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ITT we discuss the decline of 4chan as an internet force.

The more I look (and /q/ is definitely to blame here) every board is in decline. OC is rare. Shitposting is rampant. Leddit fags ride high in the saddle, bringing AIDS to everyone.

Where the fuck are the hilarious, anarchic fags of the mid 2000s? Are they all dead? Did they flee in the tsunami of summerfags/chanology fags/normalfags that now infest this fair site?

Every day I visit here, the quality perceptibly deteriorates. At what point do we say: 4chan is dead?
When modfags turned 4chan into a police state
>>414207 (OP)
>At what point do we say: 4chan is dead?

I'd say back in '09, the funeral had already happened
>>414207 (OP)
Downfall of fun Internet started around 2010 with the rise of Social Justice.

Moot and the mods seem to view OC as a bad thing with their no fun allowed attitude.

4chan culture doesn't respect the queer experience etc.
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>Moot and the mods seem to view OC as a bad thing with their no fun allowed attitude.
>>414207 (OP)
>OC is rare. Shitposting is rampant.

Do you guys bring any OC to the table?

OC is rare because of too many territorial fuckheads who are trying to crucify anyone perceived as being from ribbit, or tumblr, or whatever.

Why would anyone make anything new if they're going to get piled on by a bunch of assholes saying "le sage" and whatnot?

Someone else posted this, and I agree:
>People are eager to participate. Back in the day, everyone wanted to force their own meme. That's what 4chan was in the eyes of a newcomer -- "that place with all the funny memes and meta humor". Now that creativity and emotions are uncool, the status quo is a miserable "streetwise" curmudgeon. Everyone's has everyone else figured out, or at least they want to appear that way. For a lack of genuine retort, a simple "go back to X" will do, as long as you made your mark and totally pwned that guy online.

>You can see this everywhere. Media related boards all revolve around some unspoken "good taste" that's worshiped like a wooden idol in the center of the village. /r9k/ is 50% between "Women need to be exterminated" and 50% would-be-PUA bullshit -- both halves are posted by the exact same people as far as I can tell.

>Creative boards still seem to be decent though. They appear to be populated by an entirely different kind of people.

It's funny how people blame le ribbit, but groupthink on 4chan is just as bad if not worse. Especially on the popular boards.

Shut up, you faggot concern troll. You're part of the AIDS that is destroying 4chan.

OC? This fucking thread is inherently OC. Go fuck yourself.
>>414207 (OP)

>The more I look (and /q/ is definitely to blame here) every board is in decline.

4chan (besides the extension and lack of constant spam) has remained largely the same since I've been here, which is around 2007-2008.

>OC is rare.

4chan is a place for DISCUSSION and was never meant to create OC. OC happens on its own and it is not the primary purpose of this site, nor was it ever meant for that.

>Shitposting is rampant.

And it has been for awhile. It's not even a big deal if you ignore them, which is all the more easy because you can hide them and it comes right on the standard 4chan extension. My 4chan experience isn't ruined because people are acting like morons.

>Leddit fags ride high in the saddle

They were never a threat. The witch hunt for this supposed enemy is worse than the actual threat. Our trolls that we spawn here are far worse than anything fucking Redit could do. You guys just blame X popular site and then our trolls here hop on the bandwagon and play you like a fiddle.

>Where the fuck are the hilarious, anarchic fags of the mid 2000s?

They never left. You've just been here awhile (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't just some rookie who heard about the "good old days of 4chan") and you're used to it. It's less about cheap laughs and more about discussion. This is called growing up. It happens.

>At what point do we say: 4chan is dead?

We don't, because even since I've been here I've seen it in worse condition. You people are just overly dramatic about things that either never were, are minor issues, or are stirring up drama because you're bored.
>This fucking thread is inherently OC.
So, you think this thread is original content?

/q/ has 3-4 threads a day declaring the Death of 4chan. There's nothing original to see here, just more whining about how 4chan isn't the same as it was in 20XX.

Everything changes. Roll with it or eat a bullet. The choice is yours.
>>414207 (OP)

>Shitposting is rampant

Its always been rampant you faggot.

>Where the fuck are the hilarious, anarchic fags of the mid 2000s?

Gone, most of them any way.

Listen man, all that shits over. Yes, 4chan is shit now, but its better than any other place on the internet, so you'll just have to grin and bare it until the no-fun-allowed brigade turn it into a forum. Then maybe we'll migrate elsewhere, probably the deepweb, since FaceBook moms, gamur girls and social justice warriors infest pretty much all of the internet.
>>414207 (OP)
I know what you mean, I've felt like the site has progressively gotten worse since around 2006, but I'd say its just downright boring right now. At least in the past it was shit for other reasons, but it was never shit because of how boring it was. I can't complain to much as I don't do anything but browse 4chan for fifteen hours a day, so its still giving me something to do, but its just not the same anymore.

Get a load of this of this newfag.
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>4chan is a place for DISCUSSION and was never meant to create OC. OC happens on its own and...

[shit redacted]

Holy fuck are you new.

>Get a load of this of this newfag.

Care to actually refute my points? Just calling me a "newfag" isn't giving you any credibility or showing any of what I said to be wrong.

