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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Moot. Please delete /b/ and /soc/. They are accountable for bringing in 95% of the shitposters on the site that don't care about contributing anything to this community. Thank you.

Moderator Replies: >>5531 >>5900 >>6079 >>6157 >>6208 >>6262
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Delete no, but I do agree.

/soc/ is a shit, since an imageboard is based on the concept of anonymous posting, without registration and all.

/b/ is worse shit. Bots, ponies, gets, x names my y, le memes everywhere, stupid trolls getting trolled by trolls, believing they are funny.

Boards are very useless, I'll group them into /fag/ and let the shitposting flow all through it.

>Pic related
What happen everyday on /b/
>Implying the cancer wouldn't just move to other boards
You probably contribute less than them.
The fact is: people hear about /b/ on the internet. They come on 4chan and stay only there, believing that they are trolling and being part of /b/ (note: /b/, not 4chan, only /b/) is special and make them strong.

You can't deny this.
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>Delete /b/
>Horde of shitposters now arrive on every board

It would be the death of 4chan.
Just look what happened to poor /x/.
>Moot. Please delete /b/

Wait, what? Why would Moot delete the most popular board on the site? There's a shitload of people that go on /b/ only and disregard any other boards. Deleting that would mean more shitposters coming to other boards and less people on the site, which is bad.

Although I don't mind Moot deleting /soc/. I never got why that shithole was invented in the first place but it's gotten a lot of negative feedback ever since it's inception and I don't blame them.
We need /b/ and /soc/. They contain most of the teenage idiots and facebook faggots respectively. They act as container boards.
If I remember correct, /soc/ was for the people posting photoes of themselves and asking a rate, meet up, etc.

Pathetic and ridicolous, if you ask me.
/soc/ was made to get rid of rate me/mycock, hook up, and facebook threads that infested /b/ and other boards.
>says the terrorist
I don't think permanent deletion would be good.

Maybe temporary deletion... say a few months to a year?

That would oust quite a bit of the problem.
/b/ is the starting point of most people on here. A person would usually /b/rowse for a year or so before leaving /b/. /b/ is essentially the home of cancer and faggotry, it wasn't always though, it used to be the home of 4Chan. The real reason /b/ has changed from bad to worse is because of the Anonymous 'hacking (which really means skiddy) group' and also #Occupy or whatever the fuck. A whole bunch of pretentious hipsterfags and even irritable normalfags all flooded into /b/ from Tumblr, Cheezburger, Reddit and mostly Facebook with all of this media attention. Even when I check my messages of Facebook (that's all I do when I go there), I see sometimes a post like 'Haha, check out this image from /b/, you might think it's disgusting, but I don't cause we are the /b/adasses of the Internet xD' and then it goes on to get 20 likes and all these normalfags discussing gore, memes, ragefaces and /b/. (cont. in next post)
It really saddens me that the place that was once solitude for the introverts of society has became so mainstream and aggressive. I know the mods, admins and janitors are all trying very hard to fix /b/, but it's too late. /b/ is dead. The only way to get rid of this cancer and to stop it from eventually seeping into other boards is to delete it for a while. I know moot has a lot of nostalgia for /b/ and will always stand by it, but it's a different place now, there is hardly any OC or funny content. /b/ is dead. By deleting it, these people will leave. Don't worry, they won't go to other boards, because all the other boards are too 'geeky' for these people. I know at least 50 people IRL who go on 4Chan and with the exception of 2 or 3 of them, none of them go on any boards except from /b/. These extroverted ass-holes don't belong here, they're only here to be edgy and cool.

Doesn't this help to contain them from spilling over into other boards then?
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>deleting his favorite board, /b/
/b/ is a containment unit. Deleting it would just push all them into the rest of the site.
Just like /r9k/, /mlp/ and /vp/.
if you're going to delete /b/ then /v/ needs to go aswell because it's the same shit.
waaah moot delete this board because I dont like them QQQQQ
If the people in question aren't cross-boarders, then the deletion of /b/ and /soc/ would drive them out of the site completely.
All of the boards are too 'geeky' for them. They would just go back to Tumblr, Reddit and Facebook. The only boards they would actually tolerate would be /soc/ or /r9k/. They wouldn't feel welcome anywhere else. Most of them probably don't even realise there's other boards anyway from the way I've heard some of them talk.
But /b/ is the cancer of 4chan. So just let all the cancer from the internet go there.
I don't know what to think about this.

If /b/ gets deleted, a lot of faggots will rage and probably start a faggot protest against moot or something, but most of the retards in there will eventually leave because they don't have the intellectual capacity to read the 60+ words per post on other boards.

If /b/ doesn't get deleted, it will continue to host most of the retards, and maybe bring some more. And some of those new friends will eventually visit other boards for curiosity, and spread their cancer.

