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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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What makes IDs a necessity? They sort of ruin the whole be-anonymous, pretend to be multiple people inconspicuously for humorous purposes thing.

Administrator Replies: >>107 >>331 >>353 >>360 >>465 >>1209
Yes, but they prevent rampant same-faggotry, which evidently, you enjoy.

I don't, and evidently, mootykins doesn't either.
It gets annoying when people obviously samefag their shitty troll threads and when you call them out they deny it.
Pretty much.
same fagging is cancer and not funny even to most /b/tards
Why not use IDs on other boards? I can't think of any harm that would come from it.
Sure, but it'd help people to figure out to not feed trolls, or to just not respond, no matter how inconspicuous the duplicity is carried out. It only works if people pay attention to it, which they'd have to deal without again, and rely on erring on the side of silence when it comes to committing to one way of thinking about what they're reading.
Hey, moot replied to me!

One thing with the IDs, for /q/ could you did what you did for /b/, namely giving OP's the same IDs in the OP and in the body of the thread.

I'd assume it could help curb ten "OPs" claiming one ID lather down the road.
If moot puts ID's on /a/ I will be almost mad enough to leave 4chan forever.
this, I think /x/ and /int/ need them
I guess I always thought that the point of /b/ was to be pretty much as big of an asshole as possible. Dubs and samefagging and 'cancer' and trolling I considered as par for the coarse. For me /b/ is that place to do stupid things like I was 13 years old again and go LOL BOOBIES or LOL DUBS or LOL <INSERT IMMATURE BULLSHIT>

If I want 'real' discussion I go to other boards or go to an other website's forum dedicated to that topic.

<captcha = "itrolled expect.">
my thoughts exactly.
IDs should be added to /a/
I think we should force ID and flags on problem boards, /v/ and /a/ in particular. That's gotta cut down on shit posting, right?
I think so too.
I'm with this anon as far as /a/ goes.
If ID's are added to any of the boards I go to, I'm just going to turn on my trip code permanently. I understand ID's on /q/ (like knowing that I am>>143 doesn't create the illusion of a consensus) and on /b/.

But please moot PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave them off of /a/.
/a/ and /jp/ are the two boards where most would accept them with open arms believe it or not. You might be a minority, according to my expert opinion.
/a/ needs IDs and an end to tripfags.

How about we just turn it on for /a/ during the summer months? I mean, assuming summer is the main reason for the massive decline in post quality.
Moot expressed this board is for discussion to help 4chan as a whole. Samefagging just to piss other people off and be a dickbag isn't going to help. It's people like you that make it a necessity.
/x/ needs IDs
Why on /b/? It seems like that'd be the place where losing IDs would be most acceptable, considering the general this-place-is-a-festering-shithole-and-is-alright-with-that spirit about the place.

Does not having it/letting /b/ go to shit like that really cause an increased workload for mods, or what is the purpose of it there? I understand about the trying to cut down on shitposting, but that's pretty much the only purpose of /b/'s existence, I thought.
>according to words I just said and nothing else.

I samefag on /a/ at the beginning of a thread because threads about less popular shows fall off the frontopage faster than those that are more popular. Bumping a thread a few times while giving the illusion of conversation never hurt right?
If there's one thing I dislike about Shii and his ode to anonymity, its the legion of tripfag haters it spawned years after the problem was fixed. Anonymous posters are just as bad.
People on /a/ like to be able to filter people, people who know Komeiji will know when he posts and continue to rage about it.
ye i agree /b/ should be only non ID board
Sorry, I should have clarified I meant /b/ more than anything in my original post, because I tend to waste my days with no purpose or direction, and all that. On boards like this where things are meant to make sense, or not all posts are equally worthless, IDs do make sense.
That actually is a compromise I'm not entirely opposed to.

no, tripfags are an essential part of the culture

you hit the nail on the head

I'm sure the 4chanx/whateverextensionyouuse guys could find a workaround so that you could filter ID just as easily as anything.

Well, if the ID doesn't change every day or something. Do IDs change? How does this even work?
Yeah. /b/ is the only board it makes sense to not have IDs.
I agree. /q/, the science boards, the politics boards, anything educational or academic would benefit directly from having IDs.

Other boards like /a/, /co/, /v/, where opinions reign and battle, do not really need IDs, and the board dynamic would change becuase of them.
Well, if it can't be year round then this would be okay. /a/ is pretty good outside of summer. At least late night /a/ is good.
The only reason I could think of that IDs would be necessary on /b/ would be to trace the posters of illegal content easier, is that their purpose?

At least then they'd make sense to me. Not that they really have to in order to keep existing, like most things in the world.
Filtering tripfags on /a/ won't get rid of the real problem which is the ironic posting and the use of troll buzzwords which have no place on the board.
I think that instead of focusing on the small problem with /a/ we focus on the big problem of everyone acting like a fucking retard.
Maybe I should make a different thread for this though. Some tripfags even provide content and people who know the trip know they can trust it.
Er that should work here, does it not?
>that's pretty much the only purpose of /b/'s existence, I thought.

pick both.

I completely agree. i feel like the /b/'s rule of 1. ZOMG NONE!!!1* is being forgotten
Whoops, it isn't working. Fixing now...

I think /v/ is hitting critical mass with the amount of ironic shitposts it generates (/v/ culture or whatever), it's the only board I think really needs the ID+flag at this point. I want to go back to /v/, but holy shit, it just gets worse and worse every year and we don't have nearly enough janitors to stem the tide.

/co/ is already chill enough as is, /a/ is really only terrible during summer.
If specific terms are the problem, would creating more wordfiltering possibilities work, by making it so that mods could change current wordfilters or add new ones on a whim? It's always amusing when posts start coming out as gobbledygook, but once you're used to what things stand for it doesn't really act as much of a deterrent. Still kinda fun though.
/b/ used to be a fountain of original content before everybody decided its purpose was to shitpost. I miss those does.


Back in the day, yo.
Being anonymous allows the board to act as one. Maybe I'm a weirdo for liking the idea that the board has a single mind made out of a bunch of different indiscriminate posters.

trips allow for the kind of conversations that require being able to identify someone, but should be discouraged, as they already are.
Well I mean that's an idea but what about just putting the words moeshit, Niwaka and lel and le to an auto ban?

I want to translate for /a/ again, but I can't take the trolling. It makes me a pussy, but I'd just like to able to filter the posters instead having to take the morale hit at all. /a/ should always be late night /a/
Because then you can't talk about them at all, which is a reduction of free speech.

Any possible way for a new Flash board?
The problem with sheldon ISN'T Sheldon. It's the ANONYMOUS posters who "troll" him by posting Asucat thread and posting his picture everywhere.

