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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

/q/ is now open for business, and has already sparked a number of great discussions and changes to the site. Here's one on why 4chan doesn't accept donations and what you can do to support the site.

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I'd hate to make another thread about the whole pony issue, but in this one I'd like to ask why the 4Chan staff are completely ignoring it. I'm almost certain they're reading the threads but not actually participating in the discussion like they are in other threads, why is that.

And before someone comes in and complains about me 'whining', the only reason these threads keep popping up is because the 4Chan staff aren't responding to them. This is an issue that needs addressing.

Administrator Replies: >>82428 >>82472 >>82539 >>82582 >>82610 >>82646 >>82671 >>82691 >>82758 >>82761 >>82794 >>82800 >>82908 >>83025
For fuck's sake there's probably at least half a dozen threads in the catalog complaining about ponies right now.
How much can they really do? Bans can be evaded, and they can just recreate any threads that get deleted. They cannot simply spend all day every day babysitting the ponyfags. Best thing we can do is simply ignore them, that's all.
You know why there's so many threads about it? BECAUSE MODS AREN'T ADDRESSING THE DAMN ISSUE.
And you think making a thread with no suggestions or criticisms will help?
The staff are also ignoring the issue of whether or not we can talk about Naruto on /a/. You're not the only one getting neglected op.
We need more mods/janitors.
do you know why they aren't addressing the issue? BECAUSE THERES NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT.

well why do we have to put up with this crap? I didn't come to 4chan to look at ponies!!!
I can't tell you how many time's I've made suggestions regarding this issue. See


So why do they have Rule 15 in the first place? either enforce the rule and get rid of it.
*either enforce the rule or get rid of it
You know you can just ignore /mlp/, right? No one is forcing you to go into the board, same as no one is forcing you to go into /i/ or /o/. And if you see avataring ponys or pony threads outside of /mlp/ just report them and ignore them.
Actually I think I can answer that. That rule was put in place to let you know the staff is on your side. Not that they can really do anything.
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Probably because there's just nothing they can do about it. They delete the threads, the ban the posters, but they just keep avoiding the bans and coming back. There's just nothing they can do.
Oh my god. I'm going to repeat myself for literally the 20th time.

I don't care about /mlp/! They can post all they want there! What bothers me is when they have threads on /b/, which is forbidden by the rules, not to mention they feel the need to constantly have a /b/read bumped to page 0 24/7.
I can answer that. The rule was put in place to let you know the staff is on your side. Not that they can really do anything.

but they did address it, they said we need to somehow magically ignore the posts.
O)h. well just ignore those ponys in /b/.

Also, consider the following: If those users who are posting ponies are using methods that are preventing the mods from perma banning them, then it wouldn't matter what the mods do about /mlp/. Those posters in /b/ are rouge, and unless there is a way to ban a dynamic IP, there is not much anyone can do. it's basically trolls Vs. Mods, with innocent posters caught in the middle.
4chanX is not magic.
The filter is. Put something in it, and boom, gone from your browsing experience.

fuck you why should I have to do that, they're the cancer
This is why 7chan /b/ is better. pony shit don't fly over there. and the mods aren't lazy pussies like the ones here.
It keeps telling me my post is spam, but, basically, they're ignoring you guys because you're all whiny like annoying children.
neither is apathy, but they seem incapable of using either so let them cry
It's more of an issue than just being annoyed by /b/reads, too. Oftentimes /b/ will launch raids on /mlp/, even though they aren't the ones responsible for the /b/reads. This shitposting results in even more shitposting and needs to be stopped.
Because they're all horsefuckers. Every. Single. One. They all masturbate to their purple and pink ponies and write fanfics about raping 5 year old "ponies" in their torture dungeon. They're manchildren and the simple fact is they LOVE pony shitposting, and contribute to it themselves!
fuck off, /b/ is shit anyway.

pls stop

"Oh no, there is a pony reaction image outside of /mlp/. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life, and my day is ruined forever, because I cannot ignore a 200x200 thumbnail on a thread, and a single reaction image is a direct attempt to troll me, personally, because they know how much I hate them."


how are we children, they watch a show for ponies! your an idiot
you must be new here
/b/ is only full of shit because of this kind of mentality. This board could use some competent mods/janitors
"Hey, the board that you designed because literally everyone else on all of 4chan was bitching about ponies is kind of full of autistic jerks, can you get in there and teach people to not act stupid, please? Because that isn't an impossible goal?"


And, of course, let's not forget..

Oh get off your high horse. You don't understand. I've repeated myself time after time but at this point I feel like it doesn't even fucking matter how much I say it, there's still some people who won't get it through their heads.
"Hey, guys, have you noticed that there are a lot of pony threads on /q/? What's up with that? I'm going to make a new thread and ask what's up with that."

All of this, all day, every day, forever. Over and over again.
Ponies are literally the worst thing that has ever happened to the internet. I wish a horrible death upon each neckbearded bronyfag that has ever posted anything pony-related.
But a lot of that fanbase want to talk about pony-related NSFW stuff, that isn't allowed on /mlp/, so they have to post it on /b/.

agreed, the internet wasn't made for ponyfags, they were never welcom to start with.

furries are allowed on /b/, ponies are not. So no they can't post it there either
Your post was cringe-worthy.
But if you have content that people want to be able to post, but don't let them post it anywhere, it's still gonna get posted.

The threads I'm talking about are the self-contained horsefucker threads, that aren't illegal, and aren't magically "shitting up" other threads, they're just there. People are just getting so "STOP LIKING WHAT I DONT LIKE" that they're basically whining that they don't want that otherwise harmless content on "their" 4chan.

I don't post in those fucking threads, but as long as people constantly go "hurr I hate ponies, guess I'd better shit all over anyone who mentions it ever", and "I WANT TO CENSOR TOPICS OF DISCUSSION OUT OF THE SITE ENTIRELY", then unrelated trolls are just going to take advantage of that by posting pony-material in your threads to piss you off.
Just FWI dudes nobody in /mlp/ posts ponies outside of our quarentine. At least most don't. Any ponies you spot outside of /mlp/ are just from /b/tards going "LOL PONES!!! UMAD? XXXXDDDD". /mlp/ actually keeps to itself.
Guys, we already have a thread that would be lovely to bump


Please leave it all in that thread.


Every other chan I go to deletes anything pony related on the spot. No matter how high the traffic is it gets deleted.

There is no fucking excuse for the current state and level of this shitposting.

It has gone on for FAR too long and you guys need to figure something out.
/b/ is a shithole because it's supposed to be a shithole, it's a goddamn free for all.
This really isn't an issue.
That thread isn't shitposting _because_ it's ponies. It's the same as countless other shitpost-only threads that have images from other things in.

Try looking at all the shitposts without the "Ponies cause shitposting" selection bias for once.




Please go here to further discuss this issue. We have a Step by step plan going for the removal of the /b/reads on /b/ and hopefully also on /mlp/.
the occasional pony reaction picture doesnt seem like an issue to me
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moot's said that nothing can be done right now. As said in another thread, it could only *possibly* be hindered by using cookies, and even then, it likely won't stop. And before some shitposting faggot says delete /mlp/, do you REALLY want ponyshit everywhere again? It's pretty easy to evade bans. Also, to those of you saying "it's /mlp/", that's a load of shit and you know it. It's people from your boards who know it pisses you off and the /b/read on /mlp/ which is just as, if not more, shitty. Just ignore/hide the threads, and move on with your life. People from /b/read have said they won't leave (with bullshit reasoning, of course).

tl;dr If you didn't read, you're the problem. Get out. Now.
No. That argument doesn't work.

Whether or not /b/ is a shithole doesn't matter.

/b/ is a random board. It's not fucking random when the same fucking thread is posted 24/7 which already has IT'S OWN FUCKING BOARD.

Stop spamming "WELL HURR /b/ IS SHIT ANYWAYS XD"

We're trying to salvage what little hope /b/ has so fuck off if you can't contribute.

you shouldn't even have /mlp/ you make 4chan look bad
Can someone explain to me what /b/read is?

