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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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OK stormcunts, many of us have seen the evidence and many have seen your weak rebuttals. But the facts still stand; stormfront has a web propaganda team. stormfront has and currently is still spamming on /pol/.

A. Gallery full of screenshots supporting the following:

B. "We should recognize our power and start infiltrating these groups. Do a google search for Anonymous and begin reading about them. Begin making connections. Begin infiltrating them. We could, over time, take them over by our sheer numbers. Or we can find out where they are and retaliate for their attacks against us, or both."

C. StormFront has a sub-community called SwarmFront (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/f214/), which is basically a neo-nazi version of the JIDF, except much, much more active with significantly more members.

Their sole purpose is to disseminate neo-nazi and white-nationalist propaganda on as many websites as possible, including 4chan (http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t854096/). They call this spamming drive 'BUGS' and call their asinine talking points 'Mantras'. They routinely pound the shit out of discussion boards everywhere.

They even use helper applications like BUGS Buddy (e.g. 1. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t878206/ 2. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t856144/ 3. http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/forum/bugs-swarm/) to make sharing their retardation with others, that much easier.

They also have guidelines, plus IRL and online training for helping them to spread their ridiculous agit-prop (e.g. 1. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t860368/ 2. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t872878/ 3. http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/).

D. Read the threads in these 2000+ results (Many of them specifically mention establishing a presence on /pol/ [or in older threads, /new/]): https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=4chan%20site:www.stormfront.org&safe=off&num=18&filter=0&pws=0&as_qdr=all
>>431787 (OP)

~ http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t863802/#post9953315
"We should recognize our power and start infiltrating these groups. Do a google search for Anonymous and begin reading about them. Begin making connections. Begin infiltrating them. We could, over time, take them over by our sheer numbers. Or we can find out where they are and retaliate for their attacks against us, or both."

~ http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t900887/#post10436566
"I've been going to 4chan for a while now, there's a few different boards that could be good for debating but one that I've found can be really good is Politically Incorrect. Because it is almost completely unmoderated."

~ http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t922140/#post10703687
"We will have an army of angry basement dwelling neckbeards to fill the internet with our message 24/7."

~ http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t833238/#post9583521
"I like this Anonymous group even more everytime I hear about something they are doing..."

~ http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t900887/#post10439870
"4chan has helped many young people become racially aware, especially those who may have not come around to the movement by normal means."

~ 2000+ google site search results for the term "4chan" on stormfront.org:


Check this out:


- Stay on message; we deal with the genocide of White people and the perpetrators, anti-Whites. When talking to the general public don't go into a rant about Jewish conspiracies, banking families, NWO, etc. White genocide is the first step to establish a beachhead in the general population's consciousness -- we can expand on other ideas later.

- Use the Mantra and our talking points. Everything anti-Whites say always leads to our genocide, and we have good ways to counter their talking points. You can customise our stuff and use it for yourself.

- Use our terminology; "Anti-White", "Pro-White", "White genocide", "Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White", "Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody".

- "Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White" should be the last thing in your post if possible.

- Don't use their terminology; "racist" should ONLY be used in "anti-racist"; "nazi" should ONLY be used in naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews"; "HATE!", "holocaust", "fascist" "LOVE!" should be avoided; "diversity", "multicultural" can be pointed out as meaning less White people. Avoid using "The White race", "Caucasians", "The Whites", because it makes it look distant and turns it into a philosophical debate; use 'Our people', 'My people', 'White people', etc.

- Capitalize "White", when you're talking about our race.

- ALWAYS use "Genocide", NEVER use "Extinction", "Population Displacement", "Demographics shift", etc.

- NEVER call them "antis", they are "anti-White" - they are against White people existing.

- Use "As an anti-White" e.g. "As an anti-White why do you think more assimilation is required in ONLY White countries?"

- Don't argue, make our point: ALL White countries & ONLY White countries are told by anti-Whites, who claim to be "anti-racist", that they must accept millions of non-Whites and 'assimilate' with them, which is genocide under UN genocide conventions. If people get annoyed of hearing our message that's good, it means they can remember it!

- This isn't about anti-Whites; we are talking to the general public, USE the anti-Whites to humiliate them and point out that they support White genocide. A lot of the general public are tired of "anti-racists" (anti-Whites) and WE have to show them how to defeat and humiliate them.

