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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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1. pisses off liberals
2. shining beacon of truth
3. frightens normalfags
4. converts atheists
5. it's super elite
6. can't be beat
7. free speech in it's most concentrated form
8. makes black people get jobs
9. punishes the jews for their wrongdoings
10. finds brilliant new solutions for problems in our society
11. it's educational
12. moot's favourite board
13. cured aids
14. only place on the internet a white heterosexual male can fit in
15. pwns other boards
16. especially /r9k/
17. seriously fuck /r9k/
18. good times filled with epic lulz
1. proves liberals are better
2. shining beacon of bullshit
3. bores normalfags
4. converts nobody
5. it's not elite
6. always gets beat
7. hate speech in it's most concentrated form
8. makes nobody get jobs
9. punishes the jews for doing nothing wrong
10. finds solutions for problems nobody in our society has except us
11. it's uneducational
12. moot's least favourite board
13. caused aids
14. only place on the internet a white heterosexual male can meet other white heterosexual males
15. worse than other boards
16. especially /r9k/
17. seriously /r9k/ rocks
18. shit times filled with epic butthurt and non existent "JIDF"
I think you misread
>better than anyone
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I for one hope my favourite board doesn't go down the shitter just because a bunch of feminists got Buttmad.
This is a place where we as men are to speak freely of our desires and ideas and we WILL NOT BE PUT DOWN.
/pol/ will remain as it is.
Forever, it is the only thing keeping me here in 4chan.
>Pic related, the kind of people who want /pol/ removed.
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>1. proves liberals are better
/pol/ is by far the least intelligent place on the internet that i've ever seen. the average iq is probably somewhere around 70. not sure how you can call a place a 'shining beacon of truth' when 99 percent of what's posted on it is disinformation and propaganda.

that said, i think it should stay for the simple fact that is serves as a quarantine zone for the lowest of the low on 4chan, and more or less protects the rest of the site from being infested with delusional rantings of borderline retarded bitter neckbeards.
Because what we need on /q/ is yet another thread about /pol/. Because that's the best way to solve problems with /pol/.
>complains about lying
>makes outrageous unrealistic claims with no proof or citations for the sake of ridiculing and silencing opinions you don't like
you can't be this jew

>proof or citations

the board itself is the proof. the fact that the regulars there are primarily borderline retarded bitter neckbeards is easily inferred from the content of the board.

you subhumans are so lacking in cognitive skills that you literally have difficulty going more than a few moments without crying about the jooz. it's comical because it's an absolutely perfect representation of what the phenomenon of scapegoating looks like. it's basically the modern day version of 'jews created the black plague.' you've deluded yourself to the point of diagnosable severe mental illness into believing that anyone who disagrees with your insane ramblings (read: 100% of intelligent human beings) belongs to the group you've pinned as a scapegoat for everything you don't like about the world.

what's more amusing is that you people are actually delusional to the point where you believe that board exists for any reason other than to quarantine a cancer.
>this entire post
>one long generalization

I thought you rebbit-types were supposed to at least pretend to be smart
Hey that's stereotyping!

Oh wait it's okay so long as the people being stereotyped against disagree with your views.

qq harder
>>432568 (OP)

agreed except for 4. you can't convert an atheist over the internet

They are good at pretending. Have you ever seen those trannies in a skirt? You'd have to be good at pretending to think that they could pull it off.

Also as per redshit protocol they will start screaming ad homenim, strawman, and logical fallacy until shit streams out of their anus.
/pol/ is leagues better than /b/ in getting a good laugh for the day.
The first place I go for breaking news is /pol/.
>>432568 (OP)
>This fucking thread
There's no better way to stifle a cause than to constantly misrepresent it. You want to people to delete /pol/? Just start defending /pol/ as if you were an obnoxious retard.
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Pretty much same here
Same. /pol/ is my filter. I stopped going to MSM because of /pol/.
This is trolling 1.0.
>1. pisses off liberals
>2. shining beacon of truth
>3. frightens normalfags
>4. converts atheists
Does not happen. /pol/ was one of the reasons for me dropping not only religion, but spirituality entirely
>5. it's super elite
Not really.
>6. can't be beat
>7. free speech in it's most concentrated form
>8. makes black people get jobs
>implying black people work
>9. punishes the jews for their wrongdoings
>10. finds brilliant new solutions for problems in our society
>11. it's educational
>12. moot's favourite board
I was surprised when I found that one out myself.
>13. cured aids
>14. only place on the internet a white heterosexual male can fit in
There are many places that fit that description. It only make people who demean them for no reason whatsoever feel unwelcomed. Which is great.
>15. pwns other boards
No we don't. we are just a separate entity, like every board is.
>16. especially /r9k/
>17. seriously fuck /r9k/
Agree on both of these.
>18. good times filled with epic lulz
>epic lulz
Fuck off.
Holy shit why are there so many fucking threads about /pol/. If you don't like it just shut the fuck up about it.
Because when you call them out on their shit, they just make a new thread hoping that you'll just go away and not disagree with them.
>>432568 (OP)
I'm pretty sure that there are lots of /r9k/ cross-posters on /pol/ given the rampant amounts of misogyny and projected sexual frustration.

Also, I love number one. Pretty much sums up everything you intended to say.

>"lel libruls r dumb XD"
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>>432568 (OP)
>4. converts atheists

Bless /pol/.

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