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While I know we are not supposed to ask for suggestions could we at least just have a sticky at the top? Even if none of the suggestions are looked at it would be nice to keep them all in one place.
I support this, there have been a lot of suggestions for /his/, /kr/ etc. so a sticky seems viable.
there needs to be a sfw /b/ for people who want random discussion instead of (child)porn and gore discussion
Hello dear Sir,

There is already a sticky at the top of this board containing a complete list of all board suggestions that are currently under consideration. The size of that list is zero, and will remain so until further notice.

Thank you, and good day.
the idea is to consolidate the board suggestions into one thread since people will break the rules and suggest them anyway.
Don't see why not.

I've been thinking about something like an /alt/, a NSFW board for perverts in boards like /vp/ and /mlp/ and general Western porn that doesn't belong in /s/, /hm/ and /hc/. Gives them a place to dump shit without polluting other boards.
Just a bit too late for me then, huh?

I think moot said awhile back that they are not considering board suggestions at the moment.
Guess so bro, you are welcome to help tho.
I'll just post it (>>51685) here, too:

New board suggestion pre-discussion general

For simplicity's sake, we should keep this confined to one thread for the time being.

I have compiled a list of potential boards discussed here:


How should this be edited?
I'm thinking of ordering this by priority; what order should they be in?
Another idea is to have, next to each potential board in that list, a list of all the current boards that would benefit from the creation of that new board.
What else can be done?

>unknown paste ID
Works now
/rel/ is listed twice.
The board I want to see implemented the most is /kr/, but I'd also post regularly in /psy/ or /ssci/ (obviously it doesn't make sense to make both /psy/ and /ssci/).

I'm not sure how I feel about an /uni/ board. Eh.
Economics is also a social science.
I don't see how discussing if making a certain board is good or bad is a rule violation. It just says that they're ignoring board suggestions.
/his/ and /uni/ boards when?

I think the megathread is a smart idea, especially because even though we all know board suggestions aren't being accepted, it makes sense to plan sales pitches around boards we do want ahead of time. No, we don't need half the board full of half-assed board suggestions, but keeping them here will mean that these suggestions may, at the very least, come across as better ideas with a group effort behind each one.
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/nij/ - Random/2D

It'd be a NSFW random board focused on all the content comprised in the Japanese Culture boards.

It could relieve shitposting on /a/ (removing SORANDUM XD shit and leaving it for actual anime/manga discussion, like moot wants), /jp/ (which needs this badly), and a couple others.

With some luck it could even become a decent community.
I feel that's a thinly veiled way of suggesting a topic as that will come up anyway when someone suggess a thread.
/ssci/ is redundant with a few other board suggestions on that list, too. I personally I like the idea of separate boards for these topics. I don't mind seeing anon discussing economy on a board I visit to talk about psychology, but I can see how others might.
So right now the suggestions are:

/his/ - History
/rel/ - Religion
/cel/ - Celebrities
/con/ - Conspiracy
/phi/ - Philosophy
/econ/ - Economics
/psy/ - Psychology
/med/ - Medical & Health
/cog/ Comics & Cartoons Generals
/ssci/ - Soft & Social Sciences
/uni/ - University & College
/kr/ - Korean
/hd/ - Home Decor
/math/ - Math

What do you guys think?
what about the worksafe /b/?
Add /nij/! It has also been proposed and brainstormed on the /jp/ threads.

In my opinion, I think only /cel/, /phi/+/rel/, /econ/ and /kr/ are worth it from that list.
Why do we need a religion board? It would just be trolls trolling trolls and would produce nothing of value.
/wrest/ - Wrestling

420chan's /wooo/ is suffering
>Missing /psi/ - Psychic.
Made a google doc so you niggers can add shit
I also want to add that I want the history board bad.
Economics is a social science
This, so fucking much this, I love talking about things that have nothing to do with anything else, but I don't want to see a group of dogs gangbanging a baby everytime I do it, please, make a /wsb/
trap board
We need a transgender discussion board.

you could combine most of the humanities, like religion/econ/etc... into a humanities/social science board. It's not like we're not all science major master race anyway
moot already said a sfw /b/ isn't going to happen.

Not a bad idea

What? areyoufuckingkiddingme.jpg

Could work, it would move the image dumps away.

Go back to ATS

Yeah, that would be cool.

Well, it would be interesting, but not advice would be smart

I don't think it's a good idea for 4channers to be getting mental advice from other 4channers.

Getting medical advice? That's a terrible idea.

/vg/ all over again

Okay, maybe, but I'm not really sure what that means.

/soc/ electric boogaloo 2

There's a specific chan devoted to Korean stuff.

Okay, not terrible

/his/ - History -> NOPE. /int/
/rel/ - Religion -> NOPE /pol/ is based off religious beliefs
/cel/ - Celebrities -> NOPE /tv/ is /cel/
/con/ - Conspiracy -> NOPE
/phi/ - Philosophy -> NOPE /lit/ covers well enough
/econ/ - Economics -> NOPE bitcoin/spam shit
/psy/ - Psychology -> LOL
/med/ - Medical & Health - Medical advice from 4chan, how stupid can you get?
/cog/ Comics & Cartoons Generals -> maybe
/ssci/ - Soft & Social Sciences -> JOKE
/uni/ - University & College -> /sci/, /lit/, /pol/, /sp/
/kr/ - Korean -> Make it a joint /kr & jp/ so they can live together and not start intercross trolling
/hd/ - Home Decor ->
/math/ - Math -> /sci/. Math, there isn't much to discuss
>Make it a joint /kr & jp/
that's like telling north korea to embrace capitalism

The only school threads that belong on /sp/ are those pertaining to school sports
The NCAA represents the largest sports organization in the US historically and currently, by membership, attendance figures, and cultural impact

Let's hear that the glorious SEC again
creating an arch- rival of /jp/ would automatically start a rivalry

well fuck that, make them coexist and moderate themselves
/his/ is covered by /tg/ as well.
>/econ/ - Economics
>/med/ - Medical & Health
I think moot said that he wouldn't be able to sleep if people were taking financial advice from 4channers, and it's probably the same case with health advice (beyond doyaevenlift)
Trust me, /jp/ doesn't give a fuck about Japan.
similarly /kr/ wouldn't be anything about Korea
>/cog/ Comics & Cartoons Generals
You might as well call it /fan/ -Cartoon Fandom Hugbox because that's exactly was it will turn into.