>the site has progressively gotten worse since around 2006

>I don't do anything but browse 4chan for fifteen hours a day

Think maybe there's a connection there?
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>>414207 (OP)
Get the fuck out. Original message.
Of course theres no connection there, its been exciting to browse all day every day until the /q/ueers took over. I didn't take any stance on anything you said, I just called you a newfag cause you are.
>OC is rare because of too many territorial fuckheads who are trying to crucify anyone perceived as being from ribbit, or tumblr, or whatever.

I don't think getting told to go back to Readit is going to stop people from making memes, I don't see how this is related at all.

>Why would anyone make anything new if they're going to get piled on by a bunch of assholes saying "le sage" and whatnot?

I don't see this happen very often, I do often see janitors and mods deleting threads for not being up to whatever high standards they have.

>/r9k/ is 50% between "Women need to be exterminated" and 50% would-be-PUA bullshit -- both halves are posted by the exact same people as far as I can tell.

You ruin whatever point you had by shoehorning in this unrelated SRS check your privilege garbage.
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Seems I "rustled some jimjams". It makes me fucking depressed to see how bad things have become.

"lel, 4chan was always shit lel"

"lel you browse 4chan too much so you must be a fag lel"

So fucking sad.
>until the /q/ueers took over
Took over what?

Very little on 4chan has changed as a direct result of /q/.
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moot made the site originally to discuss anime. Keyword: discussion.

He made most of the boards to discuss a particular topic or share images. 4chan creates OC because of its community, not because that is its purpose.

But maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps I'm a retard who has no idea what I am talking about. Let's see if we can find clues as to who is right.

>4chan is a simple image-based bulletin board where anyone can post comments and share images. There are boards dedicated to a variety of topics, from Japanese animation and culture to videogames, music, and photography. Users do not need to register an account before participating in the community. Feel free to click on a board that interests you and jump right in!

Right from the 4chan front page. I don't see anything that claims 4chan was ever intended specifically to create OC.

But this may be misleading. Let's see what moot himself thinks of as a positive contribution.


I don't see much about OC there. It says if we have a neat picture to share it, but there's no emphasis on making OC. It seems more like actually discussing things and not acting like a retard is far more important than making sure every single image is NEW and SUPER FUNNY. 4chan was not meant as your personal meme factory or entertainment center. It's a board to discuss things and share images. And this is coming right off of stuff written by fucking moot.

Agreed. moot needs to delete /q/, all's its doing is serving as a battleground for different boards and is breeding its own trolls. Its bad because I hate coming here, but then I always keep an eye to see if any reditfags are here trying to change something about my board.

Everyone thinks they're the mature, bureaucrats of 4chan who's job it is to make decisions.
Well the board I browse had a bunch of rules imposed on it, all decided on /q/.

Nice use of memes there, bro.

I browse 4chan a lot too. I never said that that made him a fag. I just said that if you browse this site only because it's funny and you're here a lot, you'll be seeing a lot of the same humor over and over again, thus making it boring. I come here to actually discuss things, so for me there's always something interesting to discuss. I don't come here just for laughs or trolling or any of that, so I'm getting a lot more out of 4chan because I'm not expecting every single post to be something I haven't seen already.

And it was always shit to some degree. One of the original groups to come to /b/ (and 4chan in general) were people from FYAD. Wanna see what they're like? I'll show you if you'd like.

You just need to learn to ignore shit and understand that if you spend enough time here you're going to see a lot of the same stuff or become bored if you only come to 4chan to seek out laughs.
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>Very little on 4chan has changed as a direct result of /q/.

Except the resultant flood of trolls skimming here for shitposting ideas/ the daily reminder to browsers that shitposting occurs with impunity since mods/janitors/moot are seemingly all completely fucking impotent.
Well, /q/ is the place to discuss such things, but moot himself said he takes very little from the community. He makes all decisions himself.

So, blame moot. Not /q/.

/q/ is primarily a dumping ground for whining about how 4chan has changed since 2003, begging for new boards, and massive strings of links to "threads I don't like".

/q/ has no real power. It's all just an illusion.
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>>414207 (OP)
>4chan is dead?
You can say the final blow was in 2007 with the Fox News report and 2008 with Chanology. It had it coming since at least 2005-2006 with the various raids and life-ruining adventures that brought publicity and the wrong kind of people in.

While things like Chanology are seen as the causes for the massive normalfag, social justice, myspace/facebook crowd influx, it was clear that the seeds had already been planted for it to happen in the first place. Somewhere along the line they crept in and became a sizable amount of the population, to the point that shit like this and my pic was even acceptable. That's when 4chan effectively died.

Not that it matters now, as it's more-or-less ancient history. Now 4chan is apparently full of people who wish to turn it into exactly what it used to mock and attack, and to turn it against what it was founded on and first became.
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>getting a lot more out of 4chan because I'm not expecting every single post to be something I haven't seen already.

You are so utterly ignorant of what this site was once that I can't really reply to anything you say, anon. It's like talking to a retarded person.No offense, I'm sure you're a nice guy. But your contributions are of little to no value.

Best of luck in the rest of your endeavors, though.
Yes, then there's that.

Whiner: "Mods need to bring the banhammer down on shitposters!!"
Mods: "We do. They change IP and come right back."

