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Seriosly KSG doesn't even talk game itself anymore and they are still ciclejerking their personal blog about their lives, deviantart image dump garbage and doesn't discuss their mediocre game anymore. This generals should be purged and it is cancerous as fuck. Why is this fucking allowed? It is not even video games discussion for the Christ sake.
/v/irgin here

We tried telling you guys they were cancer but you didn't listen.
They're the mlp of videogames.
At this point it's just a quarantine. If it gets deleted they might just go away, or they might start bitching/bringing their faggotry elsewhere.
>their generals should be purged

Why would you limit the idea/existence of a topic because it goes off topic?
Threads should only be deleted if they are detracting from the rest of the board. They should not be deleted outright just because their topic could go in another direction.

>deviantart image dump garbage
Oh my, people are posting thread-relevant images on an imageboard. The horror.

KS was probably the most successful project that spawned entirely from 4chan, there are website banners for the game as well.

So let's sum it up:
-Mad as fuck
-Complaining about content relevant to the thread, and then complaining about off-topic content in the same breath
-Too retarded to read the rules where it says western VNs belong on /vg/

Keep crying bitch nigga
They STILL have threads about it? I mean I liked the game too but what the fuck do have left to talk about?
From what I hear it's pretty much turned into a chatroom.
The only reason the threads exist at this point is that they don't want to break up their community. The general threads are just about their lives and and fanworks at this point.
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/vg/ was started as a quarantine for shit like this, some good things may have grown out of it but it's still a quarantine.

Deal with it, at least they stay in their thread.
Same thing should happen to the sc2 generals.
Why the hell do you care so much? I don't care about KSG, and I don't particularly like the community either but as long as they aren't bothering anyone I'm fine with it.
UNLIKE mlp. For fuck's sake
Why? They're not hurting anybody. Filter them if they bug you so much that you just can't ignore them.
While you guys are at it, can you purge the LoL and SC2 generals as well?
Replace KSG with any other general in the OP.
By the way, you know who'd like crippled cartoon girls?
An 8 year old watching a handicapped episode of the magic schoolbus.
I agree with these they keep their shit to themselves there's no reason to bother them.
Give them an unlisted board, like those text ones.
Its pretty much Gaia at this point.
They just might like that, you are right.
What is Grand Strat?
What is Eve?
What is Dark Souls?
What is Day z?
What is Halo?
Honestly /vg/ needs to be cut down to like 15-20 threads so only the most popular shit/flavor of the month survives.

Remove it from the board listings, put a link to it at the top of /v/ and have all of the other threads go on /v/. This will break up all but the most dedicated circlejerks and just create a quarantine for them with the plus side of flooding /v/ with loads of video game discussion.
> No-one addresses these points

Seems like this is a severe case of "stop liking what a don't like"
Every general is like this. I dreaded them since fighting game generals on /v/ started to become tripfag circlejerks with that ema guy, and just spamming reaction images of some black guy that played marvel and street fighter.

I'd say /vg/ is just another quarantine board.
Really. Why aren't they banned when they create threads, and continue to post in them, on other boards? Like, hell, they have their own damn board for god's sake. This should really be enforced.
Why the fuck do you care so much.

I don't care for the game, but they're not hurting anybody.

If you're going to complain about any one general, at least gun for SC2 general or something worse.

What this guy said.

Any of the long lasting "cancer" generals develop a community around them. Nothing we can really do about it.

If you remove one of them, there is no reason not to remove all of them.
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It takes all kinds.

They stay in their general and don't go around spouting katawa shoujo memes everywhere. They are pretty polite compared to other fanbases tbh.
>implying SC2 general still talks about a game that was released 2 years go
>implying SC2 generals aren't just K-pop circlejerks
Oh please.
We all know that idiots from every community exist.
Ban the idiots, let the rest be.
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Don't like it? Don't read it.
It's mostly just spamming over live games
You're on 4chan, it's to be expected.

Especially when the major complainers are from /v/
The problem with getting rid of the KSG is that then you'd have the chance of the people in it spreading out to other threads/boards.

