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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Previous thread >>4678

Let's reach an agreement on how to fix /jp/.
It is not impossible.

Moderator Replies: >>8530 >>8541 >>8624 >>8677

the same should be applied to /jp/
This. So much this. It's so simple
Archive of old discussion for future reference:


(Should we add this to future OPs regarding /jp/ on /q/?)
Why would we need a new thread?
Because the other one is soon going to fall out of the board.
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I think that once the mod that was reading the thread earlier adds "This isn't your blog, talk about your life in /r9k/" to his proposed list of rules and suggestions he created from our opinion, and gets some janitors, we'd be good to go. Lots of changes will crush any board culture we have left.
Kanji Captcha!

But seriously, anything we try to do will probably just make things worse. We could maybe use a couple dedicated janitors, but at the end of the day, people just need to remember how to hide threads.
I think you meant

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So I was waiting for a better time to post this, but it's time we drew the line.

Moot, mods. Before you consider anyone for the Janitor position, I don't doubt your abilities to do this but please make sure the following people don't get the position, they are confirmed shitposters, at one point or another, regardless of what you might hear from them or others:

Anyone who used Tokiko in namefield.






King of /jp/.


And last, but not least...anyone who ever had a Saten namefield or anything to do with this character. Also, anyone who had Accelerator, Accel or Snow Black as name, including anime screenshot posts.



Trying to make sure management falls in the right hands as opposed to terrible posters, you can do whatever you want with them. Just, please, don't ever consider these people even if they're somehow already in any staff position.

There are cool tripcode users such as Hellen, Hong Meiling and more, but those have mostly quit /jp/. Try to add the good people in, like most Anonymous that look like they don't condone shitty cocksucking and NEET threads.
I really doubt that threads on/q/ autosage after 300 posts.
Do you have a problem with Foolz?
Warosu doesn't archive IDs.
/jp/ has proven itself time and time again that it doesn't know how to self-moderate, outside of sagebombing tanasinn.
I forget Liberty-kun, CurryButt, and some others, but you get the idea.
the /tv/ one did
My opinions on this:
Create /nij/
Rename /jp/ to Doujin/General, allow some other niche interests who are popular on /jp/. No blogging.
3-4 janitors who should delete shitpost (already summed up in the first thread somewhere what we mean by that) threads ON SIGHT, and in a fashion so Tokiko & Co. get frustrated and actually leave to /nij/.
Enough with this nonsense already. It's things like this that are ruining /jp/. And I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.

I've considered this idea many times. Would it solve /jp/'s problems, or would it increase the number of "HA /jp/ I BEAT YOUR MOONRUNES CODE, U MAD JAPAN GOT NUKED?" posts?

A kanji captcha wouldn't decrease the shitposting, but it might prevent cross-board raids from /b/ and /v/, such as the "nuclear bomb" image dumps. Or so I think. I've made the suggestion to moot before, he's not a big fan of the idea.
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4chan already has all kind of 2D boards. /a/ for anime, /c/ for image dumps, etc...

It would be much better if there was a rule limiting /jp/ to only niche "otaku" topics.
Some users seem to want the Saten poster as the new janitor.

Is there a problem with that decision?
>Enough with this nonsense already. It's things like this that are ruining /jp/. And I'm pretty sure you know what I mean.
I completely agree...

My opinion:

- Create /nij/ - Random/2D
- Get more janitors on /jp/ and get rid of blatant shitposting, which is the main issue. Loosely otaku related threads can stay.

Right now there isn't a board where random nonsense otaku related content belongs, most of what we call shitposting could belong in /nij/.
Yes, Saten spammer is a shitposter.
All I wish is that /jp/ no longer has the reputation for being the "shitposting board". Once you get the reputation, more people will come to the board to trash things around.

I don't think deletion isn't as good as a solution as actual banning; I know mods are universal, but it would be really good to have one dedicated to /jp/.
Very big problem, he is a spammer, bad poster, and anyone who posts with Index/Railgun anime or LN characters is confirmed to be a really bad idea for Janitor since they mostly don't belong in /jp/ and come from other boards.

Real Anons will have more chances than these individuals anyway.
create a 2D/random board, much like why /mlp/ was created.

because OP is from /vg/, obviously.

Also this : >>4810

while it lacks doujin music and onahole
>Saten for Janitor!
I'm going to be serious for a moment that post(my post) was not serious.
You don't really understand what /nij/ would be about. It would be literally random. No random as in random threads about any topic, but random. Stuff that makes no sense. Stuff essentially without a topic.
/jp/ does not have the traffic to take another split.
The best is just to ban some stuff and let everything else go on as usual

Ban the following
-NEET blog threads
-Anime discussion, which is rising in frequency. That's what /a/ is for.
-All levels of shitposting (mediator, tokiko, mystery men z, nichijou/pig reaction images,etc)
-Gay porn threads and cock sucking discussion
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But Yama is such a cool guy...
TL;DR: Anyone who posted with avatars and any of that shit constantly and without any originality is a bad pick for Janitor position.
>I don't think deletion isn't as good as a solution as actual banning; I know mods are universal, but it would be really good to have one dedicated to /jp/.
Bans are effectively useless
Including you.
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The only reason /jp/ isn't already shut down is because it will infest other boards, that's it.
Thinking back on that kanji captcha idea, it was quite some time ago when the idea first arose so my memory is a bit hazy, but I think there was some level of support from /jp/ at the time for it because

1. It wouldn't prevent actual resident /jp/ shitposters, but it would prevent external raids from /b/ and /v/. That is, the occasional "Japan got nuked lol", "lol u weebos so lonely", "where can I get bento box" nonsense.
2. It would help /jp/ers grind their kanji.
3. It might (and that's a big "might") increase the quality of posting, since people who are dedicated to studing Japanese for VNs and the like have a bigger passion for /jp/ topics, and are less likely to trash /jp/
4. It's accepted that /jp/ers should know at least some degree of moonrune, be it the most simple few or JLPT whatever level. (according to some of the sentiments shared back then)

I think limiting the captcha to the Joyo Kanji would be reasonable enough - there's no point in using kanji from the Edo period that only 2 people would know.
Alright here is what I think...

