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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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So what do you guys do when a convention starts in only a week/few days? Do you become lazyfags? Try to sleep all day like in the Harvest Moon games? Do you focus on your body health so that you don't look like a hambeast with a pizza face?
I go through the same ritual I go through before a big night out or special occasion.

The day before, I have a good gym session, which is less for the actual purpose of getting fit for the con (I'll have been doing that for months), and more because that's what I'd do anyway.

The night before, I'll do my roots and re-dye my hair (even if my cosplay involves a wig, having my hair done makes me feel more relaxed and comfortable).

I then wax all my relevant bits, pluck my eyebrows and try to make my nails look less like shit because I bite them.

On the morning I travel down, I have a shower and usually pick up something for breakfast to the train station.
My routine differs depending on whether I have a sleep over or whatever with my friends the night before. bitches always want to do that for some reason.
I start taking amphetamine so I can stay awake for days to finish my costume, and antibiotics because the stress kills my immune system and makes my heart/lung/kidney MRSA flare up.
I drink a lot of water, so my body lets go of any water weight it may have been holding onto. Beyond that, the days before a con are usually spent making lists, packing intelligently and tugging any seams that I'm worried about, and restitching them if necessary. My skin only broke out once in my whole life, and that was when I went to a sleep over and the girls insisted that I needed to wash my face their way, with lots of products. So, I never use more than soap, especially near a con.
I drink a lot of echinacea tea. It helps me stay healthy before and during the con.
> Try to sleep all day like in the Harvest Moon games?
Oh my god how did you know

I always do this right before something I'm excited about, I won't even do fun stuff if it's within two days of me doing something awesome. I just want to sleep until it's time for the awesome thing.
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OP here. The only reason I know is because I do the same thing. Ihavenolifeorfriends.jpg
I get all my work/ boring responsibilities out of the way, then get myself hyped up about it by watching anime and listening to my weeb playlists and stuff. Health-wise, I try to eat a lot of fruit and veg, because that seems like the most likely thing I'm going to forget if I'm away for the weekend.
I usually spend the last few days before a con actually working on costumes, drinking caffeine and eating junk food without hardly any sleep. This year I aim to not let it happen for the hundredth time. Costumes to be completed at least 2 weeks before, a good gym session in the week, a anime watching binge and plenty of green tea should do the trick.
Relax, go over plans for travel and food, plan purchases and outfits, pack, make sure everything's charged, and hunt down the wheeled suitcase.
Oh, and catching up on games. I like to take a couple of days off work before and after cons, so I have time to rest. Going from work to con is just nasty.
Exercise a bit more, I pack normally a week or two before con just in case I forget anything in the coming days. Any alterations that I gotta take care of or things to fix.

That's about it
I get ungodly strict with my diet and exercise even more then I normally do. Gotta look good for the con.
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Two weeks before, I start taking vitamins so I can be healthy enough to battle con crud.

I sleep with a clean towel over my pillow and the side of the bed I sleep on each night to prevent acne break outs. I wash my face once in the morning, once when I get home, and once before bed and moisturize afterward with something gentle like Cetaphil.

It's not healthy, but I limit my caloric intake to around ~800-1000 cals to shed off an extra pound or two before the con, raising my intake limit only when I've exercised for that day. Around the second week, I usually do strenuous workouts anyway so I eat enough calories to not be hungry.

On the last week, I try to take it easy. I still do the above routine, but I only do light exercise to prevent muscle pain on the day of the con. I finish up the bits of my costumes and practice make up techniques. I'm usually a bit more meticulous about my acne, so I'll slather on a masque before I start sewing and right before bed.

Two days before the con, I begin packing everything into my car and double checking that I have everything I need. No exercise.

The day before the con, I panic. I try to finish off one of my WIPs in time for the con, because I've decided I'd rather wear that instead. As I'm close to finishing, something goes horribly wrong and I end up distraught and decide to stick with what I have.

The day of the con, I AM LOOKIN FRESH TO DEATH IN MY NEW COSPLAY AND CLEAR FACE. I can now pig out on late night fast food, if I even remember to eat, because my next con is a month or two away.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
I love you and I don't know why.
OP here. What I do is go crazy about my appearance. I make sure that my teeth are clean, eyebrows plucked, healthy shit for food, shaven, acne-free, and pumped up for Anime. The day before I pack all my food that i'll be bringing to the con so I don't have to buy shit. Make a list of what I want to buy. Look list items up on ebay. And at the con I compare the prices so I make sure i'm getting a good deal. Other than that I just sleep.
Check to see I have all the pieces to my costumes when packing but that's it.
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I believe in taking care of myself, and a balanced diet and a rigorous exercise routine. In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing my stomach crunches. I can do a thousand now.

After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial masque which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.

I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
Make a list of everything I will need about a month before then pack it all 2 nights before I leave for the hotel.

To be honest, I probably pack more then I really need because I'm overly cautious. I usually end up bringing first aid kits or extra blankets. One year I just brought a shit ton of tide pens which ended up being really useful.
I don't really have a routine; I just try to get some decent rest leading up to it.
I saw an article for soon-to-be brides that I think fits for cosplay too.
The main thing was DON'T switch up care routines right before the wedding (in this case, con).
there's nothing like having an allergic reaction to a spot-treatment or new makeup.
I try to cut down on the makeup I wear the week before to let my pores breathe a little before the con
Back when I drank sodas, I'd cut them out at least a week before the con and drink about ten cups of water instead. Water can help your complexion, and cutting soda (even diet) can help reduce bloating. Also, Green and white teas not only help your complexion, but they're also natural diuretics, so they'll help you lose a bit of water weight.
Don't do any drastic dieting right before the con, it'll just make you miserable.
I get my eyebrows done professionally at least a week before, because it can sometimes irritate my skin and look like I'm breaking out. Don't go to a new place. I have had women give me overplucked 90s brows, or, even worse, ONE 90s eyebrow, and the OTHER shaped the way I wanted.
If I'm done with my costumes, I make sure I try all the parts on together to make sure they fit and I'm not missing anything
Do a makeup test, and take a picture. Yes, fake lashes are intense in real life, but usually look realistic in pictures.
Decide what photoshoots you want to go to, and schedule when you're going to wear each costume if you're wearing more than one. also, take into account the mobility and flexibility of the costumes. I have costumes I can't sit in, so I have to make sure I won't be wearing them during panels I want to go to. I also check to make sure when my friends are available, as I usually need help getting dressed. This sounds weird, but make sure you can fit, too. I just about cried when I realized I couldn't fit through the door in my conchita at katsucon.
I usually take my friends grocery shopping the day before (lol poor college kids) so we can pick up munchies, ramen, sodas, muffins, and other things so we don't have to eat out every meal. This helps especially when the con is in an area that has mostly sit down (read: expensive) restaurants, like Katsucon or now Otakon.
That's a bit too much water. You can harm you kidneys drinking that much. Other than that, your way sounds very smart.

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