I don't visit /b/ or /mlp/, because I don't go to terrible boards.
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Seriously, is this some sort of roundabout way to make ponies even more popular? I'm really starting to wonder.
It's so funny seeing /b/ complaining about "cancer"
Those attitudes are the reason they stay. We need to show them that they aren't above the rules and they aren't going to be rewarded for shitposting. If we really want to get rid of them we need to keep at it no matter how much they retaliate. We need at least one mod and janitor on /b/ all day every day deleting and permabanning them and continuing until they understand that they can't just ignore the rules and get away with it.
/soc/ with pony pics (no actual discussion of the show) and avartarfagging.
Maybe when they start accepting your money.


You know why mods (especially Moot) don't ban ponies? Because they know that most people just don't care. If you can't just ignore the occasional pony on /co/ or /b/ then you truely are an autist.
At this point I'd be accepting any and all applications for janitors on /b/.

Fucking delete everything for fucks sake.

/b/ is beyond saving, and there is no real "pony issue" outside of /b/ that isn't just people with an inability to ignore things they don't like complaining.

Effort needs to be focused into things that will actually help the site (like fixing /mu/)
Don't be silly. This is either some roundabout way to make ponies more popular, or it's just general shitposting. Well, either way it's shitposting. Stop trying to reason with them.
Please fuck off back to /mu/

/b/ can be saved. Or atleast made better.

>implying 4chan has a reputation to uphold

Seriously? We're the fucking toilet of the internet.

its not the ponies that are pissing everyone off the most, it is the circlejerk that they are hiding with pictures of ponies. They dont ever talk about their intended topic and jsut avatarfag, hugbox and shitpost thread after thread after thread.

And if you ignore them that will make them think that they are winning and that they are above the rules and moderation and above any other posters.

They need to learn their place. This also goes for the /b/reads on /mlp/, because they don't talk about the show either, the circlejerk all the same, if not worse than the /b/ /b/reads.
If this is about mods ignoring issues then they seem to be doing nothing about avatarfagging, at least on /co/.

Then why even bother with rules if actually enforcing them is virtually impossible?
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What is /b/ supposed to be full of? Porn dump and GET threads instead?
Or is it supposed to be some glorious nirvana of OC threads everywhere? A lot of the OC-making lately I've seen was in the ponethreads.

Only if you have a time machine to go back to ~2006

Dude I go on /mlp/ all the time and trust me. No ani/mlp/huckers post ponies outside /mlp/ and we hate people who do because they make us seem even more cancerous than we are. The only people posting ponies in /b/ are /b/tards trolling other /b/tards.
/b/ did used to be a nirvana of OC. Until the faggot mods and losers like you gave up on it.

Fucking kill yourself bitch.
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>go on /b/
>this is the first thread I see
yeah, no

moot needs to put effort into saving /g/ and /mu/ before he goes and tries to fix /b/
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Are you retarded?

They already believe they're above every poster in /mlp/, and think they're the best the board has to offer. It's like a thread-sized Ponychan.

The only way to "teach them a lesson" would be to somehow get their IPs to be static and get the mods and moot to give everyone their IP addresses, which will never happen.
Those usually turn into racewars, which can be [spoiler] fun [/endspoiler]
>uses CD-i Link as reaction face
Seriously, the only people that Ponies actually piss off are underage newfag shitposters who are aren't mature enough to not feed trolls.
Go back to /mlp/ if you wanna defend shitposting faggot.

but it is about the ponies, I even see pony reaction pics outside /b/ ponies shouldn't even be on 4chan, 4chan is a manly board if you havn't noticed


yes and you have to seive through 500 pony threads to find that
I wonder if all /b/tards actually talk like this and expect to be taken seriously with their complaints.
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>gets mad at reaction image

Ignore shit you don't like.
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>4chan is a manly board



Sorry we're honest.

Go back to reddit if you wanna beat around the bush and please other faggots.
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>"4chan is a manly board"

The rule is not "no ponies outside /mlp/", it's "no brony threads".

Posting one /mlp/-related pic that is otherwise related to the thread is not BRONY SHITPOSTING REPORTED SAGED material. Is posting a picture of a football outside of /sp/ a bannable offence? I know plenty of faggots who would ban any anime pictures outside of /a/ and /jp/, but they're clearly just asshats.


Yeah I'm sure all the skinny underage nerds on /v/ and all the geeks on /a/, /co/, /mlp/, /sci/ and just about every other board are real manly men.
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The image is partially in jest. I tire of anyone who complains much of cancer on /b/. /b/ has always seemed to be (to its users anyway) the "anything goes" board, and imposing many rules or standards on it seems to go against that spirit.

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You're doing it again.

prove to me it isn't newfag
>he replied, so I'll call him mad
>u mad u mad u mad
Aren't you the guy that advocated ignoring trolls?

Looks like your strategy failed fucktard.
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>Implying /b/ was ever good
>using newfag unironically
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Bunch of kids and neck[spoiler][/spoiler]beards sitting around laughing or raging at stupid shit is not manly in any way, son
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The answer is yes, you are actually retarded.
Talking about Japanese animation. Stereotypically nerdy.
Talking about Japan. See above.
Just go there.

but that's afootball not a pony, how many fucking times do I have to say it, I don't fucking care about footballs
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>4chan is a manly board if you havn't noticed
>4chan is a manly board

>my fucking face when
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I can't tell what you're trying to say.
Please shut the fuck up about his comment and get back on topic.
obvious fake is obvious
but you can tell by the jpg compression it's been passed around a lot in that format (which is the default format for screenshots in Windows, which by the screenshot you can tell he is using)
if it was fake, whoever made it in photoshop probably would have been smart enough to save it in a lossess format like PNG
>I can't tell what you're trying to say.

It's because you are retarded.
Just report his shitposting faggotry and move on.

He wants a response.
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>4chan is a manly board if you havn't noticed

fuck off bronie scum
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Not a shitposter, but just genuinely retarded.
No he is a shitposter.
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>4chan is a manly board if you havn't noticed
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>4chan is a manly board
There's been plenty of discussion of little girls' cartoons since 4chan was created, but it's apparently very upsetting when you discuss one which was made outside of Japan.
OP from >>>/q/76979 Here.
Helping bumping this thread so we can pound in in the Administrative head.
Alright, we had fun with >>79697

Let's get back on topic.
I meant "Helping bumping this thread so we can pound IT in the ADMINS head".
it's just one thread, and absolutely everyone, including all of /mlp/, hates them. there is no getting rid of their infinite circlejerk, so just ignore it
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We basically got rid of furfaggotry.

We can get rid of this.
Thats like saying we should ignore all the Dubs and Trips shitposting that happened so much last year.
Just no. This is the first time that ive seen that the admins are not going to do anything about it. Im shocked really.
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You know how many banwaves the current /b/read posters have gone through, right?

What makes you think that another one will do anything?

>there is no getting rid of their infinite circlejerk

You may think that, but there is ALWAYS a way. We just have to find it.

We have already had 2 suggestions as follows:

- Once Janitorial staff get hired, have them go on a thread deletion escapade, having janitors on multiple pages to catch the /b/reads and delete them before they can get started and keep up with deleting them until the angsty teen rebels use logic and realize that they should not make a thread if it will just get deleted, and their "REBEL THE MODS" mindset would die off fairly quickly if it was kept on top of.

- Unfortunately, this plan would not ban it or get rid of it, but for both /b/ and /mlp/, sticky the thread on some back page, like page 10, and remove image cap and whatnot, so they can post to their hearts content without getting in the way of other, more relevant on-topic threads. The problem with this is also that they would just have the mindset "Oh the mods are asking me respectfully to do this? Nah REBEL!" and just shitpost outside their specified sticky.
Not a banwave, a consistent, steady banhammer that smashes their faggot heads in to infinity.
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>but it is about the ponies, I even see pony reaction pics outside /b/ ponies shouldn't even be on 4chan, 4chan is a manly board if you havn't noticed

its not nearly as bad or out of control as the dubs/tirps threads, the ponies are usually fairly good at keeping it to just one thread
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>4chan is a manly board
My sides are killing me right now, havent gotten a good laugh in a while.

The choices:

1. a Report
b Hide/ignore

2. Use filters

3. Ignore completely

There really isn't anything that the staff can do to address this issue, so follow the steps I've listed.

