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So it's pretty well known by now that 4chan as a whole is an extremely misogynistic site. Some boards much more than others, of course. But in places like /v/ or /r9k/ it's so very prevalent that it's becoming hard to ignore.
Let's take /v/. I've not had a chance to look at it much over the last few days, but /v/ has always been filled with extreme disdain for anyone female, be them an imbecile like iJustine, or a developer like Jade Raymond. This in itself is not a problem, but all the posts expressing hate for women are. /v/ would get absolutely bogged down with threads about how much they hate some bitch on Youtube the OP found, or there are endless posts discussing how women are vile soulless creatures in all the "no gf" threads. Thankfully, we won't have those any more, but I doubt the misogyny will go away that easily.

Another big issue here is harassment. /v/ has been very eager to harass women in the past, and doxing and calls to raid them have been common. Hepler was one victim of this. Of course, this is against the rules, but the mods would rarely delete such threads/posts and it's still too widespread to be a problem solved by deleting and banning people.
I know all the misogyny was one of the big reasons moot shut down /r9k/ before. Obviously, that was the wrong way to handle things. I'm not about to propose that we start censoring people either. But clearly something needs to be done. I don't like coming to 4chan and feeling like I'm in some men's club where we get together and discuss how women are such bitches and whores.
At the very least, I think threads that are blatantly misogynistic from the start should be deleted. Breeding misogyny on the boards shouldn't be supported. This isn't to discourage negative discussion of women in any way, but to put an end to the pointless threads about how women are so awful and how much we hate them.

What are your thoughts, /q/? I'm hoping people aren't going to say this is a non-issue, because the misogynistic mindset on 4chan is both offputting and concerning.
just stop it
People on 4chan are more misanthropic than misogynistic.

How about make a misogynistic board.

Then all the people can complain about women there and you don't ever have to go there and look at it.
We already had this fucking thread. The conclusion was, and is, that attempting to regulate this shit only makes the problem worse.

>/v/ has always been filled with extreme disdain for anyone female
/v/ likes, among others, the women who wrote legacy of kain, kings quest, and the rance series.
Yoy can't ban misogyny, just like you can't ban racism, religion-hate or other similar attacks.

Just suck it up, and don't worry about what you see on the Internet.

4chan is NOT a social construct, and neither is the rest of the Internet. You can't ban thoughts.
/v/ only hates women that take advantage of their gender/smack you in your face with it.

You can't post Rance on /v/. Or any VN, for that matter. Yur /v/ culture, asshole.
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Where do you think we are?
Which would be anyone they hear or see.
>neo pseudo-feminist comes on /q/ to complain about misogyny

Listen, womyn, you can't limit things like misogyny or racism or things that aren't PC because they hurt your feelings. 4chan is supposed to be a website where anyone, regardless of what they think, can come and talk about whatever they'd like without having fear of being punished.

The thing is, most of /v/'s hatred of women is not misogyny. It's hatred of specific people. Just because someone is disliked and they're female, it does not mean they're disliked *because* they're female.
>you can't post Rance on /v/

are you saying the ones who come up with new ideas and rules should only be people that visit 4chan and no other sites?

Stop using this as a way to solve things. It's not gonna happen.
Where do you draw the line, OP? 4chan has always been about the freedom to express your opinions, no matter how terrible normal people might judge them. About the only time such posts should be deleted is when the poster is trolling.

If you don't like it then perhaps 4chan just isn't the place for you. Sorry.

i'm saying that if you want SRS or SA or OHI you should go there and stop trying to inflict your values on us
>Just because someone is disliked and they're female, it does not mean they're disliked *because* they're female.
Because no one on 4chan has ever gone off on a fucking tangent about how they don't like women?
>You can't post Rance on /v/.
You serious? Well, it always turns into a "Is it rape?" thread, but it never gets shitposted in.
Please delete this thread and get out of my secret club
Rance is vidgem, dumbass.
I don't know about OP, but I'm not from any of those sites.
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VN =/= Video gaem
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You know, maybe the whole "we just want rid of the misogyny" spiel would carry a lot more weight if we didn't have at least five people in EVERY. SINGLE. THREAD. where a woman woman gets taken to task verbally screaming "that's misogyny, you only hate her because she's female."

It's not even cliche anymore, it's a fucking joke on the level of PS3 has [spoiler]NOGAEMS[/spoiler].
Yeah, nice strawman. It excellently exhibits the fact that you have no fucking argument.
>People not nice to me waaah waaah baby gonna cry
White Knighting should be considered shit posting.
It is shitposting.
The problem is just how hard it is to sort of facetious posts from the serious ones.

People say a lot of shit on 4chan that they don't truly believe. People also say a lot of shit on 4chan that other people will never even read or acknowledge. Sometimes, a person will embellish or exaggerate an opinion or thought just to get a rise and a response from the other posters.

Will get a hell of a lot more of a response than,
>Well, not all women are bad, and I'm sure there are some good ones, but I've had a lot of bad luck in life and I'm not feeling so keen on pursuing a relationship... blah blah blah etc

The only solution would be to enforce some sort of civility policy that forces us to talk to and respond to each other in a calm, constructive, and polite manner, but that shit's not happening. It just isn't.
i believe that was sarcasm. in any case OP is a faggot.
another bleeding heart that got her/his feelings hurt
>Because no one on 4chan has ever gone off on a fucking tangent about how they don't like women?
It sure as fuck doesn't happen with the intensity or frequency you people pretend. If it were up to you every single women who'd been told off for being retarded would be an example of misogyny. Like Hamburger Hepler.
I was more joking about making another board.

Look, there will always be people who will vocally be angry at women, and they have all rights to say how much they dislike them. Am I agreeing with them? No. But this is one of the few places they can actually say what is on their minds without people freaking out on them about how they are bashing women and they're evil for doing so. They're just angry, frustrated people who have had bad experiences with people. The issue for them is mostly how they can't get over bad experiences and just use it to brood. This can happen with a lot of problems, not just hate on women, but religion and race as well.

Of course when throws a thread to being completely off topic then that is an issue.
I've been here since 2004. 4chan has always been misogynistic but it has gotten far worse in recent years. It used to only be /b/ and later /r9k/ that were notably misogynistic but now many boards share the mindset.

As I said in the OP, I'm not out to ban any posting that's negative towards women. What I want is to try curb it down a little, by at least removing the pointless threads we see that are purely existing for people to trash-talk women. The difference between starting a thread with the intent of discussing, say, a female developer, and starting a thread with the intent of calling a female developer a whore the entire time.

>The thing is, most of /v/'s hatred of women is not misogyny. It's hatred of specific people. Just because someone is disliked and they're female, it does not mean they're disliked *because* they're female.
No, it's really not. I can justify hating, say, iJustine. Anyone can by seeing one of her videos. But you only need to be on /v/ for a few minutes to see people calling any woman they see a whore, regardless of who they are or what they're doing. Or /a/, where 3DPD and all real women being sluts has stopped being a joke to them.
Indeed, but videogam == vidgeyam
>No, it's really not
And who cares *even if* you were right?

Let's imagine, for a second, that we're in bizarro-land and you're actually correct about this.

Who cares if anyone on /v/ is truly misogynist? Let's imagine that *all of /v/* is misogynist.
What is the problem, exactly?
It's been told many times in this thread. 4chan is a place where people can have unpopular opinions. People don't have to self-moderate, they can truly say what's honestly in their mind at all times. If that happens to be misogyny, who the fuck are *you* to say that it's a bad thing because you disagree with them?
Misogyny is just another opinion. It's the same as something like

>How to deal with 4chan's hate towards a game I like.

Listen, I agree with you on /v/. Not because it's misogyny, but because it creates really low quality discussions that hardly have to do with video games. The board started talking more about the industry and its surrounding drama more than video games a few years ago, and that's definitely disheartening.
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This. If 4chan started banning people because of butthurt, there would be no 4chan left.

So, OP, just deal with it.

> where 3DPD and all real women being sluts has stopped being a joke to them
That's because it's true.
To them, according to their definition of slut. And you know what? I say they're entitled to have their opinions on how the overwhelming majority of women they encounter act. I've done readings on feminist sites, and let me tell you that they'll just as easily drop the "bitter virgin" bomb as people here will drop the terms "whore" and "slut." it's how people use language, and unless you find a way to change everyone across the board (not imageboard, but the whole metaphorical board of society), you'll still see people stretch definitions.
Oh god OP, that is the dumbest shit ever. Just stop.
ITT: "something offends me so everyone should have to conform"
everyone I know what to do

ctrl + w

all the misogyny gone!

also we don't give hate to people who don't deserve it.
Vidya Novel is not video game novel. Makes perfect sense. Except that vidya = video games.

>words words words
You ever think that namedropping people in the OP if they're admittedly NOT what you're talking about? Because it makes you look dishonest as shit when you mention them to get peoples gears going and the do a fake "but that's not really what I'm talking about" backdown.
/v/ dislikes more men than women.

Why can't someone not like a woman? They don't hate ALL women, which is why there's so much fucking >tfw no gf.

Some women are asking to be not liked by certain communities, but so are a shit ton of men (IE Notch, dumb youtubers, Bobby Kotick)
>op is a white feminazi
>how do i know dis
>she wants to ban misogyny rather than racism

fuck you op
4chan-roody-poo reporting
Are you the same retard from yesterday asking for a feminism board?
Because it's still a retarded idea.
I haven't done that. I might not like iJustine but that doesn't mean I want to see threads about what a stupid cunt she is, and how all girl gamurrrs are retarded attention whores.

>also we don't give hate to people who don't deserve it.
Nyanners. /v/'s been harassing her and her family for over a year. For what? Making a video or two related to 4chan?

