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ITT we discuss ideas for improvements to /jp/'s rules

Moderator Replies: >>6465 >>6697 >>6760
I think visual novels should be moved to /vg/
2hu can stay
I think that /jp/ should be 2D/random. Eroge, Touhou, light novels, anime, manga, Japanese games, Japanese language, NEET-related, etc should all be allowed
Because it's not like we already have a board for that.
1. All things otaku welcome!
2. Do not make intentionally shitty posts. (Why is this even a fucking rule? Because /jp/.)
I think /jp/ is fine the way it is.
I would like pretty much what's indicated here. And I disagree with the notion of turning it into '2D/Random'
All I want is for the people who've been using /jp/ since the split to stay on /jp/. I like those posters, I like their senses of humor, and I like the kind of things they discuss. I really don't give a shit about the rules, I just want to keep posting with the people I've always been posting with.
Any otaku material is welcome unless it already has its own board
But what is otaku?
I don't see why /jp/ exists at all.
Right now there are 5 shitpost threads on the front page. I don't care much about the rules, I just want these fucking shitpost to depart. >>4751 the post linked here described them.

As long as it's not Anime or Manga people don't really care what is posted on /jp/, we are talking mostly about posts that would be against the rules everywhere except /b/ and /r9k/.
Light and Visual Novels.
Figures and other otaku paraphernalia.
Touhou Project.
Doujin Games.
Diverse niche japanese interests (trains, idols, headphones, kigurumi...)

/jp/ is not your blog, shitposting dump, travel advisor or personal translation service.

Topic overlap with other boards is acceptable in moderation. This may include anime, cosplay and videogames.
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The problem with /jp is that they think shitpost is perfectly okay if they do it "ironically". Even worse, this mind set is slowly invading other boards.
People really need to stop this.
People should not forget to include doujin music as well
Then you haven't really spent any time on /jp/. /jp/ is a slow board overall, but there's more meta discussion about /jp/ than there is for boards that are 5x its speed. Know why? Because /jp/ers care about /jp/. We love our board with a passion unknown to posters of many other boards.

Being able to talk with people who have such passion over something that most other people find trivial is the main thing that makes /jp/ fun. If you don't get that then you probably won't have any interest in the board.
Anime and manga is still related to otaku. There's also problems when people want to discuss LNs like Jintai and Railgun with anime adaptions. As long as anime and manga don't become the main focus, why should it be outlawed? People like posting anime pictures. I mean, we can talk about MMOs on /v/ and /vg/, but we've had /jp/ guilds before.
>Diverse niche japanese interests
This is a good catchall, if a list ever becomes part of the rules.
/jp/ should be a board where we discuss 2hu, VNs, adventure games such as Yume Nikki, Corpse Party, .flow(too good for /a/, /v/ and /vg/), kigurumus, Mahjong, Figs that don't normally fit into other boards AND Light Novels. The latter part does NOT include random shitty anime and mango threads or else we will have the same problems we currently have.

As for rules, anything of the above should be allowed as long as it's not troll or shitty threads.
I have always said that the issue with the anime threads in /jp/ is not the topic itself. In fact, we've had plenty of good discussions that can't be found in other boards.
The issue is the spam. Nobody needs another textless screencap thread or homunity.
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/jp/ was ironically created to separate the endless touhou threads/general shitposting from /a/.

It worked.
>Anime and manga is still related to otaku.
It doesn't matter. We have a separate board where to post those.

Otherwise any "hobby" could go on /jp/, from tanks to trains to anime to cosplay to papercraft to photography, etc...

Wasn't that /v/? Or are you implying that is /jp/'s doing too?
I would also allow MMO and videogame discussions as long as it's untranslated games OR have a Japanese version.

Trust me on this one, lots of people seem to find it easier to post MMOs in /jp/ than other boards full of retards who have yet to complete MMOs from 2 years ago like Eden Eternal(typical /vg/ thread).
I talked about it a bit before, but the problem is that certain people use it as an excuse to dump images of a certain character who is otherwise not /jp/ related, which is a ridiculous excuse especially since the vast majority of pics posted aren't from the LN.
/jp/ STARTED the trend, unfortunately.
>Otherwise any "hobby" could go on /jp/
how do you feel about 2D/Random then?
I was questioning if it would be as vague and useless as the "All things Otaku welcome!" rule, but you know, I think it's better to leave an open topic pool and see if people show genuine interest in other stuff. The point is to restrict the shitposting, not the topics themselves.
It started on /jp/ when they start using shitpost as a mechanism to scare off newfag.
Then we have shitpost thread every single fucking day, and people start replying to everything with shitposting.
2D/random separated from /jp/
From what I recall, /jp/ also started the 'btw im a girl' shit as well as the 'who are you quoting' shit
Bad. I don't really want a SFW /b/.
/jp/ is supposed to be a slow board about fringe topics that have no othe rplace to go to.
1) The reason /jp/ existed is due to the rampant Touhou Hijack on /a/, /b/ and /v/ along with their obnoxious fanbase. Considering Touhou both has manga and a video game series, you can't get rid of them right away.

Now the touhou fandom are getting more docile than before considering there's not much new content as compared to 2007, which means the Touhou Hijack reason is moot.

2) Another reason why /jp/ existed at all is because of rampant VN threads on /v/. Because idiots can't agree on the difference between a Visual Novels (Saya no Uta), a Date Sim (Love Plus DS) and an Adventure game (Phoenix Wright), and /a/ doesn't want to talk about them unless they have an anime counterpart, there needs a board for VN but VNs in general are too small to have a board for itself, which is why it gets a board along with /jp/

Now recently, with the Cactuar Show Joe causing a /vg/ thread, we can put all those stuff in /vg/ now and no one will argue anymore due to the closed nature of /vg/

Frankly, I'm fine with /jp/ ironic shitposting. Shit's very easy to ignore. /v/'s on the other hand..
Yeah, I think shitposting is fine as long as it's limited to its own threads. Hide it/filter it and it goes away!

Epic troll, dude
>Hide it/filter it and it goes away!

More like ignore it and it spreads to other threads.
Threads are a problem. Responses and pathetic attempts at derailing threads can be ignored. Last week there were at least half the board was made of worthless threads (which stay around instead of disappearing like they would in /v/, because /v/ is fast). This is a thing that happens if the janitor disappears for a day or two.
Or it floods frontpage and then we have a global problem, like usually happens nowadays.

This happens to be when Janitor sleeps or is away too.
Rather, last week there was a point in time where at least half...
I wish there were a way to get LN-spoilers off of /a/ threads about their anime adaptations. Not that I'm complaining about being spoiled, but I think it creates two separate types of fans, two tracks of conversation, especially for LNs that haven't been translated.

I may just be biased though, I like LNs and wish there were more discussion in general. /a/ only talks about ones with anime, /lit/ wouldn't bother with them even if they could read them, and they don't seem to gain much traction on /jp/ despite the fact that everybody seems to know something about one series or another
I still don't see why these stuff can't be discussed in other boards

>doujin games

I know most of them are slower, but being slow also helps in moderation, y'know?
These posts pretty much sum up the reason why I'm adamantly against shitposting, it's a massive problem and I am sick of constantly seeing /jp/ drowning in its own filth.
Spurdo should be grounds for bannong.
>and /a/ doesn't want to talk about them unless they have an anime counterpart
This isn't true at all. While /a/'s taste certainly is far more mainstream than /jp/'s, it certainly isn't limited to "anime only VNs or VNs that are getting an anime".
They're slow and often full of new people who can't enjoy these topics.

Your post ended when you mentioned /v/ as an alternative to /jp/ for 2hu threads. No, /v/ doesn't really like us nor 2hu either, some of them would even send you to /vg/ or whatever.

/toy/ is a board that initially had a lot of problem with japanese figurine discussions.

Doujin games are even discussed by /a/, however you should know what kind of bad and/or inexperienced people lurk those threads.

