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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

/q/ is now open for business, and has already sparked a number of great discussions and changes to the site. Here's one on why 4chan doesn't accept donations and what you can do to support the site.

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You see this?
Do you fucking see this?


This shit needs to stop immediately. Its shitting up /b/ for the past couple of months.
What the fuck are bread threads
since apparently no one fucking gets it, ill say it again

they will never go, they all avoid bans and will keep coming back no matter what, that's what they have been doing

either learn to hide threads and ignore them or fucking leave
Is that really how the horses mouths are drawn?
/b/ pls
They are anon as you and will keep doing it to piss you off.
You created a monster now enjoy living with it /b/.
They are like circlejerking, but in mlp style.
exactly this

if you give them attention it gives them more reason to post on /b/

if autists like op didn't sperg out over ponies this fad probably would've died out a long time go
>they are anon
To us, maybe
but these faggots have a script that allows them to see names and trips on each other
Don't worry it just 404
Hooray for us.
Someone..... Somewhere is watching over us
So you want /b/ to only be copypasta, steam begging threads, and porn?

M00t even said that /b/ had too much porn retarded shit and the only reason he keeps it still is because of ponies.

If Bronies discussed the show and people who don't like it would shut the fuck up and ignore it, then /b/ wouldn't be as bad...
They will come back, be sure.
/b/ has nursee the monster and saw it grwo, they fed them with their hate and they created a new faction of anons dedicated to piss off anons.
It is like an unstopable force meeting an unmovable object.
Also /vp/ hates their RP fags and mods have never tried to ban them maybe for this same reason.
80% of the time they barely even talk about ponies at all.
Its practically circlejerking.
I don't mind Pony posters but they need to stay on there own fucking board
1) Mods create an avatarfag "/b/read" on /b/
2)It gets stickied to page 5/10/15.
3)Remove the image limit, among other things
4) Delete all other "/b/read"s if they appear.
Moot actually banned ponies, so I don't know where you get the idea that he supports /b/reads
I have been ignoring every thread about /b/ on /q/, but now I do not think I can let this go unsaid by me.
/b/ is full of shitposting, spammers, and immature children. Nothing exciting or good happens there anymore. There are no more creative posters, or intelligent ones. Nobody thinks about their posts. They will post for the sake of posting because they think it's funny and ironic. Sticky threads have +1000 posts in 10 minutes because nobody has anything smart to say. Even mods have given up on it, so there will never be janitors on it. The only banworthy offense on /b/ is if there is illegal content; That is how low the standards are.
Everybody knows this. For those who did not know, now you do.
>M00t even said that /b/ had too much porn retarded shit and the only reason he keeps it still is because of ponies.
>the only reason he keeps it still is because of ponies.
>because of ponies.

>Its practically circlejerking.

It is nothing but circlejerking. We have the same problem on /mlp/, and before you say "Hurr durr garbage can of 4chan you deserve it", /b/reads are not good for 4chan at all, because if you take it off of /b/ but leave it on /mlp/, the /b/tards still live on in the /mlp/ /b/reads, and will no doubt go back to /b/ when given the opportunity.

/b/ and /mlp/ do not need any more of this circlejerking. We need mods to just try to keep laying down the banhammer fro as long as it takes for these edgy "fuck the system" teens to learn that there is a point where it needed to die, and now on BOTH boards it is just becoming a nuisance, and making /b/ shitpost more than ever and mot allowing /mlp/ to breathe its own air rather than /b/-with-ponies.

OR implement some revolutionary banning system that they cant get around.
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Dash looks really weird in that picture op.
It face looks long. Then again, it has that of a horse face, although RD is a pony.

So you're saying that if you ban /b/read on mlp, they /b/read on /b/, and if you ban /b/read on /b/, they /b/read on mlp?
Sorry if I dont make any sense here, but if thats the case, I propose they just get rid of /b/read period. Its shitting up /b/, /mlp/, and Ive heard reports that its coming on other boards also.

If the mods or admins are reading this, I seriously want your opinions about /b/read. Its killing 4chan slowly.
/b/read IS banned on /b/, and has been for months
Moot needs to make a global rule about that.
It's been going on for 18 months at least, non stop. It's already back after 404'ing they just make another. It's 24/7. The bans are ineffective.
There is a global rule:
#15 - All pony/brony threads belong on /mlp/.
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I haven't been on /b/ for years. Why are they called /b/read threads?
/b/ + thread = /b/read
>go on /mlp/
>first thread is a /b/ pony thread
>go on /b/
>first thread is a /b/ pony thread


But the /b/reads are not even Pony related. They are just a social circlejerk guised as a pony thread. The only thing pony-related in those threads are the images.

So the belong neither on /b/ or /mlp/. They need to be taken care of.

So you're saying that if you ban /b/read on mlp, they /b/read on /b/, and if you ban /b/read on /b/, they /b/read on mlp?
Sorry if I dont make any sense here, but if thats the case, I propose they just get rid of /b/read period. Its shitting up /b/, /mlp/, and Ive heard reports that its coming on other boards also.

