is there anyway to get all of the porn off /b/? there are boards like /s/ and /hc/ where it should be but people seem to just flood /b/ with dumps. pic unrelated
You must be joking
/b/ is for anything.
>/b/>Random>except what i don't likeDeal with it, or graduate to the interest boards.
>>5945this in itself is a pretty interesting conceptit's no wonder that place is so shitty
Eventually you'll move on and experience the board culture of other boards kid. It won't even by important to you.
/b/ is for the random stuff which doesn't fit anywhere else is how i always saw it, there are boards for porn but it gets put on /b/ when /s/ ad /hc/ are left dry.
also, there needs to be a /dg/ or dickgirls board as the trap threads on /b/ have gone beyond a joke now.igger dsubler
I was just thinking of this. It would definitely improve the quality of the board if sick, defile, Jewish pornography was illegalized, but it's /b/ so it's supposed to be shit anyway. I'd support such a move for other boards, however.
im not so much suggesting a new board, but perhaps a feature where upon mods can move a thread (like in forums) could be considered, although i doubt t would work due to the way 4chan is set up.
you're complaining about what content is on /b/.serious?it's /b/. That's why people love it, you post whatever the fuck you want to and talk about whatever you want to no matter how retarded it is.either keep going on there and stand all the shit you don't like or stop going on there.