Let them have their thread, it's their own little /mlp/.
I think the reason they don't spread awful memes everywhere is that /a/ and /v/ told them pretty clearly to fuck off after enduring 2 weeks of circlejerking. Imagine if /co/ had done that for mlp.
This is the exact reason why Generals shouldn't exist.
If you keep talking about the same topic over and over eventually you're going to run out of things to say and everyone will start repeating themselves which is what drives them into off topic discussions because they completely exhausted their main topic.
Some generals will last longer than others due to having more content to discuss but in time they will all turn out the same way.
Im not saying to completely stop talking about the same games but give them a rest, theres no reason to have a 24/7 discussion on ANY videogame.
But they did.

Then MLP spread to /b/, and from /b/ to the rest of the board.

The only reason that KS hasn't done this is that the KS posters at the time had enough of a brain to NOT jump to /b/, and wait for a solution.
>Anyone on 4chan
>Acting superior to anyone else
Really now.
>generals shouldn't exist
Yeah, but they do, so we just have to deal with it. Clearly there's enough demand that people visit /vg/ every day.
Why get rid of KSG? They stay in their own thread from what I've seen. Just ignore them and quit your bitching.
>The only reason that KS hasn't done this is that the KS posters at the time had enough of a brain to NOT jump to /b/

Except when /v/ started to shitpost them off the board they did temporarily move to /b/.
That's exactly what I'm saying. When an MLP thread is created on any board that's not the MLP board, and people continue to post in it and what not, then ban them. They know perfectly well that they have their own board, when they deliberately do shit like this they should be banned, and they should know fully well that they could be banned for it and not bitch if they do get banned.

While KS generals do have lots of regulars, it seems most people just pop in and out a few times a week. Yeah, there are idiots who try and turn any thread into a chatroom. Honestly, with KS staying put in one endless thread, the only thing that is harmed is themselves. /vg/'s a pretty busy board, so at least some people seem to think the system is good enough for them.
If you have a problem:
1. Don't click on /vg/
2. Use a 4chan catalog so you don't see the thread on page zero
3. Don't open a thread if you see one
Not that hard.
There's some decent generals with nice little communities (Crazy, Rance, Neptunia, etc.) that probably couldn't do as well without generals.

They have their purpose.
Well, I was in the threads at the time, and we did ask if they minded us there for a day or two
Very true.
This isn't an argument worth shit against them, only against individuals not exclusive to their group.
It's funny because the major complaints I hear come from people who don't even like the topic in question anyways.
They're just complaining to complain.

Aka exactly what's posted in the OP.
He doesn't want to improve the thread, or have it moderated, he just wants it to vanish completely.
It's a quarantine faggot, if you get rid of them on /vg/ they'll disperse and shit up other places
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Yeah, and /b/ was alright with us because we stuck to our own thread and didn't offload our content into other areas.

You know, like most general threads are supposed to do.

KS fans have stayed in the KSG's for around 6 months perfectly fine now, there's no reason to go kick the hornet's nest wide open.

Unless you like getting punched in the dick for some reason.

Pic related, it's what will happen if you try to disturb something that isn't harming anyone.
Im not saying generals are entirely bad im just saying they should be posted a little bit less so they don't wear out and turn into a circlejerking chatroom that has nothing to do with the actual game like SC2 and KS already have.
There are a few generals that I actually like but unfortunately it seems like they could all potentially have this same flaw.

Do you have any idea how silly you are sounding, OP?
I only see the occasional KS thread on /v/, but it usually pertains to 'feels' rather than KS.
>insinuating that KS is even a video game
Exactly. In my opinion, /vg/ is proabably one of the best boards out there. People stay on topic, whatever the topic may be. And as off topic as the KSG can get, it always relates to the game in some way.

It's a lot fucking better than /v/ is anyhow. How many threads have I seen turn to "check my 6" or something of that sort in the last week alone is astounding.
> so they don't wear out and turn into a circlejerking chatroom that has nothing to do with the actual game like SC2 and KS already have.

So what? You're not forced to browse them.
So make a /vn/ board and never worry about it happening again.
It's a western visual novel. Which is allowed according to the rules of /vg/.
As everybody'd said, the general isn't much different from other common generals. I don't know why this is an issue, and if it is, then why the /vg/ board itself isn't an issue.
I find it hilarious /v/ has the audacity to call any other board shit, when they are most likely so much worse
crap[spoiler][/spoiler]awa shitjo is not a game.

Don't open that Pandora's Box again.

