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What ideas do you guys have for improving /v/? Let's here it.
>>388124 (OP)
remove it.
It's to late I say we permaban anyone who uses /v/
Set the post and thread cool-downs higher and add the robot9000 script to it. Or maybe create a second /v/ that is like that and do nothing with the older one.
24/7 nazi mods
Yes, just what we need 3 western video game boards. I think my idea is the best yet, moot do it.
>>388124 (OP)

What exactly do you have a problem with? I don't understand what everyone is bitching about. It's almost all video-game related threads, and ones that aren't get deleted fairly quickly.

What annoys people so much? Shitposting? Like what? Be specific about what annoys you because honestly I'm not seeing it much.
The only thing we need on /v/ is more moderation.
>>388124 (OP)
Increase post cooldown time to 120 seconds.
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> robot9000 script

> second /v/
Technically there already is one, but even so I can't help but feel you're on to something.

Okay, so /vg/ is vidya generals, long term discussion for old games, long running franchises, and multiplayer

Then we have the /v/ split, let's call them /va/ and /vb/ for now:
/va/ could deal with specific topics; such as upcoming releases, recent gaming news, and criticism (positive and negative). When the thread starts to go off on too wide a tangent, it is deleted.

/vb/ would be random but vidya related; developers, people, best game ever, console wars, discussions about genres, and video game culture (not /v/ culture). Threads about a specific game or news item would be deleted, as that belongs in /va/.

/va/ and /vb/ would be sibling boards, both technically being /v/, but because /v/ has grow so big, it's become unwieldy and difficult to moderate.
Splitting the board and narrowing down on-topic content makes moderation easier.
Moderation. My reports do nothing.
The janitors have been asleep for days
I remember just last week off-topic threads were deleted before they hit 10 replies.
Today I've seen a bestiality dump, loli discussion, and that one guy who posts the same thread over and over in hope of acquiring MILF pornography.

And it's ALL staying up.
More moderation
People to stop replying to obvious trolls, shitposts, attention whores, etc
More reporting.
What if I told you /b/ has been trying to make /v/ a wasteland for the past 6 months... Everyday we organize on IRC and coordinate our shitposting and cancer. IT has spread to the point that we're slowly pulling back and enjoying the chaos we've created.
> what if I told you
> for the past 6 months

I'd tell you that it's been going on longer than that.
Good job pissing in a sea of piss, I guess.

On the topic of this thread, the biggest problem that /v/ has is that it tries so hard not to be like Reddit and Gamefaqs, that it goes into the opposite end and everyone just flings shit at each other. I'm not saying that /v/ should be a hugbox or anything, I'm just saying that it would be nice if it found a healthy middle ground between total DING DONG BANNU hugbox and constant shitflinging.
There's no way to change /v/ without changing the mindset of the users; everyone there is just so damned paranoid about every god damn thing.
>OP is talking about a rather unknown game? VIRAL VIRAL VIRAL VIRAL VIRAL
>This fag disagrees with me, he must be from Reddit!
>I'm going to go shitpost, it's the only way to drive out these normalfags.
anon needs to stop claiming everything is shitposting and viral and blogging

those three things kill every thread...

lets just talk about nothing !! whooo

>inb4 not your blog

i have a feeling you dont know what this means sir
Ban it from /q/. /v/ is fine the way it is, we shouldn't give in to a bunch of faggots who want to replace the video game discussion on /v/ with inane blather about their own personal experiences with them.
Kill youtube celebrity threads, That's the only issue.
>>388124 (OP)

remove /a/ from /v/

add ID's to stop shitposting and samefagging

says the desperate shitposter who sees solution as a problem to his ruses.
You're clearly an outsider who doesn't understand the specific ecology of /v/, so let me enlighten you?

Those masses of shitposting, off-topic posters, kids and trolls? They're actually very important. By harassing everybody who posts, they scare away idiots who have the intelligence and understanding of video games of the average GameFAG and who would otherwise turn /v/ into a bland, shitty hugbox of /a/-style garbage. Meanwhile, the people who have the patience to filter out the shit are rewarded with one of the most insightful, interesting, and cool video game communities that I've ever been a part of.

So yeah, I am hostile to your solutions, because I want to protect our community from faggots like you. If you really want to talk about video games in that manner, then try going to NeoGAFs or whatever. I'm sure they'll welcome your vague, mushy-headed, half-formed opinions.
OR you could step your game up and come play with the big boys. Most people who are disgruntled with /v/ are just mad because they make bad posts/threads and get trolled, but making good posts is actually not as hard as I make it out to be, as long as you follow certain guidelines. Shitposters are unavoidable, but they tend to steer clear of threads where everyone is smart.

1.Did you like a certain game or aspect of a game? This is an essential first step, but it's where most of /v/'s detractors stop, leading to inane posts such "HEY GUYS LETS TALK ABOUT NEW VEGAS." "I LIKED ASPECT X OF GAME METAL GEAR RISING." "ASPECT Y OF PLANESCAPE WAS DUMB AS HELL LOL!" while these aren't exactly shitposts, they're not interesting.

2.What about the devs? What do you think they were trying to do? Why did it succeed or fail? Tell us about it!

3.What about the bigger picture? How does this game/aspect compare to other games in the genre/other aspects of the game?

4.How could the developers have improved on the concept or failed to deliver? What are some of the most common pitfalls in designing these kinds of games, and how does the game/aspect of the game fall into them or avoid falling into them?

You don't have to answer all these questions in every single post, but if you want do attract the good posters, you need to explore a few of them, and you should be able to answer them all if you elect to talk about a game.
>add ID's to stop shitposting and samefagging
ID wont remove shit posting
and removing /a/ is impossible because the line between JRP fandom and animoose is pretty thin over all
Just need more heavy moderation that will ban people for posting borderline not vidya shit like >>>/v/173037706
shits so fucking borderline its not even funny
Ban filename threads faster, ban unpopular opinion threads.
ban threads that start with a reaction image and green text
So is CoD but still does not mean its good
Ban anyone posting on /v/ from posting on other boards.
This, they just can't fucking behave
>>388124 (OP)
>What ideas do you guys have for improving /v/?
Shut it down
Permaban Klonies and the shitposting tripfags like Jupiter, 80% of the board is improved.
Wordfilters do jack shit. The only words/phrases that could be filtered and make a difference are "reddit" and "that feel/tfw"

Shit that should be bannable:
/soc/ and /r9k/ shit (feels, stories threads)
E-celebrities threads (Game Grumps, Spoony,)
Kotaku threads
Feminism shit