- Be aggressive and take the moral high-ground; if they call you names say "You're only saying that because I'm White".

- Think before you talk. Talking about committing violence is a no-go. No talking about genocide tribunals because it makes us look dangerous. Using lots of bad language is going to make you - and us - look stupid. That does not mean treat anti-Whites with dignity.

- YOU ask the questions. If you don't get a reply keep asking them - it means your opponent is embarrassed and is trying to get off the subject. If they demand you answer questions say "WE ask the questions, because YOU support/justify genocide of MY people!".

- Use emotional language; "Why do you hate little White children?", "Why do you want to genocide little White babies?".

- Winning isn't important; you should be winning all of the arguments with the anti-Whites if you do what Bugsters do, but don't worry if you lose a few of them. This is about imposing our terminology and getting the public talking about White genocide.

- Know your target audience and wrap our message around what appeals to them. Young adults want to talk about education fees and housing prices, Teens want to talk about music, Old people want to talk about pensions, etc. Try to connect with the people using their language/colloquialisms e.g. "Dude" "Mate" "Bloke" "Howdy" "Yeah" "Lol" "Rofl"

- Flip the script. What if ALL Asian countries were told to bring in immigrants and assimilate with them? What if "anti-racists" in Africa demanded that Africans stopped patrolling their borders and kicking out illegal immigrants?

- We're all part of the team. Remember to report any places that you post The Mantra or mini-Mantras in Where did you post the Mantra today? Bugsters will offer you advice if you're new, ask them for help Swarming and they'll arrive on the link to help you out.
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>>431787 (OP)

Now you know. Look out for the same tired rhetoric ("naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews"). The same key phrases ("Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White", "Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, White countries for everybody"). The same bullshit about "white genocide". It's all in their talking points (http://mantra.awardspace.us/). And remember, they try to act like they are one of us:

>"Know your target audience and wrap our message around what appeals to them. Young adults want to talk about education fees and housing prices, Teens want to talk about music, Old people want to talk about pensions, etc. Try to connect with the people using their language/colloquialisms e.g. "Dude" "Mate" "Bloke" "Howdy" "Yeah" "Lol" "Rofl".

Learn to identify stormfucks, before they start packing your head full of shit!

that down syndrome stormfag is hilarious
So what's your point? Everyone already knows that.
Even though I do not necessarily disagree with all of what they say, I agree that this is an unjust attempt to sway the public opinion of >>>/pol/.

Bumping for attention.

Oh look, SRS is afraid to say "stormfag".
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SRS pls go.
Trigger warning!!!
Ironically I talked about a few of those social justice fagets in /co/ and htye outright admitted that they want white people to die out.

Still, Both the stormfags and the SRS/Social Justice/JIDF faggots should be permabanned.
There has been 8 threads on Stormfront with 4chan mentioned in 4 years. Most of them just mention that they casually browse it, there is no mention of any attempt to 'raid' 4chan. I see OP's SRS copypasta a lot more than I do the "White countries for everybody!" mantra.

So please fuck off, you are worse than any stormfag. Also you really gave the game away as pointed out here: >>432156.
>Trigger warning
GOD DAMMIT THAT WORD SETS OFF MY TRIGGERS! You need to put trigger warning before trigger warning like this!

(trigger warning) Trigger warning.

Check your privilege, unraped unbeaten 1% white male christian citizen of the United States of America.
There's actually a group of white supremascists ont he site. Try taking about black people on any board, you'll always get 3-5 guys gives that will asure you that niggers are inferior and proceed to provide stormfag arguments.

It's hilarious to see on /co/, were a significant part of it is composed of Tumblr Social Justice, whenever one or the other talks the entire thread gets derailed.
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lel srs still forcing this pasta
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As a proud transpeoplepersonpanda I am shocked by the free speech I see on /pol/. It has to end. Where is the upvote button so I can echo chamber the OP and make them feel like a special snowflake? I actually saw the word N*gger on /pol/. My proud nubian-halfbreed-otherkin-transnormative-shefriend wept for a complete hour. Please m00t, you must delete that board and then replace it with /transitioning/.
Honestly, most of it is done by trolls. Like, probably 90%.
Note: I refer to to the anti-Jew shit.

