a qt


[spoiler]also path of exile is pretty fucking rad[/spoiler]
Moot, what can we do with /a/?
Moot what's your favorite country?
Does Verizon still force you to compress media sent through their proxy?
>Use inline quotes.
>I don't get it

you mean <q>L-l-like <q> this? </q></q>
It's 2013, it's been a long time since 4chan went completely mainstream, moreso thanks to sites like reddit and tumblr, so autonoko and whatnot doesn't really matter at this point.

And /vr/ is a great board.

I don't care for /soc/ either, it was originally created to make /b/ better, but creating a trash bin for a trash bin seems kind of redundant.
Like, 7 other people including moot have said that, could you at least give a reason?

I know it sounds batshit insane, but I literally just meant it as "splitting /co/ into animation and comic books while keeping /a/ completely intact", but /a/'s had a massive shitstorm over a hypothetical board that isn't even catering to them.
Itaria no atashi
He means there's a feature in the inline extension that does that.
>1. Power rankings

Only sports related Power rankings

>2. heem sleepy/wshh threads

Not sports related

>3. ass threads

Not sports related

>4. beta/alpha threads

Not sports related
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What do you do for fun moot?

General Hobbies?

Go fuck yourself you shitposter, go to /a/ to post your anime bullshit and go to /r9k/ to post your feel bullshit.
>>590845 (OP)
What is your favorite game at the moment.

I just discovered Max Payne 3 multiplayer and the XBLA/PC game Monaco:Whats Yours is Mine
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Well what did you expect? There was 0 western animation during Toonami's first schedule announcement. It was better to post it in /a/ than on the Comics & Cartoons board just because it was a Western developed block. That doesn't make any sense.

>/a/ can get as popular and newfaggy as it wants, that won't change the overall culture, provided there isn't a mass exodus of older members.

This is silly, the /a/ of today is nothing like it was even a few years ago.
>>590845 (OP)
Moot, do you love me?
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Can you rename /a/ back to Animu and Mango


Well, when your internet is working again.
Hey Moot
Sympathize with the IRA?
It shouldn't be okay to have either. "Music-related" feels beget off-topic feels within 10 posts. Every time. It can start off with something about lyrics feels, and then three posts later it turns into a "my girlfriend now hates my beta ass" circlejerk.
No fuck you I don't want anything to do with your shithole. /a/ is fine as it is.
I understand, but it doesn't have any place on /a/ either because we don't want to discuss a programming block. Sucks for the people who want to discuss (??) it, I guess.
Only if you promise not to stream it or play it in VLC.
Moot, why do bad things happen?
Those are the two worst ideas I've ever heard about anything ever. Congratulations.
They let me get away with piracy a lot.

Amen brother. The other day, I was watching the game with some friends, and one of them had the audacity to ask me what my favorite game day beer is. I screamed "NOT SPORTS! NOT SPORTS!" in his face and kicked him off of the couch so he had to watch the rest of the game in a bean bag chair.
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>>590845 (OP)

Are you sexually attracted to Xenomorphs?
Changes aren't sudden. They're gradual. Some less gradual than others, but /a/ is quite a fair bit different to how it was, say, 6 years ago.

They're generally subtle differences under the skin, but it's enough to notice. It may seem overtly the same, but it's massively different in reality.
I guess one of the few complaints for /a/ would be the removal of purely unrelated blogging threads and a public reminder that they do not belong to (hopefully) cut the number back.

I don't go to forums for a reason.
>filenames while browsing on mobile.

Seconded please, and thank you moot :3
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Excuse me?

Someone please remove the /jp/ janitor. He's a real dickhead.
hey moot if I get accepted into columbia engineering can I come live with you?
Shut up moemura
You forgot the new season of Venture Bros that starts in two weeks.
>>590845 (OP)
May we please allow Bestiality aspects on the site now. It's more legal than a lot of stuff that gets through here.

Thanks, for everything.
>You know, the kind you get from getting raped or something.
This is not the first time i've felt real stupid.
> I guess I'm just afraid of intimate contact with the opposite sex in general.
Well, you need to just be around friendly ones.
fuck you and fuck your mother bitch.
Swear to it.
Moot, how do you feel about Windows Phone 8 and the developer environment?
I only started going to /a/ about 2 years ago. What was it like before?
Because /a/ doesn't need to be splintered so that casuals can participate.
Either adjust or fuck off somewhere else.
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You keep mentioning a to-do list. What is at the top of said list?
>more legal
not legal, just 'more' legal
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>4chan is visited by 26 million unique visitors per month, and well over 100 million a year. Its content has reached hundreds of millions of people over the years. It is far from "fucking tiny."

It's around there with liveleak & pastbin.
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But that would take out the very soul, and the sport
/a/ has been essentially the same for several years.

Exactly the same. It might have been different about five years ago, if that.
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moot I just want to say beard shadow is very fitting for you
be a faggot
care to provide examples of this. I think ive noticed it too but not sure though
Why are some boards/threads keeping the red text from the announcement ALL THE WAY DOWN the thread?
>buttblasted shitposter
But I have conflicting feelings, and the thought that I may possibly be able to get out of this. What do

Why would you compare IRL to 4chan? When you piss someone off do you yell, "Are your jimmies russled?!?!"
>Time Warner
Why do we have so many incidental things in common?
thanks, I'll check it out!

captcha: didst failsm - silly captcha
I use 4chan /b/rowser. Its pretty good.
Oh grand moot, what is your opinion on the way teachers are treated by the American society?
Thank you.
>capped internet
moot, why are you so sexy?
How often do people greet you on the street?
Do they call you Moot or Chris?
Go away Karl, nobody likes you.
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Hey there Moot.

Some would argue that camwhores help with the /b/ "economy," but I personally see them as, well, just camwhores. What's your opinion on this? Are those who are against camwhoring simply beta, or is it a genuine concern? They've mostly disappeared from /soc/ lately.
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Every janitor ever is a real dickhead. It's like some kind of fucking prerequisite.
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>janitor actually deletes shitposts
>pls remove moot
moot when are you going to replace the /int/ janitor?
Motherfucker keeps deleting my feel threads.
Honestly, who does he think he is?
moot, how do you feel like the new boards are working out? Have you spent much time on them?

^ This. The moment you start being vocal about 'MUH BOARD CULTURE' is the moment you turn /a/ (or any board for that matter) into /b/ circa 2006. In other words - you turn it to shit that takes years and years to recover from.

The best 'board culture' is unspoken and does not need to be 'enforced'. Rules are enforced, not posting styles and personal tastes. Don't turn /a/ into Anonymous-era /b/ anymore than it already has.
Around friendly guys? I have plenty.
The thought of any of them touching me makes me want to throw up.
I know you dont watch TV, and only follow a handful of TV shows nowadays, but do you still watch movies regularly?
Could you add the ability to recursively filter a post?
(Hide it, all replies to it, all replies those replies, etc.)
Then, when one sees a thread-derailing-tier shitpost, one can just hide it and the subconversation and continue with the original discussion.
It should also reduce the number of "X is bait, do not reply" posts that also end up drowning out conversaion.

I understand 4chanX has the feature, so it's definitely feasible.
>Off-topic is off-topic. /vg/ is not your personal clubhouse.

Reaction images and the like are now bannable, you heard it straight from the horse's mouth people

>>you maybe answered this a million times but, why is there no history board?
>"/pol/, with dates!"
You've mentioned you don't agree with some things facebook does. Do you have a facebook?
They will hate us, they will despise us, but they will love the justice we bring.
if i ever see moot irl
imma scream MOOT!
then run away
I'm just curious, how IS Snacks? Do you still talk to him? I'm not saying bring him back or anything, I'm just curious :) Love you moot~
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Moot watch my video please?

Holy shit just realized you are answering every post, my mistake, you are just lagged behind (answering question from 2 hours ago).
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Don't be rude to the Homu.
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Ever had a Topkek moot?
straya a shit
so are your "feels"
Moot you have an awesome chin.
Moot, what do you think about the "board culture"? Do you like it? Dislike it?
and why dont you ever respond to moot summoning threads??
Which /jp/ janitor? You can't be so dumb you think there's only one, can you?
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>Too low in content
>No fuck you I don't want anything to do with your shithole. /a/ is fine as it is.

That's... that's exactly what I said!

It's like you're incapable of respecting different people's points of view, and are getting pissy even though I'm agreeing with you 100%.

>Because /a/ doesn't need to be splintered so that casuals can participate.
>Either adjust or fuck off somewhere else.

Already covered this one. Stop shitting on people because they don't act the exact same way you do and want to enjoy your precious animes.
does a bagel with cream cheese and a large glass of orange juice qualify as a complete breakfast?
Just go to 420chan. They actually have a good community there. Well from the /stim/ board at least. Even their off topic boards like literature and history, etc are good, albeit the drawback is they are slow.
Reply to my post, moot, you damnable incompetent.
It does need to be enforced. Imagine shitty recommendation threads filling the catalog combined with Nurutu threads. Absolute nightmare.
That was unnecessary anon, apologize
>The thought of any of them touching me makes me want to throw up.
It's like you plucked the thoughts i have when i think about most of my ex-girlfriends.
You'll find the right guy.
You should move to Finland, moot
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Fuck you he's horrible you don't even frequent /jp/.
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rip in piece moot
>>590845 (OP)
hey moot, has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
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will the ban system ever be better?

and no, that's no my ip
I told you niggers before, I'm a Canadian exchange student.
i think /mu/ needs splinter boards

a metal board would thrive and revitalize the metal discussion that used to happen before metal fans were run out of /mu/, for example.
That's the problem with a lot of newer 4channers, they constantly bring their real lives into the frame. It isn't so much of a bother if it's relevant for whatever reason, but you get way too many people nowadays who are way too concerned about boasting that they can breathe in and out in real life and using it as some poor form of leverage in order to make themselves feel better or to 'win' an argument.

I used to come here to discuss things that I couldn't talk about elsewhere. Nowdays? I have to wade through shit about people talking about their real lives or a Facebook status update/Tweet they just discussed and how it makes them valuable people and above all others on 4chan because they see themselves as special snowflakes.
>be better
You probably have to be a little more specific about what you find wrong with it in its current state.
By that logic no board needs splitting. You should merge back with /jp/ then by your own accord.
meal sucks you autist fuck
Milkbags. Why. Nobody else does it, why the fuck do you guys, just.. why...