Anyone care to add to this?
Except they are permabanned. Regularly. It's called ban evading. Filter and ignore them.



can we ip ban anyone posting from Australia
I agree with everything, but even though I hate "e-celebrities" and even the term, I can't help but believe they are still vidya related even if not a lot. I move for all discussion to be moved to /vg/ since the threads are consistent enough and it's already riddled with e-celebritity wannabes(tripfags).
So you love to constantly discuss feminism on /v/?
A good start to ANYTHING said in this thread is to have moot, mods or whoever may concern actually GIVE A SHIT about anything discussed on /q/. Seriously, I'm sure people have been here ranting about the Feminist, YouTube Celebrities, Feels, etc. but amazingly their threads are still a force to be reckoned with on /v/!
And how about some fucking mods that aren't fucking faggots? I will put money that a lot of mods slip through the cracks with secret agendas and moderate according to their personal intrigue. So we have faggot hipster mods letting feminism threads stay up and idiots weaboos who allow anime avatar tripfag circle jerk threads stay up because they're discussing his favorite anime.

I hope you interview every mod moot, I really hope you do. Well, assuming your not just sending out your faggot minions to do your bidding.
Proper mods.
Zero tolerance for retards.
IDs (Just like here) so we can identify samefagging faggots and viral fags.
Also: Ban everyone who posts in /b/ from visiting /v/
Ban the terms "icycalm" and "insomnia.ac" from /v/. There are ways of saying these things that are banned from the board, but the actual URL isn't. Please, keep his drones out.
Just merge /vg/ back to /v/ and the job is done!


It's impossible to discuss Japanese games here anymore because of his shit
This. Or at the very least create an E-Sports board and let generals on /v/ be.

Also implement a few word-filters.
Kick the furries out.
Why isn't the existing anti-furry rule being enforced? Just because they say it's "/v/ culture" doesn't mean it is.
>Or at the very least create an E-Sports board
This, creating a /vg/ was too big of a bandage for a small problem. The real problem threads were Katawa Shoujo general and the Starcraft/LoL/DOTA threads.
What? There are like, maybe 100 people on /v/ who actually know who icycalm is. I haven't heard anybody talk about that guy in months.

Again, WHAT? Icy's whole thing is that aesthetics are a pleasant diversion and REAL MEN ONLY PLAY GAMES WITH SUPER DEEP MECHANICS. Dude plays Arcana Heart for fucks sake.
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>>388124 (OP)
IDs, automatic bans for using "kotaku", "reddit*" and "/^LOL/" or /^LEL/. Done.
Too bad mot is a giant pussy-ass faggot and this won't happen.
Where's our janitors? It's getting close to half a year.
Even fucking security agencies respond faster to job applications.
>I haven't heard anybody talk about that guy in months.

Ah so you weren't there when his review of TF2 came out.

How new can you get?

Every WRPG vs JRPG thread, every single one, is derailed by icydrones

Also, he insists that only the West can do passable storytelling.
I didn't fucking cared for this threads but they really dig down this tripsfags really deep!
>Ah so you weren't there when his review of TF2 came out.
>How new can you get?
I completely avoid TF2 threads BECAUSE I'm old enough to realize that the TF2 community is incredibly horrible, and I remember when they were running wild on /v/.

>Every WRPG vs JRPG thread, every single one, is derailed by icydrones
>Every single shit thread is derailed by faggots
Who cares?
1) Remove green text stories. Well, not just stories. Misuse of the quote function in general.

Auto-delete posts that start with >implying, >mfw and >tfw and/or more than two lines of green text or something.

2)Stricter moderation against offtopic posts.
2a)Especially against bullshit feminism threads. /r9k/ exists for a reason.
2b)Also remove anime threads. The more publicity it gets, the more 15 year old /v/agrant scum goes to shit up /a/.

3)A big sticky with flashing red text saying "When you see a troll post, hide it, report it and move along"

But of course, if moot decides to do any of this, there will be a wave of whining and disapproval on the part of 60 to 80% of /v/'s userbase.
>Also remove anime threads. The more publicity it gets, the more 15 year old /v/agrant scum goes to shit up /a/.
>Remove shitty threads not because they're shitting up you're board, but because they might make some people come to our board!!!

There's way more /a/ shit in /v/ than vice versa.
You know all those people complaining about "moeshit" on /a/? Yeah, that's /v/. As for /a/ content on /v/, I don't see much of it besides reaction images and the occasional reference.
>You know all those people complaining about "moeshit" on /a/? Yeah, that's /v/
>trolls don't exist
Yes, /a/, it can't be that your own userbase is shit. It has to be someone else.
I don't really go to /v/ much these days, so excuse me if I make myself sound stupid, but who or what is icycalm and insomnia.ac?
Mods not deleting posts just because they don't agree with an opinion.
I don't really find these threads to be worthwhile since there currently aren't enough janitors to put any policy changes into practice.

After we finally get new janitors, then we can talk about taking action to improve post quality. As things are now I think focusing on deleting blatant off topic threads and threads that exist to bait responses are about all that can be done.


>You know all those people complaining about "moeshit" on /a/?
>Yeah, that's /v/.

HAHAHAHA you must be new here.

"Moeshit" trolls have always existed on /a/.

You probably weren't even here for YotsubaC.
>I don't really go to /v/ much these days, so excuse me if I make myself sound stupid, but who or what is icycalm
I'm not going to sit here and recount the many appalling crimes of Alex Kierkegaard, but I'll tell you this much: he's a faggot.

>and insomnia.ac?
His video game review website. A while back it turned into a paysite and everybody stopped caring about icy and his particular brand of faggotry.

1 - Split up /v/, yes, again. It is still the fastest board on the site, now even faster than /b/. This time split it up into /pc/ and /console/ gaming. That should slow it down.

2 - Ban Kotaku and all other Gawker websites. Reddit is already way ahead of us on this - all Gawker sites are banned from many subreddits including /r/games. Step it up senpai!

lol @ icycalm still causing bootyblisters after all these years. That wigger can't even 1-ALL dodonpachi, then again most of /v/ would get slaughtered on the first level.
People talk about him all the time.

He's a god damn moron who believes himself to be god's gift to the gaming community and the most intelligent being currently alive. I'm not kidding - he calls people who disagree with him "subhumans" and runs a pay2read site.
And his drones shit up /v/.
Related: http://culture.vg/forum/topic?f=13&t=2618&sid=1a5b0ed89afc5a05909e284e6e7bcbe1&start=275
(scroll to the bottom)

/v/ isnt anywhere close to being as fast as /b/
>He's a god damn moron who believes himself to be god's gift to the gaming community and the most intelligent being currently alive. I'm not kidding - he calls people who disagree with him "subhumans" and runs a pay2read site.