We should have a /wooo/ board
I'm still for a /man/ga board. /a/ is too big for both anime and manga, it's getting harder and harder to have a decent manga thread.
I'm interested in a /lang/uage board, for talking about/in other languages.
For those that are not looking at the google doc
New suggestions are
/lgbt/ - Gay Culture
/sb/ - Sfw /b/
/nij/ - Random/2d
/gos/ - gossip
/ma/ - manga
/lift/ - weightlifting
/les/ - lesbian porn
/mmu/ - modern music
Link doesn't work for me
I just checked and a bunch of people are on the doc, are ya sure you entered it right?
But I'm interested in a board exclusively for language discussion, not one for talking about how Argentina isn't white.
>/les/ - lesbian porn
I support this; /u/ is 3D-friendly but it is and should stay a majority 2D lesbian board.
/int/ is exclusively about language discussion

I'm not joking
I don't know, might just be my phone
there's a text board, I think
I support /his/, /cel/, hd/, and a 4chan /wooo/.
Would probably only frequent /his/, but the others seem nice.
Me too, although /lang/ already exists, images can really help the learning progress and suggestion on how techniques.
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/lg/ would be nice.
I wouldn't get much use out of it, but I think it's a nice idea, too.
Well, at least I did SOMEthing.

>/can/ - The Cancer Ward
Keep /mlp/ and /vp/ seperate but from now on when stuff reaches "cancer" status it has to go in /can/ and posting it outside of /can/ is bannable. At the very least this would improve /co/ by getting rid of Homestuck and Gravity Falls and Korra when that comes back.

you've obviously never gone to /int/ if you expect intelligent discussion

/sb/ - Sfw /b/ - NO
/gos/ - gossip - wtf?
/ma/ - manga - great another weaboo board
/lift/ - weightlifting - /fit/
/les/ - lesbian porn - /s/
please give us the /gay/ board
Yeah, a 4chan equivalent of /wooo/ would be nice. If that's a little too narrow a focus maybe make it 4chan's version of SA's PSP forum as a place for pro wrestling, MMA, boxing and other "combat sports" like that.
I support a trap board and korean board.
I can't access the google doc. Is an effort being made to sort the boards by how important/needed they are? Priority?
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Here you go.
What happens when you try and enter it?
a /his/ board would be a great addition. It'd be a little like /pol/, minus the stormfaggotry and RON PAUL 2012 bullshit
This, and take the traps from /hc/ and /gif/
I love the thought of a /his/, but it will need heavy moderation in the first month or so to ensure it doesn't turn into /pol/ 2.0.


It has the potential to be either very good or very bad, depending on the moderation.
Yeah. That may be a problem.
[spoiler]A main reason why I think /his/ would be cool is that we could discuss warriors and armies and have versus threads sometimes, as long as it doesn't fill the board and make it "/his/ - Deadliest Warrior."[/spoiler]
I would like to know if it is possible to bring back /l/ (loli)?, moot has never made clear if his current ISP its against lolicon.

Also a board dedicated to antiques would be cool an easy to moderate.
we really need a worksafe request board.

wouldn't that end up just turning back into Nation vs Nation shitposting?

>>>3456778(made up thread)
>Spartans vs Greek Armies
>Sparta in charge of winning wars

or something like that
Didn't he say loli stays in b?
What good is /kr/? How many of these are text boards?
as bad as /cel/ does sound, it would be a nice addition. /tv/ might finally be rid of feet and waifu threads
> At the very least this would improve /co/
No it won't. It will just make trolls forced any new fandom it into "cancer status".
On phone, cba to link to posts.

/sci/ is slow enough as it is, making /econ/, /math/ etc would kill it. The only one I might agree with would be /phil/, as there really isn't anywhere for that kinda stuf currently.

/hist/ could be cool, and again, there's nowhere for it currently. However, there aren't many people really looking for a place to discuss it, unlike philosophy. Combine this with the fact it would probably descend into shitposting pretty fast, I would vote against it.

The only thing I would like about it would be war threads. I acknowledge that these can go in /k/, but I would love a board devoted to them. I admit it would be slow moving, but I think there would be enough interest and possible discussion material to make it a good thread.

My only other proposal would be /feet/. I see threads on nearly every fucking board.

If anyone would be kind enough to add /wa/ and /feet/ to the polls/surveys, I'd be very grateful.
Make it a good board*
An outdoors board for outdoors sports like backpacking, hiking, camping, fishing, etc.

These topics generally have to link themselves onto /k/, /sp/, /an/, or the horrifically slow /trv/
added the recent suggestions to the doc
worksafe /b/
/fin/, for finances and economy. Good place for job/career threads, too.
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>/his/ - History -> NOPE. /int/

You realize that History encompasses more than just military conflicts and empires right? /int/ doesn't cover discussions for political, social, economic, labor, religious, cultural, scientific, etc. history topics.