I think the best solution here is to ignore /b/ and /soc/, let them swim in their own diharrea.
Also, for the best results, /r9k/ and /adv/ should be deleted following /b/ and /soc/. Then those people will have nowhere else to go on the site for sure.
Not everyone on /b/ is bad. In fact, if you're a cross boarder on /b/, it probably means you're on the right track. /b/ is good for porn and is better for requests than /r/ is since it's a lot more active. That's about it really with the exception of an epic thread every month or so.
Yeah, some boards just exist to keep the quality of 4chan reasonably high. Without them, the whole website would turn into a shithole.
I'm also thankful for our "asshole of the internet" reputation. It really helps with keeping the idiots away.
holy shit that is an accurate pic lol.

that happens on other boards too.

4chan is just invested with these fuckers.

I suggest MOOT makes another thread for feels and those relationship crap. You have /r9k/ but they seem to go to other places.

How about you get janitors and mods who do their job? Just go on /fit/ and see how many feel threads there are on the front page. I remember a time when there wasn't even one thread on /fit/.
I think I just realized cancer means normalfags.
/adv/ isn't that bad. It's a slow board, so there isn't much cancer on it. The only bad thing about it is the very occasional 'wahwahwah, I'm le 15, how do I get a girl to like me'.
Actually, that's wrong, because the site started with no such boards. Even /b/ was Anime & Random.
The amount of site traffic that comes from /b/ is unbelievable. It's the mainstream 4chan. The site would simply shut down. Why should the existence of shitposters who use the site incorrectly bother you so much? As long as they stay on /b/ and the other boards are well maintained it's not a problem. I never understand people who go on /b/ and then complain about it being shit and dead and cancer.
/b/ is and has been a quarantined zone for a few years now. Do not delete it.

/soc/ was specifically created to quarantine people who made those nonstop "rate me!!!" threads on /r9k/.
Let's say we delete it, and all the shitposter -only /b/ leave 4chan.

What would you do?
The site wouldn't shut down, there's more than enough people here on other boards to keep 4Chan running smoothly. In fact, it would do the opposite from shutting down. How many times has moot said that there is no profit on 4Chan and that he is actually losing money? It would be better for moot and for the rest of the community if /b/ somehow magically returned to the way it was a few years ago or if it was deleted all together and maybe even came back a year later. We all know this won't happen, but it should.
I imagine it pains all you oldfags to see how shitty it is now.

If deletion caused even a small amount of the idiots to spread to other boards it wouldn't be worth it.
The site was a *lot* smaller when it started. Today we have shitposting boards for the purpose of preventing shitposters from spilling into other boards. There's too many people for 4chan to exist without these boards.
Come one, what kind of people do you think still posts on /b/?

That board is filled with teenagers no older than 17. And if /b/ gets deleted, do you think those retarded teens will go on /lit/, or /sci/, or any other interesting board?
No, but they probably will go to /v/
This is exactly my point. I regret not putting it in the opening post, but alas.
The idiots might be so small and so spread across boards that we could hardly even discipher them from the average idiot on the average board.
Keep /b/ and /soc/ up, but ban everyone that has posted in it in the last day. Repeat every day for months.
The only places they would even enjoy going to would be /soc/ and /r9k/. Those boards are already shit and not even many of them would go there, most of them would leave because none of the other boards hold the same 'bad ass' status as /b/.
Good idea. A permaban is even better.

Probably /v/, but /v/ is also already a shithole.
>Lets delete /b/ and /soc/ so they can fuck up the rest of 4chan
Yeah but once they go to /v/, then they might start spilling over into other boards. For example, /g/ is feeling a lot of /v/ spillover these days
Please consider all the other points discussed in this thread before you definitely say what you have said.
Read the thread
I don't think we should take the risk. Just leave /b/ as it is. The board is dead and cancer can't harm anything that's dead. So leave the cancer there.
>Remove /b/
>Removes all the shitposters, amirite
I hope you all realize that the /b/-tards will first swamp /v/, then go on to /a/ and *then* maybe stop spamming the site, except maybe for /pol/, the two beta boards and all porn boards. And possibly /x/.
There's way too many potential victims when removing the dedicated shitposting boards.
Here's another solution: Bring Snacks back. He will get rid of 70% of the cancer on /b/ in the first 3 hours of his assignment.
I with this guy here. You know your shit, are quite knowledgeable about every board mentioned thus far, and provides refutable evidence to back up your statements.

Mods, please consider this individual's opinion on the matter unless you yourselves see a fault.
The autists would likely flood /sci/. They already do, but to a lesser degree.
A few people here have realized the point of /b/.