Granted, it's there 24/7. But, as we know, before /mlp/ was made, the constant bitching only emboldened them. Therefore, it only stands to reason that bitching will not work, so just report, filter, or ignore.
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They run every banwave with that mindset. We're still here.

First solution won't work, because at the end of the day, the ponyposters are more dedicated to ponyposting than any mods or janitors are against it. Even if literal Nazis straight out from WW2 were hired as mods this would probably still be true.

That second solution isn't too terrible. It's actually what we do on mlpchan.net, but for different reasons. On there, threads don't have a hard reply/image limit. Instead, threads just stop bumping soon as they hit the reply limit. So nearly all of the time, the long serial /b/reads are on some far-off page.

We just need Janitors and mods alike to band together on both /b/ and /mlp/ and delete the /b/read threads wherever they pop up, and continue with this action until the /b/read posters realize that they are not above 4chans rules or above moderation.

They can and WILL be dealt with. There is a way to get rid of the circlejerk rather than just ignore it and let it fester any longer. If you feel your stomach shift for the worse but just ignore it like it didnt happen, you are just going to end up shitting yourself.
> If you feel your stomach shift for the worse but just ignore it like it didnt happen, you are just going to end up shitting yourself.
I lol'd.

He makes a very valid point.

True. Another solution might be hellbans, but I'm pretty certain they'd sperg out and reset their routers once they realized something was amiss. There's also the fact moot might have some difficulty putting it into the site.
What are "hellbans"?
/mlp/ was supposted to stem the tide

that didn't work

now you are shitting up this board as well and you only have yourselves to blame.
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As I said, ponyposters are more dedicated to ponying than mods are to antiponying. I'm not sure where you're imagining finding a crack team of mods that would actually be able to do anything worthwhile. If your idea is just having a fuck-ton of mods, you're probably going to have them over-moderating the rest of /b/ too. If you want to kill /b/ to spite a tiny part of it, go right ahead.

Basically, you're the only one who can see the post. I've heard that 7chan has them, but I'm not sure.

>create a board called /hell/
>make it look like /b/
>"Ban" all /b/read posters on /b/ and /mlp/ to /hell/
>They can only post on that board and nowhere else
The mods would only be allowed to delete pony thread.

This team would consist of 500+ individuals.
So basically, you'd encourage people to try gain access to the secret club. Good thinking.
the staff on irc of 4chan say b is not their problem and not their board. there are 2 there that are proud to admit they are mods on /a/ and /fit/ and would never bother with b because they see that board as a waste of time.

moot picked terrible mods for his site then complains its not original or is becoming stagnant. this is what happens when you have mods who have no concern for the site as a whole and just their one board they are allowed to mod.
ponies are not and never will be part of 4chan

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>people actually still go on /b/
My sides
>ponies are not and never will be part of 4chan
But they already are. Cry about it

I wondered how long it'd take for shitposts to arrive.

At least discuss the topic at hand, you clearly just saw the word "pony" and decided to 'tard it up.
Ponyfag here (I keep to /mlp/). Sounds like you would just need lots of janitors to take care of this. Constantly deleting their threads every day/hour might eventually frustrate them enough to give up.
I'm here to inform you guys that this is breaking a global rule, and it would be well within your rights to report it.

Well, I remember one of the circlejerkers coming into these threads once, and saying that it only strengthens the "brony phenomenon". So no.
That's what they want you to think so people will keep doing nothing.

Nothing can ever be done, though, unless moot decides to implement IP, cookie, and hellbanning all at once.
I've been here for two years and I have never, ever had a problem with ponies. What I DO have a problem with is people like you who complain nonstop about this nonexistent pony problem.

Shut the fuck up.
Same here.
The pony-haters are becoming much more obnoxious and annoying than the people they're against.
that's the awful shitcycle.
someone shitposts, and then people try to shit up the thread to ruin it. making the entire place shitty.
Well, if the /b/reading continues, then it will become the next Dub/Trip scenario.

Fuck the people that says fuck the people complaining.

This means war.
"I see pony threads all the time and assume it is just the mods not doing their job, as opposed to the actual fact that the pony people are simply overpowering experts of ban evasion"
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Don't mind me. Just want to watch while I enjoy my midnight snack.
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look at all these opinions
We can and will get rid of them.
that's already been done
get back to your concentration camp
it can't even hide threads
no thanks
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Pssst.......click the little minus button on the left side of the posted thread. Works every time.
No, the rule quite clearly states that /mlp/ is where ALL pony content goes. ALL.
>Rule 15: "All pony/brony threads belong on /mlp/."
Directly from the rules page. http://www.4chan.org/rules#global

[obviouslynotaspoiler]Just sayin'[/notspoiler]
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Once again, people who can't ignore content are the reason this is even a problem, think for a second, about how odd it is to be so mad over a character from a cartoon.
If you can't ignore it, then get 4chanX and hide threads.
The mods don't care about /b/ and never will, its simply newfag training ground and has been for awhile.
There's another rule for /mlp/

>This is the destination for all My Little Pony related content on 4chan.

moot also back this up.
the filter, you fucking furfaggot
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GN pls go.
You're not getting it. It's not the cartoon characters that are irritating. It's the fact that they feel like they can maintain a 24/7 thread on /b/ in defiance of the rules, taking the spot of a potentially decent thread, and yes, those do happen on /b/, albeit rarely.
Ethy pls go

Heh, I should ask Milky to make the Name Sync script work here on /q/ too.
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>i was thinking about that same thing
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breaking the rules on a board the staff are actually watching is pretty dumb guys.
I'm astounded that now they're even here shitting up /q/ (they can no longer claim they only stay on one thread in /b/). Yes the mods STILL continue to refuse to take action.
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where did you come from?
Test post.
All the other kids with the pony avatars

You better run and run

Outrun my baaaan~~

Oh wait, bans don't do shit
Dirty places.
I hate to say this, but I've just about lost all faith in the ability of the current 4Chan staff.
How fucking horrifying.
should i stop posting ponies?

am i being bad?
You are.
By going on here and circlejerking in /q/ you're showing that your intent is to irritate other people, which, don't get me wrong, is working to a degree. But don't expect it to pay off in the long run.

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>4chan is a manly board if you havn't noticed


Seriously guys highlight his id and have some good laughs, i love you man.
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What would it paying off look like and consist of?
ugh. fine. i'll go back to /b/.
I wanna do bad things with you there~~
The 4Chan staff accepting that you can shitpost wherever you want. Which is what's happening at the moment, but don't expect it to go on for long. The majority of the 4chan community is tired of this.
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Too bad, I already edited my version to work here too.
Macil, stop breaking the Internet.
God damn it.

text text text
Why should we care if we're allowed to do what we do?

The 4chan staff remains irrelevant until they have a working method of getting rid of us.
and this is why everybody hates you
I guess in way you're right. You guys don't seem to care about anyone but your own interests. You've pushed and pushed into areas where you don't belong (like /q/ for instance), and for whatever reason, mods aren't taking action. I honestly don't know if they're just accepting it or they're actually that ignorant of what's going on.
I thought it was the low IQ of people who can't ignore things they don't like.

Fuck, brb an hero
>I keep all my fucks buried in a treasure chest on a lost island

Honestly, I think they're focusing on things they think they can actually deal with.

We aren't going to be gotten rid of until we decide to leave.

And that has to happen eventually.
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I do it all for you. ;;;;

This whole thread is complaining about a single recurring thread on /b/ of all places, and some reaction images elsewhere. I think you may be overestimating how much the mods care.
You do realize I would've been fine with ponies had they been posted once in awhile. But having a dedicated thread on /b/ 24/7 is too much. You're pushing other potentially interesting threads down, even when you have your own section in the site.

That's exactly WHY /mlp/ was created.