Pic related, how and why the fuck would I discuss American labor history on /int/?
are you fucking stupid there are anarchists who don't want to work and want the government to take care of them that is why 4chan exists now.
Update, here is everything:

/les/ - Lesbian porn
/lg/ - Transgender Discussion
/hist/ - History
/kr/ - Korean
/ma/ - Manga
/lgbt/ - LGBT Culture
/wsr/ - Work Safe Requests
/col/ - Collaboration
/sb/ - SFW Random
/nij/ - Random/2D
/lift/ - Weightlifting
/mmu/ - Modern Music
/oc/ - OC creative projects
/law/ - Legal
/fe/ - feels
/daw/ - adorable
/rel/ - Religion
/cel/ - Celebrities
/phi/ - Philosophy
/econ/ - Economics
/psy/ - Psychology
/med/ - Medical & Health
/ssci/ - Soft & Social Sciences
/uni/ - University & College
/stor/ - OC Writing
/wres/ - Professional wrestling
/tch/ - Teaching / How do I learn
/mnly/ - Manly (/man/ sounds gay)
/z/ - /z/ 2.0
/gd/ - Graphic design
/msp/ - MS Paint
/lern/ - Learning
/5/ - /5/ 1.5
/puz/ - Puzzles and Riddles
/con/ - Conspiracy
/cog/ - Comics & Cartoons Generals
/hd/ - Home Decor
/math/ - Math
/cad/ - B^U
/war/ - War
/feet/ - Feet fetish
/out/ - Outdoors
/hor/ - Horror
Why would /mmu/ be necessary? /mu/ discusses modern music more than it discusses old music. Also, what is the cutoff date for "modern"?
political , social , economic, labor, religious, cultural, scientific history is not limited to one country.

For any of those concepts to have bearing today, then it would have transpired across multiple nations, thus /int/
/lg/ - Transgender Discussion
/kr/ - Korean
/ma/ - Manga
/lgbt/ - LGBT Culture
/wsr/ - Work Safe Requests
/daw/ - adorable
/phi/ - Philosophy and Psychology
/med/ - Medical & Health
/z/ - /z/ 2.0
/gd/ - Graphic design
/5/ - /5/ 1.5
/con/ - Conspiracy
/cog/ - Comics & Cartoons Generals
/math/ - Math
/cad/ - B^U

These are the boards I got out of that post that have a purpose or don't have a niche on another board.
People feel /mu/ needs a split any better idea for how to split it?
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An anon on the first day suggested a /fan/ board for sci-fi and fantasy interests, and I'd be totally down for that. It'd be like condensing /vg/, /co/, and /tg/, but only for the genres I care about.

Posting the doc again if people missed it
Would like to see

/win/ - Wincest thread.
/pr/ Pregnant thread

I very much doubt their is enough people interested in pregnancy to have its own board, just need to make an irl /d/ or fetish board

>Wincest board

Probably wouldn't get enough traffic though.
/mu/ - Music
/tfw/ - Feels
I'd be up for /kr/ and /hist/, and I suppose I might check out /phi/ too. Rest I'm not too bothered about, although /rel/ can only end badly.
>/med/ - Medical & Health
>Medical advice on 4chan
Shit nigga, are you retarded?
>people supporting a philosophy board

You guys realize it'll just be pseudo-intellectuals arguing over the most pointless shit, right?

Just like /mu/ and /lit/.
Like the majority of 4chan?
>/lg/ - Transgender Discussion
belongs with /lgbt/
>/kr/ - Korean
k-pop faggots don't need there own board, they can keep it in a single thread on /s/ or elsewhere
>/med/ - Medical & Health
fucking horrible idea, asking for health advice on 4chan is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. there would be serious injuries and deaths from people listening to trolls
>/con/ - Conspiracy
already covered by /pol/ and /x/
>/cog/ - Comics & Cartoons Generals
/co/ is already small as it is, why split it up?
>/math/ - Math

also, fuck you for no /his/, nigger
/lgbt/ should just be /gbt/ because 3 letters and fuck fems

The board shouldn't exist at all because the last thing we need is an influx of tumblr kiddies turning 4chan into a hugbox.
>/sci/ is slow enough as it is,
Look at /diy/. A very nice, and yet slow, board. Slow doesn't mean bad or killed.
On the doc, last I saw, it had a column for # of people supporting it. This should be changed to a column for reasons for, and a column against.
Actually, yep, you're right. Scratch /lgbt/ completely, it's asking for a whole new strain of cancer.