The whiners don't actually offer solutions. They just whine. Nobody listens to whiners. If you have a suggestion on how to stop someone from resetting their router in order to get a new IP when they get banned, then by all means enlighten us.
>If you have a suggestion on how to stop someone from resetting their router in order to get a new IP when they get banned, then by all means enlighten us.

Actual active, ongoing, effective real-time moderation.

I know that's expensive, but it's the actual only solution that makes sense bro.
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4chan has always been shit dumbass.
The only thing that's wrong with 4chan is the number of normalfags we're forced to deal with. 4chan is fine.
Man, my fist time in 4chan was like America in Fallout: fun things are over, and scarce of good things

See my other post >>414294 about what moot (the owner of the site) thinks of positive contributions and the nature of what 4chan is supposed to be and was meant to be.

You may call me a newfag, but I clearly know more about 4chan than you do despite your argument of "b-b-but back in MY day it was so much better and zany!"

And this is a given when your only argument is to call me a retard and newfag while I'm actually providing you facts and an argument and taking the time to explain things.

hurr 4chan has always been shit durrr

Get the fuck out and let the adults discuss thing, you shit-dribbling infant.
I came to that same conclusion when reading his post.
>Actual active, ongoing, effective real-time moderation.

In September, 7500 people applied to be janitors. The first batch of them was just put in place last week. More will be appointed in the coming weeks. Patience is a virtue.

It's not a matter of expensive. The moderation staff are volunteers. They don't get paid. 4chan doesn't make any money, so there's nothing to pay them with anyway.
>moot made the site originally to discuss anime. Keyword: discussion.
While it's true that it was partially made for anime, he really made it so he can get hentai and porn to fap to. And a nice email address as a bonus.
You're definition of OC is inherently flawed, bro.

I don't blame you though. Once upon a time, this was a very different place. it's a shame you enver experienced it.

There was a dream that was 4chan. You could only whisper it. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile.
>Patience is a virtue.

Bro, people being paid nothing do a pretty variable job. Without a professional group, moderation on 4chan will always be erratic, random, largely ineffective and generally disappointing.
This is a reply to this: >>414327
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Possibly, because that was (and still is) banned on ADTRW.

And for those who think /b/ was ever in some kind of glory period, you have to remember that it was made for random conversation and the first browsers were also from the SA subforum FYAD.

And this is what FYAD is (pic related). It was different back in the day, but they are basically what we'd call "ironic shitposters" and they do it to be funny. And that is why "/b/ was never good".
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The thing is, I'm not wrong. You're dedicating all your time to bitching about a problem that doesn't exist. 4chan is fine. We could probably use more rules if you ask me, and at least double the mods.
~24 million people come to 4chan every month. Policing them is a massive undertaking.

Back in 2004-2006 it was pretty simple. Much smaller community, fewer boards, things were fairly simple.

The numbers grew exponentially and quickly. Much, much more quickly than anyone expected. Sort of like a boom town.

I read a great story in the news recently about a town in North Carolina that is doing extremely well. It has an amazing economy where even the burger flippers are making double digit hourly wages.

Word got around and the population of this town ballooned. What's so interesting about it is that while everyone in the city has a job, the homeless rate is through the roof because there just isn't enough housing.

It takes time to build houses, roads, infrastructure. If you have the patience to get through the rough patches and wait while the Admin does his thing and gets new people in place and rebuilds 4chan's infrastructure, then you'll be among those who waded through that river of shit and came out clean on the other side (since we're quoting movies and all).

There is no way to speed up this process. It's still a one-man operation and that one man has a job, a life, and sleeps. We're just guests in his hobby. Patience.
When Anustalk spammed this place to Oblivion and Anon didn't even manage to DDoS his website I finally realized that this mystic anarchic impersonification of Anon nobody would dare to anger was just a lie. And then I went full ashamed that I always thought that we were hurr durr lejon. Damn that was stupid.

And that post still does not actually address any of the points I made. All you did is imply I'm a newfag again, and say some cryptic shit about how 4chan was better back in the day.

You are either retarded, very new, or just trolling.
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This picture is the truth. Ignore it at your own peril.
>that one man has a job, a life, and sleeps

/b/ surpassed FYAD within literal minutes

you're a twenty-foot centipede in a hollowed-out human carcass, you vomit scabs and hair

also "shitposters" is the worst fucking catchphrase of all time, because at least with "the cancer killing 4chan" moot didn't fucking fall for it like an idiot
This guy is somewhat right.

DELETE /pol/ /q/ /soc/

Leave all the disgusting not rulebreaking crap in /b/
0 tolerance everywhere else.

Leave metathreads in their own boards like we've always done, they used to take 1 or 2 threads if moderated properly so no need of /q/ where EVERYONE talks about EVERYON ELSE's boards rather than the users themselves.
>old /v/
>faster pace
When will people stop idolizing the "good old days" of 4chan? We had tons of shit back then, people have been crying about the death of 4chan since 2004, yet the site is still here. People like you like to whine and whine about the death of 4chan, but do you actually do anything to help the site? Besides whining about the state of the site, as that doesn't actually help.
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moot hasn't fallen for anything. He has only addressed shitposters as they appeared. 4chan is fine.

We actually did. His site got reported to pretty much every host and got taken down until we forced him to take on (Black Lotus?) some expensive hosting company, and then he took it down due to all of the trolling and DDoS attacks.