Cool argument bro. There's a difference between dedicated shitposting and offtopic threads that have been an enjoyable part of board culture for years.

stop that
There was one, but /fk/ was shut down.
Your full of shit. Even boards that don't need to try hard to enforce their culture (/tg/ for example) will call you out if you do something clearly out of the norm. There's less animosity, but that's because they don't have to deal with it as regularly as /a/. Imagine if /tg/ had an influx of new members that made it match /a/. The response would be becoming vocal about what is and is not allowed in their board culture.

/a/ already enforces what you can and can't like. See: naruto.
I'm not trying to advocate the migration of Toonami threads to /a/. I'm just trying to enlighten others on the fact that Toonami Generals are not cancer containment.
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m00t, how do you feel about threads such as these that aren't even trying to be thinly veiled anime discussion on /v/? Or even the use of saying "Oh by the way vidya" as an excuse to post?
How are the boards organized (referring to the list on the top and bottom of each page)?
continue to suffer faggot
Hey moot why are you so cool and sexy?
the 'ban' system don't work
a dude get permanently ban, and after a minute is back again
Correct, I am not a fan of splintering what does not need to be splintered. My opinion is that /jp/ is useless and 99% of the things acceptable on /jp/ is posted on /a/ anyways except for 2hu.
Yes, on the subject of trolling and CP, I believe that BUTTSEX!
Moot do random 4channers ever go to your house? Has anyone mailed you anything or found out where you live?
It's all about the haircut
Pleb as fuck.
I bet you also drink your milk out of bottles, fucking casuals.
>Board culture
Always a great excuse for shitposting and rule-breaking.
im from /sp/
there is a mod from /a/ that bans us that is not pertaining to sports. can a person get a little off topic ?

the mod from /a/ should stop going to /sp/

moot help us #freesp
impossible as long as dynamic IPs exist, deal with it
I only go to /jp/ for the 2hus
That's a shitty tripfag who never shuts up without his trip. Just like Jupiter.
You can see when people samefag, so my question is:

Do you ever call people our for samefaggin?
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Canada a shit

a shittttttttttttttttttttt
wow... you're pretty funy and random *holds spork* :--)
What else would you go there for? NEET threads?
Rerolling the question:

1)When you created /b/ were you aware that it would become one of the most popular board threads in the world (if not the most) ?

2) When you first thought of creating 4chan did you tell anything to anyone (friends, family, whatsoever) and if so what was their answer?

No more questions, just a statement /b/ is dying, not because of the size of the community but because what was once a place for creative people and original content is now a place where you see people posting images, stories and gifs that were already posted before.
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rate my anime nose
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Because /co/ being receptive to homosuck and mlp worked out fantastically for them, didn't it?
He has very charming presidential good looks, doesn't he?
Hey moot whatever happened to /5/?
Also could you change back /v/ to The Vidya?
There are no mods from /a/. All mods are global.
moot, why is your real twitter private? I'd love to know the daily happenings of a 20-something Manhattan hipster with his own startup.
At the very least the other boards just ignore. Seeing as /v/ fucking posts rage threads on mlp all the fucking time, I'd say they're the fucking worst.

Some of you goddamn idiots scream your heads off at the most incessant shit. Maybe if you just hid, ignored, and reported when there were shitposters on your boards we wouldn't have a giant shitstorm everytime something pony related pops up.
Hi Moot

When will /pol/ get user selectable flags?
Its been four months
He said no a few times already.
I've been wondering this: Do some boards give better ad-revenue by traffic than others? I'd expect /g/ to be lower than e.g /fit/ cause I'd expect many of them to be running adblockers
Can /sci/ get the ability to post PDFs in place of images just like /po/, so as to better discuss various scientific papers which are often available in PDF format?
moot can you please tell the janitor on /int/ to stop deleting threads so liberally, I understand when he deletes a political thread but nowadays he just deletes anything he feels like including posts from african countries, lebanon, africa threads, Israeli posts and any international event thread even if it's not related to politics.
He hasn't gotten to that point in the thread yet you idiot, just be patient.
why do black people eat so much chicken?
>homestuck board

So we can make 4chan even worse right?
What's your opinion of strict enforcement of rule #1 (including discussion of things like file sharing and trespassing) vs. limiting it to the sorts of things that get you a visit from the FBI? Can you answer that without saying something actionable?

Did you keep the bitcoins you got from pass sales or did you convert them to dollars immediately?
>rule breaking
why do you have autism
Yeah, well at least we don't get shot on our way to get milkbags. Faaaag.
You are not keeping /a/ intact. You're attempting to create three different communities that would encompass /a/'s current content while making /a/ specifically for "currently airing" shows.

This encourages arbitrary divisions of content and unnecessary board rivalries.

It isn't being done with the interest of either /a/ or /co/ in mind. It is being done to satisfy the people (you) who hold this false belief about the kind of content that is discussed on /a/ or accepted by the /a/ community.
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The one that gets on and acts autistic. There's obviously more than one, but it is overtly obvious when there is this one little asshole janitor on.


Literally that's as most much manga have. Many times it's just a dot.
>Your full of shit.

My full of shit what?

>/a/ already enforces what you can and can't like. See: naruto.

Tough shit because Naruto is anime and people can discuss it if they want. Cry about it on /r9k/ if you don't like it.

/a/ - Anime and Manga
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Moot, can you please do something about all of the drama and shitposting in /cgl/? All of these vendetta-chans are harshing my buzz.
Hey moot how about you make the easiest purge ever and make tripfagging officially against the rules?

There is literally no bad that can come from this, only positive. Every board suffers from them, its universally problematic here. Please don't give me the quintessential copout of "omg just ignore them".
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Why won't the normalfags just go away?
>>590845 (OP)
The "Administrator Replies" list isn't updated by new posts.

Also, can janitors identify samefags?
I read some of Homestuck but couldn't comprehend it. Was like reading in a language you've never seen before.
Moot you mentioned that you enjoy pie. Watch my video the next video I make after Borderlands will be a How-To make a 4chan pie. Yes?

moot make a board for classical/jazz music /mu/ sucks for that stuff.
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VNs and Idols?
Is there anything to do about 3g IP bans? My 3g network at the gym doesn't work because someone banned that IP
Hey Chris,
I don't know if this was covered but when are you going to be on aim next time?
You were telling me about how to work on image boards (Herokidxv i think)
Also, I was wondering, this would make my life happy if you added a
/tcg/ board. I doubt you will but that would be cool.

And how does one become a mod?
How was it explaining 4chan in front of a jury in 2010?
thx, ill check it out
Is it worth reporting /mlp/ posts on /b/?
We can't have good things anon, I thought that this was a rule.
How you you feel about the colloquial use of the pejorative "fag" on your forums? ie "newfag", "summerfag"
All mods are global, unless they have their privileges to a certain board revoked for whatever reason (which has happened in the past). But there are some mods who spend much more time on certain boards than others. MDGeist, Catmod, Kinomod, etc. on /a/, gingermod on /fit/ and so on.

If someone reports something on another board, they can respond, but mods have their favourite boards too, y'know.
>"It's not against the rules if everyone does it!"
'hello moot.
A few questions from a /k/onscript.
1.Favorite firearm manufacturer?
2.you aren't a BATFE agent, right?
3.is godawful moeblob anime /k/ related just because it has a gun in it? Is this something we have to decide for ourselves?
4.Wanna go to the range?
5.There's this one jerk who keeps posting loli, can you grant me the power to punch him in the face over the internet, or is this something I have to search my heart to find?
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Hey moot
you are fucking awesome
I think your public speeches are great and you have an excellent way with words
You are also ridiculously good looking
just throwing it out there, thanks for being awesome
You know I do...


Have you seen an actual Naruto thread on /a/? Like I said, /a/ does enforce its own board culture and that's the perfect example.
THIS please, I would love that
I'm a classical violinist.
>The one that gets on and acts autistic.
Pretty damn vague there. Mad that your Asuka pics keep getting deleted?
We don't need a Homestuck board you shit, HSG has discussed this multiple times.

Besides, we aren't that high up on the spam and annoyance factor to have one.
He has answered that before and described it as, if I remember correctly, "surreal". Then again, how could explaining shit like trolling to a judge not be?

Moot, can you bring back the #clones trip?
It was banned because some faggot decided to shitpost with it (just like before) and now everyone is insta-banned from using it.
I was just ~45k posts away from dethroning Lanced Jack and Taiga, please think of the clones.

Could you tell us whats in your top priority list?
It's not used as a perjorative.
1.) Are you ever in LA?

2.) Are you considering adding new boards?

3.) Have you ever considered shutting down the site?

4.) Are you attracted to black women because I'm a black male living in Inglewood with several black sisters (19-23) and they have a thing for guys with money (btw I'm actually black and I'm bi so I kind of like you lol but I know I don't have a chance because I just turned 18 and I'm going to shitty CSULB and my true love lies with girls so sorry haha and I'm a born-again baptist and I don't have much money myself but I'm smart even though it is not evident in my terrible grammar hahhahaha but please come to Fanime or AX I'll be there I'm the tall black guy with blonde dreadlocks and about 6'4, pretty yolked since I played football at some shitty meatfest Catholic school and I use /fit/)
>GRRRRRRRL GAMER plugging your shit by loosely relating to something moot said

Get fucked attention whore.
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>that feel when moot went to bed
I doubt he would bother with someone who can't even be assed to read the replies or FAQ
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Hey moot, I have some banners for the site, mainly relevant stuff from /a/ - /jp/.
Do you still accept banners these days if they're decent? I haven't seen many recent ones lately.
Thanks by the way, I'm on here way too much.
He has answered this twice already

I think you need to hit refresh in your browser, even though that's very painful cuz loading this thread is a bitch.

If there isn't enough interest on /mu/, there is definitely not enough interest for a whole board dedicated to it.
>no fun allowed
>none at all
moot, I love you. When will you watch animu again? Also, wish me luck on my upcoming finals.
>can discuss it if they want
NO THEY FUCKING CANNOT. There's a reason it is hated. It invites shitposting. If you can't see how that works don't go to /a/. Go to fucking reddit I don't care. Recommendation threads and people who can't perform their own research should not be allowed on /a/.
Catalog search doesn't look at image filenames.
Could this be fixed?
Hey moot, are you tracing me? Can you look up my IP and tell me which info of my that you currently have?
He answered 2 and 3 already.
Read the thread dude.
well this was a very disappointing thread, as expected from the very beginning with >>590901 setting the summary
this Christopher Pool guy is a genius in PR. all his answers are more neutral than the president answering a press conference. and basically all the complaints and suggestions are being discarded, all on the (quite smart) basis that "you can't please everybody"
/q/ is a containment board, and moot@4chan.org is probably 10 GB of junk mail
Please don't spoonfeed the lazy faggot.
H-He's just taking his time...
What I want to know is how he didn't crack up
Certainly not.
What are your future plans for the site? Also, do you have a girlfriend yet moot? Or are you a total faggot, doomed to sucking the cocks for all eternity?
Moot, first, thank you for /vr/. Great board, and the autism is absent (so far...)