He's annoying but the people who try and troll him make the board much worse
>I miss those does
>those does
Jesus, get over a few retarded people calling you names. Being able to call each other shitheads is one of the things that's great about 4chan.
I really support adding wordfilters to several boards, I think it would be awesome

I don't know, it might be cool.
there was.... OC? not possible....
I showed up about 3 years ago, and /b/ was pretty bad. Since then, it's only gotten messier - but I don't think I've EVER seen OC there.
I relish the days when the music comes on and scares the cancer away.

also, MARS
I agree that /a/ should always be like late night /a/. Trolling isn't too bad, but it's a pain when a show you really like(SAO) is getting its threads trolled to shit.
I think IDs should only be in place on serious boards like this where the ability to act as multiple people could be to the detriment of the board's purpose.
Sheldon isn't that bad to me, I agree with this poster that it's the anons that are the problem, sure Sheldon says some retarded stuff but it's the anon posters that derail the thread and than blame Sheldon for it.
Did 4chan ever run wordfilters anywhere other than /b/?
nostalgia is clouding you. in 'those days' there were way less people using the site. In your recent news posting didn't you say that like 500 million unique users? Original content is just gonna get buried or it has moved to other boards. Personally I find the OC on /sp/ to be fantastic.
because flash content is, no strike that, can be great? 7chan has a flash board and it's pretty much the only reason to go there... Other than loli and elit.
Wow, what a faggot. Why don't you eat shit and die you pathetic lonely neckbeard. No one likes you here.
I can understand it being more interesting or spontaneous as a smaller community not completely lost in self reference and recursive memes, but it seems like expecting that content to pop out while the pages are being visited by the current massive amount of people is expecting it to be something it isn't.

Is there any way of intensifying the shitstorm as a means of purging it, so most lose interest completely?

>Yeah, I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about.
I definitely agree with this
Jesus, Sheldon is becoming the new Hitler for Godwin's law.
/jp/ would be a great place for IDs, simply because of the novelty. I'm sure they'd love being more like their Japanese textboard counterparts.

Logically, I know that's how I should take it. It just can't seem to get over it when it happens because fragile ego up way up my ass. If there was an easier away to ignore them or identify them, it'd just be a major relief for me.
yeah see? If you can't just shrug it off you're not mentally fit to talk to me.
>this is what niwakas actually think

and thus, the good days of /q/ were ended as every thread dissolved into 10 y o arguments and le trolling
That word should be autoban
>And this isn't shit posting
We need a /qq/ board for discussion of /q/
As long as /b/ is being flooded by millions of 12 year olds I don't see it getting better. Maybe when 4chan is forgotten by the normalfag part of the internet.
Agree. Post in the anti-tripfag thread.
...We've had a Flash board for like 8 years. >>>/f/
>buttmad niwaka kyoanus lover
it's like I'm really on daytime /a/
Come on moot, look at this shit. Help the board out.
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oh, that's where that went. Thought I saw that around somewhere but couldn't find it at one opint. was it not on the board list?

Hate on tripfriends all you like, just don't get rid of them, and don't add ID's to /a/, I hate to repost opinions but I feel it's the only way moot will see it over this pile of shit. Or maybe I'm just underestimating him.

On a side note my scripts get way fucked up on /q/.
/v/ needs IDs badly, there is rampant samefagging going on in certain threads and some people love to throw around samefag accusations if multiple people disagree with them.
deal with it nerd.

yeah, what's the refractory period on posting on /q/?
I was in a /co/ thread that was 90% samefag accuasations and 10% porn. The samefag accusations were basically the only conversation in a porn dump.

Is that a bad thread?
Seriously though, the niwaka thing was the most annoying 2 weeks this year outside of summer.
>Deal with it nerd
Go fuck yourself asshole, go shit post on /v/.
I thought it was amusing to the a single thread explode the use of a single derogatory term. If anything, niwaka is the most interesting thing to happen to /a/ in a while.
This shit is pretty annoying too. Stop blaming /v/ for every bad post.

If you could cut back on the amount of traffic the website sees, would you?

Are there any upsides to having that, aside from internet notoriety/watching something you created become massive?

Would you go back to the good ol' days, if you could?
What was that niwaka thing about?
I asked a few times but the only response I got was "niwaka means niwaka".
I don't think it was particularly annoying, just another word to ignore. If it isn't niwaka, it's summerfag, if it isn't summerfag, it's newfag if it isn't newfag, it's cancer.
I think that would be a bad thread, yeah.

But I also don't think the state of /co/ and /v/ are comparable, if you're suggesting that ID on /co/ is AS necessary/unnecessary.
Why don't you fuck my asshole instead?

niwaka is asain 4chan slang for newfag or casual.
2ch shit? Probably from the cultural exchange I guess.
Since the mods will be reading this, I want to say that I am severely opposed to the idea of IDs. I understand that drastic measures are necessary on /b/, so whatever helps there.

But on any other board, I am not willing to trade any level of anonymity for the sake of stopping a little same-fagging.
I would say /vg/ could benefit from IDs. Often in some of the smaller threads you end up with a few people doing their damnedest to shitpost and hijack the thread for 50~100 posts with 90% samefagging. It would cut down greatly on that and improve general thread quality I believe.

Some of the slower boards could probably use it too
That's why there's no point in banning certain phrases. People will just find new ones.

All boards seem really eager to make strawmen when arguing. "sure are a lot of niwaka in this thread", "you're just a summerfag so stfu", "/v/ is raiding us again aren't they?" "must be another IRC raid".
I tried to post something in Jap but apparently non-ASCII text is not allowed

how racist moot

ID adds a level of culpability that I think reduces shitposting overall, not just samefag-based shitposting. Unless people get into the habit of changing their IDs somehow
/vg/ is for ongoing game discussion right? sc2, tf2, lol, wow,etc. Strategy and tactics are academic, so I think the benefit of that board having IDs outweighs the interest of posting anonymously.
It would be better if there was a way to see if a user was referencing their own post instead of forcing IDs. That would probably help cut down a bit of it. No other real reason to quote yourself unless you're correcting yourself on something or directing another user to it.
English only site, baka gaijin.
Interesting suggestion. But I like posting and responding to myself like I'm two different people.
If there is a way to do this I love this idea, seeing how much I hate ID's.

it's ironic though how it proves we're not samefagging
This. A million times this. That is a fucking great idea. Being able to see a large amount of samefagging for what it is but without taking away the anonymity. I love this idea, you're a fucking genius for coming up with it, anon.
I hope IDs are added to more boards. They don't take away from being anon at all since they change and they help stop or at least identify a lot of the shitposting that goes on. Every board needs them.
The big threads like SC2 and fighting game generals are already full of tripfags and "ironic" shitposting or just spamming the latest trend on /sp/ (first cases of lel I noticed on /vg/ at least).

But smaller ones, or more focused ones, like the JRPG threads, PSO2 threads, SMT, etc often have the samefagging type of shitpost. Hell the JRPG threads had a guy spamming a visual novel for months before finally moving on or getting bored of it.
Has it help cut down shitposting on /b/?
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Honestly, how many boards are improved with the ability to samefag? Samefagging is more harmful than good. The only semi-legitimate reason I can think of is to bump your thread inconspicuously, but there's no reason why you couldn't post a bump post instead of pretending to be someone else.