/a/ exists so that there isn't a 24/7 anime thread on /b/

/mu/ exists so there isn't a 24/7 music thread on /b/
(i've said the exact same thing like a day ago)
and /mlp/ exists so there isn't a 24/7 thread on /b/, but you guys ave no regard for that. Your logic is that because you're able to ban-evade, you deserve special rule-breaking privileges.
God forbid we don't have another wincest thread.
Wincest threads, irritating though they may be, don't come up nearly as often as /b/reads do.
Mods, please, if you aren't going to do anything about this issue, revoke rule 15. Either have the rule and enforce it, or don't have the rule at all. Don't have the rule but not enforce it.
>revoke the rule
this is probably the best idea.
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Great, now I realize this image needs to be updated.
moot is a brony guise..
there's also this fact.
I'd prefer they hire competent mods and enforce the rule. But moot's only response to this issue is "report and hide" the thread which does very little, considering mods pay no attention to the reports, and not everyone uses 4ChanX. Not to mention, the /b/reads have caused /b/ to raid /mlp/, which is ironic because they're the ones actually following the rules.

But yeah, the 4Chan staff aren't addressing this issue AT ALL, so it's like they may as well revoke the rule.
fuck no he isn't
Remind me why these /b/readfags can't just migrate to another Chan?
One that's actually wants them there.
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The /b/readposters don't have any problems posting at /b/. Maybe the people that have issues with /b/'s content should move to another chan.
There is an entire fucking chan for them.

When asked to go there they just give their usual autist response of "OH HURF IT'S SLOW AND WE SHOULDN'T BE CAGED INTO ONE PLACE XD"

If everyone fucking hates you usually you'll try to figure out why and stop being a cunt.

Not these faggots, they're along the same cancerous train of thought as rappers like soulja boy and other stupid niggers. "HURR IF DEY HATE ME I MUST BE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT"

No we hate you because you ruin our user experience and are anti everything this site stands for.
>everything this site stands for
i recognize you. i remember laughing at you. how've you been? <3

(fucking non-ASCII text is not allowed on this board so i can't do real hearts)
What worthless faggots these current mods are.

I hope these fat autists overrun the site.

I don't give a fuck anymore. Maybe then moot will fucking get off his faggot lazy ass and come up with a viable solution.

It's still doubtful though.
It's like the fire needs to grow even more so the fireman stop ignoring the flames... why the hell did it even get this bad in the first place?
Inactivity and blatant not give a fuckery.

They think this is a small problem even when there's 3+ 400 post threads about this problem on /q/.

They're in a state of denial and unwilling to actually address this problem with a viable solution.
Heh, ironically I help run mlpchan.net (which I also post at).

There are separate boards and websites for plenty of the content on /b/. Why does anyone do anything there? The atmosphere and specific people I guess. The board is a "random" catch-all place.

We're going to overrun the site... with a single recurring thread on /b/, and a few reaction images elsewhere? Are you even trying to make sense?
It's not random if the same thread 24/7 is posted.

I don't expect to get a logical answer from you but will you please stop contributing to a downfall of a place I call home?

You're really fucking up this site for me.
This... I know it doesn't matter to you /b/ ponies that much but you're really making /b/ a lot less fun for everyone else. It's like you need a thread constantly bumped to page 0 24/7.
Many threads on /b/ are repeated. And we call it home too. I'm sure there's an OCD guy somewhere who hates the fact anyone posts on /b/ ever who calls it home also.

/b/ is filled with stuff >90% of its viewers don't care about. With the trap loli, porn dump, GET, kill the giganigga, repeated you-laugh-you-lose, shock image threads everywhere, it's a thread with ponies that go beyond those and manage to ruin the experience for you? Your ability to deal with content you see might need retuning. I think if there's any content even capable of ruining the /b/ experience for someone, then that person isn't /b/ material.
>trap loli, porn dump, GET, kill the giganigga, repeated you-laugh-you-lose, shock image threads

As irritating and repetitive those may be, they aren't constantly remade as soon as one 404's, and then bumped to page 0 24/7
You know what's going to happen if you guys keep making threads like this on /q/ and other boards? You guys really fucking want to know what's going to happen?

You'll be just as hated as the ponyfags. In my fucking daily 4channing I typically see no ponies, and nothing related to /mlp/ at all. Unless I come here or /v/. /v/ has to fucking fill every rage thread to the brim with fucking more pony shit than Chris-chan's room. Fucking /q/ CONSTANTLY has one of these threads up.

The rule is already made. It isn't a real fucking problem. You have fucking wasted 2 hours of your life participating in a thread you made because you can't skim past a fucking picture, that a rule already exists about. Report and ignore it. At that point if the fucking mods don't do anything about it you won't fucking know because you hid the thread. Stop being a whiny fucking child.
If you won't listen to me I will destroy you faggot.

Your one chance for redemption is up.
Once we get some kind of acknowledgement we'll stop.

Until then we'll keep posting these threads.
You got your acknowledgement fucking 6 months ago when moot made /mlp/ and banned the posting of ponies outside of it. Do you really think in the grand scheme of things that enforcing that fucking rule trumps the enforcement of every other rule on this fucking site? While illegal content is posted rather often?

At this point you're fucking forcing shit on people that don't want to hear about it. Sound familiar?
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Good argument. Be gentle pls ;;;

Sure, no one religiously restarts those threads when they 404, but there's always at least a good dozen of them floating around active.
It didn't work.

It's time to try a new solution.
Adding a new board and enacting countless banwaves did not stop the /b/ ponythread. (Though many /b/ ponythread posters did in fact move to the new board, so it did make the /b/ ponythread bump less constantly.)

What actions do you propose the moderators take next that you think will work in completely eradicating a single recurring thread on /b/?
After going and looking at the other thread on /q/ about this and fucking viewing one of these so called "/b/reads" both on /mlp/ and /b/, I can see why you guys are mad.

These threads are just fucking circlejerks. They don't belong on 4chan.
200 + janitors on /b/ solely there to ban ponies.
Important question: Why is /mlp/ a 'sfw' board? Did someone contact moot to try to stop the inevitable rule 34 on ponies? Because thats a reason why theres still ponyshit on /b/. I mean, if cIopping is your thing, theres lots of worse fetishes than that, and why try to sensor 'ponysexuality' and not loli/fur/diaper, etc.

Once you give the bronies freedom do do whatever they want in /mlp/, then maybe they're wouldn't be so much ponyshit elsewhere.
Wait what? I'm one of the /b/read posters. I'm not mad, am pretty chill right now. Just curious as to why so many threads on /q/ are up in arms over the /b/reads, and am wondering what they even think should or could be done.

As I said, good luck not over-moderating the rest of /b/. Who would monitor the janitor teams?
As for /b/, pony content isn't allowed. As for /mlp/, I just checked the rules, circlejerking isn't allowed, all threads are supposed to be show discussion.

My advice would be to move to /r9k/, 4chan's dedicated circlejerk/attentionwhoring board.
what the fuck is /b/read

who came up with it and what the fuck does it mean. it sure as fuck doesn't have anything to do with the shit i turn into toast every morning
Thread with /b/ instead of T
/b/ + thread

it comes from the old phrase "toasting in epic bread."

we just adapted it and it caught on and became somewhat of a "brony" term.
As I've said in the past, we delete and ban for it like crazy. Bronies ban evade like crazy. We've banned hundreds upon hundreds of their IPs, VPNs, proxies, etc. Even the /mlp/ crowd hates them.

After we finish janitor apps we should have a bunch more janitors and moderators around to deal with it, but until then, you'll need to do your best to ignore it. Or convince them to stop shitposting/ban evading/breaking the rules, but good luck!
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>going to /b/
It never became a ponyfaggot term.

Go get fucked and stop taking credit for shit you didn't do bitch.
Too many feels in /r9k/.

/r9k/ and /soc/ might be almost decent fits in purpose for the /b/reads, but the atmosphere is all wrong and there's no way you'd be able to convince the ones that stuck out on /b/ to move somewhere. The nothing-is-holy anything-goes part about /b/ is the part we like.
hi moot

how are you, man?


By the way nice post on /sp/ lol.
you're an idiot. i didn't say we created it. i'm just saying it was assimilated into all of the other words that are common among bronies, such as "wub" and "faget".

moot pls b nais.

No. It's not your word.

Fuck off and go back to /mlp/ where you belong faggot.
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Be nice.
What is /b/ besides shitposting, or someone else calling you a shitposter? It won't and can't ever be the pure OC nirvana you paint it as.

ohgod if moot ever picked up on that pls be nais stuff Aeris started then I'm not even
Plz go get fucked with a knife you worthless attention whore.
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>posting in 4am
Losing contol of your life I see.