Don't even go there.
>/v/ kiddie gets told: the thread
Read the second part of my post
I don't want my favorite generals to go the same way as those.
And im sure there are other people on /vg/ that feel the same.
My main problem with these general threads shit is exactly what's been said already.
They eventually run out of shit to talk about and treat the fucking place like facebook.
Then bitch and whine when they are threatened that they aren't on topic, and that there threads on-topic since they've been here since the begginning.
Look at the pokemon general thread on /vp/, discusses everything EXCEPT pokemon.

Mods need to go into general threads and warn them: Discuss the topic or leave. Then start banning of off-topic replies if it continues.
If you want a community there's plenty of other sites out there.

You need to start posting in the generals again.

It's just not the same.
I don't think there's enough VN discussion to warrant a board.

People should just accept them in /v/ and /vg/ and stop bitching over stupid technicalities.
I'm not advocating the removal of the KS general. In fact it's quite the opposite: >>70092

24/7 generals are a bad idea and they honestly lead to nothing but off topic circlejerking. This is why /vg/ as it is right now is a very bad idea as it's done nothing but create tons of isolated "subreddits" while /v/ has been left to rot.
It's going to happen and there's nothing you can do about it.

Change happens. Live with it.
>I don't want my favorite generals to go the same way as those.
I really don't see what relevance that has to your argument.

Most of the shit is at least somewhat related to KS though.


You say that as if people don't post in more than 1 thread.
Question for the mods:

Does /vg/ generals allow for tertiary discussion?
Okay, lets say that did happen and mods started enforcing things.
KSG in particular has ALWAYS had "feel" elements to it, which boils down to personal experiences.
It might work for other generals, but KSG is so wide reaching you couldn't really moderate it down to only KS content.

>implying /v/ getting left to rot is a bad thing

Well, if people had just stayed to their own threads in the first place and not bitched and moaned about content they didn't like we wouldn't have had to split into 2 boards, now would we?

Keep it how it is, it's working fine.

The community will die out when it's time. That's all it needs.
Then time to ban eveyrthing else.

OC and the occasional new player.

That's pretty much it. It's hard to finely seperate the people who have been their for a long time and the ones who actually want to discuss it.

A mjaor problem is that most posters have been their since January and when discussion is brought up, they've become bored of it and don't respond to it, making the new posters feel a bit out of place.

While I agree somewhat; there is a point where we need to stop and we've either passed it or are passing it right now.
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Man seriously, why do you actually care if they're there. It's not like anyone BROWSES /vg/, they just use the catalog to jump to their favorite general and then never leave.

I mean really, what the fuck.
Unless you are actively a member of KSG, I'm not sure why you would care about how KSG works.
And if you are an active member, I'm not sure why you would be calling for the starving of side content in favor of dead horse topics.
My take on it is that fanon (writefaggotry, drawings) about the game are relevant enough.

It's inevitable that some generals will get off topic. As long as they come back to the topic of the general I don't care. Some of the more popular generals definitely have a problem with this, but whatever, as long as they're enjoying themselves.
You're right, and then /vg/ will be one of the worst boards

And Ironically they will have brought it on themselves.
Im not sure when exactly its going to happen, could be a few years, maybe even more than that but if every general becomes a 24/7 one they will all eventually run out of shit to talk about and be nothing more than a quarantine with the same people posting the same things every day.
Unless of course a bunch of new games come out that have so many threads that they become /vg/ material but then they are destined to the same fate as well.
It's a board for general threads, and you're complaining about a general thread? Why are you even in it if you aren't interested?
KS will die out on it's own, or be reduced to YMK status once the Jan 4th, 2013 passes.

Most of the posters have been their long enough and want to wait it out. Not to mention all the threads that will inevitably appear "REMEMBER THIS VN GUYS?"

>The community will die out when it's time. That's all it needs.
We were saying that in January as well.
To think that this will die out in time (or at least in any near future) is just stupid.
This. Seriously this.
The whole point of /vg/ is to be able to quickly navigate to a discussion about a particular game, or in this case, VN because those are allowed there.

If you don't like it, you can skip it, because it WON'T BE TALKED ABOUT ELSEWHERE. Much unlike other boards, for example /v/, where you literally can't escape someone screaming "HEY I'M GRUMP!"

Didn't /v/ get mad at people discussing certain games? Weren't we told to leave? Why are we supposed to come back now?