Again, I'm not saying anyone should be disallowed their opinions on a person. But you don't see people posting about how all men are worthless and guys can't play video games. A man on camera isn't instantly accused of being an attention whore and given no credit.
There is hate for specific people, but there is further underlying hate for women prevalent in 4chan. This is the problem.
No. I agree; that would be a retarded idea.
This board was a terrible idea.
Guess what? As we speak there are people that hate you and want you dead for being whatever the fuck it is that you are. Get over it. It's like that for everyone.
Because it's fun.
You seriously want to turn 4chan into a goody good boy. Fuck you.
4chan has ruined many lives and it shall ruin more. Cry more fagget.
By the amount of text i see i'd call it a troll but on the other hand there are really female people on 4chan and you never know how retarded they might be or have gotten.
Anyways, no. Racism, misogyny, antisemitism and so on belong somewhat to 4chan and if the majority of /v/ is like this, you have to accept it, rather than censoring their toughts, at least these people make up the board, not a single analfrustrated female subhuman, who does not even contribute to the board.

(yes, stron wait racis in here)
And this shit right here is a prime example of what we shouldn't be allowing on 4chan.
What if people like OP joined Fight Club?
iJustine actually is a retarded attention whore and a stupid cunt though. Have you not watched her Portal 2 videos? She couldn't understand the concept of portals after about 7 minutes. On a one-portal puzzle. Bitch's a complete idiot.

And I don't give a shit about femanons, they are what they are. If your posts are decent quality and aren't complete shit, you're more than welcome to scamper around threads for all I care. Sexism can get annoying but it's not like you can change a board as huge as 4chan when sexism is practically part of our heritage.
>I haven't done that.
So hepler, raymond and ijustine forced their way into the OP? If we take away the shitty halfbaked idea that they're singled out for being female as opposed to being horrible we're left with bitching about no gf and raids, both of which are against the rules. Why the fuck include this shit when it only serves to obscure your argument?

BONUS CONTENT: I browsed /v/ for a few minutes like you said and didn't see any mention of women at all.

But he was right. When did you get here, last week? It's hilarious that you think shit's gonna changed because big bad /v/ was making fun of you. There are much more important things to discuss and deal with than your butthurt and tears. Momma Mootles ain't gon' change shit. And like>>65077 said, they don't go out of their way to talk about the mean ole' wimminz on /v/.
> holding 4chan up to a higher standard than the rest of the Internet
4chan isn't going to ever be a beacon of equality. What it can be is a beacon of free-thought under anonymity, and sometimes free-thoughtlessness. We live in a world where even women harp on other women for being attention whores if they wear clothing that's a bit too tight. We live in a world where women will actively warn each other about how men who have no sexual history must be "creeps." Do you think against all these things, it will be 4chan leading the charge?
We can change the culture of the boards, thus forcing you out. Let it be known that hatred is not welcome here.
No, no you cannot.
>I might not like iJustine but that doesn't mean I want to see threads about what a stupid cunt she is, and how all girl gamurrrs are retarded attention whores.

Hepler and Raymond are related. There's plenty of male devs that say stupid shit but do you think any of them got as much flak from /v/ because of it? Do you think male devs had their dox spammed on /v/ with calls to harass them when they made a stupid comment, like Hepler did?

You're seriously supporting harassing a girl and her family for fun?
You can change the culture, yes, but you don't do that by going "SHUT UP YOU'LL BE PUNISHED" it doesn't work that way.
>Let it be known that hatred is not welcome here.
Wow, I thought I'd never see that series of words here. Get fucked, ``faggot."

I agree, but I honestly don't think it's THAT bad. The internet is primarily populated by males, and there will be a large population that dislikes the other sex.

The anonymity of 4chan helps foster the feeling of self regulation though, so, a lot of the posters who are butthurt faggots will get called out on it. Freedom of speech shouldn't be banned, and disagreeing about opinions shouldn't, but stupidity is heavily frowned upon.

The only problems are that many people have a false consensus about their opinion, and some people are raidfags. Moot attempted to deal with the harassment issues with early /b/ by banning the camwhores but eventually he stopped as Ga1a/Habb0/Stick4m/Mysp4ce raids brought in a bunch of butthurt narcissistic faggots and then /soc/ was developed with a rule to not post other peoples images/information. The cp/racism/gore that was an attempt to rid of "cancer" yet it only brought on more people who barely lurked and thought that was normal behavior and deemed it edgy -- this is what I believe is your issue in that people might start internalizing negative behaviors since most people are retard.

But, I digress, and I disagree with your position and do believe it is a non-issue because the community self regulates and removing a symptom does not remove the problem. Furthermore, actually removing people who believe such would only reify the butthurt that people feel and create more trolls. I would posit that 4chan is less misogynistic than Redd1t, contrary to conventional wisdom.

I'm indifferent to a majority of things, but I personally disagree with personal raids -- not your personal army. I posit that raids are what killed 4chan (then demotivators). Rules 1 and 2 pertains to raids.

>tl;dr 4chan is a moderately self regulating anonymous board and should stay that way, it's unfortunate that people are ignorant
>OP is a faggot
A new low for 4chan.
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Oh gawd, I know you are a shitty troll but srsly, you make me rage so hard.
Is that a fucking threat?
Is he fucking threatening me?
Oh that does it, now I'm piss for real motherfuckers.
Yes. Yes I do. In fact, can you direct me to this thread that they bullied this young lady on?
You're full of shit, the only women /v/ complains about are attention whores, morons, and scammers.
Not to be a cunt-flapping, dumb, HURR DURR I'M A GIRL slut, but the misogyny is an integral and precious aspect of 4chan and, as a female, it doesn't bother me in the slightest. Hell, I'll partake in slut and attention whore shaming now and then, too. And if people truly find they have problems with it, well, then it weeds out the easily-offended idiots. Frankly, it's a win-win.
Judging by http://catalog.neet.tv/v/ , at present we have:
One thread about geekgirlcon, with only two replies
One thread about why girls get Zelda tattoos
That's it right now with regards to mocking women. With good moderation, off-topic posts on that board are automatically gone. Singling out misogyny is idiotic and a waste of resources. It's not as prevalent at present as you'd have us believe.
>internet primarily populated by males
it's actually pretty much even.

men usually have a 2-3% larger population but by pure statistics the internet is occupied by both sexes equally.
This girl knows where it's at.
Im going to have to agree.

The culture boards are made to entice culture. If the culture that leads is mostly misogynic. Than that means 2 things.
1.Lots of people are misogynistic, but deal with it.
2.Women are actually bad.
This is how feminists and liberals in general actually work, and it's horrifying. They actually say things like this. They believe that it's actually necessary and good to brainwas people and silence the opposition until everybody acts the way they like, and they openly discuss it. They use nicer words the brainwash and silence, words like "educate" and... well, they just call the opposition crazy lunatics, assholes and retards so that nobody wants to associate with them. They do this with absolutely no shame, and they teach classes in college and school about why this stuff is actually really good. I hate that they're like this, that this is happening, and I wish there was something I could do about it, but I'm just one faggot.

If I have children, they will live in the shittiest world ever. They won't be able to laugh or fight or call each other names, or hit on girls, or own guns, or jump around, or believe what they believe, or act masuline, or talk shit, watch violent movies, play violent games, read books with intolerant messages, but at least they'll be able to be gay or have a sex change so everything's okay in the eyes of these people. I hate them so damn much.
You need only look at any thread she is mentioned in, for they would normally turn into shitposting threads involving posting her dox, spreading rumours, and harassing her through any number of means.

It's amazing that there are people saying "/v/ only hates women who deserve it" while at the same time we have you in this same thread directly contradicting that and supporting harassment like some faggot from /b/. Nyanners is really the perfect example of /v/'s misogyny.
Nyanners hasn't let 4chan effect her at all. She's a channer too, apparently, which probably says something about how much she loathes the boards. "TFW no gf" threads are probably more directed at specific dames rather than ladies in general, too.

Statistically 4chan's male dominated, with no children, 18-24, has a college or lesser education, and browses from home or school.

The internet hate machine, amirite guise? Do I fit in yet?
And this is a problem because?

Like racism, deal with it. This is 4chan it's not Christian forums online. Fuck off back to reddit if you want that.
>Hepler and Raymond are related. There's plenty of male devs that say stupid shit but do you think any of them got as much flak from /v/ because of it?
Yeah. Even stan woo got it p. hard and he was just a mod. But even he didn't say shit about wanting to get rid of video games. However, bobby kotic said something similar, and got shat on so hard he ended up coughing up some clarification to the gaming press.
>Do you think male devs had their dox spammed on /v/ with calls to harass them when they made a stupid comment, like Hepler did?
I haven't seen anyone doxing hepler. Then again I haven't seen anyone doxing nyanners. Did this shit happen in the /v/gas?

Now now little girl, don't you remember that you're completely helpless? Let Aunt OP keep you safe, because it's impossible for a woman to feel strong without me. Remember that you're always a victim.
Motherfuckers, you better read this post. Proper moderation will remove the problem, and any "the big mean man called me a whore :'(" posts should be disregarded.
Direct me to one, I can't find it.
Welcum to oUr sekrit club!
Not really. I am very much against coercing 4chan into being a vapid hugbox.

Seriously gtfo. Most posts saying "tits or gtfo" are jokes and going "but dat hurts da wimminz" is retarded. Saying jokes can cause misogyny is like saying vidya gaems can cause violence. I agree a thread should be deleted when it turns into a bitter virgin fest but getting your panties in a twist over something that's most likely a joke or troll and crying for it to be banned is childish and 4chan isn't your hugbox.
That's the way I see it. People complain that /pol/'s too right wing or racist or anti-semitic and tons of other things, when it's basically a board where people can just say anything without having their thoughts repressed. The right-wingers tend to win arguments there.