As for a question, will you do something about the /pol/ invasions of /ck/? Tired of the constant derailing...
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one dot isn't moe enough.
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What is your reaction to accusations that you work with the FBI?
I dont like how 4chan has changed over the years and i would just like to get that off my chest. Thanks.
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This is why they won't go away.
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>mfw Batman is a "superhero"
Vigilante, yo. Like Nightwing; Green Arrow; etc.
Captain marvel is a real superhero.
Also, may I bear your children, mootykins?
He talks to me on aim :(
We don't need a PC gaming board.
The thread will be locked when he's done with it.
Spoon feeding figgit
Because it isn't the mid 00s any more and things will never go back to that unless there's something like another DNS firewall (permanent) or if 4chan falls into a state of irrelevance, like SA, YTMND, etc. which again probably won't happen any time soon as 4chan is still on the up.

Especially among young teens. Links related.

do people actually read these things before posting ?
>>590845 (OP)
Why in the FUCK do you even allow faggots on this site to post pony's? Why would you encourage them with a Pony board?
I was referring to auto-updates.
Now I can't tell if you're being satirical or not.
>How you you feel about the colloquial use of the pejorative "fag" on your forums? ie "newfag", "summerfag"

Welcome to 4chan. moot uses that term all the time.

Looks like he has some internet problems. He usually closes his Q&A when he leaves for good.
>You are not keeping /a/ intact. You're attempting to create three different communities that would encompass /a/'s current content while making /a/ specifically for "currently airing" shows.
Yay. Actual discussion.

The "Currently Airing" thing was merely a suggestion. I've been told by several of /a/ in this thread that "Currently Airing" stuff is only what's "relevant".

>This encourages arbitrary divisions of content and unnecessary board rivalries.

It doesn't if we can be adults and respect each others communities. I don't like /a/'s community at all, but I still respect them.

>It isn't being done with the interest of either /a/ or /co/ in mind. It is being done to satisfy the people (you) who hold this false belief about the kind of content that is discussed on /a/ or accepted by the /a/ community.

It isn't a false belief when it's a common thing that the majority of /a/ shitpost in threads that they believe to be started by /v/ and/or /co/ users. most of the time, purely based on the fact it's a popular show.
>>590845 (OP)

When are you going to space? -Swede from Sweden
Why'd you drop anime/nerdiness and start working out, being /fit/ (and shit like that)

I'm going to tell you, though you'll disagree. You're not as good of a person for it even if you do feel better about yourself since you switched. (working out and all that's fine, but your attitude and emotional state has changed who you are drastically)
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Please dedicate /jp/ to the most wonderful maid, Kohaku. Thanks, moot.
>Have you seen an actual Naruto thread on /a/? Like I said, /a/ does enforce its own board culture and that's the perfect example.

I've seen plenty of Naruto threads start off genuine and get bombed with HURRR GET OUT MUH BOARDCULTURE.

YOU create the problem. Don't like a thread? Ignore it.

I'm not interested in Naruto at all but I saw a totally untouched discussion of Naruto going on and was pretty proud of /a/. No need to discriminate against series.
so they post it less on the other boards
Why? Meal threads are enough.
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Moot why haven't you disabled trips on /v/ yet?

They do nothing but incite rage (especially those kloniefag pieces of shit).
Do you regularly post on /q/?
Containment is simply for the benefit of everyone
Have you watched this yet?
What will you sing for us in space?
stop being extra nice to the guy posing as a woman
Facebook had an 8% loss of traffic recently, IIRC.
Much like videogames, casual users of this shit move on to the next big thing really quickly after they get bored. A lot of 4chan isn't really that audience.

It'd still be nice if there was some other sink that drew normalfags away permanently though, I come here to roll in my own filth with other people who enjoy doing the same, not to suck moderator cock and talk about the inane and boring things normal people talk about.
So they don't screw up other boards.
Mape the raids
Hey moot,

Would you be willing to accept a submission of a new stylesheet theme? Just some mild hexcode changes for a more "clean" primarily white, with blue hyperlinks, and light grey for boxes.

Moot Don't listen to that guy. Follow your heart
Are desktop threads /g/ related or are they purely for /w/ and /wg/? I think a year or so ago there was an uproar on whether or not they belonged.
>colloquial pejorative

It's a colloquialism. I don't think many of us are usually thinking of its homosexual connotation when we use derivatives of the term.
You ever do any angel investing moot?
In the beginning, moot's tripcode was #faggot.

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you have some unusual ideas about the qualities of a person
>Why in the FUCK do you even allow faggots on this site to post pony's? Why would you encourage them with a Pony board?
Containment board. Where were you before /mlp/ existed? PONIES EVERYWHERE
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>implying bed are moots
>Moot, have you considered adding a /420/ board?
Not going to happen.

>I was thinking why not a /med/ board where people discuss prescription drugs (not street drugs) and medical conditions. I see it being successful if trolls were weeded out. Thoughts?
Try /adv/ or /fit/.

>why did you promise us a waifu/cel board and then only slightly changed the rules on /tv/?
I didn't promise you anything.

>He has pointed out that was shopped many times, please ask original questions.
It isn't shopped, it just isn't me.

Watch my Web 2.0 Summit talk on YouTube.

>Moot could you please say a prayer for the spider that died in my room today?
I'm sorry for your loss, Anon.

>Moot, you said you'd be my husbando back in your /cgl/ checkup thread, when can we meet up? I've been saving myself for you!
Name a time and place, baby.

>Moot, why don't you use gentoo?
I'm trying, but it's still compiling.

>moot, have you ever been under psychiatric care?

>moot do you like trains
I /love/ trains.

>Hey moot I wanna know what is the number of mods atm?
Mods/janitors combined, more than 25, less than 50.

>How many people form part of the 4chan staff?
I'd say the core team is about 4 people.

>Have you ever thought about implementing an age verification process?
Uh, no.

>Moot can you say hi Darra I'd appreciate it.
Hi Darra.

>Would you consider updating /u/'s rules? The current ones were written back when it was still a board for cartoon lesbian porn, rather than the current mix of discussion, hand-holding and porn.
Sure. E-mail me some suggestions.

>moot how do you get the musicians to do the Q&As on /mu/? Do they contact you?
Andrew W.K. a mod reached out and asked, deadmau5 I tweeted at, and Anamanaguchi I know personally.

>Moot, I sent you an email about the /ck/ cooking thing, and I was drinking, and drunk me thinks he is funnier than he actually is, so please disregard if I came off like an asshole.
No worries—I haven't had time to respond to any yet or organize anything.

>Are you going to AWAcon?
I haven't been to an anime con in four years.

>Also, what was the outcome of this meeting?
"Doesn't matter, had sex."

>He'll lock the thread and leave it stickied for a week or so probably.
You know me oh so well, Anon.

>moot, I had little something I wanted to talk to you about briefly that relates to something you said yesterday at that game conference.
>If I emailed you, would I actually get a reply?
At the very least, I'll read it. Were you actually present?

>The system shows you [BAN HISTORY: ??? FOR THIS IP] - this is a bit unfair for those on dynamic IP's, as it will influence how (or if) you respond to their posts.
I need to click to see it.

>Reported for evading spam filters.
That was removed. Get with the times, son.

>Will we ever be able to see our own ban histories?

>Why are you answering personal questions? Shouldn't we focus on the actual site?
Because it's easier to say "you can ask me anything" than "you can ask me ABC as it pertains to XYZ." Most of them are one word answers anyway.

>Have you ever regretted starting 4chan?
No. It has defined my entire life, and changed the world in its own way. Why would I regret it?

>How did you start a website as big as this when you were only fifteen? It's something that really intrigues me.
4chan was used by like 20 people at its inception. Its growth is a function of time—almost 10 years now.

>1OfCZcIy status: TOLD
I quite like 1OfCZcIy. That was not meant as an insult.

>moot I thought you didn't drink
I do, just very rarely.

>Why cant there be a Girls Generation (SNSD) General or SNSD threads in general in /mu/ ???
To my knowledge, there's no rule against this.

>What an awesome surprise. Favorite corp/runner tactics?
I'm still a newbie and play other people's decks. Haven't built my own yet. I love me some traps though.

>moot, can you do something about mobile performance? 4chan threads randomly stop updating on my Nexus 7 when I'm using Chrome and the board's auto-date.
Works fine for me. Not sure we'll be able to get 100% browser support since mobile browsers are so fragmented.

>wow you sound like a boring drone of a person....
I'm disappointingly normal, I know. Sorry, Anon!

>Catalog suggestions not yet implemented:
>-ability to unhide threads by shift-clicking them in the "show hidden threads" view
Will note this.

>-subject should be made more distinct from post text, such as having its own color or separate line
It's already bold and has a colon.

>-"subject only" display mode instead of just comment on/off
So few people use subjects, this would mostly be worthless.

>Do you own a horse mask?
Not yet.

>moot, why do you like the worst girl?

>when 4craft, which actually was a money-making scheme, was allowed?
It wasn't allowed. We deleted tons of threads.

>You ever thought about putting up a list of banned urls Moot?
You mean a list of keywords for spammers to avoid? Nope.

>sounds like a normal Saturday night for you moot

>Don't forget, you're here forever!
So are you.

>Do you want to go to space or not?
I would like to space.

>moot is it true that you used to live in Cambridge?
I did for a summer.

Both of those look like shit. We aren't migrating away from reCAPTCHA.

>What did you mean when you said /s4s/ reminded you of a /b/ a few years back?
I'm not sure how you expect me to elaborate on this.

>can i robotically download posts from /b/?
Against the rules.

>didn't you call yourself "moo" then added a "t" and didn't realize "moot" is an actual word?
Pretty much.

>moot please reply to this post, you've never talked to me ever ;_____;
Your wish is my command!

>How cool/weird/creepy was it wearing the cat suit for Anamanaguchi? How much are y'all in love with each other?
I wore it into a Walgreens and got some pretty weird looks.

>i didnt post this shit lol wtf so weird
What is, a dynamic IP?

>hashtags on 4chan
Please no.

>Hey moot, ever consider leaving new york? They seem not to respect yo freedumbz.
I was born and raised in New York. I'd like to live a few other places, but plan to settle down here.

>What is your main hobby right now moot?
Masturbating furiously.

>That DrawQuest thing looks cute. I don't personally have an iPad, but I guess I can play around on my brother's to see what's up.

