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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

And here's that Q&A thread from a few days ago: *click*

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Make /pol/ into World Events/Politics.

Sick of seeing the white nationalist stormfagging all over the place. Every thread is either cuckold, "East Aryan Waifu" or Anti-InsertRaceHere

Also at least assign one decent janior to clean up shitposting cuckold threads.

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ITT I wish to discuss the viability of a "faptcha" system using manipulated images for the sake of preventing automated posting which, should it be implemented, will replace the current reCAPTCHA on select boards such as /co/, /a/ and /tv/.
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I'm up for faptcha and everything, but this is going to be a huge hassle for the staff. Is it really worth it for them?
First: faptcha sounds really fun, but it might be annoying for people who post more than me.

Second: It might not necessary change anything at all because of reverse image search. On the other hand it can be an opportunity to learn about a new character/show.

Third: It might change the posting speed or even the board culture, not sure if for the better. Safest bet would be to test it on a new board. But creating a board just to test this system seems highly unlikely. And creating another /co/, /a/, or /tv/ with this system sounds even more unlikely. Although having this "elitist" versions does not sound so bad now that I think about it.

That's all I think about it.
Even though reCAPTCHA is annoying for me (I often have a hard time reading and typing it) this would be even worse.

I visit /a/ on a regular basis even though I only got there for the first time a few months ago. I'm still not able to name many characters (even ones from shows I've watched) and don't know any japanese even though I visit /jp/ too.

Newfags are not the problem if they behave and lurk _a little bit_ before asking silly questions.

I would had probably just never went back on /a/ if I wasn't able to post anything on it.
Throwing out there simple math questions
Faptcha is not feasible. You cannot possibly maintain a large enough image collection, as repeated images are its downfall. Automated posting would quickly become trivial. There's a reason reCAPTCHA is so hard.

There's an entry-level hiragana captcha at http://doushio.com/captcha/ but I have doubts about its resilience. Hiragana is currently more difficult to crack, but with focused research would probably become easier than latin characters for computers to read.

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Was this ever actually real?

Are random posters on a board promoted to janitors based on how they report?

Moderator Reply: >>3748
trolled, faggot

You actually have to request a compliment?
It is fake.

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Hey moot, in order to compensate for boards with multiple stickies, you made all the 10 post/15 page boards into 15 post/10 page boards.

I've been thinking of an alternative.
Make it so that stickies are displayed in their own tier above the posts on all pages, as opposed to above the posts and taking space from the 15 posts on page 0.
Pic related.
in/q/uirers, what are your thoughts?
>Make it so that stickies are displayed in their own tier above the posts
>as opposed to above the posts

I'm not following. You're asking for double lines?
He is asking that stickied threads do not count toward the thread limit per page. He is suggesting that, in addition to the above, doubled lines (as an example) are introduced as a visual identifier that separates stickies from normal threads.
He's saying that the stickies aren't classed as threads the same way that regulars ones are, possibly they could appear on every page of a board but each page would still contain 10 or 15 threads that are not stickies.

I prefer having 15 threads per page anyway, means I have to change pages far less frequently.
think with brackets:
>Make it so that (stickies are displayed in their own tier above the posts on all pages), as opposed to (above the posts and taking space from the 15 posts on page 0).

i'm with with the way it is (and i think 15 instead of 10tpp are an improvement).

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I've been on /g/ for almost 4 years now and it's basically cut into 3 different parts, technology in general, help building a computer, and OS wars/disputes. Now I've been wondering for a while why no stickys with falcon's guide and general advice have stuck around for the build threads and why loli threads aren't deleted immediately by mods? Also, a gnu/linux or OS board would be appreciated by most of /g/
Having a sticky would not be ideal as this would warrant similar stickies on /a/ (when people ask for recommendations). My opinion is that threads with such narrow topics such as ``Is this build good?" or ``How do I fix ___?" should be deleted on sight. They add no information to the board and only provide for shitty replies.
/g/ needs more active or knowledgeable janitors/mods.
true, but even so it wouldn't make a difference seeing how mods are never around for /g/ most of the time. But when the build sticky used to be up it helped kill the build threads a little, although it probably would have worked better if the lazy mod would've sorted it out like he said he would.

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Could 4chan finally incorporate a catalogue function?