/b/ is the sacrificial lamb of 4chan. Shutting down /b/ would cause the horde of deranged /b/tards to pollute other boards.
This is actually a great idea. Some wouldn't be deserving of the ban, but those people probably know about 4Chan, have been here for a while and know how to evade the ban. The faggots from FunnyJunk, Facebook, Tumblr and Reddit who think finding out someone's password on a site would have no idea on how to evade a ban.

It would.

Cancer can upset the people around the one who is affected by it. Better putting it out of its misery while there's still some life there.

They'd have no reason to go to those boards. Maybe /v/ because videogames are pretty much a mainstream topic for them, but these people are the popular kids from high-school, they have no interest in anime or complex conspiracy theories. Newcomers aren't usually welcomed to /v/ anyway from what I've heard and are sent away as filthy, fucking casuals. Lets face it, the average /b/tard nowadays only plays COD and Battlefield.
I agree with this.
Getting rid of /b/ would let me letting a pack of rats loose in my brand new house
Thanks man.
/v/ is more about "video game culture" instead of video games, so they have all the same memes, rustled jimmies, GET threads, dubs, etc that /b/ has. It's basically /b/ 2.0, so I think that a typical /b/ user would come in and make it even more /b/ like.

There is a comic someone made like that. Bascially in the comic, A /b/tard comes into /v/ and "civilizes it" making it /b/troplis. I don't have the image, but if someone does have it, feel free to post it.
I don't even understand the appeal of /b/. Took a single look at it during 2007, shrugged, and moved to other boards that I have actual interest in (be it hobbies or worldly discussion).
People find it funny with all the edgy dark humour.
Generally everyone who loved /b/ was underage, except 2003 and 2004 when SA was still the primary demographic. If you went to /b/ for the first time when you were older, and in 2007, I'd imagine you would not have much to do there.
/b/ is a gateway board of the worst kind. It's a bad board, a clusterfuck of trolling and memes that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive amount of porn and ANONYMOUS. The normal anon can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the board itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.

However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The retarded memefags all trying their hardest to look cool, the gore, peculiar, colorful ponies, the whole jimmies faggotry and everything about the /b/ world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party that fell threads, emphasis on epic ween, and overall underageness of the board make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.

/b/ is basically THE series to attract the most hated people known to 4chan, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every anon to troll the fuck out of this board and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no /b/ threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces in other boards.
I occasionally go there because of the stupid stuff that an entirely random board produces at times. Stuff like nostalgia threads, you want you lose or just the knowledge that someone was just as fucked up as you were during your childhood. It taught me quite a lot about humanity by reading about all this inane stuff.
It's for the real "bad-ass" on the internet, so they can have some fun and act tough, so the rest of the boards don't have to care about these retards.
People still do that on /b/ even with /soc/. There are more cam-whores than ever and people posting that they're girls just to troll or get attention.
/b/ is a step for the average 4channer. /b/ is how one learns about 4chan culture and lingo. After a while you realize "This place is fucking dumb." And move on to a board you actually take interest in.

Of course you could learn 4chan culture other boards to, but the process would be slower.

I don't think learning slower hurts anything, I really think there are equal pros and cons in keeping or ridding 4chan of /b/.
Just saw this, I agree 100%.

Just like KnowYourMeme then. Is that how bad /b/ has become?
A good amount have been there for years and are still on the first step before saying that place is dumb then.
Worse, even.
These are the people too young to realize how much /b/ sucks. Which is exactly the purpose of /b/.
Why not just move all the 4chan boards except for /b/ to another domain?

Newfags who just heard about 4chan would go straight to /b/ by typing in the .org address. Meanwhile all the experienced users access a different website that has all the hobby/interest boards in it.
That is why I was hoping this site would die. All the normals would be lost without 4chan and never touch imageboards again, while everyone else would migrate to an underground imageboard, hopefully having learned from moot's mistakes.
And suddenly the influx of new members would be so fucking low that the board will essentially die.
moot has been exceptionally good to us though. If any other image-board became as popular as 4chan, then the owner would sell within a year or so. moot never wanted to run this place as a business, he never even wanted to take donations after 05 and he never tried to make a profit when he easily could have. Not many people are as good as moot.
>/b/ sucks but we have to let them know about how MUCH it sucks
>they would have the same education about the site if they started out on other boards
> but lets still keep /b/ around, though

Cite how you came to this conclusion, please.
You mean like Canv.as?
I'm so glad that works, Nbq1snF1...
Not really. Do you remember what happened after /r9k/ got removed? Another site came into existence, created their own /r9k/, and harbored a large userbase. It worked too, because most normals didn't know of its existence, so it worked great as a filter.

If 4chan were to die in its entirety, people would actively repopulate either an older imageboard or create their own. It would be really great.

