Sage.Protip: Make it silent.Why? Because SAGE was originally intended to be a flag you can attach to your post, and denote that YOUR post contributes nothing to the thread, as a sort of an "excuse", a way of saying, sorry guys, this is unrelated, don't mind this post. What it is now? Essentially an instant "fuck you" you can paste into the email field which serves two purposes:1) To tell someone off2) The complete opposite of its original intended purpose, because it attracts tenfold as much replies who point out that guy who just FEELS the need to type that sage into the email field. The problem could be easily solved by making sage the same as noko used to be (even though userscripts took its purpose over), a silent, completely transparent way to post in threads without a single soul knowing it. This would fix both the arguments about sage and allow for more discussion without seeing everyone spamming "hurr durr sage this shit" and smartasses who feel that putting sage in their email field makes their opinion more valuable and hard hitting.Just an idea, feel free to hate or agree.
i don't know if people misunderstand the purpose of sage, or are being ironic.i just don't know anymore.
I don't even know what sage is, I'm a newfag <3
I'll second OP's idea. Would probably cut down on a great deal of bullshit.
>>5543They don't, people genuinely expect "sage" to be an ultimate thread voting tool, and pretty much 90% of the people use it as Reddit's fucking downvote button.
I was told sage doesn't work at all...
if you "sage+noko" it won't flag
Just because it had to be done.
>>5522Normally regarding things like this, I support trying t teach people how it works.With this, though, I think hiding it is necessary.
If I tell someone to fuck off, that's definitely not related to the thread's topic. There are lots of people who still use sage properly (maybe it varies by board, I don't know, I only read 4 boards regularly), and I've found that people who get offended by sage because they think it's an insult are worse than people who use it thinking it's an insult
It's called nokosage
>>5624Yes, I know about that. The point wasn't to add a way of saging silently, my idea was to turn the existing one silent.
what a terrible idea
>Essentially an instant "fuck you" you can paste into the email fieldOnly a few boards share this mentality. Even if someone does take it that way you dont have to reply. Sage is just something you do on your own behalf, not to have an impact on someone else.
Just like there is a rule now against announcing reports, I'd be happy to see a similar rule against posts that do nothing but say "sage" in every field. Those are immature spam of the worst kind.
>>5656Why change something when the "fix" already exists?
>>5693>Sage is just something you do on your own behalf, not to have an impact on someone else.Exactly, that's what it was invented for. But it changed severely, and especially on the less "mature" boards, it serves as nothing but a downvote button. On /v/. /g/, /b/, or the other popular boards, I see maybe a single fucking person per month who uses sage properly, to denote that his post is not worthy of bumping the thread to the front page, and NOT for saying that the THREAD is not worthy for being bumped.
If sage is a way to show some humility, and it doesn't show anything, why would people opt into it?It's like if you need a piss while you're in a friend's shower, and you know you can get away with it.
>>5731How does giving people a way to sheath their weapons solve the problem when every moron is running through the streets shooting everyone? Most people don't KNOW about nokosaging, and even if they would, they would choose to show sage just for the hell of it, to promote how much they hate a thread or a particular poster. Again, it is being used to denote the THREAD, and not the poster's own contribution.
>>5737And the worst part about that is, when someone uses it properly, they get accusations of "hating the OP," "hating what was being discussed" or the classic "why did u sage, troll" all of which throw the thread even father off-topic.
>What it is now? Essentially an instant "fuck you" Funny because sage is basically useless for this purpose. If you tell someone fuck off they're just going to reply with their "u mad?" shit and bump the thread rendering it useless. I wonder why this silly idea is still being circulated.
>>5748yeah I've never exactly known the 4chan community to do something with regards to humility. Sage has several purposes that I see.1. you don't want to bump the thread and make it more popular2. you want to say 'fuck you' to the conversation3. you don't want to associate your ID with the thread because you don't want to sound stupid.Honestly the most appropriate way to deal with sage is to ignore it. It handles all 3 situations properly. The most annoying people I've run into regarding sage are the people who tell others off for not using it properly.
>>5778Exactly.>>5802No idea either, I guess it somehow caught on in /b/ and spread to the other boards shortly after. Same with the whole "sage in all fields" meme, it somehow turned into an ultimate thread voting weapon. Maybe the idea was that if enough people sage the thread, it somehow magically disappears.