Eh. Or just delete. Ban seems a bit harsh unless they are doing it forever.


Most of the problem is that KS still has such an active community, a not insignificant portion of whom were there on release, as you say. That combines with the fact that KS has a lot less "play" to it for lack of a better word means that pretty much all of the discussion is meta.
While we're at it, why don't we ban anything, ANYTHING off topic in any other generals or boards. I'm sure there's not a lot of that, right?
Deal with it, just like it's been said, they're not hurting anyone.
Its called moderation
Something that everyone on /vg/ seems to lack.
And I'll even quote from KS for this one:

>"There was no time limit on the request. Just the request."

It's not clear how long it's going to be. It never was. That's the point. When it IS time - it will die. It was never implied that that time was soon.

Everything dies. This too will pass, but not for now.
>implying that's not the fucking point of /vg/

But hey, man, if you want to talk about Game Grumps and Anita fucking Sankerrisian or whatever her name is for the next 10,000 threads, go ahead.
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This thread seems to keep divulging into weird stab at /vg/ in general every now and then.

So is the "problem" lying with just KSG or /vg/ itself in just the way it is?

Then again how has /v/ really been since the separation anyway?
KSG stays in it's own thread and is just as on topic as any other long lasting general thread on /vg/. Take a look at fightan general, SC2 general, GW2 general, etc. It's all meta because constant general threads attract the same group of people every day. Sometimes they talk about the games, most of the time they don't.

Pretty sure that's exactly what /vg/ was made for.
Don't see what any of that has to do with /vg/
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Generals are fucking cancerous in general and should be purged from /vg/
I think the point is is that we shouldn't be calling for Exterminatus level moderation on /vg/ when /v/ itself has off topic out the ass itself.
Then new people come to the site, see a thread labeled Fighting Game General Thread, and every post in it is talking about how much they don't like Mexicans, they get the idea in their heads that they don't need to post high quality content on the board since evrything else is shit.

Just look at /v/ over the past few years.
While I find them annoying as well, the Anita threads are usually deleted, unless mods are lazy or offline.
/v/ is just as shitty as ever. What they lack in general threads they have made up in purely off-topic threads.
The only games /vg/ was meant to remove were the recurring general threads, the biggest offenders being SC2, KS, LoL and FGG.

Those threads along with the other flavor of the month shit can go in /vg/. However the current /vg/ is way too big and had the unintended side effect of taking away a giant chunk of the actual video game discussion leaving /v/ with nothing but feminism and "/v/ culture".

Only the topics that gain posts at a rapid enough rate that they're remaking several time a day should be on /vg/. There shouldn't be 24/7 threads about every video game ever because it guts /v/ of actual content and the threads eventually become stagnant circlejerks.

/vg/ was meant to be a quarantine board but it's had negative repercussions that could easily be fixed by reworking it so that it produces its intended effect and nothing more. 15-20 threads up at a time is more than enough.

And do you want /vg/ to devolve into the same games over and over for the next 10,000 threads with all the fresh generals being bumped right off of the board due to the popularity of the already established generals?

Its really up to you guys, you can either try to save yourselves now, or you can just continue to do what your doing and eventually become just as bad /v/. Its your choice.
And what argument do you have other than lel cancur XDDD?
no that's what facebook was made for
After the split, /v/ was really awesome for a couple of hours, then turned even shittier than it was before.
I would rather have pre-/vg/ /v/, generals and all, than the current dross I have to deal with, to be honest.
/v/ is basically /b/, but with slightly more video games and slightly less nudity.
The point of /vg/ is to talk about particular games. The point of /v/ is to talk about everything videogames.

You're saying /vg/ has a lack moderation, meaning they'll talk about the same stuff over and over again, while /v/ does similar stuff itself. Just replace the word "videogame" with "check my five", "game grumps" and other shit.

Furthermore, this entire argument of this thread is about something that can easily be ignored and isn't breaking any rules. It's "stop liking what I don't like".
/vg/ was made just to get all the terrible generals off of /v/. Deal with it.

