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I'll be on AIM at MOOTCHAT for the next few hours answering questions and complaints. Feel free to send me a message (read: complaint)!
love, —mootykins

EDIT: It's hard to keep up with lots of IMs. Feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org if you don't get a response or I'm not online.

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>Spammer in /a/ not been taken care of
the funny thing is when I report all of the posts, mods only deleted the posts not stop the spammer.
the spammer also made Nagisa became the worst girl by spamming using her pictures.
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What did you just fucking say?
Nagisa needs to just die and stay dead
Incase anyone card

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Moot, you talked about less mod involvement and the community moderating itself. Give us the tools to do so. On boards with generals like /vg/ it is more difficult to ignore some people than on other boards since it's mostly the same people who you interact with in the generals and you can't just hide the thread and look for/start another one.
Some people are only in the threads to create drama and to get other users angry by shitposting, samefagging and derailing threads
Give us user id's and we will be able to fend for ourselves a little bit better and filter people.
I can guarantee better quality posting as people don't want to be filtered and ignored the remainder of the thread and a lot less complaining on /q/ about the rampant shitposting. It's a win/win situation.
I cannot see anyone who wants better quality threads come up with a reasonable argument against it.
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Top autism.

How's your mom's basement? Does it get cold down there?
Either you haven't read the OP or you simply don't understand this simple concept:
People are shitposting/samefagging and spamming irrelevant things over and over again rendering a thread useless for any type of discussion.
They don't even want discussion, it's just shitposing for the sake of shitposting, to ruin a thread.
There is nothing to challange, it's about cleaning up the board so that people can legitimately discuss things.

The problem is that they are clever. They're people, not bots posting spam. They have the ability to keep a conversation which starts somewhat relevant and goes entirely out of control.

The content appears relevant and then spirals out of control, derailing the whole thread after a few posts. There are also impersonators who then reply to themselves and get namefags and tripfags butthurt, so they start in as well. An ID attached to your name per thread isn't ruining your anonymity.

Then there's the fact that you DO get people like >>553641 but it seems as though the mods never take care of them. That may simply be for the fact that they are just too busy to deal with it, I have no idea. It also may be because nobody trusts anyone anymore, so whenever they see an opinion they don't agree with they report the poster because they can't be sure if it's going to derail the thread.

As far as there being a functional difference, yes. There is. I don't know exactly how dumb you'd have to be to ask that question, but it's roughly as dumb as you are. When 30 people agree with a poster, it's a group consensus. When 1 person agrees with his own post 30 times, it's an asshole agreeing with himself loudly.

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Make a three-word motto for any board you frequent, like the French motto "Liberte, egalite, fraternite."

Pride, banter, brotherhood
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Aside from the twelve million Scholo Goldstein thread every day?
Gap is closed
>>551489 (OP)
Expect the inquisition

Culinary and shitposting

Just radical dood.

dem raping trannies

can i outside?

fighting and fun

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can we have a split off board for /a/ that deals in board culture stuff? (IE waifuism,tummy thread,etc.) I get it that it's part of /a/ but it's pretty annoying drudging through image dumps/waifu threads to look for a worth while thread.
I know that moot has a stance on new boards but I thought this might be worth trying out.
discussion /a/ and culture on /ar/
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Off-topic posts already get deleted, just report them.
Do you still seem NSFW loli get posted? I sure as hell don't.

I have no idea what you're whining about, but if its anything else besides the off-topic posting, then you should just leave. Its clearly not the sort of board that suits you.

Use some common sense and just don't visit communities which you don't like.
I'd rather not see /e/ become what /u/ is now.

The most recent word from moot on waifus has been on /q/ regarding /tv/ and he agrees that just because a thread is about girls on TV that you consider to be your 'waifu' does not mean that they are relevant to /tv/ and thus don't belong there.


Well with loli at first they did delete posts, which made the boards flare up, then they handed out bans and everyone went full retard.

The problem is that 5 shitposters can spam other threads with their nonsense faster than their posts can get to the report queue. Which in effect, means that the whole board becomes flooded with this shit before the perpetrators can be stopped. At which point, the entire board is angry whether they're posting loli or not.

>Off-topic posts already get deleted, just report them.

No they don't, for reasons listed above.

>Do you still seem NSFW loli get posted?

Yes. Quite frequently actually.

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Can someone put a stop to this? Every board is being spammed with this crap. Nobody cares and autismcraft is not related to the main topic of many of those boards.
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Thinking, thinking, thinking.

No. Nada. Not. Do not want........etc
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calm down son, you're full of mad.
Surprise! They're now now asking for money.


Watch them pocket all the cash that gets donated and then run.

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I'm trying to post a thread on /sci/ and getting a weird response, its shown in the pic.

I feel like I am being censored of something on /sci/ because what I want to post is a criticism of the /sci/ guide.

Why isn't my thread going through?
What is a "MySQL database error"
thanks for any help
>>553635 (OP)
This seems to be Moot playing games. The problem you are having is appearing on many boards.
Strangely /b/ is immune to these problems.
That means it is not a 4chan wide software problem.
>>553635 (OP)
My threads finally appeared after I tried to post this and figured it out.

I didn't want to jump to extreme conclusions, but it seemed very weird lol

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moot, do you respond to emails ever? Also I will trade all my internets for a screenshot of an email from moot
Pic related

Administrator Reply: >>553209
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I just sent you an email moot...

