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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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can we either have a board for talking about porn or alter the rules for existing boards to allow discussion threads? if I try to talk about hentai anime in /h/ I get banned for not dumping enough images and if I make it in /a/ I get banned for posting porn.
/r9k/ usually has good discussions on porn/fetishes every now and then, and I think a lot of people would welcome someone coming in to make a topic that is "B'awww, I hate women, why don't they love meeeee?"
I haven't been to /r9k/ in a long time but I imagine they would just get pissy if you started posting naked anime girls
/r9k/ here, please do. I'm not even much of a hentai fan but it would make a nice change from what >>3400 said.

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I'd like to discuss something with you /q/ueers. I know it was mentioned previously, but /a/ has recently been overrun with shitposters, creating recommendation threads just to piss the /a/ crowd off. Why can't we just make rec threads bannable. And while I think about it, can we make "feels" "lel" and anything mentioning "jimmies" bannable as well? Just to help clean up the board.

Moderator Reply: >>3459
Just moderate your own board by not paying attention to these people. Even if they samefag with a million Boku no Pico replies, eventually they'll get bored (of that thread) and stop posting on it.
There is already a topic about this on /q/.
/a/ is at fault for being full of aspies.
Take it to >>692

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Would it be possible to have a counter in the threads that shows how close they are to deletion (how much they need a bump)?
1 post omitted. Click Reply to view.
It's called 4chanX.
This sounds like a good idea for an extension to have.
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My 4chanX does not have it.

Where do I find the option?

Your screenshot does not help. The only numbers visible are "+0 -4" (looking for new posts in 4 seconds) and "3 / 1" (3 responses, 1 image).
Good point. I was thinking about threads that are continuously saged by everybody and slowly travel towards the 404 despite the activity.
But you are right, it would also serve as an indicator of when your thread is out of the immediate attention of everybody's eyes.

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Roleplay board: /RP/

Seeing how both /tg/ (slightly) and /x/ (dramatically) drown in circlejerking roleplayer threads (Modern Life fantasy etc./ I'm a [insert random paranormal entity here], ask me anything, respectively), I suggest adding a roleplaying board to help removing these kind of threads from /tg/, /x/ and other boards.

I understand that the chances of this actually working out are rather dubious, specifically as the roleplayers on /x/ may not want to leave their board (as only the people of /x/ take them seriously), but it would give us a base for banhammering them, leaving /x/ with the classical illuminati disinfo agents, astral projection and all the other...things.

Regarding /tg/, I recall that the mods have actively banned users participating in obvious roleplay threads before, so /rp/ could give those people a new home. It may or may not serve as a platform for the much beloved and hated quest threads that often fill /tg/ despite of often being only vaguely related to traditional games and more to the people attracted by them.

While there also are some roleplayers on other boards, I assume that these are not interested in roleplay per se but simply are bare-faced old liars and should be taken care of accordingly.
didnt even read, /rp/ would be filled with cancer and it would be awful.
want to rp?
Go play a videogame
i can see this turning into a bad adult rp board.
I would vote against it because ... god no, it would be terrible
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To be honest, I would be entirely content if the mods would just banhammer the shit out of these people, but as far as I can tell, they largely don't give a damn, specifically not on /x/ which is filled with dozens of "I'm a three-thousand years old sparkly vampire and not at all a flaming attention whore, ask me anything" threads. All I want is to remove these people, by any means available.

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is this rule an inside joke?
333 posts and 17 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
I'm okay with ASR discussion being allowed so long as Bella/V.Juice discussion becomes bannable.
All in agreement say aye :3
i like my idea better
>You guys don't know what he deletes.

And you do?

>I'm sure

No you're not.
Every ridiculous rule should be removed.
>I've seen this throughout the thread and I'm curious why you guys are saying infected mushroom should lose his powers.
Simple. Because whoever is our janitor is doing a terrible job.

>You guys don't know what he deletes.
Everything he doesn't like regardless of the rules because he's driven by personal vendettas.

>I'm sure moot and the other mods can see what he's doing, and if they had a problem with it they'd talk to him about it.
I lold.

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ITS /b/ 3.0




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I'm sure the mods will be glad to help now that you've typed in all caps.
Protip, people are more likely to accept your opinion if you are polite and calm about it.
>Spamming of any kind is not allowed, nor is trolling.
>nor is trolling.