>still believing this shit
Are you trying to be ironic or something?

>Do you think 4chan is getting better or worse? Honest opinion.
Impossible to quantify or have an objective opinion on this.

>Will you keep all the new boards, /lgbt/ /gd/ and /out/ for example?
I haven't made any final decisions here.

>2nd question: Will we be able to make 4chan cup threads again anytime soon?
Will you be able to advertise across multiple boards? No.

>moot, who is your waifu?
Asuka, of course ^_^
You've said that you don't play vidya often, don't drink often, don't watch tv, don't do drugs, etcetc. So, out of curiosity, what is it that you like to do exactly?
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moot, can you please add more janitors or forced ID to /x/?

I hate to sound like a broken record but thinks have been really bad on that board since about 2010. I have emailed you several times about it, and I thought the janitor drive last year would fix things but it didn't.

People are constantly breaking the global rule against excessive trolling and it's really had a negative impact on the board.

Please moot. There are no other paranormal/conspiracy/fringe boards on any other chan that get nearly the traffic /x/ does. It's my home man.

>mfw when trolls killed /x/

pls respond.
On thread IDs:

>Pretty good summary.

So what about this picture then? I'm not surprised that your opinion still hasn't changed but I was just wondering what the deal is there. I'm guessing you were just chastising people for being faggots in that thread and weren't serious about IDs, but personally I think other boards could use them.

On /v/:

Lately I've noticed better moderation on /v/, and while that is good I still see a lot of off-topic shit posted frequently and it gets pretty annoying. Here are a few (not very original) ideas that I think would improve the board:

-More visible moderation. I believe you've said in the past that you prefer silent moderation but handing out a number of public bans might make people think twice about posting off-topic bullshit since they know that mods are watching and that off-topic garbage will get you banned.

-I'm not sure if this is already the case but the inline report button should be enabled by default for the extension. In fact, if you ask me it should just always be there whether or not the extension is turned on and replace the legacy system with the checkboxes since it's so outdated and inconvenient, but that's just me. I'm also assuming the added janitors would make this worthwhile.

-Make a sticky for reporting off-topic posts. This happened before when /vg/ was created and the shitposting dropped down to a minimum (which didn't last long but that's another topic) and I think it would benefit the board to have it happen again.

-This is OPINIONS here but bans for blatant off-topic shit should be much more severe, like a 3-day ban for the first offense and a 7-day ban with a smaller global ban for further offenses. This combined with more visible moderation should deter all but the most dedicated shitposters from lowering the quality of the board.

I realize that /v/ has other rules (like not inciting flamewars) that could be enforced better but that can happen after off-topic shit is lessened.
>It isn't a false belief when it's a common thing that the majority of /a/ shitpost in threads that they believe to be started by /v/ and/or /co/ users. most of the time, purely based on the fact it's a popular show.
Not if you actually bother to lurk before making the thread and don't post like a retard. Naruto aside, you can discuss any anime on /a/, currently airing or not. Your impression of /a/ is mistaken.
Come to Maine and see our beautiful state, mootykins!
nothing stays the same

however what is it what you liked previously??? maybe mention that instead of...well, durr i hate change... well twat explain yourself? or not see if i care lmao

umm moot can we get random word changes in /b/ and make it fun? again ....I know I asked ealier but its fun!!

I think he's just noting the fact that sometimes moot uses proper punctuation and sometimes he doesn't. Sometimes he captilizes his i's and sometimes not. I actually find the inconsitency to be... a charm?
I think Time Warner fucked moot in the ass.
How do I create the problem?
>It isn't a false belief when it's a common thing that the majority of /a/ shitpost in threads that they believe to be started by /v/ and/or /co/ users. most of the time, purely based on the fact it's a popular show.
It rarely has anything to do with a show. If a person starts a thread and says shit like "Why don't they make more animes like Cowboy BeepBoop anymore?" then it is considered shitposting and the mods encourage people to report it. Now if you actually start a thread asking a question about CB, you may actually get your thread.

The reason EVA is still widely accepted is because people are actually discussing the show, asking questions, talking about the characters etc.
Moot, what programming languages do you know, in atleast a loose order of first to last, with what you like/hate best/worst about each one.
Moot, something weird is happening, wherever I go there seems to be an increasing number of grills. like they are here, they post and shit.

I-i don't know how to behave, I end up throwing my spaghetti every single time.

what should I do moot?

it keeps happening, I though there were no grills on the internet.

you are my last hope to stop me from becoming a feel faggot.

I don't want be a feel faggot moot, I need your wisdom.
>please come to Fanime
Yeah c'mon moot, come to Fanime and hang out with all of us.
>It doesn't if we can be adults and respect each others communities. I don't like /a/'s community at all, but I still respect them.
Then respect it by making and posting in threads you agree with and ignoring those you don't. The ability to hide threads exists for a reason. Your idea of needlessly adding boards would accomplish nothing but increase overhead even more. Honestly, I don't know why you're still discussing this as moot has already shot it down. Deal with it.

>most of the time, purely based on the fact it's a popular show.
No. Shit like Naruto is objectively horrible. Fuck off.

See: >>594017 you spasticated invalid.
Do you like Merzbow moot?
Do you have a favourite Merzbow album?
Will you consider adding a Merzboard?
A train leaves Kansas City traveling North at 80 mph. Another train leaves Kansas City 15 minutes later traveling East at 90 mph. After how long (measured as minutes since the first train left) are the two trains 75 miles apart?

Only moot answer pls
Holy hell. That's why he was gone so long.
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>look through this post 4 times
>no (You)
Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with anything.
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Do you remember?
Hair pie?
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You guys have shit janitors too?
We recently got this one that throws a fit about once a month...
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Hi moot. Could you make file names and resolution visible on mobile portrait view? Have a nice night.
moot, saw you told an anon the most popular board he posts on. does this mean there is some record of our posts, even if it is just a number, linked via IP address?
Moot, when our socialist government takes away our e-Freedoms and eventually seizes this thing, will you land a reality show?
My question is concerning 4chan passes.
I recently bought one, love it btw. But sadly my bank didn't and assumed it was a fraudulent payment and blocked me from making any payments online or in store... was a bit of a pain in the ass and couldn't pay for my curry on justeat.com and while I was in town getting money from the ATM the deliverly arrived and they had to wait for 5 minutes and were well pissed

>was lovely curry though

Question being.. is this a known thing? And are you intending to try and get the banks to wise up and stop being pussies soon?
The Lurk Ban is an awesome idea. New posters don't need to make posts in their first weeks anyway.
Let me guess, you're one of those shitposting idiots that makes a thread on /mlp/ telling them to stop shitting up other boards.

You have got to be the biggest fucking idiot to not know the job /mlp/ does in not fucking over other boards with pony shitposting.

>Inb4, "But it still happens!"
Well no shit sherlock, but going on the board it's meant for and telling the people there to stop doing it is fucking retarded. Oh, and if you even had a modicum of intelligence you wouldn't be replying to shitposters or showing that you're angry about it. That just invites more shitposting.
Moot, you might have already left, or maybe you've answered this, but Smash Bros threads won't have to go to /vg/ will they? Please tell me they will be able to stay in /v.
m<3<3t will you answer this question that I'm asking currently?
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Forgot the picture I was talking about, probably don't even need to post it to know which one I'm talking about though.
The whole -fag suffix thing didn't really pop up and popularise until around 2006.
>Will we ever get to see our own ban histories?

Why not?
>I've been playing a card game called Android: Netrunner

Moot confirmed for epic tastes.

BTW, moot, do you have any plans for going to GenCon in Indianapolis?
You know what they say, "if you can't join 'em, kill yourself; there's no point living anymore."
I understand that, but they're just so annoying, /b/tard here and i hate finding these people in there, i wish they would get more b& . I wish they would take that shit too a whole other website honestly.

Moot kittens:
>Is Alex kill?
I actually agree with him. Furries aren't aganst anything. Unless chris makes a new board for furries /b/ is the only place. its not like its illegal.
Moot how often does something on the to do list actually get worked on?
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>>590845 (OP)

How does it feel knowing that there are multiple organized groups dedicated to making low quality posts on various 4chan boards?
>That was removed. Get with the times, son.
Oh gosh, do I look silly now.

The (You) thing doesn't always work for me, he replied to my post but it didn't show up this time.
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>It isn't shopped, it just isn't me.
That is a pretty uncanny resemblance.
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Hello Moot: do you think that the current tech boom is a bubble, that will burst like the dot-com bubble?

Are you surprised that facebook hasn't gone the way of friendster yet? Do you think the upcoming generation is likely to opt out of FB (why would a kid want to be on the same site as their parents etc?)
>I love me some traps though.
Saved out of context.
>It invites shitposting.

Said shit posting is spamming for dubs
moot what are your thoughts on a 4chan convention
something that could happen say 5-10 years down the line when the next generation of 4channers are done integrating into decent channers. mite b cool
Seconding this, way too many fucking posts in this bitch.
Goddamn it I waited my turn patiently and you skip right over me
Why do you hate me moot? Why did you skip over my question? Don't you want /b/ to be improved? Why have public bans stopped? Why is /soc/-shit allowed on /b/ again? Why?
I meant onii-chan... Different ID b/c phone, but I wanted to make sure you knew this.
>you can search through all (You) posts
Who else wants this?
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Glorious Moot.
>At the very least, I'll read it. Were you actually present?
I was not present, just watched the stream of it.

I'll write up that email soon, worth a try I'm sure. Thanks!
stops retards who shit their pants from spamming ponies. oh the irony.
Moot, a few months ago you directly called me a faggot because I said you were worth millions and that anyone who thinks Celebrity Networth is accurate is probably a faggot as well.

Do you deny the fact that if you sold 4chan you would be worth millions? (hence the term "worth")


Also what is your favorite band
moot please make at least a /kr/ board if you don't want to do anything about the /tv/ waifu/cel bproblem.
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>4chan convention

Jesus christ, how absolutely horrifying.

mooty dont forget me, i want to know if you are watching me
>What is Ctrl-F?
Pretty sure it doesn't work if you refresh.
>implying he has the jew gold to do it
>male ego a bit to high

perhaps a nice round of mma would be good hmm? only saying this cause there are men afraid of big cocks, small cocks, no cocks and of course pussies..mentioning something without know the person is a little effed up dont you think?
Moot do you "beez in the trap?"
You, KING-JAFFE_something, desuwa and who else?

Can we ever have a group picture of the whole team?
>I love me some traps
Might as well ask again, since I think this is an interesting question.