-Remove idol threads or if possible make a board specifically for idols/voice actors
-Rename the board, the word Otaku has several meanings and shitposters take advantage of this. My suggestion is the same as this guys >>7409
-We need no more than 3 Janitors, not 10.
-Cocksucking threads and finnish "fug :---D" posters should be given bans.

Allow the following:
*Doujin music/manga
*Visual novels (untranslated) translated but not OEL
*Japanese language help
*light novels
*Japan novelty (like adult toys)
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What the fuck with that low reload between your post ?

Trolling outside of /b/ is against the global rules, you know ?

moot already said it wasn't possible, don't bother him about it, and read the archive.
They could be ineffective to 99% of posters and fetching a new IP address could take five seconds instead of ten, we should still ban people.

Why hasn't this deleted yet? And why isn't sparky range banned?
>made 4chan from a copy of a japanese website to let everyone talk freely
>change it to weaboos only

Why don't you just go to 2chan and talk there?

Oh that's right, they'll probably just laugh at you.
I'm just giving Janitor suggestions, they don't and will probably not give a fuck about this, I don't know how that is "trolling" unless you're one of the affected individuals, sorry.
I agree with you in other matters, but kanji captcha is ridiculous. Aside from that, moot has already said it isn't possible.
>-All levels of shitposting (mediator, tokiko, mystery men z, nichijou/pig reaction images,etc)
new tokiko isn't a shitposter though.
/nij/ would be overrun with /a/ and other morons who unironically respond to shitposters. /jp/ shitposting is of much higher quality because those kinds of people don't show up there nearly as often.

The suggestions about a /b/ or /mlp/ version of /jp/ are just going to end up as /a/v/ imagedumps and le redditing. The shitposting culture on /jp/ has evolved into something I don't want to see erased so quickly.

Obviously >>>/jp/9540369
some stuff needs to go. I just don't want the new rules to be over-enforced.
Mediator is a fine poster compared to any version of Tokiko except for the fact that he constantly posts avatars and sometimes rambles into blog posts.
>No it's fucked
Anything can be fixed as long as people are willing to spend time to formulate ideas, liaison with other people about these ideas, and taking these ideas into action, no matter how difficult the task. I understand that the "liaison" part might be difficult for some (/jp/ stereotype of autism, etc), but I'm sure /jp/ can get its way around somehow.

A combination of multiple tools, including deletions and bans, is more effective than nothing at all, no?

Like I suggested in the previous thread (>>7199) many of these shitposters have nowhere to go, and if you give them a place to go, they might (yes, "might") disappear from /jp/. If you make them leave by force, they might get more rowdy. Think of displaced refugees in a warzone - do they leave as they are told?

By the way, if my writing becomes incoherent and hard to understand for some reason I apologise beforehand, it's about 3:24AM around here and I'm getting tired. I'm here talking about /jp/ when I'm supposed to be writing my shitty physio assignment.
>/jp/ shitposting is of much higher quality
Keep deluding yourself.
I got banned once for posting Cirno in /v/. The mod claimed she belongs in /a/. I don't get it.
>/jp/ shitposting is of much higher quality
And this sentiment is what causes some of the problems in /jp/. It makes shitposting seem like something that's "at home".

Yeah, I suppose that makes sense too.
>The shitposting culture on /jp/ has evolved into something I don't want to see erased so quickly.

It's some kind of ironic shitposting with several layers of meta, but it IS still shitposting. And it wouldn't be a problem if they just were a couple of threads or so each few days, but right now it's fucking insane and it's killing the board.

I agree with everything you've said.
No. The best thing about /jp/ is the loose rules.
You guys are just gonna ruin it by making it a tightly regulated nazi moderated boards with a bunch of janitors running around deleting everything that they deem QUALITY.
What is stopping you from posting about all those current topics there now? /jp/ has 10pages and most of them they arent even filled. Let me guess, no traffic right? It is not fun talking to yourself. Putting in an even stricter rules wont improve /jp/.
In all of the Raildex threads that I have seen, I have never once seen discussion of any LN content. That includes the Liberal Arts City SS. There is no problem discussing characters, but discussing (read: mostly imagedumping) solely the anime version of a character who has an extremely miniscule role in a huge LN franchise while deliberately preventing discussion about the rest of the content does not apply to that. It is like allowing Naruto and Bleach imagedumps because they have at least one LN volume. I wont even get started on how other LN series are treated on /jp/. That also clogs up /jp/ with irrelevant threads when there could be other threads since unlike most boards, /jp/with actually knows how to use sage properly and use threads on all pages of /jp/.
The thing that makes /jp/ appealing is the people, not the content. It became a catch basin for those who don't fit in other boards. Having "rules" defining narrow or inflexible topics of discussion will just make it another board we/they don't belong to and the board content and population will begin to resemble pooshlmer or other inane dump board with hints of discussion about things that were boring years ago.
Meta shit should be discussed in the archive. It has always been like this and new people to the board need to understand this. /jp/ isn't the place for this.
Were you using Cirno as an avatar? Because if I'm not mistaken avataring is against the rules (though in many occasions it's rarely upheld).

How about getting these people to post anon like everyone else? Solves a shitload of problems doesn't it? Do these people really need that extra internet-fame? Back when Tokiko was fresh I groaned everytime I saw that name. I don't care what their name is, I don't think they should be prancing about if they don't have a good reason for it.
Is /jp/ worth saving?
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10 janitor, and the fact that a /nij/ 2D/random board exist will drive the shitposters away. Actual one and potential ones.