Yes, you are exactly correct. It just causes problems and complaints on many boards. US "normal" people on /mlp/ keep pony on /mlp/ while it is the /b/reads that are throwing ponies on boards where they dont belong, thus the hate is directed at /mlp/ when it is only relevant to /mlp/ in the fact that we have /b/read posters on /mlp/ to. And so long as the posters of /b/reads are on EITHER board, they will continue to do the same stuff they are. And they need to be banned and taken care of so board wars and shitposting is stopped between bards just because of idiots posting ponies where they arent supposed to.

They are having an olympics livestream here you can go talk to them
I mean make it very specific.
Doesn't fuckin' matter, there's ponies in it, circlejerk or not

I think "No ponies" is pretty specific honestly
Not really. I mean make another global rule.
>#?? - /b/read is forbidden. Or something like that.

I know there are not much mods or janitors on /b/, but they need to keep /b/read threads as one of their top priorities to look out for.
I think the only way to deal with the /b/read is for 4chan as a whole to take a stronger stance on anonymity.

What form this stance should take, I don't know. But that such a small group of individuals can make such a visible impact on the quality and stability of the site is a serious problem.
It doesn't matter what Moot does with anonymity.
They've got a script that overrides it.

But circlejerk does not belong on ANY board.

Global rule #3: Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.

>off-topic replies

The whole ideo of a /b/read is completely off topic in itself, and it is a problem on /b/, so it needs to be banned for ponies and circlejerk, but it doesn't belong on /mlp/ either, since it is completely off-topic on a board that is supposed to be discussion about relevant topics ABOUT THE SHOW, which the /b/reads do everything but.

They don't belong on any board according to the rules, so they need to be dealt with ASAP so we can stop the fighting between /b/, /mlp/ and the rest of the boards.

The fact that this kind of thread is warranting a new global rule should tell you that something needs to be done about it.
Wouldn't they belong on /soc/?
In a way, it should. But seeing how trolls are gonna shit up /soc/ with ponies, its risky.
I wouldnt do it.

there was an idea for both boards to make the /b/reads just a sticky on one of the further back pages, like page 10. So they could have their circlejerk and be far removed from the rest of the boards content that would otherwise rise onto page 0. However, id imagine the isiots in those threads would take that as "THEYR TAKING MAH FREEDUMS" and retaliate at us for being reasonable and compromising with them.

So It s a good thought, but i doubt it would work, thus they either need to be banned or given an exception on /soc/. More probably BANNED.
>being reasonable
>being mad at seeing something you don't like
Pick one.
Smart people should know that its just going to end resulting in a longtime ban if they even attempt to retaliate.

I think Moot should create another /fur/ scenario. I dont know how, but Moot should do this.
>/b/reads are shitting up /b/
Hahaha, oh wow. Someone is shitting in the toilet, call the cops.
If the mods hadn't given up and kept the permaban sprees going nonstop from 2011 until now these faggots would be gone. If they're going to be relentless in ban evading mods need to be relentless in banning them. They need to be deleted and permabanned literally 24/7 until they get the message.
Or you could just ignore them.
go back to /mlp/
The people posting those threads are on VPNs so they cant be banned.

The mods seems to have given up on them. Ne next best thing is to just delete them on site. What if they make another one? Delete that one too.

When dealing with someone that is unbannable the ext best thing to do is to make the site itself so unusable and miserable that they just fuck off. Deleting the threads over and over will make them leave and if that doesn't work make the threads autosage as well.

Also please note that those people are trolls. They WANT you to respond and tell them to go to /mlp/ where they belong. So don't. Ignore that shit because the only ones that can even do anything about it is a mod. Remember, if you're posting about hating ponies, you're posting about ponies.
Doing nothing just often leads up to more people doing this cancerous shit. Its like being picked on. Unless you do something about it (fight, talk it out even though thats a stupid way of dealing with it) they are always going to pick on you.

Its time Moot, mods, or janitors do something about it.
They have all, more or less, gotten lifetime bans, but the just evade them by getting new IP adresses. Just slapping them on the wrist and kicking them out of the house doesnt do anything if there is a window open for them to crawl back inside.

And us at /mlp/ thought our board was going to be a /fur/ 2.0, but when it ended up staying, now people are starting to realize that moderation to rid the board of /b/-influence would be much appreciated and enforcing the rules to make a proper ground to post and for new content to pop up, unlike the situation is now.

Im a regular on /mlp/ and i would honestly not mind if they just Blammed the banhammer down on the whole board, but the fucking idiots of the /b/read that want to "fuck the system" will just come back, and probably flood back into /b/ or other boards. /mlp/ is no longer wanting to be the concentration camp it was indended to be. We want rid of this shit just as much as /b/ and the rest of the boards.

