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New boards added: /asp/ - Alternative Sports, /gd/ - Graphic Design, /lgbt/ - LGBT, /out/ - Outdoors, /vr/ - Retro Games

As with all new boards, these are being added on a trial basis. If they don't pan out or go unused, they'll be removed.

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Daily user since '05 here.

Disgusted with the addition of the /lgbt/ board.

It's a complete travesty and a slap in the face to everything that 4chan stands for. Could have been a /sex/ board, for gender and sexuality related issues. Could have been a /fet/ for fetish issues.

But no. It had to be /lgbt/.

It is a bad idea for the same reason that /mlp/ was a bad idea: A) containment boards don't fucking work. More importantly B) it singles out groups of users, puts a label on them, and subsequently takes away the real power and driving force behind the community (read: anonymity).

Just another (maybe final) nail in the coffin.

Other boards discuss SUBJECTS, not personal traits. That's why you don't see me here posting a 2000+ character post about /mu/, because anonymously discussing music is completely fucking different.

Anonymity is what makes this place unique, the ability to remain anonymous. Being free from social constraints and norms and expectations and responsibilities and everything else that made most of us turn to the internet for entertainment in the first place.

You faggots ruined that with your special snowflake social justice MUH RIGHTS politically correct bullshit.

The 4chan I knew didn't give a fuck if you want to turn your dick inside out or fuck another dude in the ass or eat a fellow woman's vagina. It was a non issue.

The 4chan that I once knew was united under the power of none, and did not discriminate between groups of people or wish to create factions.

I don't know what happened to that website, but I sure as fuck would like to see THAT come back, as opposed to the cesspool of stale memes, Redshit-tier humor, newfags and social justice warriors.

The worst part of this is, is that my post and many others like it will be considered the result of prejudice against LGBT people.

Let it be known that I could not give less of a fuck what you do behind closed doors. I don't expect you to care about my private life.
Give up. 4chan is rebbit now

Expect a social justice board soon
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>>489360 (OP)

Because as stated earlier, it's a non fucking issue.

What I'm concerned about is why 4chan is catering to the needs of people who it's never given a fuck about before.

Why is it that we're trying to expand to mainstream levels when the site could easily prosper from a few well placed ads?

I think that most of us would much rather go through a pop-up here and there than be infested with shit.

I'm actually almost inclined to believe that the whole SRS scare was and is a legitimate thing.

What the fuck happened, moot? I'll be waiting for a response.
Sometimes when a friend gets sick and dies we go into denial. Sometimes it's hard to accept the friend we knew and had so many good times with is gone. But they are. Sometimes being angry is part of the grieving process, but eventually we all must move on.
Dude. Get over it. We have been dead since 2008
>>489360 (OP)
>Daily user since '05 here
>Disgusted with the addition of the /lgbt/ board
>nail in the coffin
>You faggots ruined that

Well, maybe it's time to wrap up your 7-year 4chan career and quit the site entirely.

We won't miss you.

SRS pls.
The fuck is with the whole lgbt thing? I mean really? Don't they want to be treated like regular human beings, rather than like special snowflakes or something? The fuck moot?
>>489437 →
God, stop sucking that retard's dick. It's unsightly.
I feel you, oldfag. It's painful to watch things burn.

Edit: Spam post

Tl;dr moot is a jew, caters to mainstream for more users/money, /q/ is angry autist circlejerk around moot, protecting staff from criticism.
>this one homo going around to every /q/ thread defending the faggot board
>>489360 (OP)
Daily user since 2004.

Fuck your shit, the site's direction has been ass for a few years and this is nice for a change. Pol should've never been born.
>>489360 (OP)
* Why do you think /lgbt/ is a containment board? What's it containing?
* I think it would make sense to have one board to discuss sexuality since its a really diverse topic. I don't think moot's intent was to isolate anyone and a lot of the reaction so far has been hyperbole.

