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>have friend who browses 4chan sometimes
>always trying to argue that /b/ isn't a bad place
>I keep telling him it's one of the worst boards there is and that I would know because when I was new I spent almost all my time there
>he tells me that if I spend too much time there I shouldn't be on the site so often and that somehow negates my argument of it being terrible.

Holy shit this gets me angry. Do you guys have friends that browse 4chan?
Two. One's a /f/aggot, but the other's a cool guy. Just let your friend discover /b/ is shit on his own. It happens with everyone who isn't complete cancer.
He's practically cancer although he's the one who first told me about 4chan and got me into gamefaqs. I recently stopped going because I got fucking tired of that site's bullshit and attention whoring and fuckawful boards in general.
>>388633 (OP)
So what boards would you call home?

You basically "STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKED"'d your friend.

I know there's a lot of cultural cringe about /b/ on /q/, but lets face it, we all started there, and there's still gems to be found in the ocean of shit.
Repudiating /b/ doesn't make you mature or awesome in some way. You're just ashamed of it like you might be ashamed of having liked Linkin Park as a teenager.
I'm not ashamed to say I started there it just boggles my mind that he goes anywhere near that board. the gems are far too few and in between.

Home for me would be /v/ but I spend almost as much time on /co/. I go to /g/ a little less often but every other day. I check up on /wg/ once a week and /toy/ every other week. I to /3/ like once a month.
>Home for me would be /v/ but I spend almost as much time on /co/

Bahahaha. What right do you have to be looking down on /b/?
You're such a /v/tard it's hilarious. You abandon /b/ because you hear it's full of newfags, go to /v/ which has even more underage and newfaggotry than /b/, and now you have to tout a false sense of superiority and start arguments with your friend to somehow prove that he doesn't enjoy the board.

I've been on 4chan for about 4 years now. My home boards are probably the dn generals in /vg/, /fit/, and /vp/, but I still visit /b/ with a page full of 4chan x filters, because the gems are really worth it
I can understand /v/ but what's wrong with /co/?

What boards are better?

>You abandon /b/ because you hear it's full of newfags,

that's not why I left

> even more underage and newfaggotry than /b/

When was the last time you were on either board?

>false sense of superiority and start arguments with your friend to somehow prove that he doesn't enjoy the board.

/b/ is one of the worst boards next to /pol/ and /sp/. I don't have any kind of superiority complex that board is just shit.

> because the gems are really worth it

What fucking gems? there's nothing but porn and normalfags

oh god, he actually used that buzzword to describe /b/

and I'm the /v/tard. If you're implying that /b/ isn't full of faggots who don't know shit about shit then you should spend 3 seconds on there and tell me it's not true. It's fucking rife with faggots who discovered 4chan through friends and memes. I would know. That was me.

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