That's why I'm for forced ID on most boards. That said, tripping is an essential element of identification for some purposes, and it would be best if tripping could exist alongside forced ID unlike the system in /b/ now.
No idea, I don't care to regularly visit there but it can't hurt.
They do take away from being anon. If I want to make posts with both sides of an argument and not get called a flip-flopper or whatever that's my buisness right?
There's too many ways to shitpost on this site, I just don't think the tradeoff is worth it.

The point of 4chan is anonymity. If anything, I would argue for forced anon, or namefag only.
Forced ID just makes everyone a tripfag if you ask me, might as well leave trips on and force ID, if you guys want it so bad.
Because posting 'bump' is a dead giveaway that a thread is dead. Nobody wants to post in a dead thread, because nobody will read or respond to it, which is the whole point right?
Give IDs to /vg/ because its full of samefags shitposting, Can get annoying when you want to have a discussion on a game you like but it gets spammed with shit.
Do people forget you can hide the ID by using sage?
>If I want to make posts with both sides of an argument
Then do it? You don't have to have a black or white stand, and if someone else calls you out on it, it's stupidity of their part, not yours.
You should worry less about apparently taking a side and post as an impartial third party.

You are still anonymous, you get a different ID in every thread.

How would IDs prevent you from being anonymous?
I agree, the whole point of anonymitiy is to discourage attentionwhores or distinct personalities.
So how does samefagging a "dead" thread suddenly make it a legitimate one when a bump post doesn't?
If people can identify you, then they can attack you personally instead of the content of your post.

I like being able to adjust my opinion during the course of a topic without being jumped on by trolls.
It does hurt, actually, I think. If people had to pay more attention to tell whether or not they were being anger baited or engaging someone in an actual discussion, they might not be so quick to post and appear foolish.
But it's only unique to the thread, not the rest of the board. It's hardly the same as being a tripfag.
Which IDs don't encourage since they change with the threads.
Thank you for explaining it a bit better than I could. Another good reason is that if a poster says something retarded earlier in a thread, it affects the opinions of other posters further on in the thread.

How retarded something I said earlier is shouldn't affect how you interpret this new post.
Are you agreeing with me or did you misunderstand what I said? Because that's pretty much what I said but with different words.
For large threads like /co/ or /vg/ generals you might as well be a tripfag if you have an ID on.
>I like being able to adjust my opinion during the course of a topic

That's a really nice way of saying "I like to troll the fuck out of threads".
People attack each other on a personal basis regardless.

>You do/don't like X series?

That's just not going to change no matter what happens.
Choosing to be a tripfag is different than having a Unique ID to hinder you from being a giant faggot.

Tripfags can just remove their trip if they want to shitpost. You can't remove your ID (easily) if you want to shitpost
>If people can identify you, then they can attack you personally instead of the content of your post

Oh, this so much. There's another factor in the whole shitposting problem, and one tied into the ID issue.

If people see you arguing both sides of a debate in a single post or series of posts as the same poster, they dismiss what you said much more quickly regardless of it's content. I don't think formatting it in easily digestible bits, broken up by a responsively conversational style.

Beats having anything fully developed line of thought get dismissed immediately as tl;dr.
Just an FYI:

IDs are different in each thread. You (shouldn't) have the same one in two different threads.
Putting IDs on boards where they make sense is fine. I just don't want to see IDs eventually rolled out site-wide. 4chan is one of the best places for free anonymous expression on the internet, and anything that chips away at that, even a little bit, really rankles my hide.
>Oh, this so much. There's another factor in the whole shitposting problem, and one tied into the ID issue.

And you can just as easily ignore anyone attacking you because of your ID because THEY have an ID.

>f people see you arguing both sides of a debate in a single post or series of posts as the same poster, they dismiss what you said much more quickly regardless of it's content.

They do that anyway as it stands.
I'm sure your English teachers should have taught you that your essay should contain a balanced argument.
Maybe a little.

I like being able to work out my thoughts and opinions through discussion. If an earlier post doesn't exactly match what I might say later on, you know trolls are going to jump on that in order to derail the thread.
It isn't though, it just means you don't want to be derisively held to an opinion that occurred to you naturally, but with a bit of further thought or time spent seeing the subject from different perspectives, it's irritating to have people create chains of logic or read an argument flowing between your posts when they were created at separate times in separate states of mind and were intended as separate thoughts, or at least not to be logically entailed, though most posters get obsessed with attacking the character of the poster rather than their argument.
I understand that. People are going to bitch and moan if you disagree with them, but they will do it a whole lot more if you change your position even a tiny bit.
Protip: Your opinion doesn't have to remain the same for an entire discussion/debate. Infact the entire purpose of debate is to try and win someone over to your side. If yours was changing that just means you were losing.Nobody cares that you were losing but you
>bu-but i don't want to look stupid!
Yeah, that'll happen. I like to feel that I have some control over how I'm read based on how I format my posts, though.
They did, but this is more a place to post thought blurbs than it is to post properly formatted essays. Making sound but long winded points is pointless if they aren't read.
I support IDs on all boards.

I've tried to advocate them for all of 4chans existence.

Anonymity is still provided and it is an amazing measure against samefagging and shitposting.

After all, shitposters can always heaven it up.
If you're in a slow thread you don't exactly want to sage it.

It really pisses people off, just by design really. I think it has a lot to do with some people not realizing they only last for the thread, rather than nonstop. I'm not a big fan of them personally but if it's necessary (and, being from /v/, i'm starting to think it is) then I don't see a problem with it.
The idea seems to be pretty hated and gathers a lot of hate when it's first implemented. Maybe it could be done as a temporary measure, maybe 4-6 weeks on boards that have quite a heavy amount of samefagging and shitposting.
Every now and then, when I royally fuck up and make an ass of myself in a thread, it's nice to be able to still take part in the discussion without being laughed out of the thread. I'm sure this has happened to everyone at least once.

Really, I am opposed to anything that limits my ability to express my thoughts or opinions on this site. I just don't feel that samefagging is a big enough issue, except on spam happy boards like /b/, to warrant any encroachment on anonymity.
No that is retarded.
ID's is like giving everyone their very own tripcode.
Fuck that, samefagging is NOT an issue I don't see why people are bitching and complaining about it. Tripfagging is an even bigger issue and shit like this simply encourages people to make one.

A tripcode that lasts for one thread
I agree to some extent, but /b/ is not the place to be trying to enforce rules or regularity.
It's the principle of the thing, I think. Doing anything that might limit was has always been a core principle of this site seems awfully drastic.
A tripcode is still a fucking tripcode no matter how long it lasts, and it still encourages fucking IDENTITY which is the opposite of what this site was fucking meant for.
I disagree.

You can filter a trip. Can't filter anon.

For people like you that upset at tripfags, you should WANT more shitposters to become tripcode users, since you can filter them.
I get the impression that this board isn't around to be 'enjoyed' as part of the standard 4chan experience, but rather just exists for administrative stuff, like complaining something doesn't work right. So IDs just help streamline this. If you want to be devious and troll for shits and giggles there are plenty of other boards.

Am I wrong?
Yeah but IDs should be on every board.
I don't think anyone has a problem with IDs on /q/, just the thought of them ending up on every board (or even most) on the site.