What the fuck does that tell you? If your answer is "this place is full o' jerks", then ur a fukin faget.
It's called /r9k/. It seems to serve no other purpose.
>I haven't seen anyone doxing hepler. Then again I haven't seen anyone doxing nyanners. Did this shit happen in the /v/gas?
Hepler's dox were posted and calls to raids were made repeatedly for weeks following her comments about wanting to skip the gameplay in games and the following backlash.
Nyanners' dox have been everywhere since the /v/gas. Odds are they'll show up in any /v/ga thread and certainly in any shitty thread about her. It's not an isolated incident. Ever since then her dox have been posted repeatedly. You won't see them on foolz since they actually delete dox posts, but you'll still be able to see all the posts that talk about it and talk about harassing her.

4chan is not your mother, not your Governmental Communications division, not yours.

If you dislike what you find on this site, then leave, find a substitute, go elsewhere.
I see misogyny on 4chan as being on the same level as vector faces on shitty meme sites as far as annoyance goes.
The idea is run into the ground until the arguments and generalizations in one thread are identical to ones in previous and future threads.
I don't think the main issue here is offending anyone. I think it's just annoying to see it fucking EVERYWHERE every day.
It'd be nice to start a thread on /r9k/ without it turning into woman-hate general. The board is ruined. /v/ is on its way to the same thing.
Nyanners? Everybody was swooning and never shut the fuck up about her sometime in the past year or so. I guess people just got fed up... sucks to be her
>I agree a thread should be deleted when it turns into a bitter virgin fest

Then we're in agreement. The rest of your post is not what I'm wanting.
There's a difference between /a/ going hurr 3DPD and /v/ going GOD DAMN FEMINSTS RUINING WOMEN AND OPPRESSING MEN

The hilarious >>>/kitchen/ joke has created an echo chamber where it's safe to vent your stupid reactionary opinions without fear of criticism, because anyone calling you out will be promptly assailed with calls of "womyn" and "feminazi". It's really fucking annoying watching thread after thread turn into neckbeards airing their persecution complex with no humour or self-awareness, instead opting for reddit-tier rants on the evils of feminism.

As is so frequently stated: if you act like a retard, real retards will think they're welcome, and then they will take over. We're watching that happen now with the various echo chamber boards on 4chan, and they are getting positive reinforcement and spilling out all over the place.
Shouting down the opposition and being willfully ignorant of facts which disagree with your worldview does not equate with winning the argument, dumbass. All sides are guilty of this, but right-wingers especially are responsible for the shittiest posts on the board.
Still haven't found this thread. And anyway, who the hell is Nyanners and what does she even do?

You can't always get what you want.
>The board is ruined.

For you, not for me. Deal with it.
just out of curiosity, how long have you been here?

Be honest, there's no need to lie.
The good news is that it's just as easy to fix the problem as it was to create it. When we stop acting like retards people will see that the boards are not places for retarded misogyny, The ripple effect will reverse the previous negative ripple effect.
New CWC.

Nyanners is a psychotic weeb that /v/ jacks off to every now and again.

My apologies, I didn't clarify what "internet" meant. Yes, the internet as a whole is populated by both sexes evenly and all by all ages, your source is about social media and women populate F4cebook/7umblr/and P1nterest in a vast amount, to be sure.

If you look at sites like 4chan, even though I cannot substantiate it with hard facts, even if >>65191 provided an Ale xa statistic it is guess work at best; I would still posit males are a domineering force in this community and many similar humor oriented websites.

There is a poll which I cannot cite that even women who peruse the internet will presume who they are speaking to is male, it's just a sad perception. Regardless, "misogynistic" thoughts will linger in OUR society, not just 4chan.

But to reiterate a point, disliking women's, especially specific celebrities on the internet is not "hating women" and I don't believe OP should conflate the two. I agree though, that needless unsubstantiated/unwarranted hate is just wasting braincells. Even neonazis would fit better in normal society if they just dressed normally.
Well then I guess we are. As long as you're not one of those "NEVER JOKE ABOUT TITS OR VAGINAZ CUZ DAS SEXIST" idiots then fine. In this case it's more of a "We need better moderation" type thing because like I said a lot of those posts are jokes and banning someone for joking is bullshit.
Why is this a problem again?
Not really, the opposition just gets shouted down. When the opposing view gets frustrated by the willful ignorance they begin to scream "told" "yo got told" "I win, you're so told".

It's the problem with hivemind. Also, people think that is the highest form of trolling, which I disagree with.

Trolling is actually a art.
>(yes, stron wait racis in here)
You just went full retarded.
Well according to ED, the Hal Turner raid happened in 2006, and that's around when I came to this site. I don't know what in that post makes you think I'm new? Perhaps it's because you think 4chan is the place for lulz so edgy xD shitposting?
/v/ only hates women that take advantage of their gender/smack you in your face with it.
/v/ only hates women that acknowledge themselves women on /v/ when no one cares about your fucking gender because /v/ it isn't /soc/ or /b/.
/v/ hates attention whores, thus it hates 90% of all the women that walk on this planet today and 100% of all tripfags in existence.

>misogyny on muh chainz

How about you deal with it, whore.
In a way, I agree that someone shouldn't feel threatened by 4chan because of something they cannot control like Gender or Race.

But at the same time, If we started moderating racism and sexism, one of the last bastions of Free Speech on the Internet gets neutered
When their world view is "Jews lie 100% of the time", and you post something written by a Jew saying "That's not true, you're an anti-semite", you're probably not going to get anywhere.

And I hate to be a wikipedia latin faggot, but 95% of what liberals seem to do is appeal to authority and ad populum. I won't mention name-calling, because that's fun for both sides to do.
I actually love mysogyny threads, because they strengthen my resolve to *NEVER* trust a female again.

Then I remember most males are controlled by females.

So it fuels my survival and emotional balance.

If possible I, for one, want more women-hate threads.

This is wrong. It starts off like that, but /v/ aren't even aware of how misogynistic they are when they get into one of their sexist circlejerks.
One thing i feel attracts alot of what you'd deem misogynistic behaviour is the needless narcissitic behaviour of all those females posting, who specifically let it be known. "Femanon here" is easily the most annoying pair of consecutive words on this site, and yet some females posting feel the need to propogate the fact they are women despite it not being related to their post.
If you want mods to do shit about feminism, then they should also do something about racism, name-calling, and having a different opinion from anyone else.
Trolling isn't an art. You sound like a /b/tard
No one is obligated to reveal their gender
Look everyone it's the problem
Look a fantastic site I found!
We will be safe from meanie anonymous and its incorrect opinions there.
4chan isn't a website that you go to if your feelings are easily hurt. Fuck off.
If someone feels threatened by things people say on the internet, they don't belong there in the first place.
If someone feels threatened on 4chan because of a generalized post that may or may not be serious, then I really doubt that they're even mature enough to handle being here.
>There's a difference between /a/ going hurr 3DPD and /v/ going GOD DAMN FEMINSTS RUINING WOMEN AND OPPRESSING MEN
Yes. /a/s loathing is unprovoked. /v/s loathing of feminists the result of recent events.

This is offtopic though, since hating feminists doesn't entail hating women, anymore than hating nazis entails hating whites.

>The hilarious >>>/kitchen/ joke has created an echo chamber where it's safe to vent your stupid reactionary opinions without fear of criticism, because anyone calling you out will be promptly assailed with calls of "womyn" and "feminazi".
Whereas the other side will take the enlightened approach of spamming "misogynist!" and "virgin!"

Face it dude, 90% of people are too retarded to conduct a conversation that doesn't revolve around tits.
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>Hepler was one victim of this
A victim of what exactly? No one harassed her in real life, people just made fun of her

>implying she didn't deserve it
pic related
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OP is trying to remove the fun from 4chan.

But fun is just a buzzword, right?

So he's trying to remove the soul from 4chan.

Can you accept that?
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People hate things. It's normal.

I disagree about the right wing comment. Extremes tend to be the vocal minority, and both sides are guilty of this. The problem isn't the pure content, but the logical fallacies and the dick waving.

Most people could really give a shit about what other people believe in, most of the time it's
>someone is wrong on the internet!

Yes, a lot of threads do start going towards a pedantic shitfest, umad bro, lelkid, until someone stops posting. I still posit that some people legitimately think this is actually amusing to anyone else but themselves.
But but I want to be part of the kewl 4chan secret kids club and I want 4chan to be cool with my faggotry. Why can't I make everyone faggots like me?
4chan has always been about freedom of speech. If someone wants to express a misogynist opinion then they can do that. If you disagree with them then you can either refute their argument or move on.

We do NOT have an obligation to not hurt your feelings. Fuck off.
Pretty much this. If you're looking for intelligent, reasonable, logical discussion of anything, why are you on 4chan?
Hello yes the problem is not that I have hurt feelings as I am male, but that I'm sick of the unfunny ARGH FEMINISTS WOMYN FACEBOOK SLUTS threads which have spawned a culture of misogynistic circle jerking. It's not funny, or original, so why is it happening? It's happening because a) you fags really are this mad at women and b) you get approval and validation for your ideas in them. The more they continue, the more they will be posted, and I for one would like that to not happen because it's obnoxious in the extreme

I didn't realize people in misogyny threads were complete geniuses who have figured out that generalization will save them from bad people!