Anyhow moot just be sure the new janitors and mods dont mess with our /v/ culture.
>10 fucking bans
>4+ for ban evasion.
See what I told you guys?
I just don't get it. Every time I've been to /b/ since /mlp/, there is generally only one (if any at all) pony thread with spamming and underage newfags posing as the main reason as to why /b/ is shit.
I don't exactly understand WHY it is bannable as /b/ rules do not include no ponies
Lol ban him again and for the reason put "We all hate you faggot, burn in hell slowly and never come back"
Not surprised.

are you 12?
moot, don't even bother. Banning them like this only gives them more attention and strokes their massive egos. They crave attention, positive, negative, it doesn't matter.

You DO remember what happened in that sticky, right?

Go look up the rules.

The global rule about no pony content outside of /mlp/ is listed as one of the globals that applies to /b/.

You guys and /co/ were the main reason the board was made.

>complain about 4chan bleeding money

>keep banning users just because other users get anal pain over stupid candy colored cartoon horses
mootles pls

I do not even use a name and I hate the /b/read as well.
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Yeah, I find that bans are very effective.
We don't ban them because they annoy people, we ban them because they think every rule on this site doesn't apply to them. They are consistently the worst posters on 4chan for this reason.
Shh, your asspain is showing.

Now you truly know moot explicitly hates you.

We'll figure something out.

Don't worry your faggy little head fatass.
Please filter the word "pony" to "Shitposting faggot"

Also attatch a permanent ban to it.
We should block ponies on all boards but /mlp/, that way the bronies would learn where to post and where not to and all pony threads would be on one board.
So you would rather have /b/ be full of gore, child porn, and people spamming the same "get rich by giving me your ssn OMG ITS FAST AND WORKS" as opposed to it just being a random board?
Im not a brony but I just want to say MOOT you are a big fat faggot ehehehehehe ECKSDEE
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<3 mootykins
Nail, head, et cetera. Hell, there was one of them posting in a thread yesterday EXPLICITLY stating that he didn't care about the rules, or moderators.
Then again, he was the one who turned /x/ into /b/5.0 so it doesn't really surprise me.


Banning them doesn't seem to be working, they always find a way around it. I just don't understand how they can have such callous disregard for the rules, and then claim they're being brutalised and persecuted in the next breath.
>Moot gives you guys your own board
>Doesn't even pull a /fur/ and ban you all
>Can't keep it in one board

If this were just about reaction images, that would be one thing, but this is about making threads about your show when you already have threads in your own board to discuss it. Why does there need to be a /b/read thread on /b/ if there's one on /mlp/? Stop being pricks and be happy that you even have a place to discuss your rainbow colored horses.
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Part of the /b/read crowd here.

If there was a donate button I would do it.

I still like you moot.
Maybe try>>82552
>Macil !/5s/Techmk

Hello rangeban!

Thanks for demonstrating why you're insufferable. Everyone else in this thread -- this is why you can't have nice things.
The problem is, pony threads outside of /mlp/ have so little content, they don't even say anything. They just flood with images. That's it.
Though, it would be nice to have a few word filters outside of /mlp/ for such things anyway.
No one claims that, not since like a year ago

We think it's funny to see people rage and freak out to such an extent, I think if you like just ignored them they would, I dunno

go away
Why don't you just ban /b/reads from /mlp/ and /b/ all togetheir
>inb4 we can't keep up
so Mootykins, there are boards for anime, porn, vidya games, etc. Do they get bans too? Can you tell them to go to their own boards as well? I would love to see a /b/ with only summerfags and rate their bands or Vote for their name in the Mt. Dew Dub the Dew contest! I think it's totally awesome! That's the /b/ we should have, right Moot?
Please try:>>82552
Also thank you for banning that faggot.
It has to due with the breading of the fanbase, particularly on /b/. When you mix autistic fandom with trolling culture you get a bad hybrid.

A troll more autistic than the normal troll, seeking both to be edgy and spread the target of his autistic love to all corners of the internet.

Seriously at least make the /b/read bannable on /mlp/ as well. They fucking violate the rules of that board 24/7, and if someone simply clarified that it was against the rules, I'm sure all of /mlp/ would report it constantly.
Moot should do like they did with the furry board and just collect IPs from /mlp/ for a few months then batch ban every single one of the little fuckers.
He is aware that that would end badly

just imagine

it would be like stabbing a hornets nest
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At least we can spell and properly use our capital letters and use punctuation.
We aren't going to do that. It's a small minority that is the issue. 99% of the people who post on /mlp/ are fine -- t's just the /b/ crowd that's horrible.
This is the reason one of them gives for staying in /b/:


moot, you should probably read this.
See this post here for info related to your suggestion
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Thanks moot, you're swell

Don't listen to the bullshit false equivalences and justifications they spew. Although I'm sure you have a thick hide by now.
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That will cut down on the number of unbanned people complaining about ponythreads, so that sounds pretty good. The ponythreads already avoid the word in the OP posts since it causes the threads to autosage.

>achievement unlocked
How many janitors do you think is enough to stop the issue/highly curb the shitposting on /b/.

Also thanks for the acknowledgement man. I as well as others greatly appreciate it.
>tfw moot actually understands that it's a small minority who posts ponies on boards other than /mlp/

Thank you based admin.
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First of all, I do agree that the /b/ pony threads are probably the single most cancerous part of 4chan and should be wiped out forcefully by persistent moderation.

However, moot, could you remove the wordfilter for "everyp0ny" (with o instead of 0) for the /mlp/ board? We should be able to discuss ponies on that board and my posts keep hitting the filter. Thanks.
but mooty poo i said b nais pls ;-;

it's okay, i won't let something like a little ban hurt our relationship. <3

By posting this you are showing to him more drastic measures must be taken.

Thanks worthless faggot for helping the cause!
Seriously though, can we get some kind of removal of this shit from /mlp/ as well.


It's related to the board topic at all, it's just tripfags, namefags, and anons treating the board like /r9k/, and they have this thread every hour of every day.
Moot da faggot BAN ME
why wouldn't i be?
I fucking hate cats, your picture should get you banned. Fuck you and your cats.

^^ thats how you sound like.
Yes, it's annoying when there's pony reaction images in a thread that isn't related, but it's even more annoying when that poster actually kept it on-topic and still gets fifteen replies about his fucking choice of picture instead of his opinion on whatever was posted.
Don't acknowledge him, please.
I have no problem with MLP:FiM or most of the fandom. I even thought the Derpy fiasco was hilarious. It's just a small number of users that are basically ruining the entire 4chan community's perception of the show, its culture, and fans. There are like 100 morons who shit up the site like it's their full-time job (because it probably is), and think that none of the rules apply to them.
Maybe if they didn't intentionally shitpost they wouldn't derail threads.
I've said it before, but this small hard core of shitposters are engaging in collective narcissism:




>The narcissistic idealisation is often mistaken for a natural and healthy form of appreciation of other people. This is a great problem, as pathology is allowed to hide behind a respectable mask. It's the same thing with group narcissism. Its devotees are often mistaken for nice fellows, socially mature, respectful towards other people. Nothing could be farther from the truth. It is a chimera. Such people are only providing for their own narcissism by way of reflection in the group. Scratch on the surface, and a nasty intolerance appears. Many psychologists tend to view the social group as an ideal for the individual to attain. It's an oversimplification. Those psychologists are blind to the fact that there is a pathological version of social life called group narcissism.

Check it out. Describes the behavior perfectly.

So, m00t, what do you propose we do about this situation? Just report and leave?
ha! no way! it's narcissism bro here on /q/! what's up man? <3
What this guy said
>banning all /b/reads might let them know that they are not wanted on this site
If they stick to one thread on /mlp/ (like a "general"), I don't see an issue. It's when it spills out into the other boards that it becomes an issue.
Derpy fiasco? please elaborate

this sounds good
I've seen a lot of threads where someone posted with a pony picture yet kept their entire post related to the thread, and even contributed to the discussion at hand.