I think for a place as out of control as /v/, drastic measures are necessary.
>A tripcode is still a fucking tripcode no matter how long it lasts

Keep using hyperboles, buddy. You know what else encourages identity? The ability to use a tripcode.
Filtering does NOTHING, people are still going to reply to the tripfag. Simply because you put a blind fold over your eyes does NOT mean the problem is gone and it does not mean that the problem isn't increasing and ruining the board.

The most I replied to said he wanted it in ALL boards you dumb fuck, so stop calling people troll's just because they don't agree with your retarded viewpoints. I'm fine with this board but not ALL boards.
The problem isn't /q/ having IDs, but the thought of spreading it to the rest of the site.
That was said way up at the top of the thread, down here we are talking about what if it was on other boards too.
I agree which is why they NEED to be removed in all boards.
Instead of implementing ID's what they need to implement is FORCED ANON in all boards.
Anonymity is valued on 4chan, certainly by moot, because it allows for something you don't get anywhere else.

>Quote: "It's anonymous, has no memory, there's no archive, no barriers, no registration. These things we're used to with forums don't exist on 4chan, and that's led to this discussion that's completely raw, completely unfiltered."

ID is something that erodes that, ever so slightly. Samefaggotry isn't a problem on most boards, and it turns a thread into a discrete, identifiable set of people. That changes the tone of 4chan, somehow. On /b/, it's hardly noticeable, because /b/ is no longer the fountain of OC it used to be. On other boards, it'd make things Different. I don't want that.
But it's generally the anonymous users causing the problems, not the tripfags.

Whenever you made /b/ into all the same text posts, people would actually communicate via images and OC would tend to spring up. Alas I assume the RAAAAAGE from you doing that made it way less frequent.
Keep telling yourself that, Taiga.
I've always liked the idea of only OP being able to trip. That way OP can still be identified if necessary for the thread, but you don't have random tripfags derailing the thread. If OP makes a thread just to attention whore, everyone can just report the thread.
To add to this, sometimes it matters that people get identified. When asking advice or ideas in particular. If you don't like it, download what ever that shit is and filter them.
No, no it isn't.
Anonymous users can easily be ignored. But people with tripcodes aren't. Especially those that are already well fucking known they can instantly derail any thread just by posting in it. They NEED to be removed.
This. Some anons do make a mockery of tripcodes but there are plenty who have used them properly.
I did say generally and not entirely. Both anonymous users and tripfags cause trouble in threads, but it is significantly more of a problem that is started by anon users complaining at the existence of a tripfag in their thread. It's the users fault if their thread gets derailed by their own bullshit opinions.
>sometimes it matters that people get identified.
There is ABSOLUTELY no need to ever need identification. EVERYTHING one can do with a trip they can do as an anon. There are no excuses you fucking faggot.

>plenty who have used them properly.
Don't make me laugh, The MAJORITY use it for attention whoring/shitposting. They are the cancer ruining many boards. If its clear that the majority of people wish to abuse such a shitty feature than it should simply be removed.
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Fucking beautiful. IDs for all boards!

Lets bring forth a world where sage is used correctly. There is dire need for education of IDs and sage.

This has been omitted from 4chan for long enough.
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It is mostly a problem that lies with the anonymous posters, not the tripfag that is trying to participate in the discussion. There are some tripfags that do it purposely I will agree, but they are a minority that only look like a major problem because of all the dickheads that cry and bitch and moan about anyone not being super secret anonimus is legion xD! types.

What about asking advice as OP or for recommendations, ideas, solutions that would require the OP to have an identity to post further information. Any dickhead can jump in and give false information that would throw it off.
Anonymous probably shitposts more because of sheer numbers, but their ability to derail discussion fluctuates wildly depending on who else is there.

A single well-known tripfag can irreparably throw entire threads into chaos with a single post.

I'm not against tripcodes, but by far the easiest way to stir up trouble on this site is to have one.
I think a pretty good example of the 'tripcode problem' is in Katawa Shoujo General on /vg/.

Yes, there are lots of tripfags that shitpost, just like any other place, but when there are tripfags that make legitimate posts about the game, random Anons start having shit fits like Mr. yGXqbVQ7 is about it, and the threads become tripfags actually discussing the subject and Anons doing nothing but crying about tripcodes.

Basically what I mean is, yeah people with tripcodes can be faggots, but you guys really need to lighten the fuck up about it.
>EVERYTHING one can do with a trip they can do as an anon

This. Let the content of your isolated post speak for itself, refer to others if you need to tie your post to them. Referring to any running personality, even one confined only to the run of a single thread, changes the tone of discussion, like >>905 said.
How about removing tripcodes universally and forcing anonymous, but still implementing thread-lasting IDs for posters?

You can't derail a thread with your presence alone if your ID is changing from thread to thread, no one would definitively know who you are. At the same time, it'll fix samefagging.
Having any form of ID is cancer it seems that most against it think.
I guess you've never been in a storytime thread, or a choose your own adventure thread.
>Any dickhead can jump in and give false information that would throw it off.

So what? Why is the resultant thread any less valid than what it initially would have become without that change in direction? No thread is more valid than any other, and one person's intent of any thread, even one they create, should mean nothing more than the intent of the others visiting the thread.

What results will be interesting in a different way, and most likely it will be interesting to more people than the initial thread would have been.
If the tripfag didn't exist then users wouldn't have the fucking need to complain. If the tripfag wasn't there abusing such a shitty feature then anons wouldn't be complaining. Tripfags need to be removed.
Are you fucking kidding me? They are the MAJORITY, they are nothing but attention whores, they encourage circlejerking and even worse then communicate with each other on other sites turning this place into their personal facebook. Where they search other tripfags and befriend them.

Fuck off this has nothing do to with anon being legion this has everything to do how tripfags are turning this place into a fucking facebook you cancerous shit.

>What about asking advice as OP or for recommendations, ideas, solutions that would require the OP to have an identity to post further information. Any dickhead can jump in and give false information that would throw it off.
ANY person should be able to pitch in ideas if it is something that only the OP can answer than it belongs in another fucking place. There should be NO identity.
I still don't agree that samefagging is an inherently negative thing.
How can you call it anonymity if people in the thread can tie your posts together?
Samefagging is just part of 4chan culture. Trying to get rid of it will ultimately do far more damage than just accepting it.
>Why is the resultant thread any less valid than what it initially would have become without that change in direction?
Because it was started by the OP for a specific reason.

>Hi, I was wondering if you guys could recommend me some anime?
>Sure anon, what do you like?
>I love moeshit and anything cutesy.
>That wasn't me, I like mecha and DEEPshit.
>Well then anon, you should watch lucky star and k-on. They are moe as fuck.
>Don't forget hidamari sketch.
Those threads sound extremely fucking cancerous and off topic.
So no, I probably never joined in any of those threads.
If they are a MAJORITY then you're the odd one out that needs to leave.