Personally though, I would really want textboards to take off instead.
The problem of newfaggotry isn't going to go away regardless of what moot does. This forum has been on a perpetual downward spiral ever since the Scientology protests of 2008 and 4chan becoming mainstream. Since then every major news site and forum has referenced 4chan as 'the worst place on the internet' or something else. 4chan memes have become mainstream too and with sites like know your meme every 15 year old will have heard about us. There's a reason the number of visitors has increased 300% in 3 years.

This trend will continue unless Moot enacts some kind of radical change like one time subscriptions (see SA forums). This would probably deter a lot of underage visitors to the site.
By deleting /b/ all you would be doing is forcing the kids there to venture out to other boards.
I think /b/ is like the firewall of 4chan, deleting it will result in spreading the cancer in all boards.

also this >>5096
Those people only go to /b/.
>radical change
>deter a lot of underaged visitors
Don't forget you're here forever
I loved Moot's reaction to ED's ponyfucker selling out.
/b/ isn't the single provider of 4chan culture. In fact, it hasn't been the provider of any in the last 4 years.

And there's no such thing as 4chan culture. Every board has it's own distinct likes and dislikes and lurking /b/ will not help you learn them.

If you use memes and /b/ phrases on some board, you will get laughed at.
Please read the other posts in the thread. I still haven't seen one person challenge the notion of that normals would not be interested in staying here if their boards got removed due to a lack of interest in other topics on their behalf. If you take away absolutely every catalyst of their desire to stay here, they will not be summoned any longer.
People keep on joining this thread and saying this exact same thing, but many people have pointed out why this exact thing wouldn't happen even if similar things did happen. Stop blurting out your obvious and not thought out conclusions and read the whole thread before giving your opinion. I know it can be boring to read all of that text, but you need to in order to understand where this debate is going.
/r9k/, who also browses /tg/ here. my board is shit and you have to plough through it to find a diamond every few dozen threads, but sometimes there is interesting discussion. at least when the foreveralone fags go away to sleep. and when we got rid of that retarded bot spammer. if you delete /b/ and /soc/, my board will turn completely to shit. we didn't report those stupid craigposts for this to be flushed in the toilet and this will happen if those two boards will get deleted
Why would you even care this much that /b/ is shit?

They don't though. Back when we had the old front page I'd have agreed with you, but every new visitor to this site sees the front page and has ~40 boards to chose from. They don't automatically go to /b/. Not only that but many people directed to 4chan are directed to other boards too. As a patron of /sp/ I can strongly attest to this; we are constantly being linked to threads from reddit where they are discussing 'look what /sp/ did' and subsequently we get flooded with cunts from that site. People not accustomed to the culture of the board are killing /sp/. How anyone can dispute that is beyond me
The thing is, /b/ had been wiped once and they decided to raid /x/.

Another wipe happened with /r9k/, a place full of bloggers, and they decided to put feels on /v/
Some terms e.g. "spaghetti" are universal in every board.
The /r9k/ that's not hosted on 4chan is much better anyway. I'm all for the termination of the one on this site, especially when a better alternative exists.

Spaghetti isn't a /b/ meme. In fact every major meme from this site in the last 3 or 4 years has come from boards other than /b/. That really says something about how it has deteriorated so quickly. Back in '06 and '07 every meme from 4chan originated on /b/, now nothing does. That's how much of a mainstream shithole it has become
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If moot did that they the cowadoody edgy as fuck 16 year olds would spread all over the site and the quality of every board would decline.

moot created /b/ originally to be a "retard bin" but it turned out being a great board for a little while. It was only really good from 2004-2005, which was really about a year. Started going downhill in 2006, though there was still OC created there. The board was completely dead marking the "Boxxy Civil War". Though many "oldfags" may have still posted there occasionally through 2010 for some sense of nostalgia or hoping for a semblance of the old days, at this point everyone has given up on the board. If anyone who went there in 2011 or later really shouldn't be on the rest of 4chan.

Now it exists for its original purpose, to keep the retards off the rest of 4chan. /mlp/, /soc/, /b/, and /vp/ are necessary for the well being of the other boards. They CAN'T go for our sake.
Thank you! Someone who is paying attention.

Because it used to be good and it's starting to shit up other boards. I'm sure I've already explained this in detail anyway.

That may be true for people who come here accidentally, but /b/ has been getting so much attention in social networking and in the media. /b/ is all that outsiders talk about, they don't even acknowledge the existence of other boards.

They should be perma banned globally if they're going to do that.

