OK look; historically, the only actual conspiracies that have remained secret for any length of time consist of very few conspirators. The more conspirators, the more likely it is for someone to talk.
With me so far? Now, lets try and work out who'd have to be in on the conspiracy, if the holocaust was faked:
1) The Jews. This one's pretty goddamn obvious - there have been thousands of people who claim to have been prisoners in a death camp. Every single one would have to be a very convincing liar, with NONE of them ever feeling guilty and recanting.
2) The US government, along with much of the upper brass in the army, the appointed prosecutors/witnesses at Nuremberg and the hundreds of US troops who discovered/investigated the various death camps (my great uncle being one of them). and again: every single one would have to be a very convincing liar, with NONE of them ever feeling guilty and recanting.