And his site went down plenty of times as well. It's fucking dead as of now. Has been for quite some time now. All that remains of it are the "illegal clones" now.
lol migration period

After one or two years. That was what made me aware that Anon isn't a real collective. If we were this site would have been taken down after one day from thousands of people DDoSing it. But in the end it was just done by a small group which is really honorable I think but still it showed that this whole legion thing was just a myth. It's also the same with those cunts with their gay fags masks who are mentioned in the media for some hyped story about how they brought site xy down. They talk about Anon like there are thousands of people behind it but in the end it's only a handful people who go 'hurr durr let's show how stronk Anon is, let's take this site down.'
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>also "shitposters" is the worst fucking catchphrase of all time, because at least with "the cancer killing 4chan" moot didn't fucking fall for it like an idiot

4chan has already been infected by "shitpost" it better not get infected by "effort post".

That SA/SRS shit needs to be contained, I can't be fucked to check my cis privilege on 4chan.
>people have been crying about the death of 4chan since 2004
That's the thing. It did die back then. Several times. Was half the reason for most of the other English *chans that existed 2004-2006.

>But in the end it was just done by a small group which is really honorable I think but still it showed that this whole legion thing was just a myth
It's pretty much always been like this. That legion shit got popular with all the various raids and myspace attacks, but things like DDoS attacks have always been by a handful of people. But everyone could feel they contributed something with things like the LOIC that most of the time lead the unaware to become part of the botnet.
>>414207 (OP)
In my opinion, most of the old 4chan people have left for breaddit, or gotten on with their lives so barely visit.
It's always funny to see people tinking the "old 4chan goers" were some kind of community and not a bunch of individuals taking advantage of 4chan as it was.
Nowadays boards are way too fast and threads way too long to get anything done and if it happens it'll usually be run into the ground by people thinking once a thread is over it must absolutely have a continuation.

4chan used to be used as an image board, nowadays people think it's a forum as seen by general threads and long running multi-threads on the same subject.
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>It's always funny to see people tinking the "old 4chan goers" were some kind of community and not a bunch of individuals taking advantage of 4chan as it was

Not sure how you got that from my post there buddy.
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Then avatarfagging shouldn't be against the rules.
4chan used to be about freedom.

Rulefags need to take a leaf from the live and let live philosophy. Does a shitpost physically hurt you?
the problem is that at this point "shitposting" is as harmful to 4chan, if not more, as "rulefags".
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"Old" 4chan has been dead for a while now. It peaked around 07 and then nose dived into something it never pulled out of.
"shit posting" is a norm now and thought by a lot of users as exceptable behavior.
How is shitposting harmful? Are you getting trolled and mad from it?

>Move on

Just because you see the majority conducting themselves in such a matter, shouldn't be a sign that you too do the same.
You do realize most OC starts as a shitpost, right?

Jimmies? Shitpost
Happy Merchant? Shitpost
Power Rankings? Shitpost
Costanza? Shitpost

The list goes on and on. People need to understand that quality is subjective. It's far better to hide and report than start a crusade against someone.
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>>414207 (OP)
All shitposters.

Ignore them and anything they say. There's a trick to spotting the,
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there would be so much more OC on /b/ (main board that spits out OC) if ID's would be turned off.
oh god it would be an OC factory.
but sadly, moot is too much of a rulefag to disable them..
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he should finally realize that since the introduction of the ID system, the /b/ board has turned into a well organized discussion board about random topics. that's because you can't samefag anymore. Samefagging is one of the key ingredients to OC threads. he doesnt (well.. nobody) realizes that.
I have always been a proponent that less mods make a better board. Simply having mods does not force people to make intelligent posts, but instead, makes them worry that they are saying or posting the right thing. Then there are others that just troll to troll and you'll never get rid of them.

/v/ made it's grave long ago. They have the most mod presence, most janitors, 2 splits which got rid of video games, tons of word-filters, and it's only getting worse.
4chan died permanently between /b/ starting to raid other boards and moot creating the concept of blue boards.
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4chan never died fool.
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Right anon!
Simply because of the chaos. What makes out 4chan? Chaos! If mods and admins try to organize 4chan more and more, that 'chaos' disappears. What remains are discussions about random topics.
Like in every other random internet forum. I guess that's not what we want, isn't it?
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I'm not saying I do the same. I'm saying that anyone new to the site sees other people do this and think it's completely okay, and whenever you complain about it they always fall back to the "culture" excuse. It's not culture it's a cop-out to continue down the same shit posting path the entire site has been suffering from.
>>414207 (OP)
>Shitposting is rampant.
You obviously came here after 2010.
>Every day I visit here, the quality perceptibly deteriorates.
But that's wrong, you idiot. The leakage from containment boards has stopped almost entirely thanks to the mod crackdown. Janitors are also more efficient than ever before.
> Did they flee in the tsunami of summerfags/chanology fags/normalfags that now infest this fair site?
So many buzzwords in just one line of text...