Kigurumi is a strange topic that is not widely accepted and seen as strange in other boards than /jp/.
I fucking snorted my milk. Thanks for that.
Those boards are mostly for western content, whereas /jp/ puts them into an eastern and anime context. Honestly, I think the best board for all that stuff is /a/, simply because /a/ already contains all of it already.
How about having moderator's' that gave a damn about the board?

And by 'gave a damn' I didn't mean strictly enforcing rule and shit.
I find the threads and posts that you people always call "off-topic" to be the most entertaining. We've had a period where there was very strict moderation going on and it was boring as hell. I don't want /jp/ to be a Pooshlmer 2.

My suggestion is to split /jp/ into "Doujin Games" (SFW) and "2D/Random" (NSFW). Then if I want a semi-serious discussion about Touhou I'll go to /dg/ and when I want to talk about random stuff with the people I like I can use the other board.
Also, /v/ has been hating on us for quite a while. You should know this by now, it's been like that since /jp/'s creation, a really sad situation.
There is no janitor that deletes as many threads as ours does
The point of this thread is to discuss rules for /jp/ so those rules can be enforced in the first place.
But then, until /vg/ appears, it encouraged /v/ to shove most VN to /a/ just because pretty much the popular VN have an anime.

Now we have /vg/, /jp/ is just about Touhou, which can be discussed on /v/ as well.

>/v/ doesn't really like us nor 2hu either
/v/ are a bunch of idiots. You can dump 2hu pictures all you want and they can't do anything about it because you're still dumping video game contents.

>Those boards are mostly for western content
is similar to saying
>4chan is for western content
when, if we look at the whole picture, 4chan should be all about eastern context with a few western stuff for bored people

Why you people get pushed with the new people I don't comprehend.
>/v/ are a bunch of idiots. You can dump 2hu pictures all you want and they can't do anything about it because you're still dumping video game contents.

Yeah, this is true, I've seen all kinds of cases and stuff like this can happen, however, the common thing to happen is that the non-"weeaboo" friendly part of /v/ will sperg out and call you names while sending you to other boards or do other unkind actions.

I also don't feel like going there to discuss anything given that the average user has the intelligence of a rock.
We can't go to /v/. 2hu is to /v/ as MLP is to /co/. It just doesn't work.
/jp/'s rules are fine, it's the quality of moderation that is the main issue. I understand not having a mod or a janitor on 24/7 because that's a silly request, but when the same "pedos and loli is teh same!!!" thread has been up for the last two days when it has nothing to do with anything otaku-culture related is ridiculous. There are also times where we go hours and hours at a time with "ironic" threads that have taken almost the entirety of the front page over.
Sounds like /jp/ ought to fit right in on /v/.
TL;DR: If we had to move to any of those boards, it would be like starting /jp/ or pre-/jp/ all over again.

Dumb people, people who don't want these topics in first post of frontpage, misinformation, bad posts...etc.
You might actually think that way, but that isn't really true. /jp/ doesn't have insane furries dumping their atrocious porn in out threads, ponies, some dudes trying to hijack with western shit or constant feel/greentext posts...

This is also a big problem going on in /vg/ at the moment, even in the most related threads such as League of Legends generals.

All of the other boards have even worse people and generally broader bad posters.
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If the ponyhumpers started to simmer down with their shitposting, we could have them back to /co/ after a decade or two. The whole /mlp/ board is unhealthy for culture-preserving.
The only reason why the /mlp/ stuff blow up on 4chan is because the pony-trolling concept backfired on /b/

The truth of the matter is, I'm not sure what to do with /vp/ or why I was happy Pokemon got its own board back then other than the fact that some Pokemon has such a large franchise it deserves its own board, only then when you realize /v/ doesn't discuss about any video games after Pokemon while /vp/ is full of pokeporn and cancerous roleplaying while there's no new content from then other than Smogon and Pokemon weekly anime.
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It's a quarantine for the super-autists (wich 2hu wuld u fuk, suck my cock dude, i have 10 bottles of piss, wat do, etc) , crossdressers (pic related), HRTfags (aka IM A WOMAN IN A MANS BODY UGUU), and weeaboos who think Japan > *.

Pic related, average /jp/ goer, just add 150 more pounds. (I'm looking at you Kyonko-chan).

It's also home to the worst tripfags ever: Suigin, Smochi, Taiga, and Lanced Jack.
I doubt you can tell. You could delete a thread in /v/ every five minutes and most people probably wouldn't even notice the shit disappearing.
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>It's a quarantine for weeaboo
And this is why 4chan is such a QUALITY site
By the way, a bit irrelevant but funny and retarded, there is a bunch of people trying to discuss Digimon and Saint Seiya in /m/, even if they should go to /a/, beg moot for a board, or [spoiler]create their own board[/spoiler].

I really really don't feel like associating ourselves with that kind of move even though it reminds me of ourselves before we split from /a/.
This is exactly what I don't want /jp/ to be.

Ponies are the 2hu of the West.

Full of autism, porn, and fanfiction.


I mean weeaboo as in the REAL definition, liking anime and manga is fine, but being "Ken-sama" or thinking that anything Japan shits out is gold is weeaboo.


/jp/ in itself is a niche board. Futaba surely doesn't have an America board.


Semi-off tipic, /v/ isn't as bad as people make it seem. 95% of the board is video game related, 5% of it is culture. I'm okay with that. Every board has that, even /a/ with their incest threads.
>/vp/ is full of pokeporn and cancerous roleplaying
Actually, after the crackdown, that shit pretty much dissipated. Pokeporn threads have pretty much died out, and roleplaying is kept to Team Rocket bullshit, which is much easier to hide than what went on before.
>/jp/ in itself is a niche board. Futaba surely doesn't have an America board.

/jp/ is not a "Japan" board
ban this stupid faggot


Might as well rename it /otk/
>Ponies are the 2hu of the West.

>/v/ isn't as bad as people make it seem

>using cultureshit

Spoken like a true faggot.
So uh, why are /n/ and flash in that section anyway? Doesn't want to break the even structure?
Ban anyone who makes a mention of Corea. Also ban that one stupid faggot who keeps spammin those ugly K-pop gooks.
>/jp/ - Otaku Culture
/jp/ will never have any rules. Because it's made of a bunch of groups that hate it's other.

>Let's exile idolfags, weeaboo, hardcore 2dfags, and ridiculous elitists to a single board! said moot

And then he blames the community when the only threads that don't get viciously attacked are shitposts that aren't worth the effort.

The sheer split between "make these the rules" "no those rules suck, use these" should clue moot into the fact that he's fucked up and should have made the board focus more narrow, but in the end this thread will accomplish nothing.
1. Most things Japanese popular culture welcome!
2. Anime and manga threads belong in /a/.
3. Non-doujin video game threads belong in /v/.
4. Threads about the Japanese language belong in /int/ or /lang/.
5. Replying to trolling and/or shitposting will result in a ban. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.
I don't agree with your first suggestion because MMO threads are bound to mention Korea and Japan at the same time. /tv/ has and should cover gook idol discussions though, I totally agree with your second suggestion and they should cover gooks, not us.
Why not ban the idolfags as well? We never wanted them.
Because they don't really have their own board and /tv/ doesn't seem to like Japanese actress/idols as much as gook ones.

It's also bound to fit with the Otaku Culture theme since most of them are animu girl VAs.
>Because they don't really have their own board
So what? They never had one before /jp/ was created either. We have no obligation to cater to them. They just saw their chance to discuss their shit here and came over from other sites.
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/jp/ is for truNEETs and the activities they enjoy. This includes fugging 2hus, playing visual novels, shitting on the floor, meta discussion, and anything else related to otaku culture that is not anime or video games.
>REAL definition
Nobody shares your sentiment, man

>weeaboo who faps to momusu
>calling anything else ugly

Leave /jp/ alone please.
I will have to repeat what I said after that.

