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Can someone explain why I was banned? I thought racism was allowed in /pol/.

Moderator Reply: >>645589
Show the post nignog.
>Why was I banned?
>I thought racism was allowed in /pol/
Rule 3 states it's only allowed in /b/
Just do what everyone else from /pol/ does when they're banned anon

Blame it all on the JEWWWWWZZ
This is a fucking outrage.
>Internet Meme Database
>sage (know your meme)
>damsel in distress
10/10 OP.
I blame the patriarchy and you should too.

Scapegoating one group like trying to blame everything on the "JEWS" is wrong and a very patriarchal way of thinking.

The patriarchy are the true enemy.
>dem tabs

Please leave and never come back
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>this ban will not expire
Seriously, it's rare that they permaban now. Usually they just give 3 day bans to people so they can't dispute them.
Baning for racism on 4chan is the most idiotic thing ever... just saying
true, pol was made specifically for retards to be edgy internet children on. So really taking out the main purpose of it is dumb.

whats next, are they going to ban bigotry?

psshhh fucking dipshit mods
>>645281 (OP)
That IP address was banned in April for being a proxy or Tor node. Stop trying to stir up shit.

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