I'm waiting for mootles or a mod to join this conversation, I really want to know what they think about all of this.
I never said it was a /b/ meme. Spaghetti originally came from /v/, I know this, but the use of it is used in many boards across the site. Thus, it's a universal term that frequent users will understand.
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From what i remember the shitbrix/box spam from a few years ago cleared out a lot of cancer, for a few days at least. The fact that it worked in the first place is testament to how dumb and gullible kids from /b/ were back then, let alone 4years later today.
If it hadn't strained the servers so much it would be an interesting form of chemo today. Remove captchas from /b/, start the box spam (or even better a gore-box), chemo the board and bring it back online later. Later being a month or so.
/b/ has always been cancerous but it would at least remove the reddit/9fag/university memes cancer.
But yeah its likely that some other poor board would fall victim as the new /b/ and we would have this problem all over again. Or maybe not, who knows?
The banning idea i like though.
>If moot did that they the cowadoody edgy as fuck 16 year olds would spread all over the site and the quality of every board would decline.
You are the 20th person to come into the thread and say this. It has been countered many times, so please go back a bit and read the posts in the thread.

>moot created /b/ originally to be a "retard bin"
That's not true. Unless you mean the /b/ that remained after /a/ came into existence. That's slightly more accurate.

I agree with everything else, and then you mentioned /vp/. I personally think that the Pokemon discussion on /v/ was incredible before the split, and it was a stupid idea to quarantine the franchise like that. Same thing with /vg/.
Mods should be given the discretionary ability to ban anyone acting like an underage reddit/9fag cunt. This means anyone who admits to being underage/in school should get an instant IP range ban. Anyone who posts crappy cancerous reddit/9fag shit should also be given an IP range ban. Just start banning anyone who shits up the site.
Normals would be plenty interested. None of the boards on here are for abnormal interests. Video games, Televsion, Animals and Nature? Mainstream as fuck.
>They should be perma banned globally if they're going to do that.
Everyone know banning doesn't solve the problem. You could do an IP ban for a minute or five and noone will know the diference
I don't really like /b/, but it is the real 4chan and always will be. If you don't like it just avoid it like I do.

p.s. What you refer to as the "shit posters" would kill off other boards with /b/ content floods if /b/ was removed.
Not everyone has a dynamic IP. It might not be 100% effective, but it'll help. Also, range bans could be implemented to help.
Why don't you just ban everyone in /soc/
You just praise the people who support your opinion so your board gets saved without caring about the rest of the community. If I may ask, do you visit other boards?
p.s. respect the opinions of other people.
Bronies, cam whores and pokegeeks are all bad for 4Chan, yes, but I think the edgy teenagers that are coming to 4Chan because of the media attention are worse because there is so many of them. If they somehow where all gotten rid of then I'm sure they wouldn't come back to other boards. Even if they did, the only boards they would want to go to would be boards like /soc/ or /v/. They couldn't post anyway if they were globally perma-banned? They're probably too retarded to evade it.
Anyone who invests a more than a second thinking about this idea will come to the conclusion that it is stupid to remove /b/ or /soc/.

It is not going to happen.
Hello moot.
It's the way these boards work, the content on them and the way the people on them act that would deter them.

It is stupid to remove /b/, I have no fucking idea why it is stupid to remove /soc/

/b/shit can pass on other boards, /soc/shit on other boards will get them BANNED.
An example of why you're wrong would be what happened to /v/ following /whine9k/'s baleetion. The "feel"/beta threads permeated /v/ for most of that year, until moot reinstated the boards, at which point those threads died quickly from sages and redirecting to /r9k/. /new/ spread to the rest of the site, and moot even banned words like "nigger" and jew" for a short time. He's never going to delete those boards because of the reasons I and others have stated.
Yes, listen to him! It's what I've been saying all thread.

I think /q/ is a good diea, but stop asking for things that will NEVER happen
I think you're forgetting the fact that /v/ was already garbage in 2011.
Educate us why exactly it's a bad idea, then. Don't just give your opinion on the matter, join in on the discussion.
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le mod
No, they will just flood the board and make it all about what they want to talk about.
Why? Please explain.

/v/ has been /b/ 2.0 for about 4 years
Not going to argue on that, but /r9k/ type off-topic threads were rampant on /v/ following its deletion.
If only the media declared another site as shithole of the internet.
Actually it's been a downward spiral since the Habbo Hotel raids in 2006, newfag.
Okay, so pretend 4chan is like a school. Every board represents a club. Tell me, if every normal-pandering club closed down one day, would the refugees suddenly barge into a /tg/ meeting talking about how they had sex last night?

There's a copypasta about that made by /v/
Actually, it's been a downward spiral after 4chan was created. world2ch was when everything was still good, newfriend.
They'd barge into every room they could fit in because the /b/ room takes up half the entire fucking school.
You're assuming /b/tards would give a shit about what the board was supposed to be about, despite never visiting the place beforehand.
Well they would flock the club they have the most relation with. Most of the times it will be either /v/ or /sp/ because both video games and sports are mainstream hobbies.
Horrible example.

4chan is not a school, nothing close. If /b/ were to be deleted there a a plethora of other schools that would happily take them in. The other "groups" within the school in question would not.
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Waiting for mod to explain how shutting down /soc/ is a bad idea at all when the things they talk about are banned on every board besides /b/.