Yes, they went to our board, but they're like a part of us now and idol shit has been in pre-split /a/ quite a few times too.

We can't do anything about that, sorry, we'll have to ignore them at best.
No bullying, /jp/ is for my friends.

Weeaboo: Someone who posts/talks like this - hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h S45UK3 0F D4RKN355!!!!!!!! lol...as u can see im very dark!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet edgy ppl like me ^_^... im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch madoka w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO dark!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more emo ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol...neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!D4RKN33333333355!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe...toodles!!!!!
love and waffles,
*~t3h S45UK3 0F D4RKN355~*
Because they've been here for four years, all but one of the posters are polite and ignorable, most could be considered otaku, and they hardly ever have three or more threads up at a time.
Nothing needs to change on /jp/ in regard to content specification.

You can't fix a board with moderation and a list of kosher topics of discussion, if anything this and the ensuant bickering are making things worse.
/jp/'s user base must fix /jp/ by not shitting where they eat.
touhou is a video game, though
Weeaboo now:
>I like anime and manga. my favorite video game is Dark Souls because it's similar to Skyrim except harder

How about letting people talk what they want to talk about and ignoring things you don't like?
Well, I suppose I can accept that they will always be around, but this expanding with threads about other 3D shit lately has to stop, like the K-Pop stuff you mentioned. 2 or 3 idol threads at the same time tops. Christ, lately it's been so bad at times the entire first page was full of 3D. Also because of those stupid cross-dressing fetishists.
This. I liked people like Reinya, they were also victims of terrible posters even if they had a wide knowledge of the board and were nice.

People like Aya Hirano fan and King of /jp/(probably the same homosexual in disguise, at least with similar tastes in idols) need to get the fuck out though.
Why don't you use 4chanX. Are you an Opera user or something.
Cross-dressing is /jp/ related.
In all honesty I would like a K-pop board to stop the spamming in /jp/ (Because honestly we can't stop them until a true banning method is reached)

Also force anon /jp/ is too immature to handle tripfags (Aka ignore them) and give us decent moderation that comes around more than once a day to deal with the racism and steam shitposting groups.(There are MANY people on /jp/ with enough free time and love of the board to do it)

Also I would like the Anime and NSFW posters to go.
Yeah because that's working so well for /b/ right?
That's not really true unless the crossdressers are actually Japanese.

They should go to some other board.

Aww, do racially insensitive terms hurt your feelings?
>In all honesty I would like a K-pop board to stop the spamming in /jp/

I'm sure there's going to be a /kr/ board.
The board isn't called Japan General anymore, it's Otaku Culture. Cross-dressing is related to otaku culture.
Oh really? Tell me more.

What kind of traps are actually /jp/ related and are idols?
It definitely wouldn't work on a fast board like /b/
if you want to argue Semitics then most of /tg/ counts as otaku culutre
NO! You must be a shitposter. When the janitor is absent, 50% of the WHOLE board is worthless shitposting.

>argue Semitics
Most of _anything_ counts as otaku culture because it's anyone with an obsessive interest. This is why "All things otaku welcome!" is a dumb rule, and brings us back to the original post.
I can't say I agree to this since not all of /tg/ is "weeaboo" land. We also have casual and hardcore west gamers who look like they came out of neo-/b/.
Idols fans keep to their threads and don't bother anyone. As far of cross-dressing goes, camwhoring is not allowed, but talking about buying girl clothes and the like is perfectly acceptable.
I can't really think of a reason besides that it's a niche interest of people who are obsessed with cute girls and Futaba has a trap board. It's a stretch, really.
It's not worthless

I examined his sentence for a solid minute hoping to find a subtle jew joke
Just delete /jp/ already.
I'm not really unhappy with the idea of crossdressing posts even though it's not my thing.

I just find it strange someone actually likes that kind of thing AND wants /jp/ to cover it.
If you're weirded out by cross-dressing you don't belong on /jp/.
>It's not worthless
How is this not worthless?
Sure I do. I just hide in my 2hu and VN threads, I don't give a fuck about that kind of thing in /jp/.

We all seem to have a...unique reason, to be in /jp/.
Crossdressing is too lewd for a SFW board.
What are you not getting that makes you think that Otaku=Weeaboo?(I suspect you think it only includes anime and Japanese stuff in which case you would be wrong the most common type of otaku is the car otaku)
Thank you for making me read that thread. I laughed 4 times.
As in /tg/ being all "weeaboo" or whatever.
>It's not worthless
How is >>>/jp/9539854 worth anything?
That's a good thread. It gave me a chuckle.
Looks like it might have been intended to be a mazacon thread.

Well, I'm not a fan of that either, but it might not be shitposting for the sake of shitposting.
You can cherry pick threads all you like. There are terrible threads on every board, because any human being with an internet connection can create a thread.

The difference is, /jp/ is elitist and capable of ignoring those threads, so the trolls end up going unfed and who am I kidding I'm just lying to myself at this point
Please change the name of the board to something different. "Otaku culture" sounds horrible. The board took a nose dive ever since the name change bringing unwanted people who turned /jp/ into their shitposting playground.
Even "Japan/General" was better than this.
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Half of the people complaining about the problems on /jp/
Don't understand this where the same problems from day one.

Changing the name to Otaku culture did actually help a little in the end.

Its just people often have nostalgia googles on and imagine the past was better.

Also the steam group is just 3-5 people who actually do post on /jp/ , most of them are just lurking /jp/ and nothing more.

and the last thing.

Half of the problems can be solved by ignoring threads or posts you don't like.
/jp/ is full of these threads, everyday. That is the point
This is exactly why we need mods around to instaban spammers, raiders, and possible ban evaders. We've had too many and it's time for them to move to another board like squidy did with /m/ group.
Oh look, it's king of NERDS.
Fuck you and your worthless Diablo 3 thread. You are part of the problem.
>ITT we discuss ideas for improvements to /jp/'s rules


>>915 got it mostly right. There is a really dedicated group of users that shit up the board and are responsible for a great amount of shitposting.

Shut up, if you insist on this TRUNEET SEKRIT CLUB XD you're the one that doesn't belong there, shitposter. I agree with >>5753, it's *completely* worthless. And crossdressing isn't related to /jp/.

About idols, they can stay because they're related to otaku culture and they stay in their threads, which aren't more than 2 or 3.

Just look at the front page right now:

Fucking delete this shit and BAN the people who make these threads.
>Anonymous ## Mod, Oct 9, 2011
>That braindead piece of shit is permabanned. Never reply to its diarrhea. CLOSED.
I don't think Blizzard translates any of their games into Japanese anymore and even if they did, their interest isn't that high and we won't be able to play with them anytime soon.

Why would anyone post that in /jp/?
>Half of the problems can be solved by ignoring threads or posts you don't like.
I've had several threads on /jp/ bumped off the board because of the shitposting flood that goes on. That's something I can't exactly 'ignore'. And when half of the board needs to get nuked on an almost daily basis, you know it isn't any normal problem
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The only things I find useful in there are translation status threads and comiket shit (and that's rare as fuck).
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I deleted that thread myself
also please refrain in future from using the word " fuck" it doesn't make your post look better.
jlist advertises shimapan all the time. I'm pretty sure they aren't selling it to women or normals.
Those threads are funny.
>I've had several threads on /jp/ bumped off the board because of the shitposting flood that goes on.
You can usually fix it yourself if you don't sleep more than eight hours at a time.
Reminder that ignoring King of /jp/ and his autistic posts is a must to survive in current /jp/.
I am talking about this garbage.

Fuck off
I don't understand why you guys are so upset about those threads. Why ARE you browsing /jp/ anyway? You don't seem like you go there very often, complaining about stuff like that, so I'm curious.

Take your nostalgia googles with you when you leave.
Yes, I was just pondering, why would anyone bother to ask /jp/ for a high cost game that isn't even japanese related?
He's a serial spammer/troll/blogger.

