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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Remember when /q/ were good?

Just kidding, but is there a reason not to remove the need for 'noko' in your e-mail field?
12 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
>Welcome, enjoy the 4Chan experience.
Sorry, but I lol'd a little, thinking of it as a advertisement campaign
That's fine, I hope you know you took my words out of context though.
I know, I just started imagining it on my own, and yeah I get what you mean, but I still think it's completely unnecessary.
I mean it's not like I feel that the quality of posting/being on here would decrease if it was gotten rid of but it's just something unique to the site that I find cool.
Since moot and friends are actually coding things now, I heartily support this idea.

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A couple questions regarding /pol/

First, is there a more lax level of moderation by design as opposed to other boards considered non-worksafe?
Second, is /pol/ essentially the same as /b/ in regards to what global rules apply to it? I ask this because I regularly see violations of global rule #1 (which I thought applied to ALL boards, including /b/), and global rule #3.
There was a discussion to this effect over on /pol/ a couple of nights ago, and people there stated flat-out that they thought that the global rules did not apply to them.

Also, is /pol/ going to implement a display ID system? I get the feeling that a lot of the posts arguing with each other is a distinct case of samefaggotry, and it would help to be able to identify those individuals.

Hurting someones feewings isn't illegal in the US, yuropoor.

Which boards actually follow #3? (at least the No "Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies" part)
Pretty curious about this too.

What is the official opinion on all of the interracial porn that gets spammed on /pol/ from time to time?
Question, if /pol/ is supposed to act like a black hole for all the stormfag trolls that ruined /new/... why isn't their a moderated /new/ board? It isn't exactly fair for people wanting actual discussion on current affairs to be stuck with /pol/ retards.

I'm not as concerned about the #3 rule, even though some of the stuff violates speech laws in much of Europe- Holocaust denial is a BIG no-no in Germany, for example- as I am about people openly making death threats against elected officials and other calls for violent acts. Those kind of things are not free-speech protected anywhere that I'm aware of.

(BTW, I'm an Amerifat, not a yoropoor),
>some of the stuff violates speech laws in much of Europe
Like I said, no hurt feewings police in the US, so not a #1 violation.
>as I am about people openly making death threats against elected officials
I frequent /pol/ and have never "regularly see[n]" death threats being made. I'd find it difficult to believe there's anymore lax moderation for death threats on /pol/ then on any other board.
>and other calls for violent acts.
Brandenburg v. Ohio
>[Our] decisions have fashioned the principle that the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free press do not allow a State to forbid or proscribe advocacy of the use of force or law violation except where such advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or cause such action.
The "kill the rich/poor/blacks/whites/fags/cis" etc etc posts that populate /pol/ would certainly be protected speech, so again not a violation of #1.

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Don't know if this question has been asked, and I can't be arsed to go through nine pages of threads.

Why is there still flood detection for /d/? The point of the board is to post pictures, and having a system in place that make posting a large number of pictures become a huge pain in the ass is just dumb.

I know it isn't actually a huge pain in the ass. I, like every other /d/enizen, hate sitting there with our (insert genitalia here) in our hand, waiting for the obligatory time limit to go by before being able to post, or open the next picture in the thread.

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What do you think about the 4chan Catalog?

Ever since I started using it, browsing the boards became much easier, I didn't have to wade through shitposts and idiotic metathreads, and found topics of interest with greater ease.

I think you should give it some bigger exposure, as it would certainly give users a better browsing experience.
if there were a catalog, people wouldn't keep making threads about catalogs

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So I had a thought. Knowing 4chan this might just be abuse-able as all hell and doomed to fail, but I still thought it might be something that could benefit communities like /a/ and /v/, so hear me out.

There are plenty of times when a particularly epic thread will appear on a board, and get flooded with requests that a mod sticky it. This could be for a reaction to an amazing episode, or an important bit of information about a new release, or what have you. Sadly, a lot of times these threads either don't get noticed in time, or are deemed unworthy of being stickied, even if only for a day or so.