This is about /vg/, not /v/. Im sure everyone here is well aware of the problems /v/ has, just because /v/ is worse than /vg/ it shouldn't be used as an excuse to deflect /vg/s problems
And we've yet to see how this is a problem. How does KSG do anything wrong? How is it negatively impacting /vg/ as a board?
Actually it's a fine reason to deflect.
As we have been told in the past, 4chan has a VERY limited number of moderators.
If we were to dump the resources into a /vg/ clean up the lengths of which some people are calling for, other places would have to be ignored.
That means /v/ would just slip back into GRUMPS and FEMINISM again
The don't stay on topic, just like LoL and SC2 generals.
Not necessarily, Moot is supposed to be hiring more Janitors soon.
Example being? The vast majority of everything in there does pertain to the game, at least in a secondary fashion.
How does that do anything to /vg/ as a board?
Each generals are like their own little boards. If they want to talk about whatever in their generals, it's not really going to affect anything but that general.

> with all the fresh generals being bumped right off of the board due to the popularity of the already established generals?
Planetside 2 General: 1109 posts about a game that's not even out yet
DOTA 2 General: 1041 posts about a game that's not even out yet
Guild Wars 2 General: 1007 about a game that's not completely out yet
Meanwhile, TES General and GS Generals can talk about upcoming games.

New, popular games WILL survive.
The people who like Katawa Shoujo stay in KSG.

The ponyfags spread their bullshit to other boards.

How the fuck are they even remotely alike?
Personal blogs 24/7 isn't fucking game discussion and it should stay on /r9k/ or /soc/.
bullshit. KSG isn't our problem anymore. It's /vg/'s.
Because hurf durf they talk about stuff I don't like.

I don't see how 10 posts out of 1000 can warrant the removal of a general. Most people who blog in KSG are almost always told to stop.
Because any fandom can be compared to ponies, twilight fanatics, kingdom hearts fangirls, etc.
Its still breaking the rules.
All posts MUST pertain to videogames.
If it's not /v/'s problem, then why is it that the vast majority of KS hate comes from /v/ these days?
The only thing I've seen /vg/ ever do against KSG was SC general spamming gay porn in it, but even they cut that out.
But we do have actual game discussion. It spams from time to time. We maybe arent discussing the game 24/7, but we do it several times per day.

Also, feels are part of KS. Because human nature to co-relate ouside things with inside thoughs.

> Its still breaking the rules.
Possibly, but:
> /vg/ has no anger towards the situation it's in right now
> other boards are breaking more rules
> other boards have more posters getting mad at rule violations
> nothing illegal or amazingly out there is occuring
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>bitch and whine about game generals for months
>moot finally listens to you and makes a whole seperate board for them
>they move to said board, leaving your board alone
>you follow them there and bitch at them for not being on-topic
So wait,
you're telling KS generals they have to go.
So they get shitspammed from /a/ to /v/ then to /b/, then moved into /vg/ where they are told to go.
Now that they are gone, and took a lot of your general vidiya talk with them, you are realizing what you lost even when you cut away this "cancer", and now wish to kill off this cancer in a retaliatory strike to what, get even?

No. All posts must pertain to something that pertains to videogames.

Secondary discussion is allowed, as per the /v/ sticky.
what's wrong with giving everyone a little niche for what they want to discuss?
There are 30 threads on one page alone, nowhere near as many constantly popular generals
Born and raised in Arkansas, Clinton became both a student leader and a skilled musician. He is an alumnus of Georgetown University where he was Phi Beta Kappa and earned a Rhodes Scholarship to attend the University of Oxford. He is married to Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has served as the United States Secretary of State since 2009 and was a Senator from New York from 2001 to 2009. Both Clintons received law degrees from Yale Law School, where they met and began dating. As Governor of Arkansas, Clinton overhauled the state's education system, and served as Chair of the National Governor Association.
This. I almost certainly believe this thread was created in the spirit of "I don't like it so it must go."

Which brings me back to the /v/ issue. Why should /vg/ be told to speak only about videogames while /v/ is just accepted to be a shithole.

Also this. Nobody on /vg/ pays KSG any mind because, surprise surprise, they're busy in their own threads!

This. 95% of KSG discussion is primary or secondary anyways.

>Let's talk about X girl
>Here's a fanfiction
>Here's a new drawing

>Hey guys I ran this far... I was inspired to run by the game!
>Hey guys what do you think about The Life of Pi... the book Hanako was reading in the game!
>Guys, do you have any disibilities... the subject of the game!