Wow, that guy sounds like a complete shitlord.
Yes, and he has obsessive followers who continuously shit up /v/, blindly posting links and actually yelling "subhuman" all the time. It's simply unacceptable. Several ways of saying the site's name are already banned because of this shit, and Icycalm himself is actually banned. There is no reason not to ban this URL, and evert reason to ban it.
>Wow, that guy sounds like a complete shitlord.
Pretty much every community he's ever participated in has thrown him out violently.

>People talk about him all the time.
Not that I've read.

>And his drones shit up /v/
Not everybody who thinks that mechanics are the most important part of a game, or even that JRPGs are shit or whatever is an icydrone. In fact, I'm pretty sure that /v/'s disdain for JRPGs predates icycalm's article.
That's true, and I'm also not complaining about those things. Hell, I don't like JRPGs that much (there are a few exceptions). I'm just tired of Icycalm worship and all the shit his drones do. Seriously, just go to archive.foolz.us, look up "icycalm" and "insomnia.ac," and you'll see all the problems.
As I said before, there are ways of saying his name and his site's name that are banned already, so why not just ban the URL?
/v/ already has too much moderation.

90% of this thread should fuck off back to Tumblr.
You want to improve /v/? Add the following words to a 1 day ban filter:


These words are extremely common in "shitposts" and have no reason to be posted on a video game board.
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Change janitors.
>/v/ already has too much moderation.

>Check /v/ for the monthly check
>Open two threads
>Both of them have unspoilered NSFW images, one of them has like 5 or so of them.
>They are completely ignored, and remained so 'till the thread died.
>Too much moderation.

>>388124 (OP)
Remove /vg/, then split /v/ in /single-player/ and /multiplayer/.
After that, place both boards on heavy moderation and ban General threads.
This is what should have been done the last year, instead of the clumsy decision made by Moot, who clearly doesn't browse /v/ neither 4chan as a whole.
We delete /vg/, bring all the videogames back to /v/ and make a new board solely dedicated to esports.

We also add a sticky on ironic shitposting, ignoring bait and tripfags and the discussion of japanese games on /v/
>After that, place both boards on heavy moderation and ban General threads.
>Does a game have dynamic content? FUCK YOU, YOU CAN ONLY TALK ABOUT IT ONCE, EVER.
If something interesting and worth discussing happen in a game you just make a thread about it, or search for a similar thread.

Dwarf Fortress has as a shitload of "dynamic content" and it never needed a fucking General thread.

I hope you realize that /v/ (and every other board) worked perfectly before general threads got popular.
While I don't think deleting /vg/ and banning general threads forever is a good idea in any way, I do agree that it would be better for the "general" threads to stay on /v/ as long as they stay small, rather than move to /vg/.

A lot of general threads just turn to complete shit if it's the same people posting every time, since not knowing everything about the game gets you shunned out of every discussion, and almost everything is already discussed with the regulars that make up most of these threads.

A really good example of that would be the AGDG threads. When they were in /v/, there were always people barging in and asking/talking about projects. In /vg/, posting about your project is pretty much the same as writing a blog post. You're not going to get any discussion your ideas going, because the people who follow it already know what you want to do.

Dwarf Fortress has general threads in /vg/, if you haven't noticed.

It's just that people ignore them and make threads on /v/ about it. Or they don't know they exist.
Add ID's to /v/ and make it easier to hide all posts done by a certain ID.
It is impossible to fix shitposting on the second fastest moving board on 4chan but users should have a more robust way to filter shitposts themselves.
> I do agree that it would be better for the "general" threads to stay on /v/ as long as they stay small, rather than move to /vg/.

This is Moot fault.
/vg/ was and still is a poor idea, one of its biggest problems is that it's ill-defined.
Basically there is a huge loophole that let's you "upgrade" to /vg/ just by making some some General threads on /v/ for some days.

Nowadays you probably don't even need doing that, anyway.

>Dwarf Fortress has general threads in /vg/, if you haven't noticed.
Yes I know, but they didn't for a long time and they worked fine. Actually I used to lurk them before the became General.
This is a good point, the community stagnation that occurs in /vg/ is definitely the fatal flaw of generals.

I've been browsing the rance generals since they started but honestly whenever the occasional /v/ one pops up the conversation is much more fresh and interesting.
1. You're asking the majority of people to not be stupid. This will never happen,
2. You're asking that "these things should be bannable!" when they'll never get deleted either way because there's not enough mods in the first place.
IDs to stop HURR DURR samefag.
Good moderators.
Permaban guys like gEc/925k who want to turn /v/ into GameFAQs/NeoGaf/GameSpot/whatever shit forum kids go to

>Check /v/ for the monthly check
>check /v/ monthly

And then you complain about the board? rofl
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we need to get rid of these master race morons. making off-topic threads and derailing console game threads







Typical shitposter trying to justify off topic "B-b-but it was so interesting and funny you guys, it was way better than actually discussing what the board is supposed to discuss!"

You having a meltdown is hilarious. Why do you even come here when the site is clearly becoming something you don't enjoy? Leave.

because i go to places that aren't for me, attempt to evict the natives, and try to turn them into things that suit me instead of what they were previously

oh wait that's you

nice thought-terminating cliche

>because i go to places that aren't for me, attempt to evict the natives, and try to turn them into things that suit me instead of what they were previously

You're the one who doesn't understand what this site is actually supposed to be like. You're crying because you've gotten used to playing in the shit, now when people try to clean it up you bitch and moan because you don't know any better.

>nice thought-terminating cliche

I'm calling you what you are. Anyone who argues in favor of off topic content is a shitposter.


There is no reason to be here if you don't like what the site is, and there is no reason for me to encourage people I feel are detrimental to the site's quality to remain here.
>You're the one who doesn't understand what this site is actually supposed to be like.

this place was made by people who wanted an escape from the shitmodding and autistry of SA

now you want to turn it into essentially the same deal as every other boring video game site on the net

fuck you, i bet you don't even know anything about vidya

quick, what's the best game for the vectrex system

>So now you are the final judge of quality posts.

It doesn't take a genius to understand that off topic posting is cancerous.

>Again, why is it so hard for you to just learn to filter?

Why is it so hard for you to stop making bad posts?