What do you think made /v/ and its descendent boards so much better than /r9k/ and the boards it spawned? It really blows my mind how great /vg/ turned out and how much better /v/ got (at least the threads are about video games now) compared to what happened with /r9k/, /soc/, and /adv/.
mah nigga. So much this

that will never happen you know this right?
>At the very least, I'll read it. Were you actually present?
You were at the Two Five Six? What did you talk about? DrawQuest?
It would be full of underaged kids and their gamer friends.
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I tied the noose it is tied up there is a chair only moot responding to me will prevent this
Yeah, that's probably it.
Fuck's sake no it wouldn't
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moot, I like you.

Can we be friends? Please? :3
Another thing is that a lot of people get upset if their threads don't get 500+ posts. They also have this absurd belief that by opening a thread, they will automatically have a successful thread and complain when it gets no posts.

Over the years, I've made what I think are decent OP posts, several times across multiple days and failed to yield more than 50 posts. What do I do in that case? I deal with it, try again or just forget about it. Those faggots are more likely to cry about it and become more and more bitter instead.
"worksafe /b/" he says! heeuhuehu
You were in the UK? Where abouts? I will shit my pants if it's where I live.
I tired replying to a /g/uts thread and I was I was told that my reply had too many lines, what is the line limit? and we can we add the line limit number to inline like how we have the 2000 character limit counter build into inline?
Look at this plebian.
Go download more RAM already. What's the matter, can't handle a big and beautiful Firefox.exe?

Yes it absolutely fucking would.
It's not that shows that aren't airing aren't "relevant' necessarily, as much as it is currently airing shows are the most relevant, naturally. During a shows air, it has the most amount of people that are probably ever going to be watching it at one time so it's going to be much easier to generate discussion.

This doesn't mean it's not possible to discuss older shows. In fact it's observably not true. /a/ is more inclined to talk about older anime (especially stuff that isn't very popular) than by far any other general anime community on the internet. What it does mean is that you shouldn't assume people will flood your thread for some random anime that aired a decade ago, especially if your OP is uninteresting.

A new board isn't going to suddenly make unpopular anime or manga popular.

As for the elitist attitude /a/ has towards popular "entry-level" shows, I dislike it too, but your exaggerating to the degree it happens (really, the only show you'll have genuine difficulty discussing is Naruto) and the truth is pretty much every board has on-topic discussion that the community is divisive about. This doesn't justify splitting up the community.
There's at least one "manager" mod with more of a hand in site policy and stuff like that.
Now all you need is to link the Livestream of it.
Guys this is a moot thread. Not the time or place.
mvb most likely. Dave is pretty up there too, since he's been around forever. A-san could've been in the inner circle too, but he had to go and talk to a girl that ruined everything for him.
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Damn, Here's the better one
ctl fuck me over!
ctrl F doesn't work on it.
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>Asuka, of course ^_^
spammers avoid the keywords anyways, mootykins.
>>590845 (OP)

Hey Jewt

How often do you post on /pol/estine?
is moot even still here?
And now: neonazis

Moot, you should change the title of /b/ to
/b/ - Babby
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Moot mah niggah. Can I be your email buddy?
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Are you sure.
Are you really sure.
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That request has been answered for many years now.

I wish you would all just fuck off and quit asking.
mootles said (i'm paraphrasing) that seeing himself in that video is what made him want to start lifting

he described himself as "cosplaying sigourney weaver"
>It has defined my entire life, and changed the world in its own way. Why would I regret it?
there are tears in my eyes
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Guys I'm just trying to help.
Asuka is technically the best girl.
You can't change that.
>Year of our lord Satan 2013
>Not being an Asukafag
Get a load of this faggot.
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This is only a thread for cool people. You must leave.

Not even trolling. I'm serious. I've even posted on /mlp/ a few times.
gib dick pics pls
It's probably more down to it being outside of your usual spending patterns. Banks these days build up a profile of your spending and if it's something unusual, they'll probably block it.
And yet he wont answer me.
>Asuka is technically the best girl.
>Not Misato
>Masturbating furiously.
How do you do this if you don't watch porn?
what was the last good book you read?
What info can you read about me?
>please don't post ip or any other privacy things like that
Oh right, moot any plans to implement a popular threads and reverse order sorting in the catalouge.

Popular posts is valued by how many have responded to it in what span of time, reverse order is just that reverse order.

Honestly lack of those features have made me avoid it.
please move kpop faggots off of /mu/. they are the scum of the earth.
That shit was hilarious. I can't bring myself to post on any daft board like /s4s/ because of it.

And then you realise you've been here since <=2005 yourself and wonder where you'd be if you never found the place.
Your question is asked every time he does one these. That's probably why.
What kind of house/apartment do you live in? Would you say you live a lavish lifestyle?
Unit 01 is the only acceptable choice.
She is my wife.
are there any pictures of Asuka Wearing a Wehrmacht or SS uniform?
He just makes a post with his moot tag turned on and masturbates to all of the hate he receives.
im dumb

>personal note stop responding to trolls
Moot has transcended beyond requiring external stimulation to become aroused. Like those monks in Tibet who can boil water by concentrating.
Hi moot, I know you've answered this before because I was there. But people think that you being the only one with access to 4chan traffic data can easily make shit up and lie. I have to ask again.

Does traffic really increase a lot in the summer? Or is summer 4chan a myth? I need to know to shut everyone up about eternal summer.
Trying this again

When are you going to get rid of the weebshit boards? You've just said that the way 4chan changes and becoming more normalised keeps it relevant. Weebshit is completely irrelevant and you don't even care about it.

If you want 4chan to make a significant profit, delete /a/ and all the other boards for aspie losers and virgins and you'll start to attract more users.

Fuck weebs.
>The (You) thing doesn't always work for me, he replied to my post but it didn't show up this time.
Doesn't work if you refresh
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I have 8 GB of RAM

Absolutely not. We have evidence this won't work, /mlp/; that board was supposed to contain the bronies but it actually festered their autism and allowed them to collect arsenals of pony pictures and fan art to shit up other boards with.
Seconding this. At least make a /kr/ board. They are a problem on /tv/, /sp/ and many other parts of 4chan.

Make a containment board.
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fuuuuuuuuuck you i'm so close to having rct downloaded
Well you grab your dick and start jerking. You'd last longer without all the stimulation from the pornography.
It has nothing to do if you refresh or not, it's in your IP.
Moot, percentile wise, which country has more shitposters?
>Inb4 straya
>How well are you able to differentiate between joking and serious conversations when people are talking to you through email or on 4chan?
I am not socially retarded.

I don't recall checking for that message.

>Also, do you realize that people interact with you a bit differently than they do with the non-famous, right? Just because someone is a bit nervous when they talk to you doesn't mean that they're crazy, unstable, etc., IRL. Just felt that it was worth mentioning, since I often act a bit weird when communicating with you (like right now).
I'll take your word for it.

>How tall are you? Also, your jaw line is excellent.
Not very—about 5'10", and thanks.

>You're obviously understaffed unless there's a really good excuse, it's something you're not doing.
Taking applications, screening them, setting up orientation, doing the orientation, onboarding people, etc takes a fuckload of time. It isn't something we're not doing, it's just something that takes a lot of time.

>Moot how much would 4chan be worth right now if you sold it right now?
It's worth as much as somebody is willing to pay for it, aka "nothing."

Or $tacos.

>My roommate has her unemployed boyfriend over every single day of the week. He's not causing trouble and he isn't living here but still, it's a fourth person in a 3-person apt. What do?
Look him in the eye and say "get a fucking job, hippie."

>Do you still wish to be the little girl?

>Would it surprise you to learn that finding volunteer moderators who aren't power tripping faggots is harder than it sounds?
Surprise, surprise!

>Moot, ever thought about holding threads at least once a month to let users interact with you? whether it be, Q&A or something of sorts?
You're welcome to e-mail (moot@4chan.org) or IM (AIM: MOOTCHAT) me whenever. I doubt I'll do Q&A's more than once every quarter or so.

>Please hire more janitors on a regular basis for /t/.
I know it's an issue. We're on it.

>Do you remember me moot?
Yes. You ask me this every thread. I have a good memory.

>Moot do you ever come into the 4chan IRC channel @ rizon? I dont recall ever seeing you in there in the few years ive been idling there
No. I've always hated 4chan IRC.

>Hey moot. Right now I'm suffering from horrible anxiety and depression. Have you ever dealt with fucked up mental issues. Also, tits
Sorry to hear that. I have not.

>Hey moot, I don't see the point of the image cap, it just kills image dumps.
I've gone on the record to say I dislike image dumps. ZIP 'em and upload them somewhere. Images should facilitate discussion.

>Moot, you should stop displaying J-list ads on SFW boards. Ads for Tenga toys aren't exactly SFW.
We've been running J-List ads for a good 8 years. If anything is egregious, I will remove it, but I don't think they're really that bad.

>Have you ever thought of hosting a true 4chan meetup convention? It would probably be the shittiest thing to ever happen ever, but it would be our shittiest thing ever. That's all that matters.
I don't think there's really demand for it.

>Is there anything we can do about awful janitors besides make a thread in /q/?
E-mail me examples.

>Do you value quality or quantity of users?
Quality for sure.

>You brought up several times that you were happy your website was not "a hockey stick".
"Hockey stick" just means quick, exponential growth, which 4chan has never had. 4chan is a tortoise—slow and steady wins the race.

>What are my chances of getting into janitor apps this time? I've been shot down twice already? Should I even keep trying?
Never lose hope, Anon.

>what do you do for a living?
See thread.

>Do you like my little pony?
Never seen it.

>If you win the axe apollo thingy, are you willing to go to space?
Yes, so long as I'm convinced I don't have a 100% chance of dying.

>what are your academic achievments?
I transferred from a mediocre state school to a very good school, and am on a leave of absence from said school.

I was almost kicked out of high school for never showing up though.

>how many girls had sex with you?
I don't kiss and tell~

>how old were you when you lost your virginity?
See thread.

>how often do you lie to your mother?
I rarely lie in general. Honest is always the answer.


Pick one.

On a more serious note, it always shocks me how many people let me know they've met their significant other, or fiancée on 4chan. 4channers got game, yo.

>Those are some ugly tits, no wonder you feel depressed.
That's not very nice.
Hey moot. Can we have a ban of all anime outside /a/ and /jp/ etc. It's dumb and no one watches anime anymore and there are more people here who don't care for it
>Taste this shit
Clearly glasses is best.
1) he isnt in it for the money, niglet
2) weeb boards are 4chans roots, they arent getting deleted

fucking pleb
I do have to say that it is a bit obnoxious to see so many repeats threads.