/les/ - Lesbian porn - don't see why it can't go in /s/
/lg/ - Transgender Discussion - see /lgbt/
/hist/ - History - I already briefly discussed this and disagree
/kr/ - Korean - no comment, I don't ever go on any of the japanese culture boards
/ma/ - Manga - no comment
/lgbt/ - LGBT Culture - go to /soc/ or /r9k/
/wsr/ - Work Safe Requests - I can see the need for this and would vote for it
/col/ - Collaboration - no comment
/sb/ - SFW Random - I disagree, plus moot has already said no, we just look like babies who don't listen if we ask for it
/nij/ - Random/2D - no comment
/lift/ - Weightlifting - >/fit/
/mmu/ - Modern Music - >/mu/
/oc/ - OC creative projects - meh, could be cool
/law/ - Legal - too niche
/fe/ - feels - isn't that /r9k/ is for?
/daw/ - adorable - 99% of this could go on /an/
/rel/ - Religion - if it takes the trolling off /sci/ and /pol/, I'd reluctantly agree
/cel/ - Celebrities - I guess
/phi/ - Philosophy - I already briefly discussed this, an am in favour
/econ/ - Economics - /sci/ doesn't need fragmentation
/psy/ - Psychology - ditto
/med/ - Medical & Health - ditto
/ssci/ - Soft & Social Sciences - ditto
/uni/ - University & College - ditto//soc/
/stor/ - OC Writing - >/lit/
/wres/ - Professional wrestling - I'd be more in favour of a /martial arts/ board
/tch/ - Teaching / How do I learn - >/sci/ or >/DIY/
/mnly/ - Manly (/man/ sounds gay) - could go with /out/
/z/ - /z/ 2.0 - fo sho
/gd/ - Graphic design - no comment
/msp/ - MS Paint - lawl
/lern/ - Learning - see /tch/
/5/ - /5/ 1.5 - fo sho
/puz/ - Puzzles and Riddles - >/sci/
/con/ - Conspiracy - potentially as a quarantine board, in a similar manner to /rel/
/cog/ - Comics & Cartoons Generals - no
/hd/ - Home Decor - >/DIY/?
/math/ - Math >/sci:
/cad/ - B^U - no comment
/war/ - War - my idea, of course I approve
Point taken. But still, I think it'll end up trolls trolling trolls.


/feet/ - Feet fetish - my idea again, another quarantine board
/out/ - Outdoors - could be pretty cool, I like the idea
/hor/ - Horror - >/x/

My thoughts. Most of the ideas seem to just be wanting to split preexisting boards, something I would be inclined against.

After reading all those, I thought of the possibility of /knw/ - Knowledge. All the stuff like /law/, /lrn/, and maybe even /phil/ could go in there.

Thoughts on anything I've said?
Basically, what we should do is look at 99chan and do the exact opposite of what they've done. Seeing as how they're a *chan with more boards than users with shittons of niche boards that get one post a month. See: /fronk/, /regs/, etc.
If this exists, then where's /cis/ - Cisgender ?
But /sci/ isn't in need of fixing either.
Do /fan/
This is 4chan, even the most marginal board gets 100+ posts a day.
I just saw the thread and are people seriously asking for a /feels/-board? A board for a joke/maymay/whatever from krautchan?
I'd love a History board, but it'd just be stormfront all over again.

But a /jptv/ - Japanese Film and Television would be fucking awesome. I'd love to be able to talk about various J-dramas or comedies and films without having to go to /tv/ which should really be renamed /pedo/.
Just a reminder folks, if you want to add a form the google doc is

What do you mean by 'do'? Also, what is /fan/? Just a general board for popular stuff
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traps plz
>>56148 brought up /fan/ in this thread; It's a board for science-fiction and fantasy themed works across all creative mediums (except anime and manga?). I think /fan/ is kind of misleading, though.
No, sci-fi and fantasy. https://archive.foolz.us/q/thread/12192/#12192

Traps and everything related to former men in panties.
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Several successful History threads have been posted on /b/ and /pol/ recently without any stormfaggotry. There is an interest and willingness to discuss history intelligently on 4chan, and if moot makes a board for it I could see it being very successful.

Agree with you also on a /jptv/, hardly anyone on /tv/ is willing or knowledgeable enough to discuss the golden age of Japanese cinema (50s-60s).

Pic related. I've never seen an intelligent discussion of Teshigahara, Ozu, Ichikawa, Kobayashi, etc. on /tv/.
Why did I read this as cross dressing trash?

I like crossdressers...
Oh ho ho, yes it is. First on the to-do list is give the mods some 'constructive criticism'.

I don't go to any of the Jap boards, nor /tv/, but this sounds like a good board pitch. I say yes.
I'd be up for a trap board as long as there was plenty of 2D, most 3D traps suck.
Also, if moot creates /jptv/ and not /kr/, I will fucking flip shit.
What does /sh/ mean? /sh/emale? Cause you really should add the ' - BoardTopic' to the end of those.
I just want /l/ back

Oh, ok. Perhaps /fnt/ is a better name? I think it's a good idea, however, books can go in /lit/, films can go in /tv/ and fantasy discussion sometimes pops up on /tg/. I agree it's a very big genre, so perhaps it would be good. What kind of stuff would be discussed there? It's 4:15 for me and I'm shattered, cba to read that thread.

My only concern is that other genres could theoretically ask for them ie /noir/ or /crime/...
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One board I think I'd like to see is a voice acting/impressions board to house vocaroo threads. They have been really popular on /v/ lately, and great voices have popped up such as Duke, Ivan, and StephanosRex. I've also seen them crop up on /a/ and /tv/ occasionally, and I wouldn't be surprised if they are found elsewhere. With the increased moderation on /v/ lately I feel that these threads are going to become extinct.
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>summon it


But really, you want a whole board for vocaroo threads?
It would get more posts than boards like /3/, that's for sure.

/soc/ has vocaroo threads? I would imagine it's just recordings of them complaining how shitty their life is.
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A performance board; i.e. A board for dance, singing and other performance malarky.
Discussion about concerts, shows, performers etc...

/per/ or /perf/?

No. Even worse. Basically they just record themselves talking, and then they all compliment each other on how good their voices are. It's ungodly ego-stroking and attention whoring.
I know it won't happen, but I'd really enjoy a drug board.
This, ones on 7chan, Auschan and 2chan are pretty popular.

But a stickied WHRE CAN I FNID DUURGS!?!? thread.
/phi/ - philosophy, please.
Bump for interest, this thread is golden.

If I'm honest, I don't see the point. 4chan is an imageboard. Admittedly, there's more discussion that images now, but this isn't either of those. Go on /soc/ for vocaroo and dancing, go on /mu/ for music performance. You could set up a lively team channel.