The anti-black stuff is probably more like 30-50% are trolls.
I agree with this person. His post and everything he brings up make so much sense!
Calling attention to this post for the enjoyment of others.
What the fuck is SRS?
The newest stormfront conspiratorial scapegoat. JIDF and the Illuminati just weren't cutting it anymore, so they came up with this.
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a bunch of trannies on leddit who have a pretty firm control over leddit with their voting system. They have been shit posting on 4chan for like a month now.
So now /pol/ is shitted up by JDIF, Stormfront, and SRS now? Holy shit.

They are a group of SJW (Social Justice Warriors) that want to sanitize the internet and make it a politically correct landscape. They take an extreme position on everything. If you've heard phrases like "Check your privilege", "Cismale", and the like it's them that use it. They are crazy left wingers that shove their ideology down everyones throats. Think of every shitty joke you've ever heard about a liberal, they are the punchline made reality. Most are ugly 20 year old white guys that are transitioning (Cutting their dicks off for doctor made pussies) and are bitter no man wants to touch them so they scream out against the patriarchy and whites.
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Yup thats why they hate /pol/ They are cultural Marxists who stand for one of the largest opponents of free speech, poltical correctness. Just like marx they don't want anyone criticizeing their ideology or god forbid think for themselves.
I can assure you it's just a conspirancy by marxists who are buttpained that they can't circlejerk on /pol/ because there exist people with different ideologies than them.

The majority of Stormfront don't want to be asociated with a site for pedophiles.
>>431787 (OP)
> dat picture
> not knowing the difference between white supremacist and white nationalism

SRS please go

>difference between white supremacist and white nationalism

>>>/pol/ or >>>/b/

/q/ is for people who live in the modern age.
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No /q/ is a hugbox designed to s/q/ueeze away all the things that upset delicate snowflakes.
they are teo completely different things. white nationalism is on the rise in europe from what I hear. So it is the modern age. And the two things are complete different even if there are cases of over lap.

Leftist marxist will never know what true socialism is about.
so much stormshit damage control!
>OP in charge of not being a stupid amerifat liberal clapper who thinks that everything is USofA-centric
I've been racist since day one , why aren't to tolerant to my upbringing.
They have transcended the bounds of gender by becoming both at the same time while neither at the same time. Also, race because it does not exist for them because they cannot breed. They are just there floating through this world, almost non-human, casting scorn upon mere mortals (while cross-dressing)
I'm absolutely, 100% OK with this.
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SRS is actually afraid to say fag
this is fucking hilarious

keep laughing it up stormfaggot. on the day of the rope, you will simply hang yourself.
have you even read the turner diaries?
>tfw random people bugging out spread propaganda better than the other guys
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Who the hell are S. R. S.?

A secret clandestine group of rebbit cyber ninjas that conspire to thwart /pol/ at every turn.
The inner circle of homosexual robots, mainly consisting of HIV+ trannies and landwhale feminists.
shitridditsays. A place started by something awful to make fun of people on ribbit they don't like which has since been taken over by extremist social justice types. They're known to organize raids both in and out of ribbit and dox people with opposing views.
have you even read the holy qur'an?
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>We could, over time, take them over by our sheer numbers


their presence is such that /pol/ has completely devoured them, they are our little playthings, we keep them on the shelf in little snow globes and show them to our friends when we want to have a laugh
>>431787 (OP)
>OK stormcunts, many of us have seen the evidence and many have seen your weak rebuttals.
Weak rebuttals? I've seen nothing but all of your arguments get crushed and no reply to them. You just start a new thread trying to slide the old ones down.

>You idiots actually think SRS and JIDF are trying to infiltrate your boards, that's stupid no one cares about you
>also, here's proof that a different group is trying to invade you

Try harder. /pol/ is here to stay. Keep crying.
This is the shit that kills me - anyone who is actually familiar with Stormfront, knows that most of their members would absolutely loathe this site. Stormfront is full of extremely intolerant "my one particular overly-defined sect of WN" zealots. Most people who post on Stormfront, VNN, etc. are exclusivists - they don't post anywhere else, because they can't tolerate the .0003% difference from their views posted on other sites that mostly agree with them.