We don't want circlejerk. There are chatrooms and IRC for that.
This is why Im glad Janitor applications are coming soon. Dedicated people will help get rid of these meaningless threads. /b/ is out of the question, so Moot or mods are gonna have to do their part.
It's nothing like being picked on. No one is going out of your way to be mean to you or steal your lunch money. A better metaphor would be like a kid at school being obsessed with a band you don't like. It doesn't hurt you.

For everyone saying, "the /b/read is always on the front page of /b/," I have a test for you. Go to page 0, refresh, and look for the pony thread. Keep refreshing until you've seen the thread 10 times, while counting the total number of times you've refreshed. I'd be willing to bet it's going to require at least 40 refreshes to get to 10.

For extra credit, count the number of "count to 10", "Europe > USA", fur, or whatever other sorts of threads are considered cancerous. See which one is greater.
*Addendum: A pony reaction image doesn't count. People just post those because they know how anally frustrated it makes you.
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With the way /b/ works, Problems are addressed as need be, and the /b/reads are and have become a problem. Also, Most moderators have given up on enforcing the rules on /b/ for the chaotic nature of the board, thus the content moderation is near impossible.

As for the /b/reads and the "Sticky on page 10" idea, THIS is what we are dealing with
>Pic related

I still fail to see how yet another thread I don't go into is a problem. Christ, if it's that big of a deal, install X and block the threads as you see them; they don't run much faster than 1 per hour.

That's one out of context post from one poster. I have no idea if he was joking, and even if he's not, that's one opinion among hundreds. It's not a hivemind; people will always think differently about different things.

Maybe the /b/reads would upset you less if you spent less time in them looking for posts that upsets you or feeds your confirmation bias.

You should not have to instal an extension to properly enjoy 4chan. you think that everyone just needs to hide and ignore something that is causing a problem, but the problem won't go away if it is still there.

Its like having someone breath down your neck everywhere you go. You can ignore it as much as you want, but it is still there, causing anger and tension to build up until you turn around and knock it the fuck out, thus solving what was making your very being and attitude annoyed.
You really shouldnt have to do that. I have 4chan X installed right now, and even though I can easily block them, what about the rest of 4chan?

In a way, thats selfish. Ill repeat, IN A WAY, not entirely.
I still fail to see how it's a problem. And it's more like a black person sitting next to you on a train. Just because you don't like black people doesn't mean he should have to get off the train. The fact that him passively being there bothers you is your problem, not his.

Tangentially related question: How is the /b/read any different than any other cancerous content that is on /b/'s front page just as much as the /b/reads are?
See above; also I'm curious to see your response to my question.
What's come to bother me the most about /b/read is their flagrant disregard for the rules of 4chan. It's just a bunch of edgy teenagers who think they're hardcore for breaking the rules of an Internet imageboard. I don't really care if they want to chat, but their attitude of "Nyah nyah, I'm breaking the rules, fuck the police" really annoys me.
A: They're really not like that at all.
B: Why do you keep reading threads that bother you?
I don't read that thread. What bothers me is that they continue to exist.

Also, see >>74710 and the rest of the posts in that thread by 6OoPI/pV for a perfect example of the attitude I mentioned.

4chan X is just there as an optional attachment to the 4chan browsing experience, and should not be necessary to browse without it. You think that is is THE necessary tool to use and if you don't use it, you need to just stop complaining. I used 4chanX for a while, but it just did not appeal to me, so I don't use it. IT is a choice to use it, and threads that you can "ignore" should not be getting to the point where there i hate against the actual thread rather than the content posted. If the thread in itself is causing a problem, then for EVERYONE, 4chanX or not, it needs to be dealt with.
That's Aeris, their leader.
that's what you get for letting this cancerous fanbase stay. Should've pulled a second aprils fur day and close + permaban everyone on /mlp/ after a week or two.
One person does not make the majority.

People who you don't like are always going to exist.

I've never understood how people can get by in life not understanding these things.

You've yet to prove how the threads are a problem outside of you not liking them. And you didn't answer my question.

The entire board deserves to be deleted.
But it isnt like that at all. Nobody is following the rules at all.

If you look at Global Rule #15, it states all pony/brony threads are to stay on >>>/mlp/.
Ill admit, Im confused whether they could be on /b/ as well because you know... /b/ is anything.

If im not mistaken, /b/read threads are migrating to /a/, /v/, /co/, and /an/ as well. What would you do then? Just let them continue to shit up boards to the point where its in ruins, or help by reporting them because anything about ponies doesnt belong in those threads at all?
But then all the faggots would flood the other boards.
Of course one person doesn't make a majority. I was merely providing evidence that that is an attitude shared by many of them. If you want anecdotes, I have frequently seen that devil-may-care attitude displayed in /mlp/'s /b/read where posters post porn and brag about how many times they've been banned, and mock mods and janitors if they ever go in there to clean up the thread.