Because it apparently somehow forces posters on another board to shitpost.
because stop liking what I don't like
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Oh my god you crack me up. Go ahead. Go ahead and post two paragraphs. I'm sure that'll kill this thread really quickly
>not posting the infinite bakas
>Which brings me back to the /v/ issue. Why should /vg/ be told to speak only about videogames while /v/ is just accepted to be a shithole.
Because its called videogame generals.
If you guys want off topic discussion, maybe you should just have Moot turn the board into just Generals. But you might attract some unwanted threads that way.

> board called /v/ - Video Games isn't expected to have all threads talk about games, while a board called /vg/ - Video Game Generals is apparently required to keep every post on topic
>Because its called video games.
If you guys want off topic discussion, maybe you should just have Moot turn the board into just /b/. But you might attract some unwanted threads that way.
In KSG people talk about things they have done in their lives as a direct result of playing the game - how is that not related to a video game?
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They were going to quit once.

Funny how that turned out.
This isn't about /v/, stop deflecting. Everyone here knows how bad /v/ is now, if you want to talk about /v/ go make a thread about it. Or go find a thread already made about it because im almost positive someone did by now.
Clinton was elected president in 1992, defeating incumbent president George H.W. Bush. As president, Clinton presided over the longest period of peacetime economic expansion in American history. He signed into law the North American Free Trade Agreement. He implemented Don't ask, don't tell, a controversial intermediate step to full gay military integration. After a failed health care reform attempt, Republicans won control of Congress in 1994, for the first time in forty years. Two years later, the re-elected Clinton became the first member of the Democratic Party since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second full term as president. He successfully passed welfare reform and the State Children's Health Insurance Program, providing health coverage for millions of children. Later, he was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice in a scandal involving a White House intern, but was acquitted by the U.S. Senate and served his complete term of office. The Congressional Budgett Office reported a budget surplus between the years 1998 and 2000, the last three years of Clinton's presidency.
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>Let them brew on /a/ and /v/ for the first few days after release
>Suddenly, like mighty hammer crushing ones toe, GET THE FUCK OUT OF /myboardhere/
>drive them all the way to fucking /b/ where they were happy for a time
>Other shit goes down, /vg/ gets made, moot says they can have their generals there
>they do
>500 something threads and six months later
>they still haven't done a damn thing to anybody besides exist.
>nobody even has to look at them, just filter "Katawa Shoujo General"
>baww they are cancer! let's get rid of them!

You guys really don't think anything through, do you?
Live and let live, the only thing you're doing here is making mountains out of molehills.
>one comment
I highly doubt /v/irgins go to /vg/ and actually bitch about it, unless they're some sort of troll.

The ones on /v/ just use it as an example of why /vg/ is a cancer board.
/v/ thinks every board is a cancer board
I think they're just annoyed about the board changes

I know that I have no way to prove this, but it makes me feel happy inside that somebody saved my post.

Well it would be silly to screencap an entire thread.
You know that /a/ and /jp/ also hates them, not only /v/. There are sometimes conflict between Visual Novels generals and KSG.
/vg/ is a cancer board. At least that is what it was originally made for. There are some good generals on there but you just can't ignore the reason why it was originally made same thing with /vp/
Oh neat.

Tell me, were there others like you?

I basically left the threads by the time your post would have been made.
I remember that one. [spoiler]I love you[/spoiler][spoiler] but fuck your idea.[/spoiler]

Yeah, I remember that one. Nobody seemed to want to do it.
Now you're just generalizing.

We only think half of the boards are quarantines, huge difference.
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>This is what KSG posters actually believe
>This is what one KSG poster actually believe
Wait why are we discussing this again?

they aren't even breaking any rules.

there's already problems forming in /q/

I'm not deflecting. I'm just showing one example of a board, the most obvious one in my opinion, that doesn't keep every post precisely on topic.

But I see a post on /a/ where an anon is talking aboard ordering lube from China.
On /h/, it's someone talking about standing in a line at present.
/k/ - Post about homeless man with a cellphone.
/s/ - A Doctor Who reference out of nowhere

Apparently we need to get rid of all of these posts. What? They're part of a flow in conversation? No! Impossible!
>General has a few off topic posts
>"Let's get rid of it.

>Try and talk about videogames.
>"It's not the videogames I like! So no!"
>Sage, sage everywhere
>"C'est la /v/!"