Keep being free, man. I wish I was as smart as you!
I'm not even talking about anti-semitism. I'm talking about being willfully ignorant of history, politics, economics, etc. I couldn't give a fuck about the Jew bullshit, but when conservatives start shitting up threads with misinformation, lies, and a lack of understanding of what they are even debating, that rustles my jimmies. Over there being willfully ignorant is seen as something to be proud of, and that just shouldn't be the case. The amount of cognitive dissonance, strawmen, and fallacious arguments honestly makes my head hurt sometimes. I'm fine with everyone being able to post whatever bullshit beliefs they hold, but I wish they'd attempt even a little bit to educate themselves.
Huh, guess we've been here about equal time then. Neat. I dunno, it's just that I've always liked this place as a get-away from being polite all of the time. It's nice to have a place to be able to talk about what you think, without having to worry about becoming a pariah. There's tons of shit that bugs the crap out of me, and I get sick of the misogyny on /r9k/, too, but then I either go to another board, or look for threads that aren't that.

One thing that bugs me about /r9k/ are the tons of threads complaining about /r9k/. Tons of them. The front page is usually 1/3 misogyny, 1/3 tfw beta as fuck, and 1/3 "you misogynists are beta as fuck".

Can't the people whining about the lack of original content just come up with original content or shut their mouths?

Also, is there a mod with a search feature? I've never gotten any mods.
You can see the deleted dox post talked about in that thread. People were sending her texts, harassing her about her deceased sister. This is not an isolated incident.
D-don't worry Johnny... OP is gonna make momma moot fix this... Y-you'll see!

>I'm not about to propose that we start censoring people either.
> I think threads that are blatantly misogynistic from the start should be deleted.

You are a retard OP.

4Chan has hated niggers from the start, and apparently that's okay but now that WHITE WOMEN are being offended we need to draw the line? Go eat a fucking cock you whore. If you want free speech stay on 4chan, if you want to be babby'd so that no-one hurts your feelings and everyone plays nice go back to reddit.
Too bad. Just hide the threads if you're so butthurt about them.
>This is wrong. It starts off like that, but /v/ aren't even aware of how misogynistic they are when they get into one of their sexist circlejerks.
I think women just feel a little threatened when people start venting. Time and time again I've seen these dipshits go "you're all misogynists!" in some angry thread only to come up empty handed when I ask them to point to any specific post they think qualifies.

The socratic method is a form of trolling. The devils advocate is a form of trolling. Trolling is an abstract concept that encompasses a lot of ideas and isn't inherently negative.

>We will be safe from meanie anonymous and its incorrect opinions there.

Not really, Reddit is worse than 4chan in terms of hate due to the fact that it isn't anonymous and has a karma system. Conventional wisdom gets upvoted often and a singular quality comment by someone who gives a fuck gets pushed to the top and everyone circlejerks the ingroup bias about how intelligent they are. If you are ever in a masochistic mood, just go through the threaded comments and you'll hit retard mode really quick.

Every community has it's good and bad members, this includes 4chan. Deal with it.
She's a girl who makes videos on Youtube. She made the mistake of making a /v/-related video and /v/ doxed her for it. She later participated in the /v/GAs and after that /v/ stepped up her harassment tenfold. She's avoided 4chan ever since but the harassment never stopped.
/r9k/ suffers from misogyny
/v/ suffers from video game hating

It's all the result of cynicism. 4chan is a closed loop system of cynicism; anyone with average or below average intelligence will succumb to cynicism due to the "peer pressure" of posters on 4chan. Those who have control over their minds and don't suffer from dependent personality disorder won't succumb to the cynicism disease.

In short, you can't make ignorant people stop being ignorant. They do not have the will power to do such a thing.
I also hate tripfags, but they'll always be around.

If you're really that bothered by it, you wait for the trend to pass, hide the posts and threads, use personal filters, or you just leave.
On the contrary it's extremely funny and original.
You won't see such sophisticated insight anywhere else on the internet and maybe it's too complicated for your sense of humor.
Sure you're over 18? Your immaturity is not behooving of an adult.
You're a niggerfaggot. Next you're going to say that 4chan hated weeaboos from the start.

I'm glad that there are well adjusted individuals on 4chan.
>/v/ aren't even aware of how misogynistic they are
We are, we just DON'T FUCKING CARE.

We don't care if your feelings are hurt.
We don't care if you disagree with us.
We don't care if you want us to think what you think.

You don't like misogyny? Too bad! Go to Reddit if you want the Hurt Feelings Police to ban the nasty internet people.
I don't have it on me, but last year at the end of the year, there was a legit poll taken and it was found that the number of women an men visiting the /tv/ board were just about equal. Also there were more lukers than posters if I remember correctly.
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I don't really see any problem with how /a/ treats women. Just stop being attention whores.
I would support that kind of needless attention-whoring being worth a short ban. Admittedly there are femanons that do help enforce /v/'s views on women.

>No one is obligated to reveal their gender

This is true. But while casually mentioning being male is completely acceptable, whether it is relevant to the discussion or not, a poster who reveals she is female - because it is important given the subject at hand, and without any narcissism at all - becomes the victim of a whole deluge of "XXGURLGAMERXX DON'T HIT ON ME YOU SILLY BOYS" posts, regardless.

A similar discussion was had on /v/ last night about an anon who's girlfriend used her first name as her Steam nick, and got hit on as a result. Many posters in that thread came to the conclusion that the only appropriate response was that she should change it, which is just terrible.
I am not sure if this is trollbait or not, if you are a norlmalfag then go back to fuck your stupid big assed big boobed wife faggot
>because it is important given the subject at hand, and without any narcissism at all
Consider me skeptical.
>Another big issue here is harassment. /v/ has been very eager to harass women in the past, and doxing and calls to raid them have been common.
Can you elaborate on this one? It just sounds like someone's been attention whoring and got what she deserved.
Then just pretend you're male.

I wouldn't go onto 2ch with a proxy and start letting people know I'm not actually Japanese.
Yes yes epic legion internet hate machine go back to /b/ and play with the other children
OP you have a good heart but what you have to understand is that..

the world will NEVER be a 'good' place.
we banned racism right? it doesnt happen anymore, anywhere right?

racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc will always exist.

That must only be on /v/ and /b/ because I've never seen that happen on any other board. I will admit, there might be one or two posts with, "Females pls go", or, "Wow, there are a lot more girls than I thought", but it hardly ever derails or destroys a thread.

4Chan has always hated everyone. That's pretty much the whole point. If you're looking for something 'funny' and 'original' you're not going to find it on 4chan.

I really just don't get how people are so worried about the woman hate when nigger is pretty much a required part of 4chan vocab. It's so hypocritical its actually hilarious. You yourself just used the term 'niggerfaggot' yet you think people who offend women should be censored? Bullshit.
That's a fun story. Got more?

That's a problem of society and the internet, not 4chan. Redd1t is affect by this much more, especially due to actual usernames and inboxes.

Yes, no one is obligated to reveal their gender, it's unfortunate that women will get harassed. But if a male posted a picture of themselves in a thread, they'd be called an ugly faggot, so it evens itself out right?
No. Fuck you. Go back to reddit with the other liberals.

/v/ harasses everyone, it's just thin-skinned bitches thinking they in particular are being persecuted.
>A victim of what exactly? No one harassed her in real life, people just made fun of her
You are wrong. It was reported that Hepler had been receiving many harassing calls.
But left-wingers do all of those things just as much. I think more, of course I'm pretty right-ish myself so I'm definitely biased. One thing that pisses me off, and it's never happened to me because I don't spout nonsense except to troll, is when people just feel the need to say "[citation need]" all the time, or they have to say "You didn't cite your sources, so you're dumb lel". Google fucking exists. Also, I see more citations coming out of the right, but that's probably because most left-wing ideas are just generally accepted. And lastly, the left seems to really flare up in the summer. I've never really noticed summerfags, because most boards are really the same way all year round, but holy shit, it goes from Stormfriend central to Bill Maher's diary in a matter of days.
On 4chan nobody knows that you're a dog, as long as you don't start barking.

Also, leave your feelings at the door, this isn't reddit.
Thanks for the link. But there was more whiteknighting in that thread than anything else. And I don't see how that proves your point that something should be done about the big bad misogynists. It would have been the same damn thing if it was a man.
> But while casually mentioning being male is completely acceptable, whether it is relevant to the discussion or not, a poster who reveals she is female - because it is important given the subject at hand, and without any narcissism at all - becomes the victim of a whole deluge of "XXGURLGAMERXX DON'T HIT ON ME YOU SILLY BOYS" posts, regardless.
You're just gonna have to deal with it.

>A similar discussion was had on /v/ last night about an anon who's girlfriend used her first name as her Steam nick, and got hit on as a result. Many posters in that thread came to the conclusion that the only appropriate response was that she should change it, which is just terrible.
I don't care.
No it doesn't but there is nothing to do when the mayority of the posters are men and most of them are virgins or siock fucks that women reject.
>A similar discussion was had on /v/ last night about an anon who's girlfriend used her first name as her Steam nick, and got hit on as a result. Many posters in that thread came to the conclusion that the only appropriate response was that she should change it, which is just terrible.