What part pf ban evasion do you not understand? They DO get banned, and then immediately come back and do the same thing again like nothing happened.

so what? Keep on banning them every time they show up. It might take a few months but if every single of their shitty posts resulted in speedy deletion and a permaban they'd get the message eventually. It got furfags out, it can keep horsefuckers out.
Then I guess your only option is to sit back and hope the mods do there jobs. Or at least rally just as hard against rule 1.
>I was merely providing evidence that that is an attitude shared by many of them.
No you didn't. You delivered an anecdote of one person who behaves that way. One data point does is not reliable evidence.
*for rule 1.
*point is not

I need to stop trying to do so many things at once.
You know, there are Janitor applications coming soon. Mods are getting too lazy to do their part.
Lets just hope the selected janitors can do their part.
From what I've seen when a janitor deletes a thread that just means three more are going to pop up while they try to find each other again.

>You've yet to prove how the threads are a problem outside of you not liking them

-They cause /b/ and other boards to invade /mlp/ based on the action of the /b/reads, while /mlp/ (aside from the /b/reads on /mlp/) never did anything

-Against Global rules and they are all just teen "REBELS" that don't care for content guidelines and cause general shitposting everywhere they go

-Aeris even said in the other /q/ thread
>nowhere would we be able to sustain our community properly like we can on /b/, due to a multitude of factors, such as the exact kind of people that browse /b/, LOTS of exposure, curious people, people we can help, etc.
They think they are above moderation and basically advertise ponies and think they are a force to "help" people get into ponies, when we have an entire board dedicated to them now for anyone that is curious.

They basically cause unnecessary drama and have a huge superiority complex about them. They don't belong on /b/ or /mlp/.

We tried saying stuff about the "sticky on page 10" idea, but the faggots in those threads wont see it like that because "If the mods say one thing, i do the opposite".
Well, then the Janitors are gonna have to delete them again. And again. And again. And again.
Janitors can send a ban request to the mods if they keep coming. Thats if the mods are willing to ban /b/read OPs.

Fur threads are still a constant feature too, what are you even talking about. Just no one cares about them anymore.

It would take a mod literally 24/7 banning the /b/ pony threads every time they make one, who the fuck has the dedication or patience to do that
That's exactly what needs to happen. We need to constantly delete/ban them, and they'll evade them and they need to get deleted/banned again. Like a fucking game of whack-a-mole. If our jans/mods are competent enough we can cripple them though.
>who the fuck has the dedication or patience to do that

Um. The people who signed up for it in the first place?
Of course there's going to be >1 mod/janitor if this is going to work. There can't be 1 person patrolling 24/7.
>like a game of whack-a-mole.

Now there's an idea. Janitors who has the time and patiences to do that.
So an army of janitors and mods working round the clock in shifts just to keep one particular thread off one board. Seems reasonable.

Just a thought.
Yeah it actually does... it's sad that it had to come to this but holy shit these ban-evading shitposters need to be taught that /b/ isn't their board to maintain a fucking 24/7 thread.
This goes for all boards that are being infested as well.

What board were you specifically talking about?
>-They cause /b/ and other boards to invade /mlp/ based on the action of the /b/reads, while /mlp/ (aside from the /b/reads on /mlp/) never did anything
I fail to see how that's the /b/read's problem.
>-Against Global rules and they are all just teen "REBELS" that don't care for content guidelines and cause general shitposting everywhere they go
I fail to see how that's a problem. That's what /b/'s always been. Also, for future reference, most of them are in there 20s.
>-Aeris even said in the other /q/ thread
Aeris is one person and is hardly their leader; she's just there a lot. Or was before tripfagging was turned off, anyway.
>They basically cause unnecessary drama and have a huge superiority complex about them.
Why does that upset you.
>We tried saying stuff about the "sticky on page 10" idea, but the faggots in those threads wont see it like that because "If the mods say one thing, i do the opposite".
I still fail to see how seeing one more thread you don't like with rule breaking content on page zero is a problem. Most of /b/ falls into one category or the other, in my experience. You keep offering this as a compromise, but they shouldn't have to compromise. It's just another fucking thread.

I'm out of this discussion; you guys have fun having something to be mad about. I'm just going to suggest to moot that he rename this board /QQ/ and be done with it.

At least give us a hint that someone that can make a difference is listening...


Im sure that would work, as even the /b/read posters would eventually see no point in making a thread when a dedicated janitorial staff is constantly deleeting their threads, they will have no point to post, and the "FUck these mosr and the rules ill show them" mentality shouldn't last too long before they get bored and leave.

>I fail to see how that's the /b/read's problem.

It is not the /b/reads problem, it is the problem CAUSED by the /b/reads.
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I guess since this discussion is leading to nothing you might as well enjoy looking at some delicious meatbread.

Other than that i think people need to stop freaking out and wait for the janitor applications to open. Just hide threads you don't like.

I'm just referring to the /b/ one, where else do they infest?

Don't get me wrong I'm not defending them but unless a better banning system can be made, the measures needed to stop them would outweigh the issue I think.