That's exactly it. Unfortunately, and in spite of the fact that it's not a very effective method, acting in accordance with how you would like the rest of the board to is the best way to solicit any sort of change in the userbase.
I usually come to 4chan every few months and spend my time on other boards, I've always done it that way so I'm not a 4chan oldfag or anything. But two things:
* 4chan has become better recently.
* Every, and I mean every board and place that I visit has self-defeating meatbags like OP that spend their time opening metathreads. You guys are the same everywhere.
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Are you stupid? You think the problem is an onslaught of newfags right? Wrong. If people are getting away with it, then of course it's okay. New and old users alike can see that.
This guys knows EXACTLY what's up.

>The leakage from containment boards has stopped almost entirely thanks to the mod crackdown. Janitors are also more efficient than ever before.

That's true to an extent. I appreciate the effort of the mod-staff, I truly do, but I'd appreciate if they could crack down harder on some shit, like /pol/-shit on /k/, the rampant Pedophilia on /tv/.
How has 4chan got better?

>forced captchas
>the long running joke of 4chan passes is now a thing
>board dedicated specifically to complaining

It's so much better stop being a fag.
How fucking new is the op? 4chan is nowhere near it's most shitty. It's not at it's pre-2010 heights naymore, but there was a period of time when 4chan was straight up terrible/
you seem to be confusing /b/ with the rest of 4chan OP

/b/ is dead and has been for a long time

all the OC/memes comes from other boards
>pre-2010 heights

2009-2010 were the absolute worst years imo, having been on the site since mid-06. 2012 and (so far) 2013 have felt mid-tier to me.
You should come to /sp/ full of OC and comedy gold. We invented a lot oh memes too like the costanza.jpg and the why guy.

T-t-take me with you to the promised land anon-kun?
i think the moderating has just gotten too strict

nobody wants to admit it but most boards were better when the moderation was more lax. and no, im not some "shitposter", i genuinely liked the boards and their topics. But it's strange, people on here seem to think that off topics threads are the bane of their existence

like on /sp/, the jersey shore, power rankings, college threads never bothered me at all. it still felt like a sports board. people just seem way too uptight. its strange seeing lots of posts get deleted. you get the impression people want 4chan to be like all the other forums of the net
>>414207 (OP)
>the decline of 4chan as an internet force
I'm not totally sure what you mean by "force," but I'd say 4chan was already well into decline by the time these "we are legion" faggots decided to try to make it some sort of force.

>OC is rare
Depends on the board, of course, but I think 4chan's rise in popularity killed much of the OC. I stopped going to /b/ when, by the time I scrolled to the bottom and clicked Next, page 1 was pretty much page 0, because that many threads had been added in that short a time. Trying to have anything resembling actual discussion, much less taking the time to create OC, was almost pointless with it moving that fast.

There are several other boards that are like that now, too. The catalog is too little, too late.

>Shitposting is rampant
Words like "shitposting" and "autistic" are so damn overused, they've lost all meaning -- assuming they had any real meaning in the first place. They're just the latest buzzwords for "things I don't like" (see: AIDS, cancer). The constant posts complaining about "shitposting" are far worse than most of the "shitposts" they're complaining about.
>But it's strange, people on here seem to think that off topics threads are the bane of their existence

Autistic nerds are incapable of ignoring things they don't like.
OP is right .
>Did they flee in the tsunami of summerfags/chanology fags/normalfags that now infest this fair site?

That was certainly when I went into e-hiding.
>When modfags turned 4chan into a police state

What fantasy land are you living in? Mods barely do anything.
In 5 years we will be saying the exact same thing.

>It was so better in 2013, everyone posted OC, etc

As far as I can remember it has already been shit.
And today you learned that most people crying about the old days never actually experienced them.
Always fun how reditfags repeat that this like some kind of mantra, yet never post any proof or anything.
I guess it's hard to justify their shitty habits.


Yeah no. The deepweb is full of hipster faggots who think because they can download tor and get onto Torchan they're epic haxxors. The only reason your average 4chan goer would want to go there is for illegal stuff. The actual community is gay. They're more Redit than us, because they constantly wax lyrical about freedom of speech, guberment issues and eradicating religion rather than the anarchy and contrary "do not give a shit" attitude 4chan takes to things. Plus its full of criminals and genuinely dangerous people mixed in, so its actually quite a serious and dull place. Most of the topics on Torchan's "/b/" is just paedophiles circlejerking about how they're not anything wrong because 5 year olds like getting fucked in the ass by 40 year old neck beards.

4chan is great because you get Anonymity and freedom of speech, but don't get the freedom to do what you want, whereas they do think that freedom speech was invented so they could watch kiddie snuff videos.

Plus, its full of the legion haxxors 4chan hates so much. Go onto /ha4k/ on Torchan and there's a bunch of faggots talking about reviving Anonymous and stealing government information because freedom of speech.

But the worst out of all this is that they use emoticons.

Oh, and its full of Bronies.
>"do not give a shit" attitude 4chan takes to things.

>full of hipster faggots
>But the worst out of all this is that they use emoticons.
>Oh, and its full of Bronies.

Hows that "don't give a shit attitude" going there mate?

What I mean is that most of us don't play politics, or the ones that do are usually trolls. That's just not liking things and moaning, which is 4chan's forte.
Oh ok, I see your point.
The 4chan of old cannot exist in an age where the internet is irrevocably tied to social media.
Do they pay you to come up with this shit?
>muh OC

Make something yourself if it bothers you that much, you uncreative fuck.
Dunno what the issue here is, but I guess I'll try to explain it a different way.