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a large percent of threads on /d/ are futa threads right now, killing any other topic that tries to show up. Can we either A) have a topic auto-sage after a couple days so that the futa spammer can't repeatedly bump up month-old futa threads or B) get a /df/ for only futa, leaving /d/ for things like bondage, slimegirls, and tentacles?

*Futa topics on /d/ atm: futa, photoshop futa, trap, chaste futa, public futa, sock futa, double futa, growth futa, futa, futa, doujin futa, neck futa, clothed futa, futa, futa, growth futa, futa, futa on male, dmitrys, futa size, cute futa, pussy futa, horse futa, futa, futa bondage, big futa, no balls futa, growth futa, double futa, miku futa, bondage futa, futa anal, bondage futa, futa with balls, futa, black futa, futa, normal futa, big boobs futa, futa comic, futa through panties, futa, schoolgirl futa, futa threesome, futa, futa, trap, poison, futa, futa, futa, pregnant futa, nintendo futa, anime futa, doujin futa, doujin futa, touhou futa, comic futa, blue skin futa, pov futa, balls futa, pregnant futa, big futa, soul caliber futa, self sucking futa, giant futa, pissing futa, futa.

it is harder to find what is NOT futa
This would be great. So great. I would be the happiest /d/eviant inthe world if if /futa/ was introduced.
I think the common response is that /d/ was created for futa, and while this is true afaik, it leaves people who like alternative material who don't like futa in a shitty spot.
>tfw when /d/ sized guys is ur fetish

feels bad man

Size fetishes are some of the most common fetishes you can come by and we only get maybe 1 thread every month that gets 404d rather quickly by futa threads.

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Isn't it a bit too barebones as it is? While "Rule violation" / "Illegal content" / "Spam/advertising/flooding" covers pretty much most of the things that should usually be reported, wouldn't adding something like a description box to it greatly increase its efficiency?
here you go
Oh. Oops.

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I was curious as to what the mods/moot think of off topic things on /sp/ during non sports hours. Things like power rankings, natural disaster "bowls" etc. I know it's generally accepted as a "culture" on /sp/ that off topic things are okay when no sports are on, and in my opinion it leads to some great discussion that may not always be sports related. Has it ever been a thing you guys have wanted to try and put to an end?
Do you guys try and stay out of the way of what is generally accepted by the community on the board?

Please respond.
Bump before I got to bed, would like to have some other people from /sp/ post in here to get their opinion on off topic threads too.

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3317 get

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I'm starting this thread to discuss moderation/janitorial options people think should be available other than just deletion/banning, and forms of automatic board moderation.

My suggestions:
A: Thread merging. Recently, several people have been complaining on /vg/ due to generals for less popular games getting pushed off the board by constant creation of new Starcraft 2 Generals. Very often the first two pages of /vg/ will have multiple SC2 threads going on at once. Since /vg/ by its nature is only supposed to have one active thread per topic, it would be nice if janitors could merge threads to allow room for other discussion without deleting threads.

B: I brought this up in one of the discussions about quest threads on /tg/, but it would be good for several other boards. I think there should be some sort of "bump slowdown" available to keep threads with short rapid responses from dominating the front page of slower boards. For instance, a setting to add a one minute cooldown between posts bumping the thread. Active threads will still be near the front page, but hyperactive threads wouldn't be glued to the top like a defacto sticky.
Bump before I go to bed.

Also, what is up with reCaptcha's reset speed? If I write something and read over what I wrote, I wind up having to type a new captcha half the time.

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I want to talk about Toonami in /a/.
Or have a weekly designated toonami general.

The regular /a/ community doesn't like Toonami; this doesn't mean it isn't anime-related. Yes, shitty dubbed casual anime for normalfags is still anime.
People shouldn't be going to the western animation board or the VIDEO GAMES board to find and post their Toonami discussions.
Look at the pokemon board. We had somewhere around half the threads on /v/ taken up by pokemon. They weren't sent to /co/; they stayed put in /v/, regardless of the bratty self-entitled populace, until an actual pokemon board was created.

/a/ does not have nearly the same problem with regard to thread volume, yet they bitch.
The situation pains me.
41 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
It's not like /v/ has anything to do with videogames in the first place
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Yeah.. you can't really force a subject.. as shitty as it is.