Also shitposting don't only affect /jp/ but also /a/ and (80% of) /v/.

>The shitposting culture on /jp/ has evolved into something I don't want to see erased so quickly.
I gotta agree with this lad. However its place isn't on /jp/. And shitposting is strong enough to resist /a/ /b/ /v/ fags.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're full of shit.
This is my stance on Saten anons. I hate his guts because he manages to berate a not bad character into shit, much like everything /a/ touches with avatars and all that retarded shit.

Yeah, I agree. Regardless, using a name like that is dumb.
That's why /nij/ is suggested. I'm sure more shitposters will join from other boards and you'll have cocksucking threads with 100 posts, and huge ass long roleplaying threads with Milky Holmes pictures, and you can "pwn" all those bastards as much as you want.
You know, I took a look at your "fine" mediator in the archives.
I think I found only like one actual on-board-topic post.

Nameless Book-Reading Youkai is on topic maybe a little less than half the time.
I wasn't using her as an avatar. The thread was actually about Diablo and I posted her pic to help bump it. I guess technically it's a legitimate ban, but the comment doesn't make sense. If Cirno must be relegated to one board then it should be /jp/. I guess I'm just not accustomed to this strict interpretation of boards; on /jp/ there are often non-doujin video game threads. Yes the games are related to otaku culture but they aren't doujin so I think by a strict interpretation they should be kept to /v/. I don't really support a strict interpretation though.
/nij/ could fix that. And personally I'm not defending /jp/ has to be a place with strict moderation on everything that doesn't fall between the loose boundaries of "otaku culture", what I want to get rid of is shitposting.

By the way, another daily shit thread spawned: >>>/jp/9540401
>-Remove idol threads or if possible make a board specifically for idols/voice actors
What the fucking fuck is wrong with you? What is your problem with idol threads?
Only a handful of people browse idol/doll/kigurumi threads and they keep their shit condensed. They are not a problem, they fit into the scope of /jp/ perfectly and a board just for them would be overkill.

Also, I don't like the doujin/general/whatever idea at all. I don't think the name of the board is such a big issue in the first place. I rarely see anyone misunderstanding "otaku culture" and the ones who make threads about it are the same shitposters /jp/ had when it was called japan/general. Renaming the board won't solve the problem.
Seeing as how it's potentially the best board on 4chan and the one with the least neurotypical infestation I think it is very well worth saving.
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Pre-2010 /jp/ wasn't "nazi", but that was when the rubbish was at a tolerable level. Nowadays it's gotten out of hand, and something needs to be done since no one is letting anyone else enjoy themselves. Things have changed since then, and /jp/ has gotten bigger issues. And when you think of shitposting as "board culture", that only intensifies problems. This is especially the case with this "ironic" business.
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Even if /jp/ won't hit the 10 page limit, the 'allowed shitposting' will bleed into actual threads or other boards. We can't just allow ironic shitposting, we can't have interpreters in addition to janitors to see if they're clever enough.
Why should the people that are happy with the board leave? It's "otaku culture" not "weeaboo media that isn't anime and manga only", ask them to create a board for your own purposes.
>Nameless Book-Reading Youkai is on topic maybe a little less than half the time.

He's also a troll imitating another troll to boost his chances of trolling.

Or maybe it's all the same guy. Who cares, he should be banned.
Additionally, janitors need to be aware of the following groups of people.




Some of them already were banned or dealt with and moved to fuck up in other boards, but some of them like Tokiko remain and shit /jp/ very often. Please, be aware and take care of them, we should also report their Steam groups.
PEOPLE ARE NOT HAPPY. Look at this thread. It's only you obsessive shitposters who are enjoying it. You are ruining the board for everyone else.
Can't you move the whole shitposting culture thing to /b/? Are you afraid of being insulted or something?
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Anyone else getting constant flood detection?
/b/ is too fast and not random enough for them.
Have you ever heard of a vocal minority? Of course "shitposters" aren't here complaining, they probably like the board as it is. Most complaints about the janitor is just more irony for the sake of irony. And frankly, it's basically "our" board now. Go make your own if "you" all don't like it.
Here are my ideas. I think they have been said before, but maybe we could agree on this.
1 - A dedicated mod for /jp/
2 - Only one (or maybe two) new janitor picked from the janitor applications (I think that if we have too many it just won't work)
3 - Specific rules
We do these steps as 1, 2, 3 and bingo.

Making a board dedicated to idols is perfect. And I said nothing about dolls/kigurumi because that is Japanese novelty.
I forgot those annoying please respond pics.

Anyone who posts that shit and equivalents is a shitposter too.
1. Shitposters don't want to see porn dumps
2. Shitposters want to be in a 2D environment
3. /b/ is too fast
4. They only want to go on a board full of truNEETs
I understand there is too much shitposting and a lot of it needs to stop, but I think some of it should be tolerated so as not to break apart the community too much.

I know you're right, but maybe there's a happy medium. Maybe /nij/ is the best option, but I don't know.

I don't actually believe that's true. I'd estimate /jp/ is 20% people who like shitposting, 60% people who ignore it and couldn't care less, and 20% you (total of 5 people).
/b/ can't understand shitposting and irony because /b/ is too normal for it. /b/ is full of normals that only understand things like dubstep parties, how many girlfriends they've fucked, and "fuck skinnies, post chubbies". They view "weeabooism" as a nerdy disease that is unpatriotic, and would rather spend their time at frat parties. Shitposting is something that can only be done through those on the autism spectrum. Hence the shitposters cannot migrate to /b/.