Do you really think you have a case here? The staff clearly hate what you're doing, which is why they added the filters in the first place.


>this place was made by people who wanted an escape from the shitmodding and autistry of SA
>now you want to turn it into essentially the same deal as every other boring video game site on the net

I love it when people think they know what 4chan is supposed to be about better then moot himself.

This place wasn't founded as a chaotic, anything goes, no rules and no mods shithole. If that's the kind of site you desire, you should look elsewhere.

haha you didn't even answer my question

you know nothing about vidya, you fucking scrub

i bet you think VNs aren't games

i'd tell you to get on my level but i don't want pleb on it
>because i go to places that aren't for me, attempt to evict the natives, and try to turn them into things that suit me instead of what they were previously
>/v/ was always a shithole filled with off-topic crap and memespouting underageb&
Well, maybe since you got here.

>Wanting offtopic and blogshit to be cleaned up = wanting /v/ to be Gamefaqs
/b/ =/= all of 4chan. /b/ is the cesspool. /b/ is where the stupid shit goes. What the fuck is hard to understand about this?

>And, if you know what the filters are for, why do you insist on not using them? Just to be a dick??
And, if you know the topic of the board, why do you insist on not posting about about it? Just to be a dick??

hahaha you fucking nothing

you don't know e1m1 from e1l1

get the fuck out

>You're a tool.

And you're a shitposter.

Name calling aside filters are designed to hide stuff you don't like, not cancerous behavior. Video games, anime, or cartoons that you don't want to see, not posting that is detrimental to the site.


I'm sorry I don't feel like indulging your desire to roll around in shit. Shouldn't you be leaving since this site is going to hell and all that?
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>i ask you a stupidly simple video game question that anyone who knows anything could answer
>you describe it as rolling around in shit
>you then presume to set the agenda for a board whose topic you are ignorant of

Your question is a pitifully transparent attempt at deflection, and is loaded to begin with because tastes are subjective.

>and so is what is considered on topic

No it isn't.

>Is it about video games?
>It's on topic
>It's not
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>tastes are subjective

you didn't even venture a goddamn opinion

you are pulling so many boners right now, it is like you are a stage magician and you are pulling rabbits out of your hat but instead of rabbits it's just more terrible mistakes

you do not know anyfuckingthing about vidya

i'll spare you a fucking softball question, even: without using a reverse image searcher, tell me what game this came from

he doesn't know a fucking thing about video games, he probably never beat SMT

if you showed him a picture of a roguelike he'd report you for off-topic ASCII

this is the face of on-topic 4chan and I hope you like eating this shit because there is a heaping bowl of it right in front of you

You're trying to get into some dick waving contest over who knows more vidya facts as if that means anything. How many people who currently browse /v/ do you think could recognize that game from that image? What is it supposed to prove?

For the record, the game is Mr. Buzzword.


>You have no idea what on topic is.

It's easy to know what it isn't, it's not ">tfw no gf", it's not fucking tip threads, it's not "What are you eating right now /v/?", it's not "Look at this funny picture I just found /v/!", it's not fucking feminism threads, it's not "Hey /v/ check out this Facebook conversation!", it's not America vs. Europe dickwaving, it's not greentext stories about how pathetic your life is, it's not wallowing in self pity and looking for sympathy from people who are just as pathetic as you are, it's about FUCKING VIDEO GAMES and it's not hard to stay on that topic.
>Mr. Buzzword

i can't tell whether you're trying to do a thing or you are legit ignorant

i'll assume the latter

>tip threads
>threads about tips for video games
>off topic

you remind me of that one astounding motherfucker who literally said that international politics weren't related to international discussion

why don't you just fuck off to r/games or something? they have no culture to speak of, strict mods, and ignorance there is celebrated instead of derided

Implying any of those ever stay on topic beyond the thinly veiled opening posts and don't instantly devolve into circlejerks that have nothing to do with vidya.


>i can't tell whether you're trying to do a thing or you are legit ignorant
>i'll assume the latter

You've fallen for the ruse.

>tip threads
>threads about tips for video games

Oh wait you're trying to trick me too, how sneaky.

being coy about whether you're stupid or not is not a ruse

he doesn't know jack shit about video games and he can't tell his baphomet from his granfalloon so i think it's a fair assumption to make that whatever he thinks is good for /v/ is bad, and vice versa
>Implying video game culture and girlfriends are so far removed when there are a million waifu simulators like mass effect
And this makes >tfw no gf :((((( shit acceptable? That makes it vidya related?
>Implying video games never have food in them
So this makes food vidya?
>Implying that funny picture didn't remind them of a video game
So posting a picture totally unrelated to video games is okay because it reminded you of one?
>Implying feminism has not been leaking into video games the last few years
And? This makes it okay for social justice idiots from tumblr and gayrobot and wherever the fuck to make their hourly circlejerks?
>Implying no one who plays games has a facebook and wants to share some video game related content about it
And this makes facebook vidya?
>Implying americans and europeans all have the same video game tastes
LEL MURRICLAP VS YUROPOOR is still not vidya
>Implying there isn't a subset of no life gamers who want to share how video games ruined their lives
We have /r9k/ for blogging about your shitty life.

Please, you have to be trolling. Tell me you're a ruseman, i've been tricked, whatever. Just please, PLEASE tell me that you don't actually believe this crap.

I don't waste time trying to shitpost in such threads, reporting is sufficient. Fortunately they're not so much of a problem anymore, for which I am grateful.
you probably don't know anything about vidya either

or you're the same guy with a new IP

you're fucking full of shit and unless people want /v/ to become hospitable to fools like you, they will do the opposite of what you want

These people are all too common.

Scary thought isn't it?
>guys I'm totally two different people even though we all have the same voice and agree with each other

the cheapest of cheap tactics

you make me fucking sick. you are a person who plays Wizard in Nethack. you fucking animal.

>or you're the same guy with a new IP
This is why my ID hasn't changed from>>388796 right?

>you're fucking full of shit and unless people want /v/ to become hospitable to fools like you, they will do the opposite of what you want
You've done nothing to support this.

This might blow your mind but all the video game knowledge in the world does not make you a good poster.

You could have been here since this site was first created, it doesn't mean you aren't cancer.

>you're fucking full of shit and unless people want /v/ to become hospitable to fools like you, they will do the opposite of what you want

You're fighting a losing battle. What you want /v/ to be like isn't, nor has ever been, what the staff and the majority of contributing posters want it to be like.

you don't know anything about video games and you think that you get to set the board agenda for people who do

maybe if you weren't a casual you'd see the appeal of this stuff you claim to hate

too bad that will never happen

Your dumbass doesn't even know how IDs work.