I'm talking about seeing the exact same screen capped moment, raw scan, news link, etc, used in up to half a dozen unique threads all because so many people want to have made their own big thread.

What's with the FIRST mentality that's happening on /a/ now? (or maybe it's just me thinking that it's increased over the last year)
why is /sp/ the eternal GOAT board?
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/r/equesting a timestamp pic of you so we know you didn't just pay someone to pretend to be you moot
neither have you
>I have 8 GB of RAM
And I have 1GB. Maybe you need to install Common Sense 2013.
>For every stupid "WATCH MUH STREAM/VISIT MY SITE!!!!!!" thread, one potentially good/on-topic thread is pushed off the board.

"That it is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer, is a Maxim that has been long and generally approved." - Benjamin Franklin
>>Do you still wish to be the little girl?



If you wanted to, would you have the legal power to shut down the archival sites?
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Can you please just word filter XD
or at least ban the use of XD on any board
it actually gets my goat
not a /mu/ fag, but I don't think a couple threads a day really pisses any of the elitests off.
Unless you guys really hate different tastes that much, Its a fucking music board.

no, you haven't.
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Can /s4s/ have a text board link to >>>/lounge/ ?
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hey moot

the thread watcher is obnoxious on my galaxy s3, especially when replying to threads
Maybe he just stands on a park watch some qt's and faps on his way home with a hidden rope on his clothing he pulls over and over under his sleeve until he cums.
Mootles, will you let me use your weiner as a lawn mower?
I'm already using the libcomsense beta builds for 2014, I don't know why I'm having stability issues.
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moot, there's something I would like you to clarify.

On /v/ you'll frequently see a post, whether it's the OP or in a reply, with something roughly like this:

>So /v/, why does everyone hate this game? I think it's fun. You autists are just mad it's selling well / hate games / hate fun / bad at the game / they changed his hair / other strawman argument.

These posts don't add anything to the discussion. If anything, they're shitposts designed to rattle the /v/ monkey cage and derail discussion. Is it okay to report these as rule violations?

Pic related.
Hey moot what do you think about the "new /b/"
Hey Moot, I use the Tomorrow Theme due reduce strain on my eyes, but it still isn't all that black.

Could you please make another theme that is darker to help reduce eye strain for us hikikomori?

Could you move 4chan to a country with greater freedom - both financial and in terms of what can be posted? United States law is too restrictive.
Moot, what are your lifting stats?

Also, are you a Ron Paul supporter?
Why do mods ban people for posting fur on /b/? Even tho global rule 3 says its okay. What was his answer?
Dammit, he skipped my question about /a/ getting more janitors, what a waste of time. Oh well.
Thanks for that giant fucking dropdown asking me to SIGN UP FOR CANVAS. it really tells me that this site is quality when I literally cant see a tenth of the page
Do you now think that the use of '*fag' as a casually used suffix on this site is something to be regretted/ reduced?
just kidding i love you
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Youv've got the RCT1 maps running too, right?

Believe what you want to believe, yo. It's not like I can prove either way.
>moot's almost a manlet
bullshit there's no way you're 5'10
Because of
>Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
>pokemon gale of darkness: XD
>links awakening XD
No, go away.
>Thanks for that giant fucking dropdown asking me to SIGN UP FOR CANVAS.
...In here?
>implying mods respond to reporting

moot needs to hire some mods that care first.
Moot what the fuck is
I'd have liked a programming board beyond DailyProgrammingThread in /g/ - this is an acid trip
>It's *very* hard to draw a bright line policy for what should and shouldn't go with regards to "culture" threads.
Where would /mu/'s feel threads fall? I'd like to know, because moderation of feel threads have been shitty and not in line with the sticky, which states that feels are allowed if they're music-related.
Do you still watch anime?
Shut up, fag.
But he dates girls and wants to date more, how can you call him glorious when he goes and does that? You should be mad.

It's different if he were to say "Who's your favorite anime character" but don't high five him.
>I am not socially retarded.
Honestly, I call myself socially retarded pretty often as an excuse for being slightly nervous in public, but the truth is compared to some of the people I've met in my CS and Japanese classes, its hard to take the idea that I might be seriously. Either way, its not that weird to accidentally read into something that's not there or miss obvious subtext when you're dealing with posts on 4chan that were probably written in under a minute.
>I'll take your word for it.
fuck you thats the best part of 4chan culture
Moot, you said that no one works for you and everyone volunteers. I wouldn't mind helping you out too if you really need it. Im home like 90% of the time during the wrk and if you want an extra mod or janitor I would love to do it. Sense i want to learn how sites like these work.
Because he hates furfags. Isn't it obvious? It's also why people posting from Israel get banned just by posting on /int/.
Hey, moot. Could you please ban any non-doubles numbers on >>>/s4s/ ? I think it would add absolutely nothing to the quality of the board and make some people mad.
Hey man second season of DxD is coming.
go back to tumblr faggot
why the fuck wont you re-apply fortunes and such to boards to /s4s/

i mean fuck, it's not like anything of value will be lost
He should watch Boku no Pico with us.
And he skipped mine asking whose dick he'd suck. Oh well.
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Moot, when are you going to join the glorious libertarian master race?
Hi! Few things to start off with
=] 1. Yes I replied to your thread
because you're a female moot ## admin,
'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian.
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a
stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the
one in the kitchen =D.
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Moot, shit's going down in /mlp/

Can we get this song to loop over the board?

How about nigger? as in you're a gay faggot nigger neckbeard?
turn off the inline extension you goober
Why hate the IRC?

Also, there was a time mods would ban people for discussing instead of posting image dumps, according to ALTERNATIVE
Do you visit 4chan daily?
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you da man moot
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Milk and cookies suck.
The bot that responds to XDCC sometimes is pretty funny. People still reply to it.
I understand avatar fags and people who constantly spam reaction pictures in every thread get annoying as fuck.
/a/ probably hates them more then anyone, but there is no way that would happen.
I'm not sure if you're still here because I got here really late, but if you're here, I hope you read this.

Mootykins, I don't even care if a million people have already said it, I'm going to say it anyway. I love you. Despite my use of a seemingly informal tone, I want you to know that it is with utmost and total sincerity that I thank you for all you have done. Thank you for being Moot and not just Christopher. You're golden.

Btw- Moot/10 would fuck
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Make sure to get more D for eXtra Dick.
but link's awakening is DX, you dumb nigger.
/s4s/ seems more like VIP quality to me.
I prefer regular milk over chocolate milk
You can eat several bags of dicks, sir.
>master race

You guys are the biggest crybabbys on 4chan, and Ayn Rand was a shit tier writer.
>Never lose hope, Anon.
This. I've been shot down three (maybe two if the current batch is still being sorted through) times already, and I'm still here waiting for another shot.
Use a userstyle or a userscript that allows for custom CSS.
You could just have to provide ID proving you're 18 to get in. Regardless, that's a terrible idea to have a 4chan convention.
oh shit you done fucked up son
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Moot, this is really borderline stuff.

I was banned for 2 days straight away for one post. This post is on topic, yeah it's crude but KStew is going to be in a film about foot fetishism called "The Big Shoe" and there is a possibility that footjobs will be alluded to and there is that (almost impossible) chance they will be shown.

I'm really tired of being banned for this kind of shit. Someone asked for the gif of ASR in the 60s dress and I got banned for posting it with the same rule 2 bullshit.
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>>Also, why are you such a faggot?
>Ban History: [45 bans for this IP]
Oh god, I can't stop laughing.
Moot can you ban all Seattle fags from /sp/?
Still an equally stupid emoticon.
All my this
I've always wondered what he'd think about Doom Paul.
I agree, I think the problem is that things are at a point where people realise the shit that's going on around them, but don't have any impetus to want to improve things. I think that maybe, even though it's one of the largest boards (I think), there's just not enough who are passionately interested in the board's topic, have a hobbyist's interest in film or television shows. It's mainly people who have a more "causal" (I don't like to use the word, but it fits in this case) interest in current shows and upcoming hollywood blockbusters, or people who are mainly interested in actors/actresses. This is not me saying there's anything wrong with discussing actors/actresses/celebrities per se, I just think there's a difference between fans of actors and film buffs or TV fans; and we maybe have plenty of one and not enough of the other, although there is some overlap.
though I haven't mained /tv/ in a while so I may be wrong.

as per
I don't think it really has a totally satisfactory solution that would please everyone, without backlash. Since the line between actor/actress discussion and waifu discussion is so subtle and ill-defined and can rapidly and inevitably transition from one to another and subject to loopholes around it, and since creating a new board isn't on the cards, I think the best solution is probably to take a laissez-faire approach, and only delete clearly off-topic threads (ie. threads that have nothing whatever to do with shows, movies, actors/actresses, film equipment, etc. in the OP) and meta threads. Just let the chips fall where they may, and if the community cares enough, let them ACTUALLY FUCKING CREATE/RESPOND to the threads they want to talk about instead of complaining about no discussion about the things they want to talk about.

If not, well you can't have a discussion in a vacuum, whether people who might want to talk about certain stuff aren't willing to, or just don't exist.
OH Chris,
Will you ever make /f/ bigger?
Moot what's your favorite type of porn?
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I support this notion. It's more often than not used for shitposting.
I almost cut myself anon.
Hey moot do you have a qt 3.14 gf?
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This but soemthing else, basically the characters are going to be human in an American highschool and everyones waifu will have a boyfriend, pre-marital sex, drinking etc. It's making everyone rather annoyed. I suggest, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHOf3s70w-c
Does your mom call you Moot?

What is her opinion on 4chan
Neither do I, but the response is always "/a/ is an imageboard or board culture"

It's just rplite shit that needs to go because it's always with trips that turn into circlejerk.

I've been surprised at the amount of hours that a few of them have been able to last lately.
I prefer Soy milk over chocolate milk.

you should check out /ic/ one day slowest board on the site and still does well.
This. It would be nice to have more flashes at the same time. Looking through them all and waiting a whole day for new ones is cumbersome.
Moot instead of jumping to insane conclusions about the cup, why not stop in and see how it unfies multiple boards.
Can we ban /sp/ images outside of /sp/ instead? I don't really care for their shitty memes and jokes.
How would one go about working for can.vas
I find myself without any internships this summer and would love to work with you. I live close enough to nyc to come in whenever, and have great graphic design skills.
How many people work with you on can.vas?
this is important
will you ever make it so that we can buy multiple year passes and so that we can add on years to our passes instead of having to wait for our passes to expire to get another
I prefer salty milk over chocolate milk.
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>>590845 (OP)
Moot how many times have you watched Boku No Pico

Keep crying bitchnigga

Don't call him by his first name you Flores Man.
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Hey Moot, SNES or Genesis?
Just to know you are on the the same website/thread as me at the same time gets me rock hard.
Also Austin Tx will get google fiber next
u jelly
he said he doesnt right now. look WAY up top

I would love to know how to make some badass flashes but i just go there to chat and see whats going on.
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Will we ever get this back?
How long is your penis?
Come on moot. Delete shitty /a/ already

When are you going to get rid of the weebshit boards? You've just said that the way 4chan changes and becoming more normalised keeps it relevant. Weebshit is completely irrelevant and you don't even care about it.