N.B. if it wasn't obvious enough this entire post shouldn't be taken too seriously.
/jp/ is well beyond saving. It could've been saved it in 2010, maybe even in 2011, but most of the original userbase has moved on, and currently over half of the userbase are shitposters, most of which are not even interested in Touhou and visual novels. The Touhou posters are now all secondaries that create practically nothing but imagedump threads (rather than any kind of actual discussion), and the VN threads are the only places where the original userbase is still present - though that is decreasing as well. We have two regular VN threads (VN translation status thread and VN general thread), but outside of those two VN threads are rarely any successful anymore, often immediately overtaken by shitposters or completely ignored. The VNTS thread is also getting more and more shitposts. Only the VN general thread, which has some erratic discussion about untranslated VNs (generally only a couple of replies, and it's mostly just people describing what they're playing) is still relatively intact.

The problem isn't with the amount of shitposters; the problem is that most of the good posters have already left. Try to erase all the shitposters and at best you'll be left with practically nothing.
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So what would go into the so called 2d/random and /jp/? You guys are gonna let some no name janitors decide play QUALITY CONTROL?

Shit like hoopdog wont ever happened again with your ideal. bkub chen and flanfly actually started out decently before people actually use it as a daily dose.
How do you quantify something as not /jp/ related? Please respond & madopuke would probably be banned if we get some nazi janitors.
Also you can post you can post tons of stuff with Touhou. Although which 2hu fuk is shitposting, it is /jp/ related shitposting.
There should be a 3DPD board for all those idolfags and all those coreaboos so they have their own board. Nothing is wrong with small boards, I don't get why moot is so concerned with that. Futaba and especially 2ch have channels for every little topic.
have you even read the posts you linked to?
He's not trying to make people think he's tokiko at all.
I'm a normalfag and /jp/ is my main board.
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Please respond.
The times that I've seen those images posted on Krautchan's /int/, many of the posters were from Finland, Spain, Brazil and the United States.

I've also seen "Get out of /jp/" (Marisa) being posted there many times by a UK poster (why the fuck would you post that there, I have no idea).
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I agree with some of the "new" rules exposed in the previous thread, but are you going to forbid more mundane stuff like room threads?
There will still be shitposting, but not as much. As someone said already, shitposting happens because shitposters get bored. I'm sure most shitposters have legit /jp/ interests and I don't care if they stay, but if they really feel the urge to shitpost they go to the 2D/random board and do it there.
You can't think you're going to be taken seriously if you shit up every new thread on /jp/ with that image.
truNEETS = people pretending to be NEETs
The way I see it, you can't have a rule for every topic. /jp/ is pretty wildcardy, even with all the new threads. Rooms can be otaku (OTACOOL, even) and it's not like they're a huge problem. If trouble posters like milk attract idiots, that's a problem with milk and the idiots.

>You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.

What the fuck

100% of /jp/ want to be able to take it easy. 20% of /jp/ is not letting the other 80% of /jp/ actually take it easy.

I don't know, and I frankly don't care on how shitposting becomes moderated, but maybe you can do a duck test. If it looks like it belongs in /b/ (i.e. "too normal"), it belongs on /b/. If it looks like it belongs in /nij/, it belongs there.
The way to fix /jp/ is to only have seven or so threads with a touhou as the image at a time. Any more get created, and it either gets deleted or a shittier thread with a touhou gets deleted.

Try and say this won't improve the board 1000 times over
Why not? I like japan stuff and /a/ is awful.
Mutes happen because you have made a duplicate post before or you tried to post a duplicate image. Be careful Anon.
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So what would go into the so called 2d/random and /jp/? You guys are gonna let some no name shitposters decide play QUALITY CONTROL?

Shit like hoopdog will happen everyday with your ideal. bkub chen and flanfly actually started out decently before people actually use it as a daily dose.
How do you quantify something as not /jp/ related? Please respond & madopuke would probably be spammed if we got rid of janitors.
Also you can post you can post tons of stuff without Touhou. Although which 2hu fuk is touhou, it is /jp/ related shitposting.
By the way, I honestly believe there are certain individuals that spend most of his day shitting up the board. I once talked to a /jp/sie and I found out he had a couple of tripcodes dedicated to shitposting and he also admitted he samefagged so much sometimes he couldn't even realize if he was replying to himself.

2D isn't well received on /b/, it wouldn't work.

I don't get why you like those epic memes so much. You're basically saying "it's shit, but it's OUR shit". Flanfly has become the /jp/ daily dose and whether you like or not it's just senseless flooding. Please respond and other forced memes are just as bad.

I don't have a problem with them.

Also, idols belong perfectly in /jp/.
/jp/ isn't about Japan. The stuff /jp/ is supposed to talk about wouldn't interest a neurotypical.
I think /jp/ should have less threads. There are too many threads and too little content.
Futaba has a board dedicated to Corea-bashing, and boards dedicated to insects, power plants, cross-dressing, etc. This is because people there have those kinds of interests. I'd assume the interests of the 4chan demographic would be much different, but boards can be created by moot if enough people display interest towards something.

I'm no "truNEET", I'm a university student studying physio (inb4 I get id'ed), and I'm only here for the danmaku. If I wasn't anon all the time I'd assume people would hate my guts for being a filthy normalfag or something. Thing is, I don't go around pissing on threads I don't like, and hope that everyone else does the same. Maybe I'm expecting too much of others because I'm a filthy nazi.
"Shitposting" is such a useless word. As long as someone is earnestly trying to contribute and have a discussion, then anything should be allowed outside of NSFW and illegal material. Ignore threads you don't like. Is an honest anime thread really worse than "which touhou would u touch" or "what do reimus armpits smell like"?

>But anime belongs on /a/!
Video games belong on /v/, why not post Touhou there?

>moot made /jp/ for Touhou!
No. No he did not. Otherwise it would say /jp/ - Touhou. He intended for /jp/ to be more than Touhou.

