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All the posters on 4chan as of now are dropped onto these respective islands according to board. You have 10 minutes to grab whatever you can to carry with you on your person, hands, pockets, backpacks, whatever. How does shit turn out?Feel free to ask further questions about the islands themselves.
Requesting /fg/ - Forum Games section.
How's /ic/?

Aside from surrounded by it's best friends /i/ and /f/ and copious numbers of porn boards.

At least I'll have plenty of eye candy around.
I am a giant faggot, I used the wrong map. Here's the proper one. Replace /new/ with /pol/.
Nigga I cain't see shit on dis here map cuz.
/k/ forms a militia and takes over all islands.
The end.
/sp/ Immediately rows over and fucks over /r9k/ island. Then plots to find the island with the most and the best chicks.
When your ten minutes are up, you teleport to the island of the board you frequent most. Since 4chan receives visitors from all around the world, some type of time zone correction could be employed for everyone to arrive at the same time. In addition, it has not yet been decided what time of day teleportation occurs, though the Archipelago would probably be in early morning/afternoon, to allow for shelters to be built while there is daylight. The general consensus is that your inventory cannot be so heavy that it prevents you from walking. Most of us could not, for example, carry a pickup truck, but could more easily handle a bicycle. All items you wish to take with you must be in contact with your body and unattached to anything else; backpacks, laptop cases, purses, etc. will be teleported. A clock attached to the wall will not be teleported, regardless of its weight. Any object exceeding the limitations of Embark will be left behind. It's been suggested so far that people who have life-threatening diseases and conditions will be more or less miraculously cured upon entry, and traps and /t/rans/g/endereds will receive free sex changes to correct the unreasonably large Male:female ratio. Nothing has been said about aging, so it is currently assumed islanders will continue to age normally.
The main (and perhaps only) alteration occurs during teleport. Conditions such as Diabetes and Cardiac arrhythmia, which can have a large negative effect on a human's ability to survive, are cured outright. Any corrective devices, such as pacemakers, are removed. Missing limbs, digits, and organs are replaced, and function at an "average" level. Major inherited diseases, such as Hemophilia, are also cured, though this may not be readily apparent in some cases.
The basic idea behind The Leveling is to give every inhabitant of the island a fighting chance to survive, free from debilitating conditions and injuries that impaired them in the Old World. It could be seen as grossly unfair to take, say, a Paraplegic, and stick them in an environment where the closest thing to a wheelchair ramp is a Wombat. Each island has a very small cache of boats. These are the only way to get to the islands of other boards, as the distance is too great to swim. Islands in the sub-archipelagos associated with single boards are not generally outside of swimming range for particularly fit individuals.
The New World is host only to prehistoric plant and animal life; species that have little need for deposits of iron or gold. The natural resources present are nearly untouched and ripe for the taking, and even though the planet seems to be firmly entrenched in various prehistoric eras, there is plenty oil. Whether the embarking humans will learn to be efficient stewards of their domain remains to be seen. It also seems these islands are mildly volcanic, which could mean geothermal energy and supplies of obsidian will be more readily available.
Can /v/ be closer to /vg/? We'll forage a community out of the love of games and entertainment of all sorts and probably start our own olympics for the unfit, of sorts. /tv/ and /sp/ are welcome to come join the games, as long as /sp/ doesn't think they're tough shit and can start taking the resources of an island much bigger than them.

Anyway, a /v/ civilization would start with teams. Naturally, even when working towards the same goal, /v/ is going to want to form a dick-measuring contest out of it. Smaller teams taking on certain tasks will also help get shit done more efficiently.

With one large 'town' and many smaller 'outposts', we get to work culling our unproductive brethren. Many will be unwilling to work, socialize, or are simply unfit for many tasks. They will either be forced from our massive group or will be given the tools to correct themselves.