You know what derailed the thread?
The fifteen replies to the post that had nothing to do with the thread, the topic or the actual post, it was all about their choice of picture.
That derails more threads than a picture can ever do.
IIRC janitor apps opening up soon don't apply to /b/.

Aren't dubs threads banned everywhere now? And roleplay and anthro borders into furry shit. 4chan being considered a haven for pictures of ponies banging doesn't seem like a fantastic idea for the already shitty public image of us.

Oh wow shitposters. In a pony thread. You don't see that often.
Don't they understand that if they stay on /mlp/ people wouldn't even call them faggots?
Hey moot, am I correct in assuming that the tentative plan is to use the new janitors to free up some time out of the seasoned ones (and the moderators as well), so that they (among other things) can focus on /b/ a bit more?
Go fuck off.
You seriously HAD to avatarfag here? Are you KIDDING? FUCK, you /b/read kids are so up your own asses.
Our Steam group has about 260 members last I checked.

Some do post a great deal more than others.
Basically they had an aspie/autistic pony in the show, and enough parents complained that they re-dubbed the episode and removed the pony's aspie/autism. The pony/brony community had a shitfit that they changed the character.
have you ever been to /mlp/

it's terrible
They're just proving their case for stricter measures against them.

Let them shitpost, the admin is watching and taking notes.
Then keep it terrible over there.
Ooh yeah, I actually remember hearing about that

So many parents got really really mad because their kids were potato
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Derpy is not autistic, you newfaggot.
People get too easily offended these days.
This would be nice to see. Though I have no idea how moderation direction is handled.
i mean, it was kinda sad. i loved old Derpy. she was cute. now her voice is so fucking annoying haha.

Moot is a newfag just because
but it really isn't the entire community, it's only /b/ and like I said before, what about the stuff that gets posted every day on /b/ that has it's own board? Do they get bans too? And you know if those asshats didn't have MLP to complain about, they would be complaining about furries and if they didn't complain about that they would complain about weaboos. SRSLY MOOT I thought you, of all people, would see that.
>/mlp/ here
the butthurt caused from that was delicous
i know.

1) make a nsfw mlp board. /clp/ or /clo/ or whatever , idk.
2) make not posting pony images on all other boards a rule
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Okay, that's fine. I kinda just wanted a real opinion on the matter.
Full background from a former /co/ and current /mlp/er.

Derpy Hooves was a background character with no official name from the first episode with fucked up eyes due to an animation error.

Way back in 2010 /co/ dubbed her Derpy because her expression resembled that old Megaman crosseyed Derp image.

When the brony phenomenon sprung up, the animators included her as a named character who was dopey and reminiscent of "Which way did he go george" guy from looney toons.

At some point, Yamino, a tumblr transexual who claims to be disabled and lives off the American government, who has previously pissed off /co/ and /v/ as well started a campaign to have the show changed and it worked.

Long story short, autism. Here's some retarded Yamino shit for context.
Reading this thread it astounds me how obvious the problem is, what I don't understand is why?

Is it the attention?
Wait, so the parents with aspie kids got pissed because aspie kids were being represented in cartoons apparently? Did they even declare her to have aspergers or did they just decide that a semi-retarded character is apparently what their child is best represented by?
Why does everyone want to be a fucking Janitor on /b/?

It seems stupid, you just want to increase your e-peen...

>Hey gaiz I am a Janitor on 4chan I have powah
if they're posting ponyshit outside the designated board they're actively shitposting
Actually they weren't parents.
They were whining faggots who spammed Hasbro with emails.
also this. i mean, she's just kinda slow. she's derpy, you know?

>did they just decide that a semi-retarded character is apparently what their child is best represented by?
this is exactly what happened hahaha!
It had less to do with parents and more to do with the Anti-ableism crowd on Tumblr.

See my post here,

Yamino hates free speech in all forms of popculture.
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Fucking god tier.
It pretty much sums up 99% of janitor applications, which is probably why so few of them make it through.
We don't accept janitor applications for /b/ for precisely that reason.
what the fuck is this absolute nonsense
Why do they go to all this bother just to piss people off?
>whining faggots who spammed
Sounds about right.

No clue either. Just kinda guessing that's what the plan is.


Doing that would get you kicked right out of the program.
i lol'd.

even though i'm a /b/ pony i still love you to death mootles.
I want this.
Forced Anon won't even WORK on 4chan because they have a script that lets them have tripcodes regardness, so send them.
Send them to /hell/.

Moot, question, have you ever actually thought about Forced Anon on /mlp/, or does that just seem like wasted effort, given that aforementioned script?
So if I use a vidya character on any board besides /v/, I'm shitposting? Good to know.
I guess you're not allowed to use anything BUT vidya related reaction images on /v/ then either, I guess that's shit posting.

Reaction images are just reaction images, they convey an emotion in picture form instead of using an emoticon. It's not shitposting just because the picture happens to be from a cartoon/videogame/show that isn't related to the board it's used on.

Hell, by your definition EVERYONE that ISN'T using reaction images is shitposting since this is an imageboard.
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Thank you for finally replying in depth on this issue.

How is your /fit/ness going?
why do you browse /b/
>one butthurt Transgender named Yamino spammed their emails
fixed that for you
Forgot to add, they have their own goddamn board for fuck sake. What reason is there to be... I don't know >>82766 this asshole.
Ignore them. They aren't Obi-wan Kenobi. Strike them down, and they will become more butthurt than you can ever imagine.
transgendered butthurt autist

are you sure this wasn't a /b/ poster because I swear that is the profile of most people on there
That sounds eerily reminiscent of 888chan's /hell/ board.

Good times.
Congratulations, you have discovered something called trolling.

Welcome to the internet.
Jesus. "Zir" argument lost pretty much all credence with the words "radical feminist." For fuck's sake, tumblr.
No, please. We don't really need drawn horse porn to be posted anywhere.

Also, I'll use the rest of the post to complain about the "everyp0ny" wordfilter again, it is very annoying and I keep accidentally hitting it when using phrases like "every p0ny website". Moot, please remove it for /mlp/.
This isn't trolling, it's just the way God made them. Trolling is something you do on purpose -- they're just wired this way.
> Strike them down, and they will become more butthurt than you can ever imagine.

That would make an excellent tagline for /mlp/ if only not for the fact that the aformentioned idiots on that board (rest of the fans aside) would take it as a badge of honour.
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<-people like this guy

cried ableism and shit on their blogs
I said ponyshit you fucking autist
1) No.
2) Guess what, it's already a rule!
I always thought trolling was better than pissing someone off.
Hardwired faggots.
not enough oxygen in the womb
I don't know why they do it. I used to participate in /b/read for about a week or so, after I had an adamant stance against it. Turns out my initial impression was right so I stopped browsing /b/read.

I didn't like it before I said to myself, "Fuck, I'll give it a try", and I don't like it now. I thought I'd like it, but it's just... there are many things I could say about /b/read but for the sake of being nice here, I won't.

To answer your question, one could just say they're "fighting the man" and ban evading several times over or something.
Too bad there's not a way to block the name sync script without getting rid of IDs or messing around with the site to interfere with the script's functionality.
Dear god no, /mlp/ would fucking hate that and call Ponychan faggotry.

/mlp/ doesn't need porn. There's plenty of other places for it if that's your thing. Pretty sure there's even some kind of booru for tag searching. If there isn't, I'm amazed no one has figured that one out yet, as every other kind of porn has it.

Forced anon on /mlp/ would probably only serve to make the ones who did migrate from /b/ come right back to it.


/b/ has a lot of cancer on it, but in spite of that it does have it's moments, you just have to be willing to sit through a lot of reposts to get to it.
It's hardly fighting 'the man' when they're just evading bans on a privately owned website and disrupting other users' experience.
But I see where you're coming from.
because i've always browsed /b/. even before MLP. now i just like ponies. so i took two things i like and put them together.

how am i an asshole for loving moot? he seems like a really cool guy.
Ponyfag from /mlp/ confirming the only reason they do it is to troll you. Just ignore the threads. It's what you guys didn't do at first, which is why we exist. Instead of ignoring us, you hated on us, made us famous, and made more of us. They're just attention whores who join the fandom to get people to notice them. Ignore them, adn they'll stop.
It sounds more reminiscent of
Keep them apart faggot.
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That's the dude?
Looks like fucking liquid chris to me.
It's interesting

I recently talked to a Brony who is active on /mlp/.