I've thought about how so many around here complain about problems with the site, complain that there's too many newfags who don't lurk, too many underage posters who shitpost, and too many attention whores that ruin threads. I personally don't see as any of those specifically being the problem; rather it's the general shift from the internet being this thing that the general population only occasionally interacted with to being totally tied into their everyday lives, and how that means there's a general influx of users on this site that were never around before.

Think of it like this - You remember those jackasses back in high school, the ones who were probably computer illiterate, or at least didn't bother with them on any real level outside of e-mail, school projects, and maybe myspace or whatever was around back when 4chan started? Those are now the jackasses who fuck around on twitter and facebook on their phones in their free time, and can easily be introduced to this site or any other in an instant. There is no "secret club" anymore.

Hope that kinda conveyed what I meant.
>>414207 (OP)
Oc stated to die long ago, years before the dawn of the new /q/.
The problem us purple want to spend more time complaining about rules and crap and a lack of oc rather than getting off their ass and making a quality post
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Now who would want to make a quality post on a not so quality website? Not me.
I love how everyone here has an opinion on 4chan, It's like we don't all have the same thoughts or something!
We should find a place to discuss these thoughts against eachother...

Anyways, I like reading these threads because it really make me wonder what people think 4chan is.
The only person who should be allowed to actually define 4chan should be the guy who made it (like anyone listens to him).

So all that's left is my opinion, and yours.
Well, I think the internet stopped being the hivemind we speak so highly of back in the 90's or so [citation needed].
It was fun back then because it was new, buggy and tough to find the "party".
Then the social sites started and anyone could go on. First it was kids, becuase they are new and less afraid of change than the average adult.
All these kids are grew up online, where before that the internet was just a library (as it was intended). Then, slowly, the internet became popular with, well, everyone as more people joined the social media craze.
Now the "party" is everywhere, and everyone wants to go. The hivemind you got from the "meta-clubs" disintegrated, and now you just have riots of kids going to your sites and fucking everything up because PARTYHARD.

I don't think it's the death of 4chan, I think it's the death of the internet's culture of isolationism. I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but everyone grows up eventually, and I think the internet is going to be just another "fad", if you will.
If not that, then it will return to it's "library", and be used as intended as the world changes yet again.

You gotta remeber, this is all VERY new to humans, in general. We've had computers for... what, 40 years? There are people who still remeber a time before any of this.
We've changed more in the last 200 years then in the last 2000. If that keeps up, I can't wait to see what the next craze is, and what it becomes.

the cancer is everywheres, and hurts more than just 4chan
You pretty much explained what I was trying to get at better than I did. It's a pretty good summary - the "cancer killing 4chan" is more of a plague across the entire 'net, and 4chan is just one of its victims.
I think the existence of /q/ makes the site worse. It's difficult to explain, because logically it doesn't seem to make sense at first. And I believe it was created with good intentions. A board to talk about the site? How can that be bad?

But all of this meta-discussion, in my opinion, just leads to detriment. Suddenly, what you would never think as problems start to become problems. A few people from a very large board complain and it's treated like a serious issue, despite most of the board not feeling the same way.

/q/ is the board where people always want to change 4chan. It's not really the place where people want things to stay the same. I think the site would be better without it.
Memes became standardized.
You have the originals,
>Happy Negro

All are Adjective-Noun.

Then, "image macros" became standardized. Impact with a black stroke. This was done so they could read as thumbnails.

Then, image macros of cats made it big. Lolcats, but to the only part people took away from the 4chan-origin was the word "meme," to mean "funny picture with black-stroked white-impact."
Websites housing generators, to easily slap such text onto any such image sprang up, running with "meme" in the title. Then, you get the two smashing back into eachother: Advice Dog, and there the two patterns meshed, then stagnated.

Adjective, Noun, White impact, Black stroke + rainbow radial background!
Then more websites with more generators, this time to slap text on radial background faces because the default "meme."

And when "meme" became played out, the term people latch onto is "original content." Now, that very phrase is being beaten into the earth, because people can only think of Leddit-style blackountline rage comics, and "radial rainbow face memes," when in reality, the true original content IS AN ANACHRONISTIC CONCEPT.

A "funny picture," as altered in "Photoshop," is an alien concept to modern internet users. What's the point of altering images in make them funny? Why not spend that effort making a funny Youtube video? Every 7-year-old does it. What is even the venue for a "funny picture?" You're aiming to make people who DO NOT form a community laugh? There is no currency in the transaction, and everything is monetized.

The goods exchanged for services in this case would be something like upvotes, but 4chan does not feature such a thing. The only thing you can use as currency as a reputation, and trip-users do not produce, or if they do, it is destroyed/rejected by users who cannot see past the trip.
(one more paragraph spilt-over by the char-limit)
The only thing you can produce on 4chan is "flash in the pan" (one thread) style "memes" and "original content" that, given the nature of 4chan, instantly become archaic, unknowable, and unfunny without context. I would suggest you look through your old archives of Cockmongler edits and just guess the context, or why they made you laugh. If you can remember, you cannot convey that to someone who wasn't there. If it has any form of staying power, these days, it's a "reaction image," which is just 4chan's way of getting around the lack of in-built smileys. Not much room to expand, there.

