Half the shit posting in /v/ is just Americans pretending to be European and starting nationality threads. Please add flags to /v/, moot. Also, please add legitimate flags to /pol/, the ones we have now hold no use and we really need legit flags.
How do you know they are Americans pretending to be European?
They will just use proxies to confuse people even more
I can agree with /pol/ getting proper nation flags however /v/ doesn't need them at all. Random nation flags suck on /pol/
BR herehow do you ever expect us to be taken seriously if flags were implemented
/sp/artan here.You think it will make things better, and that SPECIFIC type of shitposting will go away, but you'll still get Yuro vs US threads and almost all posting will devolve to making fun of a person's country.In short: be careful what you wish for
Having flags on /v/ would increase shitposting tenfold. Why can't you just talk about videogames? It's not that hard.
Flags on /pol/ would only make the board worse. 9/10 of the threads are already racist bullshit, flags would just make it 99/100.
>>5001Maybe there's a reason then, have you ever thought about that apeman?
oh hell no>you can only post if u are american xD>euro thread why our games are the best?>I hate yuros u don't?etc
>>4942>Also, please add legitimate flags to /pol/, the ones we have now hold no use and we really need legit flags.Please don't, I love pretending to be other nationalities and getting people angry at each other. If you brought in flags, everyone would know I was Canadian and the game would be up, just like it happened on /int/.
>>5136Or everyone would know you're an Israeli and you couldn't dance the JIDF dance
>>5086case in point
Oh god, please add real nationality flags to /pol/>mfw Israeli flags making everyone freak out
/pol/ is a joke/quarantine board. The random flags is the entire point, you never know which crazy, one-sided person you're talking to.
No, flags just encourage shitposting and newfriends onto the board. Look at what has happened to /sp/.
>>5203That's because flags came around the same time summer did. It will all calm down after the Olympics
>>5283Not really, flags just encourage kids from /b/ and /v/ to come onto /sp/. Similarly, all the stickies moot has made have attracted people who would otherwise stay on that shithole of a board to emigrate to /sp/. If you've been on /sp/ for more than 2 years you'd realise how quickly the quality of posts have degraded, I'd blame it partly on the actions of the mods and moot
>>5327I can agree with that just the flags did come at a bad time. I just think it needs some more moderation
This is a fuckinjg bad idea, /v/ should never get any flags.
I don't want them on /v/. No. Just no.They work perfectly on /int/ though.
Here is one better, how about we don't have nationality threads on the videogames board?
Why not ask for trips for everyone too?There's absolutely no reason for /v/ to have flags, /pol/ maybe, but not /v/.
I don't think /pol/ should have nation flags. Just keep the current ones, but let fags choose their flags.
>>5708Why shouldn't it? The random flags have no purpose either add the real deal or remove them altogether.
Please normal falgs to /pol/ tooalso /trv/