>You faggots ruined that with your special snowflake social justice MUH RIGHTS politically correct bullshit
Man, I've been here for years and I've never really seen this shit anywhere. The nazi/stormfag/JEEWWS/NIGGERSS shit posting is way more rampant. When's the last time a thread on social justice/lgbt/feminism wasn't critical? When's the last time a discussion on sexuality derailed a thread?
It really wouldn't surprise me at this point.
>>489360 (OP)
>taking 4chan this seriously

I think maybe you need to take a break from the internet
Defending all the new boards, actually. Nothing specific about /lgbt/.

I guess it's cute that you think you're slamming me with a callout about something, though.

Telling faggot OPs who think their "disappointment" in some "nail in the coffin of 4chan" means something to fuck off is a long valued tradition!
I didnt think it was this bad until this happened. I got on rebbit, so many people do. Even there the SJW bullshit is awful. At the end of the day when I was fed up with pretend feminists complaining about how "faggot" was sending them into triggered frenzies I could get off it and come relax here.

You dont think people will come for lgbt? I think they will, and it will start slow, people complaining about people using nigger, or faggot. Not that I like using them, but thats not what matters. People can use them, people can have discussions and opinions against the grain without being attacked by people claiming its insensitive or oppressive.

This is coming from someone gay, /lgbt/ isnt worth it. I would love a place to talk about it all, but honestly, its never going to happen here without it being overrun by sjw/srs tone policing and whining about feels. Something like /sex/ would be better I guess, inclusive of all genders and orientations.

I said already, but damn this is disappointing. I always thought 4chan and rebbit would be separate, the overlap minimal, and now the worst parts of rebbit are here.
>Other boards discuss SUBJECTS, not personal traits.

I do agree with this. Maybe /lgbt/ should be renamed to /as/ - Alternative Sexuality.
>>489360 (OP)
>user since 0'6

I have loved the content,
cleaner site
lack of spam


Do you realize m00t....
If you don;t SUPPORT /lgbt/ than your AGAINST IT>?
>Stupid fucking logic

the userbase is gonna slide to shit m00t
Look, it's a shitty board, no ifs, ands or buts.

That being said, it isn't the end of the world. Trying to interpret it as such is silly. Nobody is making you go to /lgbt/, there's no mind control.

>caters to mainstream for more users/money
That isn't how it works, amigo.

>/q/ is angry autist circlejerk around moot, protecting staff from criticism.
The majority opinion around here is generally in the favor of staff. Welcome to the world, people disagree with you.

Fortunately, if the direction of the site bothers you that much, you're free to leave.
The term "LGBT" is used as a catchall for communities, issues, and people. The board IS for the discussion of subjects, specifically those that pertain to "LGBT." That could mean laws, events, communities, lifestyle, stories, whatever. It doesn't just mean "gay people."
>Daily user since '05 here.

You must either have had a lot of free time, or you've got balls of steel and an iron constitution.
Everyone seems to think that the voice of the majority on 4chan actually has sway on what goes on here. The fact that /lgbt/ just popped up today means that it *doesn't*. Most of 4chan, or at least the ones with the loudest voices, are racist/mysoginist/hypercritical assholes.

On re|>|>it you can't speak your mind without repurcussion (sp?). Over there, being politically correct and appeasing a certain crowd means your voice is more important. That'll NEVER happen here as long as we have anonimity.
>>489360 (OP)
Oh please, 4chan's users have been stripping their own anonymity for years. Nobody here cares about identity, they're always announcing themselves as
>/_/ here recommend me something
or using retarded memes that mark them as a user of a certain board, not to even mention the legions of identitywhoring tripfags.
And if it's not that, then it's associating any opinion they don't like with a hypothetical group of people and using that as a blanket excuse to dismiss what the person had to say.

As an experiment in letting people speak divorced from identity politics, 4chan has proven that, at the very least, 4chan's own userbase is completely uninterested in such a thing. These fags want identities, the only reason they use 4chan is because they don't want to constantly use throwaway emails to register new accounts every time they want to act like a retard.

Don't even try to say that /lgbt/ of all things is an affront to the anonymous aspect of 4chan. This website itself is a fucking affront to the liberating power of anonymity, when everybody just uses it to sock puppet and troll.
But the voice of the majority has never been in charge.