Can you really not comprehend that more than one person can disagree with you?

Are you afraid that your opinions aren't actually favored by a majority of posters?
>This might blow your mind but all the video game knowledge in the world does not make you a good poster.
>You could have been here since this site was first created, it doesn't mean you aren't cancer.

this is what neo-/v/ actually believes

It's the truth.

You're trying to claim "I know all about the vidyagaems" like it means something. It doesn't.

You aren't more qualified to say what's best for /v/ than any other regular.
>Moot often called /v/ /b/2.0 in a favorable way
This is possibly the most oxymoronic sentence I've read in a while.
>Moot often called /v/ /b/2.0 in a favorable way

wait, what

are we agreeing or disagreeing

for my part, I am of the opinion that this minority crusade against /v/'s culture is dumb, ill-advised, and promoted by people who don't actually know anything about the topic or the board
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>for my part, I am of the opinion that this minority crusade against /v/'s culture is dumb, ill-advised, and promoted by people who don't actually know anything about the topic or the board

Well I have bad news for you friend, you have already lost this "culture war" as it were.

but it wasn't a mistake

also link to that thread on an archive because i think it's probably shopped
>this minority crusade against /v/'s culture
>/v/'s culture
Oh I get it now

then i guess it's time to take 4chan down

the cancer has metastasized and it's time for this site to die

>but it wasn't a mistake

The mods, janitors, posters, and moot all disagree.

>also link to that thread on an archive because i think it's probably shopped

Must I literally spoonfeed you like a child?


Feel despair, shitposter.


If you're talking about the filter, you're the one who doesn't know how to use the site.

The filter is not supposed to be used to ignore shitposting.

People will actually talk about video games, what a travesty.


No it's not, the staff have refuted this excuse numerous times, it has never held water.
moot has a history of making bad decisions, viz. the deletion of /r9k/ and /new/

the only reason this site is any kind of success at all is because MrVacBob and a bunch of other people, many of whom are no longer here, tagged along for the ride and contributed their skills and expertise

i mean, how many people do you know who go to ikuzo.org or even canv.as

>Feel despair, shitposter.
you sound like a comic-book villain

anyway, my point is that a) you are trying to force 4chan to be something that it literally was not designed to be, b) you are doing this directly contra people who were here before you and made it into a thing you decided you wanted to be a part of, c) there are literally tens of thousands of places which are better designed to be what you claim at this moment in time to want, d) you don't actually have much interest or knowledge in the topic the board in question's about, and e) you seem like kind of a mean-spirited uptight asshole

so basically what i'm saying is come the fuck on

>moot has a history of making bad decisions, viz. the deletion of /r9k/ and /new/

Which resulted in significant outcry and he later had a change of heart about.

Quite contrary to what happened here, where he was berated for not going far enough, and eventually conceded even further.

>the only reason this site is any kind of success at all is because MrVacBob and a bunch of other people, many of whom are no longer here, tagged along for the ride and contributed their skills and expertise

As if that's changed?

There are still lots of people who put in their time and effort into the site to make it the best it possibly can be. And there are many others willing to pitch in, judging by the number of janitor applications and the demand that gave rise to 4chan passes.

>i mean, how many people do you know who go to ikuzo.org or even canv.as

I wouldn't know. That's kind of the idea of interacting with people here, you don't know who they are, what they do, or where they go beyond the fleeting interactions you have with them here.

And it doesn't matter.

>you sound like a comic-book villain

I can't help but be a little sadistic when it comes to this topic, I'm sure numerous posters and even the staff who don't want /v/ to return to the shithole it used to be even a few months ago can sympathize.

>so basically what i'm saying is come the fuck on

Your flaw is that you assume far more then you should, from what this place was intended to be like to the qualifications of those who disagree with you.
>Quite contrary to what happened here, where he was berated for not going far enough, and eventually conceded even further.

yeah and a bunch of people thought deleting /new/ and /r9k/ was a good idea, and a bunch of people think le upsboatville is trying to subvert /v/'s precious bodily fluids

what if a lot of people are wrong

>As if that's changed?
it has changed because some of them are no longer with us

>I wouldn't know.
what? i'm using these as examples of semi-solo projects moot tried to do because you're trying to claim that he's the expert on knowing what's good for 4chan

>I can't help but be a little sadistic when it comes to this topic
you sound like a ridiculous asshole

/v/ was at one point something unlike anything else on the internet and you are trying to make it into something that is like everything else on the internet

even if i fucking hated /v/ culture, despised the rage threads and lewdness, i would at least recognize that something that rare is worth protecting

i hate what 4chan is becoming, and not only is it becoming that at the hands of dicks like you, but there is nowhere else to go

>yeah and a bunch of people thought deleting /new/ and /r9k/ was a good idea, and a bunch of people think le upsboatville is trying to subvert /v/'s precious bodily fluids
>what if a lot of people are wrong

Well good luck changing opinions. You have your work cut out for you.

>it has changed because some of them are no longer with us

So? Some people have gone separate ways, but we've also gained new people, like the people who helped make the catalog and the extension. More improvement has taken place during the past year alone than probably the five before it put together.

>what? i'm using these as examples of semi-solo projects moot tried to do because you're trying to claim that he's the expert on knowing what's good for 4chan

It isn't moot randomly deciding something, lots of like minded posters who want the site and their boards to improve have been calling for more moderation, and a removal of the content widely seen as cancerous. The staff also support such positions.

>you sound like a ridiculous asshole

I'm fine with that.

>/v/ was at one point something unlike anything else on the internet and you are trying to make it into something that is like everything else on the internet

Making the board actually talk about what it's supposed to be about isn't destroying what makes /v/ unique. This is what you people who whine about "culture" don't understand.

What makes the place unique isn't loose moderation. The board's culture is not feels, dubs, tips, and jimmies.

>even if i fucking hated /v/ culture, despised the rage threads and lewdness, i would at least recognize that something that rare is worth protecting

None of that content is worth preserving. It's all trash. Asinine, bottom of the barrel level of discussion, cyclical more often than not. It has no place on /v/.

>i hate what 4chan is becoming, and not only is it becoming that at the hands of dicks like you, but there is nowhere else to go

I couldn't care less.
>Making the board actually talk about what it's supposed to be about isn't destroying what makes /v/ unique.

it kind of is

see, even if I were to grant you that under strict rules anonymity is meaningful (and it isn't here, because we are not anonymous to the mods, and they are who count), there are actually a bunch of other imageboards with moderation that is as strict if not moreso than this, even now

if not culture, what separates /v/ from them, except post speed?