Just now for instance a /b/ thread was deleted I was watching it, and they had a back-up thread ready and waiting and just continued. What's the point?

The 4chan staff, for whatever reason, are completely silent on the issue. I don't know why. All they do is maybe 1-2 evadable bans a day and that's about it. It's strange, it's like they're enforcing rule 15, but extremely lightly. I have yet to see a single comment regarding the pony issue on /q/ from a mod or moot. It's frustrating that they aren't at least telling us what the fuck is going on, considering this is /q/ where they're SUPPOSED to be communicating with us.
>Just now for instance a /b/ thread was deleted I was watching it, and they had a back-up thread ready and waiting and just continued. What's the point?

That's why we need several mods/janitors. So they can consistently delete the threads and ban. Eventually they'll decide to move to /mlp/ BUT ONLY IF our staff are competent enough to do that.
"oh no! every once in a while someone posts a thread that i don't like!!!!"

get over it.
They are currently closing the threads on /b/, so they are trying.
Since /q/ was opened in day 1, I was kinda monitoring all threads and just looked into their problems. Some people mentioned that /a/ and /v/ were having problems. /co/ gotten quite little and /an/ as well, although I went there and never encountered /b/read threads there.

The point is we need dedicated janitors and mods who has all the time in their hands to delete, delete, delete. Of course in the Janitor Applications, Moot specifically said they are not opening up for applications for /b/ so its on the current mods and janitors hands to do their part of the job, which they are too lazy to do.
No, they keep it bumped to page zero nearly 24/7 and its taking the space of other potentially decent threads. They don't just make it 'every once in awhile'.
I noticed that... keep it up staff!
I don't know about you, but sitting around deleting threads made by autistic kids with a "ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWER" mentality seems like it would get really fucking old really fucking fast. Until IPv6 comes out or moot decides to ban new IPs from posting for a while, they're going to stay here

First time I've been on /b/ in 2 years, and this is the first thing I see

in your Comment filter.

Trust me, it catches 99% of them.
Thing is I've seen this tried before. When the crack down happens they just make multiple back-up threads at the same time, that's what they are doing right now there's at least three on the go, it's like a game
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just incase any janitor is on this thread

I can't believe it, I'm on /b/
Do something mods!

My god, Aeris is such a narcissist.

/b/ is doomed to fall.
I dont know why the Mods or Moot is being quiet about this.
People say this is not necessarily a problem.
Oh, I guess you can say that Dubs and Trips weren't a problem either.
I feel....sorry for /b/fags

I used to fucking loathe /b/, and I still do, but I wouldn't wish this shit on anyone

Fucking dammit. They keep making their backups.
This is the problem with /b/tards in the /b/reads , including the /b/reads on /mlp/ that also need to be dealt with. They think they are above the rules and they think it is their site to do whatever they fucking want. Moderators and janitors here are VERY lenient compared to other sites, and should be thanked as such for acting as such.

To the Janitors and.or mods that took notice of this situation I applaud you for trying to help solve this issue.
Holy shit SHUT THE FUCK UP if I were moot I would ban you fucking retards for spamming this board with your inconsequential non-problems.


You're a retard! Be fucking quiet!
>ponyfags in charge of following the rules and not being mad
That kind of mentality is the reason /b/ is bad in the first place. It's possible to have decent discussions about random subjects, but it makes it more difficult to find a decent thread when these self-entitled shitposters think they can maintain a 24/7 thread on /b/, when they should be on /mlp/
My 2 cents as a /b/ fag is that a compromise of letting them just have their one thread is better than multiple threads being spammed as back-ups when the ban waves happen.
That's exactly what they want. These shitposters can't be reasoned with. I tried. They need to be shown that they don't have special privileges to break the 4chan rules. I would gladly take up a position as janitor and delete them as they come up.

These people don't belong on /mlp/ either.

I know you guys just want to shove them onto /mlp/ but if you do that, our board will then become a shitfest and a /b/read HQ where they would probably post on /b/ anyways AND destroy our board with their circlejerking. We already have 2-3 /b/reads at a time on /mlp/ as is, we don't need any more.

I would much rather they spend their time getting rid of bullshit like steam begging and "if you see this pic then shit happens" and facebook crap, but at then end of the day it's an anarchic shit-hole the point of which shouldn't really have any rules apart from illegal stuff. They are annoying but there is no getting rid of them it's that simple. Realistically it's better to accept something you can't change than get mad over it.
Moot should get janitors for /b/ also, I see why not.
Sort of agree. Those kinds of threads should be deleted as well. Maybe if that actually happened /b/ wouldn't be the shithole it is now
We seriously need some reassurance on this issue...

Do mods/Moot even frequent this board?
They seem to ignore the pony issue. I know what you mean though. It would be nice to see a mod/moot comment and say "we're trying to deal with the issue", but no word from them.
We need to resolve issues with pony on both /b/ and /mlp/ as far as these circlejerks go. They don't belong on either board and are against Global rules.

