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hey /a/ im an anime nub and im curius what sites u guys use to torrent your anime subs because u guys are always like a day or 2 ahead of me and i keep getting spoiled. currently im looking for shin sheki yori 08 but i cant find it anywere. which sucks because the discusion has already ended and im just sitting here . anyone who provides usefull info will be my friend forever.

pic unrelated
Please never post again.
>>74846452 (OP)
holy fuck my spelling. sorry im using a touch screen keyboard
You would know if you'd been on /a/ for more than an hour
Even if your spelling was correct, everyone would still hate you.

Seriously, it's not even difficult to find this kind of thing. Try google.
We use better computers with gentoo magic on them. Install gentoo and the rest will come.
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i tried google. im not completely disabled. im just slow. so im asking where u guys are getting ur animes.
i wont if some one helps me
I would tell you to google boku no Pico but it seems you're already into that kind of thing.
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please stop saging
this is anime related and their is nothing wrong with asking questions in the apropriate board. im dumping shit from my hardrive because idk what else to do
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Hey now, that is futa on male, thank you very much.
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pls help
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gift from /v/

you guys arent so different. dont want anyone to join ur secret club
Nobrain.dk is a great site for that.

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