>It isn't moot randomly deciding something, lots of like minded posters who want the site and their boards to improve
yeah and people have done that in the past
people have done that but instead of "the site" it was "the internet" and they were trying to get us shut down, and a lot of IRL important people agreed with them

>I'm fine with that.
you shouldn't be

>It's all trash. Asinine, bottom of the barrel level of discussion, cyclical more often than not.
and the vidya discussion isn't? really?

>I couldn't care less.
so i have been here for x years and you have been here for x-y but i have to accommodate you because the site isn't safe and controlled enough for you?

that fucking stinks

>if not culture, what separates /v/ from them, except post speed?

Culture is what separates /v/ from other gaming communities, but your idea of what culture is is wrong.

>people have done that but instead of "the site" it was "the internet" and they were trying to get us shut down, and a lot of IRL important people agreed with them

A ridiculously melodramatic comparison. The very idea that increased moderation could be compared to SOPA and PIPA would probably send moot's side beyond the galaxy.

>you shouldn't be

Oh well, your opinions don't mean much to me, in case it wasn't already obvious.

>and the vidya discussion isn't? really?

Yes, that's correct. If you think the best part of /v/ is the part that has nothing to do with the topic of the board, you are very much a part of the problem.

>so i have been here for x years and you have been here for x-y but i have to accommodate you because the site isn't safe and controlled enough for you?

Seniority has nothing to do with it.

You advocate for an acceptance of content that is widely viewed as cancerous. That makes you a plague on the board. It doesn't matter how long you've been here.
>and the vidya discussion isn't? really?
Are you seriously comparing on-topic discussion to ">tfw no gf" and "Rage thread, everybody post the same Facebook screencaps for the twelfth time today?"

Just stop. When you advocate retardation you've lost any credit seniority could've provided.

Not that I believe for a second that you've been here very long if you honestly believe /v/'s culutre revolves around off-topic crap and circlejerking.
>Culture is what separates /v/ from other gaming communities

>but your idea of what culture is is wrong.
culture is what we talk about. culture is in the ideas we hold. i know you are absolutely unprepared to make any concession here but the thing is, since we're doing it, since this is the stuff to which people, when not acted on by outside forces, want to post and reply to and think about and experience, it kind of fucking by definition IS our culture

because really, unless you're abridging "our" culture to fit YOUR goals, how could it not be

>A ridiculously melodramatic comparison.
you fail to see how increased intervention of LEOs is similar to increased moderator intervention? granted it's a smaller scale of problem, but if you take into account stuff like stopping piracy, it even kind of shares the same goals

plus that isn't what i was saying, i was referring to times when e.g. the GNAA raided us and tried to wreck the site. there were a lot of people who agreed with that!

>Oh well, your opinions don't mean much to me
you're kind of selfish. you want /v/ and 4chan to keep out the stuff YOU DON'T LIKE, and damned be anyone who disagrees. the fact that you don't really care what other people think of you seems like part of a larger deal.

>Yes, that's correct.
dude a lot of the video discussion is like Let's Plays and shit. it's kind of junk IN MY OPINION. and there is no "best part of /v/". there are parts of /v/ i like, and there are parts of /v/ other people like, and that is fucking fine until someone gets it into their head to cut out all the parts they don't like, and then you get the kind of power struggle bullshit that turns the healthiest site in the world into a has-been joke.

>Seniority has nothing to do with it.
but it fucking does because culture exists and if you aren't willing to take into account peoples' degree of experience with a given culture- the people who, in the past, made 4chan a thing YOU want to visit-
Most of the off-topic crap, particularly the ">tfw no gf" relationship threads, actually originate from /r9k/ faggots using /v/ as their hangout diring the time /r9k/ was deleted (because they considered themselves "too cool" for "cancer boards" like /b/ and /soc/). It is NOT /v/ culture and should NEVER have been allowed to take root, and should be expunged.

Hell, it isn't even unique, the feelfags post the same shit on /sp/ too. They should all be banned and their shitty bawww threads deleted.

-can you even have a coherent or meaningful idea of culture that doesn't suggest that those more experienced with it are, and i have to use a tautology here but seriously, more experienced with it?

>You advocate for an acceptance of content that is widely viewed as cancerous.
but man back when /v/ was better it WASN'T

we had people JOKING about how much we hated video games and how we had no mods

a lot of people were fine with that, and we made memorable, interesting, fun shit

you can say "oh, it's not /v/'s job to be memorable or fun or interesting" but shit, it's not 7chan /v/'s job to do that either, and they're way more strict, so why not just go there? why do you have to force yourself on something good? if you care so much about vidya, where were you when they got rid of VNs? where were you when they literally took video games out of /v/ by making /vg/?

i think this push for neo-strict-/v/ is part of the same deal as the r*ddit shit. it's the same thing, really, people bitching about stuff they don't like until moot does something.

i don't want 4chan to be a forum. i don't want it to be a safe, staid place for adult discussion. there are places like that already that do it much better than us because that's what they're designed to do.

you want 4chan to be on-topic and serious and shit, you charge people to sign up, make sure they have to use their real names, and before you know it, you'll have something that bears no resemblance to what this site was because what you're trying to is dumb

it's dumb because caring about a few off-topic threads on a board that clears itself totally every few hours is dumb

it's dumb because coming to a site because you like it and then getting rid of the people who made it what you like is dumb

it's dumb because doing the above and then somehow failing to grasp not even the idea of culture but that of simple goddamn causality is dumb

so to summarize this big long thing that i didn't want to write:

you are an asshole because you want to get rid of everyone on 4chan who does things you don't like, no matter how destructive to the site it is

you are dumb because you fail to grasp how what you're doing is destructive

dude, i don't even hate you but you are literally a dumb asshole

>culture is what we talk about. culture is in the ideas we hold. i know you are absolutely unprepared to make any concession here but the thing is, since we're doing it, since this is the stuff to which people, when not acted on by outside forces, want to post and reply to and think about and experience, it kind of fucking by definition IS our culture
>because really, unless you're abridging "our" culture to fit YOUR goals, how could it not be

If it has nothing to do with the topic of the board, then it is not culture, but cancer.

Culture might include jokes about video games that are shared by people who browse, an affinity for certain games or genres of games that is shared by much of the board, events having to do with video games that bring the community together, often resulting in producing content.