They need to be taken care of.
I really wonder how far gone you have to be, in order to behave like that.
I really hope so for both /b/ and /mlp/'s sake. I feel bad for the /mlp/ers who keep to their board, but get raided because of /b/tards who are angry about the /b/reads, even when /mlp/ isn't responsible for it.
moot's online

hope he sees this, but he probably doesnt give a shit

Thats the reason we are trying to get attention to this on behalf of BOTH boards... the posting of ponies combined with circlejerking about nothing on-topic or relevant at all is causing backlash on us at /mlp/ because they thought EVERY poni poster went there, but the /b/reads stay and they cause raids and shitposting on /mlp/ for something we did not do.

Many people on /mlp/ hate the /b/reads because of the constant circlejerking brought up on the front page on every refresh and they discuss nothing show related, so they have no reason to be on /mlp/, nor do they belong on /b/.
Moot/mods please take note. This is the consensus. Please enforce this for the sake of the users.
If this can be taken care of, about 20% of 4chan could be saved because thats just about what it is consisting of.
Please moot, for the sake of both boards, whether you like them or not, and the users of their respective boards, please make "No /b/reads" a Global rule, So /b/ stops yelling about it and /mlp/ stops getting blamed for something it didnt do.

Please don't make an exception for /mlp/ like you did with Rule 13. /mlp/ is bad enough with the /b/reads they have there, and if any form of /b/read is allowed, they will eventually make their way back to /b/, or possibly other boards.

I hope you can find about 10 seconds to post here and let us know your thoughts on this and possibly help to resolve the issue.
/b/ is bad because it's filled with 12 year olds! You're not going to make it good by enforcing rules. Just shut up and accept that /b/ is irredeemable and stop shitting up this board we were are trying to discuss ways to improve boards with actual potential with SPAMMING ABOUT PONIES

Fucking this. People would stop making so many threads about this issue if mods/moot would actually acknowledge it. And that means more than just saying "Just report and hide the threads"
This basically.

If you can take 10 seconds of your time to tell us what do you think about /b/read and what you plan to do, we would be forever grateful of your thoughts and action.

Yours truly, OP.
I don't give a shit about /b/, but I want this shit to stop because I know they are gonna migrate to another board soon. I can feel it.
If /b/ was irredeemable, why would people make threads about it every damn day on /q/? We want solutions, not some "/b/ is a containment board get over it". Stop posting in these threads, people like you are accomplishing nothing.
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Yeah, Anon, let me ask you a real quick question here. How much time would you say you spend each week deaing with these /b/reads?
No one has a solution.

that's part of the reason this board exists. Making a specific rule to ban them will do nothing.

Start thinking of solutions. "Mods pls fix" does nothing for anyone.
Personally, I'd spend like, 5-8 hours, I spend a lot of time on /b/, I have no job, wife, kids, girlfriend, etc that I need to focus on. The internet is my girlfriend.

Just about every time i refresh the page on /mlp/.

And ESPECIALLY on /mlp/, the /b/reads are not just off-topic circlejerk, they often leave their thread and go to derail another otherwise on-topic thread with circlejerk and gets before leaving it when it is dead.

They are disruptive and /b/ on /mlp/, which is NOT on the topic of the show or the content in the first place. They have no business being there, nor do they have any business being on /b/.
Question : The Janitor keeps deleting the Fluffy threads.

If the reason is that Fluffies aren't show related enough just make that clear, and we'll simply rework our stories.

If you don't think they merit their own threads even if we start making the stories focus around characters from the show, I assume we'd be more than happy to share a thread with AOE.

If what actually displeases you is the level of sadism shown in these stories...well I doubt you'll be able to change the feelings of the majority of people posting these stories and should simply keep deleting them, though you should make it clear that all content that focuses on sadistic pleasure should be barred from /mlp/
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moot doesn't give a shit.
you're whining about a dumpster being filthy.
maybe if you were better posters you wouldn't be in the dumpster.

The two solutions that have been proposed, apart from making a global "NO /b/READS" rule with no exceptions, were these...

- Once Janitorial staff get hired, have them go on a thread deletion escapade, having janitors on multiple pages to catch the /b/reads and delete them before they can get started and keep up with deleting them until the angsty teen rebels use logic and realize that they should not make a thread if it will just get deleted, and their "REBEL THE MODS" mindset would die off fairly quickly if it was kept on top of.

- Unfortunately, this plan would not ban it or get rid of it, but for both /b/ and /mlp/, sticky the thread on some back page, like page 10, and remove image cap and whatnot, so they can post to their hearts content without getting in the way of other, more relevant on-topic threads. The problem with this is also that they would just have the mindset "Oh the mods are asking me respectfully to do this? Nah REBEL!" and just shitpost outside their specified sticky.
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Dash looks even weirder here.

Note: The eye is above the ear, what the fuck

Do not post anthromorphic/pony images in the discussion board please.

Thank you in advance.