/jp/ is Otaku Culture. Post things you think are otaku. Stay away from topics that you don't want to talk about. They will fall off the board if nobody else is interested in them, and the thread creator will go somewhere else. Shitting on and/or deleting an honest-to-goodness attempt of a thread is only going to cause more shitposting.
Removing posts doesn't give you more people posting "content", it just gives you less threads.
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Half of /jp/'s problem is that it doesn't have enough to discuss. What "good" topics do we have?

Touhou gameplay
Figures/other otaku merchandise
VN translation status

Then we have a few irregular things like Comiket/Reitaisai, a really popular VN that warrants its own thread, or a new Touhou game. That's like maybe two pages of stuff that warrants actual discussion. Outside of those, it's just "which character would you do X with", NEET blogging, and other miscellaneous shitposting.
What if instead of deleting shitposts, janitors sticky all the good threads!

No seriously, wouldn't that work?
You forgot MMO threads, which can save the board sometimes or gather the worst kind of people, such as King of /jp/.
You're the one wanting quality control and interpreters.
>-All levels of shitposting (mediator, tokiko, mystery men z, nichijou/pig reaction images,etc)
You say these are not okay, yet "please respond" and "madopuke" are somehow acceptable board culture. Why? You need to decide if you want all shitposting to continue, or not at all. There's no room for quality controllers like you said.
Please delete /jp/ so we can make a new one outside 4chan. Actual rules and rangeban rain could also work.

These are words of wisdom.
>They will fall off the board if nobody else is interested in them, and the thread creator will go somewhere else.
no they won't. They will get bumped with "please respond", and then someone will say "replied because I love you alice!" and then OP will make a few bumps and then it will devolve into shitposting.
every. time.
You aren't supposed to view the frontpage. Use the catalog.

Allowing anime would just attract subhum/a/ns and nobody wants that.
Maybe if the whole board weren't full of shitposts people would talk about doujin games, for example, some more. Or doujin music.
Is please respond or mado puke harmful?
You have something against cute girls?
That is like saying marisagetout.jpg is harmful as well.
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This thread is so full of try-hards that I'm going to be sick.

/jp/ was created to be a wastebin, stop trying to apply pointless rules to it.

The reason it's full of shitposts is because it's such a niche board that there's nothing new to discuss 50 weeks out of the year. The only sensible solution is to simply delete /jp/ or forget about it entirely. Assembling a team of janitors to clean and scrub an office waste bin is retarded.
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Just a friendly reminder.

>thread is so full of try-hards that I'm going to be sick.

I feel the same way. /q/ is a sickening place.
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More boards require more moderators, janitors and control.
It encourages less shit. I've currently got 27 threads filtered, and it's only from filtering these words.
> Touhou
> Touhous
> Gensokyo
> Reimu

This doesn't count the large amounts of off-topic posts with touhous in the op. Touhou is a problem, and the most effective way to get rid of a widespread problem is to remove it and moderte it.
The madotsuki and get out of jp image are harmless. That please respond shit is not.
Touhou alone is huge with lots of characters, settings, stories, and new material being released each day. /vp/ manages with Pokemon.

Remember that we aren't under pressure to make /jp/ zOMGFAST. Papercraft is a pretty niche hobby, yet /po/ is one of the slowest and nicest boards there is.
Maybe. If they aren't more popular than the shitposts, it's hard to imagine that they'd have much discussion in them though.
"Shitposting" doesn't magically envelop and overwhelm "discussion" on a board as slow as /jp/. It's not happening now and wouldn't happen after stricter moderation started.
>Touhou is a problem
and then there will be 5 different /bun/ clones, each with 5 people on it.

>Allowing anime would just attract subhum/a/ns
/a/ has problem posters because the larger the demographic, the greater the variety, which also means that there is a larger population of undesirable people. This also means that there are also quite a few quality people. Think of how China has more murderers and rapists than the United States, but also more Olympic gold medallists. I can see where you're getting at, but /a/ isn't the biggest problem that /jp/ has, and I'm sure there's ought to be at least one quality poster from /a/.

/jp/'s problems arise from it's own demographic. To fix /jp/, we should be addressing internal issues, not the big scary outside. Otherwise, we're just pushing the blame elsewhere. I hope I'm making sense, but I'm probably not.
I often get sucked into trolling or meta debates and end up missing good threads I could have contributed to.
1. There are lots of shitty posts on /jp/
2. People think shitty posts are okay
3. People post shit in board-related threads
4. People get discouraged of posting in board-related threads because of all the shitposting
>Making a board dedicated to idols is perfect.
No, its dumb. It would be deader than iichan boards. We also already have /s/, but they clearly not fit into it.

> I think some of it should be tolerated so as not to break apart the community too much.
No. If a community tolerates and encourages shitposting then they're not needed. /jp/ was was well-off without it in the past, shitposting is not needed.
Come to think of it, /q/ is a great place to move all the "/jp/ is shit right now", "Fuck NSJ", "No bully", etc. posts.
You can still ignore them. When nobody pays attention to a troll, they will get bored and go someone else. This is ancient internet knowledge. Even deleting their thread gives them the attention they crave.

No board is an island. A lot of /jp/ers already post on /a/. I don't like anime either, but you know what I do? I ignore threads I don't like!