The common denominators here are that it's something that's shared by the community, and involves the topic of the board: video games.

>you fail to see how increased intervention of LEOs is similar to increased moderator intervention? granted it's a smaller scale of problem, but if you take into account stuff like stopping piracy, it even kind of shares the same goals

I'm afraid I don't follow.

The people who want more moderation of the site want to improve their boards by rooting out content that's widely seen as negative. It isn't just a matter of enforcing rules for the sake of it.

>plus that isn't what i was saying, i was referring to times when e.g. the GNAA raided us and tried to wreck the site. there were a lot of people who agreed with that!

IRL or within the site? There are plenty of people outside of 4chan who hate the site, but their opinions are irrelevant to us. I can't imagine any active participants in the community here want to see the site destroyed. At worst they may be apathetic to its fate.

>you're kind of selfish. you want /v/ and 4chan to keep out the stuff YOU DON'T LIKE, and damned be anyone who disagrees. the fact that you don't really care what other people think of you seems like part of a larger deal.

You're mistaken if you think I'm alone in my sentiment. There are quite a lot of people who echo my opinions, from the active posters to the staff. I also find it to be quite a diverse group. People who have been here for various numbers of years coming together to demand a better board because regardless of how long they've been here they're tired of the shitty state it's been in for the longest time.

The reason I'm indifferent to you is that you advocate what amounts to cancer. I have no reason to sympathize with such sentiments, which are so widely opposed by posters and staff alike.

>dude a lot of the video discussion is like Let's Plays and shit. it's kind of junk IN MY OPINION. and there is no "best part of /v/". there are parts of /v/ i like, and there are parts of /v/ other people like, and that is fucking fine until someone gets it into their head to cut out all the parts they don't like, and then you get the kind of power struggle bullshit that turns the healthiest site in the world into a has-been joke.

Yes I know subjective opinions and all that, but again, it's easy to determine what doesn't belong. Off topic bullshit that has nothing to do with video games has no place on /v/. It cannot be good. It is by definition cancerous.

>but it fucking does because culture exists and if you aren't willing to take into account peoples' degree of experience with a given culture can you even have a coherent or meaningful idea of culture that doesn't suggest that those more experienced with it are more experienced with it?

But like I said, plenty of people share my sentiments. People who have been here longer than I have. People who have been here for a briefer time than I have. People who have been here since the beginning.
>If it has nothing to do with the topic of the board, then it is not culture, but cancer.
we have different definitions of culture and with shit like this usually the harder head prevails and i'm almost done giving a shit but:

my position is that, if you are going to be honest with yourself, you cannot arbitrarily exclude stuff from the umbrella of "culture" because it is not allowed within the discussion space. people are doing it, they are a demographic, it is a thing that demographic enjoys doing to the point that you literally need outside intervention to make them stop doing it. given that, how in the fuck could it possibly NOT be part of that demographic's culture? this is like saying heroin and weed weren't part of jazz culture because they were illegal. it's like saying ebooks aren't part of book culture because they don't come on paper. it's a lie of omission.

it promotes a false, skewed view of how things actually are.

>The people who want more moderation of the site want to improve their boards by rooting out content that's widely seen as negative.
The people who want more moderation of the internet want to improve their webs by rooting out content that's widely seen as negative.

follow yet?

>IRL or within the site?
"within" is tricky. there are people from the past who want 4chan as it is now to die, there are people who wish 4chan was never like it was. the point is that just because a lot of people agree with something, it's not a good idea. if that were true, le r*ddit would be the greatest site on earth because of le upvotes. before you claim that this invalidates whatever i'm saying about culture, that is incoherent because i'm not saying that the culture we had/have is "good" because "we all agreed with it", i'm saying that "it was what it was because we all agreed with it, and you liked it too, else you wouldn't be here, and if you've changed, why waste your time and cause suffering by trying to make it like you want-

>but man back when /v/ was better it WASN'T
>we had people JOKING about how much we hated video games and how we had no mods
>a lot of people were fine with that, and we made memorable, interesting, fun shit

And how long did that go on before it got old?

Can you look back on how /v/ was in 2009, 2010, 2011, even 2012, and say that it was good?

And then if you can accept this decline in quality, what is the root cause? It was the exact opposite of overly strict moderation.

>you can say "oh, it's not /v/'s job to be memorable or fun or interesting" but shit, it's not 7chan /v/'s job to do that either, and they're way more strict, so why not just go there? why do you have to force yourself on something good? if you care so much about vidya, where were you when they got rid of VNs? where were you when they literally took video games out of /v/ by making /vg/?

The creation of /vg/ was my wake up call. For the first time in my years on /v/ I realized that it could be more than what I thought it was capable of. That the shit that had always plagued the board, that I had taken for granted and believed to be as much a part of the board as actually discussing video games, really wasn't. That things didn't need to stay the way they had been.

>i think this push for neo-strict-/v/ is part of the same deal as the r*ddit shit. it's the same thing, really, people bitching about stuff they don't like until moot does something.

But that's how things have always been. People want something done, they ask again and again, bitching and moaning often, eventually if moot and the staff's views coincide with what is asked, they go along with it. It's not something new.

>i don't want 4chan to be a forum. i don't want it to be a safe, staid place for adult discussion. there are places like that already that do it much better than us because that's what they're designed to do.

You say this but then you say

>you want 4chan to be on-topic and serious and shit, you charge people to sign up, make sure they have to use their real names, and before you know it, you'll have something that bears no resemblance to what this site was because what you're trying to is dumb

And you seem to completely miss the point of why this place appeals to people beyond the community.

>it's dumb because caring about a few off-topic threads on a board that clears itself totally every few hours is dumb

The ephemeral nature of this site doesn't mean we should disregard the quality of what is posted.

>it's dumb because coming to a site because you like it and then getting rid of the people who made it what you like is dumb

The people who made it what I like are the people who post on topic, not the people who shit up the board with garbage that doesn't belong.

I couldn't care less what happens to the people who do that, because it's not why I come to this site, and it's not why most people come to this site.

>dude, i don't even hate you but you are literally a dumb asshole

And I think you're a pretty sad, deluded person.