He said that the majority of the bronies did not want /mlp/ and they said it was a containment of sorts.

They do /b/reads because they're trying to "defy" people into deleting /mlp/ and letting them take back /b/ or some shit.
Dear diary,
Today moot was a pretty cool guy
>now i just like ponies

>I use ponies for avatars, don't watch the show, and act like a massive faggot 24/7

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Yeah, and just because a reaction image is of a pony doesn't make it ponyshit, now does it?
Just like a reaction image of a video game character isn't automatically "vidyashit".

Look, I know you're young and haven't learned to ignore things you don't like yet, but as long as the POST is still related to the topic, their choice of reaction image doesn't really matter as long as you can clearly see if the character in the picture is happy, sad, angry or whatever.
It's people like you that derail threads that could've been perfectly great just because someone decided to use a pony reaction image to their post.

And I love the irony in you calling me "autist" when you have a hard time understanding that reaction images are just reaction images, and just because a reaction image is about something you dislike it doesn't give you the right to derail the thread because someone posted a pony.
Holy shit Moot, you finally talked about this!
Im glad you realized /mlp/ is not the main problem but that /b/ faggy crowd of avatarfags. Now 100 you say? This is gonna be hard but good luck with them, as far as i know they've for over a year there, you sure have something big get rid of them. Report&ignore, i'll take your words moot.
Shut up, faggot. You're making other bronies look bad. I'm a brony, and I think you and your kind are cancer.
>All pony/brony threads belong on /mlp/.

Might want to specifically include "no pony images" somewhere in the rules if that's what you want. I can see people thinking the rule only means they can't start pony threads on other boards.

Thanks for talking about this pony issue, I know a lot of boards wanted answers.
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I usually visit /v/ and /mlp/ alone, frankly I pity what mods have to deal with. Goddamn, I remember back in October 2010 when /co/ randomly livestreamed the show for a laugh and because of that journal attacking Faust. If only we know what level of hell was being unearthed that day...
except i do watch the show.

but the other stuff, yeah that's totally my bag.
Unfortunately, you're right.
You'd have to fuck some shit up to fuck with that script.

"The ones".
The only thing I can say about "the ones" is that I think you're referring to members of the /b/read, because they're the only ones who are identifiable and accounted for. Correct me if I'm mistaken.

Essentially, their "FUCK DA RULZ" mentality, along with their sense of entitlement and sense of "I DO WHAT I WANT" regardless of how others feel about it, ESPECIALLY alongside their "well we helped create /mlp/" mentality makes for a destructive, displeasing circle jerk of egotism and exclusive tendencies.
Reminds me of the Aeris/Incendia shitposter from /x/.
Just filter /b/read on /mlp/ to something else. It won't change a thing but the asspain will be so worth it.

Or alternatively remove dubs because that's the only reason they leave the /b/read on /mlp/ anyway. They shitpost using dubs.

They're just going to keep ban evading with no end in sight, there is no way to effectively halt their shitposting

you know he actually is a member of our group right? or was it just complete coincidence that you brought him up?
Moot, you're not deleting /mlp/ right?
I loved your last point.
Thanks moot for clarifying everything.
Are you fucking morons aware of the fact that if you pressure the people in /mlp/ then you'll just make them go to other boards?

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Courtesy of moot. We don't make the rules, we just follow them.
it still doesn't change the fact that it's ponyshit and thus shitposting

you can shut the fuck up and go cry about it
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This is a big issue. I have been a brony since the beginning and have been saving pictures ever since. I don't watch the show, I just think the pictures are cute. I have the contacts of every major /b/read poster and am even a part of their group, even though I don't participate ever since /mlp/ started.
They need help, those who still post on /b/. Downright it has nothing to do with 4Chan or /b/ and everything to do with the people behind the posts being, quite literally, insane and immensely butthurt. And when I mean butthurt, I mean they are sick in their minds.
I'm a brony and I cannot relate to what they are doing. It's not even about posting pictures of ponies anymore, it's about posting the worst most annoying pictures available, then creating your own to avatarfag, then to turn around and bitch out other people when they recolor the images that "they" made.
More or less, the issue is not with ponies and never was. The issue is with the elite little group of insane psychopaths behind the posts, and thinking that taking care of the /b/read issue is going about this in the wrong way. This has nothing to do with ponies or bronies or /b/read.
Holy fuck, is that guy still around? He used to post shit about tentacle rape and toilet monsters and shit all. the. fucking. time.
It pains me to know that there are people that are hitting you up for a nsfw mlp board.
nsfw and mlp shouldn't even be a fucking thing.
That's like you making a board dedicated to the posting and discussion of urethral sounding.
That's like you making a board dedicated to the posting and discussion of cp-necroscat.

Everything around me is fucked.
>well we helped create /mlp/
That's the worst part of it I feel. Especially since, if anything, they'll be the ones responsible if /mlp/ gets removed.

I think, until a long term solution is found, our only answer is to step up the moderation and janitor presence to curb it as much as possible.
>they have a script that lets them have tripcodes regardness
How does that work?
yeah, he hangs out in our /b/read group actually. he goes by Incendia/The Great and Powerful Trixie.
>It's people like you that derail threads that could've been perfectly great just because someone decided to use a pony reaction image to their post.

It's faggots like you that shit up decent threads with ponyshit where it isn't warranted, wanted, or accepted.
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Oh god, my sides.
by storing the data on an external database then looking for ID's and inserting it right after them.
>That's like you making a board dedicated to the posting and discussion of dickgirls
Aeris still posts just about every single day in the /b/read and is the main cyst for this cancer.
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>I have been a brony since the beginning

>I don't watch the show
Thanks for the insider perspective. Appreciate your honesty.
Wanna know the beauty of it?
If you're from /mlp/, there's a slight chance you may know me and I've probably pissed you off at one point, leaving you leeway to call me a faggot.
But I at least know my shit about shit when I see it.

But I'm glad you liked that post.

We will suffer for their actions, basically.
They have this shit on /b/, /mlp/, Skype, and Steam to my knowledge - they have methods of communication outside of 4chan but still see it fit to use 4chan as their own personal chat box. So what the fuck.

See >>82892, I'm not too much of a technology guy.
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just give up man, if someone can't understand that by their own it's because they are too autistic

to me, bronies and those who hate ponies with passion are equally autistic
Alright, well, I guess that's that. I still think people are overreacting over people's choice of pony reaction images.
I don't cry about it, hell, the picture you quoted is the only "pony" picture I've got on the computer. It still doesn't change the fact that I've seen more threads derailed by people like you than I've seen actual ponies.
>Global rule 13 does not apply to this board.

Of all the boards to allow this.
I know it's because if you disallowed it it would spill back into /b/ but teach them some tough love

/co/ still has to share /mlp/ with /b/, so at least make it a little more hospitable

Or better yet, let MLPG back into /co/, we're not any trouble
Thank you for confirming everything I had suspected.
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>board about urethral sounding

Ha, my nignog, you were there in /mlp/ for 'that' thread, weren't you?
> I have been a brony
> I don't watch the show

No, you aren't.
Only the fags from the /b/reads hate the rules. The rest of us appreciate them.

You're not a brony.
So what's your new plan of action?
It is a /b/read in-joke.
I have been a brony since the beginning and have been saving pictures ever since. I don't watch the show, I just think the pictures are cute.

What do you mean ?
>forgot to greentext
Ok so I watched the first few and they were good, but ever since Lauren stopped writing each episode, the show took a dump. I watched maybe 12 episodes of season 1 and 3 of season 2. I'm good.
Probably that they're just shitposters rather than actual bronies.
Haha, I was 'that' anon. And I do it to this day. Thanks, /co/!
Let's see....
>/b/tards that spam ponies on /b/ like it's their fucking job
Sounds about right.
>bronies that can't stop posting in their shitty /b/ imageboard because they're addicted.
These people/children seriously need help if they're that addicted to this whole pony thing and not even doing a good job with it.

They're not making quality threads, their board is filled with /b/tards that shitpost everyday and derail any decent thread or poster that was in it.