My sister uses her name in her Xbox Live ID and never gets hit on. That story sounds like a bunch of shit. Also who the hell uses their name as an ID? That's generic as fuck and makes you hard to tell from other people.
Even mentally retarded people are not above some good old fun.
By good old fun I mean horrible things for one person and lot's of fun for everyone watching from home.
Dude. This is 4chan. This is retard central. Get over it. None of us know what the fuck we're talking about.
4chan doesn't have to be ``retard central.'' It can be something better if we choose to make it so.
Picking up on someone is always fun.
Agreed, there's nothing quite as joyful.
> It would have been the same damn thing if it was a man.
You're wrong. Nyanners was harassed for making 4chan-related videos and participating in the /v/GAs. Duke also made 4chan-related videos and participated in the /v/GAs. Nyanners has been harassed ever since. People praise Duke for doing the exact same things.
That thread might have been people appalled at the harassment, but the harassment never stopped. More recent threads are far more against her. I'd find more for you but Foolz is being a piece of shit and refusing to load for me.
Him and OP both. I don't doubt that there are genuine misogynists lurking among us, but I wouldn't say they're the majority, or even a relevant minority. You see guys like this pop up sometimes e.g. hepler threads and effetely try to steer it towards being about women in general, but in my experience they're outnumbered by an order of magnitude by the people declaring everyone misogynists.

Despite being completely opposed, they both make the same perceptive mistake. They should fucking date each other. Maybe getting laid would make the quit bugging us.

Or you could try and make the real world better rather than the board that people from the real world post their opinions on. Jesus Christ your solution to widespread misogyny is to censor the place where people express the misogyny? Try fixing the problem at it's source rather than trying to delete every mention of it and pretend it doesn't exist.
Hate makes you stronger. That's why the bronies are still around.

4chan is a community geared towards hatred, and people like iJustine and the "vidya is misogynist" video kickstarter bitch feed off of it. The thing is though that neither the senseless hate or the supposed stupidity are real: the hatred is around because many people like to hate things, and these dumb women are around because they love to be hated, they can feed on it and metabolize it into sympathy and money.

Break the cycle: ignore it and move on. Otherwise you end up with more hate and more dumb women to take advantage of that hate.

How is a word inherently bad? I don't hate niggerfaggots, I hate you and you're giving niggerfaggots a bad name.
By banning posts you don like? I mean this is what this thread is about. "HURR BAN THOSE MENIE JERKS THAT CALL ME NAMES"
But we like it this way. We don't want to turn it into a fascist forum.

We like it being a place where people can go to act stupid if they so choose.
Gotcha. Anyone who disagrees with anything you say is a liberal. Did you buy school supplies yet kiddo?
The moralfagging in this post is so disgusting.
i'm on your side, faggot, i just went off on a tangent there

eat a dick, you paranoid shit
I'm not saying it never happens. I do think /v/ have a hard time distinguishing actual women from trolls, though.

Well, I am Anonymous, therefore I am an American white male by default.
Ladies and gentlemen, the liberal in a nutshell: "he disagrees with me so he must be a child! DON'T QUESTION OUR DOCTRINE!"

'B-but niggerfaggot isn't a bad word! Calling a girl a whore NOW THAT IS BAD WORDS'

Words express ideas, the word niggerfaggot is a word made to offend black people and gays, a post about how all women are whores is just a collection of words that by your logic aren't inherently bad, but you still want to get rid of them? Colour me trolled.

That post didn't imply that you have to be a saint to not be a retard. umad breh.
No it can't. You're underestimating the amount of people on the site and the amount of people who are as emotionally rustled as you.
Like I've said previously, you just have to deal with it. You can't change /v/, /r9k/, /a/, /b/, and /pol/'s attitude and neither can mods. There are much more babby-friendly sites like Reddit that'll suit you better.

>4chan doesn't have to be ``retard central.'' It can be something better if we choose to make it so.
>we choose to make it so.
>to make it so.

And this, gentlemen, is why anons send retards back to reddit and tumblr.

>Calling you mad
You are lost on your way to /b/.
I kinda like ``retard central'.
Politically correct-family friendly-ecological-non offensive-for the good of mankind central wouldn't be the same fun.
Plus that already exists, it's called reddit.
>my sister uses her name and doesn't get hit one
>no girls who use their names ever get hit on

Highly illogical.
>Well, I am Anonymous, therefore I am an American white male by default.
>Strawmen. Check.
>Accusations of political affiliation. Check.
>Typing in capslock. Check.

Yep, you're a kid alright.
>Can you elaborate on this one? It just sounds like someone's been attention whoring and got what she deserved.
tl;dr Hepler received harassing calls and threats after saying video games should let you skip the gameplay.
After providing voice work for the /v/GAs and making some 4chan-related videos and nothing since, Nyanners and her family have been repeatedly harassed, receiving insulting calls, death threats, and people defacing her sister's grave.
While not as bad, Ciirno and LilyPichu (other Youtube people) were also harassed, but those two were more from /a/ and /jp/ than /v/.
>being mad enough to say "go to /b/"
You are lost on your way to the butt doctor.
That hasn't been anonymous since 06. The non whites and females just tend to not mention it unless asked or to attentionwhore.
Confirmed for not knowing what this means.

We definitely got us a liberal here, folks.
That is incredibly hilarious.
Anyway nobody gives a flying fuck and if you do how do you manage to read the obituaries? I bet you have to cry for hours after reading every single no name that is dead in there. Oh what a tragedy.
>deal with it
>don't care

I don't know why you even bothered responding.

>Well, I am Anonymous, therefore I am an American white male by default.

Or European white male by default, same shit, different continents.


You're a niggerfaggot whore. I'm not conflating the individual for the group, you are. Your original position is that it's cognitive dissonance to use a term that's considered hateful in context and disagree with hating an entire group.

I don't hate niggerfaggot whores. I hate you, and you're a niggerfaggot whore who wears pants and I disagree with your opinions.

Pants is now a derogatory term.
Let the police handle it, let them justify the fucking taxes.
Why should any of us give a shit?
Huh? What's in it for me?
You want to take away something that's fun for everyone, except those 4 peeps, so there should be something we get in exchange to make the censorship deal worth it.
Throw in some Big Mac coupons.
>Bitching. Check.
>Calling somebody a baby. Check.
>Being a baby. Check.

Yep, you're mad all right.
Strawman: A sham argument set up to be defeated.

>"he disagrees with me so he must be a child! DON'T QUESTION OUR DOCTRINE!"

And I not a liberal, though the Ad Hominem is strong in you kiddo.
Because you're under the impression that we're supposed to care and get deeply emotional about everything that happens.
Can you two shut up if you have nothing to argue about?
So which boards suffer the most with this problem?

How would you suggest fixing it?
Trolls trolling trolls.
This is like a new /pol/ except just for 4chan shit, wonderful.
>"he disagrees with me so he must be a child! DON'T QUESTION OUR DOCTRINE!"
That really is what your argument boiled down to, though.

Try again, liberal.
>nice ad hominem, faggot ass bitch ass child, only retards call each other names, homo
Thee is nothing anyone can do except moot hiring a copue hundreds of moderators and enforcing the rules outside of /b/.
This thread is pointless.

The most populated boards.
Leaving 4chan forever.

Eternal September.
>Why should any of us give a shit?

Because /v/ is responsible for this. You see in this thread that people are supporting this harassment of women, just because "it's fun". This directly contradicts the people who believe that only women who deserve it get hated by /v/ and harassed by /v/.
you can make a haiku out of that
Misogyny isn't against the rules, though.
No one cares but you and four other people.
No it isn't.
You claim to not care about the issue, but if you're still posting then it's obviously touched a nerve. I'm not expecting anyone to get emotional here. People argue with reason, not their feelings, and this thread is no exception.
feminist plz go
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Nay. My statement referred to the fact that because someone disagreed with your beliefs, you assumed they were a liberal. I refer to you as a child due to your repeated demonstrations of strawmen, willful ignorance, and general lack of coherent arguments. Ball's in your court, my child.
/r9k/, /v/, and /a/.
I started this thread because I wanted input on how it could be helped. Instead, many people just accused me of being a feminist who wanted to censor them.
I appreciate the people taking this topic seriously, but we've not made much progress.
But raids are, which is apparently the problem.

I am a misanthrope, not a misogynist.

And I generally don't post in the hating threads, I feed from them.

Does this make me a problem?
>people have differing opinions
this has been the whole point of the thread. Everybody has different ideas, and different desires for what to do in life. This place is a message board, think of it like a big bulletin board in town where people can just write what they feel for others to see, or like the walls in the public toilets.

What kind of shit-eating monster would want to ban certain things, instead of just calling the people they don't like names?
It can be classified as shitposting or flaming or similar, the rules are there there is just not enough staff and will to enforce them.
I have reported lots of guys using nigger outside of /b/ yet very rarely any of them gets banned and when they do they come back to bitch about it.
Being harassed by /v/ is an honour, how dare you imply they didn't deserve it.
I haven't heard the word misongy in such a long time.
Why is this shit popping up everywhere?
>/r9k/, /v/, and /a/.
It's not really a problem on /a/
Yeah, you know what? Why not make 4chan a completely family-friendly experience, all this "faggot" everywhere is so hurtful against gay people.
Or, wait, how's that: People that feel offended just use other websites? Hush, hush.
Aparently some faggots/women are trying to start something.
not that queer, but what touches the nerves is that you're trying to enforce opinions, not the opinions themselves.

He can love women all day long, and not give a shit about the misogyny, but seeing dickholes like the OP trying to tell people what to think can piss him right the heck off.
>You claim to not care about the issue, but if you're still posting then it's obviously touched a nerve.
No no no, my friend, I really don't care about any of those instances. We end our conversation here.
>I have reported lots of guys using nigger outside of /b/ yet very rarely any of them gets banned and when they do they come back to bitch about it.
There's your problem. Stop being a faggot. We have the right post whatever we want as long as it isn't illegal. You don't want to hear nigger nigger nigger all day? Join Reddit.
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Reading comprehension is your friend.
That is exactly my point I am not even a black person and whenever I receive hate I just man the fuck up and deal with it.
>here's the triangle i stick up my butt for pleasure
Wow, that's pretty fucking gay
We've laughed at your lame attempts to justify censorship and fascism.
That's some progress.
But you still haven't realized that what you call problem we call working as intended. Such a clueless person.
>Oh no a majority of people have the same opinion I don't have let's ban them all
No thank you
You call harassment working as intended?
whenever I receive hate I just man the fuck up and deal with it.
Obviously not if you're reporting people for a word that bootytickled you. You contradicted you first post.
4chan IS a white guys' club.

