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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

/q/ is now open for business, and has already sparked a number of great discussions and changes to the site. Here's one on why 4chan doesn't accept donations and what you can do to support the site.

Are you a JavaScript wizard? We're looking for some help with a project we're working on. If you've got some free time and would like to volunteer, please e-mail dev@4chan.org with a bit about yourself, link to GitHub, code samples, resumé, etc.

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I don't care if there are millions of this thread, I'm going to be as straight to the point as I can be:

Moot needs to stop being such a stubborn nigger and accept donations, even just in the form of some sort of anonymous donation pot.

Accept that a huge amount of people in this awesome community want to help towards the life and upkeep of the chan.

Go back to how it used to be, but don't beg. Just put a little donate link like the settings link at the top right with settings. It's really not hard. Just stop being a stubborn pussy and accept the free money
>awesome community
Oh you.
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Just drive to that faggot's house and leave a pile of money on his doorstep.
I think maybe the real reason moot doesn't want to accept donations is that because then he'd feel like he owes the community something like "hurr I donate bux but moot doesn't do anything to fix 4chan/boards"
and you KNOW a lot of anons would bitch like that because they feel like they're entitled to something if they donate
>implying moot wouldn't hunt you down and reverse mug the money back into your wallet
Doghnuts won't help sustain 4chan, moot needs a reliable source of income. Doughnuts are not
Moot is the anti-jew.
inb4 people start robbing banks and donating the money to moot for 4chan

yeah this would go over well
I hope he continues to not accept donations, because I have never seen people so insistent about donating and so pissed about not being able to.
How about we cut out the middle man and just help moot rob banks?
it's simple, we kill the moot
And then shove money into his corpse's pockets.
I love this place, The amazing ideas that come out of this place are what should be fueling the world.
He's kind of paying us back with the site itself.

A big ass network of servers that support a few million people all screaming at each other at all hours of the day, every day of the year with only the occasional hiccup is a pretty amazing thing to be getting for free.

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