SRS, JIDF, tumblr, etc? There's copious evidence all over 4chan they're shitting up the place.

It's things like this that should reveal to people just how intolerant of diversity of opinion/free speech and totalitarian liberals truly are. Not that I don't understand. Their views would never survive without religious adherence to them and forcing them on others by law - they're too counter to reality.
How queerautomatons see themselves
How everyone else sees them
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This is correct.

SA/SRS pulled the same stunts on Readit.
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>Cultural Marxists


Yes, it has been like this since day 1.

I don't think that the JIDF is actually realted, they are aware that they are a meme, about how shitty is /pol/, and that many people believe they are genuinely involved with raiding the board, but they seem to claim they are not.

But you are not the same fag that then one the stormfag was replying now.

>ShitRibbitsays comes from Something Awful

Our father has betrayed us
Stormfront is more than that, many people come there, with many points of view. Some discovered 4chan and decided to stay. You'll realize when they use the same words a Withe Supremacist uses.
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The Marxism thing is actually true.

A lot of the SRS people are communists/marxists.


They are this crazy.

Sounds like the David Icke forums in comparison to /x/. No-one accuses conspiracy theorists/etc. of being from the David Icke forums.

Why would Stormfront want to 'infiltrate' and 'turn' /pol/, anyway? They have a perfectly well-known website of their own that they can use as an echochamber. 4chan is by nature very different to a forum.
>Words from someone who knows nothing about White Nationalism to someone who's studied the movement in detail for years
Yeah, no. And you prove you know nothing about Stormfront by trying to say there's a diversity of opinion on Stormfront. There are only two views on Stormfront - butthurt teenage liberals and 20-something jews on Opposing Views and the Stormfront members who all follow a very strict script or risk having their posts deleted/getting banned. Stormfront is actually worse than fagcontraption for lacking a diversity of opinion - they even have a specific rule saying that anyone who posts anything that could be mistaken as even remotely pro-homosexual/not absolutely homo-hating will have those posts deleted.
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Fuck you/10 for making me look it up
Okay as a liberal, I didn't want to believe it but with all these threads spammed on the front page, I'm now certain theres some kind of subversive group doing it.

But really, does anyone actually have an idea whos doing it? Wheres it's really coming from?
>>431787 (OP)

I am impressed libfags, you brought your A game with this spam. Shame moot cannot into care about it.

The Social Justice retardation triumvirate.
Or you know, troll trolling trolls, and copycats and shitposters. But probably few of those are members of the sites you mentioned.

But /q/ has become Complaints about /pol/ lately.

There are always people who play on both sides in order to stir shit up.

I'm talking about you Lefto.

You could study a piece of shit for realize and in the end you conclusion will be "Yep, It's a peice of shti". You arguments are not more imporant than mine.

Whelp then, the resident stormfags are probably just too normal or retarded for Stormfront and reside in here because they are banned from the motherland.

Shitrebbitsays, a branch of SOmething Awful, feminists, transsexual, offended people and all those who want to shove their views down your throat.
Who's lefto?
The SRS overlord.
Oh shit. I'll bet they're not even an actual human, but the result of when a section of the internet gains consciousness.
But they aren't actually intelligent.
They just echo political correctness that they don't actually believe in back at each other.

Their crusades into /pol/ will bring some intelligent dissent to them, the same way it did to the Europeans in the 1400s.

I'd reverse that.

The jews are clearly the problem in the world. Hating the blacks is just being edgy.
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>Hating the blacks is just being edgy.
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/pol/ genuinely hates Zionists. Most would secretly agree that normal Jews are fine, if slightly lucky for being born into the culture that they were born into. (You know, apart from the persecution.)

It's just more fun to pretend that Zionists are scum because of the nature of their noses rather than the fact that they're sociopaths and hypocrites.
SRS and Stormfront are both as bad as eachother. Christ, I swear they've brainwashed half of 4chan. You see this shit seeping into /sp/ all the time.
Really, /pol/ is only angry at the Zionist killing Palestinians, at the same time calling
> Muh 6 trillion

Well, so what if they kill more often?

They are scattered and not a concern. Zionism is actively hurting you. Jews are way worse than nigs.

Like, to think that the nigs and jews are even on the same scale of trouble causing is lunacy.

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