That is ancient history. /a/ is again "cluttered" with VNs and video games. "Cluttered" by people having fun and enjoying discussing those things. If only /jp/ could be the same -- actually, we already have tons of video game threads, even western stuff like Morrowind.
No, you didn't miss shit. Getting involved in meta, especially when you find it distasteful, means you're a bad poster and wouldn't "contribute" anything in the first place. You are responsible for your own actions. What are you trying to contribute? Do you make 3DCG mods? OC? Are you revealing intriguing portions of the personality of the Touhou cast? You're just another "shitposter".
Why do you hate slow boards so much? "Dead" boards have a lot of meaningful discussion.
I'm fine with Madotsuki and Sai's "Get out of /jp/" macro with Marisa; they serve a purpose, and have been on /jp/ for a very long time. Madotsuki puking is (or was... it seems like /jp/ now tends to avoid her since she's so overused on /a/ and /v/ now) used on /jp/ to express disgust, and Marisa is used to tell certain people where they rightfully belong.

On the other hand, we have this "please respond" bullshit. It was made last Tuesday (alright, maybe not), and has no purpose other than shitting up the place. If you want this to become "board culture", then board culture seems to becoming quite shitty these days.
/jp/ has a lot of meaningful discussion as well. Why don't you clarify what you're looking for?
I do the same thing, 14/15 pages are filtered shitty Touhou threads.
You leave iichan boards alone. Sure, you're not having real-time conversations, but if I want pictures of cats on skyscrapers then I have a billion of them posted by Sling. It's the best thing ever.
> even western stuff like Morrowind.

I've made some of those threads and I think I should be banned for it.

I think the odd off-beat thread is fine (I've mentioned that one Monty Python thread we had a couple of times), but that's no excuse for turning it into a free-for-all. If it's a free-for-all, it's not even /jp/ any more.
You said that slow boards are bad because they are slow. I am saying that I disagree, because meaningful discussion can happen regardless of the board speed.
I add things like "xD", "fug" and "bully" to my wordfilter, but this only hides the problem under the blanket, and I am aware that even though I don't see this shit as much, it's still preventing proper discussion from occuring because not everyone else does the same hubbub as me.

If we got rid of this problem, instead of seeing that there are 7 hidden threads, I'd see another 7 quality threads with good discussion.
Nothing is good enough. Every time this comes up, I point out threads to people. "I want a good thread about shmups!" "Well, the STG thread has a lot of stuff about shmups, with replays, videos, an--", "It's not good enough! I want to discuss CAVE shooters!", "Post about CAVE shooters then! People like CAVE shooters, so--", "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND FAG."
- please respond
- no bullying
- fuck off with your spoilers
- nocturnes (at least that shit ended)

This is the kind of content those people label "board culture", and if we remove them then hordes of newcomers will come (right, because the current RANDUM NEW MEME XD environment isn't more appealing) and will destroy the board (like they aren't killing it with their shit).
C'mon, the local wota population (which you can probably count on your hands) can't even discuss gravure idols on /jp/ and you want to oppress them further? If anything, it's the hardcore 2D guys that are constantly shitting up the place with their roleplaying, anime screencaps and other textless nonsense.
I would actually love to have good anime discussions on /jp/ without all the retards from /a/ and the way they post (greentext and feels among other things) but I don't see that being possible.

I think it's a dangerous slippery slope to just "ignore" threads you don't like. If other people did that as well then it would be fine but most of the time, people post anyway; whether to show contempt or simply just to shitpost, they get their replies anyway.

If you just look away from all the shit happening around you, then it still happens and if you allow /a/ to come to /jp/ it won't end up anywhere good.

>- fuck off with your spoilers
People shouldn't use spoilers to carry shitty puns just as they shouldn't use greentext to formulate ''epic stories''.
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You could have these discussions on /nij/. If you shitpost enough, /a/ will hate it just like it hates /jp/.
Why is it that /jp/ started hating on what used to be the main subjects of the boards?Half the board hates touhou now,Vocaloid threads get less than half the replies they got in 2010,and R07 works get labled shit since the umineko ending....

I love /jp/ but it's really hard to find stuff to keep you guys interested (I try to start threads about the canon of the touhou world but they end up being image dumps of whoever I add in the OP)

I heard a rumor that we had a steam group specifically made to shitpost on our board is that true?
Don't come to threads discussing boards you don't browse, ''please''.

>fuck off with your spoilers

That's not "board culture". We just don't want the spoiler feature used incorrectly, to convey shitty puns or things which aren't actually spoilers.
wwwww /jp/ is the only board on 4chan that actually cares about itself and is aware

every other thread on /q/ is about boards that are too late to save
see: >>>/v/
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I don't browse the Idol/doll/kig threads, but they're /jp/ - Otaku related. They keep to themselves and don't shit up the place with 'why is she so perfect?' 'why are her armpits so lewd?'.
I have to admit, when "who are you quoting?" first arose, I used it quite a bit, because "greentexting stories" are dumb and belong in /v/, /r9k/ and /adv/. But then it got out of hand - it became overused, it became misused, it became exported to other boards, and it became one of those ironic jokes ("hu ru quotin xD") and so it essentially died a painful death as a response to shitty greentext stories, and became a typical shitpost.

With shitposting, one can turn something perfectly reasonable and make it become horseshit within a spam of a few weeks.
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> Touhou isn't a bad thing

Let's look at the Touhou threads that aren't filtered by the catalog, see how relevant/needed they are for a HIGH QUALITY /jp/ DE ARIMASU
> Ish misher a pershon whu can chake ish eajy?
> /jp/ is terrible right now. Let's do what we do best and appreciate someone as pretty and proper as Sakuya.
> /v/ seems to have a revulsion to this site, but I am wondering what this one thinks of insomnia.ac. I find that they have some pretty good articles about video games, from...
> Pic related
> 2 Touhou game threads, possibly not shit
> Can we have a Hina thread? She is the only thing that is keeping me happy enough so that i don't open a portal
> http://tenhou.net/0/?L7447 Waiting warmly for anon to play mahjongs with me.
> Kooaaaaa
> Anyone else tired of seeing Youmu reduced to a pillow status?
> Why does Sakuya have such large breasts? Elevens are not supposed to have large breasts.
> Saw this and thought of you, /jp/. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=962cgx28DY4
> How lewd is youmu?
> There are hundreds of VN's I haven't read, there are many LN's I haven't read, there are thousands of doujins I...
> Looking for a /jp/sie to run a small hotdog/refreshment cart near the beach in Southern California. You'll get $9.50 an hour + a 10% share of the after-tax profits and...
> Why is Tewi such a bitch? What is her problem?
> yuuka is scary
>I heard a rumor that we had a steam group specifically made to shitpost on our board is that true?
Yeah, "Shitpost squad" is legit
Janitors need to be aware of the following groups of people.