So I was thinking, why not allow the community to be able to sticky something for a day or so based on community consensus. It could work in much the same way the current thread archiving system that various sites use. And likewise, when a thread has outlived it's welcome, votes to unsticky could have the same effect. There could even be a natural decay period where a thread would naturally unsticky after a length of time.

Granted I have no idea how hard this would be to implement and I know you have much more important things to work on, but does this idea sound at all viable? It could allow for more quality content creation on some of the more creative boards. Just a thought anyway.
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Well anyway I thought it was an idea at least worth thinking about. I don't have time to monitor this thread and at the speed this all is going I'm assuming it won't be here when I wake up. Hopefully a mod will look at it and either shoot it down or consider it. Thanks for your time.
>If you are going to get upset over a single word usage, you may want to rethink your time being wasted here.
It pretty much marks you as a /b/tard.
>The problem with bumping a thread is that eventually it reaches autosage. There is no way to avoid this, be it the image limit being reached or what have you. I've seen plenty of threads on /a/ and /m/ that are just new threads created to be a continuation of an existing thread.
Threads that reach the bump limit that aren't stickied are likely not worth being stickied. If a thread has been continued on in other threads it's very likely to be a general.
>And don't get me wrong, I don't think the threshold for a thread being stickied should be low. It should take a LOT of effort, much more than it takes to get a thread archived. The point being that if enough people think a thread is awesome, why not sticky it for a day? What's the harm?
After reading some posts here, mods patrol all of the fast boards most of the time, enough that they more likely than not have seen the "epic bread". Threads are autoarchived, so there's no reason to vote for them. The harm comes into the fact that there's probably a lot of people who wouldn't want a thread they don't give a shit about on the top of the board pushing out other threads they would want to post in.
>Really, there should be no more than one or two threads ever stickied at one time. If another thread surpasses the current stickied thread's vote count, unsticky and replace.
Or have none at all.
Would cause the reverse troll squadron to go into overdrive on /a/.
Easily abused
Stop posting.
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Yes, lets install a voting system based anything on the website who notably rigged an online voting system to form an acrostic. What could possibly go wrong?

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Can you do something about the mod's/janitors on /v/?
I tend to go there here and there and every fucking time i go there, i click a thread that's interesting from the first page.
Scroll the 100-ish posts to get caught up on the conversation (about 5 minutes if not less) and notice there's still active posts.
Everytime 404's or shortly after even when i start contributing.
I know the board doesn't move that fast i've made threads that lasted 15+ mins of no responses after it dies and it 404's.
Literally been in so many video game related threads that just get deleted for no god damn reason.
And if a faggot decide to invade the thread and shit post with 5 gets, instead of the mod banning the shit poster, they delete the whole fucking thread while there's still conversation going on.
If you even go on /v/ for about 30 minutes you will see what i mean.
It's become power-tripping central and it's pretty fucking disgusting.
There's like 5 threads about this already.
>Everytime 404's or shortly after even when i start contributing.

Well its clearly your fault the threads get deleted, the janitor goes,"Oh god its this asshole again" and to save everyone on the board he deletes the thread.
You know... i'm just making the point that i can guarantee has been made 50 times now but nothing is more annoying than power tripping faggots ruining other peoples fun so they can get their hard-on.
Because moderation is really that shitty over there.
And the emphasis of, i go there occasionally, I'm not there every day making 50 posts whoring myself out like some attention whoring tripfag.

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Why can't we link to /q/ from other boards? Just a simple question.

Pic not entirely related.
Just curious as a few people are trying to find certain threads.
Raids I would guess
Doesn't seem like that would help much.
Last attempt.

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Hey, moot/everyone, why isn't posting allowed from China?

Pic related: it's China.
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I don't actually know that it's the whole country. It seems a safe assumption though.
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All of Venezuela is banned. Word on the street says it's because of Toady the BRo.
It can't be, there are Venezuelan flags on /int/.
Something sad, in /co/ we had a venezuelan VA who tald many secrets of unaired shows
>A number of international ISPs are disallowed from posting. The blocks stem from repeated abuse coming from these ISPs/countries. At present, there is no way to exempt a specific user from these blocks- we apologize for the inconvenience.