Its a club where white guys het together and heartily talk about various subjects and build camarderie by bitching about women and minorities.

Its what guys do.

Now fucking deal with it.
>I started this thread because I wanted input on how it could be helped. Instead, many people just accused me of being a feminist who wanted to censor them.
Because you worded it so fucking terrible, and probably also because we just had a "waah /v/ uses mean words about women" thread yesterday.
You'd probably have been better off explicitly addressing raids and offtopic threads instead of chucking them under a scatterbrained umbrella of misogyny.
Realistically speaking, the day misogyny leaves /v/ is the day racism leaves /b/.
We call each other faggots all day, do you hear gay people complaining like you?
>you're trying to enforce opinions

Read my posts. I think you are confusing me with other people in the thread.

To sum up my view on the matter: while I believe people are allowed to voice their opinions, especially on 4chan of all places, I don't think we should keep on considering "misogyny threads" as "/v/ culture".
Family friendly Censored 4chan
Freedom of speech rude 4chan

You can only pick one.

The harassment part that happens outside 4chan is irrelevant to us, you can't seriously expect moot to form an internet police task force to track the prank callers worldwide. Or maybe you do.
I dunno.

4chan is a Christian Manga, remember?
I report them because the rules are "enforced" outside of /b/ not because the word annoys me.
Stop trying to say I am a pussy normalfaggot that can't stand racism and other shit in 4chan.
>Implying 4chan is mostly white guys anymore.

Maybe back in 06
Listen here, women. I'm a christian, I can't count the amount of times I've been called a delusional sky-wizard humping manchild on /v/, do I bitch and moan about how anti-religious /v/ is? Do I cry to the mods about it? No. I call the other guys faggots and tell them to go back to /r/atheism. Because I'm from /v/, I've toughened up. I hit 'em back. You're not a special little pumpkin whom noone can mock or insult. Toughen up or get out.
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Why are people so butthurt? I think women can handle it, I don't they are so weak that they have to be protected by strong anons whenever someone says something hateful, or so stupid that they can't figure out how to hide threads they don't like. OP should fuck off to tumblr, there the women who can't take jokes and want everything super politically correct are.
It's only gay if the vertices touch.
I wouldn't say that, but I wouldn't not say that. Some people like to harass, I personally would feel bad so I don't join in the bothering of people IRL, but some people love that shit. If I were to guess, I'd say most people love it, you probably do, too, without even realising it. Stuff that's actually against the law, like CP, that shit is reasonable to ban because it could get moot in serious trouble. Stuff like sending people pizzas is just adolescent/frat boy tier shenanigans and fun. You're being a shitty dean in an old college movie.
Calling someone a faggot on 4chan is not comparable to people receiving phone calls, emails, and other means of contact delivering them actual harassment, directed specifically at that person, and death threats.
>but /v/ has always been filled with extreme disdain for anyone female

No they haven't. /v/ is bitter a lot of the time, but their hate is reserved for females that received disproportionate attention. Kindly fuck off OP with your "lets mod 4chan, so I won't be upset!".
Not that guy ( I'm the guy you were talking to before that guy), but /v/ isn't going to change just because they hurt your feelings.
Now think. What would Jesus do?
I don't think a woman made this thread.
But you are one man you just exactly that and it is so painfully obvious to everyone it's hilarious.
It's like, god damn, come out of the closet already.
Say it out loud like a proud man " pussy normalfaggot that can't stand racism and other shit in 4chan".

>implying its not

just gtfo
Like that time /pol/ harassed that one liberal chick, got her fired from her job, and basically ruined her life in general?
>The harassment part that happens outside 4chan is irrelevant to us, you can't seriously expect moot to form an internet police task force to track the prank callers worldwide. Or maybe you do.
You're confusing where the responsibility lies. Mods can't be in control of people harassing other people outside of 4chan. But to again use Nyanners as an example, /v/ is where all her harassment originates. The threads on /v/ where people spread rumours about her, post her dox, and encourage raiding her are the reason she has continued to be harassed by members of 4chan long after disassociating herself from us.
>Stop trying to say I am a pussy normalfaggot that can't stand racism and other shit in 4chan.
But you are. What do you call that faggotry that you admitted to doing?
Pull out his gats and waste a bitch.
You are so funny I am laughing right now.
If somebody makes a thread called "women are bad I hate them central", with a picture of just some random woman, then yes, that's useless. If somebody posts a link to where some bitch is talking about how terrible video games and video game players are, or how attractive men should fin them because they play games, then I see no problem. That's definitely /v/ culture.
She shouldn't be such a fucking bad writer then.
>daily if not hourly misogyny threads
>anti-religious thread maybe once a week if that

And neither are vidya-related.
/v/ likes to hate on every women and blame it on the fact that they shove their gender in everyone's face, even if it isn't true. For example, Felicia Day. She's an actor ffs, she can't hide her gender.
As a female, I understand it's VERY annoying when girls say HEY, I AM A GIRL. LOOK AT ME. But if I say something on-topic and relevant to what my gender is, they instantly do the whole tits or gtfo thing.
My black friend browses /a/ and /vp/.
>Stuff like sending people pizzas is just adolescent/frat boy tier shenanigans and fun.
I've never complained about something this petty.
>My case aplies to everything and everyone
Just stop.
And that's not our fucking problem.
If some guys decide to sneak in her closet to steal her hair and masturbate with it and they met through /v/ it is not my fucking issue, it's not reason I'll be cool with giving up motherfucking freedom of speech.
But I do want some pics of her hair covered in cum. And some pictures of the guys being taken by the police after they get them.
>This nigga can't deal with the fact that him and the kkk aren't the only people on 4chan
Sounds as if you're cancer. The same kind of cancer that destroys artists' quarters worldwide. You know, those relatively normal people that are fascinated by the "flair" of such areas, and since they have the money, they move there, and then, though they claim to love it, change it, because, street music is soooo great, but please, not after 10 pm, and something needs to be done about the pot smoke drifting in through the windows, so they are practically FORCED to call the police, because now there are children present! And so on, and so on. Just FUCK OFF if you don't like something or YOU adjust.

>i know a black guy who browses 4chan!
>clearly a majority of 4chan users are women and minorities

you're fucking kidding, right?
>being a woman
>not posting tits

Now here's something we need to start banning people for.
I am not even an amerifag.
troll harder.
Nigger here. I post everywhere. So people hate me for existing, big deal. If you don't have thick skin, leave this place. There are a shitload of niggers and other minorities on 4chan. Most of us just don't complain about racism unless it's offtopic unlike feminazis.
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Pic related: not /v/ culture, yet posted regularly.
So I discovered the gold mine to piss off you faggots, this is gold.
Some men just want to watch the world burn and you have made a terrible mistake.
did not say the majority, but whatever floats your boat.
Not a troll, and I don't care where you live
Still don't see any tits in this thread.
I'm an american, and I'm often accused of clapping at random intervals. This is not true. I demand sacrifice. /v/ must burn for their heathenous accusations.
You are comedy/
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You know what I don't care. Everyone's anonymous, gender doesn't matter anyways. I could pretend to be a guy, and nobody'd know. It doesn't matter anyways. If a girl can't deal with the shit here, she shouldn't be here anyways, that's just it.
Yeah, right, I'm so terribly enraged I'm gonna burn some Mercedes' tonight.
Your trolling is weak.
Being a faggot isn't golden.
Fuck off back to /b/
>enjoy video games and other weird hobbies

although i'm somebody who'd rather see criminals walk free than innocent people go to jail, if that picture pops up in a thread I see no problem. The threads that start with just that picture and "your daily reminder", they're obvious trolls and should have their thread deleted. Thread deleted, not them banned, unless the mod just really feels like banning somebody. Mods on power trips are pretty amusing
Go ahead, we enjoy raging at stuff. That's why you hate it here, cunt.
So is your way of thinking.
>lol /b/ has no rools so all of 4chin must hav no rools cause I say so
see >>65685

I know you're trolling, but it's incomparable.
ITT: People who can't realize that they will never know who they're ACTUALLY speaking to and take every post at face value.
This, women have posted without tits

A true breach, and the ruination of our culture.

These two have it. Some specific person being a whore and getting called out on being a whore I can deal with. What I hate is the shit like this, which thankfully is less prevalent now that the mods on /v/ are doing their jobs, but is still there.
Or when women are singled out and harassed for little to no reason. As we've seen in this thread, the only reason anyone has given for Nyanners being harassed is for "fun".

>implying a website with a white male majority and deeply entrenched sexist, racist, antisemitic and homophobic culture (even if jokingly) is not a white guys' club
They're free to express themselves, deal with it.
Using quotation marks on words makes you look like a fag automatically, I'm starting to find.

And don't you act for a second like harassing people isn't fun. Did you even have siblings?
>Not realizing most minorities and females don't care and play just along for the hell of it
Everything else is just trolling and faggots that get off by pissing everybody else. You people are so lovely and I am glad I get to spend time pissing you off.
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4chan's misogyny doesn't need to be "dealt with." There's a reason we've been saying "Tits or GTFO" for longer than you've had pubes, OP, and that's because we don't fucking care if our community is equitable and civil. To women or anyone else.