Some people just like to post about things on /jp/ because "all my friends are here".
Boredom usually leads too shitposting.
Those threads are shit and nowadays an absurd percentage of threads are like that. Judging by your posts here you're the type of scum that needs to be get out of there.

Because we're trying to improve the board we enjoy that a bunch of idiots are ruining on a daily basis?
>I don't understand why you guys are so upset about those threads
Too much is too much.
Yes, I know, I've seen what his posts are like before they're purged.

I just find it funny that he mentioned the Steam group and actually dares to post that kind of shit in the board. I think there are far more interested people in there than actual board.
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why is this thread full of people who don't even post on /jp/

please go back to /a/ and leave our board alone

the only problem we have is some shitposting now and then that NSJ cleans up nicely but sometimes deletes stuff that should be acceptable

``Stop trying to ruin our board!!''

- /jp/, 2012
Just filter him.
He doesn't deserve any acknowledgement..
I am a poster of extremely high quality.

If my guidelines were followed (>>5464) /jp/ would be an instant paradise and a new golden age would be upon us.
Please, leave this thread. You're the kind of poster we want to get rid of, with your shitty pics and signature posts.
I like touhou and related media, as well as untranslated VNs and eroge, and /jp/ is the only place I can talk about them.
>the only problem we have is some shitposting now and then
>now and then
made me laugh
Can we use these rules for /jp/? This seems very reasonable.
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While it's clear what kind of content is generally acceptable on /jp/, it needs its borders to be a bit more specific, I generally dislike metathreads with no purpose or direction (/jp/ pissing in bottles tier), however I'm totally okay with actual discussion, asking opinions, or inviting others to play osu! or something.

The content should be clarified before we can agree on what kind of moderation we want. I don't think splitting the board or calling it 2D/Random is gonna solve things.
And 15 pages for VNs is not enough right? After all, the board is literally filled up with them!
I agree with you sir. I like those kind of posts that actually discuss out of boundary stuff that's actually interesting.

We already have MMO threads so anything related to otaku culture with actual context is better than shitpost.
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I like this, this makes sense.
I don't know what are you on about.

We only have one VN general thread except in rare cases where VN status change happens and/or new VNs have their separate and rightful threads to not impede actual untranslated or old VN discussion.
The point is I don't want to see filler posts with 'wich 2hu wuld u fuk' or idiotic NEET blogging, especially when they become prevalent. And as for the 'literally filled with them' part, there is only one active VN thread at a time most of the time, and that's the VN general thread. /jp/ should NOT have a VN general thread, they should be able to talk about each game in their own specific threads without the fear of them getting bumped off the front page and neglected, or even bumped off the entire board, by shit threads.
/jp/ is fine.
Here's a little hint for you guys: if you only stay on the front page, you're going to have a pretty shitty time. You have to actively search for the threads you like and hide the ones you don't. It takes a little bit of effort, but this is the way it's always been on /jp/.
There's other exceptions, by the way, but those are mostly shitposters trying to shit with a poorly disguised VN thread, such as the S;G threads we had recently, asking us why we "hate" it.
>idiots are ruining
My question is why it matters what percentage of /jp/ is shitposting, as long as your relevant interests fit there.

So talk about them then. If there's no thread up (search the archive/catalog to find out!) and you want to talk, make one and leave it open. You never have to see those terrible threads you hate again.

I believe changing /jp/'s rules or moderation will cause more harm than good. If you don't like something, ignoring it is the best option. Why waste your time complaining about it?

Actually I think I'm starting to understand. You guys >>6090
still don't know how to use the catalog or archives?
Yeah I agree. Like I mentioned previously (check IDs) the rules themselves aren't that important. People can talk about stuff as long as it doesn't have its own board, and is related to "Otaku" culture. + MMOs

>I generally dislike metathreads with no purpose or direction (/jp/ pissing in bottles tier)
These are the fucking problem.
Given that one of them can't ignore idol or VN threads and thinks "off-topic threads are funny", I don't even think they use 4chan X which is mandatory to browse /jp/.
Very true, definition of the content on /jp/ is needed now that the board is populated. Going to need a miracle to get some people to read the rules though.
This. We used to have a mantra that you had to use all the pages for /jp/. Now we have Catalogs and Galleries and whatnot, so it's even easier. Since we (still) have a strong culture of condensing threads, choose to see threads as self-contained "boards". Stick to the ones you like. I hang out (mostly lurking) in the STG, VN, VNTS, denpa and doujin music threads, and my experience couldn't be any better. You'd have to be a masochist to actively click on threads you don't like, or type replies to threads you don't want on /jp/.
Oh I know about the archives and catalog alright. It's how I discovered how bad you people really are. I knew shitposters were prevalent but after I dug around the archives I saw how bad it truly was.
I could get behind this. I wish idols were just gone but they condense their threads so it's tolerable.
>My question is why it matters what percentage of /jp/ is shitposting, as long as your relevant interests fit there.
First, because I don't want, say, the Comiket fangames thread to 404 while I sleep because I didn't wake up after six hours to bump it again. Second, because having two thirds of the board be retarded shit is an eyesore and encourages people to bring that attitude everywhere.
I generally do like the way /jp/ is. I just would like to see a firmer stance on NSFW content.
This is quite good. Someone should forward this to moot.
I like your style.
How do we get those bloggers and self pity whiners out though? They thought we are serious about floorshitting and piss bottles and now they wont leave.
You're one of the worst shitposters there, nanairo, you don't even need a trip to be recognized. Shitting up the board 14 hours a day and posting pics and videos of your cock.

/jp/ is not for your shitty forced memes.

The problem with /jp/ is that shitposting is completely out of control, we wouldn't complain about the usual meta/off-topic thread, but if more than half of the threads are pure shit something needs to be done.

>My question is why it matters what percentage of /jp/ is shitposting, as long as your relevant interests fit there.
Are you really asking this? Would you be alright with shitposting being 95% of /jp/ as long as there's a 5% of on-topic content?

I agree with >>2814 from the other thread:
>But the even bigger problem is /jp/'s use and somewhat "acceptance" of "ironic" shitposting. You can see this in posts that use *actions* such as "*grabs dick*"

It's become so widespread even regular obvious shit threads get replies.

I agree with this guy. I don't really think defining strictly the boundaries of topicality on /jp/ is really necessary because people seem to get it (>>4810, >>6128), though it would help if they were clearly stated on the FAQ or the rules page.

And I still think creating a NSFW /nij/ - Random/2D board would contribute to improving quality.
Condensed NEET/hikikomori threads. One at a time, and they're the only threads where people are allowed to discuss themselves and their issues in that way.

I know a lot of people don't like the idea of them existing in the first place, but they have been on /jp/ since day one. moot even listed so ronery ;_; threads as something he was trying to get out of /a/ by making /jp/, and to be honest the typical blog thread on /jp/ is way better than those were.
Please, stop, /jp/ is not going well with your shitty NEET memes. That's not even funny or original.
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I don't even know what /jp/ is for,
to be honest.
Then don't post here.
What the official title says. Otaku Culture.

That was easy.
Otaku Culture, obviously.
>The content should be clarified before we can agree on what kind of moderation we want.
It's easy, no random 2D /a/b/v/ crap. Niche topics, with no board of their own, only.
What are you talking about?
I hate those threads.
I dont think anyone actually enjoy those /adv/ or /r9k/ esque threads. They do not belong on /jp/.
The difference between the current threads and the old joke floorshitting/holeupinmybasement threads of old is huge.
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Here's a piece of history.
That's just like your opinion d00d.
All right, does anyone have any rules we can try to implement? I've skimmed through the thread but I only see bickering.
I enjoyed them when we got them once or twice a week.
see >>4751 please
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/jp/ was /a/'s containment board, like /mlp/ is to /co/ and /vp/ and /vg/ are to /v/. It astounds me when people post Touhou on /a/ nowadays claiming that /a/ and /jp/ used to get along, there has never been any love between those two boards.
Just leave /jp/ as it is

More rules will only restrict even more our already small allowed content
/jp/ is perfect and anybody that cries about it are either shitposters or new kids trying to fit in along with the board police

Holy shit.

