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File: 1359528319137.jpg-(78 KB, 509x392, why.jpg)
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>get banned on /v/ for violating Rule 1 for posting this image
>meanwhile Klonies, the spider avatarfag and "Steam friend threads" continue to shit up the place
mods pls
>>396153 (OP)
Also, the image is Grove Street from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It's video games.
Klonies is banned all the time, dude. Don't assume they are getting a free pass for whatever reason.
>>396153 (OP)
If GTA: San Andreas was your childhood, then you are way too underage to be on 4chan.
I didn't make the image, I found it in my friend's Facebook photos. I posted it to share the fact children have nostalgia over GTA:SA now. Apparently it wasn't about video games.
SA came out in 2004. That was 9 years ago. That means someone who is 18 now played it when they were 9 or 10.
Oh crap ... that's true.

Oh ...

Crap ...

I'm so fucking old.
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>YOU'RE childhood
You're still shitposting with
>Hurrdurr underage normalfags
You deserved that ban

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