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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

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What was your best moment on 4chan?

Could be a get, could be a comic that was saved and reposted... and so on.

It's not a dick measuring contest.


Tapestries were pretty awesome, though it did not originate from 4chan.

I'd say the best moments were when people actually knew how to use Photoshop.
when i entered that dick measuring contest
I posted something.

And then someone thought it was funny.
The time moot randomly replied to my post in some random thread on /pol/ and agreed with what I had said.
When moot entered the Dota 2 general and asked where his techies was

At that moment i realised moot is a true bro
Two threads on /b/ that were archived discussing the position of 4chan traffic and anonymity in the greater picture of the internet.

~50 macros for the chubby thread, ~20 macros for the SMA thread, ~5 macros for the female foot thread, and a basic macro template that was used by pretty much every camwhoring thread on /soc/.
It was one of my first thread on /b/, I just saw the movie "The number 23" and pretended that I too saw this number everywhere
My post number ended in 23
Then someone in the thread saw that if you added all the numbers of the post number, it was equal to 23
After that people thought I was a mod/moot, it was fun.
I never really cared about GETs but still, what are the chances?

Also when I discovered that 4chan != /b/
I think I remember that exact thread, anon.
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I felt pretty pleased at the time.
It wasn't that well noticed because after the initial reactions the thread wasn't really bumped.
Definitely this one /fit/ thread where moot and I talked about New York and how cool it was. We basically agreed on everything about NYC and he was a total bro.

Close seconds are any amazing /fit/ or /v/ greentext thread. The greentexts on those boards are fucking amazing.
One of my favorite moments was a /mu/ thread I think two years ago, where /sp/ asked us to decide their official album with trips, and I posted ITAOTS and got trips

whole thread exploded and I laughed my ass off.

Other favorite moment might bethe ITAOTS listen along back in summer of 2010. That for me was the best /mu/ has ever been.
Reminded me when I tried to get the 117M get on /b/ with EFG.

Ended up getting 117,000,001
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The entire first night that this thing was created was great. I contributed one of the bakas and it just slowly took off.

Though now it's horrible because people won't let the fucking things die.
I actually got the 1 millionth post on the /cm/ board. I'm pretty proud of that
Not best overall, but best recent thing I saw was some thread about crouching on /v/. /v/ is fucking horrible and so are most off-topic threads, but that thread had me laughing in tears. Best thread I was in for quite a while on /v/.
Wasn't around for the 2010 thread but we had another ITAOTS listen along thread this year and it was glorious.
Really? I think I screencap'd it, it's a shame I have no access to my old PC right now.
also, take a look at your post number.
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I don't have a 'best moment' per say, I just love it when people repost things I've made, whether it was something photoshopped or a macro or whatever. It's especially nice when I see my stuff on other websites, too.

But seriously, I remember browsing a thread like it or that exact thread where everyone started trying to calculate to 23 using their post number.
When I used to browse 4chan on 2007. Everything was too magical.
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Those were fun threads indeed.
Chips Handon.

Yeah, I know it was a /b/ thing but that thread was fucking hilarious.
Never really had a best moment. Sometimes I really wonder why I come here. I feel like I'm the only one, or one of very few posters who don't shitpost, don't use fallacies as a way of arguing, don't act childish in general. Because I feel like 90% of my 4chan time is arguing or shaking my head at dumbasses.
I once did a generic 'profile' of /b/'s anonymous and came to find out later that it had been screencapped (multiple times...) and turned into a motivational (Holy Shit / Are You God?)

It's amusing when you cast something out into 4chan and people actually preserve it.
Any E3 with /v/.
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see image

aged aswoula
The first time I actively participated in creating something beautiful.

The Necromputer. A working, Turing complete computer made entirely out of skeletons.

It was so brilliant and showed me that creativity is alive.

Never left /tg/ after that
When people watched my Pokeman stream :3

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