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/q/ - 4chan Discussion


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Thanks to everyone for the interesting chats on MOOTCHAT. I'll be off AIM for the next few days, but if you'd like to be in touch in the mean time, feel free to e-mail moot@4chan.org.

What is 4chan all about?

Administrator Replies: >>558364 >>558367
everything and nothing.
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Anonymous discussion with images
>Anonymous imageboard
>He says whilst having an ID taped to his back
>>558110 (OP)
Edgy teens who want to be cool with shit tier humor
/q/ =! 4chan
Still the best description I've heard
> 4chan is where smart people go to act stupid
Or at least that held true a couple years ago.
>>558110 (OP)
>What is 4chan all about?

Girl meets boy they fall in love
She says he's everything she's dreamed of
But when they get married before he's aware
She changes his habits the way he combs his hair
She changes him to someone he's never been
And then complains he's not like other men
Now really I find this most illogical

- Leonard Nemoy
It used to be a place on the internet where we could go to get away from people like you.

That was all a very long time ago.
>>558110 (OP)
er sorry, i misspelled "cocks"
That is it

Well it is a bit of both.

Hopefully not at the same time.
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Mayonnaise ...
I agree with moot.
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Your first answer was better.
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Lots of cocks
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nerds talking about stuff on an internet message board

as for more in-depth cultural things i think that's a neat discussion topic. the art of trolling. how to greentext. which memes are appropriate for when. board-specific memes and practices vs. site-wide ones. 4chan events.

I'm too tired to do anything more than list things I'd like to talk about right now.... Good night /q/ueers.
What is 4chan all about?

visit /b/ you will know
Now it's
> 4chan is where smart people go to act stupid trying to ignore people who are honestly stupid
Still better than any other place.
>>558110 (OP)
2chan for non-crooks
Is there a cock there?
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i <3 u moot


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