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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Are the flags on /int/ and /sp/ coming to other boards? Are those flags a permanent feature, or will they be removed after the Olympics?

Also, how does the flag system work on /pol/?

Administrator Reply: >>1515
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
What about the /pol/ flags? Are they just random or does your country determine which one you get?
No plans to add them to other boards. Haven't made a decision re: /sp/ yet. /pol/ flags are random.
Cheers mate.
Please take the flags off of /sp/ after the Olympics. It was fun at first, but now all they do is cause shitposting about which country is the best. /sp/ is already one of the most off topic boards and the flags only contribute to that problem.

I don't like the /pol/ flags, if you're interested in feedback. I have them blocked so it's not a big deal, but all they seem to accomplish is to occasionally derail threads ("Oh yeah? Well your flag says you're gay!" or "omg how do these work?? help").

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All in the subject line... Why were they disabled? As they have just been replaced 69's, 15's etc.
Is this legit? I thought I've seen dubs on /b/ before...

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There isn't a single moderator looking over the textboards is there?

I mean, we all know the answer, but it would be nice to get it in writing.
People go to the text boards?
The worst-case complexity for that algorithm would be awful.
I can't even figure out how to get to them now.

I know I've been there before.
I wonder about this a lot too. I never see any moderation at all ;__;

MVB, why have you left us? You still go on IRC and you still tweet, but you never moderate!

Over the years I've reported so many threads and so much garbage, but nothing ever happens. Sometimes linking to them in IRC works but that shouldn't be necessary... I mean, look at the state of /prog/.

4chan would be so much nicer if people actually used world4ch for discussion and let the imageboards go back to a more casual place. I wish moot could get dedicated moderators for it. Or even better yet, bring back the mini (T word is spam filtered I think) board! That board was fucking great for mobile posting and just chatting in general.
The T (spam filter) iny board would be really great to have back. It had all of the benefits of the textboards but with a nicer layout. No one wants to use dis except five or six autists, but if moot were to bring back the t (bleep) iny board I'm sure it'd get a lot of posts.

The imageboards shouldn't try to be the discussion boards when we already have perfectly fine discussion boards. I wish that moot could do something to encourage people to post on them. Maybe trash the dead boards and or something. The textboards are so wonderful! It's depressing that no one uses them ;_;

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How the fuck do you afford keeping 4chan and canv.as running? Are you poor?

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The brackets should be blue like the rest of the word Reply, not red

Developer Replies: >>2095 >>2178
12 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
He's a mystical man in a suit that runs 4chan behind the scenes.

He rarely ever posts and is kept a secret to everyone.
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Postan in a dev thread.
No but seriously, you guys kick ass.
The issue is resolved stop bumping the thread.
Sage is disabled.

Posting in a dev thread.
You guys should lock threads when the problem is solved.

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So I'm sure we all know by now how fucked /v/ is at the moment as well as why so I'm not going to bother explaining it. However I do have a plan that can save the board and return it to its former glory. The only reason why I'm even wasting my time with this is because after the /v/-/vg/ split I saw that /v/ can be saved and it's not too late. So here goes.

1) Revise /vg/.

It was an excellent board and served its purpose beautifully but it also had the unintended side effect of removing a huge chunk of the actual video game discussion from /v/. Remove it from the board listings and instead embed it as a link at the top of the page on /v/ as a sub-board. Cut the number of threads allowed on /vg/ down to around ~20 so that only the most popular generals and flavors of the month can survive. This way /v/ will become the primary board for video game discussion and all the discussion will flood back in from /vg/ at once.

2) Hire more mods and Janitors. This is self explanatory. and I don't just mean one or two, we need legions of them.

3) Raise moderation back to post-split levels

This is critical. Ignore all of the whining about "/v/ culture" and nazi moderation. Drill in that /v/ is a video game board and that it should only be used as such.

4) Wordfilter le, reddit, xD and feminism as well as all of the other key phrases that are shitposted constantly

5) Add forced anonymous and display IDs to combat triptrolls and samefagging

And finally 6) Be consistent!

Do NOT sanction shitposting by allowing threads like 4 AM and deep sea or by stickying the forced meme of the week and renaming the board to jimmies followed by forcing the janitors to back down. This strict moderation needs to happen for a minimum of 6 months nonstop for /v/ to have any chance of recovery and for shitposters to finally be driven out for good.

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Umm... Is this bad?
This is nothing to do with the discussion of 4chan. You might want to take this to >>>/g/.
Delete System 32.

Bravo, good sir.
I bet they'd would just LOVE to help you out.

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Is there any way to let video game streams can use 4chan to advertise without spamming up /v/? A lot of stream sites have been really hurting ever since 4chan started cracking down on stream advertising and all we really want are more bros to bro around with. Maybe a stream message board?

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Why isn't there a must read sticky on /a/ that prevents shit like this?

Moderator Replies: >>828 >>1043 >>1661 >>1726 >>1926 >>1951 >>2108 >>2536 >>2596
472 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
A question about the "LEL XD LE WIDER FACE" type of threads? Are you permabanning these guys are you letting them off with a warning?
Can you ban people who post like this, liek this guy.
This thread reminded me how bitter and "elitist" we are, and I see it as an achievement of excellence.
Funny, this thread reminds me of how many newfags pollute /a/, and how we are getting overrun by people born in the 90s.
There is literally a "Le Wider Face" vector.

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I was under the impression that there were no ads on the NSFW boards because it was almost impossible to find willing advertisers for them (/b/ especially). But all the ads on the worksafe boards seem to be for sex toys anyway. Where is the logic in this? Why would advertisers have a problem associating their sexual products with sexual content?

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/co/ isn't that bad in terms of problems, people mostly follow the rules and standards, yeah they're easy to troll but every board is when you hit the right buttons

the problems that we do have are porn: which honestly having a western cartoon board might help this matter? And shitposting in a few of the generals, the one about homestuck is especially bad. Sometimes there will only be a few ontopic posts in an entire 1000+ post general.

Janitors could fix a lot of this, thanks for accepting applications for them again.
14 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click Reply to view.
>anime threads
JAns don't ever fucking do their jobs with this, toonami and shit that aired in AMURRIKA I can understand but anything else needs to be deleted
Anime shouldn't really be on /co/ at all, even if it did air in America.
The only board for discussion of western cartoons/comics shouldn't be used for discussion that has a place on several boards already.
but they are refugees from /a/
We took in refugees from /v/ and that turned out well!
the thing is that they are not from /a/, /a/ just dont want them

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Are janitor decisions ever reviewed by mods or do they just do what they want?

For the most part, janitors do their jobs properly. They delete off-topic content and shit that is against the rules. But other times, they delete threads that are perfectly acceptable to the board topic. I've made threads on /a/ and /tv/ in particular where despite being about anime and television/film, they have been deleted.

Moderator Reply: >>2010
Janitor decisions can be reviewed by mods but most of the time, there is too much to review every single post that gets deleted. If you believe legitimate threads are being deleted, please contact a mod on the 4chan IRC about it. It helps if you have actual proof such as http://archive.foolz.us/tv/ for /tv/.
Sure. I'll keep that in mind when it happens again.

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Hey moot, how about you get your finger out of your ass and actually fix all the shit that is wrong with 4chan?

For starters, >>>/q/ links from other boards don't work

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i propose several anuses
4 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
this thread defiantly needs sticky
Excellent idea OP.
bumping so an admin can implement this
bump, please do this!
I second this. This is a great idea OP, pat on the back.

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