Choice of anonymity and identity should stay. It's retards with the anonimus legion shit like you that should go. Or at least stay on /b/ and don't use the other boards.
Rec threads is hated on fucking /a/.
Such a thing happening is fucking GREAT. Also that NEVER happens in rec threads where the OP is typically ALWAYS an anon so please stop spouting such bullshit. Anons calling themselves the OP is a rarity because no anon wants fucking identity even if it is a fake one.
It was just an example. There are other boards that haven't got such a shitty attitude, but it was easier to think of anime than cartoons or tv shows.

I find samefagging to be cancerous shit (on /v/ anyway), and I don't want to just sit back and take it. I have no hopes for competent janitors (or even their presence at all), so ID+flag is the only thing I see as a solution for that particular board.
but /b/ has IDs! He can't go there!
Making "Hay everyone let's focus on me and pay attention to what I want/requested" threads isn't particularly worthwhile, sorry if you feel frustrated by having your intentions foiled, but you can't really feel justified in being angry because 4chan doesn't revolve around you.
You can go fuck yourself and do stop using anon is legion crap to try and slander my posts like a fucking child.
As I stated the MAJORITY of tripfags are nothing but attention whores/shitposters or circlejerkers. They do nothing but ruin threads. There should be no choices this site was meant for anonymity and that is how it should fucking be.
There shouldn't be any special snowflakes out there every poster needs to be EQUAL, and their post should be the ONLY thing that gets to be judged.
>I don't like it, so it is cancer

Yeah, just give up on having a rational discussion here.
/soc/ or /v/ then.
Absolutely. I think it got tied together with shitposting unfairly.
I'd say the MAJORITY of Anons are shitposting assholes, too.

Just need to lighten up and learn to deal with stuff you don't like.
That's like saying that ducks are the reason there is too much buckshot around the place during hunting season.
Oh wow, I can just tell you're the typical faggot who gets called out on /a/ because of your faggotry.
Please stay out of there I would hate to see you try to ruin my board any further. And no rec threads on any board is fucking wrong, it spoonfeeds newfags and it teaches them that lurking is pointless when they can just get any information they fucking need.

Whatever fucking happened to LURKING? Fuck off to /b/.

"Deal with it" is kind of a cop out response
>deal with stuff you don't like.
Man I wish this was possible on /a/.
Every fat aspie dickweed feels the need to open threads about shows they hate just to say how much but not why they hate it, and how everyone is a cunt for liking what the aspie doesn't.
I agree but it's also true to an extent.

There's not really anything more than can be said about it, given how stubborn we all are about our opinions.

No plans to roll them out sidewide.

But to add to this, life would be a lot easier if people could just deal with the various slights and inconveniences. It's just not really a thing you can just flatly state as a solution.

Yeah, I get that. Internet.
Do you post on other boards? I make rec threads on /a/ when I feel like pissing off aspies. I make rec threads on /tv/ and get some good genuine responses. If anything, your attitude just encourages me to do it more on /a/.

Then are you considering certain boards to implement this system in?
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>No plans to roll them out sidewide.

Oh well.
Since you seem to be actually checking this thread, moot. Will you be going through the other pages later to see check for questions that received no replies but should be answered?
Is it not off topic? If it is then it IS cancer.
Whether or not I like it doesn't change the fact that it is cancer.

In a way that is correct. Except in this case because can CHOOSE whether or not to be a tripfag and ruin fucking threads just by simply posting in it. They are consciously doing it and they KNOW what their actions will bring about but they still do it. They are CANCER, and are the issue of why anons complain at them.
>Story Time

You must not enjoy /a/ at all. Those are probably the only threads that are 90% of the time always good on the board.
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>No plans to roll them out sidewide.

Than you based moot. Please use them as sparingly as possible.
/a/ is meant for ANIME and MANGA.
I enjoy /a/ for being ANIME and MANGA.
Not your cancerous off topic bullshit that should get you banned for supporting such shit.

You consider dumping chapters of manga to be cancerous to /a/?
imagedumps != user-written stories
Off-topic means it's related to the topic of board. Off-topic does not mean it's unrelated to your interests.

There are plenty of good tripfags around 4chan. It's just that aspies like you can't let any of them post in peace. I'm sure you'll disagree, but Miyabro and Clammy are two good /a/ examples. They rarely if ever shitpost and they're there to discuss anime. Sure they might do a tiny bit of circlejerking when talking about merchandise. But this is related to the board and not detrimental to it in any legitimate way.
There is no discussion taking place. It is a image dump hell it is spam.
That is cancer.
Or CYOA on /tg/?
>imagedump on an imageboard is spam
I've never really looked too deeply into them, but the CYOA threads are directly related to anime. It's not some dnd kind shit where the author has made everything up, there is a firm base in a particular series.

Image dumps aren't against the rules either.
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> no discussion taking place
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about. But then again, you don't go into Story Time threads so that would be natural.
What is a storytime thread? I assumed it was the same as a CYOA.

I've always seen the term storytime associated with imagedumping of either a manga or comic book, with the intention of generating discussion and interest in the material.

If you're talking about user-written stories copypasted and spammed every day, then yeah, that's pretty cancerous. Potemayo copypasta, for example.
How are IDs generated, anyway?
>Off-topic means it's related to the topic of board.
What? I think you mean off topic means in NOT related to the topic of the board.

There are NO good tripfags, some can be TOLERABLE but that doesn't make them in anyway good. If they were so good they would do it as an ANON, why do they need trips to discuss merchandise? They DON'T. That makes them fucking cancer, whether or not they are tolerable means NOTHING.

This just in AccelSPAMMER was not a spammer.
When people dump manga there are NO discussions no different from people dumping images of characters they like. Also fuck off with your "story time" bullshit it is off topic and you are cancer.

On /v/, /a/, or /co/, it almost certainly means someone is about to dump comic books or manga.

I could really only see it as cancerous if you're
1. dumping comics on /a/ or /v/
2. dumping manga on /v/ or /co/
I have to admit, any time I check out a dump, it's porn.

If it's a piece of media I was interested in reading, I'd already have downloaded it and read it comfortably myself.
That was a typo, I meant to write unrelated. Not relate. It's pretty stupid for you to assume that was what I meant instead of noticing it was a mistake.

They don't need trips, but they can have them if they choose. I encourage more users to start using them just to drive people like you out of there.

Posting the same image over and over is not the same kind of imagedump that the rest of us with normal functioning minds are talking about.
I do this all the fucking time.

I want a ban to tripfags who derail threads simply by their presence.
After looking at
>When people dump manga there are NO discussions no different from people dumping images of characters they like. Also fuck off with your "story time" bullshit it is off topic and you are cancer.
I'm beginning to think
>This just in AccelSPAMMER was not a spammer.
wasn't sarcasm.

You're just here to troll, aren't you?
Story Time is usually just a manga dump. At their worst, nothing is being said and all that happens is a lonely thread with a whole bunch of monochrome pages littered in it.

At their best, you've get people commenting page after page as the story unfolds. When people other than OP post in Story Time threads, they're usually amazing. Reading things with /a/ is highly entertaining regardless of the quality of the story.

