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So, more Smash Bros. information will be released on E3 and that's likely when Japan Time will happen again.

The thing is, /v/ isn't what it used to be like in 2007. Now, Japan Time threads will be shitposted in, and people will complain and want it to be moved to /vg/.

If there's anything that's truly "/v/ culture" it's Japan Time. I propose that future Japan Time threads are let to overflow on /v/ like the old days. If Japan Time threads start getting moderated because it's not on /vg/ instead, it would be the biggest 'fuck you' possible to oldfag /v/irgins.

Pic related. It was a glorious time for /v/ and I'd love to see Japan Time 2.0 happen without any limiting force.

Administrator Reply: >>388737
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One more screencap from me.
I really think mods should let this happen. It's just like when they put on Harmony.

Let the community thrive.
I second.
Japan Time should stay in /v/. It shouldn't get shat on by being put /vg/.

How long has it been since Harmony? I can't imagine that going well if it was done now.
too long man, too long

When we lost harmony, /v/ lost everything
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Date is in yuro format but it's been 3 years already
there's no fucking way that was the last time, I swear it happened again in like 2011. I fucking swear.
This was the original harmony. We have harmonyversary every year.
Yeah, but they didn't do it in 2012.
2 years in a row, if I remember correctly.
>>388714 (OP)
God damn. Spam, Otakon, and text ads in one screenshot.
It was glorious. Please moot, we need japan time.
i doubt it's going to work out. it'll be spammed with links to vg amongst other things like calling it a children's game, etc. v just isn't the same anymore.
Seriously; it's one of the few events that is still talked about so many years later, and I can't think of any other that gets as much unanimous praise, and brings about such a feeling of camaraderie.
Yeah, this really should be a thing. It is video games, after all. It was also one of the best times on /v/.

I think /v/ could use another good time. It's not doing so hot.
Japan Time 2 is the only thing that has a chance of saving /v/.
Please moot, let us have our Japan Time 2.
They did if my memory serves me right.
I must not have been browsing then.
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Japan Time was in any risk at all? I mean, it's video games. I don't think Moot would just charge in and start deleting threads about video games, even if they eat up most of the pages.
Considering all of the shitposting and >>>/vg/ it will get when multiple threads are around every single day, maybe.
Even Moot likes fun.
[spoiler]It'll be funny to him starting a thread in the middle of it all.[/spoiler]
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With the state of current /v/, it may be.
>Even Moot likes fun.

What a nerd.
S-Shut up....
Hopefully it won't be contained to a sticky either. Those always get extremely bloated way too fast, and it's impossible to actually read them, and keep up with what's being discussed.

It was pretty awful when /mu/ was hyped all year for Centipede HZ, and then when it was released it got put in that one sticky which became so full most people couldn't load it without their browsers crashing, and all other threads were deleted, so the thing people were waiting for the most all year long ended up garnering no discussion at all.
Yeah I remember the sticky for the TWEWY announcement, the one that ended up being iOS shit.

Got so big that's exactly what happened to my browser.
I don't bother with stickies for that reason. Most post are either OMG STICKY POST and it's impossible to even keep up with discussion. Should only be for announcements.
Harmony was awful and so was japan time. "/v/ culture" shouldn't be an excuse to spam and shitpost.
>"I hate fun."
Duly noted.
Japan Time wasn't shitposting though. That was people getting collectively excited over video game news.

Spam though, I'll give you that. But it's all in good fun and I doubt it ruins anybody's day.
>tfw I will never be able to experience Japan Time
I mean, I have had fun on the internet during, before, and even after then, but Japan Time sounds like it was amazing!
>I have no argument.
Duly noted.
They should be getting excited in a /vg/ general thread and not spamming /v/ with irrelevant threads. There are some people on /v/ that aren't interested in SSB news, and i doubt they'd be pleased if all threads not relevant to it gets pushed off the front page by spam.
>Japan Time
>talking about videogame information being revealed
By that logic noone should post anything related to E3 or TGS.
>They should be getting excited in a /vg/ general thread and not spamming /v/ with irrelevant threads
See, that's the problem. Any discussion somebody on /v/ doesn't like anymore? Take it to >>>/vg/ !

>There are some people on /v/ that aren't interested in SSB news
There are people on /v/ who aren't interested in 99% of the threads up at any given time.
That's called hiding threads, using the catalog, and looking past the front page.

Besides, anytime something big happens there is always a few threads. DmC pretty much has a 200~500 post thread every couple of hours, and when the Steambox was talked about by Gabe and that other thing Valve was making, there were quite a few threads going on as well.
When it's spam and completely takes over /v/ yes, It belongs on /vg/. I was anticipating SSBB myself but japan time /v/ was one of the lowest points /v/ has ever reached. It's /v/ - Video Games, Not /v/ - Super Smash Brothers News

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