This is just my opinion of course, but I think it's one step too far away.

I've tried, they just scream "HUUR DURR CABARET FAGGOT!!!"

Join /n/ with /trv/ and maybe /o/ too. All these boards are SO fucking dead.

New /his/ or /philosophy/ board or make it a part of /lit/ that could use more users.


Admittedly it's a bit slow, but certainly not dead.
As for /o/ and /n/, I agree to a certain degree.
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>mfw there isn't a shrek board
Reposting this.

After reading all those, I thought of the possibility of /knw/ - Knowledge. All the stuff like /law/, /lrn/, and maybe even /phil/ could go in there.

I think it's actually quite a good idea, just one board to start with for all knowledge type stuff. It would be popular to start with, as most people could find something to discuss. If one or two things, such as history or philosophy, start dominating, then they can have their own boards, which will already have a large group of users from /knw/, and know what kind of threads work, meaning those boards are much less likely to just turn into shitposting.
>/knw/ - Knowledge
Why not just make /phi/?!
The "philo" in philosophy means "knowledge"!
We need a miku board please.

Just call it /vc/ - Vocaloid

The board description would still be 'Philosophy', and everyone would go there to discuss philosophy, and not any other worth learning about.
/mu/ needs to be split into /pop/, for 90% of the shit that gets posted there every day, including feels, and /mu/, for serious discussion of western art music, and the composition, theory, history, etc. thereof.
I'd support a board about nothing but vocaloid.
Bump for interesting discussion.
A Vocaloid board would be nice.

I also propose a magic/magick board to get all of that stuff out of /x/. There are way to many threads on there about it. Or maybe enforce keeping it all in one thread at a time?
How popular is /x/ anyway>?
If >>53975 says anything, it's a mid-high popular board.
Bump for more ideas. Well, rather the trimming down of current list.
The number of boards in this list is
As far as I can tell /his/ has the most support, along with philosophy and other humanities topics. To be honest /his/ is the only board I really want, but it appears that there is also considerable interest for a LGBT type board, based on the google doc.
Bump. Keepin it in one thread is always better.

Just go to the respective SFW boards of whatever you want to talk about.

>CAPTCHA: Oats. ddedceme
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Drawfag board with forced IDs, no /i/ isn't an option. All requests and waifu draw threads could go there.
/lit/ is already a philosophy board, what difference would /phi/ make? the standard of conversation would be the same, if not worse

and /mu/ doesn't need a split, it just needs reforming. we need better nods to get rid of shitty threads (1 feel thread at a time is ok, we can't cut the feelers' entire supply all at once) including ratings only tapmusic threads.

then, the general essentials need to be specified as albums to listen to in order to develop a fuller appreciation of music, discover your own tastes and pursue these (starting with the genre essentials at blogspot), and then discuss those new found tastes. not, as it currently is, talk about the gen.essentials and nothing else.

we should however also have /mc/ - Music Creation, for any queries on instruments / DAWs / sheet music requests, bandcamp and soundcloud threads. on /mu/, instrument threads are often met with no replies or shitposting because /mu/ and the theoretical /mc/ have quite (though not entirely) dissimilar userbases
Well I thought just a board dedicated to OC creation could work as a specific music creation board seems too generic
Despite the /v/ cleanup I still support the idea of two boards for Western and Eastern vidya. It would reduce traffic, friction and have one vidya board that fits snugly into the Japanese media board of the site and have considerable overlap with those boards.
I throw my support behind a Comics and Cartoons General board, a Celebrity board, and a LGBT board.
Add em to the list bro
>/mu/ and the theoretical /mc/ have quite (though not entirely) dissimilar userbases

this is absolutely true; the two communities rarely intersect except in the meta-/mu/ and feel threads. /mu/ is misclassified on the homepage - it should be under "interests" rather than "creative" - and a true creative music board is badly needed. If there's going to be a split, this will be it.
Update, this is in order of support:

/les/ - Lesbian porn
/hist/ - History
/kr/ - Korean
/lg/ - Transgender Discussion
/perf/ - Performance
/jptv/ - Japanese Film & Television
/ma/ - Manga
/wsr/ - Work Safe Requests
/vc/ - Vocaloid
/col/ - Collaboration
/phi/ - Philosophy
/lgbt/ - LGBT Culture
/crd/ - Cardgames
/ssci/ - Soft & Social Sciences
/fe/ - feels
/mmu/ - Modern Music
/lift/ - Weightlifting
/daw/ - adorable
/law/ - Legal
/nij/ - Random/2D
/oc/ - OC creative projects
/psy/ - Psychology
/con/ - Conspiracy
/hor/ - Horror
/vb/ - Vidya Random
/vj/ - Vidya - Japanese/Eastern
/vw/ - Vidya - Western
/cel/ - Celebrities
/wres/ - Professional wrestling
/mar/ - Martial Arts / Fighting
/dr/ - Drinking
/feet/ - Fetish
/5/ - /5/ 1.5
/bsn/ - Business, Financials and Economics
/fan/ - Fantasy
/gd/ - Graphic design
/lern/ - Learning
/med/ - Medical & Health
/msp/ - MS Paint
/play/ - Theater
/puz/ - Puzzles and Riddles
/rel/ - Religion
/stor/ - OC Writing
/tch/ - Teaching / How do I learn
/uni/ - University & College
/war/ - Warfare
/z/ - /z/ 2.0
/math/ - Math
/cad/ - B^U
/hd/ - Home Decor
/out/ - Outdoors
/dr/ - Drawfag
a /trap/ or /ts/ board plox
As posted in another thread

/fur/ - furry. Just 'cause. Will obviously rustle /v/ and /b/M's jimmies but it'll at least give them a dedicated board
Holy fuck, drop that shit already.