If you want 4chan to make a significant profit, delete /a/ and all the other boards for aspie losers and virgins and you'll start to attract more users.

Stop being a weeaboo enabling faggot and banish the filth which has completely ruined the site over the last 2 years
Moot you are so cute. If you were at my house I'd make you the best fried chicken evar! You'd be all licking & smakin' your fingers and be all like "Damn that's some good chicken!" And them I'd be all "Gee thanks Moot, plenty where that came from!" ^_~b
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How is your relationship with your mom or dad? What do they think of 4chan?
When was it removed?
do you take your celeb status for granted
Why is it always about his mom?

Moot I'm never going to see the person I love again what do I do
Is there any value in enforcing board culture? And I don't mean /v/ style "we're allowed to talk about Simpsons because we say so!" culture, but more /a/ style "you should google and lurk before asking questions."

The internet is changing quickly. The kind of people who use it are changing, and the way people interact is changing. Should we try and direct that interaction to be the way it's always been, or are we just a bunch of foolish, stubborn old men clinging to outdated models who need to get with the times already?
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Sounds legit. Let's ban any mention of videogames outside of /v/, and let's ban any form of artwork outside of /i/ and /ic/.

High lel.
Please unban the #clones trip, moot. We've heard zero word on this issue.
>implying that person couldn't just ask moot for a timestamp and submit that.
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My god what the fuck is this
Moot, fuck this guy and choose me instead. I'm a master shooper and have been filling nude requests on /r/ since 1997.
Oh, come on, you know the one. Everyone who posts on /jp/ can sense his presence! He's, you know, that guy!
>"Weebshit" like /a/ been around since 4chan's inception
>Normalfag shit like /soc/ only been around for a while
Yea, Weebshit is what had a negative impact over the last two years.
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moot you said you might vocaroo in this thread, but you didn't.

I was looking forward to hearing your beautiful voice. I'm disappointed.
Okay. Stop right there. If there is a board for LGBT and MLP then I have no problem with a board for anime. Especially considering it is older..
I know this feeling all to well. Find a way to see her again no matter what ;_;
Anime is one of the MAIN reasons for 4chan in the first place. It was a all a jap image board. He wont get rid of it, if you dont like it get over it.
You are a hilarious little man.
>google fiber
>Allowing googling to know everything about you for fast internet
What are you trying to accomplish here? Selling your privacy over for $OOPAH fast interwebz?
Did you just call VCU mediocre? :(
Because it's a non-issue.
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Do you think my mouse is cute, Moot?
moot, if you wouldn't mind shedding some light on the upcoming janitor drive:

-Are janitor drives going to become a more common thing until you feel there is sufficient coverage of boards?

-Are you making timezone coverage a priority?

-Will all boards except /b/ be accepting apps or is it only for certain boards?
So, moot, I'm this faggot from /mu/ who has been banned 5 times this year already because of the nazi mods we've got.
These guys filter everything, delete our good threads, and report every single non-music post and fuck us over when it's probably the only non-music post we've made in the thread, and it's kind of annoying that they take the necessity for music related shit so seriously. /mu/ has been boring as fuck due to this lately

tl;dr, mods are taking shit toooo seriously on /mu/
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My shitty laptop is on fire because of this thread, thanks moot.
moot, if u were on a rocket going in to space and it exploded on take off, severing ur head from ur body, what would u be thinking on the uncontrollable downward spiral to the fields below as ur life ended?
I am on my twelfth beer of the day, should I continue?
Are Evafags this butthurt that the clones trip is banned?
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>weeaboo faggot

The ultimate manchild.
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Hi moot, thanks for spending some time here. I really appreciate your perseverance/dedication to the site. I've been a near daily user since 2006.

What is your opinion on /pol/? I've recently begun posting there regularly and found wonderful discussion.

Do you believe there is a JIDF/Shill presence there?

What was up with that recent board spasm the day the shooter posted here and there were 50+ pages of archives for each board?

Why is posting Laurel-A1 B-a1ley's name (in plaintext) an insta-ban?

>>590845 (OP)
Hi Moot.

I know people say this all the time, but can /mlp/ get some HAPPENING music? A trailer for the new humanized Equestria Girls movie came out, and there are people crying everywhere. Blood on the threads. People trying to leave the ride. It's insanity.

If this has been asked and addressed already, sorry, but my internet connection is not capable of actually entering this thread.
Google is welcome to know everything about my meaningless life. There's no money or valuable information to be pilfered.
When did your family/friends find out about 4chan and your involvement in it? How did they react?

Also, do you have any siblings?
>300 tabs open
>only 10 gigs used
>on a laptop as well
Step it up sempai!
Anime shitposting is certainly a problem in some boards, but don't blame /a/ for it. For the most part, /a/ is a decent board. The people who shitpost on other boards tend not to even visit /a/. Don't take it out on us because your board is filled with shitposters.
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4chan isn't here to make cash.

Are you forgetting the very ground you stand on anon?
Of course there is value in it. Take your /a/ example for instance. Reverse image searching and other skills /a/'s board culture enforces are valuable skills for finding information and being self-sufficient on the internet. Spoonfeeding doesn't teach anyone anything.
I'd take an explanation over why it's banned at least.
The trip was just an in-joke and served the same function as Anonymous, it didn't hurt anybody as far as I know.
moot, would you vocaroo some nice copypasta, e.g., the "I hate every single one of you" text?
Hey I go to VCU!
Thank krony for that.
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>on 4chainz
>calls someone manchild
oh dear
Something to do with /v/, from what I've glanced from here in the past.
Kronie used it.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me

would be better
Still seeing biased moderation on /lolg/.
>post on-topic with some random girl picture attached
>post stays
>post on-topic with some random trap picture attached
>see you in 3 days, shitposter!
The whole "One man's culture is another man's shitpost" applies to janitors/mods, too. That's the whole problem with trying to aggressively enforce the rules. They don't get enforced fairly, evenly, and consistently, because what constitutes a shitpost ultimately comes down to the whim of the janitor/mod.
>he thinks google doesn't already know everything about his browsing

good one
moot, am i a terrible person for laughing uncontrollably at tard story threads?
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Moot, you should ban everyone who posted in this thread for 1 day when the Q&A is done.
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What happened to HARMONY on /v/?
Hey there moot. I just wanted to ask if you were open to the idea of an /ar/ (Anime Retro) board.
>not navy seals
Step it up.
please vocaroo the Navy Seals copypasta!
If it's to do with /v/ it's the latest Lanced Jack clone running around.
do you like any form of electronic music?

the lack of harmony made us all have a sad day
Naw man, Navy Seal. >>594340 This guy gets it.
10/10 would hold and pet tenderly
Master rusemen would be incredible.

stop being a fagfag, faggot.
That is an awful idea.
seconding this. Moot, why didn't /v/ get HARMONY? We even had Robot Unicorn Attack 2 without a harmony celebration!
You don't visit the textboards, ok. What happens when I report a thread to the administrators? Do you see that? If so, I'll have to start reporting SFBE more often (he's only twelve years old)
Well they know that you've been torrenting what things.

Through google search, android, chrome browser, chrome OS, and fiber. You belong to them.

You have been warned.
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I agree whole heartily.
pic fucking related.
Yes I am making that comparison.
Yes I really dislike anime just as much as the biggest pony hater on 4chan dislikes pony.
For what purpose? Not that I would care either way I might actually get away form this place for a day or two and get something done.

Oh jesus chirst I waste almost every second of my day here.

Call me Chuckles.
Son of a bitch, this!
He'd never be able to compete with the guy who sang it.
Moot, have you ever considered where your userbase has gone in the past couple of years?
Have you ever thought about how all the underage users from years ago have now grown up with 4chan as a mainstay for their teen years?
What do you say to the current generation of teenagers?
Hello m00T,

Please ignore if you have already answered this but my question is :
>what can be done/will be done about annoying as fuvk "roll threads"?

/a/ here, I don't want this moot.
Splitting up /a/ will only cause board rivalries, shitposting and other nonsense.
cry more you virginal pieces of shit. Nobody cares about you. Why don't you get laid for once, that way you won't have to post gay ass little anime girl pictures like you losers constantly do.
I spy with my little eye a faggot
Why? /a/ is enough for it.
Honest question, then why do you choose to discuss the topic of the boards you visit here, on a site that was started with and has always had a focus on anime and other "Weebshit?"
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moot, will you reply to this with a simple "hello" so my night can have a highlight?
Saw you in Anamanaguchi's Meow music video.
Psyched for the new album.- seeing them in Seattle.
Have a nice day :)
Moot why do you still have the no streaming rule? What caused it to be made in the first place? It kills some of the fun of /vg/ sometimes.
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Hello moot.

4Chan access is blocked at the Pentagon. Just thought you'd like to know.

Also, thanks for running this site. It's neat.
is flacco elite?
Sorry to disappoint you.
While moot's said that he's not splitting /a/, I'm personally a fan of how 2chan does it with regards to currently airing and previously aired anime.

They have a little bit more flexibility with that sort of thing though, considering it's a lot more of a focus for 2chan.

I hate every single form of cartoons, so they should be banned from every single board but /co/.

That's how stupid you sound.
MLP is a special case since it's so reviled 4chan has even been DDOS'd over /mlp/'s existence.
mad lol
It's known by the name Gorilla Warfare.

And yet he does nothing but continue to split /v/ up.
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Why do you hate Opera, moot?
Moot, why is the catalog link not at the top of boards consistently.....its ALWAYS consistently at the bottom

secondly why the hell hasnt an "unhide" option been added to the right click menu

you have an pin/unpin selection, why is hide just hide and then its gone forever cause theres no ability to unhide it
MOOT! You play Netrunner? What corp/runner you use the most? Do you have a custom deck?
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If you aren't just trolling right now.
And people really dislike seeing it posted on other boards, then I guess I'm up for it as well.
Even though I do enjoy the shows, its clear that there is a line crossed where some people clearly get agitated.
>The one in New York *flipped out* and scared the shit out of her coworkers.
>*flipped out* and scared the shit out of her coworkers.
>her coworkers.
How stupid does this fag think we are?
Stop trolling you newfag and go drink bleach.