So fuck off.
Fun's a good reason though. I thought that's why we came here.
Actually, this might be a good idea. At least put a disclaimer on top of every page reading "Are you easily offended? Do you have a vagina and/or suicidal tendencies? Please consider leaving this site immediately"
Or just don't allow women and minorities, so when they browse nonetheless, they can't complain or get banned.

>implying that changes the fact it's a white guys' club
>Using quotation marks on words makes you look like a fag automatically, I'm starting to find.
I'm using quotation marks because I'm quoting what was said.
>And don't you act for a second like harassing people isn't fun. Did you even have siblings?
Not comparable. My brother and I would mess with each other in harsh but good-spirited ways. We would not threaten to kill each other. We would not bring up each others' personal history and tell the other that they are worthless and deserve to die. You are an idiot if you can't see the difference.
Make it a global rule, collect delicious tears from emos, moralfags and bitches.
PROTIP: you're making it worse.
>don't allow any women
/y/, /cm/ and /co/ will DIE.
>It doesn't, but some of these "white guys" could be Mexicans and you wouldn't know
Minorities are fine, they never complain. I say that as a white supremacist. Minorities who assimilate are fine.
I had to look if those are actual boards.

>it doesnt

argument won. now, time to fap.
I feel it was half and half. Either way I found it funny.
Happy fapping, sir.
I'd shed tears of joy if that happens.
Freedom of speech, so beautiful, so noble. Complainers get told to leave or deal with it.
sounds like you and your brother were fags, I'm sure you said some awful things to each other sometimes
It is done, get moot over here.
Sure we did. But not for fun. You cannot compare that level of harassment to friendly jabs.
I don't think moot really wants to be a heroic revolutionary character for either side, he just wants to maximize page-views.
But isn't complaining also a freedom of speech, in a way?
With the super lazy rule enforcement nobody will leave, they will just get extremely annoyed and have to deal with being told to fuck off.
You have a point.
Yeah, and you could've called the cops on him, you know. Your parents could've called the cops on either of you, and you could actually go to jail for that stuff.

But I think i don't car enough anymr im gonna go play games and jerk it, byezees
No, because they complain that "annoying posts" should be removed/forbidden. They can complain to the posters all they want.
To make that clear: I was suggesting they are banned upon reporting.

Your argument is shit because Felicia Day made a huge deal out of her gender. Just look at that music video she made for The Guild or something. It's all LOOK AT ME I'M A GIRL AND I'M SEXY AND I PLAY GAMES.

Similarly, she only got into the DA2 DLC because she's a "nerdy" girl who plays games. Who else got shoehorned into Bioware's games for similar reasons? That woman who works for IGN. The "epic, epic for the win" woman who really only managed to get the job because she's famous for licking a PSP.

Both of them are attention whores that flaunt their gender and almost certainly only pretend to be into the whole nerd culture because that's the hip thing now.

Yeah, sure, there are women that get called bitches for almost nothing - but that applies to everyone. Find me a single person that /v/ has discussed that hasn't been insulted by someone there.
Complaining about freedom is anti freedom, to protect freedom we have to give up a little bit of it.
We give up the freedom to complain about having too much freedom and we get the freedom to do everything else.
So giving up the freedom to complain about freedom actually preserves all other freedoms so it is a double freedom combo. Like a negative censorship that actually counters other potential censorship.
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I wonder what would happen if 4chan would be stuck on a island, and you'd actually have to see all the posters IRL. Would you enslave all the women for your purposes? I think /mlp/ wanted to do that.
>Implying we would not just kill each other
anon pls
Actually, we could preserve the freedom we had for years if we did nothing changing that. Everyone is free to say what they want. They can complain that annoying posts are annoying, they can also say that these posts shouldn't exist. The thing is, it won't happen. Literally everything could be offensive to someone. Let's just go the route we've always gone - freedom to express what you want to say. Here is the place for unpopular opinions, jerkfaces and strange fetishes. But in my years here, I've also experienced people being generous and kind, often unsuspected. This is not "a secret club". This is just a place where many different kinds of people come together. There's something for everyone here. It's multifaceted. And thoughts flow freely. Fuck, I love 4chan. Let me be emotional for a second.
Blacknon here.

Like most of the racism, the misogyny is done for the sake of making an ironic joke. It may be an annoying, non-terminating joke, but so is pretty much all of /v/'s output.

I don't think either the misogyny or racism should be restricted from mods, because you're still stuck with the people who think such things are hilarious jokes and/or actually believe them. You might as well not respond, as you'll get something ironic posted back to you or some easily-disproved 'scientific' drivel.

Point is, if you don't like it, just don't go to /v/ or start filtering posts with words like 'racist', 'anti-white', 'womyn', 'cis', etc. There's a lot of other places for discussing video games on the internet, and you can just make friends in real life.
You know what angers the dog, stop coming near it.
I once went to /sp/ to talk about Ultimate frisbee and got my dox dropped.

Shit was cray.

That's all.
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Ain't that cute.
Shit man, you've touched me, in my emotions.
And you're right. We can't give up what we value the most, we can preserve it and make a statement, that freedom will always be welcome.
Complainers are still faggots though. But they're free to be faggots to their hearts desire.
Nah, we only wanted to hurt Yamino. And she has a dick anyway.
I love how you say this when it's never actually disproved, instead the poster is told to shut up and stop talking.
And kil Buizel, I would do it myself.
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I have never been attacked because of my gender because I never state it. Just keep that shit to yourself or grow some thick skin if you want to throw it out there for everyone to see.

This is an anonymous board for a reason.
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You're a bro, anon.
>I love how you say this when it's never actually disproved, instead the poster is told to shut up and stop talking.

I always thought it was easy to disprove, it just requires a very simple understand of science, probability, and sociology.
Such cute exhibition of faggotry.
You are right but stop sucking eachothers dicks please.

I think the problem is malicious intent, not the content.
Then how come Marxists can never come up with anything that disproves scientific studies?

The complaint is about misogynistic discussion, not the harassment of female posters who have revealed their gender.
And by that you just confessed you are a whore, because fags don't get attacked.
More misogynistic discussion and the harassment of women who have not done anything to deserve it (unlike femanons who seek attention).
Can you give an example?
Why is gender so important anyways?
captcha: heart yevelyo
and this post doesn't bother me at all.

>I can't ignore them wahh
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What a lovely specimen you are.
Yeah, and next you know, /s/ is closed down because it objectifies women, as well are posts like "solid 7" and "fuck, marry, kill".
I mean, really, I haven't seen Ameritards, Yuropoors, niggers, nazis, sandniggers, jews or any other group complaining, just women/feminists about misogyny. That's the typical attention whoring. Everybody gets insulted here. So what? It's equal.
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>/s/ is closed down because it objectifies women
O-Oh god. That will never happen, right?
I can and do, I just don't think they should be overlooked as a part of /v/ culture.

Congratulations on managing to attention whore by acquiring the role of "not-like-other-women femanon" ITT, by the way.
I was only summarizing the thread for them, as they obviously didn't read it before posting.
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Cool beans.
>I can and do, I just don't think they should be overlooked as a part of /v/ culture.

They should. There's no reason for you to state your gender unless you're seeking attention. As much as we say "Nigger", "Spic","Sandnigger" here, not one of them have bitched and whined as much as you. Feel proud.
Not as long as moot is straight, I guess. I don't know how long he can hang on, though.
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You know, we can't be sure of each other's gender's anyways. You could pretend to be a girl and I could pretend to be a guy, and in the end it wouldn't matter. You are anonymous, after all. You could meet that person in public and not know it's him/her. There's just no real way to tell, you know.
To be fair, there aren't many niggers, spics, or sandniggers on 4chan.
see >>65706

Again, the topic of the thread is excessive misogyny, not whether posters should reveal their gender or not.
Disregard my previous then.
Everyone is me.
Why does it bother you? Are you a slut bitch whore like the pictures say?
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Misogyny shmisogyny, who cares? Only the butthurt fragile flowers who are too dumb to filter. If a thread on /v/ is about hating on women itself, it's off-topic and does not belong on /v/. If a thread is about hating on a /v/-related gamer girl, why shouldn't they? It's on-topic and on /co/ are also hate-threads for male and female comic artists.
How do you know? They not necessarily announce it, like some women do. Also, see >>65704

I don't think many people hate niggers. I use "nigger" to insult people I don't care about their skin color. This applies to "fag" and "faggot" as well.
I've been posting ITT because similarly to the OP, I think the displays of genuine misogyny on /v/ are far too excessive (and much more frequent than those of racism or homophobia), so much so that threads revolving entirely around the matter are disregarded as being part of "/v/ culture".

I can tolerate it in small doses and know to ignore it - otherwise I wouldn't be here - but I see entire threads about how terrible women are published hourly, and they rarely get deleted. I don't understand why some forms of shitposting are allowed while others aren't.
I think I've said all I wanted to say, I'm out.
Report it or sign up for janitor.
Please direct me to a thread that serves the sole purpose of downgrading women on /v/. I've yet to see it. I'd understand if you said /r9k/, but /v/ has been candyland for the past few days. Quit you're bitching and whining. No one's oppressing you, you're oppressing yourself thinking you are being oppressed.
>genuine misogyny
How do you know it's genuine, and not just venting off steam or trolling? Just ignore the threads or leave for another board, I have the faint suspicion there are more boards about videogames out there.

But most off all:
>but I see entire threads about how terrible women are
The whole point of 4chan is that users can effectively post what they like.