Then again, I gave up discussing good anime on /a/ ages ago. I never expected even on older /a/ dub anime discussion to be popular. Hell, I think even in the early days you couldn't get talk about Toonami / Adult Swim shows. And of course /co/ posters and even mods are pretty strict with postin animu there.

So.. SOL for Toonami threads I guess?

>>1395 /a/ doesn't have to like your shit anymore than /mu/ has to tell you -LinkinPark- is good
wait.. are you trying to say Linkin Park is not good?!
[runs off to room to cry]
The problem with "going somewhere else" is that then you have to deal with all the shit "somewhere else" entails.

I'm pretty sure the people wanting to discuss Naruto on /a/ don't want to deal with postcount dick measuring contests or moderator clique circlejerks.
Well, just as /v/ doesn't like discussing certain games, /a/ doesn't like discussing certain anime.
Namely Naruto.
If you want to discuss Naruto, there's a place for that.
Posting Toonami on /a/ is equivalent to posting CoD on /v/, asking for dumbell exercises to lose weight on /fit/, and as mentioned earlier, Linkin Park on /mu/.

I'm under the impression that the main thing that brings people to the boards on 4chan is a deep enthusiasm for the topics here. I get that anime is really niche and that most of the people on 4chan feel as if their time growing up watching DBZ, maybe even Fooly Cooly if you were feeling especially adventurous, are enough to make them anime viewers because of how niche it is, and have a reason to be on /a/.

But as far as /a/ is concerned, Toonami is casualscore and doesn't warrant a reaction from anime enthusiasts, which is what /a/ posters are.

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What makes IDs a necessity? They sort of ruin the whole be-anonymous, pretend to be multiple people inconspicuously for humorous purposes thing.

Administrator Replies: >>107 >>331 >>353 >>360 >>465 >>1209
307 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Not true and this is even worst.
The simple fact people can proxy up and thus change their ID's while samefagging will trick others into believing it isn't do to the differing ID's.

Sure someone would have to be dedicated to commit such an act but if done it would be a hundred times worse than it currently is.

And no I disagree in most cases samefagging does nothing and its quite obvious when someone is doing it. Besides that most people are highly paranoid and cautious of samefagging which is a good thing.
>And no I disagree in most cases samefagging does nothing
You should see the "weeaboo" game threads on /v/. Nothing but shitstorms mostly perpetrated by samefags. And it seems like most of the time people don't even realize it, since they respond to it, but I believe even some of the responses are just samefagging by trolls.

But I do agree with what you said about the proxies. I thought the same thing about the country flags. I guess the only real way to deal with the problem is moderation.
>I make rec threads on /a/ when I feel like pissing off aspies.
If you think insulting people who make recommendation threads isn't an enjoyable activity for /a/ssholes you are incredibly mistaken.
>those does

Also didn't you originally create /b/ as a "retard bin"?

It was only really good from 2004-2005, which was really about a year. Started going downhill in 2006, thought there was still OC created there. The board was completely dead marking the "Boxxy Civil War".

Now it exists for its original purpose, to keep the retards off the rest of 4chan
/sp/'s pretty good, as are many of the other boards still. OC isn't as prevalent as it was years ago, but many of the boards here are still great and I can actually have great discussions with people on them.

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What is the point of having flood detection when there are captchas?
Because users can still flood manually? Filling in a CAPTCHA is a 2 second job.
You can type really captchas really quickly, especially once you realize you only need to type one word of it. Flood detection keeps you from posting too quickly.

Also probably something about brute forcing captchas and whatnot.
One is to keep bots from spamming, the other is to keep you from spamming.
Or the other way round: What is the point of having captchas when there is flood detection?

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Dear /q/,

Some of you may remember how /b/ has worked at various phases of its life. One thing which sets 4chan apart from other chans, is the fact that we only possess one random (/v/, /r9k/ not withstanding).

Has anyone considered the effects of parallel Random boards?

(to celebrate /q/, here is a picture from /b/ of Australians trying to pretend that being upside down is funny)
Don't /v/ and /sp/ basically already do that?
/b/ is a quarantine board, that would go against its purpose.
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/b/ may function here as a quarantine, but what would a real /b2/ be like?

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