The thing is with memes, is that this how its supposed to be. 4chan entertains itself, that entertainment leaks out and the internet bastardises it, but 4chan doesn't care because we've made new entertainment for ourselves, and we get to laugh at the plebian normalfags.


I agree, /q/ isn't very good for 4chan. The worst thing is that everybody feels the need to flock here to defend their board, because if they don't some decision or shit might be made or said about them. Meta-threads should just be banned, and any rules should be decided on the board they are for.
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>not muh OC!
The think about /q/ is, it hasn't actually done much.

People think that it's been a pulpit for the boards with the most users to bully smaller ones, but it isn't.

To be honest, the most tangible change to anything to come out of /q/ was the 4chan Pass, that's another debate.

Really, 4chan has had a few "/q/s" through the years, and I think they've been rather neutral influences.
No. 4chan entertains itself, then that entertainment leaks out, then people seeking the origins of that entertainment come back, and regurgitate it, and add nothing news to the equation, then there is stagnation, fed by that feedback loop.

Adding to this is that people leave, and new people come in. I'm not talking "hurr duur summerfags" I mean over the course of 9 years, people come and people go. The "culture" survives that overlap, but it mutates. Now, there are people on 4chan who were 9 when 4chan was created, who can now legally post here.

That's not to say "younger people ruin everything," it is, however, to say that younger people understand the internet in a completely different way. To them, it's all upvotes and reputations. When you have several thousand people, who are here, expecting comedy and providing none themselves. The exchange dies because they don't see their laughs as the currency in the transaction. Their laughs are a byproduct. If they produce something, they want recognition. Not all of them, obviously.

>4chan entertains itself, that entertainment leaks out and the internet bastardises it, but 4chan doesn't care because we've made new entertainment for ourselves
Not true. We don't make anything anymore. Why else is there always someone saying "where's the OC? Why is there never any OC?" Even scions of the internet look to this community and say "how can we make the next big thing?" but that's looking backwards. 4chan IS the past.

You'd think I was advocating changing 4chan, with this sort of talk, but I'm not. This is an inherently anachronistic website, with no place in the modern e-world. That's a fact. All this scripting and web 2.0ing is putting lipstick on a turn. It's a dead medium, because nobody posts "funny" or "interesting" material BECAUSE they are from that 2.0'd web.

What's the point of 4chan? From the point of view of other people, it's to churn out the OC. Well that's a terrible way to foster the growth of OC.

Good post. I agree that people want recognition for what they post online...A lot of younger people can't fathom why you'd want to be totally anonymous, what's the point? It some ways it's just a different kind of culture. People like us embrace that ultimate anonymity and think it's refreshing, others think its pointless because you get no recognition
> there's too many newfags who don't lurk, too many underage posters who shitpost, and too many attention whores that ruin threads.
>there's a general influx of users on this site that were never around before.
Do you realize that both of these are equivalent? Those jackasses that you talk about are the kind of posters that don't lurk and act here like it was facebook, or the ones that lurk for a day or two and start parroting the exact same attitude they see from the other users, without understanding the in-jokes or subtle sarcasm.
/v/ is a great example of this, were ironic shitposting is (or at least was) taken to the extreme, where everyone is hostile against each other in an unproductive way, just throwing buzzwords and without generating any kind of good discussion. These are the consequences of not lurking and posters being inmature and underage, which are here in the first place because the Internet as a whole is more accessible now to everyone, and suffers from a "normalfag" mentality thanks to facebook and such social websites.

Note I said "supposed". I agree with pretty much everything you've said.
>>414207 (OP)
People saying 4chan is in decline weren't there in 2010 when 4chan was truly an enormous keg of putrid shit. With the advent of userscripts, archives and many new utilities that make everyone's 4chan browsing experience easier, I can safely say this website is in pretty good shape.
>containment boards
Hey, a lot of the "containment" boards (depending how far you want to stretch the definition) create a hell of a lot more OC then some of the others. Doompaul jumps to mind.
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Forgot image. Original content do not steal.
Doom Paul is old and busted at this point.
I know, I was just using it because it's a well known example of a meme originating from a "containment board".
Doompaul is GOAT meme.

Seems the most controversial boards make the best memes and oc.
You cannot possibly defend that statement.
Stop Liking Things I Don't Like: The Thread.
only /b/tards think 4chan is dead

literally every other board except your shithole is perfectly fine.
On the last episode of /q/:

>/sp/ is dead, shut it down
>mods! clean up /v/!
>/tv/ is the worst fucking board now
>remember when /mu/ was about shitposting rather than hyper shitposting?