Including misogyny

Fucking feminists ALWAYS trying to ruin a good thing

Venting with no self reflection is garbage and not conducive to progress and merely reinforcing your buttfrustration.
What was that post even about?
Poiting out why women thinking they are not terrible is false.
They don't let you fuck them and when you go out and fuck some other bitch you are the villain here.
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Thank God mother nature made it so that consent is just one option
Talk to the hand, Dr. Phil, or eben better, talk to /v/
I don't even play vidya
I just have to ask this: Why does it bother you so much?
Thanks for clarifying.
4chan and any other website dominated predominately by marginalized white guys are often misogynistic, racist, etc. Look at reddit. They are just as fucking horrible as 4chan people on all of those counts AND THEY ARE NOT ANONYMOUS. Almost all gaming communities share the same problems as well. Does this mean it's okay or it should just be accepted? Of course not.

This is a serious problem that has to do with both internet culture and culture in a broad sense and it can hardly be changed easily. The main problematic (I think) is two-fold. One, the communities are dominated by privileged yet marginalized members of society. Generally they are marginalized by consumer habits (liking nerdy things, anime, games) and confuse their dedication to consumption with a meaningful struggle. Similarly, the problems of others are quickly ignored. Two, the users of these forums are completely uneducated in the study of problems of race/class/sex or have only become educated through the internet. I doubt anyone has bothered to read Simone de Beauvoir or Foucault, but plenty have read evolutionary psychology bullshit online to falsely confirm their batshit insane beliefs.

So it comes down to self-education (and not "debate threads" because thats fucking useless) and a supportive online space for the identities (being a woman for example) 4chan often attacks. If moot could somehow provide either of these or at least think over it with the community, it would be a first step.
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Hepler was a victim because she's a shitty fucking writer and cannot into character development. She's only in the business because of her retarded husband and doesn't know shit about games.

She deserved every fucking bit of it.
Get out.
continued from...
Unforunately, given moot still posts on 4chan regularly and doesn't seem to be bothered by this I think we might assume that moot is either also misogynistic/racist or in the very least is someone stupid enough to have an incredibly naive "you should be able to say anything you want and not be criticized for it, words mean nothing!" attitude. I hope this is not the case, I've grown up on 4chan like you have and have changed from a hateful internet person into a more normal worldful educated human being. I hope you have too moot. Please at least make a statement regarding the hate on 4chan and internet communities at large and stop ignoring it.
>Does this mean it's okay or it should just be accepted? Of course not.

Why not? There are other communities where it is not accepted. Go there, and stop trying to be the feelings police because you don't like something.

Anyway the rest of your post is just Feminist garbage, but if you don't like it, leave.
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You know some people doesn't want to step on prison ever.
The moralfags want everybody to be moralfag.
OP, I'm not going to read the whole thread, it's quite long, but I'll say one thing: you're not helping.

See, a lot of the people on 4chan, as claimed by your very unfortunate pic, feel victimized, but they strike back by fighting fire with fire, at least in this relatively harmless setting. In this case, what happens is that the majority of the population is male, and many do feel victimized by society for it, they feel sexism against them, but can't deal with it in society at large, so they deal with it here, usually in the wrong ways, but that's not the point.

4chan isn't just misogynistic, it's sexist in general, or at least sexism in general exists all over the site. By focusing on, pointing out, and attempting to tackle just one kind of sexism, you do not solve the problem. All you're doing is reinforcing the notions of sexism that these people feel in regular society, the same notions that cause them to act the way they do on 4chan.

No, if you really want to solve the problem, and frankly, this goes for rl as well as online, you can't just focus on one kind of sexism. You need to focus on the whole thing, help people regardless of gender, and realize it's all the same issue. By excluding half the population (more of 4chan) from your attempts to stop them from being hurt by sexism, you're only reinforcing the bad feelings that make them act out.

tl;dr: ur a sexist cunt, OP.


How amusing. You predicted it right down to the use of "educate" to imply that anyone that disagrees simply is wrong, immature and stupid.
> think we might assume that moot is either also misogynistic/racist or in the very least is someone stupid enough to have an incredibly naive "you should be able to say anything you want and not be criticized for it, words mean nothing!"

I love it! Typical feminist: Having an opinion different to mine means you're stupid and naive!

Settle down, kid.

I dun goofed. Meant >>66510, not >>66506.
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>Two, the users of these forums are completely uneducated in the study of problems of race/class/sex or have only become educated through the internet. I doubt anyone has bothered to read Simone de Beauvoir

That's just too much, my sides. Oh, young people nowadays ...
Nice typical response, dude. You're confusing "feelings police" with calling people out for being shitty human beings. I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore for this reason, but I do think it is a serious problem, at least for moot, to think about.

But words mean nothing, anon.

You, who interpret them, you give them meaning.

Which might be different than what I have intended.

So if I say "fuck you bitch", it may mean "I love you"
Haha are you mentally handicapped? What would ever make you think that is a meaningful response?
This thread underestimates the degree of 'edgy' misogyny and racism used as coarse humour. It's not all genuine hate.


Pot luck whether that ever happens.
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OP, if troll, bravo 10 out of 10, if not, guess what.

Nobody gives

Entitled feminist whore.

But it's ok, you won't ever change anything, you are a woman after all.

>Nice typical response, dude. You're confusing "feelings police" with calling people out for being shitty human beings. I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore for this reason, but I do think it is a serious problem, at least for moot, to think about.

Guess what you do when you don't like a website's userbase? You get the fuck out, I know such concepts are hard to understand for women but still, deal with it.
I have done this plenty of times.
Saying I love you trutfully is too fucking hard.
>what are hermeneutics
>I don't spend much time on 4chan
Then why the fuck are you even trying to change it

>Nice typical response, dude. You're confusing "feelings police" with calling people out for being shitty human beings.
>calling people out for being shitty human beings.
>shitty human beings

How exactly do you propose we call people out for being 'shitty human beings' (opinion) on an anonymous board without breaking the entire ethos of 4chan?
> I don't spend much time on 4chan anymore for this reason
Thank God.
>but I do think it is a serious problem
And, no, it isn't. Deal with it. You got buttrustled because of what someone said on the internet. It's not Momma Mootypie's job to coddle you and change shit because you feel like bitching and whining.
Hell moot even doesn't answer to everybody that calls him a faggot or even bothers to ban them all.
I'm not a woman. I'm just not a complete moron. You are again completely confusing and misunderstanding what I am talking about. You do realize there is no way to figure out what "the community of 4chan" wants right? Similarly, the website doesn't RELY on hate to exist in its current fashion.

Almost all of the responses are going to be some confused posts were people say that calling people out for being shitty and hateful is now somehow different than free speech.

> Simone de Beauvoir
I really hope you slipped this as a joke. The Second Sex clearly delineates the need for a dialogue between males and females in unhampered by other issues such as class, race, and nation. Hell, that's pretty much the very first few paragraphs of it if I'm remembering correctly. Her point was that in modern society it's necessary to strip all outside indicators of identity for discussions to arise.
Anonymity allows for that. Oh, argue against its employment all you like, but it does a far better job according to de Beauvoir's ideals than most other systems I've seen come about.
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Pretty sure moot enjoys being called a faggot.
Nope the load of people calling him one is too high for him to even bother but once I was banned for calling him a faggot.
>Almost all of the responses are going to be some confused posts were people say that calling people out for being shitty and hateful is now somehow different than free speech.

But you're perfectly entitled to call people out on that.

>I'm not a woman. I'm just not a complete moron

>omg these people don't agree god so stoopid
Haha what? Moot is someone who is all about internet communities being important to society. I want to know how he wants to deal with these communities being dominated by a very peculiar kind of person. I thought through some ideas and want to see how he responds to them as a person who finds internet communities like this important.

PS You can call out shitty views on an anonymous board!

Let's see, OP is bitching about how the majority of users are "mysogynistic" (feminist buzzword) so if the majority is being mysogynistic that means the "community" itself is mysogynistic. This thread is just.

>You should behave as I say, act as I say and do as I say, otherwise i'll baww to mommy mootles and he ban u ;_;

Just the same old jazz we're hearing recently about self-entitled women bitching because we make use of our freedom of speech.
>You do realize there is no way to figure out what "the community of 4chan" wants right?

That is the purpose of this board.

> Similarly, the website doesn't RELY on hate to exist in its current fashion.

Correct, no one said a shit about hating women but the retards who are obviously from /b/.

>Almost all of the responses are going to be some confused posts were people say that calling people out for being shitty and hateful is now somehow different than free speech.

It isn't, but here's the difference: EVERYONE here insults each other, spitting faggot, nigger, etc everyday. But YOU want momma moot to change shit because you take what they say to heart. You want our " Freedom of speech" to be limited because of bullshit.

>I'm not a woman. I'm just not a complete moron.

Yeah fucking right...
>Moot is someone who is all about internet communities being important to society. I want to know how he wants to deal with these communities being dominated by a very peculiar kind of person.

But you don't understand. THIS IS THE COMMUNITY. There is nothing to deal with. This is the community and if you don't like it there are other communities out there more to your taste.
The fuck are you talking about?
My point was that people should actually read first hand materials that deal with these issues instead of forming views on the internet even if they end up reinforcing things I don't agree with. People talk about feminism here and elsewhere as if they have actually read even one REAL book on the subject. You somehow managed to miss a lot of the books too btw.
>I'm not a woman. I'm just not a complete moron.
Sorry, I think you are only right about the one objectively verfiable property.
>Similarly, the website doesn't RELY on hate to exist in its current fashion.

It does. If there is one thing 4chan is known for, then it's for being offensive. You want to change that?
>You do realize there is no way to figure out what "the community of 4chan" wants right?
This is exactly why we should not try to censor misogyny, because it would be an artificial attempt to decide what the community wants.

Let the community decide what to post.

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