Some of the massive in-community problems would be our biggest plague. While we'd have a giant pool of competent people, we'd also carry what I assume to be the third largest pool of fuckasses, behind /b/ and /r9k/ (probably /jp/, but they'll be dead regardless).
/fit/ one of the smallest islands. That would be such a fucking sausage fest.
In terms of survival though it would be between /fit/ and /sp/. /cgl/ would get raided and fucked
Inhabiting the islands are
>Sambar Deer
>Mountain Goats
>Andalgalornis steulleti
>Haast's eagles
>Sea Scorpions
>Kelenken guillermoi

As the only fauna and:

>Cabbage Palms
>Red Mulberry trees
>Blackberry bushes
>Goa Bean
>Green Ramie
>Coconut Palms
>Sea Grape trees
>Live Oak
>Papaya trees
>Nippa Palms
>Chir Pines
>Black Tupelo
>Tamarack Larch
>Wild carrot
>Slash Pine
>Chinese swamp Cypress
>Smooth tree ferns

For flora
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Well shit! I mean closer to /tg/!!! Keep us as far away from /vg/ as you can!
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OP here, here's a better map. Just replace /new/ with /pol/.

Of course with the caveat that certain naturally sycophantic, more intelligent boards can be our bros, so long as they don't try any of their dumb brainy smartypants tricks on us or try to take r gunz. That means you, /g/, /diy/, and /sci/...sometimes it's good to have nerds for friends.
>/ic/s best friend
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>/new/ isn't a swastika
>/sp/ so small

it's one of the most popular boards by post numbers
>one of the fastest moving boards
>one of the smallest islands

So fucking biased.
/pol/ ends in a massive battle that kills just about everyone. The most racially pure aryan kills the second most pure aryan, cursing the jews with his dying breath.
It's representative of penor size.
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And it turns out the jews orchestrated the whole thing
OP here, as for the size of the archipelago
The figure is 9,437,184km^2. This puts a place like /tg/ for example at approximately 47,000 km^2. This also puts the known world at a considerably smaller size than earth (about 200 times smaller) how/if this affects gravity or if there is more uncovered map/ridiculously large amounts of water have not been explored.
I claim all the water for /sp/.

Come at us-Oh wait, that's right, you can't because we own the water and have imposed a hefty toll for any and all non-/sp/ maritime activities. lel.
>dat /a/
Hokkaido becomes the frosty moe region, and the south is the GAR islands. Tripfags get exiled to Okinawa (oh, wait, I guess on this map they'd be dumped into the ocean).
I can carry my gf and my survival gear. Maybe my dog as well. I've been lifting.
>/co/ on the map for once

We are still making a flying island regardless.
/k/ has guns.

Toll, you say?
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I land on the main /mu/ island.
I'm carrying a backpack with basic survival stuff and nothing else.
since the distances are so small I can swim to the smaller island on the bottom (pic related).
I arrive there and claim eternal ownership of it and it's renamed Trve Patriciania.
afterwards I can build boats and invite hot bitches over
>no /q/ island

Shit Tyrone, step it up.
Other fauna include:
>Woolly mammoths
>Eastern gray squirrels
>Virginia opossums
>Giant armadillo
I like to assume that /b/ is a hideous wasteland crawling with scorpions.
>Woolly mammoths

Everyone's fucked
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Have the latest map. /q/ is to the south of /tg/.
>Dama gazelle
>Dung beetles
>Elephant seals
>Blue-footed Booby
>Livyatan melvillei
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~ leatherman multi-tool
~ backpack with waterproof covering
~ army surplus sleeping bag with optional fleece lining, roll mat and w/proof bivvy - no tent required
~ thermals, mid-layer gear and w/proof shell - boots
~ two big bags of tobacco, loads of skins couple of lighters
~ first-aid kit and toiletries
~ machete, hatchet and shovel
~ couple of cans of food and noodles and a pot to cook in
~ bible

just so youz know; i'm not stuck on an island with you

- you're stuck on an island...with me


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