>When people dump manga there are NO discussions no different from people dumping images of characters they like.
That is false. I can understand why you'd say that because you have very limited experience with such threads. Just allow me to tell you that you are simply not right.
I assumed the worst as you clearly are a complete idiot.
>They don't need trips,
There, they DON'T need them yet they use it to abuse the feature and feel like a special snowflake, that is fucking CANCER. And good job wanting people who wish to make this place the way it is meant to be driven away and replaced with faggots like that it is clear you care nothing about the site you fucking faggot and want it overrun with circlejerking facebook faggots.
Image dumping with NO discussion makes it spam.
Why would /v/ be related to comics at all though?
Seems like it should only be manga on /a/ and comics on /co/.
Or are people actually genuine when they say /v/ is the new /b/?

It would be better to ban the aspies that can't handle the existence of a tripfag. That would probably cut down shitposting on the board significantly.

It's hard to tell if he is or not. If he was from another board, I'd say yes. But /a/spies can be pretty fucking stupid at times.
You....actually think accelspammer wasn't an actual spammer?
The fuck? Fuck off with your autism I have neither the patience or the fucks to deal with your kind.
>And good job wanting people who wish to make this place the way it is meant to be driven away
If this place was meant to be all anonymous, why is there the ability to have tripcodes at all?

Are you mixing up "the way it was meant to be" with "the way I want it to be"?
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Don't mind me, I'm just posting to get a low No.
People will complain about almost anything, including free shit. having a site generated id doesn't make you less anonymous, there is a wonderful tumblr out there for that(anonschool or something like that, if you really wanna be anon ). same-fagatree can kill aboard, but in some cases it is needed, ie /wg/ or i would even wager /sci/. Since 4chan came to be a lot of sites with the same idea poped up, but added accounts. and not even 4chan was totally original, I think it successfully made for a good community into posting pics. something places like funnyjunk never did, or at least when i was lurking there in 7th grade. I love the anon -idea but really, at it's current size and growth, think some id is required, and i like what moot came up with personally.
go, no one will miss you.
shit posters will alays shit post, and given the nature of /b/ they should be aloud to shitpost and do so all day. as for /wg/ or /sci/ (my two favorite places) shit posters should be kicked in the fucking face. but yes ids all around.

Isnt one of the fun parts of /b/ sifting through the dirt to find nugets? I have always had fun doing just that, lurking for gold.
>what is context

He's saying that from the way you're acting, he'd believe YOU are stupid enough to think AccelSPAMMER was not a spammer.
Not wrong at all. Sure sometimes there is like newly released manga bullshit, but shit that is hundreds of years old being dumped creates no discussion at all. Like the yotsuba manga dumps.
>why would /v/ be related to comics

That's what I mean to get across. It's cancerous and offtopic when you have a storytime on /v/ that isn't video game related in the slightest AND YET it still happens.
My mistake, I misread your post. I see what you mean now.
>If this place was meant to be all anonymous, why is there the ability to have tripcodes at all?
Because moot is a fucking retard who has clearly visited reddit or any other forum far too frequently and lacks the balls or intelligence to know that the appeal of this dump is the fact that we are ANONYMOUS.

>Are you mixing up "the way it was meant to be" with "the way I want it to be"?
Not at all as moot himself have stated countless times that this place is meant for people to judge the quality of ones post rather than the poster himself. You fucking idiot.
Oh so nothing but an ad hominem attack with not even trying to argue against my points.
So nothing of vaue.
>moot is a fucking retard who ... lacks the balls or intelligence to know that the appeal of this dump is the fact that we are ANONYMOUS.

>moot himself have stated countless times that this place is meant for people to judge the quality of ones post rather than the poster himself.
Please don't use words you don't understand. He made his point about why he thinks you're a troll.
in my opinion, only OP should have an ID
>It would be better to ban the aspies that can't handle the existence of a tripfag. That would probably cut down shitposting on the board significantly.
Just fucking GENIUS. Hey look there is a hot steaming shit in the corner of the room, if people mention said shit and complains about it then THEY should be the ones to fucking leave. I mean it isn't the hot steaming shit that is the problem its the people's fault.

Fuck off for eternity.
So? Right now you're trying to pick and choose which ones are good or bad. People post one shots and new releases on /a/ every other day, including myself. Hell, the main reason I dump storied on /a/ is BECAUSE /a/ is shit and I'd rather start a discussion on something new I just read. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But just because you're not there to see the good threads doesn't mean they don't exist. You just haven't been in them.
You're missing the point of moots words then.
That has nothing to do with my argument, like I stated nothing of value.

Your point? Believe it or not people are hypocrites Moot is not a fucking exception. The best thing to do is to ask him why in the fuck is tripfagging a feature after all the shit he said about being anonymous. You are asking the wrong individual here faggot.
That's the wrong analogy, yGXqbVQ7. It's more like a person has walked into a room while wearing a red shirt while everyone else is wearing brown shirts. So the anonymous brownshits fling their shit at the tripfag redshirt like dumbass wild monkeys, then start complaining the room smells like shit and it's the tripfags fault.
I think this thread over all is a good example of why being able to identify the same posters in a single thread is a positive thing.
It isn't about picking and choosing you goddamn retard. I started from the beginning that image dumps that have NO discussion are cancers and makes them nothing more than spam.

If you made image dumps and they ended up with no discussion then congrats on shitting up /a/ you fucking faggot.
It's a good example of the autism that is a problem on /a/.
Tripcodes are there for a few special cases. For example the translator of a fansub group responding to a thread questioning their subs. They're supposed to drop the trip when it isn't relevant and necessary. Also, some people want trips around just so they can use scripts to hide tripfag posts.

The ideal way to use a tripcode would be the way moot uses his admin tag. He usually posts as an ordinary user, and only whips out the red shitstorm magnet when it's required.
And I believe that is the wrong analogy. As the one wearing that red shirt KNOWS that wearing the brown shirt is the default. He also KNOWS that wearing that red shirt will make him stand out and hated. Yet he does. He KNOWS what people's reactions will be once they see him. He IS the one at fault.
Keep doing what you're doing.
I don't check those threads out personally, but if it puts >>1487 one step closer to a heart-attack then please continue.
Why should tripfags pander to retards?
You got it all wrong, it is the reason WHY /a/ is one of the few places left that hasn't been overrun by newfag scum. Like /b/ or /v/. That autism is the ONLY barrier that stops /a/ from being completely overrun once it is gone the board will fall like /b/ and /v/ has.
Posters like you are just as bad as the ones on /b/ and /v/.
Except that not everyone has the same problem you have with tripcodes and namefags and can wear a tripcode without worrying about upsetting people in a thread.
Thee fuck are you talking about? It has nothing to do about pandering it has to do about wanting to make the board a better fucking place.
Their very existence does the opposite and they KNOW this, yet they cling on to their red shirt for no fucking reason but to be special. Fuck off they actively ruin the board and supporters like you simply encourage more people to do it. So please kill yourself.
Explain why they NEED a tripcode?
If everyone has accepted their brown shirts why must THEY be special snowflakes? What use is it? All it does is bring attention to them for being different and just by that it instantly brings about irrational hatred. Believe it or not its human nature to hate/love things for the simple fact that its different. We can't change human nature you fucking faggot.