I feel that the only board that still knows the purpose of saging is /jp/, though they might exaggerate a bit.
>>5818>1. you don't want to bump the thread and make it more popularWhich is fucking stupid because if you reply, even with a sage, someone is likely to reply to you without saging. If you don't want to bump, don't reply at all.>2. you want to say 'fuck you' to the conversationWhich is fucking stupid etc. etc..>3. you don't want to associate your ID with the thread because you don't want to sound stupidWhich is fucking st... etc. etc..
>>5818But what about YOUR use of sage? A lot of what you're saying also applies to ageing. On 2channel, Futaba Channel, or a whole bunch of textboards, bumping can make you look like a dick. You bumped the thread just to say "hahaha me too!!"? That was your valid contribution that deserved to be brought to everyone's attention at the top of the board?
>>5831...I just went to /jp/ to see that, but after seeing this in the first page.. .. eehh.
>>5860>Which is fucking stupid because if you reply, even with a sage, someone is likely to reply to you without saging. If you don't want to bump, don't reply at all.Imageboards (and message boards in general) are a "live" medium, even if they're slow. Everyone is visiting in the here-and-now. What you're saying could be taken to any degree. Why post at all? What does it matter? Why are we even alive? The fact is, if someone is scrolling through the thread list, the most interesting threads should be first. The most recent posts you can see should be good contributions. Obviously this is in theory and it will never ever work this way (even on 2channel), but there are situations where you just want to say something without bumping. If I thank someone or agree with something, it doesn't need to be brought to the immediate attention of the random Anon lurking page 0.
>>5831If anything they dont exaggerate at all, its just because of the nature of most of /jp/s threads it gets used so frequently.
Why do people sage shit threads? Even if you don't bump, you're doing exactly what the OP wanted in the first place, namely giving him replies. You don't make threads for bumps, you make them for replies, especially if it's a shit thread. In the end this "saging against shitposts" doesn't help at all. The only way to deal with them is to report them and ignore/hide them. Sage is not a superweapon against retarded posts.
>>5522>an "excuse", a way of saying, sorry guys, this is unrelated, don't mind this post.I still use it like that, but I preface my post with sorry, forgot pic, or "don't mind me" or else someone goes Why are you saging the thread assholeIt's a bit annoying>>5861>2channel, Futaba Channel, or a whole bunch of textboards, bumping can make you look like a dick.but how fast are those boards? on the fast boards it doesn't matter cause there a bump doesn't mean much and will only keep the thread on the front page for not very long.
>>5924Correct.Another one is shit posts you don't have to reply to every stupid post that someone makes, sometimes people just want attention.
For the newfriends asking, when you type sage in the email field when posting, your post does not bump the thread. Your name will then become blue and underlined. It was supposed to be a way to say your post is off topic and does not contribute to the thread. Yet in this thread, we discuss how sage has come to mean a negative twist to many boards.
>>59352channel is arguably the largest/fastest message board in the world.
>Why? Because SAGE was originally intended to be a flag you can attach to your post, and denote that YOUR post contributes nothing to the thread, as a sort of an "excuse", a way of saying, sorry guys, this is unrelated, don't mind this post.I've been here since 2005 and it was used the exact same way it is now. Time to grow up and stop having your feelings hurt by a spice.
>>5935The fast boards are garbage, and only scum would visit them.
I can attest to this. Regardless of whichever newfags misused it first, any newcomers who look to see how things are done now will pick up its meaning to be exactly as such.