Fix this shithold instead of fagging it up.
You are a bad person and I wish you ill.

That is like saying "I hate [insert large genre here] it should be disallowed from discussion." Ponies is one fucking show, it is fucking understandable, anime is a wide range of shows and stories and themes, hell it might even be considered its' own medium.
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>I really dislike anime

>Pony reaction image.

Man I thought it was universal for ponyfags to like Animus
What do you have against anime?
Did it molest you has a child?

i have but not in the past 2 years.
so sad anon hold me?
Seriously, if you take 4chan THIS serious it shows what a true faggot nerd you are. This is a site to come and laugh not everything is meant for you faggot.

h-he does ;_; Im on it now...
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Will you say "Eh? Nandatte?" on Vocaroo moot?
>Why did you name the site 4chan in the first place? Does the number 4 have any significance for you?
I was fascinated by 2chan, and 3chan was already taken.

>hey moot, can you release the css syntax used for le reddit theme, everyone is too lazy to make it on /s4s/; we miss it ;_;
It's in the /q/ archive somewhere.

>moot do per-board Q&As
I don't have the time to, unfortunately.

>What computer do you use for personal/work stuff
A 13" MacBook Air.

Cue screams.

>hey moot, why don't mods do anything about hook up threads out of /soc/ or /r9k/?
Why would we try to remove them from /soc/? They should be removed from /r9k/ though.

>Do you have a doppelganger or was I really in your presence?
It is a mystery.

>Do you get annoyed when you're acknowledged in public?
No, since I've never had a bad experience. People just say hi, and that's about it.

>Do you use any extensions or userscripts to browse 4chan?
I use the inline extension.

>i would love soundcloud embed to be a feature
This is already a feature of the inline extension, and has been for months. Click [Setings] in the upper righthand corner of your screen.

>What race of cock do you find most delicious?
BBC, of course.

>moot you need to have an IRC get together one night and come over to the 4chan irc channel and hang out with your dedicated IRC users
No thanks.

>Is Kippers a mod?
I have no idea who that is. Idiots lie about being a janitor/moderator all the time though.

>Honestly m00t, the more you talk, the dumber you appear.
But I'm typing.

>Ban History: [17 bans for this IP]
Ah, that explains it.

>He went to 2chan. He liked it. He wanted the same thing, only in English. The domain 3chan.org was taken. 4chan.
4chan started as a .net. It was suspended by GoDaddy and we moved to .org.

>hey moot, /g/ here, what headphones do you use and what gpu?
Sony MDR-7506s at work, and a pair of Denons at home. Sony pair is probably 10 years old, and the Denons are 2-3.

>1) Would you consider the main issue with 4chan as of late to be a complete inability for people to simply ignore shit they don't like, instead electing to vocalize this opinon?
It's certainly part of the problem.

>2) Since you don't really watch TV or play videogames, do you pretty much just read and work on the website?
Yup. And work/live life/etc.

>3) Have you ever considered refining the reporting system or rules or anything to help users actually have an effect on rule-violating content?
We aren't going to break rules down into more categories. They go into a reports queue that janitors/moderators have access to. We're just about done overhauling that software and the new version is about a thousand times better (not hyperbole—it's night and day).

>im going to NYC soon and if i see you i will scare the shit outta everynoe around
Rage against that machine, Anon.

>Can we have a screen cap of what it looks like from your side? :)

>don't you mean many /moots/ ago?
i c wat u did there

>Hey Moot, Scooby here.
Bullshit. Post a timestamp.

>Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour?
Nope. I shunned him and am destined for Hell.

>I think the image limit should be remove all together because it really has no point.
As I said earlier, storage and bandwidth doesn't grow on trees.

>Ok moot technical question: What are your thoughts regarding HTML 5 and do you see any of it being implemented into 4chan any time in the future?
It's a buzzword, and we already recoded our frontend to be "HTML5/CSS3".

>Ever watched the movie Sunshine?
Yes. It was alright.

>do you have any secret crushes on any soc camwhores?

>Calling it 2chan confuses it with 2ch.net, which is an even more popular site in Japan.
No it doesn't. People call 2ch "2channel", "Channel 2", "Ni-chan", "Ni-channeru", etc.

>Moot, I am not entertained.
>Entertain me.
I'm not your guy. Sorry, bud.

>when you made 4chan what were you planning to achieve with it?
I was bored and looking for something to work on. It became a thing and has provided me with countless hours of entertainment (and sucked away many thousands).

>What were your original expectatives with the community?
I didn't have any expectations when I set out.

>You didn't felt at least once that you were unnecessarily "wasting" your money (that it would be useful for something else) in a "hobby" like 4chan?

>if you could rename 4chan right now, what'd you rename it?
I wouldn't. I like "4chan."

>Moot, would you cameo in the new Star Wars if they offered you a part?
I hate being photographed/filmed, so unlikely.

>Moot will we be getting image replies to posts on the mobile version of the site?

>Have you been to the UK before?
I have. Twice.

>What do you think of it?
I enjoyed my time there.

>Seriously, how the HELL was this possible?
Are you mad?

>/z/ is the king of secret boards
It's a poorly kept "secret."
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>Nobody cares about you. Why don't you get laid for once, that way you won't have to post gay ass little anime girl pictures like you losers constantly do.

>why don't you get laid for once

How would I go about doing that?
the board was filled with r/gaming newfriends only for le meme value and nothing else.

Also It got filled with America FUCK YEAH kids who first videogame ever played was Halo Combat Evolved.

remember trying to discuss around one year and a half old school RPG's like the SNES fantasy and I was spammed with "Go away WEEABOO"

at least /vr/ can feel that void in me.

they made the board shit and flop, hard. but they still surprise me, sometimes.
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This, I just like wanking it to cartoon girls, I don't think Japanese ways of doing things are necessarily better.

>is a horse fucker
>wants to get rid /a/ and keep /mlp/
Seconding this, but I want an "Ante baka!" as well, moot.
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mfw when moot posts again
>baww a lot people like what I don't like

Considering he knows Anamanaguchi personally I would think so.
what do you drive? apologies if it has been stated before. just curious.
Holy shit, Opera users still exist? You may as ask moot to support netscape while you're at it.
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Why so butthurt, anon?
Someone made fun of you or something?
Why am I replying to bait?
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What did he say about it? I'm using it right now, so I'm curious.
if i lurk more than i post,should i get the fuck out of 4chan?
> Moot will never get to your question
Like 3 years ago.
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Hey moot, do I have to be good at cooking to join this "cooking club"? I'm not awful, but I'm more of a novice experimenter that puts things together and comes out with something edible.

I would also love to learn how to make donuts.
How much time do you spend reading e-mails/IMs? Give us a rate at least.

Also, UPS or FedEx?
>>590845 (OP)

I like how even moot can't seem to get as many replies as chromagic guy did.

oh also, get that equestria girls shit out of /mlp/

all the shit ponies get, dont expect us to allow non-pony related material on our board.

send that shit to whatever board discusses normal cartoon shows cause thats what it is.

i doubt you allowed the Live Action version of Avatar Last Air Bender to be discussed in /a/

and i doubt you allowed the anime version to be discussted in /tv/ and vise-versa for any other scenario of shows/films/ect..

thats the same exact logic for Equestria Girls and /mlp/
moot you forgot your name. Also could you please answer >>593927
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Hey moot, why don't we have more IAMAs with important personalities like Reddit?
I know Tommy Lee Jones could start posting tomorrow on /tv/ but he's obviously not going to if no one invites him. Do you think famous people started going to that obnoxious Reddit site on their own? Obviously the site's owners invited them. Why don't you do the same?
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Hey mootykins, do you ever had/have a waifu? Some said it was Chidori.
On a few boards I've run in to some really great stand-up comedy threads, with a variety of posters and some new content in each.

I think it'd be really great for 4chan to have a stand-up board. I see 4chan as a place where people with niche interests can come together and discuss what they love. And that the smaller boards can produce some great quality.

What do you think moot? Stand-up on 4chan?
hey moot, do you like the game grumps?
will you integrate a game grumps into the current 4chan status systems we all know and love?
>4Chan access is blocked at the Pentagon. Just thought you'd like to know.
But Tohno-chan isn't. Retards didn't block Tohno-chan.
>I'm aware of this issue, and still thinking on a solution.

Thanks, its gotten to the point where they spill over to every other thread and its a shame and not a funny board at all anymore. Used to be my favourite board but now I just browse /sp/ /jp/ and /v/.
You've said before that you used to browse 2chan for images (i assume 2d porn?) but couldn't understand the runes.

Do you ever go on 2chan with google translate? The translation is really shitty, but you can kind of make out what they're saying. Also, what do you think of 2ch?

incoming /pol/ flipout
Equestria girls is going on /mlp/ shut the fuck up
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Is a dillo fine too?
Didn't notice this post until recently. I'd like to voice my total and heartfelt support for it, in opposition to >>591885.
>People just say hi, and that's about it.
I would ask you to lunch or a cup of coffee/tea/milkshake.

Would you go if someone asked you to (and you were not expected to be anywhere)?

We can go to the 5 napkin burger near your house.
moot when will you add a crime board?
Right, that's how you and I were taught to do things, and that in turn perpetuates a "culture" that expects self-sufficiency.

But with the shifting demographics of the internet, and people less and less interested in lurking or adapting, do we try to force them to learn our way of doing things or just accept that things have changed?
Splitting up /v/ was a horrible idea. If generals clogging the board were a problem, increased thread limits would have been a much better idea than a new board. Moot should delete /vg/ and /vr/, merge them both back into /v/, increase the thread limit and delete generals that are kept alive through imagedumps and shitposting. That would hopefully solve the problem of '/v/ doesn't talk about video games' and not let the board get crowded.
>>Honestly m00t, the more you talk, the dumber you appear.
>But I'm typing.
>>Ban History: [17 bans for this IP]
>Ah, that explains it
Hi Blue.
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Hey moot, have you ever been successfully rused by someone on here?
>and a pair of Denons at home.
Denon is awesome!
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rate my oc please
Machine translation wasn't anywhere near as accurate 10 years ago. Thinking about it, I don't even think Google had a translation service back then. I remember having to use Babelfish around that time for site translations.
>Nope. I shunned him and am destined for Hell.
>Implying you are not going to hell even if you accept Jesus.
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I like you Anonymous. Have a nice night, moot or no.

The thread will still be here tomorrow, and he won't get to you for hours. Go to sleep.


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