Thoughts on /rel/:
I don't agree with the idea of a religion centered board at all. I know it's a generalization, but I am quite sure that pretty much everyone here is not really religious and/or doesn't believe in a god/god-like entity. Creating a religion board would only lead to the typical "trolls trolling trolls who troll trolls" situation. People claim to be very religious, people start retarded atheism arguments etc.

I can't see how there is much of an interest for these discussions or religion in general outside of some shit threads on /b/ or /pol/.

A history and/or philosophy board make way more sense.

/puz/ sounds interesting, but I'd bet it would just result in usual /b/-tier "troll" questions and retarded Facebook riddles (1+1+1+1+1x0=?)
There's not much point in adding it, it wouldn't be used much because people remember what happened last time.
I don't want to moderate suggested ideas so I just leave them in and see how much support people give them. I personally think a philosophy board would be better than a religion board
A FUCKING /baw/ board to save /r9k/ from fucking cancer or a /feel/ board
I feel as if


are covered by /soc/ already..
I don' think people post a lot of fetish porn or drinking culture on /soc/
Fetish/kink and drinking threads are pretty prevalent there. I'm sure they would benefit from having their own boards but there has to be some kind of cost/benefit-- is a slow board better than a medium-paced thread?
Dammit people don't add back boards that moot explicitly said he wont add
my take on these:

>/les/- lesbian porn
mite be cool, but there's already plenty of porn boards. and google. there's not much to discuss, if you want lesbo porn just google.
>/his/- History
good idea. full support
>/kr/- Korean
good idea. full support. would help /pol/ as well
>/lg/- Transgender and Homosexual/Bisexual discussion
no. /hm/ is the gay board. Maybe a separate board for tranny discussion, but there's no need for a second gay board
>/perf/- Performance
mite be cool. should be not just performance, but any artistic and creative projects though- could also serve as music production and art projects board
>/jptv/- Japanese Film & Television
don't know enough about the subject to have an opinion on this
>/ma/- Manga
don't know enough about this to have an opinion
>/col/- Collaboration
isn't this /diy/?
>/phi/- Philosophy
good idea. full support. will probably attract religion trolls but that's ok. I think there's a lot one can learn from religion discussion anyway, even when troll infested. I've seen plenty of interesting threads on other boards about religious topics.
>/wsr/- Work Safe Requests
don't think this would work, no one really browses /r/ now anyway
>/vc/- Vocaloid
dunno what this is
>/fe/- feels
good idea, full support. I think this would greatly help /r9k/ and other boards plagued by 'tfw no gf' crap. These kind of people just want to circlejerk and wallow in their depression, why not give them a place to do it instead of letting them shit up /r9k/?
>/nij/- Random/2D
don't know enough about this to have an opinion
>/bsn/- Business, Finance, and Economics
good idea, full support.
>/celb/- Celebrities
good idea, full support. Would improve /tv/ a ton, and could also be a place for discussing internet celebrities/drama
>/lgbt/- LGBT culture
covered by /hm/. Why do you need two gay boards? maybe a tranny board, but otherwise it seems redundant.
>/crd/- Cardgames
doesn't /tg/ cover this?
>/ssci/- Soft and Social Sciences
...just don't think this would work. too vague. I bet it'd all just be threads arguing about what is and isn't a soft science.
>/mmu/- Modern Music
same as previous..too vague.
>/lift/- weightlifting.
mite be cool. would be nice to have a place to discuss non-lifting fitness.
>/daw/- Adorable
aren't there boards that cover this?
>/law/- Legal
not sure what to think of this...need clarification of what it'd be for.
/oc/- creative projects
think this is covered by other boards already. /co/, /r9k/, /diy/
>/psy/- Psychology
unsure. is there really enough about psychology to talk about that warrants it having a board? i've never even seen any psych threads really.
>/gd/- Graphic Design and Photoshop
aren't there boards for this? dunno much about the subject
>/sb/- Safe for Work Random
would never work. 4chan in not safe for work in general, even if some boards try to be. people would just see /sb/ as challenge the mods board.
>/nig/- NIGGERS
>/con/- Conspiracy
covered by /pol/ and /x/
>/hor/- Horror
covered by /tv/ and /x/
>/vb/,/vj/,/vw/- Video Games Random, Japanese/Eastern, Western
>/wres/, /mar/- Professional Wrestling, Martial Arts/Fighting
mite be cool if combined into one.
>/dr/- Drinking culture
meh. I'd maybe support a drugs board where it would fit there, but moot's anti-drug. don't think there's need for an entire board about alcohol.
>/feet/- Fetish
mite be cool, but seriously, there's enough porn boards already
>/5/- /5/ 1.5
dunno what this is
>/fan/- Fantasy
see /lit/, /tv/
>/lern/- Learning
see /sci/, /diy/, /ck/, every other board with a topic
>/med/- Medical and Health
probably wouldn't work. /sci/ covers medical science and asking for medical advice on 4chan is iffy and dangerous.
>/msp/- MS Paint
....interesting. interesting. mite be very cool.
>/play/- Theater
see the Performance suggestion. could fit in there.
>/puz/- Puzzles and Riddles
think /sci/'s got this covered
>/rel/- Religion
would fit with a philosophy board
>/uni/- University
don't think there's need for tihs. would be half /soc/ threads and hookup threads and other half bragging and shitposting about themselves
>/war/- Warfare
would be covered by a history board
>/z/- /z/ 2.0
>/hd/- Home Decor
kinda covered by /diy/, might be cool though
>/out/- Outdoors
I like this idea...there is /an/ but there isn't really any place to discuss hunting and fishing and wilderness survival.
>/stor/, /thc/- OC writing, Teaching/How do I learn
see comments on /oc/ and /lrn/. also OC writing is covered by /lit/
>/math/- Math
covered by /sci/, obviously.
>/cad/- B^U
>/cog/- Comics and Cartoons Generals
don't think /co/ is big enough to need this
>/zed/- Zombies
/his/ - yes
/rel/ - no
/cel/ - /tv/
/con/ - /x/
/phi/ - yes
/econ/ - /pol/
/psy/ - /soc/
/med/ - yes.
/cog/ - /co/
/ssci/ - /sci/, /suicide/
/uni/ - /b/, /soc/, /r9k/
/kr/ - yes
/hd/ - /adv/
/math/ - /sci/
/d/ needs to be split into two boards. One board for 'alternative hentai' and one board for 'Dickgirls and Genderplay'