THEY should be removed for trying to be different which is entirely meaningless and pointless that does nothing but ruin threads and boards.
>It's that guy's fault I'm such a cunt. If he didn't exist, I wouldn't have to piss all over him and this place wouldn't stink so bad. Fuck you, guy.
see >>1567
>I started from the beginning that image dumps that have NO discussion are cancers and makes them nothing more than spam.

No, you said that image dumps have no discussion in them and are cancer. You were sweeping them all into the same pile. But let's set that aside.

In a Story time thread, you can't control discussion. You can't even fabricate one through samefagging your own thread because you're busy providing images. The best you can do is comment on the pages as you post. If no one is there to discuss it by the end of the dump, then the thread falls off into oblivion and no one will care about it. How is that cancerous? It's not like I'm posting it every day until you like it.

I don't plan on stopping. I fucking love Story Time. Fuck it, I'm going to make one right now, Spirit Circle chapter 3 just came out.
I'd help you bump it so the aspies get mad, but I think I'm going to start a k-on image dump on /a/ myself.
Perhaps I was being too generalized but it matters not as the majority of them DON'T have any discussion in the first place.

Your story time threads are fucking cancer if they have no fucking discussion, instead of posting to the very end first you should CHECK if anons are willing to discuss it, or hell why not post a download link for people to read it comfortably on their own, without waiting for you?
YOU ARE CANCER, simple as that, hell you don't even need to image dump to have a discussion simply post ONE image of it and there you go, go right ahead and discuss it. You don't need to shit /a/ up with your goddamn faggotry.

> If no one is there to discuss it by the end of the dump, then the thread falls off into oblivion and no one will care about it. How is that cancerous?
A cancerous thread is still cancerous even if no one posts in it you dumb fuck. Your very thread did nothing but take up space.
Are you still trying to debate this off-topic point? Who cares who's right or wrong, your attitude is horrible. Please get banned.
By the way you post, I wouldn't be surprised if you were komeiji or uidrew or something like that being a dick on purpose in order to get more acceptance for tripfags just to be in opposition to you. Even though I already support tripfagging, if it's the case, you've succeeded just a little bit by encouraging me to do it more.
I'm fairly certain it's a certain someone who didn't apologize to his tsundere childhood friend yet.
>Who cares who's right or wrong, your attitude is horrible.
>who cares who's right or wrong
Please fuck off you goddamn faggot.
My attitude is the thing that shouldn't be of concern not on who's right or wrong please get your prioritize straightened out you goddamn faggot. This isn't reddit where everyone has to act like a nice individual you piece of shit.
Tsunderes are shit anyway. Maybe he did and the bitch is on his case all the time so he needs to let his aspie anger out.
Please do so, continue on tripfagging and showing how bad tripfags can become. Only then moot may realize how bad the feature truly is and implement forced anon.

I disagree she should apologize to ME for her rude behavior.
Yeah. Moot will notice the person trying to discuss the topic is the problem and not the retards complaining that he's there at all. That totally makes sense.
One must remove of what people are complaining about you dumb ass.
People who will complain at that faggot will be never ending, remove as much people as you want people WILL continue to complain at that tripfag for the simple fact that he is a tripfag. It is in OUR nature to hate people that are different. Especially over the internet. The ONLY solution is to remove whatever is making that ONE individual different from the rest which is his tripcode. You fucking faggot. Hopefully moot has a large enough brain to be able to notice such a thing.
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You know it really fucking bothers the shit out of me that I can tell who you are by the way you post. But then again, it must bother you that I'm always hear to remind you of that shit regardless of what board you're on, so I guess that makes it even. Whatever, let me get back to business.

> it matters not as the majority of them DON'T have any discussion in the first place.

This is not a metric that you have proven, so I can't take it seriously. Nor do I even support the idea of "because not many people post in it, those threads are cancer". Anything that can foster positive, constructive discussion is good for the board, whether it's successful or not.

> instead of posting to the very end first you should CHECK if anons are willing to discuss it

FUCK that. I'm supposed to command some kind of tribunal to start posting images? I do what I want.
You can identify him?
He sounds like 90% of /a/ to me.
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Overly aggressive in discussion, unpopular opinion, says faggot a lot
Yeah, it does sound like 90% of /a/. But he's 90% of /a/ personified.
It's Krony.
Except the aggressiveness it sounds like me on /tv/.
Not a fun fact to realize.
>This is not a metric that you have proven, so I can't take it seriously. Nor do I even support the idea of "because not many people post in it, those threads are cancer". Anything that can foster positive, constructive discussion is good for the board, whether it's successful or not.
If you have lurked /a/ for more than a couple of minutes you should quickly realize WHAT types of manga/anime will create discussion. Actively dumping something you know will NOT is cancer. Its like threads. You being no different than the OP.
>FUCK that. I'm supposed to command some kind of tribunal to start posting images? I do what I want.
The simply post the downloadlink like a GOOD member to the community and fuck off. People who are interested will read it while the rest will ignore it. There you go simple as that. Or do you simply like to attention whore? YOU being the center of the thread posting dumping images? Fuck off in a way you're no different than the cancer ridden tripfags.

Is that so? You know who I am? Well that surely sucks I never would have thought that my behavior would be traced back to my anon roots surely this will ruin my anonymous experience. But nevertheless that simply reinforces my will to get tripfagging removed as that will be the only way people will forget of that name and stop associating me with it.
> Its like naruto threads. You being no different than the OP.

Oh wow can't believe I fucked that up.
Is Krony a tripfag of some sort or does he use a name elsewhere?
Its a name you shouldn't concern yourself with.
No need to be curious about shit that has nothing to do with you.
I'll guess that other user is probably right, and people in another thread tell me you're some retard from /v/.
Why don't you stay there and make your anime threads instead of shitting up /a/?
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He's a tripfag of the worst kind on purpose for the sake of saving /a/.

There are certain people on /a/ who I can tell simply by the images they post. After years of being around anons, I can put together things like that, but that aside.

>Actively dumping something you know will NOT is cancer.

/a/ will talk about almost anything. In fact, I find it hard to find something that /a/ WOULDN'T be able to discuss or post about. Personally, there isn't anything that I wouldn't dump on /a/ that I wouldn't find entertaining. And the feelings are usually mutual.

>People who are interested will read it while the rest will ignore it. There you go simple as that. Or do you simply like to attention whore? YOU being the center of the thread posting dumping images?

It's a different dynamic. Story Time is effectively story telling. People who are in the thread can comment about the story AS the story happens. It's not just about the discussion at the end of the overall chapter. It's about sharing the moment when someone's head gets blown off with a dynamite cane. If you can't appreciate that, then you simply can't appreciate those threads. But are they cancerous? Are they off topic? No. At worst, they're just dead threads that people properly ignore.
>/a/ will talk about almost anything.
Posting a few anime-style star trek images in /a/ gets a whole lot better discussion than it does on /tv/.