Now, it's late and I can't be continuing these enormous posts all night, so I'll have to end things here for now, but hopefully there are others who can step in and continue to explain things for me, because I know there a plenty of people who feel the way I do.
- instead of going to any of the other sites that are stricter and less cultural".

and no, you aren't alone in your sentiment, but if you really were a majority, we wouldn't even be having this discussion because mods wouldn't be needed because everyone would be going along with what you want

>I also find it to be quite a diverse group.
if it's so diverse why are they trying to make 4chan into something that's similar to n thousand billion other safe, well-regulated forums and imageboards? why are they trying to enforce rules that make sure all content is homogeneous? that does not seem diverse to me. that seems like a bunch of people that agree with each other trying to make life shitty for people who don't. same as any IRC cabal (seriously, jumping at IRC shadows is like a thing sites do when they're dying) but WORSE because IRC people just want to do their own thing and not get rid of anyone else.

also "cancer" is a /b/ thing and the "le r*ddit" of its day.

>Yes I know subjective opinions and all that, but again, it's easy to determine what doesn't belong. Off topic bullshit that has nothing to do with video games
dude, the most beautiful PC-98 VNs in the world are not allowed but thinly veiled SA-youtube-personality-promotion-dreck is. what the fuck, "off-topic". fucking hyperdimension neptunia isn't allowed, and if this were 2006 we would've fucking creamed ourselves over it. /vg/ is literally made up of threads that were so on-topic people got sick of it.

not only is the "off-topic"/"on-topic" division arbitrary but it's also stupid because of culture, which i have addressed. there are so many other places that do on-topic better.

i mean i hate to keep coming back to the fucking engineering of the software that drives the board but what the fuck do you think you're going to get from a thing that deletes fucking everything every few hours, has no barriers to entry, and was based on an underground japanese BBS?

>my position is that, if you are going to be honest with yourself, you cannot arbitrarily exclude stuff from the umbrella of "culture" because it is not allowed within the discussion space.

But that's the whole reason rules exist in the first place. Boards have topics. There is more to this site than just discussing whatever you feel like discussing. This place was never intended to be a "no rules, anything goes" kind of place. We have rules, we have board divided up by topic, we have communities that want those rules enforced, and we have a staff that are more than willing to do that.

>i'm saying that "it was what it was because we all agreed with it, and you liked it too, else you wouldn't be here, and if you've changed, why waste your time and cause suffering by trying to make it like you want-

But the "culture" you're talking about isn't a part of why I came here, and why I like this place.

You're the one who changed. You grew accustomed to how things were, even when it became different from how things were intended. And now, when people try to go back to how things were intended to be, you've spent too much time inundated in the old environment you never realized that it was never meant to be like that, and that liking that aspect of the site, and it being the reason for you coming here is coming here and being here for the wrong reasons, reasons that were never meant to exist in the first place.

Okay, done for real now. Peace.
>You say this but then you say

those aren't even contradictory. they are basically affirming each other. 4chan as it is designed is designed to frustrate control. do you even know who hiroyuki IS?

>And you seem to completely miss the point of why this place appeals to people beyond the community.

what other appeal is there? it can't be the anonymity, because moot effectively made that irrelevant. not only can the mods see what you're doing as if you were using a forum and mark you accordingly, but there's an old guard you can't really disagree with unless you want banned, and you can't say something sucks unless you're polite and deferential about it. not only that, but there are OTHER anonymous imageboards. it can't be the speed, because if it were the speed, you'd either go to r*ddit (god i hate having to censor that) which is really quick (and way more on-topic), or you wouldn't have a problem with the other shit because it makes the board move quicker and draws more people in, who can then reply to you.

there are so many other sites that do the same shit we do that the community is the only PLAUSIBLE draw.

>The people who made it what I like are the people who post on topic
are you sure they aren't the same people, because a lot of them are, and a lot of the ones who aren't enjoyed it even if they weren't the ones doing it
also if this is true, why did you even come here? it's only recently we started getting so bland, so what this means is that you came here, liked a minority of the threads, and decided that this minority needed to be the majority, and everyone else can get fucked. plus, you have no real way of knowing why most people come to this site, and (again, judging by the fact that THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF MORE MODERATED AND MORE ON-TOPIC SITES THAT OFFER MORE ANONYMITY AND ARE EASIER TO USE FOR THOSE PURPOSES), i'd say that, even if you're willing to avoid the assumption that they don't come here for the culture, saying they come here for the OPPOSITE of it, for shit WE AREN'T DESIGNED TO DO, is kind of unlikely.

>But that's the whole reason rules exist in the first place.
kind of wrong. rules exist to serve people. legitimate rules make achieving a given purpose easier. i am arguing ends, not means.

>we have communities that want those rules enforced, and we have a staff that are more than willing to do that.

you present yourself as a monolithic majority but then act like a minority trying to govern things for everyone else.

>how things were intended
fuck that. the internet itself was originally designed to help keep communication open during a nuclear war. fuck chaining the site to "intent". if your intent was so great, why did the site become something different from what was intended? why do you give whatever "intent" moot had at fucking 15 (and you know fucking nothing of intent, by the way, because you don't sound like you were there and you probably aren't moot) more weight than what the effort of literally millions of people over the years made?

you're welding shut the door of a saturn V so you can use it to drop a fuel air bomb on dresden and i'm trying to tell you, "hey, asshole, there are astronauts trapped in that thing".
the bottom line is this:

it makes no fucking sense to say you come here for "on-topic", "quality" posts because there are dead literally thousands of sites that do that shit with infinitely greater efficiency, sites that care so much about the quality and topicality of their posts that they FUCKING SAVE THEM and prevent people from posting unless they've PAID MONEY, sites that are literally designed to CROWD-SOURCE RATE the quality of posts and hide the ones that are "bad" while promoting the ones that are "good", not the least of which is FUCKING REDDlT

you want a site that is basically designed for phatic communication (whether moot understood that or not) to be a site for mining gems out of commentary DESPITE HAVING NO BARRIERS TO ENTRY NOR A RATING SYSTEM. it's like you're bitching that everything on twitter is so SHORT.

and in order to achieve this stupid, stupid thing, you're willing to wreck most of the things that made a lot of people want to come here, turn the reports system into the equivalent of upvotes, change the fucking board software in crucial ways, and directly contribute to an internet phenomenon that MOOT HIMSELF said was bad news!

look, i might be a loser who cares enough about 4chan to write a thousand words on it, but at least i'm not that STUPID.
>Permaban guys like gEc/925k who want to turn /v/ into GameFAQs/NeoGaf/GameSpot/whatever shit forum kids go to

What did I say to make you think that?
File: 1359494843587.png-(29 KB, 325x355, sarcasm.png)
29 KB
Sounds like a great plan. It'll cleanse the board of all the shitposting!

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