Neither has the voice of the minority.

Moot is in charge.

Also, you're free to criticize LGBTs people respectfully. No, you can't say "FAGGOTS DIE!!!!", but you couldn't say that anywhere else on 4chan, either.

I hate this newfangled 'liberation' thingamajig. Why can't we all just be slaves again?
>>489360 (OP)
>I expect a reply m00t
Looks like you're serious.
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>Moot is in charge.

And look at all the good that has done us. Now we have a board for people with mental problems who base their lives around the fact that they're fags.
Yeah, clearly things aren't going to get any better.

Maybe you should leave now.
And who is making you visit that board?

Even if the mind control NWO-Illumnati-Jews make you go there, if you really don't like 4chan anymore, not even the mind control can make you stay.
People can do whatever the fuck they want with their anonymity.

If they want to be tripfags, let them. I for one will remain as anonymous as possible, while still being able to get my message across, because in the end that's all that matters.
I know, thats what I was trying to point out -- No subset of normal users on 4chan really control it.

> Also, you're free to criticize LGBTs people respectfully
I don't even think it has to be 'respectfully', but it should be conducive to a valid discussion. I think "I hate Transgendered people and think they should be all be forced to live on an island because [insert valid discussion point here]" is alright. No one pulls punches here and the general language on 4chan has always been aggressive.

> but you couldn't say that anywhere else on 4chan
You're kidding, right?
>You're kidding, right?
I really meant to type sans /pol/ and /b/. I really did.

Otherwise, yes. That would be report worthy anywhere else.
>>489360 (OP)


Why do you polfaggots always bring up /mlp/? It's your board that's shit.

/MLP/ wasn't behind the massive shitposting a few autistic spammers did in the past, and moot confirmed this.

You're either just retarded, or a really desperate polfag craving the attention. You guys are the new fucking cancer. Really, I don't care if you have political incorrect views; but stop forcing your /pol/" wE R LEGION" shit on everyone else.

Nobody has to succumb to your retardedness, and nobody has the right to force your retardedness on us.
>Also, you're free to criticize LGBTs people respectfully. No, you can't say "FAGGOTS DIE!!!!", but you couldn't say that anywhere else on 4chan, either.
What is /pol/?
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/lgbt/ is an decent board and I think we should be tolerant of other beliefs. We already have /pol/ for you bigots.
>>489360 (OP)
>A) containment boards don't fucking work

/mlp/ and /vg/ work wonderfully.
If you want gay hookups go to /soc/. If you want to discuss gender issues go to /pol/. If you want to discuss AIDS go to /fit/.

I honestly hope moot realizes that no one asked for this board and nothing except shitposting and trolling will come out of it.
Remove it. Add a sexuality board.
/v/ is the containment board. /vg/ actually discusses video games

Keep dreaming. The only reason /vg/ was created was to clean /v/ off all those generals.
>to clean off /v/ of all those vidya threads

Exactly. Enjoy your console wars and culture shitposting
I agree we should have left /new/
>/lgbt/ is an decent board and I think we should be tolerant of other beliefs.

It just showed up today and going on it just shows how terrible it is.
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>>489360 (OP)
>Expecting Moot to reply to you because you are upset about what he is doing with HIS site

If you don't like it you can leave Mr. Old Faggot you won't be missed.

>Containment boards don't fucking work
They do /mlp/ and /vp/ worked out perfectly.

>Muh anonymity
Anonymity will continue to stay the same it always has the only thing that has changed has been the users not anonymity itself.

>Muh old 4chan
Face it the 4chan that YOU loved is long dead Mr.Old Faggot and it will stay that way because many of the original posters left and moved on with their lives like you should. 4chan will never be the same as it once was because this is technically a new generation for the website with new users and new subjects to discuss.

>Let it be known that I could not give less a fuck what you do behind closed door. I don't expect you to care about my private life
Yet you do care since you made this thread.

Here is some advice for you Mr.Old Faggot.