2chan has it as well.
Third party catalogues works well enough, but the range of boards is limited.
/q/ - add a catalogue
See, if we had a catalogue, that wouldn't have happened.
that's what i said!

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I come from my home board /adv/. I know that Mootles had declared that quite soon janitor applications will open. I have a specific suggestion for the moderation of /adv/.

Posts that do not ask a specific question, or do not pertain to a specific situation should be deleted. I understand that /adv/ was created after /r9k/ but I think they both serve different purposes now, /r9k for general discussion about specific topics, /adv/ for advice for specific questions and scenarios. I often see general discussion questions on /adv/ (there are 2 on the front page right now).

/adv/ is a lovely little board with a good crowd, and I don't know how others feel about deletion of general discussion, but this is one /adv/isors input. In the next post I will discuss the possibility of having a permanent sticky for advice basics.
Alot of the posting I see on adv, isn't so much shitposting as it is just topic that we see everyday over and over again for example: /adv/ I am really bad at talking to girls, how do I do this? /adv/ how do I get some, and when I do how do I not fuck up or come in 2 minutes, /adv/ how do I go without fapping? etc.

I suggest /adv/ have a basics sticky to provide a set of really really good advice from our /adv/isors, s/adv/irgins what have you, that address the most commonly asked questions that show up on the board. We can have multiple /adv/isors contribute and decide on what we can include in this sticky. We have some good trips on their who do good threads, not saying we should get rid of those, but they should also contribute to the sticky too like the trips on /fit/.

I think this will lessen the amount of "how do I get girl" shitposting that we see say to day.

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Am I the only one that feels like Mods need better reasons to ban sometimes? I just got banned from /v/ for "shitposting", even though all I've posted in the last hour was a reaction image to a guy telling me to google "carbuncle" and linking someone to an image's source.

Administrator Reply: >>316
Developer Reply: >>148
Moderator Reply: >>3404
25 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Was going to make a thread about this, but since it's already been posted, to the top!
You deserved to be banned, or at least have your post deleted. Idolm@sters is a video game, no matter how hard anyone tries to deny it. You should not be encouraging the opposition to attack said threads.
Not sure if anyone cares or wants it, but here's a thread with a lot of bans that people thought were bullshit, almost exclusively from /tg/.
I think posting reaction images alone is shitposting, so I don't see your point.
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So much for srs bsns, how long you've been here brah?
You know you ain't giving them money by enforcing nazi rules.

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I report threads which I think should receive some kind of attention and - browsing /mu/ and /v/ as often as I do - I report a lot of threads. I'm used to the 'wait a little before reporting again' message but recently I've been getting something along the lines of 'you've reported enough threads for now'.

I'm just wondering if that's because the 4chan report queue is full, if such a thing exists, or is it more to do with the number of reports coming from me specifically?
Do ... do I bump?

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and if the post gets hidden 10 times its automatically hidden.

Furthermore, if the person has too many posts hidden all of his posts are automatically hidden for a while.
bampu xDD

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So I heard /his/ is coming. Does anyone know when or if this is true?
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The problem with /kor/ is that there isnt a dedicated fanbase for k dramas, k pop or manwha on any other board
This board really needs strong flood detection, at least for the first week or so.
op here .well /q/uestioners a history board would be the shit but i think itd be a slow ass board
Not necessarily.
I remember the other night there was a thread on /v/ (yeah, /b/2.0 etc etc) that was discussing Louis XIV and 18th century France. It eventually evolved into a rather fascinating discussion about the long term pros, cons, and consequences of the French Revolution, and whether or not it was a force for good. It was actually rather fun, and unfortunately it really wouldn't fit into any other board (maybe /pol/, but even that's pushing it). I would imagine that a /his/ board would mostly be somewhere along those lines of historical debate and examining the multiple interpretations of history.


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We need two gay boards.
Why? Because the board that is supposed to have gay porn (and I mean anything NOT hentai) is filled with threads about gay culture and cam-whores, namely /hm/.
While I understand that gay culture threads need their place, it sucks that they have to be between porn threads, because they both cater to two different needs.

I think the solution is simple, clean up /hm/ and create a new board for Gay Culture, /gc/, have a janitors for both boards.

I would be a janitor, but applications are closed (for now).

