We need two gay boards. Why? Because the board that is supposed to have gay porn (and I mean anything NOT hentai) is filled with threads about gay culture and cam-whores, namely /hm/.While I understand that gay culture threads need their place, it sucks that they have to be between porn threads, because they both cater to two different needs.I think the solution is simple, clean up /hm/ and create a new board for Gay Culture, /gc/, have a janitors for both boards.I would be a janitor, but applications are closed (for now).I know that most people on this board are not gay but communication and talking to other gay people is very important to me and for now /hm/ is okay, but it could be so much better.Thank you.
Isn't /soc/ for that kind of thing?There isn't a straight culture board...
>>780Did you- did you read the rules? I'll quote:>Unless we are explicitly accepting board suggestions in a stickied thread, board requests will be ignored.
get out faggywe don't need a board for every faggot to discuss their feelingswhile we're at it why not make a lesbian board, an atheist and christian board. hell lets go all the way and make a fucking uncut/cut penis board
>>813Do you need a straight culture board?And I don't know where cam-whores are supposed to be, but definitely not on /hm/
>>839Back to /v/, neckbeard.
>>839lol, you tried to sage. I'll quote again:>-Saging is disabled. You will receive an ID instead of Heaven and the thread will bump.
well, i don't think it should be limited to gay people, how about a sexuality discussion board or something, call it /sd/
>>1371Yeah because of all the lesbians and transgenders we have.Face it, 4chan is a sausage-fest.
>>1371That'd be fine I think.I'd really like a transgender discussion board, because Trans topics get flamed, attacked& trolled when posted on /adv/, /r9k/ and /b/.It's kind of depressing.So if there's /hm/ for gay porn, and then another (worksafe) board for discussion and advice for LGBT topics, I think everything could be honky dory.I mean, reddit and 420chan(both places I loathe, but go there for necessity) have dedicated Trans-boards, why is 4chan behind the times?