This is the problem with 4chan people don't know how to ignore shit they don't like. The reason why /mlp/ was created because a bunch of butt hurt faggots like yourself got mad over a couple little ponies and the result of that was /mlp/. I don't exactly care about any of these boards that Moot added but they aren't doing any harm now are they? But is the problem faggots like you Mr.Old Faggot have to make a big deal over nothing and the end result will either be /lgbt/ being deleted because you don't like it or you will continue to shit up /q/ because you don't like /lgbt/

Grow up.
Had a look on there. The first thread was full of faggots berating this one guy because he said he wouldn't fuck a tranny. Called him transphobic, etc. It was like being on tumblr.
fuck moot for this, he either doesn't realize or doesn't care how facenormalfriend he has become.
I agree with OP here. Honestly, we're practically begging the tumblr crowd to come over here, as IF /CO/ WASN'T FUCKING BAD ENOUGH. I never believed the whole "moot is a jew" bullshit, but it does seem like moot is trying to mainstream us. Fuck me in the asshole.

Not to mention /vr/. Way to go against what you said in the past about "NO MORE SPLINTERING BOARDS GUYS". WOW YOU FUCKING MADE A BOARD FOR A TOPIC THAT HAS ONE YOU FUCKING FAGGOT. You'd be absolutely retarded to think /vr/ wouldn't become a shithole in some form. /vg/ became a shithole in the form of a massive fucking circlejerk and it's wishful thinking that another /v/ splinter wouldn't become more of the same. /out/ seems cool, hell i'm even open to /asp/ and the /gd/ board (although it feels like a hybrid of /g/ and /i/), but /vr/ and /lgbt/ is a faggot.

Goddammit, the only reason I'm on this site anymore is because I have nowhere else to go. Other chans are too small/borderline dead and you had to make this place a shitty mix of tumblr, leddit, and whatever other shit we already have on the internets. Great going moot. To those who say "LOL who cares about oldfags and the old 4chan, time to be faggots!" should just go fuck themselves. We don't need another tumblr or another leddit or whatever else. 4chan had its own qualities that made it so alluring.

11/10 I MAD
>those generals
Yes, those threads where discussion happens in >80% of threads.

Meanwhile on /v/

Fuck off, /v/ is shit.
/v/ died in 2010.
/vg/ saved videogames.
>/mlp/ worked out perfectly


there's a fucking pony thread everyday on /b/

are you being serious?

>Yes, those threads where discussion happens in >80% of threads.

There's hardly any discussion in the biggest generals, and the smaller generals that are actually worth a shit didn't exist before /vg/.

No one cares about /b/.
As bad as /v/ is, you're severely underestimating how much they've recovered since the removal of dubs. Honestly, I dislike that board a hell of a lot, but it can have a decent conversation every now and again.

But his point still stands. It didn't work.

It worked for every other board, nobody cares about /b/.
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why don't we just let people have their boards, and not shit them up or whine about it on /q/, like assraeped autists?

maybe then, /q/ could actually serve its intended purpose as a board for legitimate requests and suggestions.

just a thought.

>pic related; it's OP
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>>489360 (OP)
>Daily user since '05

>Daily user since '04

dear lord men, what are you doing with your lives?
This. moot is a normal among normals.
>Fucking losers on 4chan right?
Gotta love this site's changing demographic. I'm willing to bet most 4chan users have a facebook (whereas people in older times actually laughed at myspace users).
>>489360 (OP)
Daily user since 2010
Thank you based m00t for glorious LittleBigPlanet board
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/b/ is a containment board for shitposters those posting pony pictures are dedicated shitposters not the average /mlp/ poster.
I watch anime all day and fap a lot.
No one fucking cares. Back to your quarantine.

No matter what meaningless trite you post, no one still cares about /b/.
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This. Are people really that dense?

1000 times this.

Couldnt have written it better myself.
>Still going on about this shit
>Despite moot's repeated explanations that they do not represent /mlp/ and are ban evading trolls
It's like you people are genuinely autistic. They explain something to you and you just keep rambling on about the same shit.
You mean i'm not the only one whose been in this shithole since 06?


There are quite a few of us, actually.


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