Could you please respond, because I asked about that subject two months ago, and now again some other people are asking for the samething.

Just because I'm a tripfag however
>oh no you can't be right you don't know what you're talking about!

Sure, and look who came to /q/ bitching about how shitty /ck/ is...

Also good job with the new batch of janitors.
He's responded to me before. I was like "holy fuck!!!!!!!11"


I'm glad you were lurking and I'd like to thank you for hanging out with us again...

but you never really answered when you would personally get back to the regular Q&A's.

I know you said that the next one would be a while from now back in january, but remember when you used to hang out with us more often on /q/

do you not hang out so much now because you know that people (or shitposters) from other boards are now staying in /q/ just to complain and argue with other people rather than contribute information, post archived links, offer legit responses, etc...

i mean at one point the board was semi intelligent and even you commented on it

but now its just /pol/ /a/ /v/ and /int/

bitching, shitposting and trolling...

Could you please assign a janitor here on /q/ I see that a post just got deleted and all but... When people are arguing about the most mundane moot point, could we get someone to just mute both posters and allow a cool off time.

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Moot, something is broken, whenever a new thread is created you get a mysql error (the thread still gets posted) and if you try to reply to the thread it sends you to a 404 page even though the thread exists. Also these threads can not be deleted. Halp please.
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>hanging on in quiet desperation

I saw someone on /b/ yesterday claim he was the "mastermind' behind the Boston bombing, the FBI is probably investigating again and they're going to finally shut down 4chan. It's all ogre, RIP in peace. ;_;
Oh, tell me that screenshot isn't real. If the press got wind of that, we'd never hear the end of it. 2 in the span of a week.

I mean, those posts read like playful banter, but that's not what some sensational news reporter would think.

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Why exactly is /lgbt/ being censored so heavily?

Banning people for not being respectful is ridiculous. I'm not talking trolls, but legitimate posts that disagree with the majority (say, being genuinely respectful and explaining why transsexuality is a mental illness or why you don't believe in gay marriage) are being pruned.

If this is the first step towards a politically correct 4chan it's disappointing.
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then 4chan has no reason to exist
How does that follow?

>I can't troll on 4chan so there's no point in visiting

Once again, these sort of troll threads are better suited to /b/. In fact, they are ideal for /b/ and would be much better than the typical shit that plagues /b/. Post them there instead.

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It's a fact that mods/janitors are lazy, nonexistent or maybe just retarded. There are always permanent threads on /q/ about how the moderation sucks in a lot of boards. Usual responses are 'this is the board culture', 'moot, make a new board for the shitposters' or 'muuhh freedoms u fukkin nazi'.

My proposition is to implement a new feature that calls for some kind of 'social moderation'. If you have this feature activated, when you enter any board, all threads that have more than X reports (X will be set according to board traffic, ongoing threads, whatever) will be automatically hidden (not deleted, to prevent people massively reporting threads just because they don't like it). This will help with the obvious shitposting. Also, if you don't like the idea of the threads hidden, maybe what that feature will do is to move them to the last page, so when you enter a board instead of having 5 on-topic threads and 10 hidden ones, you will have 15 on-topic thread to go through.

If you don't have that feature activated, you will see the boards as usual.

I think this is better than just creating new boards and diversify even more the community, and obviously better than making 'good' boards unreadable because of all the shitpost (what happened to /fit/).
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fucking ruse me, will you, you piece of shit
That's a terrible idea. Knowing /a/, all legitimate threads will be hidden/deleted while shit threads will remain.
That sounds a hell of a lot like downvoting, and that's not what I come to 4chan for. That feature could and would be abused so badly that it would just make the shitposting even worse.

4chan is fucking shit. Nothing like it used to be. Seriously, why the fuck was Bon Jovi embedded on /mu/ after that Bon Jovi post? And why wasn't Mr Bombastic embedded on /sp/ like we were asking.

>hur dur my feelings

Fuck off back to that cancerous shithole R3ddit. moot this is seriously a disgrace to the site.
>>553337 (OP)
I agree, I hate sounding like
>hurr durr im an oldfag
But I have been around for a while and holy shit 4chan changed a lot, for the worse. 4chan never should of changed, it did not need updates or more mods/less mods, it use to be just fine. Listening to the few vocal idiots who complained was the biggest mistake.

He took the call from his apartment and called it his office...

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a Guy making an Harlem Shake Video with the Boston's Marathon bomb attack.

This douchebag don't have any feelings for people injured or killed here. Comment and get rid of this asshole.

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Yes Moot, /co/ is becoming more and more like /v/. This time it's clear that we need user IDs to scare away all that scum who is shitposting time and again. An example:
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please stop, this is too much cringe
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Learn to use the Hide button.
Learn to Report.
Learn to sage.
Lurk more.
Your underage newfaggotry shows.
...And your fear is great.

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I thought you people removed 4chan sounds, but then I see this >>>/a/83585513
Are sounds allowed now?
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i was being sarcastic, anon

the point of my post is that attempting to make 4chan into a civilized discussion forum is akin to using a woman's urethral opening as if it were a vaginal opening
/b/ isn't the whole board. Saying "fuck the rules LOL" doesn't really go down well on the boards that actually are on topic.
>doesn't really go down well on the boards that actually are on topic.

wow, this guy's using the passive voice, he must really know what's up

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Simply reply from the front page. Picture related.
1 post omitted. Click here to view.
This thread works now too
There are really people who still browse 4chan like that?
evolution is an instrument of god


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