/d/ and /dg/

In the past few years /d/ has gone from a place of sexuality creativity to a place where similar content is posted over and over. The third gender has gone from being a small portion of its content to being a dominant portion of the content.

I would love to see /d/ continue to evolve, to see what fetishes will become popular next. Plus, a board devoted to genderplay will make more people into traps, and the world needs more of those.

Do it for Bridget moot. Everyone is gay for Bridget.
Seconded, /d/ is suffering. I would love to see the board produce more diversity. I LIKE futa, but I really wish the futa posters would post their futa in the appropriate existing threads.

Got a whole load of futa bondage? Great! Post it in an existing bondage or futa thread, don't make a 'futa in bondage' thread, it's getting ridiculous.
why is /cog/ necessary? Most of the time there's only one general on the front page (hsg) and most of the others get bumped intermittently, it's a much smaller problem than it was on /v/
I was going to say split comics and cartoons into separate boards, but then I realized how little content each one would have..
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>MMA and Pro Wrestling on one board together
Jesus Christ, no.
420chan tried this once, and it was disastrous.
It's just going to be riddled with MMA vs wrestling threads and constant trolling.
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Transsexuals, Traps and Twinks

Needs to be distinct from /hm/. There is an ocean dividing people who like hairy muscular guys and people who like feminine guys.
/les/ - Lesbian porn
>I wouldn't mind, but that's dividing too far imo
/hist/ - History
/kr/ - Korean
>Not bad
/lg/ - Transgender Discussion
>Not Bad
/perf/ - Performance
>I don't know what this would be for
/jptv/ - Japanese Film & Television
>I wouldn't mind
/ma/ - Manga
/wsr/ - Work Safe Requests
>Sounds good
/vc/ - Vocaloid
/col/ - Collaboration
/phi/ - Philosophy
>Sounds good
/lgbt/ - LGBT Culture
>Maybe, should be thrown in with /lg/
/crd/ - Cardgames
/ssci/ - Soft & Social Sciences
>Sounds useless, but I can understand
/fe/ - feels
/mmu/ - Modern Music
/lift/ - Weightlifting
/daw/ - adorable
/law/ - Legal
>Sounds like a bad idea
/nij/ - Random/2D
/oc/ - OC creative projects
/psy/ - Psychology
>Sounds bad
/con/ - Conspiracy
>Funny, but sounds bad
/hor/ - Horror
/vb/ - Vidya Random
/vj/ - Vidya - Japanese/Eastern
/vw/ - Vidya - Western
/cel/ - Celebrities
>Sounds lame
/wres/ - Professional wrestling
/rac/ - Rap and Country
/mar/ - Martial Arts / Fighting
>is this needed?
/dr/ - Drinking
/feet/ - Fetish
/5/ - /5/ 1.5
/bsn/ - Business, Financials and Economics
>Sounds like a bad idea
/fan/ - Fantasy
/gd/ - Graphic design
/lern/ - Learning
/med/ - Medical & Health
>Sounds like a bad idea
/msp/ - MS Paint
/play/ - Theater
>Fuck no
/puz/ - Puzzles and Riddles
/rel/ - Religion
>Terrible idea
/stor/ - OC Writing
/tch/ - Teaching / How do I learn
/uni/ - University & College
/war/ - Warfare
/z/ - /z/ 2.0
/math/ - Math
/cad/ - B^U
>doesn't sound bad
/hd/ - Home Decor
>I've wanted this for a while, but I don't know who else would go
/out/ - Outdoors
/dr/ - Drawfag
But seriously, stop trying to destroy your home board and just fucking contribute. We don't need 100 boards to fit small niches or to fit your needs because your too inept to be a decent poster, make threads, and report troll posts. Just stop being a fucking idiot and bitching and just talk about what you actually want to talk about
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>redirecting to /b/
You want to make /b/ not shit? be a fucking constructive poster and make good posts on the board and report the porn. It's only shit because you let it go to shit
/ma/ - Manga
No leave /a/ the fuck alone

/wsr/ - Work Safe Requests
The original /r/ never made any sense to me I don't see why we need another one.

/vc/ - Vocaloid
Don't think /jp/ minds this.

/crd/ - Cardgames

/fe/ - feels
God no

/daw/ - adorable
Love it

/law/ - Legal
Taking legal advice from 4chan is never a good idea.

/nij/ - Random/2D
Sounds interesting.

/vb/ - Vidya Random
/vj/ - Vidya - Japanese/Eastern
/vw/ - Vidya - Western
>>>/v/ or >>>/vg/
Tell the assholes to go away and report the fuck out of them.