>>>150766298 for evidence.
an asshurt /vg/an made this for god knows what reason.

Yes, and your refusal to help it sicken me.
there is no discussion. There is only "I don't like it" and "It's fine you're overreacting"
>an asshurt /vg/an made this for god knows what reason.

I have a horrible feeling that this is all that /q/ will ever be.
Spoiler tags would help right now.


I quit after posting that.
Some people quit it after that thread.
I think a lot of people stopped after the board split, though I have no tangible data to back this up with.


IIRC, it was about a 50/50 split between people who thought it was a good idea and people who wanted to continue.
I loved that thread. It was very... Inspiring, I believe is the right word.

Back on topic, I don't think we should do anything about KSGs in their current state.
They are no worse than any of the other /vg/ generals.
>>Try and talk about videogames.
>>"It's not the videogames I like! So no!"
>>Sage, sage everywhere
>>"C'est la /v/!"

/a/ does the exact same fucking thing and everyone seems fine with it.
I don't see why /v/ gets all the heat for that.
Seems to me threads on /q/ is basically turning into either
>moot Q&A
>"Fix what I don't like and if you don't agree with me you are the cancer"
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From what i see there are people complaining about it actually. and that's only from browsing /q/ out of curiosity.

Though /v/ is a hell of a lot busier then /a/ is as a board.
>They are no worse than any of the other /vg/ generals.

Exactly, and that was the whole point of /vg/ in the first place - to give people a place to discuss specific games in whatever form they take.

The idiots on /v/ didn't like having threads dedicated to specific games (for what reason I still don't know), and now that there is a board dedicated to that specifically they want to come in and dictate how it is used.

Seriously people, take moot's advice - if you don't like the thread, ignore it. If it is breaking board rules, report it and then ignore it. Otherwise, shut the hell up and move on.
/jp/ also does that if they see something they don't like. There are many communities on 4chan behaves like that. Mostly /vg/ can't handle the hate, because they can't handle any fucking criticism.
It's a brand new board. Give it time to settle into a standard. You can't say it's "turning into" something when it hasn't actually had a chance to BE something yet.
Well All im saying is that it stopped really being "4chan discussion" when /v/'s problems started getting fixed

Woah, was that a post almost completely off-topic?
Better shut down /q/, or at least insta-purge all threads complaining about /vg/.
you're trying too hard

Says the guy who sits in this thread for two hours because he doesn't like what other threads do.

This come up everytime I hear someone complain about /vg/. There are generally two things that go on in the generals I'm in:

1: Game Discussion (newfriends posting their experiences, oldfriends commenting)
2: Tripfriend Discussion (larger generals have more tripfriends, some bad, some good. But the tripper is known by the community. If they don't like them, they can hide the posts, if they do, they can talk to them

That's the jist of what I get out of /vg/. There's no dubs threads, no /v/ culture threads, no "hai gais" threads. The only boardwide problem is SC2 and perhaps LoL generals, but even those are usually contianed to their own (several) threads. If anyone could explain to me how this state of affairs is bad for /vg/ please inform me. I understand that gutting game discussion from /v/ doesn't leave much to it, but if all /v/ is going to do is complain about circlejerking when discussing games, I don't see why they should request a merger
Aren't you pretty much doing the same thing?
This isn't the only thread im browsing either since thats what you're implying, im posting in about 20 other threads right now I have nothing to do until my MGS4 save reaches 35 hours of playtime anyways.

My point is we're both here, trying to change something. Trying too hard.
Im just trying to kill some time really. I doubt that anything I post on this board will even be seen by a mod.
Unstoppable force, meet unmovable object.
Same here. Twice now I've had the misfortune of posting in a thread right after moot made a response, and then after that the discussion just collapses.

Dibs on force.
Threads like this don't need moot to collapse. Just look at this one - it started about Katawa Shoujo, morphed into a discussion about generals, then about how much /v/ sucks, and now it's about wasting time talking about wasting time.

Funny how that works out.
I still feel like this was a good thread though.
Its a nice way to just get this kind of stuff off of your chest even if it doesn't change anything. I also don't have to worry about seeing meta threads on /v/ anymore.
why do you care about KS? they keep to themselves on /vg/ unlike the ponyfags who spam every board. I agree though it has become more of a personal blog, but just let them be they never start threads on /v/ anymore

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