Every board is in peril. You have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.
Please go bread and butter your ass and never return.
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All the boards I browse are fine!
theres an old phenomenon that happens when you take away all limiting barriers. things tend to reform around them and after a while its better than it was before hand.
ex- when reagan reduced taxes he made the country better.
my point is that 4chan should take away moderation for sometime and also get rid of captcha. it would be a disaster at first, like with reagan, but would eventually get the shitposting out of our systems and after a while, content would return. 7chan had this happen, and even tho its way less populated, it still brings 40 times more content than 4chan

Most people disagree but from what I've seen, most boards are pretty capable of being on topic and moderating themselves. Sure, there will always be off topic stuff, but boards like /mu/ and /sp/ I think you could trust to still be good, even without moderation
/sp/ is not dieing, there is a constant stream of new stuff to talk about.
the only real problem is /gym/ threads.
also a board for sports related video games would be cool but that will never happen.
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>post regularly on /co/ and /v/ for years
>in the past few months, things I would have normally posted are no longer okay and now warrant 3-7 day bans
>all of it is related to the board's premise
>most of the mods will ban you from every board, not just the board you posted on

The mods are fucking up. Moot is fucking up. We're seeing a slow creep toward lack of anonymity, such as user IDs and (You). Normalfags are rushing in in droves, pushing older users out. Anything and everything can be labelled as "shitposting" because mods are allowed to ban for whatever they want. When the site was small, this was fine. But now they have some kind of superiority complex, so they use it like an ass-pained forum admin would.

The site is fucked. There is no reason to stay here anymore, period. And if you don't think moot is trying to tailor the site toward a demographic that will make him money, all you need to do is look at the stuff he's appeared in within the past three years.

/jp/, /pol/ and /f/ are the only real 4chan boards left. Everything else is in a state of transition or chaos because nobody understands what's "acceptable" anymore. Most of this is due to the actions and words of the mods themselves, moot included.

Oh, and I'd like to point out how the mods are extremely quick to ban. You can post on-topic shit all day long, but if you reply to an off-topic thread or say something that could be taken out of context as seemingly off-topic, your ass is restricted from posting for a week. "Sorry faggot, no dysentery allowed. Mootberg doesn't like it."
>>in the past few months, things I would have normally posted are no longer okay and now warrant 3-7 day bans
Which are?

Posting things that are related to the board. The /co/ ban was for discussing cartoon parents. The other was for asking what video game to play that night.

This. In my opinion, necessity is the mother of all invention. I kinda feel sorry for moot though, he's damned if he does, and damned if he doesn't.
m00ts still making money... he probly doesnt even care.
think of the last time hes brought content
> 4chan
> Internet force
Thank God that shit's over. Babby's first political ideology makes the whole site look like a bunch of retards.
It's overpopulation and culture clash. Too many 4chan users that visit tumbler and reddoit and vice versa.
It's not just that. People that don't even internet are coming here from hearing about it from their faggot friends and facebook.
It doesn't help that it's getting easier and easier to post the most asinine retarded shit my eyes have ever had the displeasure of coming across with the integration of (You) and disintegration of noko.
The problem with new users isn't "oh my god you're new, get the fuck out!!!11!!!1" but rather "hey, everyone's acting like a retard so I'll act like one too! this is fun XD XD.
>You ruin whatever point you had by shoehorning in this unrelated SRS check your privilege garbage.

>It's funny how people blame le ribbit, but groupthink on 4chan is just as bad if not worse

Congratulations on proving his point about groupthink on 4chan to be 100% accurate.

Disagree even slightly with the level of rampant misogyny on /r9k/, /v/, or /pol/? You MUST be a social justice tumbl feminazi who wants to exterminate all cis scum and establish a glorious transgenderqueer utopia!

Fuck of with this black-and-white, either-or mentality. If 4chan has any one "real problem" that all its faults can be summed up into, that's it right there. "Either you're 100% on my side, or you must be one of THEM".

Only a Sith deals in absolutes, pal.
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>rampant misogyny

Honest question, when did you start browsing?
shitposting is not a new concept. the term itself is relatively new.

the only thing 'dead' about 4chan is the potential that the number of higher quality posts will increase.

until mods start enforcing rule #3 and ban people for trolling outside of /b/, things will never get better. the average poster actually believes they can post anything they want with no repercussions.
i've been here since before moot took over
4chan could do with a little less banning-for-no-fucking-reason.

I don't really want 4chan to become Something Awful 2

i completely disagree with you. the last thing that site needs is stricter moderation

If anything, the site needs more well thought out rules that can be referred to. Every board has this weird little subculture (which isn't necessarily bad, mind you) that results in a ban if intruded upon.

I actually have several normalfag friends, so allow me to elaborate on just how bad they really are.

Four of them started browsing around 2011. One of them went to /v/, three of them went to /b/. They were underage at the time. They constantly talked about memes in real life. One of them frequently wears a black t shirt with a trollface on it. They constantly repost image macros on facebook and they always like and comment on every individual item. For them, 4chan was a phase and they stopped browsing in 2012. These are the kinds of people that make this place shit.


Pardon me for being new, but I know nothing of SA since I never went there and frankly I do not care about it. Why would enforcing our existing rules make us something that isn't 4chan?


Remember why Moot made /vg/? The popular threads were too popular for anything else to be discussed on /v/. I think trolling works the same exact way. Everyone is so preoccupied with acting like an idiot in an attempt to make some sort of master trick that will cement their legacy in the annals of 4chan lulz that they forgot they were on a board with a specific set of topics.
actually, we nee dmore of this
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I'm pretty sure we need more banning, not less.
moot went from fun-loving guy who really only deleted stuff that could put him in hot water to angry police-state overlord.
But is that not an appropriate response to the huge increase in traffic? Do you think his control is only growing in proportion to the sites growth?

Don't blame moot. Notice that this banning shitstorm started when he introduced these new janitors. They're out for blood and eager to prove themselves.

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