Huh, answered my own question, I guess. Still, a fifth of the world's population would like to get on 4chan, dammit.

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I'll cut to the chase here, Dawn spam. It's really becoming a problem on /vp/.
The mods used to deal with it, deleting the spam and the endless threads, but now they seem to have given up, or just decided it isn't spam. It's, I assume, about 2 or 3 guys endlessly spamming images of Dawn in Dawn threads, and shitposting and spamming in other threads.

If something could be done about this, that'd be great.

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Not really a "new board" request per se, so maybe it'll fly?

A lot of high-traffic boards like /a/ and /b/ tend to have particular "generations" of posters that don't get along very well, like the '08 or so /b/ that did political activism or the old-/a/ exodus to /jp/. Why not bring back multiple server names and silently switch the front page link to the same letter on a different server every time there's a lot of tension like that, letting the old users with it bookmarked have their own thing while the newer users get directed to a fresh board on the same topic?

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As it is now, discussion of VNs should be posted in either /jp/ or /vg/, but should that be changed to allow /v/ as well?

Personally, I think so. What constitutes a VN is already a pretty gray area as far as /v/ is concerned (i.e. Nobody bitches about Phoenix Wright) and occasionally /v/ can have a decent discussion about a VN that wouldn't really fly in the VN general on /vg/ or in /jp/. For example, the other day somebody made a thread as they were playing through Saya no Uta for the first time and their impressions as they got to various parts in the story, which is a discussion you can't really have in a general type thread.

Your thoughts?
There is a screencap floating around of moot, i believe, saying that VNs fall into /a/, /v/, /jp/
VNs go into /jp/ and /vg/ now. Personally, I would have liked a /vn/ so it could start fresh but oh well.
VNs should seriously just go to /jp/ but they don't want that userbase there so that's why it goes to /jp/ and /vg/. Adding a board for VNs is a terrible idea.
/vn/ general on /vg/ isn't even that fast, this is an awful idea.

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Hello moot.
/i/ and /ic/ have been hit hard, as the shiipainter program no longer functions properly, last I heard. You need to have someone look into that, or at least have the program be replaced with something else.

/x/ needs some sort of rejuvenation, and I believe that mashing /x/ and /sci/ together, and then pulling them back apart to create >/meta/ [metaphysics and philosophy]
>/stem/ [engineering and science] (maybe /eng/?)
well, that post posted wrong.
what does /p/ have to do with /trv/ ? are you even a frequent user on one of those boards?

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Anyone else think we should have a metal board? I've noticed a lot of metalheads on a few boards, and it'd be great if we had somewhere to discuss bands/shows/being metal in general
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Isn't that what /mu/ is for?
Metal fits perfectly in /mu/.

Also, /666/, so dark and edgy.
>Unless we are explicitly accepting board suggestions in a stickied thread, board requests will be ignored.

I wish moot hadn't disabled sage.
it'd probably get more traffic than, say, /n/ or similar boards
No. /mu/ is perfectly capable of housing metal.

I want /5/ back.

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As mootles stated in his last news post, there will be the opportunity to apply as a janitor. For what board will applicants be considered? Is /b/ still not open for debate as it says at the application page?

And could the staff or whoever please define the requirements for the positions a little better on the page?

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May I ask why you made VNs /jp/ only Moot? They weren't hurting anyone.
because moonrunes
/a/tards are frustrated because they cant into moonrunes
But they aren't /jp/ only, they are also allowed on /vg/
I blame the non-stop katawa shoujo generals for that, anyway
As a poster above me said, /vg/ has a VN general thread.
They're not.

Officially the rule is untranslated goes in /jp/, translated and OELVN go to /vg/. They're fine in /v/ too, but good luck getting that through the thick skulls of all those autistic sixteen year olds. And certain titles and the occasional odd thread are fine on /a/.

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