Some of them already were banned or dealt with and moved to fuck up in other boards, but some of them like Tokiko remain and shit /jp/ very often. Please, be aware and take care of them, we should also report their Steam groups.
/jp/ has never used spoilers properly [spoiler];_;[/spoiler]
Oh, you mean that one thread that gets deleted instantly and nobody gives a fuck about?

It's still posted, why the fuck do you care? It's one of the lowest "trollings" going on.

> I see this picture and I want to have the roughest sex possible with Hatate. I want to fondle her tits and...
> Does anyone else ever wish Youmu was Bill Gates, so we could make neat puns like "i guess you could say she puts the SOFT in MIRCOSOFT!!!" or something?
> Why is China such a good person?
> how strong is the onimiko?
> I'm here to punish any and all lewdness
> Realistically, where would a /jp/ meetup take place?
> I want Marisa to keep me in a cage in a grim dark room, all alone for days with nothing but my own feces as food. Then when she comes back from one of her adventures, she uses me...
> Anon-kun I got a Smite beta and I found out if you have it you can send extra keys to others. I don't know for how long or if there is a limit but if you want one just...
> What if satori are those eyeball tentacle things that hang off of the Komeiji sisters, and what we think of as their main bodies are nothing more than the unwilling servants of psychic abominations?
> Does Suwako miss her husband?
> let me use use use you up tonight give me your your your your your young mind
> Why doesn't ZUN learn how to draw?
> I wonder if we can just learn how to make these ourselves.
> so I got the voice mod for Soku as seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8FXQP2aeLg but I am computer illiterate and need help installing, can /jp/ help please? Also, Soku thread I guess.
> pop

Can you honestly


Say that removing most of Touhou's presence wouldn't improve the board, and that Touhou isn't a problem?
Time to change then.
yes i can sorry
I enjoy Touhou and want to discuss it somewhere on 4chan, that's all.
You'd just see them replaced with equally shitty threads about F/SN, Raildex, or whatever popular thing is allowed.
You're part of the problem then. God bless.

I'm okay with that. What isn't okay is a million threads dedicated to what could be in one or two threads, and things that aren't even remotely on-topic but suddenly they aren't shitposting because Touhous.

There is no reason to use that much ``greentext''! EVER!
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Beat that nucca on the first try (hard mode). But he is talking this guy:


who recreated this thread about 1000 times in a single month.
Touhou has always been on /jp/ and will always be. Sorry, guys.
People are posting low quality threads with a Touhou picture. That doesn't mean Touhou is ruining the board.
So is there a way to block images like this?


I'm seriously tired seeing this shit.
I know. I don't give a shit of that guy man.

Filtered, reported, etc...
Nowadays moot tends to display that he doesn't really care that much for /jp/, but somehow I get the feeling that moot is rather tsundere towards /jp/.

These days I see moot using the terms "sperglord" and "shitposting" all the time, even in /b/ and /sp/, and he never did that two or three years ago. He probably took those into his vocab after all those vocal complaints from /jp/ that he's been getting in the past few years.

I remember seeing moot making a post a few years ago saying that /jp/ was full of pedos or something. Maybe he was just saying that to make /jp/ look bad, so that others don't come to it and bother us. Maybe moot secretly loves us and wants to be with us, but doesn't quite understand us or know what to do with us. Or maybe I'm just thinking too much.
/jp/ actually made me hate Touhou with it's low quality friendship is magic circlejerk crap. I still like some characters though, but everything Touhou related is on filter.
Are you people seriously complaining about touhou on /jp/?

Do you know why /jp/ was made?
>I'm okay with that. What isn't okay is a million threads dedicated to what could be in one or two threads, and things that aren't even remotely on-topic but suddenly they aren't shitposting because Touhous.
Imagedumps aren't shitposts though. Sure there are boards dedicated to imagedumping, but I still feel since this is an imageboard, just like on messageboards you mostly use text with few images, you might have some threads on an imageboard full of pictures.

And I agree most 2hu-related threads are shitposting. I don't post in them, they're boring and shit up the board, so I want them gone. But NO Touhou? What?
4chan X. Why don't you have it, how do you survive /jp/.

Go get it.

4chanX can block images.
Would you have wanted to read that much text?

It kind of does. If you had a mod who curbed this kind of bullshit, then you wouldn't have /jp/ be a shitty /touhou/ in training
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Inane comment because I apparently need to contribute more than just a picture to validate this post and not get muted.
oh god thanks guys
Can't you at least try to centralize all the touhou in one or two threads? Like, one for imagedumping/NIWAA and another for discussion? The games can get their own threads, they aren't the actual problem.
/jp/ was made to remove Figures, Doujin soft, Touhou, Visual Novels, and everything that isn't Anime or Manga, from /a/. However, /a/ currently accepts most of these as part of their board culture.
I really like Touhou and I truly enjoy discussing it in a community like /jp/ (when it isn't flowing with shitposting), but maybe we should encourage some condensing at least.

However, please don't put your blame on Touhou when a Touhou image is used together with shitposting or /r9k/posts
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Just bring back Anonymous of Colombia and all problems will be solved.