I really don't see big differences since it's about the same, people actually discussing this seriously and some others just pretending. I don't like shitting on my floor and I don't know what kind of insane man wants to discuss that.

And you're not Sniper, stop creating jarate out of bottles. I do admit shitting myself every now and then but that's in a lower level and not as disgusting.
Kick western ugly /cgl/, /soc/, /adv/ & /r9k/ threads out.
I have no other complain besides this.
Visual Novels
Light Novels
Doujin Games & Works

>>4810 was a pretty approach to on-topic content. Just enforce the rules and delete off-topic shit.



For fucks sake, seriously. I know the front page is usually the worst, but that's 7 threads out of 15. We need more janitors, moderators and bans.
Niche otaku stuff without a board of its own.

Banning off-topic shitposter.

Oh wait, we already have that rule.

Not that there's going to be anyonre around enforcing it anyway.
>>4810 is probably the best we're going to get.
a pretty good approach*
I wrote >>5402 but mostly as a joke.
People like >>4810 but it needs to be rewritten so it sounds like actual rules.
Some seem to like >>4810 , others don't think we really need a rule change as long as we get regular moderator visits: "As long as it's not Anime or Manga people don't really care what is posted on /jp/, we are talking mostly about posts that would be against the rules everywhere except /b/ and /r9k/," as >>4789 said.
/jp/ has a lack of moderation, not a lack of rules.

The /jp/ janitor basically shows up once a day to delete all the shitposting. That's not an effective strategy.

You could try to penalize reddit style shitposting. Hell, you should do that for all the boards.
>Light Novel discussion, with the qualifier that the threads need to actually be discussing Light Novels, not just dumps of images from the anime adaptation.

I am sorry but this is absolutely retarded.
If Touhou imagedumps are allowed why can't light novel characters image dumps be allowed too?

Sounds like you're just crying because of people posting Saten.
Also keep /jp/ SFW. Please for the love of god do it.
>acceptable in moderation
This alone make the whole post pointless.
>/jp/ has a lack of moderation, not a lack of rules.


basically this one
Saten was *spammed*. Actually flooded. We're talking upwards of 5 pages. So no, she can fuck right off. She's a manga character anyway.
I thought the purpose of /jp/ was clear enough. It's up to the userbase to stop shitting in its own playground. It doesn't matter how you define /jp/ if the userbase cannot agree with itself as to what /jp/ encompasses.

>All things otaku welcome!

>Welcome, new user to /jp/ - Otaku Culture! Hah, just kidding, this isn't Otaku Culture. This is Touhou/Visual Novels/Doujin Games.
>Finally, if you want to talk about Japanese history and culture, go somewhere else, nobody here knows or cares for that stuff. /jp/ was created as a board to get rid of Touhou and visual novels from /a/, it was never intended to be a board about Japanese culture. Most of the users here don't care about Japan, we only care about lolis and doujin games.

>(Translation) moot split /a/ in two, with /a/ for anime and manga, and /jp/ for other related content... the content of /jp/ includes but is not limited to light novels, visual novels, galge, eroge, doujin culture, Touhou, doujin games, doujin music, bishoujo figurines...
200% of the shitposters know how to evade bans. I don't see how you could penalize them.

Forgot about these. If you strip out the examples and Suigin's own opinions, they would be a decent framework for some proper rules.
Everybody knows how to do that. Do you think you want to wait 2 minutes each time?

Bans take the piss out of trolling.
Jesus what a crybaby.

Would it make you happier if one of the new rules was to prohibit Saten on /jp/?
I want to post images of my favorite light novel characters like you do to touhou too.
No blogs or other metathreads without purpose or direction or an actual topic. It'll be a bit tricky to enforce however, "wch cokc wd usuk" being unacceptable vs "wch 2hu wd u dance wit" being a possibly okay thread.

Here's a pretty nice clarification of topics, but I don't think it's entirely needed for the board, it'll limit future possible topics, perhaps.
Neither that post nor my own said any names.
Please dont limit /jp/ topics.
What /jp/ should have are rules stating what isnt allowed.
This is also good, as I've said the problems aren't so much the boundaries of on-topic content as the actual blatant shitposting.


Take notes of my post about MMOs too.
By the way, are there any other "self-proclaimed /jp/ guidelines" out there that I have missed?
Use this as rules of /jp/ please:

Light and Visual Novels.
Figures and other otaku paraphernalia.
Touhou Project.
Doujin Games.
Diverse niche japanese interests (trains, idols, headphones, kigurumi...)

/jp/ is not your blog, shitposting dump, travel advisor or personal translation service.

Topic overlap with other boards is acceptable in moderation. This may include anime, cosplay and videogames.
>I would also allow MMO and videogame discussions as long as it's untranslated games OR have a Japanese version.
Now you're just trolling.
Alright, let's go with that.

First of all: reddit style posting.

It's got to go. You can tell it apart because they usually have an emoticon at the end or they have a stupid reddit image.
No, it would make me happy if you were banned for posting a manga character outside of the manga board.

It's no different to the mods deleting Uzumaki Naruto dumps, except they weren't used to flood the board (and later as a shitposting macro).

And this, which was mentioned earlier.
>wch 2hu wd u dance wit
This should only be acceptable if the OP can actually manage to type it correctly.
Needs to be rewritten as actual rules by someone. Read the rules page. They're not all imperatives or even proper statements, but they're at least complete sentences. Something like: "This is the appropriate board for the discussion of..."
read >>6587
and >>6539
People are banned all the time on /jp/. Why do people think that there is no moderation on the board? Heavier moderation is not needed and would not lead to better posting.
He seems to want to make a list where everything people ever discussed is acceptable besides cocksucking and stuff like that.
Please, stop with the tears. It's been a long time topic and it has to stay.

It's not worse than idol, crossdressing and "wich 2hu fuk". They have been mostly condensed into one big thread and nobody complains about PSO2 being played by /jp/ but shitposters.
Stop trying to force Suigin rules here.
Most of them aren't even applicable.
>>4810 or >>821 covers it with a tweak or two.
It obviously doesn't have to stay. People were fine with it but once you codify the rules there's no way to shoehorn it in there without literally saying "MMOs go here."
make posting toohoo outside of /jp/ a bannable offense just like posting ponyshit outside of /mlp/
I am not complaining about MMOs on /jp/.

I am complaining about the >untranslated games OR have a Japanese version.
part. Several western MMOs were popular on /jp/ like World of Tanks
Yes, it's going to be a bit confusing at first but I think Japanese only MMOs like PSO2 deserve to stay, at least until they're translated and become more mainstream.
/jp/ related because I'm playing on Japanese servers.
Oh, I see. Yeah, I admit /jp/ had a lot of interest in World of Tanks but I really don't see the point of posting that in /jp/ since it's not really relevant.

But of course, that's just my opinion. You can do whatever you want with those.
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Keep in mind the guys doing the spam won't stop unless you have a dedicated group of janitors. Pretty much the only good thing you can do is fight until the bitter end and see what sides breaks first.
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post ID, people would see its just the same guys spamming always the same threads and would solve some of the bigger problems on /jp/
I don't think you understand how IDs work or what they're for.
I guarantee you /jp/ is going to want to discuss Mechwarrior Online when it goes open beta. Being of Japanese origin is a weak link for /jp/ allowed MMO.
Well reading through some of the posts you guys have linked me to, I would have to say that I agree that the following should not be allowed:

Anime discussion,
All levels of shitposting,
Gay porn threads and cock sucking discussion (lol)

I think that what moot said about /a/ during the split should also be applicable for /jp/:


Ultimately the solution will be to have users follow this rule along with maybe 10 extra janitors dedicated to /jp/ alone. Apply for the position when it becomes available and help out your board.