But that's exactly what happened when /new/ was deleted. News and politics related threads started getting posted to /sci/ and /int/. When /new/ got deleted I started browsing /int/ a hell of a lot more
Yes, yes they would. They would just barge into the club with all their friends and change the club to pander to them, and drive all the old members of the club out.
They mainly keep to themselves and they would DEFINITELY shit up other boards if /soc/ was gotten rid of. There have been a lot of cam whores a meetups on /b/ though, I don't know why they don't just go on /soc/.

I respect there opinions completely, it's the people that don't seem to be reading the thread that I'm angry at. The people I praised there, I wasn't praising them for agreeing with my ideas on the deletion of /b/, it was about people coming into this thread, only reading the OP and stating their opinion which has already been repeated countless times. As I've stated before I don't go on /b/ any more because it is shit and you would know that if you read my previous posts. The boards I do frequent are /co/, /wg/, /sci/ and sometimes /v/ and /adv/.

I know it won't happen and I understand why. I just think that extra measures should be put in place to keep these teenage normals away from /b/
Honestly the majority of my relatives/friends who have heard of 4chan from reddit or tumblr think it's a horrible shitposting site full of gore and CP, and think that /b/ is representative the entire site.

I don't think those sites attract as many kids as you guys think, and the ones it does probably don't leave /b/ much, if ever.

But I have noticed a decline in some boards recently, notably /tv/.
>There's a copypasta about that made by /v/

Please post it.
/sp/ shouldn't even be a board on this site.

Hey, how about this idea? Keep /b/, /r9k/, /adv/, /pol/, /fit/, /hm/, /int/, /mlp/, /soc/, and any other normal-laced boards on this site. Then migrate all the other boards to another.
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It does though, especially when mainstream media began covering 4chan and its meme culture. The existence of sites such as Know Your Meme will only accentuated this process
Yes, they are generally normals with more extremist beliefs. But you're right, it's borderline.

Compared to /new/ /pol/ is just a shithole. It's quite literally full of 16 year olds.

>wanting to get rid of /sp/

Why? It's one of the greatest boards on this site
>As a patron of /sp/ I can strongly attest to this; we are constantly being linked to threads from reddit where they are discussing 'look what /sp/ did' and subsequently we get flooded with cunts from that site.

You may have a point here. As much as people hate when it's mentioned and is now used as a shitposting response to shitposters/people they don't agree with, there is a big tumblr influence on /co/, and I do see it mentioned a lot on some subreddits, and I don't even go to those very often.

Oh jesus christ, the tumblr cockhold on /co/ is disgusting. Its the most female board on the site, aside from shit like /soc/ or /cgl/

This normally wouldn't objectively be a bad thing, but its full of awful idiots.
Yeah, /sp/ has actually been my main board since the Olympics. It's a pretty great place.
Mr. Mod, please explain in further detail. We aren't necessarily talking about the deletion of /b/, just ways to improve /b/ and 4chan as a whole. Could you try and give our suggestions some evaluation? Thank you.

/co/ it is horrible what is happening to /co/ with all of the feminists and tumblrfags. I only go there for the occasional good story-time and detailed discussions on Batman.

I can give you a 2/10 at best

The mod is gone and most likely didn't read the thread, only the OP


Best be trollin negro

All right.

Although the "quality" of /b/ is purported to be in decline, it is necessary to keep it because it is a board that defines 4chan in various ways.

It has had a hand in the creation of a number of memes that are still in use today throughout various boards and websites. /b/ has always been said to be "the cancer killing 4chan" but regardless of the negative effects it has produced, it has also helped educate a host of 4chan users that 'graduated' on to other boards.

If /b/ were deleted, it would only create a horrible backlash that would probably destroy all other boards as displaced btards try to find a new home. Also, as a former btard from the 2005 era, it is my opinion that the day /b/ dies will be the day 4chan ceases to exist.

If you honestly think that /b/ is the reason why your board is shit, then you should LURK MOAR FAGGOT
The best solution is to prevent anyone who posts on /b/ or /soc/ from posting on any other board. Completely contain them in their own awful boards for the good of the other ones.

eg every post on /b/ /soc/ prevents you from using other boards permanently. Quarantine them.
I agree with everything you said but at this point do you really think it serves to "helped educate a host of 4chan users that 'graduated' on to other boards."?

>then you should LURK MOAR FAGGOT

Really? /b/tards migrating to other boards stick out like a sore thumb. Someone who leaves /b/ for /sp/ for example would be spotted instantly. The number of people I see asking 'what does ABU mean' really does attest to this. It doesn't train them in the culture of other boards at all
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>it is a board that defines 4chan in various ways.
>4chan culture

Okay, now explain how /soc/ getting deleted has ANY negative effects.
>had a hand in the creation of a number of memes
Had is the keyword.