Fluffies are off-topic and not show related. And all it is is "happy tree friends" guro and a bunch of torture stories that have no business being on /mlp/ in the first place. They also now have their own forum for it, so they can move to their respective forums, like the tulpae threads did.

They are not related to the board in any sense other than it has the word "Ponies" in the title.
So a moderator just closed the other pony-related thread and linked to this one. I hope that means we're getting a response.
Fluffies arent even pony related, so I guess they are doing their job in a way...

We gots a moderator.

Can I please get your input on this situation?
What if the stories are about Rainbow Dash killing them?

That's just a relevant as a story about you fucking Rainbow Dash.

Well im sure a more centered discussion is better anyways, so there is not 3 threads of the same thing on the front page of /q/.


While you're doing that, you mind redirecting this one too:


IT is still guro stories, and probably deemed NSFW as such, and as /mlp/ is a SFW board, it gets deleted.

Janitors are just trying to help clean up their respective boards and help nurture good content. The moment everyone realizes this is the moment 4chan becomes great, for better or worse..

Hey, we got a mod. Looks like he locked the other thread too.
Is it too much to hope for a mod's response? C'mon this issue needs to be addressed...
So if the Moderator is still here, Would you mind giving us any input on this situation in its entirety? And if there are any plans or ongoing actions to counter this, is it something the whole of the moderation staff have agreed on or at least been informed of?
inb4 he never replies
>shitting up /b/
Ha! /b/ is a fucking horrid cesspool of copypasta and teenage children.. Get used to it.
It wouldn't be if we had a decent team of jans/mods there.
We really do not need a stockpile of /b/read threads to overrun /b/ at least.
you don't understand. I don't even go to /b/, haven't for a long time now.
It's just this: Do you think they are gonna stay on /b/ forever?
If they just keep ban evading, what's keeping them from shitting up other boards?
Just move on from /b/ to other boards like the rest of us did years ago. Trust me, /b/ just isn't worth it.

We really need to hear some opinions from the mods or moot at least.
>Good Content
Define good content.

Cause stories about people wanting to fuck ponies are just as bad as stories about little stupid horse pigs being killed.

Both should go.
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Still having trouble ignoring pony threads, I see.
They'd be easier to ignore if you /b/read posters would stop keeping it bumped to page 0 nearly 24/7. Enough is enough.
Still having trouble following rules, I see.

I think the response IS the closing of the other threads, meaning stop shitting up /q/ with constant mlp whining threads which are actually more annoying than the pony threads in the first place. I'm sure they are aware by now of people's feelings on the matter.
They are violating the rules as well. Sure we can report them but theres so much little we can do.
So why haven't they given us their stance on the issue? That would really clear a lot of things up and give us a reason to stop making these threads.
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It's the internet. How can you NOT ignore something you don't like easily?

It's not our fault they can't enforce rules well enough.

Exactly! see, now you understand. There IS little you can do and, therefor, you should all just let it go and continue life as it was before.
/mlp/ doesn't know any boundaries. They will spam pony when they want, where they want, and however much they want. I remember 2007 /b/ and 2008 /b/. I left /b/ alone for a year. Then there was 2009 /b/ where these ponyfag threads were everywhere.

/b/, I do think they are just doing it to piss you off, but if moot decides on more janitors, I'd delete the ponyfag threads for you.
You don't own /b/, sorry. Ban evading and constant shitposting does not give you the right to be above the 4chan rules.
this good enough?
It's also not their fault that you're unable to follow the rules of 4chan. If you have that much trouble there's always /mlp/ or ponychan.

I don't know, but people just keep making these same threads all the time so they would pobably have to sticky something like "we are aware of the mlp issue and blah blah". If they answer in this thread, I imagine there would still be another thread the same in an hour's time.

You don't understand. It is not /mlp/ spamming anywhere. It is the /b/ /b/reads that are doing this, and probably the /mlp/ /b/reads as well, but not /mlp/ in its entirety.


Stop thinking you are above moderation and rules. You are the reason we are having threads like this.
>make threads about the same thing 24/7
>complain about people that can't ignore it
It's like throwing rocks to your window.
>it's not our fault they dont enforce the rules enough

Kidding me? That's like stealing for someone and going "ITS NOT MY FAULT! YOU SHOULD JUST ENFORCE THE LAW MORE!" when you're caught
/b/ /b/reads people come to /mlp/ /b/reads not the other way around.

Anonymous ## Mod:

Your autistic kind are banned because somehow you managed to make /b/ worse.

Really proves the point of this thread.

Rules need to be enforced on /mlp/ as well. /mlp/ WILL NOT become the new /b/. It is bad enough as is and we need the janitorial staff to enforce the rules over there.
>ponies threads

wut son? the show started in 2010 october ......and the first pony threads on /b/ started on december-january 2011.....stop it, please
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Mods WHY ARE YOU SILENT ON THE ISSUE?! Stop leaving us in the dark! Give us an answer!