They don't talk about the show and when they attempt to do it they're worse than /v/.

Also most of their traffic comes from generals, so the main page is left with only about 3-6 people to post(which are /b/tards) while 20 more are just lurking.
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this is all hilarious. so tell me, who are you?
Good thing that was my only pony picture I have on my computer and it's Batman eating the pink one.

See, it's when people, just like you just did, start to assume things right away because of their choice of reaction image that threads get derailed.
Hell, it's almost happening here right now, ONE person responds to my other posts, then I decide to post a picture with a pony in it, and instantly 4 replies to that post.

So I guess thanks for proving my point.

Why the fuck does the anti-avatarring rule not apply to /mlp/? We hate it just as much as everyone else!
I think he means thank you for confirming that they are literally sick in the head.
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Yeah, all many of us want is to be able to discuss our cartoon on the comics & cartoons board.
I understand why you took ponies out of /b/, but why /co/?
How can you be a fan of a show that you don't like?
Lauren wrote very few epsiodes and oversaw the development of most S1 and S2 episodes, or had the basic ideas planned out in the first place. Even the changelings from the finale were her idea. You're a fucking moron.
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FUCKING THIS. /co/marade and /d/eviant here, I visit /mlp/ from time to time, and just once I decided to check the /b/read just to see what it even was. It had NOTHING to do with MLP, hell 99% of the images weren't even pony related, there was Phoenix Wright shit and people keeping journals and whatnot tacked up. It felt like I was on a schizophrenics twitter or something. I don't go on /b/, but if they keep making pony related /b/reads there too I can't imagine it being any nicer.

... And just for the record, I TOLD them 'brony' was a bad idea for a name. I warned them right then and there that it was a bad idea, that it was too catchy, and would create a fanbase to rival Invader Zim and Sanic in terms of sheer autism. But 'noooo', I was just paranoid, they said. Fucking /co/ sometimes.
I feel like you made Global Rule 13 not apply to /mlp/ only because it would be too hard to enforce.

If not, why allow it there and no where else?
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> I have been a brony since the beginning
> I don't watch the show

i thought this kind of retards didn't exist
It has been the increase of people doing gets one poster named Patrick Bateman has been the reason we have had so much spam going on lately.
You guys really need to just accept that you're part of /mlp/.

As for the creation of the board, it's the same as /vp/, it grew too big and was dominating other boards.
>Lauren wrote very few epsiodes
Yeah, and every one she didn't write sucked hard.
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What's going on in this thread? Autistic neckbeard rage?
>but ever since Lauren stopped writing each episode, the show took a dump. I watched maybe 12 episodes

You watched 13 episodes not written by Faust, and you find the show took a dump ?
moot as a ponyfag I would like you to take into account how many people post pony shit in other boards just to piss people in those boards off, I know quite a few people who post ponies on /b/ and /v/ just to get a rise outta people and actually hate ponies, they just want you to end up banning it again.

also, w're not all horsefuckers and autists. I for one only talk mlp on /mlp/ and never bring it up on /tg/ or /x/
Because as moot stated, they need a home besides /b/. And I don't see them going to some other site like ponychan or mlpchan, since they dislike the rules on either site and dislike the moderation to a strong extent.
Actually, casual discussion. Nice try though.
/co/ hates it
Then again, /co/ hates HSG too, but HSG isn't really a site-wide hated thread. That, and if he didn't people would bitch about special treatment and /co/ might get "raided" or something which is just annoying for everyone.

Yes; that's right. More specifically, the current members of the /mlp/ /b/read that did as was asked of them and moved over there when they were told to. I understand that they are not the most well-liked group there, but at least they've shown a willingness to comply (even if only a little). Punishing that group would be counterproductive in my opinion.
moot, nor/mlp/erson here. You may know a guy called Aeris. He/she actually believes that those that post ponies on /b/reads and shit actually still do it to try and grow the fandom, love and tolerate, whatever.

I went to a /b/read today. There was open disdain for Aeris. They treated him like an adult trying to take away their candy. It blew my mind. How can a person not see what their shit has become? When /mlp/ hates, and the thing you yourself fought so hard for treats you like a joke...damn..

Long story short...thanks for everything you do. Thanks for /mlp/. It's a ghetto. But its my ghetto. I wasn't sure if you understood that the /b/ thread posters most times don't even like the show, and that they simply see MLP as another thing to avatarfag as...but this thread gives me hope.
>Lauren wrote very few epsiodes
>Even the changelings from the finale were her idea.

>You're a fucking moron.

Congratulations on proving the stereotype that you're worse than /v/.
>as a ponyfag
you sound like a youtube post that starts off [spoiler][/spoiler]>as a brony...
>let's kill /b/ with ponies
>by containing it all to one thread AT A TIME

moot, i'm notoriously unperceptive and i can see that they are somewhere on the spectrum
She wrote two, and co-wrote another. The first three episodes of the show, actually. Get educated you shitposting, circlejerking faggot.
mlp has over 15 thousand rule 34 pictures and rule 34 is a big part of the /mlp/ community
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>to me, bronies and those who hate ponies with passion are equally autistic

Same here Doctor, same here.
>Lauren wrote very few epsiodes

She only writes 2 episodes out of 52.
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I just want to go back to /co/. I don't know what can be done to "save" /mlp/. The problem isn't really with rules, it's just the fact that it's full of people from /b/. I really hate this "home board" elitism stuff, but the fact is that I left /b/ years ago for a reason.
I don't think there's really anything that can be done for /mlp/, at least from my perspective. I, and many others, are just posting in the /co/ thread and doing our best to pretend the move never happened.
Please kill yourself.

Thank you.
>Willingness to comply.
A lot of them have been banned, only to come back, from what I've heard, which is grounds for a perma-ban. So they get their bans sent to them. Oh wait. Proxy time. So they do that. Even so, without all of that, you have people posting porn at random intervals, so /b/reads can often break multiple rules at any given time.
She came up with the idea for the show, devised a lot of the show "lore," produced both seasons of the show, the second with only slightly less of a hand in it. The third season will be the only one where Lauren has not actively had a say in what happens. I honestly did not believe the stereotype that none of you fuckers watched the show and now I'm feeling a sinking sense of horror that things are really much worse than what I believed.
i know I know, it wasn't intentional but reading my own post I realize that now
You know compared to the amount of rule 34 for threads that come up on /mlp/ the amount of rule 34 /b/read on /mlp/ posts is small if even significant .
i once asked the idiots on /b/ why they won't just use mlp and they replied "because it is sfw". So i thought that would solve the problem. i had no idea that was already a rule either.
I wonder how hard it would be to serve each IP address a different ID. Doing so would kill this scheme, but might not be practical. You don't want to have to regenerate the whole page for every user. Maybe it would work if the IDs weren't part of the page but were retrieved via AJAX? Still might be CPU intensive, though.

Still, it would be kind of a losing battle. If they really wanted to get technical, they could cryptographically sign their posts and embed the signature in their images.

Sounds awfully complicated just for identification.

This is an ANONYMOUS imageboard, right?

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What the hell do you think my point was? I watched the first few episodes in season 1, I could tell she wrote the first two and the rest, the series took a dump. You people are too eager to troll, so troll harder, nigger, and read moar plox k tnkzbai
it's 100% clientside and out of any control from moot. It's basically drawn on the page AFTER it loads, and is stored in cookies.
It works in conjunction with 4chan X and updates dynamically. And is not intensive unless opening a large thread.
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>I, and many others, are just posting in the /co/ thread and doing our best to pretend the move never happened
Yes, while that's true, some people just can't have that.
That's the problem with MLPG. Its as if you have your fingers stuck in your ears and are loudly singing with eyes shut, trying to ignore whats around you. Its a lifeboat mentality. Instead of trying to improve the board you were given, you simply stick to your little thread like its still 2010 and complain about what surrounds you.

I like /mlp/. I can discuss horse candy vag one second and show discussion the next, Applebloom is best CMC one second and I Want To Cum inside Rainbow Dash the next. You can have your lifeboat. The water is just fine for me.
Closing this so I can sleep and hopefully curb the number of threads asking the same questions re: ponies.

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