>helped educate a host of 4chan users that 'graduated' on to other boards.
This is all past tense. Current /b/ doesn't educate anybody on anything.

>Also, as a former btard from the 2005 era, it is my opinion that the day /b/ dies will be the day 4chan ceases to exist.
Sorry, what? How does a mod hold an opinion like this. I understand your attachment to the way /b/ was years ago and all the fond memories you have had on it, but it's irrelevant when we are talking about what it is today.

>If you honestly think that /b/ is the reason why your board is shit, then you should LURK MOAR FAGGOT
Sorry, but the points you provided are a lackluster explanation.
The thing about /b/ is that we all started there. It's really training camp and an orientation to 4chan, after a while you start hating /b/ and liking other boards.

Protip: You don't stop being a newfag until you stop posting on /b/
>then you should LURK MOAR FAGGOT
I don't want /b/ or /soc/ to be deleted, but you're obviously letting your nostalgia cloud your judgement a bit. I was a part of the 05-06 /b/ era too, and while yes it was creative and helped me to "graduate to other boards," the current /b/ isn't anything like this at all.
Maybe before 2009 or 2010, but nowadays other boards have such large userbases people start off by hearing about them on a subreddit or whatever other site they're on.
I don't remember... It's something about

Once upon a time, there used to be a club where we video game nerds hang out and talk about video games one day the door sudenly slammed and say why are you talking about those game and they proceed to talk about their sex life and how beta they are most of my friends left and made a new video game club

that club was /v/
I posted a possible solution earlier but didn't get much feedback. What If we made 4chan a one off paid subscription site like the SA forums? It will not only deter underage kiddies from coming here but it'd also probably encourage less shitposting if people are faced with the banhammer. What do you think?

Nah I started 4chan in 2008 and have graduated to /sp/ full time as of 2010 and /int/ and /fit/ as of this year. I stopped going to /b/ all together in 2010. But I really do feel that this is how 4chan works. Probably the only other boards that people start out on is /v/ and /a/
Look, this really isn't a difficult concept.
You delete ANY board on 4chan and its posters will not simply leave the site and go elsewhere. They will migrate to other boards, and a lot of them will not integrate quietly. A vocal minority (if you're lucky) will shit up whatever other boards they go to, bitching about their board going and trying to force the deleted board's culture on the new board.
Then the invaded board will react, and thus your board is nothing but a fucked shithole of nothing but arguments back and forth about NEW BOARD PLS GO.

/b/ and similar are not the problem with 4chan, they are the safeguards that protect every other board from the 70+% of shitposters that frequent the site.
>It has had a hand in the creation of a number of memes that are still in use today throughout various boards and websites.
Like what? most of the memes are popularized by /v/ starting late 2009
I personally don't want /b/ to be deleted or die, I just want the ban hammer on /b/ to be more like Mjolnir rather than whatever the fuck Harley Quinn uses. I know bans can be largely ineffective, but a lot of people on /b/ today aren't /b/tards, they're from Reddit and Tumblr and Facebook and they think that /b/ is anonymoose and leegun and they think the dark humour and gore makes them Batman in some way. I agree with what you say, /b/ is probably the core point of this site, but the core is becoming rotten, it needs to be cleansed in some way. There must be some way to deter people that don't actually belong here.

People from /b/ tend to get a grip of things after the first year, about a year and a half ago, I told some friends about 4chan and they only went on /b/ for a long time and were annoying as fuck, but they've started to get a grip of things and have slowly moved onto other boards. But more people of the wrong kind are joining and it's just not working.

I'll say it again: /b/ shit is allowed on other boards. /soc/ shit is NOT allowed.

most of the fucktard normals on /soc/ probably don't even know how to spam en mass nor do they know how to ban evade. they'll go back to facebook.

I can see it getting harder for mods because they'll need to ban meetup threads and such but boo fucking hoo.
Well, I don't know about current /b/, but I don't see how deleting the board would improve the quality of the boards you browse.

It is not as if the /b/ users would also vanish, they would try their hardest to bring down the rest of the other boards in retribution.

The same logic applies to /soc/. If you remove it, all the camwhores will invade other boards. /soc/ is a containment strategy.
They're not even going to try to fit in, they'll demolish your board with sheer numbers.
so you mean, an american?
You're proving my point. 2008 newcomers from /b/ still "graduated" from there. Many people who thought /b/ was "dead" or "shit" for years still occasionally there through 2009 and 2010, I did. Doesn't mean the board wasn't shit then.

But really by 2011/2012 /b/ has no appeal at all and I don't really see how it serves as a place for newfags to "mature".