What do you think? That is my suggestion.
Avatarqueering should be a bannable offense.
I don't mind post IDs either, they would solve many problems and give us credits. I'm sure this is a very touchy topic for other, more shady people though.
/jp/ = japan general

fuck otaku culture

do it
Do you guys really want to browse /jp/ with such strict rules?
There is another site exactly like what you guys want.
Guess what happened, it became a dead board.

Keep /jp/ as it is.
-le greentext story/face
-stupid irc drama, NO BULLY PLEASE, sudo reaction images
-stupid blogging thread, i just woke up today and I am very sad
-stupid drama whore thread, post room/cgl thread to summon my /jp/ princess etcetc

That is it. /jp/ is good again, best board in 4chan.
So the rules /jp/ already has?

We seriously don't need that many janitors.
It's been linked many times already, but >>4810 is a good idea, but please allow doujin music discussion as well.
And please take a stance against "truNEET" shitposting.

>Non-ASCII text is not allowed
Well, I feel violated.
if /jp/ does get new janitors they are all going to try to shape /jp/ into what they want it to be
this wont be fun
10 janitors doesn't mean 10 active 24/7 janitors
Seconded. Avatar using has been a problem in /jp/ and /a/ for a while and this needs to go.
You don't understand.

That is not going to work
more janitors = more trouble tears and complaining

especially /jp/sie janitors
As opposed to shitposters shaping /jp/ into what they want it to be?

At least we can petition to get rid of shitty janitors.
What about the rules people linked you? It should be specified what goes on /jp/ and what doesn't belong there.

Ten is way more than I was expecting, but if they restrict themselves to deleting only obvious, obvious garbage and spam, the kind outlined in >>915 then I think it could work. A lot of people will have reservations. I have some, too.
So much this, I swear more janitors is not what /jp/ needs
A single good janitor is enough

Man, that's like one of the causes of the problem in the first place. Those guys claim that "being a NEET is a really otaku thing" and shit. You gotta be more specific when it comes to rules.
Doesn't mean they couldn't be here 24/7. Our Janitor has inactivity times and even then he works hard to fix everything going on in /jp/.

I'd like to help him but I think 10 janitors is a bit excessive and might collide in interests and management. 6 janitors or so is fine.
It's way too vague again. How about this? >>6511
All right I will make a sticky on /jp/ with that list later.
Once again /jp/ doesn't need that many janitors. Our current ones already do a fantastic job. Two or three more would be nice but ten would be overkill.
Has it ever worked?
Just admit you want to become a janitor yourself and force your views on /jp/.
>10 extra janitors dedicated to /jp/ alone.

10? Wow.

As it has been said though, the janitors cannot do much. People just shitpost, have their posts deleted, then shitpost again. We were flooded by a Finnish imageboard yesterday, and the janitors couldn't do anything.

A janitor should be promoted, or they should have some limited ability to give local bans.
I don't think that's a good idea before you straighten out the management.

This sounds good, but:

- be a bit less vague and clarify NEET and /r9k/ blogging doesn't belong there.
- actually ENFORCE it and recruit more janitors to clean all the shit.

Again, I think /nij/ - Random/2D could serve as a containment board for all that shit.
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What about useless metathreads like pissing in bottles or other /r9k/ /blog/ material.
This isn't going to end well.
Oh, and there are serial ban evaders like King of /jp/ and sparky posting every day. What are the janitors supposed to do? Keep filing ban requests?
Take out the last line.
People will just treat it as OK TIME TO POST ANIME & VIDYA.
Trust me on this.
How valid would the rules I made a billion years ago and Eksi hosted be nowadays?
That's what the current rules are. I really wish moot had listened to us years ago and simply made it into doujinsoft and visual novels. Otherwise it'll always encourage shitposting.
make posting tooshit outside of /jp/ bannable please

they're almost as bad as the horsefuckers
I think having additional janitors is a good idea. We do need active janitors. Have you seen /jp/'s front page most of the time? Threads like the one with a picture of a penis stay on the first page for hours.
also new janitors
please no personal grudges
It doesn't make any sense. People will still post whatever they want because everything can basically be "Otaku Culture".
Do you honestly believe 10 janitors is a good idea?
Chances are they're going to delete stuff just for the sake of deleting because their janitor colleges have already deleted most of the off-topic content
Those are mostly useful guidelines that would be ridiculous straitjackets if ruthlessly enforced. Most of them already fall under the category of "don't be a retard" anyway.
This too. Tokiko, sparky, King of /jp/... they all evade their bans. At least delete their posts.
Just make it sfw Doujinshi and VNs, please.
God damn flood detection. Can't post the image, but:

> You have been banned from /g/ for the following reason:
> Touhou outside the authorized threads in /jp/
> Your ban was filed on October 3rd, 2011, and expires on October 8th, 2011, which is 5 days from now.
As one person already said, 10 additional janitors doesn't mean there will be 10 janitors lurking /jp/ at the same time. 19 is a bit excessive, but we do need more help to get rid off garbage from /jp/
The moderator has already made his decision you guys, it's pointless to keep bringing more things up.
Make it two way.
You cant post on /jp/ for 2hours if you posted in another board.
>*10, not 19

Made a typo.
What about doujinsoft and doujin music?

Should just be Doujin/General.
You're delusional if you think /jp/ is full of so much garbage.
It has worked to a degree in the past.

We don't need 10 new Janitors, but we definitely need a few new ones.
Also I find it a bit disturbing that people might actually be under the impression that having more janitors will create better posting and content. Will it stop the shitposting? Sure, but it won't change too much else I believe.
That's a stupid rule and you know it will never be implemented (thank God).
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/jp/ does not need and should not have more concrete rules. /jp/ is not a board that is meant to be taken seriously. It is supposed to be a place to post silly things that previously would have gone in /a/. The moment you try to get serious and put concrete rules there, you open up a great big can of anal pains on all sides. What does and doesn't belong on /jp/ can be determined only by lurking for a while. Making more rules will just lead to whiny arguments about the rules.

Actually, maybe it should be even noted in the rules that one should lurk for a while before posting.
Yeah of course. Just Doujin/General sounds good. We don't even need VNs, they only get posted in the general anyway.
You need to lurk /jp/ more often. Especially at the time when threads with a penis as OP are posted.
It's literally a garbage bin at the moment. Even if we do get 10 Janitors, we will need them and only a few of need need to truly give a fuck 24/7.

Also, if they fuck up, you know who's getting punishments.
You're the delusional one if you think it isn't: >>6504
A big problem is that the 4chan userbase likes acting up like retards whenever staff does anything. People get riled up fast and they start spamming the board in a vigilante mission.
It happens on many boards.
>We don't even need VNs, they only get posted in the general anyway.
I disagree strongly. I wish VNs would not have to be restricted to a ghetto like this.
> It is supposed to be a place to post silly things that previously would have gone in /a/.
I don't actually care about silly posts, but because of such attitude shitposters believe they can shitpost about whatever and literally flood the board
Also yeah more janitors i've always said the site needs a fuckload of janitors so shitposting gets deleted on sight and you don't make the one or two janitors we have go crazy like AoC.
It will also frustrate the troll wannabe kiddies since they won't make a single person constantly mad.
Oh and filters that can be accessed by mods, I've been mailing moot about this for ages, they need to gain access to that and stick stuff like "polite korean.jpg" or "Saten's smile makes me want to kill myself.jpg" in a filename filter, etc.
Oh and a huge thread flood detection if your thread gets deleted by a janitor/mod for those persistent autists that like remaking their shitty thread every time a janitor deletes it.
I highly agree with you.
The only problem with /jp/ are just few retards doing whatever they want and bringing in their IRC drama.
You know who I am talking about, those stupid tokiko, meomry, mediator, mystery men z. -2012 anonymoys & etc.