I haven't browse /jp/ in a while but I loved those days
Just to make sure:

Do you guys still need a sticky for some guidelines?
Yeah, whatever, I can't take you seriously with the two other posts you've made here. I bet you're tokiko or some other shitposter.

The problem isn't Touhou but the posters and that they don't receive punishment nor they have another place for putting their shit. I also don't have a problem with imagedumps.
Just wondering, what is the difference between AoC and the current janitors?
At least so we can screenshot it and link it to people if it needs clarification. Although it should be clear for everyone and I'm sure most people are aware of it anyway.
Probably. Have you seen /jp/?
Yes please. Try to make your presence more known.
Make a sticky with the new rules for a week. (Doujin/General with some niche interests allowed, like tea)
A clearer way to specify our rules would be very useful. "All things Otaku welcome" is pretty vague.
AoC had a tumor and had bad timings where he deleted entire board's pages without even looking.

>we already have tons of video game threads, even western stuff like Morrowind.
But we are mostly talking about weaboo mods, anime parallels and the kind of things that are more /jp/ than /v/. Many of those threads start as shitposts too and quickly fall off the board.

I don't really have a problem with slow boards, moot has. Also, iichan works because of its obscurity, but slow boards with good threads here are easy victims for spam attacks. Even if a janitor deletes the shit you can't get back the threads. Not to mention iichan has its own set of problems as well with desperate "forced" threads, where there is nothing to talk about initially, but it might kickstart a conversation.
Not as a "You must post this content, if you stray from the path, you will be exiled", but more as a "If you want an idea what we discuss, here's some examples."
I wouldn't sticky anything until you've decided what you're going to do, but when you do it I'd include clarified information about topicality and a warning about shitposting.
AoC was insane. I think he still hangs around on IRC, ask him if he doesn't agree that he's insane. He'll probably admit it. Difference is , he was insane when the board still had a chance for salvation. I think we can still bring the board from the dead, but be prepared, mod. This is going to be a tough fight. 2 or 3 janitors (I suspect there's about that number of janitors) won't be able to fight against what will come when you actually try to go agaisnt shitposting.
How is that better than current janitors?

AOC was ALL day on /jp/ he didn't even allow shitposters to survive for more than 1 min because he was there all day, I think the board was only unmoderated when he went to take a shit or something.

The current janitors only visit the board a few times a day and then disappear. /jp/ needs an autistic janitor to fight against autistic shitposters.
I have no fucking idea...I didn't like that. I like current Janitor more.

Is right though.
AoC was efficient.
Say what you will, but making a script that autodeletes posts based on key phrases was a badass genius move.
do YOU have a tumor?

I bet you don't

you look like someone who doesn't

how can you know what facing the odds truly feels like, nerd?
I think it's because, in my opinion, our current janitors are more of a "delete bad posts, come back later", AoC was more active and frequently deleted the new bad posts as they came.
By the way, look, all of those are very recent:

>>>/jp/9540647 (NSFW)

I hope things will improve with this...
Not talking about AoC here but the main problem with the current one is that it feels like the only moderation that happens currently is when he wakes up and decides to delete 70% of the threads and is then never heard from again until the next time he decides to do his "job" a day later.

Also his current "I'll just delete half of /jp and be done with it" attitude only results in shitposting autists going into hypermode and creating more and more threads just to challenge the janitor.
The current janitors are just like that, but moot doesn't like it when 10 pages dissapear.

Cmon guys, you shouldn't need to have a 24/7 babysitter.
I loved AoC. Seeing him run rampant and leaving only one page left of the board at times was hilarious. It fit with /jp/'s culture of laughing at stupid shit.
The current janitor does a good effort considering the situation, but >>8663 is right. Moderation comes often "by blows" and it disrupts the board as much as the deleted posts ("autismal janitor just did it again", "u mad nsj"...).
Sometimes I wonder, if governments actually tried to tap the potential of people with autism, rather than pushing them along, what crazy things would they be able to achieve? And I'm thinking harvesting rooms full of autists in isolated computer rooms, cracking missile launch codes and things like that. They can just sit there for hours, days, weeks, doing menial tasks your average normalfag has no tolerance for with their short attention span.

If I ever become dictator of a nation one day, I'm going to start a few autism farms and use them to browbeat other belligerent nations.
I agree that it was kind of funny, but then you realize he deleted everything that was supposed to be posted.

Lol'd when someone went berserk at him when only one page remained one day.
I know we shouldn't, but we kind of do. The board is full of NEETs who really don't have anything better to do than spam their shitty threads all day.
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Moot says values autism in a janitor, so AoC was apparently the best one of all time.

(Note: That was a silly thing moot said. Autistic janitors delete a lot of posts, but only because they create more work for themselves)
>Cmon guys, you shouldn't need to have a 24/7 babysitter.

The posters need to leave. That's why many people want that new 2D/random board for them to shitpost there. Either you do that, or you go full autism mode and delete their threads seconds after they're made, maybe, just maybe, they'll get so frustrated they stop.
Yeah, ideally we shouldn't. The situation won't get better until the people who spam/shitpost are banned consistently for a while. The board desperately needs attention from a mod, not just janitors who can only delete.
In lieu of bans, yes we do.
There are threads posted on /jp/ with penises, which stay on the front page FOR HOURS and nobody takes care of them. The report function seems useless.

And it's not like it happens every so often. This shit is posted every single day.
Perhaps it gives a better placebo effect knowing that there is a 24/7 babysitter out there watching over us. Maybe then we'd be able to rest assured and take it easy.

Fight fire with fire, fight autism with...
Also, is it really just one Janitor or multiple ones at the moment? We heard a rumor from shitposter group that there were like 4 and they came to the actual group to chat with them about it.

Of course, ZUNbar the tripcode user was the one who said that. I don't know what to believe.

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