You're giving the average camwhore WAY too much credit. How smart do you think they are?
This is a good idea. A small credit card fee. The little kids that have been joining wouldn't get in because their parents wouldn't willingly let them be a part of a site like this. It wouldn't be the same as paying for a porn subscription for your kid.
>all the camwhores will invade other boards
We already have a camwhore board, and it actually works well for being a containment unit
Most people just don't refer to them as >>>/cgl/
I fail to believe you are serious.
But if you delete them,
they'll just flood my precious /a/.
yo MOD. the best thing to do is hire more janitors who do their job.

Just get them to monitor boards and delete the shitposting and off topic threads like >tfw no gf threads on /fit/.

that's all you can do; contain it and hopefully once they realise they can't post their shit on the board, they'll stop posting stuff like that or fuck off to another board.
Except the camwhores were a problem long after /cgl/ was created.

But I really don't know. moot originally created /soc/ as a trash bin for the ratemycock/meetup/camwhores on /b/, but at this point does /b/ really need any cleanup?

If they all stick to /b/ shitposting I guess I don't really care.

You say that but you never know. I'm pretty sure guys that have been here since 03 think /b/ was shit back in 08 just like how I think /b/ is shit now. I think that 4chan users have a certain life cycle and graduation from /b/ seems like an inevitable part of it. I do agree that alot more of the shitheads and edgy 12 year olds from tumblr contribute nothing now, but you never know what it might be even 2 years down the line...
On second thought, it wouldn't work without an account. Having accounts would ruin 4Chan and the whole anonymity of it.
Fortunately, /cgl/ has a decent amount of attractive users, which is not something you could say for /soc/.

Jokes aside, they're not the same thing and you know it.
>Delete /b/ and /soc/!

>It's a containment strategy!

>But they'll leave if you remove every board that panders to them!

>But they'll invade other boards anyway!

>But they won't have a reason to stay!

>But they'll force the other boards to be like them!

The last few are repeated to infinity. I don't know how we are going to come to a resolve.

Seriously though, the off-site /r9k/ board was incredible in terms of quality. I know moot won't consider it because it's way too much work and a hassle, but it would be really nice to let the normals wallow in their filth here while creating an alternative site with just the boards that were here circa 2004.

I don't see this argument ending.
/b/ WAS shit in 2008 though. Despite that fact many of the "oldfags" still lurked there, and it did serve as a teaching/maturation/graduation place for new members. But at this point I doubt any oldfriends still go there.
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>/cgl/ has a decent amount of attractive users

I think YOU need to lurk moar

Not really. You'd sign into an account but could still post anonymously and in the same current format. Nothing about the site would change aside from demographics

Is the offsite /r9k/ you're referring to the one where the only other board on that site is /new/?
You're right, this is pointless. We're just repeating ourselves and no matter what we say or think, in the end things will remain the same.

Mr. Mod, is there an exact date when the janitor applications open? Also, thanks for your time in this thread.
The only solution is
There isn't going to be a change to the status quo otherwise. I'm simply here to discuss it a bit, but yeah. Apply for the janitor positions when they become available.
Yes. And I said "was". As with everything, it got popular and quality declined.
Wouldn't it be hard to monitor faster boards like /b/?
Are you willing to take that risk? Because let's face it, nobody wants to get raped with a billion "dubs gets my dick in their face" or "operation bring capitalism down" and I have the slight impression deleting /b/ would cause just that. Just let them be and don't browse /b/ it's that simple.
Do you know how many mods there are that moderate 4chan in all?
I've read the thread and I agree that you can't simply delete /b/ outright. And yes, it's full of problems and cancer but I think it presents an interesting opportunity to do some experimenting.

Maybe /b/ could somehow be made more "self-moderating". Change the "reporting" feature so that if a thread receives "x" number or "x" percent of reports, it is automatically 404'ed. Or maybe do that with the sage command. Tell the users that they essentially can "vote down" crap threads. If a thread gets 20 or 50 or whatever number of sages, it automatically 404's.

At first all the /b/-tards will sage-bomb the hell out of each other. Eventually some will finally give up and leave. It might get rid of some of the kids if they're immediately booed out of existence.

If nothing else, it would be more interesting than it is today.
Is there a limit of janitors that are going to be accepted (in case there are enough good candidates, obviously)? Because I seriously doubt moot would allow hundred fresh janitors walk free.
Quite honestly, I think /b/ is simply lost.
Can't do shit about it, however what we should do is focus on boards that are ACTUALLY worth saving.
Most of the arguments never end because there's no fucking actual data to go by and everyone is just second guessing what they think the problem is because it's an anonymous image board in which people don't have access to what other users are doing.
Hell what quantifies as a newfag has been all over the fucking place for years and I don't think there's ever been disclosure to that topic..
> is there an exact date when the janitor applications open?

Yes, its when moot decides the time is right. (No one knows except him)

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