Alright, I'm just gonna come out with it.Are we ever going to get a /z/ombie board?If Paper/Origami gets a board, why not the zambie invasion?
papercraft/origami is a more broad thing than just a zombies. you can make a zombie with paper and origami but you can't make origami with a zombie.
>>5082I have no interest in either /po/ or /z/ but I will find me a zombie and fold him into a crane just to prove you wrong.
OP, I understand your love and want for /z/ombies but I personally think that they can both be sorted into /b/ and or /x/
/z/ is already a board.
>>5082There's things to discuss regarding zombies.
Because zombies are an overdone fad you all you fags will get over it in a year or two.
>Unless we are explicitly accepting board suggestions in a stickied thread, board requests will be ignored.Please visit an optometrist forthwith.
because it's a shitty fucking ideait's way too specific
>>5107Not sure if I agree on that one. Unfortunately, /x/ has more or less deteriorated into role playing and simple minded faggotry. Little man-children that want so hard to believe they are special, and not like everyone else. Whereas the zombie subject would be interesting and very /x/ related, the only way half the board would even join in would be if the OP was claiming to be one. /b/ on the other hand is really mostly about porn and steam begging, though I do personally enjoy some of the more recent Dayz threads. So maybe there is something to the /b/ aspect. Hmmm.
There's already a /z/ board, it's a picture of a dick.
>>5246>Not knowing how to bypass the dick and get access to Utopia
/z/ is the best board.