Good job playing into their hand and implementing strict rules that wont solve anything.
All the good VNs are doujinsoft anyway. The rest are subhuman /a/-tier /v/-level garbage that can go in /vg/. You know I'm right.
Here's a thought:
As it stands, evaluation of janitors is done without any input or transparency in regards to the board itself. We have no way of telling Janitor A from Janitor B, so we can't really provide any specific input or criticism on how they're doing.

If there was a system in place that showed which specific janitor was active on a given board and identified him, the community would be able to evaluate their own janitors rather than it being done solely by some higher-ups who may or may not have any familiarity with the board. While the final say in matters would go the administration team, the users themselves could help point out who needs to improve or who isn't suitable. This would hopefully lead to a better class of janitor who are more in line with the wishes of the community.
Aww fuck I hope this mod isn't actually considering anime being allowed.
I wish moot would change the name of the board. Otaku culture sounds horrible and ever since it got changed from Japan/General we got an influx of people who don't know what the board is about. This or more shitposters.

Making it "/jp/ Doujin/General" would be fine.
/jp/ would be a lot better if janitors could threadban. I doubt rule changes will change much.
He isn't, he explicitly said that it's obvious anime would not be an allowed topic of discussion.
>Good job playing into their hand and implementing strict rules

What does this even mean?

Missed that part and good.
You forgot Eroge/Galge, SHMUPs and Arcade games.
And as for Doujin Games? Doujin games are a given, but /jp/ should be about Doujin things of all kinds, Doujin soft/game/music/table top/etc

/jp/ wouldn't be /jp/ if you couldn't discuss Doujin works in their entirety, Princess Maker, Cave SHMUPs and what's going on in the arcade scene or whatever Illusion or various doujin circles are making in terms of erotic content.

Otherwise it's pretty spot on.
It mostly comes down to VNs, Eroge/Galge, Doujin soft/music/games, figurines/dolls/collectibles, masturbatory-aids/toys, masturbation and lonelyness in general, jp-books/LNs.
Arcade games, Shmups/Fighters derived from arcade games.
Tea, little-girl stories, welfare-funding, idols. And whatever you mentioned.

Those are the things that were directly ported over from old /a/. And it's not really directionless, these things are indeed defined. /jp/ is like the eastern equivalent of /tg/. The basement dweller's zone.
What scares me is: ``If it's otaku related then it can stay''.
I actually like some commercial, and popular, VNs, but I don't really feel the need to discuss them anywhere
>masturbation and lonelyness in general
>masturbation and lonelyness in general
No. That goes to /r9k/
But anime discussion is explicitly disallowed for obvious reasons: >>6697

He was just paraphrasing what moot said when he created /jp/. Obviously you have to take that bit with a grain of salt, and accept moot isn't a wizard (yet) who could have seen all this coming.
>masturbation and lonelyness in general
Other than this I agree
Doubt that moot would go for it. He didn't last time it was brought up either. Or the time before that.

Honestly I'd be perfectly happy if the board was about doujin stuff and VNs. Personally I'd include figs but I'd understand if people didn't want them.
>lonelyness in general
Do we really need threads on this?
Well, if it's condensed, I don't mind, but it'd probably better off on /r9k/
What make you think their whole irc brigade wont apply for the janitor role? People are just gonna shitpost more and whine about deletion and complain about it. I guess now we can redirect them to >>>/q/.
They need to be banned. They are just gonna have a fistfight with the janitor and actually thrive with all the attention the janitor is giving them.

/jp/ should be 2D/random with LURK MOAR in BOLD so that new people actually try to lurk to know what is acceptable.
the NEET culture/blog shit shouldn't be allowed. Neither talk about sex toys.
That happened once.

Please show me on the doll where Saten touched you.
Anyway. Since the majority of /jp/ despises LNs and makes discussion impossible, it should stay as it originally was as /a/ content.
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Are you seriously claiming that onaholes and the like aren't /jp/?
I thought it went pretty much hand in hand with all the eroge and galge. And you know, the threads are still worksafe, or should be at the very least.
Can we spell "MOAR" properly instead of the /b/ way?
You expect neo-/jp/ers to understand that?

/jp/ is doomed if half of the rules suggested in this thread are applied.
did you intentionally ignore the word "lonelyness"?
You already mentioned masturbatory toys, that's okay, it's the next bit that we didn't like. The part with loneliness in it.
I'm not going to read this whole thread but please don't ban non-doujin shmups and lesser known jap games from /jp/.
A lot of the sex toys resemble genitals, moreso than many drawings.

Also my boss (a.k.a. my mom) sometimes sees naughty words on my screen. Stuff like "eroge" and "futa" and "H-scene" goes right over her head, but if she saw some nerds discussing sex toys I'd get promoted.
So I generally like that /jp/ is being sorted out finally. Hopefully the staff does take the time to think it over before implementing it entirely though.
Are you guys kicking out Vocaloid too?It's related but nobody is mentioning it...
It does have a few light novels. They are actually pretty good, and Raildex in general is not that much different than Touhou.
I think we should review the meaning of "Otaku", and what "Otaku Culture" is or may imply.

Out of personal interest, I've gone forth to learn a fair bit of japanese, and during that time, I met quite a few japanese folk as I use PS Home [Japan Region] to get my daily fill of speaking to the Japanese. I asked them at one point what an Otaku was, considering the term was spawned from Japan. The generally agreed to definition of an Otaku is "someone with a great, or obsessive interest in something, usually anime, games(especially visual novels, they reiterated the otaku fixation on VNs several times), manga, toys/dolls/figurines."

This being said, perhaps we should review and perhaps alter what is and isn't okay for /jp/?

Sorry if I sound stupid, just trying to contribute.
>/jp/ should be 2D/random
But it's not, it never were, and it was never intended as such.
For starters things like /a/ content are very much not /jp/. You don't go to /jp/ in order to discuss the current anime season like on /a/.

Truth be told the current /a/ is alot more 2D/random than /jp/ ever was.
Considering the fact that /a/ does not only discuss anime, but they have insisted on discussing VNs and whatever else there is even despite the fact that it has been against the rules of /a/.
>Topic overlap with other boards is acceptable in moderation.
faggot don't seem to understand that something niche that represents less than 1% of another board is perfectly acceptable on /jp/.

Take tea threads for example.
How many fuckers on /ck/ actually drink stuff that cost over $300/100g, knows about chinese & japanese teaware and such ?

It's funny to see people whine more about bi monthly MMO threads on /jp/ than they whine about blog threads.

And to the fuckers that shit up perfectly acceptable onahole threads, fuck you in the ass to death.

>Diverse niche japanese interests
That's basically ``all things otaku welcome'' paraphrased.
Of course not.
Is this seriously a problem?

Do people no longer enjoy things?

Is "lurk moar" no longer imageboard culture?
No, just no.

>/jp/ should be 2D/random with LURK MOAR in BOLD so that new people actually try to lurk to know what is acceptable.
You got all wrong.

/jp/ is doomed if retards like you keep shitting the board.

And something really needs to be done against the autist shitposting. We need harsher punishments.
>faggot don't seem to understand that something niche that represents less than 1% of another board is perfectly acceptable on /jp/.
Yes, "niche". Not just random anime and rnadom JRPG discussions. That's exactly why /jp/ was created in fact: niche topics.
Stop being passive aggressive and assuming everyone that disagrees with you is a shitposter.

Half of the stuff suggested in this thread IS retarded.
People have tried to discuss the Index novels, and all of it was spammed with Saten and anime-only imagedumps. Then the spammers using the Railgun side story LNs as an excuse while never even coming close to discussing them. It may be similar to 2HU, but it is not 2HU. Especially when it is only 2 anime characters with extremely minor manga and even smaller LN roles that get "discussed."
It has about two, and they came with the anime DVDs. Plenty of manga have light novels and visual novel adaptations. Again, Naruto has dedicated light novels. But nobody would pretend to care about an Uzumaki Naruto thread.

