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File: 1371329846577.png-(117 KB, 811x305, muh board culture.png)
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Anon was banned for posting a Naruto thread. Wasn't even shitposting, just a discussion thread.

It's obviously a troll thread.
this is what /a/ and their "culture" want you to believe. Still not worthy of a ban
It's a troll thread.
It's rather simple.

If you want to discuss naruto, you don't do it on /a/.

If you insist on doing it in /a/, there are two possible outcomes:
Either it gets drowned in shitposting,
or the thread gets deleted and/or the poster gets banned.

You can bitch and whine about it as much as you like, but it's not going to change.

Also that was a troll thread.
>/a/ - Anime

>You can bitch and whine about it as much as you like, but it's not going to change.
As much as I hate to admit it, Naruto has been allowed recently.

But an obvious troll thread like that deserves banning.
>This group of people doesn't like what I like
>This entire community should change to accept me for who I am.

Anon confirmed for 12 years old.
>posting a gaia tier naruto thread
>it is obviously shitposting bait
>"muh board culture.png"
>complaining on /q/
OP is a blatent IRC shitposter who is clearly ban evading.
New suggestion: Whenever someone is banned, ban them from /q/ as well. Half the threads on /q/ are "why was I banned for posting this obvious troll/rulebreaking/offtopic post, this is unfair, the mods are power-hungry nazis"
>>645107 (OP)
fuck off you worthless autist, go to /mlp/


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