I know that most people on this board are not gay but communication and talking to other gay people is very important to me and for now /hm/ is okay, but it could be so much better.

Thank you.
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Back to /v/, neckbeard.
lol, you tried to sage. I'll quote again:

>-Saging is disabled. You will receive an ID instead of Heaven and the thread will bump.
well, i don't think it should be limited to gay people, how about a sexuality discussion board or something, call it /sd/
Yeah because of all the lesbians and transgenders we have.
Face it, 4chan is a sausage-fest.
That'd be fine I think.

I'd really like a transgender discussion board, because Trans topics get flamed, attacked& trolled when posted on /adv/, /r9k/ and /b/.
It's kind of depressing.

So if there's /hm/ for gay porn, and then another (worksafe) board for discussion and advice for LGBT topics, I think everything could be honky dory.
I mean, reddit and 420chan(both places I loathe, but go there for necessity) have dedicated Trans-boards, why is 4chan behind the times?

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I'm kind of disappointed with the seemingly indiscriminate deleting of threads in /v/. It's so random how it works, too. I'll make a clearly defined videogame thread, it'll go to like fifty posts, and then deleted. And yet I see numerous blatantly non-vidya threads filling the front page.

I'd love an answer for the reasoning behind this, but failing that, I'd like to know how a janitor even works. Do people report threads, and the janitor sees a list of reported threads and just deletes them? Maybe the janitors are just deleting any reported thread without actually seeing what the thread even is?

For example:
>ass thread = fine by janitors
>favorite game mosaic thread = deleted
>vidya porn thread = absolutely fine
>stories of friends being cheap when it comes to videogames = a thread I made was deleted just moments ago despite being ON TOPIC

Moderator Replies: >>922 >>950 >>1133
51 posts and 7 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.
Not to side specifically with either group, I think /v/ should have its own culture. But not one centered around hate of itself or its own community. There would still be room for "keep crying, bitch nigger, that level will stay unfinished" but there needs to be more room for /v/ to be able to discuss things - even if they're flavor of the week type things - and still maintain its dignity and tastes. The humor of the board needs to not come from the same tired, years old jokes. The jokes should come from the board, and the content discussed by the board - video games. It's fine to have the wacky threads from time to time, they're okay and break up the monotony of just discussing video games all day erry day.

But when a board's main jokes don't even come from the topic of the board, and are slowly but surely mirroring that of a site the board claims to hate, then there is a large problem. This ironic shitposting thing has grown out of hand, and it's grown so out of hand it's affecting the discourse of the board. /v/ has become so mad at a certain group that it can't see that it's becoming that group's mirror image, one where threads with dissenting opinions are spammed or saged into oblivion, one where anything that's not about an already defined 'good game' is either viral marketing or a troll, one where every new game is going to be a flop, regardless of what it is.
This has become a culture where the reason we SEE all of these off topic threads is because the people that could be doing real good are doing no good at all. The people that should be reporting the off topic threads are busy bitching at somebody for liking a game, believing in their own arrogance that they're helping the board. All the while >tfw no gf.
Does anyone hope that when the new janitor applications open up that /v/ will be moderated a bit more than it is now?
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daily reminder 3 things that are 4ever allowed :)
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hey moot, I'm pretty sure you're the one who posted this, so does it still hold?

Cause I sure am not deleting such a priceless post.

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Can we get a quick report button next to the quick reply button?
It's already a part of 4chan X.
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The only extension I've ever used for 4chan is the official one, and it's no longer supported for firefox.
Well switch to 4chan X. It's significantly better.

Well switch to 4chan X then which is clearly the superior extension.

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Will we ever see a catalog mode added to 4chan like what they have on 2chan, or something more like http://catalog.neet.tv?
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If you want more features, you'll have to get it from a third party.
Having it on the main site would reduce load a lot, and deal with the problem where the unofficial one stops updating for a few hours sometimes.

It'd also make /b/ a lot more usable.

There's also the fact that it only has 35 out of 60-some boards due to the no-nsfw rules of the server host.
It would defeat the purpose of canvas.
The "browser" from /g/ also does this, albet with a much heavier load on the servers seeing how often it polls the server.

I'd be interested in an official one as well. Would probably reduce the amount of refreshing needed to see anything of interest in the fast moving boards.

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