I don't know when the practice died out, but it used to be "lurk more" outside of /b/. The old WikiWorld wiki is even called Lurkmore now. I guess it doesn't matter though, the same deal happened with "in before".
Lonely threads are below shit and should be kept on /b/ or /r9k/. Years ago A-san mentioned that most people dislike posting on other boards for some reason and instead they stick to their "native" board and shitpost in it, this should be discouraged.
>Truth be told the current /a/ is alot more 2D/random than /jp/ ever was.
Create /m/ to get rid of gundam and mecha shows, discuss them anyway.
Create /jp/ to get rid of games and Japanese novels, discuss them anyway.

/a/ in a nutshell.
"/jp/ - All my friends are here" sums up the shitposting culture pretty well
Posting con-shit for attention purposes should be a highly bannable offense.
I think all in all, it's up to /jp/ to decide which path it should take. Does /jp/ want to become a Nijiura board? Does /jp/ want to become a board that discusses specific things? If /jp/ can't make an agreement between the two, should we have a Nijiura board and a more specific (i.e. Touhou, VN, doujin, etc only) board?

And by Nijiura, I mean in the Futaba sense: nerds making meaningless posts day after day. "Ohayou" threads and character image dumps. Somewhat of a SFW (?) 2D weeaboo version of /b/.

In many respects I believe many people on /jp/ actually belong on /b/, simply because all they want to do is post random nonsense. However, I understand that nowadays /b/ has become a place that is somewhat confronting, especially for those who are not "anti-weeaboo normals", and that they'd adamantly avoid going to /b/ for all sorts of reasons.

Should there simply just be a "weeaboo" /b/? Not a place that becomes "Shitposting/General", but a place where those with little to do with their life spend their time?
Create a new thread so moot will see it
Discussing onaholes on /jp/ is sort of like discussing erpgs in /tg/.
It's sort of related and the userbase to discuss it at lengths, but it's still has a bit of a stigma attached to it.
Did you guys read the lurk moar part?
/jp/ has tons of "acceptable" topics. They just dont show up that frequently.
Good job turning /jp/ into /bun/ 2.0.
2D fighters gone for good? Non gust fringe JRPG like LoH? Horror games yumenikki/corpse party? LN/VN/Anime crossover? Anzu-chan? Random niconico/pixiv dump? Topic discussing about 2ch/futaba characters? OS-tans?
OC thread?
>And by Nijiura, I mean in the Futaba sense: nerds making meaningless posts day after day. "Ohayou" threads and character image dumps. Somewhat of a SFW (?) 2D weeaboo version of /b/.

I really want that, not for me, but for the shitposters to finally get their board
Raildex threads get deleted by the janitor before they can get off the ground. And Saten has a huge role in the Liberal Arts City LN.

And besides, what is wrong with discussing individual characters? We have entire threads dedicated to 2hu characters, and it feels like we have 3 or 4 Youmu threads right now. Why can't we have threads about a popular light novel character?
Tighter rules or moderation aren't going to do much. If your community consists of shitposters shitposting that's simply what it's going to be. You'll only get rid of blatant flooding and spamming.

More importantly why is /jp/ SFW when nobody has a job?
Sorry, but leaving /jp/ as it is or thinking I'm delusional for thinking /jp/ "is full of so much garbage" is just stupid.

That's how I see it too. I think /jp/ should be a cleaner place and instead a /nij/ should be created as a Random/2D board.

>2D fighters gone for good? Non gust fringe JRPG like LoH? Horror games yumenikki/corpse party? LN/VN/Anime crossover? Anzu-chan? Random niconico/pixiv dump? Topic discussing about 2ch/futaba characters? OS-tans?
OC thread?
Most of these fit in the "otaku culture" concept. What we're complaining the most is shitposting and random off-topic garbage.
>Field too long

TL,DR: /b/ is too confronting for people with autism, people who love Japan/2D/etc, and hence these people are coming to /jp/ to post their random nonsense. Would it solve a few problems by giving them a place to post their nonsense, whilst keeping /jp/ (that is, "Otaku Culture") much cleaner?
Creating such a board might be a good idea but don't turn /jp/ into one. /jp/ definitely has a raison d'etre as an umbrella for all the topics that fall between /a/, /v/ and the other boards.

Creating such a 2D/random board might take a load of /jp/'s shoulders.
speaking of loads, how is ur mom doing? rofl
>Creating such a 2D/random board might take a load of /jp/'s shoulders.
Do you think !bar and his shitposting squad would migrate?
How about for future /jp/-related /q/ posts, post links to the foolz archive in the OP for future reference of past discussion?

Yes, foolz archives /q/ now.

inb4 the usual ">foolz NO THANK YOU" spammer. warosu doesn't archive /q/.
> /nij/ should be created as a Random/2D board.

So much fucking THIS.

do you see more, or do you see less ponyshit everywhere after /mlp/ was created ?
Yes it does
>More importantly why is /jp/ SFW when nobody has a job?

So /jp/ doesn't become a porn dump.

I support /jp/ to remain SFW.
They will.
>do you see more, or do you see less ponyshit everywhere after /mlp/ was created ?
We are talking about zunbar here, dude.

Are you french by the way?
>Do you think !bar and his shitposting squad would migrate?
Good point. Depends on the moderation maybe.

New thread here
moot won't notice this one >>7253
I'm not sure how you could justify creating a "2d/random" board to "take the load off /jp/", when /jp/ is already one of the slowest boards on the site.
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So I was waiting for a better time to post this, but it's time we drew the line.

Moot, mods. Before you consider anyone for the Janitor position, I don't doubt your abilities to do this but please make sure the following people don't get the position, they are confirmed shitposters, at one point or another:

Anyone who used Tokiko in namefield.






King of /jp/.


And last, but not least...anyone who ever had a Saten namefield or anything to do with this character. Also, anyone who had Accelerator, Accel or Snow Black as name, including anime screenshot posts.



Trying to make sure management falls in the right hands as opposed to terrible posters, you can do whatever you want with them. Just, please, don't ever consider these people even if they're somehow already in any staff position.

There are cool tripcode users such as Hellen, Hong Meiling and more, but those have mostly quit /jp/. Try to add the good people in, like most Anonymous that look like they don't condone shitty cocksucking and NEET threads.
Why would he not see this thread?
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>Should there simply just be a "weeaboo" /b/?

Why are you still here? We're all waiting for you at /bun/
>do you see more, or do you see less ponyshit everywhere after /mlp/ was created ?
about the same, actually.
It's also one of the boards with the most off-topic trash and nonsense, irregardless of board traffic.
Are you "posting ironically", or should you really be banned/warned for viral advertising?
So that's what you meant when you said "extremely high quality". Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

Exactly. It's not about traffic but about shit that ruins the board.
For later use in the future:

the future of the board is in your hand, /jp/!
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Is it still against the rules to post images of This Character on /jp/?
It never was. It's just against the rules to be an underage ban evader.

Was it his 18th birthday last week?
I sent moot a fairly lengthy email about this. Hopefully he'll take some action.

Keep the current loose rule. It's what makes /jp/ interesting, and interesting threads do come out of it.
Probably link to the 'unofficial rule' (take it easy, etc) somewhere.
I wish I can think of a way to reduce the shitposts, but nothing a small amount of passive people can do against a large horde of dedicated shitposters. I just hope they got bored with it before /jp/ devolve into something like the second /b/.
moot doesn't give a shit about /jp/. If you really think that the board will get 10 new janitors when it has some of the lowest traffic out of all the boards, you're crazy. Also, why do you think that any of the "shitposters" you named would be stupid enough to reveal who they are in their janitor application?
I think it's clear certain mods would like to help clear up the mess that is /jp/. moot is not the only admin, either.
I'm getting my spurdo folders organized for a relentless barrage of shitposting now that /jp/ is going to die
>moot is not the only admin, either.
what. is there something I've missed?

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