Why you should never consider applying forced anonymous/IDs on thematic boards (in case you don't understand it yourself):
1) IDs work as tripcodes, even if they're thread-unique.
2) Attention whores would still find ways to do what they do, which may result in avatarfagging, cancerous signatures or even something worse.
3) You can't filter someone anymore, unless he uses a signature, or the IDs are the same for the whole board. But if you still need to filter a certain person, what was the point of implementing forced anonymous/ID in the first place?
Also. I don't visit /b/ so I've no idea whether these problems are present there or not, but whatever the situation is /b/ can't be used as an example of such policy simply because it's too fast and filled with newfags who don't care about the community rules to the brim.
These are my main points. If you need more, or just proofs, I'll post them.
>/a/ will talk about almost anything. In fact, I find it hard to find something that /a/ WOULDN'T be able to discuss or post about. Personally, there isn't anything that I wouldn't dump on /a/ that I wouldn't find entertaining. And the feelings are usually mutual.
While that may be true for the most part there are still threads that create little to no discussion which are your cancerous "story time" threads.

>It's a different dynamic. Story Time is effectively story telling. People who are in the thread can comment about the story AS the story happens. It's not just about the discussion at the end of the overall chapter. It's about sharing the moment when someone's head gets blown off with a dynamite cane. If you can't appreciate that, then you simply can't appreciate those threads. But are they cancerous? Are they off topic? No. At worst, they're just dead threads that people properly ignore.

The issue is that NO ONE comments and silently reads it to themselves while all you do is simply spam images, then the thread dies. Nothing at all happens a waste of a fucking thread if you simply have posted the download link that would have been superior instead of fucking spamming images that effectively creates no fucking sort of discussion. People who are interested already have it and have it read, but who aren't are already ignoring your thread. You dumping images does not create discussion it is just you dumping that is fucking it.

While it is a little harsh to call them cancerous or off topic, the simple fact remains is that no discussion arises from such threads which effectively makes them worthless. Threads that make no discussion are a waste of space and all it does is clutter the board with even more shit threads. Sure there is worse issues out there to be complaining about but your shitty story time bullshit is STILL a fucking issue that needs to be removed.

Fuck the system, I want to be a unique little snow flake because I'm histrionic as fuck and crave that recognition and validation for when I do things good like.

>While it is a little harsh to call them cancerous or off topic, the simple fact remains is that no discussion arises from such threads which effectively makes them worthless. Threads that make no discussion are a waste of space and all it does is clutter the board with even more shit threads.

But see, that's the beauty of the ST thread. IF no one posts on it after it's finished being dumped, it simply falls off into oblivion. With no interest, it ceases to get bumped and it clutters nothing! I've never seen anyone bump a Story Time thread without some kind of discussion.
Hey moot, I reminded you of that comic section in the first Q&A thread. Glad to see that you actually mention it somewhere now.
IDs should be implemented on /v/ at least for a week. The trolling and shitposting in certain threads there are unbearable. If it doesn't work out it can always be reversed. And even so, I think it would expose a lot to the users and maybe we can all learn something.
Or you can just implement some adequate mods on /v/ for once.
There's no point in going to 4chan if it's not anonymous.
More people use the catalog than you think. I've made plenty of unpopular threads that suddenly got a few posts 30 or so minutes after I gave up on waiting for replies.
Also, the only thing you'd need to change would be from discussing with yourself to "adding" more things to the OP.
>Bump. Also, here's this cool thing I found about this show and these downloads and whatever
You are assigned an ID in every thread you post in, and that specific ID only lasts for that one thread. If you create a thread, though, you are given another ID, which lasts until the end of the day but only for OPs - your ID should be different when replying on threads. However, looks like mootles changed that, so I guess that now you keep the same ID across all posts in all threads you create.
Please mootles remove IDs...
No, IDs do not stop you from being Anonymous. They stop you from samefagging and shitposting. The only people who are against IDs are people who support such behavior.
>They stop you from samefagging and shitposting.
Not even that, really -- they just make you look like a retard if you want to samefag.
So basically once IDs are board wide, instead of samefagging, people will just result to pure spamming? At least that is easier to notice.
>They stop you from samefagging and shitposting
How, precisely?
Have you seen the "weeaboo" game threads on /v/? They are filled with samefagging on both sides and IDs would cut that down a lot, or at least it would help people ignore it.
not that guy (obviously) but it will lower incentive for trolls or idiots to make uninspired posts. they will have to be more creative and dedicated. The vast majority of trolls I encounter resort to samefagging once they've been handed their 0 out of 10. No one will give a moron the time of day if they are obviously just spamming like a retard.
Samefagging and shitposting is actually redundant. The samefagging is usually the shitposting.
Well, I wouldn't say stop. It kind of deters it. Its a lot easier to ignore a single person than it is to ignore a multitude of posts that you think 'may' be multiple posters. Then again, it has been proven many times on boards like /a/ and /v/ that people can't ignore tripfags. So maybe not.
/v/ really needs IDs as it's just endless shitposting for a lot of the time. Which could help for some of the problem, but probably not a lot.
What makes you think shitposters would care about samefagging? It never stops them.
Also samefagging isn't always bad, remember.
It would at least help other users ignore them.
Why ignore when you are supposed to report them?
That would be true if reporting did anything even 1% of the time. However, that might change if/when Moot gets a lot of new people on board, according to his latest news post.
Well the problem is that trolls will post an obvious troll that people will ignore and report. It's the samefagging that gets people and causes shitstorms. If there were IDs people could ignore and report the samefagging as well.
Depens on what board you're on, really.
It's not hard to detect samefagging without IDs.
Not true and this is even worst.
The simple fact people can proxy up and thus change their ID's while samefagging will trick others into believing it isn't do to the differing ID's.

Sure someone would have to be dedicated to commit such an act but if done it would be a hundred times worse than it currently is.

And no I disagree in most cases samefagging does nothing and its quite obvious when someone is doing it. Besides that most people are highly paranoid and cautious of samefagging which is a good thing.
>And no I disagree in most cases samefagging does nothing
You should see the "weeaboo" game threads on /v/. Nothing but shitstorms mostly perpetrated by samefags. And it seems like most of the time people don't even realize it, since they respond to it, but I believe even some of the responses are just samefagging by trolls.

But I do agree with what you said about the proxies. I thought the same thing about the country flags. I guess the only real way to deal with the problem is moderation.
>I make rec threads on /a/ when I feel like pissing off aspies.
If you think insulting people who make recommendation threads isn't an enjoyable activity for /a/ssholes you are incredibly mistaken.
>those does

Also didn't you originally create /b/ as a "retard bin"?

It was only really good from 2004-2005, which was really about a year. Started going downhill in 2006, thought there was still OC created there. The board was completely dead marking the "Boxxy Civil War".

Now it exists for its original purpose, to keep the retards off the rest of 4chan
/sp/'s pretty good, as are many of the other boards still. OC isn't as prevalent as it was years ago, but many of the boards here are still great and I can actually have great discussions with people on them.

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