Why the hell did you make /q/ if you're not even going to address the issues?
Unless he's talking about the old generation ponies, wut.
So basically, /b/tards pissing off other /b/tards as usual? /mlp/ originally was taking over /b/, so I'm sure there is overlap.
One of Chris Chan's first videos was about MLP if I remember correctly.

This shit has been around a lot longer then you think.
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Apparently it does, because I've been posting in there for almost a year now, and not once have I been permabanned. Moot just really doesn't care. Don't you get it?

There is, isn't there. but I, for one, don't really like the rules that are enforced on /mlp/ and Ponychan. And we did originate on /b/ first, so it's only fair we get at least a thread on there. One thread at a time.

I know! The threads are glorious, aren't they?

Oh no, now, don't be like THOSE people that try and compare an irrelevant irl situation with an internet one. it won't work.

Well, they SHOULD enforce the law more if someone like me can easily take candy from a child.

Either way they are still the same, spam-posting disruptive group of posters that need to be taken care of.

We do not need /b/ threads on /mlp/. We need show relevant content, not circlejerk. And /b/ needs to be rid of ponies.
Come to think of it, you're right. The ponyfags weren't on /b/ yet in 2009. It was 2011 when I went back to see pnies everywhere. /b/ had died of cancer.
You claim they are disruptive but would you rather us spew out all over /mlp/ instead?
>I for one don't like the rules that are enforced on /mlp/ and ponychan

I thought you said they don't enforce the rules? So now why are you complaining and suddenly saying that they do?

Also that's like saying "I don't like how they enforce the law, so I don't have to follow it.

You are breaking the Global Avataring rule as we speak right now as well as posting ponies outside of /mlp/. At least think rationally before you post anywhere else but /b/.

Respect the rules.
Why not? Maybe not the same thing but the same logic.

...Arent you breaking Global rule #15?
and 13
Pony Avatataring, someone please kill it

I forgot to mention that also.
I'm just astounded that a mod or moot hasn't responded.

No, I am suggesting that /b/reads be banned globally. /b/ does not want them and it is off-topic and disruptive on /b/. /mlp/ als does not want them and the /b/reads we have are disruptive on /mlp/.

There needs to be a global "No /b/reads" rule so when janitors come around, they have reason to delete the threads.

/mlp/ is not getting a chance to breath on its own. It is being put under the weight of the bad threads and /b/read and raids and mockery from /b/.


That's what /mlp/ is for. A whole board just for ponyfaggotry.
/mlp/ is immune to global rule 13 read the rules guys before shitposting.
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They don't enforce the rules on /b/, but in /mlp/, ya, it's a little more controlled.

Oh look! Another pony! Your whole day of lazing around and web surfing has been completely ruined!

Not really. Having a rock thrown at your window isn't as much of a trifle as a pony thread is.

Is there a problem, gentlemen?

Redirecting myself from that thread.

Any thoughts on what I had suggested?
a mod even linked to this thread.
mod, please save us!

You need to understand that this is not pony content, they just mask their circlejerk with pony avatars and images, so it neither belongs on /b/ or /mlp/ it needs to be taken care of.

Stop trying to put everything on /mlp/. We want a chance to be a better board just as /b/ wants to be a better board.
THAT SHIT RIGHT THERE. That's exactly what I was talking about. Ponyfags don't know any boundaries. They will span pony when they want, where they want, and however much they want. Because they're attention whores. I'm convinced they do it just to piss off /b/.
Okay, thanks for explainint this to me. You're right, though, they were like this in 2011 too. Circle-jerk of retards trolling the rest of /b/ with their shit. They need to exchange e-mail addresses and go talk to each other on IRC or something.
>I can do this all day

Is it possible that some faggot happen to see this board and is further pissing someone off?

Im just as lost as you are.
Why not limit them to one thread per 24 hour period? If it 404's, then they're shit out of luck.

They do enforce the rules on /b/. But you guys make 2 or 3 backup threads. So can you really blame them for slacking and being a little slow?
Take a look at
Thing is they shouldn't be doing it at all. But they have no regard for the rules. And apparently the 4Chan staff aren't going to enforce them.

May i advise that everyone keep their heads level in discussing this topic, and use rational and logical thought when taking actions and posting, what the /b/read poster defending the /b/read lacks.
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filter the threads or exercise some basic apathy, its usually one shit thread amongst the sea of shit that is /b/. cry some more

Calling in as an /mlp/er to add my voice for something to be done about the /b/reads for both the sake of /b/ and /mlp/
You do realize they constantly keep their thread bumped to page 0. It's an extremely smelly shit among less smelly shits.
Here's a list of proxies they use.
it takes mere seconds to filter pony threads
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Well what do you know! Out of the whole barrel of monkeys here, there IS one that has more logic than the rest put together! Bravo to you, sir.

It's not that hard to find the REAL one, still, because it's going to be bumped to page 0 in record time. This is where we work out our F5 finger.
They either need a sticky towards the back, or need to fuck off.
>using /b/

fucking plebs, the lot of you

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