/med/ - Medical & Health
Don't know if I'd want to trust 4chan for medical advice either

/rel/ - Religion
Sounds like a shithole to be honest I hope that was the intention.
/hist/ - History please. Until now I have no real choice but go to /tg/ because they tend to know a lot about history due to doing setting research. It is tolerated by the mods, but it is really off-topic most of the time.
>Entire board for math
WTF are you doing
Violates a Global Rule, also disliked by the majority. Check in the Cute MAle threads, traps are technically males.
[Insert me LOL'ing endlessly]
Obviously not enough demand for it then, is there?
I lol'd endlessly.
Rules state: Loli belongs in /b/.
Meaning it shouldn't be posted anywhere else, and needs to stay on /b/. Mewt needs his loli fix.
Your post is just as bad.
>All of the "Japanese ___"
We have a Japanese Culture board for that, pretty much covers all of it.
Try /mu/, A lot of /mu/fags like Vocaloids and UTAU.
Fucking hell, now you're being picky.
>Drinking, Economics
Those might work.
>MSPaint and Drawfag
>Decor, z2, 5 1.5, Outdoors, Legal
Oh shit nigger, wtf are you doing
>report the porn on /b/


I haven't been to /b/ in years but REALLY, faggot?
It seems that planes are generally unwelcome at /n/, so I propose an aviation board /avi/. Also I think a general military board will be nice /mil/. There's also alot of dispute on what kind of material /x/ should have. I think there should be a separate board for conspiracy theories, spiritual things, and the occult.
What about a rasslin board? There's already a big presence of rasslin fans on SmokeweedalldayerrdayChan and it's really a niche hobby. It's not a sport and although discussed on /sp/, that only pertains to the current airing show. If you want to talk about 80s NWA, you're fucked.
I propose /pm/ - Pleb Music. So /mu/ isn't crowded with plebs and so plebs dont' go cry to their mothers because someone said their taste is shit.
You can't really report anything except spam and illegal stuff. The entire point of /b/ is that there are no rules. If you want /b/ to be not shit then make threads that you think aren't shit.
Already in the suggestion list
Don't forget to add it to the doc and show support
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Then 75% of /mu/ would have to move to that board
I know im going to get severe backlash for this but 7chan had a board were they would try out new boards, and if they got a certain number of posts in a day or week, it would become a board. I think that could help see if some of these ideas are worthwhile or not.
they had plenty of failures trying that out, a number of which have been suggested in this thread.
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>/cel/ - Celebrities -> NOPE /tv/ is /cel/

Fuck you, you are cancer.
>/cel/ - /tv/

cancer cancer cancer cancer

YouTube celebs aren't actors. Celebrity pop artists aren't actors.
It should be /rp/ - Religion and philosophy
/phi/ would be nice.

/his/ sounds okay but I feel like it's just something that should be merged with /int/.
Suggested board update, in order of support:

/hist/ - History
/les/ - Lesbian porn
/dr/ - Drawfag
/kr/ - Korean
/lg/ - LGBT Culture
/perf/ - Performance
/jptv/ - Japanese Film & Television
/ma/ - Manga
/col/ - Collaboration
/phi/ - Philosophy and Religion
/wsr/ - Work Safe Requests
/vc/ - Vocaloid
/fe/ - feels
/nij/ - Random/2D
/bsn/ - Business, Financials and Economics
/celb/ - Celebrities
/crd/ - Cardgames
/ssci/ - Soft & Social Sciences
/mmu/ - Modern Music
/lift/ - Weightlifting
/daw/ - adorable
/law/ - Legal
/oc/ - OC creative projects
/psy/ - Psychology
/gd/ - Graphic design and Photoshop
/con/ - Conspiracy
/hor/ - Horror
/vb/ - Vidya Random
/vj/ - Vidya - Japanese/Eastern
/vw/ - Vidya - Western
/mar/ - Martial Arts / Fighting
/dr/ - Drinking culture
/feet/ - Fetish
/5/ - /5/ 1.5
/fan/ - Fantasy
/lern/ - Learning
/med/ - Medical & Health
/msp/ - MS Paint
/play/ - Theater
/puz/ - Puzzles and Riddles
/uni/ - College and University Discussion
/war/ - Warfare
/z/ - /z/ 2.0
/hd/ - Home Decor
/out/ - Outdoors
/math/ - Math
/cad/ - B^U
/zed/ - Zombies
/dg/ - Dickgirls and Genderplay
/ag/ - Anime and Manga General
/quest/ - Quest boards, perhaps wordplay puzzles and stuff
/wres/ - Professional wrestling
/svg/ - Vector for vector images.

It'd be like an "image board"!
Almost all of these are fucking terrible suggestions, I hope you know that.
/psy/ - psychology & Social Shit
/puz/ - riddles & mind puzzles
/prog/ - german television
/bq/ - random questions
/bch/ - bitching & complaining
/czy/ - crazy & psychotic
/tb/ tubbies & tuberculosis
I somehow completely missed this thread and made another thread about a history board. I'm glad to see that the idea of a history board is well received though
work safe random.

what is so unoriginal about my comment, 4chan?
/nostalgia/ for all the old shit nobody gives a fuck about on other boards
seems like something that can be fixed on your end with a little bit of self moderation.

[-] it.
we need an /eh/

i would happily describe 7chan's /eh/ as a work of art.
/du[spoiler][/spoiler]bs/ or /get/
and so /vp/ was left without nothing but "General" threads and speed lower than that of a slowpoke
I don't suggest them, I just post them
/wrk/ - Jobs and career
I support /med/
/wco/ - Webcomics
/cog/ - /co/ Generals

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