if sage means "fuck you" on whatever board you mainly visit, your board is shitif the posters are 16 year olds from youtube that have been posting since January of this year and think sage means "fuck you" your board is shit
Oh, and I actually made a thread about this (with a similar image) around the same time. Might as well delete it and post a few things here.This is from the old FAQ page: > 2. Sage> a. What is saging?> Saging is the process of replying to a topic without bumping it, in order to add to its post count.> b. Why should I care?> When a post reaches a certain post count, it cannot be bumped. By saging a post, you are in effect causing it to be pruned faster, and disallowing it from being bumped further.> c. How do I sage?> To sage, simply enter "sage" without quotes into the e-mail field in your reply.This might sound silly, but even the new FAQ isn't much better:> What is "sage"?> Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [E-mail] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page, while still counting against its reply count. Threads that reach their reply limit can no longer be bumped, causing them to sink to the back pages and be pruned more quickly. Abusing the sage function by "sage-bombing" is frowned upon and may result in a ban.These both imply that sage is some sort of mechanism to fill up threads for the sake of getting them pruned faster. In this context, it actually makes sense to see sage as a weapon or an insult. Couple that with the fact that mods used to ban people for saging their threads (really), and it's not difficult to see where the sage myth came from.At the very least, it would be nice if moot could rewrite this part of the FAQ.
>>6036>sage add to its post count.Didn't moot changed this?
>>5987If anything, it was worse then. 4chan didn't invent anonymous boards, and it did a lot of things wrong in its early days. "Use a tripcode to protect your identity!" and so on. It doesn't help that the ambassador for doing things the "right" way was a teenage Shii, who was a pedophile and a pseudointellectual prick.
>>6017>your board is shitYes. Did you forget that this is the "how to make shit boards less shit" board? We are discussing ways to make them better somehow.>>6036Exactly. Thanks for posting that.>>6057I don't think it has changed, though it's disabled here so I can't test it. Userscripts do count saged posts, but I doubt 4chan uses the same system. We could only test that with moderator input, or by making a new thread somewhere and saging it 300 times.
>>6057Only on this board.
>>6060All she accomplished was creating a bunch of people who weren't even around for the tripcode "problem" that constantly complain and derail threads simply because someone has one on.
>>5974They also have 1000 post bump limits, a strong culture of chained ("general") threads for popular topics, and possibly better moderation overall (I see more terrible posts and stupid trolls in an hour of browsing 4chan than I probably come across on 2ch in a week, though that probably has more to do with the fact that 99% of the time I am there to read a specific thread, rather than just browse for something interesting). The userbase has essentially self-organized into a more traditional forum-style of posting (albeit still anonymous) in order to deal with the issue of the sheer size of the board
>>6017Firstly, nobody owns a board they're meant for discussion by everybody.>your board is shitYou obviously don't understand what /q/ is for, improvement of the boards rules and 4chan in general.
>>6084That's a whole other can of worms, and one for which I'm just going to leave this here:
>>6091Probably because they have less 14yos that just discovered links to the rest of the boards at the bottom of the page.I wonder what would happen if moot replaced every board here with a text board equivalent. How soon would this place be rid of annoying spam?
>>6108I've read it all, and I have no problem with anonymity itself. My problem lies with the users that pretend a tripcode user is detracting from the site when it is in fact the anonymous user that complains about nonexistent problems causing the problem.
>>6120are you an idiot?there are a ton of textboard, and they are just full of either spam or literally 1 guy making a post every 9 months
>>6120That would, in fact, be a very interesting experiment. Especially with people who just mindlessly spam reaction images in order to enhance their posts, or explicitly look for image dumps and whatnot. No more desktop threads, no more avatar circlejerking, no more unrelated image spamming would be possible.
>>6147>and they are just full of either spamThat's just world4ch and the spam is only there because no mods or janitors pay any attention to them> literally 1 guy making a post every 9 monthsI wonder how we could fix that.
>>6151It could be a cool thing to do for a week to sorta... "clean up" the userbase.WHO DO I CALL TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN
>>6137Well, I think both parties are at fault. You shouldn't choose to have a consistent identity unless it's relevant (why would you? Anonymity is awesome), but you also shouldn't whine because someone else is doing it. If anything, you're giving them exactly the sort of attention and qualification usually associated with pseudonymous/forced registration forums.Hiroyuki Nishimura wrote some great stuff about this, but I don't want to get too sidetracked.
>>6200Drop a call to 1-370-MOOTLES and we might get something.
>>6212I post anonymously all the time, and I'm perfectly fine posting that way here. Honestly, when I post with a trip, I only do it because the other side is just THAT BAD, or the trip users on that board are just THAT GOOD.I mean, I've been on plenty sites and boards where I just feel posting anonymously is the best way to get my point across, but a lot of the time, especially here on 4chan, anonymity is associated with chaos and spam.